Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1963, p. 6

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thn rclurucd lo Burrle dccldcd lo ullcnd clmu 1n min iature llornl nrmtglnz whlch wen xvnnsmd by lhe Burrle llnrllculmml Sotlcly Clams Wm tonduclcd by Mrs Earl Cox began wnrkln In mlnin lures lhm And have dcrlvcd meat den plasma and mu Icuun mm my hobby Mrs McLurcn has been mumbcr lb Saclglyjor llvu yrm Mn McLarm p1 ed to crcnlo an arrangement durlnl our Inlcrvlew 0n mm lny In mm of her um vnrlely ol holdcn Includinl ha top of pill box pitcher 1mm Allllnuxh the Ennla woman b5 came lnlcmlcd ln mlnlnlurl floral ammmenu only Ill year no llle already vct crnn havan wan um prlza ln mlnlnlnro floral arrangcmtnu Ihe annual Horticultural Snclely Flower Shaw three years no Mn McLarcn my the has al Idmlred the dbplny and em It the Tomnlo Garden Club show while llvlnx 1n the clly but navcr lflllly lrlcd her hand all lhe nrl unlll movinz lo Barrie six year ago JUST HOBBY The dollzhklul my mlnlnlure 110m amazing can be out or lhe mas lntcmsllnz and Inexpen slva hubblu according to Mrs Russell Manun Shunty Bay Road Shu readily admltl that huvlnl husband wha lnler cued in znnienlng ccrtulnly In amt Mr and Mn Omnvd Du mqu rut lholr waddln uh Clrflan Md luluwlnl llwlr mm ll Collier Elm Unllul Church flank Thu 1ho In lmmer Lind Dur tcn llllrn dnu Mar nl MI and Mn Dand 0mm 5mm ll 11 hvhlumm ho mm at mm Dumani llflpHnl IM Md II he lah muml llmvl harm lukln THE BAREIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY IS Artistic Talent Displayed In Miniature Arrangements mum II All Inn on AmtIn mly In tnwvl HAIRCUTS 00 PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE By EILEEN DIXON Annak Ihm um WED AT COLLIER UNITED MRS MCLAREN WORKS 0N BOUQUET 550 One very Important note la plm tho hllhest or tallest flaw In the me llnl lhcn me the unallesl and dnlnflesl nnwm In anlllne Mn McLortn mid that the centre mat of the Ar nnnment IIWIyI lha point mural nnd la try and com Iha rent ht container with bit 1L 0n of lhe conulnm Mn Mfi Linn L1 very and at In 1m aha confides it her Iavnrile L1 luver whlte chlnn pitcher ha of friend whldl land It lell purlcclly In mlnnlun ll ranlemcnu For those embarking on lhl new hobby here In cw lip passed along by one who mu lumcd from experience Watch tha flu or the lawn acc usary lo hnva xmnll flower blooms In pmwnlan the size lhe mlnlnlure conulnuerol lqw dellnlle lino In Immu mulu and remcmber um It must balance Sula height Irrlnlancnl to depth or width nu POINT OF INTEREST Sha luflcsu using IL or Iqullonm which II sponge llko Iublunco used by nnrllu Mu McLAren ollun cov dolln set small candle holders sea shells and seven contain an Mn McLuren had put lo xethu wlth the aid of modelllnl day thn friend know yvu an collecting conlnlnm they can be wonderful help she noted Conlnlneu an Integral part he dcslzn Tho brldt III warm whllo nlln branded dun Ind Imlu wh velled Im 5h curried while lllbla adorn wllh rcd mu Her her In her In manllu Plnk peonch Ind blun dtl hlnluml minorled II ham or lhn Mullen Thu brldcl um wn cunlrod wllh In Ir unlemuu ol mm Eu for those who dont have flawer Irden Ml ol mlnln curs blooms dried material dried weeda billerswm Ind even wild flowers at greenery can be arranged mast Illnellve 1y Sand covered with mu when all pieces are In place will hold dry qrxgnxemenu Scalo is lho primary canalder anon In hl lnlrllulnl hobby cantalner or an unwary mu on lha km the and the end to null It downed right from he um Jun one flower loo large IM th loul dice low In qual hlrl Mchn ha been shir lng her knowledge of mlnlaluu The moml plrenlllra Mr and Mn Woodrow Cook Dur hnm Mn Stephan Olen fulm pllyed weddlnl mul er mu oasis with little bit oi line mass The only took necessary scllsoll sharp Imiie and sharp poinied tool which comes in hundy or making holes to place lilo stems in 1nd pa Hence Allhough Mn McLaxen any the 11nd miniature him one the win flower to work with she added that hen and chick ens wlld ynnow plant and even dll which make lhe lrlllieu yellow accent in flawtry bou quet are Ill equally attractive CREEMORE Thrco grand mother Ind on mlan mama we man he gutll In weddlnz ol Judllh Anna lown and Wllllnm Emu Cook Duxhun luv acorn Medley olllclnlcd he new many U1 home the brldel parenll Mr Ind Mn Arlhur Iownn Crtcmoro Holidaylng In Canada on his In trip abroad is Alex Car Hun Accompanied by his son Eddie al Carntyna Glasgow Scotland While in the city lhn traveller will visit at ha ham at Carrlzans listen Mn Frank Campbell RR Barrie and Mm Robert Neil son of lnnislil SI They will be holidaying in the city in up pruxlmalely nix weeks While visiting in The Hague Dennis Tasman son at Mr and Mrs Joseph Tuconn nl Welling ton 5L East was among file guest at receptlan held at the guest at the home at Mr and Mn Harry Wilson Bunnie S1 In week was Mn Wilsons cousin John Rooney Ottawa Anglo aman Mr and Mn Emerson Swain Sunnldnle mad have returned mm week holiday wllh lhelr nan and daulhlervlnIaw Mr Ind Mrs Glen Swain Villa uymone Que F110 590111be Creemore Bites Of Local Interest Nam In banana la can unml mm Ills ol flu and mm mam Ir livenflu nmdm mm puma 10min olIn Im tleI vhan Ind Invellm Item Inlmu to women render this pin Your halp In Inppr Ml new wlll In may unpro dlled Flam plan The Bunlo Enmlner II PA H531 and or an Dixon or Audrey Cannon II the Wom ana Department Drum For The Bride For Brldumald For Tho Mother 44 DUNLOP ST IA PA 041 OPIN IIDAY UNTIL 900 PM thu Bride AT SYRANSMANS Fashlons For Your Boaullful WEDDING Choose From PEOPLE AND Ellen mm my mm can Our Wldo Helvcllon TRANSMAN of Barrio from of ptaco march ncludlng Canadian en ram lo Gunlnnnmn Buy Cuhn crowd at 115 llmned to the weaken Ind lhen and In In 1h talks by much lenden Haul arranging with mup ol Explorer Comer Street United Church ranllnz in ms nine to 11 She lnyl they are keenly lulucued and very apt The Lulu woman lave ar mmln Inger floral arrange mmu well and only nus mlnllturu when they enhance lhelr lumundlnu BOO PEACE MARCHEILS SCRANTON PL ANVn cum and hecklm broke up nlly Monday night held by from of pesto marchm ncludlng Canadian en ram lo Gunnlnmgm Buy Cuhn um mnn wnl Wayne Wheel er Calllnuwood Scott Thump nan Cmmorp Inhmd lhc mopllon nlw held ha Oowm home the brldon mo mu ware IJIIHL drtu And uuarlcl In had Damn glnk Ind uhlu rnmnllonl The rldcgmoml moth chow blue drm blue Accemrlu And tonne of bin Ind while elmallam Whtn luvlnu on tho weddlnl lrl to Milan Canadl the In do wn Waring mnlchlnl mm at Ml hmch mln comm plnk urnl Mr and Mn Cook will llvn In Kllthcner Mln Shirley Cook Duxhnm Illler ol lhc roam wu brida maidl She had pink bmcaded Ihcnlh drm with nylon over Iklrl And the worn pink huL 5h currkd bouquet plnk and uhlle flowers MIDHURST Mlsses Allce Tuscan and Be 5y Bourne student nurses at Homitll For Sick Children Tor nnln am lelllng at tho sum mer hum of Miss Buurneu Brandparenls in tho Laurentlans Recent weekend mm of Mlu Jan Marley who is visiting at the home of her parent Mr and Mrs James Morley Johnston 51 were Mlsscs Barbara sun and Belly Glnver Arrow Ennlnnd HOLIDAY IN LAURENHANE ENGLISH VISITORS Canadian Embassy or dlplumnls Ind Canadian citizens when he met lheAmhasudnr and hi villa Dennis who In touring Enr ope thin summer in now hall daylng In Germany Mr and Ma Jerry Hallber ton Dunlap an shown follow ing their marrlne at Mldhurlt United Church The bride the armor Sandra Roberta Camcron daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Cameron of Mid hum Thu brlduzrnm is the $011 nl Mr and Mn Ben Dunlop of Barrie The newl weds will mnku their hams Torontor vowsl dont look or molecular ad vancement hi year You can make headway mum but will take comhlenl eflm comblned wldl snund ludzment Makejha mm opportuni lie to Idvmco job and 1an cIal Affairs in Ausun mid Semunher January and March but dont expect the unreason nhle And no chnnceuking with metal Th will be especially lmpomnl In mldomhcr early Novembzr the Inner mu Doccmhnr and nut April Crentlvc workm will be lov erncd by highly stimulating Influences ram midDecember lhrough lha first lhrce month 1364 Socially you can gain pol ulnmy and win he lrltndshy of Inllunnllal pmam between June and Soplcmber and during August lncldenlnll an all nraumfl good month or Leollcs bolh mmlnce and lrnvel will be generously peeled other cod period when mane concerned early Sq umber next Avrll and May or lrml Jlnunry June and July In 1064 Wm exception of brlcl periods lha lntlcr hull of Stpumbcr tho last week In Oclober Ind curly Nnvumner when mm lonllnn may bu evi dent dumcxllc nllnln should run harmoniaully or lhu next In monlm child born on ml day wlll he endowed wllh lrul gm leudenhlp bul wlll have In curb lcndcncy Io unduly dumb um olhm Bur connlox Hospitals and RIVEYINI are ml at people who look their anger out behind lha wheel The real tragedy 11 um Ihey usuafly manage Lo CnuIIon should prevnIl In all maIIerI now In zenenl It would be wIse to suck In roudne human and poslpona Inaugur aunu new venture for lean 7A noun Do not become In volved In the nIInIrI ol othch upecIaIIy II Induce urn can cerncd and do he carcIuI In erllen manor and communi cation unerally An adverse Mercury aspect could brInz Iabout needles mIsunderslHnd nzs FOR THE BIRTHDAY F0 TOMORROW Den Ann Lndtm My hum hand nnd have beammnrrled 12 em and we have our nice lldren We dont get nlung any bellcr or any worse than most married people al though Ive mud real flort to avoid argument and main laln pencdul almasphm In aux heme When mfi husband lose his temper ch 11 fairly ulten he claps on NI hat slam he door behind hlm and goes all or drive He calls this let lng rid his anger behind the wheel Im on needles and pin unfll he zeta home worries ma alck He says In lot butler than keeping the anger hauled up and certainlybeler than seeking somebody meaning supposg Wlll you plan my word In your column Ibou people who do lhls My husband read you lulllllullyCONCERNED CONNIE ANN LANDERS THE STARS SAY Emmy II yaqr blrthdax Savings this Week at DA Takes Out Anger Behind TheWheel Kleenex CREST TOOTH PASTE 109 Value OLD SPICE After Shave lotlon 150 TRIG Mans Deodorant 125 Value BATHING CAP Special IMPORTED SUN GLASSES 498 Value BANDAID Plastic Strip Value TAMPAX Slc Value ENO FRUIT SALT ll9 Value Than SPECIAL PRICES and July 27 enjoy do big your houywurk see no reuon to deny her Ihu pleasure Ilrle with your husband um you should kec your llp zluped Ind am onEy lo ny Thank you This makes ma lurlous Alter all In my home an hm mu dont want her lumping Around taking over In my Ib hence wnmcdmelhufllo nmy mm It wll be my nee Dont ywu urea um my mother1m law II out line and um have Ill to tell Im 01 EEING RED Den Red Id say youve 1°C mighty huh elm worrm Toot Your moiher in llw sogde Ilka jewel Den Squlnx Yea do hm ward to demihe then char Iclm In fact have lwo wordl Exhibitionlm Tense And this link lick nick am not lha housekeeper In the world Ann but Im no the worst either Ye ever llma we leave or an evenlnz my malherlnlaw mm the noon waxes pollxhu furniture clean silverware rearranges cahlnels and cloull She hu cvsp done lhe lauydgy dug Innocent mp1 Alon with ham Del Ann Linden ml vlnwgrg ol Iggntllyflnd wnmen am sick dck alck Iccoldlnl to Ann Landau than what do you hive to say about women who wear mm mm when Lhml nn sun hlklnls when hey cant slrn Ihnrler than short short or thclr mcery mixhunt and cum panLu that look as Ike were pulnnwllh may UH Dur Ann Lnndm Wu have mmonlhald baby who with my mother while war My husbandl mother in jualaux the time my own mother lpends with the baby to hm agreed to her All or me whenever wg out 195 told my husband how gel nbou1 hll gm be In Sludtu made by the National safety Council prove the hostile anxietynridden angry driven in menu to everyone on the roadIncluding lhemxelvel Suggest that you husband hung punching bag in thev game so ha can take luunzer out theresa1ely Invariath the hunlu who strut around In hm promu llvo getups are lha first one to am In there ward In your Hm lled vocabulary to describe than chmmen 0r wlu my leller wlnd up an lhe 11001 THE INQUJRINQ SQUIEE SALLYS SALLIES lm Road 66 Dunlop Slrut 12 Funding Smut mm MWMNMW CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED ALLANDALE DRUGS LIMITED HARPERS PHARMACY 100 109 SEWING CENTRE mm mm For Iha medal evenl Mn Halheml chose meet lenllh frock belle and yelan print ed lllk enhanced by cumza of mm dessert Iowan am or her granddaughter Mia Hum er Hamerfll oIVAmdln Culllor all who wns pmem for me occasion You get free SlNGER FullPower CANISTER CLEANER w1mm FREE with your purchase of fill smuromnc Amanz Iha lueau were Bmcn Dayle road Karelan cum eon Stewart Cook Toronto mum superintendent Mr And Mn Halherllla son and daulhb erlnlnw Mr and Mn William Halhenll Jr at Arcadia Call Mr Ind Mrs WIlllnm Hap Hatherul at quck SL were host It In open house calm button It the Continental Inn an Saturday aventnu in honor at Mr Hatherilll retirement trnm tho ngndlgn flagrant Rgllwnyr Mr 147mm nllred allian qger after 41 year with the More than 300 will Allend ed lha evening dnnclnx Ind buffet supper whlch allowed Dance mus wan provided by threeplm orchestra Including All Shepherd Gilbert Wiley Ind Mn Mabel Koimnn Mr Ind Mn Waller Cook Lelth Onl have Announ ced he engagement their dluxhter Nancy Lnnmn to Ian Douglas Gamer non of Mr and Mn Wllllnm dimer Sham Bay Comer street United urch will be the let Open House Party Marks Retirement ilgzag Portaplé an BONUS SINGER PA um PA 901 PA 85407 T0 WED IN AUGUST 299 97 134 113 46c 59c 44c UNIT 50 YEARS VIRDEN Man CPLMill Mary Monllomery he ratlred nmr so year an teacher She spent the Inst 40 year her career In an elementary schual here foxnil and Ihelr IondnIaw and daulhter Mr and Mn Joe Hun nlxnn Banlo Thu couplll three grandchildren were Illa pmenl Kelly and Kerry Hunk gun and Hemm Hnlharlll tin or the altemwn wedd hu on Auluet 17Tha bride elect graduate Vlctorll College Unlvemty at Toronto Mr Garner graduate at McMuter Unlveralty where he will return or post and uate studies In the all ESTATE SALE 76 Dunlop am PA H745 Selling Far Bnlow Orlnlnll Con mues $1000 up 005E DIAMONDS ONCE YEAR OPPORTUNITY lor unnuan burgInn DIAMOND Jewellery REEVES Jewellery ANTIQUE Ind mi

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