Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1963, p. 5

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Let your fingers do the walking Shop the town the easy Yellow Pages wayright at home Readthe ads for facts on brand names and features range of services and store locations Shop the Yellow Pages way The singc conch was iaannd in innisiii but we had to provide Iransnnriaiion boih wnys which mean ihnl truck wcnl dawn and brnunhi ii here last Friday Blythe Dinck was accompanied by Clerk Richard Gmh who fiaiincd in be responsible for Lin coach even though payment oi fihe insurance premium had been made It was kept in the town ship nhed and ccording in the agreement was In have been re urncd Monday iiuwevcr Ihni is stock transpnrialinn day so it had Io be held here till Tuesday when Mr Groh again Accompan icd lhe vchicio in Mr Blacks truck and replaced it in he mu seum ni lhe mc Vhila wn an on lhe subject we hnvu memurlu of riding mm coach Ihul opcmlcd be tween Hrndford and Bond Hand enrrylm pmcngcrs well as he mall Our first trip as boy alarm was to take lhis conch inn Band and ram the Scotch Sc llcmcnl sldemnd the money or the My hnvln been cnrncd by hm work We mm on our wny Io spend couple or wcck sum mer holldny wilh 1m nun nl Pcnvlllo Al nund Hand Ale our first hotel dinner In thu dln In mom when lhcy mu servo mcnll Then wllh our cxlrn cla hlnl 1n bundle over our shoul dcr we walked lho ml of lho trip The chumlnz our dunncr while waitress wnilcd nl our mouldcr wm lhrill wn ml rc member 11 drlvcr his Ilnno conch in still llvlnl Fcnnclll Those who rode In the couch claim that it was no built for comfort bul resembled the slnge caachcs of lhe early day on Men in westerns It was bright ly pninlcd and will the biz black hursel Hughes Brother In Slroud hllchcd la it he nulm wal real piclure The old stage coach which was In he Inniinl parade was mu seum piece belonglng to he an nnlo Transportation Commlsllan and was once used in Ink pus acngers between Toronla and Rlchmond Hill until that service was replaced by the electric rall wny whlch hnow ulsn lhlng the past INNISFIL NOTES Wells manager of tha Domlnlon Store 01 Ban1e prc sent cheque for $500 Museum Vehicles Paraded Saturday By 1163 WINS $500 PRIZE PROM STORE One at the parade mlrlhlll was panstuble llob Thompmu rldlnx his first horn and look lnz almusl like auntie No one wuuld hava known Ihut II wnl not pmlwlnnnl her man Harold Rubemon wu he ulbcr marshal And be harm belonged to hlm and were very ml behaved amen ma crowd and bands The clawnl who put an their ad with donkey cnr ryan bucket lo clean up crew had link In do except at tlownl or lhl umnw mum of the crowd compact car award by OBrien at cm lowmhlp wu approach the nlnvw bridlo Thomion was also there with their old truck which still in use and may he one of the old esi iili nnpmved hy the tire underwriters This truck was nwnod by Coakstown until they purchased new modern piece oi equipment We in this em can thunk it or more than one building saved when they were called In More equipmeni was owned by innlsiii The rectory at St Pauil would have been totally destroyed had not we been nbie to persuade Cooksiown vii inxe to send their machine to help piece at firefightan equip ment sent out by Burris alter hinynr Grunt Mayor had 0Kd it As it was the no we burn ed all ihil building but the tire we stepped in water wu pump ed mm the creek Ind lhe lire dnuxcd innisiii got action on iirciiizhilnz machine iollnwin this iirt The Miller Paving Company loaned our mad supervisor fire lruck which also had to he runs parted in Ihe township shedi Thin iruck was once in operaiian in Richmond Hill and was pan oi the first ire equipment ihey owned In 1920 The mnior aper aies the truck and wiii aka pump wnier Innkiiia road crew mnnncd Ii In the parade with sign an the side reading Bell EwartLeiroy Fire Depnrlmeni John anrcna Chlei 24 hour no ice needed ior service We aim to save iha 10 ii brought many miles imm ihe crowd and showed up alongside the inaniil truck Mrs Earl Juneau ol Battle Mrs Juneau was fizfladfiééi in 32 card lrom ll Reverend Ll nnel Rowe lormcr rector at lnnlslil parlsh tells of luur made 3100 eel below ground during whlch ha travelled lwo and three quarter mlle In Set In the palnsh mlnu Eat erhazy Suhnlchewnnl They are nnw lnklnl second mm ho nys Thl poth mine he lar gest In the world Iupplle mn tarlal far most 01 Ihe mmmcrclnl lenlllur used In the country The cabin lrnllcrlonncd lhe cammlltee by Ru Church Trail ers wu doubly welcomed when the rain prevailed Many pm spccllve buyers Junker over durinz it my at the park DOWN IN DEPHIS Anolher motor vehicle accldcn ovtr he weeknnd happened on 2n lldemnd nenr he 3rd ounce aiun when pickup truck driv en by Kentlng operator or loll course in Innlsfll lost control or the vehicle and alter taking the ditch turned and over end couple limos Tho drlver wu thrown through lhn windshield andMfch severe culs an the Coxmlll Rand whcn the rant wheel went whirling ahead of him and lntu lhc crock Tho driver managed to keep the ve hicle on the mud for 133 feet and might have succeeded hr flapping aner had not another car come from the apposltn rectlon and crush rcsulled Four people had to be rented 1n hmptlal winder in lhn stores Domino lamu Examiner Photo WINE LITTLE RD BETWEEN HWY AND 400 Malta TONIGHT ONLY IslI390 HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE SHOWSTARTS AT DUSK Cmco president oi lhe Highway 10 Regional Tourist Association which covers 11 municipnlliics said in nnnliwr letter that lhe circie our men tioned in Ihe bookicl urn li reudy wcil known He said world among gold mining area such Cobalt Kirkland Lake and Tlrnmlns weroignorcd by lhu Hum booklet The at that hls was camplolcly uvcrlookcd Inm rlnllng Lake Timmlns Porcuplna Chamber Com merce lourls development chairman said In lcllnr lo the government lrnvcl bureau TIMMINS CWNo nonh cnslcrn Ontario tourist organ znflons have protested the om mlssion mnhwn 101 and 11 1mm adorn government booklet llluslrnllnz clrcla tour mm the TransCanada Hlxh way mMTRvoN mam Plul Colour CIrIoon ll clulmcd producers In Tlm lskamlnx and Cochran had lost $700000 In milk sale In the Inn yanr because of concentrated products brought ram south ern Onlnrlo Represented the Marlin were prflduccrs nnd dlslrlbulor from region extending 120 miles south hm lo Tlm agnm and 200 mllc north to Knpusknsinx Thu brlel said some northern dairies had nlrcndy alnrlod to market reconstltutud and can ccnlrnlod milk products in lav lhclr business hm ho usu xuch products was damuglnz Um produccn dslrlhum brle urued lcnlslnnun In prevent the snlo wulhem Onlnrln milk In tho nonh It naked that canton lratcd mllk now classed as uv nparnlcd bu placed In class wllh nukl mllk Th would mean that conccnlrnlad mllk producers wnuld have to pay lop rule for mllk KIRKLAND LAKE Ont CF Nnrlhem Ontnrla mllk pruduc era and dlslrlbulnrn cnmplnlned here Monday tliul southern On larlo conconlrnlcd producl were being shlmmd nurlh nnd wcm undersellan locally pro duced wlwlo mlk produclg Tho cnrfiblnlnki W511 mndé hearing ho Onlnrln Mllk lnqulry Cumlllce Circle Tours Ignore Highways Tourist Officials Are Annoyed Nuw drcai and assoclnllonl Kori Savs Milk Sent From South amgpuuesrfifi ANNEBMER GIlBERIRQMND STANDS ALONE Australia me only nallon lo nccupy an enllru mnllnml lllghwny 11 mula lhe Hlxhwny nnd such by the mcnl Both letters naked that ouw In association be consulted filers publication Inch book it claimed uniuir Idverlisinz by southern concentrated mllk raducm was undermining lha mporial quart Southern Dn aria concentrated mlik is told In 324mm cation holding so fluid ounces The mako up quart whiia whole milk and olngr miik products must in sold In munéocnmnlnurl promoting use areas Ira bo lng Ignored In government pm mollons he an Dlstrlbulan also mld lhey could not compete wlh ha chnnpcr mulhern producla hu cnum lhoy had hummean with farmers tn lake canal iluolns and may could no pay Lll Thclr brlo auld milk prices In the north were one can chca er man In Toronto deslee the act lhat milk was 50 to 40 cent cheaper hundredwelghl lnhaoughprn pnuylo Vlce proIdem Chester Hop klm umled mllk Ihould bu markelcd 1n zones omnlud nnd cunlmllcd by the provin clnl lovamment Such In Ill Onlnrlo plan would be In tho but Interest of ever one Tho pruduccru brln laid the future or local milk market wnu endangered and action should be taken to bar the In lllrallon of cheaper Ioujhurn 01119 phoduclnt Thu Tlmhkamlng mlk Pm ducm Alloclnllon blamed Ihe luck of proper provincial milk board regulation Iorlho under nclung he norlhurn Trnm Canldl defined as federal ovum Dnvldmn Dunlan presid ent at Carleton Unlvernlly In Ottawa will be mm or the Iodurnl commhslon on bllln gualism and hlcullurallsm it was announced Monday snnm IONIGHT and Win IOCHAIRMAN llllihwly It Guthrie ngmm INIAIII mam sum TOOK THIRD PLACE LONDON CPD Kelly Brndcm luycnrmld daughter at Vnnmuv bom comndinn Ber 5E DARRYL IANUCKS LONGEST wry THE HAREE EVMHNER TUESDAY JULY 13 196 mTHE IHTERHATISHAllY ASSlAlMED HIT JUST AS IT WAS SHAWN IN THE MAJSR CAPITALS IF THE WUHHH Heal Fm LM Sunptnded For 11d pm Ennnmenl coal MATINEE DAILY AT canan nul HELD WEB Children sludcnlu Adult HOD PLAYERS mum ONE EVENING SHOW pan luau MUEOMMHM Mann mam ADMISSIONS NIH Evtnlnl unrd urnden uml his nclrm wliu Barbara Holly won Ihlrd rlxe ln bunuly comm at In nlllsh holiday camp AIR CONDITIONED OR YOUR COMFORT DIN

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