1963GoldenYear FOr 4H Members 3an BARR EXAMINERL WEDNESDAY MY 1963 mIlesIone In lhe HisInry nI Canada was nIIiclnIly morde In the Ilny hnmIeI nI Roland MunIlnba on Sunday May 12 at 435 pm as Mk Carol Fm lun and Mr Ross PrIlchard nI iciully unveIIed calm to mark In birlhplacn of the ï¬rst Club In Canada My year ago gcnllc prairie ralnlnll fell as over one lhmlsnnd nnloaker witnessed the unveillng and llsl encd lo Mlss Preston andMr Prilchard rccih in unison these words dedicallpn Represcn her today we pay tribute to lhe launder of Club work and dcdlcale lhla calm to those who will perpetuate the hlgh Ideals and objectives lhe HI Club movement The mscriplimi an the bronze plaquu at tho Nylonshaped cnirn 4H CLUB OF CANADA Commemorating those persons whose tailh and interest in rural youth led to the cstnhiishment oi the ï¬rst of Cnnndasboys and girls ciuhs known since 1952 as the Hi Clubs FiIty years otter those iirst beginnings members oi Canadian Clubs together with Club member throughout the wnrld continue to pledge Head Heart Hand and tionlth In the greater service oi their Clubs communities and coun tries ï¬fty years ynung not ï¬lly years uld wnuld seem mare np 233 BRADFORD ST mm CLAY Aisocllta Anlcnlmml Represenmlve Nnrlh Slmcoe and IN Mum VALUI may unvmrkxs£ prying Slnrllro In vlriunl poflnctlonIupromoly comforlubIa nuporbly roapunnlvo mmonnoly auQIMyan For your pnaaongom SMIHIO provldon Hm luxury of buckol noun fullIrinth connoln plus the beauty of dlsflncuvo liyllng For you1he driver Smdlro In oqunlly rnwurdlng Powor Staorlng Power Brnkun achomolar HydraMum Drlvo wlth TMlck conkrol and H10 hlghnplrflod 345bp Starler onglno am all Mnndnrd oqulpmant Slnrllro also has OldamoblIou provon record dnpondnblllty and vnluo The last word II yonrl make on to Starer your lbcul Oldnmobflo donloru ma ma msv 5m up To oLos AND 5m out In time 100m TAKE THE EASY 5m UP 10 mos AND 5m our IN STYLE 100m LIIIJEI VIBIT VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDBMODILE DEALER DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED prunrlnle in describe lhn present slalian nl lilo in Cnnndnn Ml movnmcnl we enter stage when expansion and gmwth in Hi was never man alive smitd maiden Racine oi Brampton Onlnrlo in his opcn ins remarks in an addresstn the 32nd Annual Meeting 01 the Canadian Cnnncil an Clubs today Ihe Rnynl Alexnnqra Hole in Winnipeg Mr Racine who ls Brandl Manngcr lor the Mutual Me As surance Company pald album to extension wurkeri egmmunlly leaders pnrean and 4H Club members who fostered and de velnpcd club work to he hlgh palnl at achlcvemenl it now en lnys especially those who plan emd the various phases at yuulh actlvily before Ule year I913 when lhe ixs club In Canada we lurmed In reviewing the years actle lies the retiring Cuunell Presl dcnl observed that he Golden Anniversary celebrations wllh severe evenb still tn mm were exceeding all expectation Such evenls ns Ihe tribute and gran nl patronage mm their Excellencics Govarnnr Gen eral and Madame Vnnicr the recelving or III 1963 National Cilizcmhip Award the active pnrflcipallon by Canadas All members In the Wurld Freedom 1mm Hunger Campaign are sharing places or parliculnr mer it in 1963 Golden Anniversary Year ln summing up and looking into 10 future Mr Rnclna stated that Canadas young people me looking or guldance and direc Your Chovrollf OldmMIc Cldlllu Envoy and damn Truck Dulor lion lhey prepare lor lhe iu lure To keep in step with the changing limes in world that keeps moving at an ever increay in pace our Council must do lb part to keep healthy vigor ous and ever alert to the need to adjust to the requirements oi the day Grcaier liaison with the Tï¬e Joint Helra mm Spring ï¬eld Missouri parflcipalnd in speclnl service of sacrpd music and songs at the Belhcl Penecostal Church last night at 800 pm variety cal and Instrumental music was presenled All nl the mcm bars the group are members Revivalllme Chair heard IOINT HEIRS PERFORM AT BETHELPENTECOSTAL igajéuï¬gï¬Ã©wééém deparimenls oi gnvcmmenl bus lnm member and agricultural associallnns suslalntd public rciaiiuns prngram and the ever present need to develop financial support are important clnmcnis requiring our mnslnnl alien ilon around the world weekly an radin They play variety of inslrumcnu lncludlng vimu phone and trombone which were cultured in the urvice The group comlsLs Murray Buschm from Pembroke 0n larln Canada Dave Richards mm Wichita Kansas Blu Llchu mm Chicago lllhmis James Moore Manager Canadian Council an Hi Clubs today reparlcd ihal membership in Ihe Council stood at an all lime high at £5 and that the num bar at nrganltcd 4H Clubs in Canada Increased from 5454 in 1561 lo 5571 in I962 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS and lira accompanist Bruce Dravncak from Asbury Park NewJerey Ali members 01 Central Bihie lnsiiiule where they are preparing fur various terms oi ministry The ynung men are pmsenlly an tour or lire Central United Stair5 and Ontario Canada This our will inst eight weeksi StuIr Coupu Inflamï¬tullu Canvuflbll wwkxwwlwywzma VMWWY VHWV PHONE PA 66527 Little GuyGets Short Stick Says NDP Suppogting Wooglsmen qunlment doctors whuiook cruise to Hawaii was com pared in Fnrllnment Tuesday wllh that ol loggers world in ï¬le bushjar 1mm mu Humnu um Douglas Fisher NDPPart Arthur concluded that lhe Iillle guy gets the sham end olighe stick In lhg wmpnrlio rm Democratic Partys demand lhul woodworkers be allowed Income tax deductions mm lllelr Iaxnbla Income for speclnl ezpenscs they face includlng the cost or travelling to and lrum home and lhe cost of spe cial 10013 and clolhlng needed or their 1095 cndmcnt to that elfect proposed by Thomas Barnett NDP CumoxMbernl was ruled nut of order as the Com mons continued II study at tax monsuras proposed the June 183udget KITCHENER CWA woman was fatally wounded mcsday night In shooting on down town Kitchener slrmk Th Victim Wu dead on arrival n1 hospim was lenw lively Identiï¬ed as Mrs Mar gnlegl Hudsgr g5 Pnhce picked up man In connecllon with the Incident and wvcalihre pislol was found lying on the pavement Nn nlher people were held as wit nesscs Fm shots were reported to huve been fired but it was un derstood only one hit the waman OTTAWA cm The lax WOman Shot On The Street Flnance Minister Gordon nul mqu gestcd Um the réqucslcd ex pcnse deductibns or woods workers would hm lhe federal tmsun Mr Fisher said he wasdl rnppalnuzd Mr Gordnnl re acllou department Ilnanca is perfecily aware there nn lnequily he snld Comtmclion workers away tom home al ready received the tux beneï¬t his party was seeking or or 39 93 Mr Fisher said lhnt last year the Canadian Medical As minunn spunsmed study acmlnar on boat trip to Ha wail Damn wen ahle to AALKERS Igniting MINT Fashions in Transitional SEPARATES by Shamrock fluupondor 8km Jnmnlonyflhoru OBlml Tako uptothemlnulo styling add Gnley Lords combed cotton Tarpoon In dark muted plaid tonusand achieve tho most oxcitlng new look In Translklonal separates Jul on lhl many nyln mllnhlo mun Oxford 010th Bum 50 DUNLOP ST SOUHUUM1ONv om CF Cnmemn Schwulm or Kitch ner drowned nxesdag whlls swimming here wth ls son Brian 11 1110 Wu had been sunbathing an an Island when they decld lo swlm loo yards lo shore It was bellevod Mr Schwalma good swlmmer snrtered heart sulzure or ulgslrnkm thhergSonquwg 0n lUflYardSwifh Ills son lrled unsuccesslully to save hlm Dr Fraser wroner mm nearby Port Eluln med that the death was acciden and unused by dmwnlng chargedhe trip expense as deduction mm taxable Income 998 398 IA Mm