mmlu mm con Mum Noun Club nu lllduvuy runfnmn gm man mm no NwL wnnu lvnm 1m 1m rummm mun JULY ton sullen mu no Vlnunn Tlml mk mm Ina Tulbnll vu Mr 700 an Tnln rry Mum mum squid Couner Juncuon 11ch Mr and Mrs Beer Ind lamlly spcnl few days re celllyfl Agnnqqln Park ML and Mn Thorns Lulle of Georgetown vhltzd Mr Ind Mrs Delmar Lulle over he wgckend Mr and Mrs Beyer and Brian Taronla spent the weekend wllh Mrs Beyer They allendcd lhe mud in Barri on July Arthur Em Flnrida mm the weekend wllh Ms hrnther and sistnr In law Mr and Mn Girhner er re ems rom here attended the funeral McCullnugh Anius who dled suddenly July In The tunaAl was held from Jenncll lun zral home In Shelbouma Cem elery About 32 mcmbcrx Iha lum Hy Mr and Mrs of GH ham galhcred ha ha hm July Ihe lamily reunion They were from Toronto Sharon Agintnurl Mnunt Albert Willow dale and Slrnud Mr and Mrs Elwood Gumy Mrs Denney and Miss Sagah Alljslnn unday afternoon Visitors Ihls week with Mr and Mrs Tumbull were Mr and Mm Ynnl Mono Centre and Mr and Mrs Harvey Turnbull Ulonla GRAHAM REUNION ll my Congratulallon to Baxter Ju venlle band on wlnnlni um prize In the parade In Earrh July Much credlt dua lhglr leader Vcslnver Thé Essa Planning Baarri held Recent vlsllm Mrs Gor don Caldwell and Mrs Duncan Cameron and lnmllles were lnrlr Iunl Mn Ilcrh Fall and Mr and Mrs Burdens All Saskatoon alsn nlrsl John Moon and Charles Fella Forest Home mans Is No cmnoi won fuls mVICI Wllllam Andruw Ann of Mr and Mrs Alex Graham ol Gorrle was baptized at he Preshylerlan Church here just Sundly by Rev mulch By MRS CAMERON Mr and Mrs James Camp mill at Panelnng are at In Campbells whie the Camphells are away on their Inn West mm DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK By MRS MAY DENNEY TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VAllEY TAXI BAXTEB GUTHRIE CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Ipuru in ml Wumnnn mm Kiddo cruuum luo Mnmlnl Muulno llno Memlnl Inllnu Ml 11ml nun too Tn Lam no Nun Vinum Inn 100 nlpcovd 1m Iy mm Mum lllunn hum loo Innll 6v mo lllh lluur on CW Nu In ma MI 30 mm llmen nu nnuuuu 1m Tm lam 1030 1100 1130 mu uuarull AIHSIUII awrenc Armstronl died Iuddmly ll hll homa In Denim July 13 HI was In Mn By EVELYN ARNOLD Coniralulnuonl In Mr Ind Mrs Elwood Klrkpalrlck Bracebrldxe on hlrth dnuzhlu July II It Slavemnn Msmnrlal Hngplm Alllslun The UC me Wednesday ave ninx Mn Jory of Harris was th special Ipenklr Mn William Clark and Mrs Hick llnz Wm In hoslum Mn 15 Hicklinz ha been con fined In her home slnce ur Iccldfl ale In June The United Church Sundly School pup Ind pmnn hld an enlnyuhle plcnlc It 0m Mem Thuqsdgy Allai Craig Crï¬ghum and mvld Handy of Dalston IN law day It Mr and Mn PaulKnplrrl Flu span few day Dunn and John 251 By MRS HANDY Mr and Mn Conner men TILesdgyual Halburmn MriJEllnbelh Kiley ma In week In Bun1 vmuu Hands MnfM Beyer vlslllnx her daughter Ind mnlnllw Mr and Mg Elm Grove Mrs Wren spent Sundly wllh her dnulhlu and sonInJaw Mr Ind Mn Gnuley Jr Hendemn Mn Guuley Jr Guulay wtnt to Rlchmond Hill in km the Bel has Glrl Pipe band pllylnl ll lhi ngIBlpe Ahome WONDER VALLEY nd Mu MEAtéa spent Sunday with Mr HcAIeal par um Mr And Mn hnnhnll the uhnwer held or Miss June Cola Mn Henderson and mm are Ipendlng week with Irlendl nlJvlulord The rlln which all Sundu wu walcumo 51th to laxmarl at mullr meeting an Julyll Next mean will bald Au al pm Mr Ind Mrs anne Ind family Kllonn Mr slled Mr and Mrs Ruddlck Wed neday Allemnon Itll Non rm many lumnlnl Kmdu Induuu Th Almlll Ivor Wulhll Donn llud hmmall lenuflly Nlht Ham IV cm Hilltmln Nnu rix hum mm mm summnm Sum um Inn rlmn Van lnmu tnnn rln yl cum nd Imamu our TV wwmr spam Amman TORONTO mm My nu 6m hunt COIL an Cmy Numilmnl uplonllnlnl CBC TV lel wumu mm Mam mm BARRIE MANSFIELD Hm lyplcal Illunllnn which decllrtr Iomellmu rum lnlo Scum II In our hum Ind Wu Ind In kin Ind It clulu Dcclmr mm mum and now hu In deddl haw In any Ihc hind on club Ind wll limot lurtly Inn two dllmon ï¬lm In no spud Thu blddinx Norlh Em South Wm lm Pan Fun ll Pm ll Optnlnx lud kln clubL llrldn not wlml could ho properly ulltd lumlnz urns Most of ll tlmo when you luvu problem ol whlrh hld or plly lo make you an llnd cod reason or olerllnl lhp rlxhl one The luv um alluu Irlu where Ihtro llnl norm cluu lo uldp you to lho rlulrl declllon DAILY CROSSWORD LbJG tumm um 1L Innuh am Ilan pumamu um Wl Lamnu manna Ibbr Mala an MW mman I1 mum llHal ILrwnyd mu mum mum lama l1 lamI uuw cum ham cnlovbt llth It all for who mm contest conducted by Mn Frank Hurley wn won by Mn Crlddack Fuhcr OGrldy described lh dlscovzry the lamb of St Ann Roll call wu umwmd by lhl WW number of yem membenhlp any urvicu In CWL ngrlmx or menu lo come were dlxlrlhulzd the monthly CWL mezunu Thursdly nIlM Mrs Belmurt membership can veuer repnrled lludy lncrem In memberMp Mm J1me Ken ney rend an Invimlun In th New Demru Conm In conk lna sponsored by In Wl Io whlch wo memhm will Mill The mollo you cant work with ll mullmcllon nut dont wark wllh the wrecking créw nmmtnlcd won Judy Ind Rlekle Shanuhnn Bum men row dm with IJIelr cousin Paddy Anna ONzlll ng Mum Eiléï¬biéilu of Toronlu holldlyln wllh her mud Ir an Mr and Mrs Roy er Ell Doug and Slmm Sulon hm returned lo Blrrle alter lpuld In week with their wnt Mn wm Mug Norm duler NorthSouth vulmnhll MRS MAï¬LEY Mu Willred Mn by and chlL rekn mind mu In Elk Mln shell Schunk of Conlu ville hu mude hem um mndln kw week with Gull Queuelle Erin and len erley halldlyln with their mndplr 911$ In Pnanredil mver Mun Ipendlni law week Vhlllnl relliven Ind hlends His ulster Mu Jamal Pamek hu bun III Allmon Hosplul mantisn William Wlhon Mum Snsk vmung rellllvea Hzld Ind Eveml H0 ll the lm Junta Wilson whmn raranul home wal on the 2nd Inle utjoumypllo Mn Sun Flues Mlnlfllld Ind tho lllrJohn Armslmnl surviving hlwlo Inbelle dnuxhter Baverlay hll mother md Illler Edllh Minslleld Funeral iervlces were held me angoburlnl wu In Smflunry PI All PHELPSTON CONTRACT BRIDGE Imuu All on 21 out nu it Mr lwl JimII min py JAY BECKER mahlall IL Ionyd nnll Il mu Declmr Humlore lends lhl klnl ol hum Ind whan Eu Ihown nul uku lh marked 1mm ln brln horn flu con ucl In lho preunl cue Snulh hu man Andlcnllonl lhll Well II no Volt hum Wu lhanl up wllh II tluhl II no Ilm luv void In hum he would almost lurrly hm ollhtr DVCICIHEd In unit or made ukcoul doubll on dlglrlbullan But But in lha chlraclzr with Him trumps Soulh would In lend 1an In lhe nu Ind lhen llnma nulnst EuL How don eclnrer mlve lhl Emblem whamm lo play ha In or llfl Hm Obvlnmly he doe lml roln lo mnlvo Iho miller he look humd or every pdulblo cluc lhll un hejp hllm Thus Wu has ha QGs ham Soth can rap the queen by Irl lendan the kl Ind hen liking llntua um Eu thwl out ll Iln lrumpl guru to be divided 11 but nuerlhaleu Ihm exlsu lhI possiblllly lhey dlvlded II miller lhul cannvl ho ilnmd Ilnce lho hum lclunlly 30 the rump loser um Ill be nvalded by phylum 1h lug con mm In Souths only problem II to avold Irum lqm Th oesnll loo much Tammi Good delta Mln Mull Corner was ll an In Call zwood lhl wuk The Rev Norman nudwny pmched the sermnn enllllcd Na ashmed the Gospel In Sunday mornlnl In the Unl led Church Mr mdwny has Iusl been ordained Ind luvlnz In uh chlrze tn Alball Mn Peta Lem Trudm Cheryl Ind Shelia went couple day vixlllnx wilhlrlends in days vhlIInK Mend In North mumu Kalli Nnble and Mend ul Torr min visited lhe tonnera grandt mother Mn Mervyn Noble In Sqngny Guest with Mr Ind Mrs Hm mum on Monday warn Mr And Mn John Polls New York Clly Mn Mariam Polls and Mn Ruuondreylg Ia frmnlo v1 By MRI MAURICE REID Connelulnllons In Mr Ind Mn Hans annexman Don Ynnlhnl who were married in ha Church ol Ih Immaculate Conn llon In Bell Ewnn July an an new resldlnl In Port Credit mun Mn ilmlhnrd of lnrontn Vlalltd her parents Mr llld Mn Hunter Ind her Ion Brock er mm vlsllurs weru Mu Rose Prior and Min Mluda Col lin of Toronto Mr Ind Mn WllIlnm HDWIHI Ind Mr Ind Mm Mike Unger hove Mumed to Cleveland Okla alter halloyon with Mr and Carl Marshll ule 7K1 Ind Mn Wlllllmlaylnr of Tornnlo and Mn Helen Ruck vislled anilin lnmm Valh mm Immun Leslie Vida has constructed new hunnlnw at the eastern End of Lake Shore Drive Mr and Mn Alex Miller hm Iurned In Moonstone Onl ul er holiday hm Thay stayed ll he collage John Bud buxzy on lho ghare By ALLAN INGRAM Mr Ind Mn Ben szker hive purchased new hnmu In the Barflavluw Height District to whlch we undmlund they wlll be mnvlnz next monlh Whlle thls amlly will he mlmd Mlneta we wlsh lhem every hl Emir nnw locntln iii MINETSPOINT rlilyn Cargo was ll LEFROY awnwww Wlflmmmm WM mm mm WI uth mm nv Wliukl mull mu WW Mum 1m