Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1963, p. 3

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wlhera are about 1000 children eilslred ln Darrle ll parka $131 they dont all go to the manage wllh lhulr Amlllcs on Frlday about 600 of them will mnrch along Dunlap street lrom Clty Hull lo Queens Park And theyll have urnlval It will Include genuine slde allow nut horror shnw llke last year bake table pen Iy loss Indie sale hlngo games All pnnd Jewellery table ral fle or the bail cake and Dunk eLeader game IHDEPICI ASPECTS lee Annunl Barrie Recreation Cummlltea Park Parade Ind Camlval promise la be unl qua event Thu parade wlll leave Clly llnll at 30 pm led by he fixempenlelt Trumpet Band down Mulcaster alnng Dnnlnp street to Parkslde drive up Parkslde gtfixpect 600 Children rIn Recreation Parade 75MAYOR COOKE ylldnt vgte and lhlnk lha Mazatlan was defale because 17 came to council as direct motion he usual procedure or things of this nature to first go to committee It seems that In all lalrnuss to utha Aldermen that this should Lhave first one to committee prrmvl IIIan Hydra mm In nllrnc Im Man airplay on be ac mu Hu IM Mm lll Firm nd llntu liledrlcll Club Coflxcklhlonllcollo Wonwns In llllulu vhllod imrzlnn IMlcry Tnlllnwnml Onlurlo Ilnlplul Mann nml ho Mulyn Ehrlne Midland an lhrlr but mp BEETON HI Mn HQIIIBING REPORTER ASKS hm llopala slmcoot norm Icn momlrr mu parted lehlcd mindy all Jncbonl lolnl 11 black Innkpllku craniuml mm In length II dulnnt lnlinn In Ozopolo Ike Pen Visilg Sights In The Country Snlpu or the Harris chh Club on the windward leg with nnlrlu mm Oukville London Igopogo Looms Its Ugly Head umoufikina ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Jmmllul Smirk Fm EHmnm FREE IICKUI AND DELIVERY Hum IA l7 ANNIE uranium ll 0w Im ml No Juul do In nmbirmn Why Did Youvotg AssinuDid On The Ball Mofidfi At Council BAVYivélVTYr SNIPES 0N WINDWARD LEG PA 277 ll Duplon Mr ml Mu Mlhanlun ol nrndlord Rev Wllllnm Wllllnml Mann Albert III wlh Ind llvo dulldrm wm In boll Inllln Alon lhn amt Ildo Cooll Buy when my nw lha crgnlur ll npfilpd Mr they Inllawrd lhc monulrr whldl hnd nbaul dozen llm nl llI but dluncl of 250 urdx llclan am of nc Ind lhI lrmddlddy hem lhl my N25 manrt Brock and Blair Park will represent physical illness Queens Park will portray thu Carnival thtma Liana Park In dlans and Cowboyn Jnhuron St Plrk Hobo Day Codrlnxtnn St Park Park Elecllpn my Shear Park hlclycla rodeo Grove St Park 5w mmlnz and Slrabana PM will represent the Barr ball aspect EACH HAS CHOKE Each Dirk will luv char Jane Rock and Karen Hare co orlunlrm of parade and cnmlvnl have been working or the last two week Io declda what park will represent what Karen snld Th1 year lhe park will each represent all erent nhnse the Recreallon Cdummlueel profiram In the par f6 Ind Hamilton In lha Annual Kempcnfell Buy Yacht Cluh nurrll Onkvllln lulu in Photo lo Queens Park when the me leu bezlgs at sevenoclod IlERSEY voted zalnst the motion to amend the hall bylaw because eel Issues ol this nature mould llral he lakenupmllh com mlllee Playing at the suggest ed hours cuul prove harmlul lo Illa resldmts In tha Immed iate area mentioned ml to Ihe alderman whn mada the mounn mm LIGHT CATCH The colichnn Imnll Amelb Ilka Ah mm Drlmh Columbia ll I0 rich In all HIM Indlln women once lhnndcd lhcm wllh wick and bumzd them In cumflu in do at the Carnival Shear Brock and Blair Park will take care oi lhe bike tabla Lion Park will look alter the penny on and ludze ule Queenl Park in reapouslhle or the side lilOW and balloon nailing Oak ley Park will handle the hinlo names Wellington street Park will supervise activities in lhu lish pond Sirabana Park will handla iho Jewell table John son Street Park i1 uli lickeis or the cake mills and pmvide dam tor the brelkihebniioon conical and Cadrinllon Sim Pnrk will have hiiflIemonkey cloihm grep Therell be many morn Item 1mm 01 the younger with the pop ho do and ham burger booth may or on aver hun ry onu parent mlx be advised to Itwck up an ellervucenl nm or Salut day mamlnz CUMMING 0n rulon vated shut the mend ment was me feel the per wanting the change ahoud have canteeted Central United Church 11 the church had eventh Iervlnu or young people certainly would have voted Nn Because the church wamt contacted voted wnet the motion 102 Dunlop Trava across Canada on TCAs DC8 Slvar Dartdolly service Or take your choice of other froquont daily flights Fly First Class or EconomyEconamy Faro 9218 return II WW IMP ANNIE mm mm £1 fillIll mungWA was TEA Silver Dartonly nonstop jet to Vancouver FASTEST Too YOUHE THERE IN JUST HOURS 40 MINUTES FOR YOUR RISIRVATIONS CALL NOW BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Spcchl invllnllon In extmdcd In Ill nu Junlar Fnrmcrl who have mrmbeu In South 51mm Club The Counly Junlou hop In or flood lurnoul lhll event Mnny long hard hour 01 plannlnu have on lnln lhh day with he mull lhnl ll upturn lhll nll hon lnlcmtad In Jun or Farmer wnrk wlll Ind ll day ncllvlly well Apenl shied far Aul In Bond and Cammunily Centre lha dayl cunt Ire shaping up well and pramln everyone who Il lends memorable event 11 wheel of Icllon Am well under my or lho mu nnnlvm ury cclcbnunn at tho Scum Elm Junior Fumm BARBECUE Barrie Rotary Clubl Innunl mlckeu BIrbecun lcheduled for Ann St Vincent Park Food will be uva mm 30 pm Over 1200 chicken hm been ordered CLUB LICENCE remitted club llcunce has been granted In the Royal CAn Adlln Lezlon Branch No 157 Stnynor Iucmdul appli calnn Win one 10 Innounccd by the Liquor License Board 01 Ontario in mmnlo yulerday INDUCTION Kiwanis Club at Kempenfen Bay will indud naw member ll meeting next Monday will lake glue in the Confluen Il Inn DIRECTORS meeting at the Board oi Director at Barrie Agricultural Society will be held tomorrow nizht at eight oclock in the Ag riculture Oiilco on Collier street it is expected the member will discuss plans tor the annual Ben1e Exhibition in September YOUNG SOCREDS Member oi the Slmcoe North Young Socini Credit Association will hold on educational meet ing at RCAF Association tomor row nzht at 830 Ghost speak er in Leo Roch or stayner N0 FIRES at 550 this morninl one day parsed without tire call to the Barrie Fire Department The noiire mom lasted only one week and few ionureI when the Department was boiled out to Manxileld Rubber yumday mornlnl Junior Farmers Plan Celebration LOCAL GENERAL ROBERTS voted to mend the axon bylaw he cme dont lnk on sport 1110qu ha restricted person can loll rwlm or play tennlr durlngrolt restrlcmd hours dont feel hall should be singled out for rertrlctlons dont helluva that ball lame interrupt any other communlty acllvlty PA This yam1 numbrr II nbou 0000 more than the 1m lulu and 1961 wan considered good year mid Mr Head In ml tho ccnlrel In year over allom only am had aimed the miner All but mm mm Utah Mississle and New Mexico are represented In Ihe vlsllon book To dnle4 633 American hm Hand In at ha centre AggyE Moo Arnold Schutk vlwpmld out And plum Iuporlnlcndcnt llulomcr le wnlchu In David Cum Allnndnla Dum ber Ind Comtmcllon Co an Onlafla resident are making use flu Incilllle aflorded them In lamIn their awn mov Ince mid Peter Head lunar viuor at the Government Travel and Publlclty Rncepllon Centre m4Inghwny 490 lhls mornlgg Slncu Ihe bureau openan lhl your April 12 75019 v1 lton were 1mm Ontario and the remnlnder the 31950 Wm from tha ms at Canada the statues nnd inrelzn caunui WILSON Buicllly voted against flu Imendmenl becaulo was azalmtvtho dir ect molion The usual proced ure for an llmendmen to ba referred to committee and then put before the new era body do mu feel proper to mm declnlon to change bylaw on dim moflon More And More People Getting To Know Ont 174 START MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Wovld Wldo Tuvlol Mk6 Imlu omm Mum Hm PA um numulmml 107 Dunlap II II forum lay at JOHNSON C0 lIMITED FOR INFORMATION AND IIIIRVATIONI FareIgn munlrinl represented were IsrneI Maxlcu Scotland Ireland North Inland Frlncu Belgium Holland Germany AuxlraIIa England Brazil Bril hh Guiana Bermuda ho Pan ama Cnnal Zone Naw Zealund Switzerland India Ind Soth Alrlcn up pom an null lar construction on ha 500 saunaloot Iddltlnn PIM mm The Annual will be Nmpnnyl mond major nddl in breakdown visitor from nther prbvincu numbered Que bec 405 New Brunswick 46 Nova SCOUI 30 Prince Edward Island 12 Nawioundiand Manitoba 189 Saskatchewan 155 Alberiu 228 British Coi umhia 139 and some viailon mm the Yukon and the North west Territorial Were well ahead our ex pmed number he added and Indication nra good that well hlz the 15000 mark berm lbs and of Octoberr and the 150000 mark grand total MAMEUJJE he the ballplnyen hlve enauzh 21m at tha palkl From an oclock in the Altomoonto mld mm on Sundays mm 100 much Intent wartylnn In much about ballpla an we should do mm for unim clllzena Sunday would be kept was mean to be AIR CANADA on In hm yum The addl Ion le dwan tho exlulnl buildlnu Hummer mnnullc lum alcmunu purl 01 Non thcrn Electric Campnny Since the summer mson be gan the bureau im Ivanand about 5000 visitor week An Indication oi the iniemi shown by wrist or Ontario un ha am by yesterdayl remixalien which topped the voiHnark laid ML Headi From Aprll 12 2m vlsllora were My lo May 31 to June 30 11164 134 Lookl Hko Itll be great year our tomlam he um Quebec visitors have been In creulnn 1n number nlnce the cenual opening In 1961 only 250 mlnernd In 196 316 had rexlslered as July 22 and the total Quebec visitors for the Ienaon was 761 Mr Head expects the Quebec registration to pan the 1000 mark this year lhmu the day feel the ball Iym and those connect ed th the mm Inh klnd ol guyl im mm they would not wan to Flay ball 11 lhey were the hospital IL crating chmch ALB SMITH Im amply In favnrol canl why the bylnw Ihouldnl 12 to Aprll so Entered 5110 Ind lo Eli CREAM SIIEIIIIY Dr Flock look the call nway HI omen Inld thll mornan um he had nut decided whether to prmrvo lhd trophy or In per orm an exlcmlvn postmodem on lha Inlan HONOR MINES GLACE BAY N3 CPIA mlnerl mulcum ll lo be opened hm In um It will commem orm Canadnl moth blandy and nerve lrlbulo la Cm Bretonn coal mlnlnz tradition The hellcra mother hld win In year And one nonml ca two year In Mr Case nld lhll he would continue to breed the cow Although he wu mum nany lhu call died he Ink dont know whll wn could hnva don with Ind Ilvud Huwevtr ll wauld hnvo been unu om Imam lhe purde holler lived ulreo hours Mr Cole nld that lt land normll marklnn red Wyn we whlla holds Herelnrd hatter wax barn with two distinct head Attached to on neck on the arm Em emn Com RR Slayner yam Refiny Mr Cole nld lhll momlnl lhll ll wax normal delivery The call wu expected but when Mr Cole Ind velcrlnnry Dr Gordon Flock reached the burn the delivery had been nccnmp shed by film mulls The Commllue has bun for lunate ln arranIlnx to hm Mlss Darla McCarthy Toronto well known mm world traveller and uulhnrlty on nrt as zuesl mik erpcl Member the In tommflm dran mm all an In county wllh lha ch man Mn Church mum Mn Cult and secretary MI 01 andslay ll of 0111113 chefrdune In any manning mgd the min II no Mm we and all today at which frond You may no Ilkt lhl you at wlno II II no on um Janah to cm lnlo Bul ll youuulamo Cmmshury ll many mph In my you In In Cl Ill mm Hun mm Human bul can ylm Hun rompMo Ihmlum nmlvmunuy olmlllnfl wilh our muman 01 ll mun afflu lmHmI flurry mm Cmmdlm Cum Elm MIMI on In Marla meellnu wu held It lhn home of Mn Torranca Orlllll or the purpm mak ln Armament for Coumy wIdeIm Exhibit These exhlb Ila where picture pand by 81mm County mm are dII plmd have been beldlor number mn In various mm the county and have gained wlgeaprfind inmost Ai this muslin it was decided to hold the Exhlbll thi year in the 01min Public Library on Oct 19 and 20 it expected that the county will will have the munl umber oi ilne new painlinu to display ieniure oi Ipecigilinlerpi will bq Chur Bfigifl lmc mum Mm mu 1m About 20 exchange nudenLI will be mu he Banlo Jay celtu um maxnoon when may go to he Dunlaa Observmry at Rlchmond Hill Ind Ilsa ville thy Pioneer Vlllnxo On Saturday the lludenll wlll no In Collinuwmd and vim the Colunxwaod Caves and Iwm Ilalnlenh In the allemoun Cali Born Two Heads THE BAR EXAMINER8 WDNESDAY JULY 159 ram yum no Im mm mm II In wm nblu put on he muhl skull ellulng flvllhlx Clnldlln hwy To Exhibit Art Of County Polk Students EniOY Visiting

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