Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1963, p. 4

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mum Am Ymvnlnu mm an Nominal wnt mul mug 14mm llann mm mwr 11 0le nmunrm main hm AM mm um ml mm mm mely mum mu null You on IVtrllmlnl mum pnmm you In undln ma Mummy llolIdyl uuum mum um IIIMN IIJHIIIT Urn 11 ll wrnuum UIILII I4 ABUI Mill lulu munw IIm IIIHIAIL IIUNNILIJ mum sulmlrum nnlu ndly cm my In unim mum ll an om In an Ila m1 IIIIIM wumlnm ul III In yur D11 DIFFICULT SOCIAL PROBLEM Windsor Dally Stnr or every 20 hnhlu born In tho United States one In Illoulltmnlo In 1940 thorn were 0000 lllrulltmnlo chlhlran born tn tho Stntrs tn man thorn wcrn 141000 nml In 1000 221000 connlnmhlu rntn applies to Canada lhcsc children nrn not at burn to motth mm poor or umlcrprtvllcxul OLD AGE PENSIONS Lolhhridge llorald ii is lhc 510 increase and line 005 it which are gelling all the allcnlionl its about time someonu said See here weve all got to not busy nml make ihls country sufficiently prosporloua ilinl 10 month In lhc nuui will he men drop in the buckcll ihnl wnuhl lmvn nrcclp menlluu emui which should he nolud too For if lhe chuniry once gal on tho mall in lhnl kind hi prnsperllr it would nl he hmf uulli lewcr poop roqulrcd other kilns or social ahl and were In incl nhlc In mnirihuie ihrough income mu olhcr lam lo the payment iho imalc hlmicn old ngu murliy and oth er similar costs runuuliul nuu nenry Barrie secretary of Simcoo County Medical Assoc Butter eggs were 45¢ per lb and doz on Barrie mar ket Wesley Moore picked ripe tomatoes in his garden July Bayileid Street earliest reported this season Toronto man caught largemouthed bass measuring 10 inches at Little Lake Pte iiaroid Clifton was invalided home from overseas this weeks Pte Thom as Binnie who went overseas with 157th Battalion now scaling logs in Scotland Hemx who took posltlo ontu rehla MacLachlan arpolnted asslstant to Principal James llarlln at Central Publlc School at salary $900 Very Rev Dean OMalley LLD Dean at Barrle celebrated the sllver jubllee of hls ordlnatlon to the prlesthood Hlfh Mass celebrated and presentatlons me John Vlsdom new Vorshl lul Master Kerr Masonlc Lodge am uel Kllgour Installed Noble Grand of Bar Lodge IOOF Dr Johnston lllldland elected pre Qrllenry Arnn nx Barrie Examiner July 11 1918 Ross principal of Bowmanvilie High School appointed principal Barrie Col legiate at $2200 per annum succeeding NM WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Millions of dollars are spent every year providing areas for picnics and recreation Much of this expense is to repair damage caused by vandalism Initials carved on tables and other places are memento to posterity of the persons visit if posterity is inter ested but they also make eyesore and damage Too many vandals not con tent with this or damgge talre life an preservers thréiv picnic 51 The Barrie Examiner Should heéith minister be success fui in her campaign against cigarettes the nonsmokers and those dedicated to the extermination of tobacco must be re pared to carry an added burden of ex aiion Their victory will carry with it the necessity of sharing the huge tax im post now carried by the smokers mnv The Financial Post notes with some concern that while Mlss LaMarsh la maklng loud anticigarette noises not work 15 coming from Agriculture Minist er Harry Hays or from Revenue Minlst er John Garland The fact Is it conclud es that the Government like the smok er ls 139d 3y fihp hahlAL Cigarette smokers Provide flfievenue For Governments Clgarette smokers ma be their own worst enemies but from he viewpoint of government revenues they are national benefactors Canadas health mlnister JudyLa Marsh apparently convinced that lung cancer 15 caused from snioklng cigaret w5thasuftnppeq tanninsmoking Hump nonsmokers and those dedicated to the Now can onl do the same extermination of tobacco must be re thing with highi taxed quor and gaso pared to carry an added burden of ex line these crusa era will be in the same atlon Their victory will carry with it boat as bachelors who pay school taxes the necessity of sharing the huge tax im but more willingly and with better post now carried by the smokers grace Deny Vandals Privileges Inva C112 3131mm Examifirif Walls Publisher 9THER EDITORS VIEWS Published ij Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario pom MEMORY LANE TUESDAY JULY 1968 1n thé BIGGER Ill NIIDID Exhnonlon Journal To me worn out but ucollanl mm huro Canada unnol rul blgucr Ilccen mm but oconamlc pl unltl Iho Ikeu Mayor ple Any pollllclnn who loll the puople Inylhlng dlllmnl volvor Tho mllllclnnl might be curprlud Ihe number or Cnnadlnm who be mmlng led up In the teeth wllh mom is ha vole locker lo brlbo lhom In lhclr own money And even worn wllh money that mun be PI back by wordrihi liter being twice wounded and asued in France Flifht Lieutenant uronca Enrwlck 19 on son of the late Banvick and Mrs Bamlck killed accid entally In aircraft accident at Chichexler England He had been junior tennis chamglon of Ontario in 19164 A3Wil nun mm mm ampauuy Since vandals are not normal mans the best way to treat them wo be to bar them from some of the laclllllea en joyed by normal people Those damaging puqu properly should he denied lhn public tfilopertyahélild he denlecfifi use of at property unu Is Why people aclfsln this Wu my slery lame contention 11 fared that there was nothing else to do Such statement an admisslon IM yum water break pop bottle in public areas anggn othea damage That means smokers deprlved of thelr smokes will share thls burden wlth their savlours who will robably be squealing as they are forced nto paylng or mor leg notEIlhnnclal vletqry mum5 unmu In pinch makers can get along without cigarettes But Ottawa canno get along without the exorbitant Impost plgggd ppon the angokerg Canadian who smoke cigarettes now icontrlbute $200000000 annually in ex cise tax plus an 11 cent sales tax which rovidea six per cent of the whole eera ax taken by Ottawa the Semi serv er reports What it amountsto is that the smoker pay the government 208 at cent more for their cigarettes than he manufacturerreceives or making them hj Brian smut Genenl Mnnmr Puld fiiifiié mm 1211 Ind mmd to tha glblllly lhnlull lhcln In mum ll Hwy want the Mult no lmlr luder an up mm Innlmml lhul Mm Mudml dcmmdn Ind IL mm nullnn Whm social wlll Aldtr nmn Inn nlu lor mm hullnul la dnnu In Pllllnmmt Ind 1m pollllrnl mmnuevxlnl hl ulllu any lI lvlnl lemon and 1th In It In llml Imle ul mnm mm In hrlnu uln Nllty Ind IHMlvcneu lo lnr llumm am lovunmcnl Hmmh mwnu by flu ulm In Hum bl mnlldonl that Cauldlnn Mylo wlll Imp lhl old Ilm um Ar MN In or Mnlu mmlnllg ml min Imi nu bun nail on In ink 11 In mum Sodl Lredll IIAI now Imn In 011ch ll you No Soda Cndu ovlrnmlnl hu Iver hm drlrnlwl Vlul About Wellem Cnnmln lhlnk ll Ihould In MIN mm Ihll Ivldencl nl pollllcnl charm wry In mnl Mun one mllm In Con mvnllvl lnvornmenl ol MM In 1m lhl Illl Lllrernl omnnunl Ito mud In ml 11 Inl of 01 old llnu ymy lavrrnmunu dluppuud mm Album Iflllo yurl In no mun Bodl Crcdll ovmumnl Im bun In um Ilmqul run 111 Ind ol vld Ilnn rm ml mun mm 50 uhlrhrmn In mo 10 um Illa ml lnmnu mu Ilnndnrd VIM Mn mnvlnrcd um lhl majority of Quebec prop wnnt lo mnlm Inln our Cnnhdenllon Ind In look or lhl pollllcnl up franc Mulch um msuro 1m lm HIM ll holh nmmrlunlly Ind chlllonn or III Cnnldl WIIIIMBOCIIHM mllon WI III to pm vldo menu dlxlrlhuuun of cod and urvlm tho mu lbs Quebec lepnrnlllu wlll firm mponlo In lhnl my Ir uabec could ullblhh Sodll red economy and lend lhu world In demnnnlrnllnl lhll whll Quebec can prqdum her In lnmnu Plrhapl lhc bl qutlllon mm Quebec Hm We and varied aplninm Among lhu ex pert lo what Ilklnx plan and whll lo expect Quebec pau nlulro becomlnz canxcloul newly dllcavcrcd oullcl or motion by uterlinx htm ulvu nnd doclnrlnl war on lllyanl lhnl wnuld mm In dc rrlva them of mailed equal ly Sldl by Ilde II he act that In Social Credit the Quebec pm pie hlvc become nwm lha Ilh lhl will land lhem la Arm mm mumIn wullh mull lrom thelr indlvldunl Ind tollecllva diam It hen Ihl wq can wnlch or develop ment OTTAWAin it vossibla to predict with my degree of am cuncy the future oi Iho Cnnr dim poiitiui Inner Will Iha history of lhe immediate past and tho present Elva us any cluui Can we men what In people In looking ior Ind Judie our progress towards that an lha light of the binding uenm tradition Ind the Ehliowphy of It bird In the and wnrth tvm In thc hush Without nxnecllniz to come to any ml concluslon let put tolethor but WI un lump oi the piece at tho puuie ba iora ua By PATRICK NICHOLSON Pllrlck NIchohonl Gum Col nmnln MI In Her Leboe 80 III Cred MP or caribou OLMWH REPORT Province Quebec Big Question Mark QUICK HVERELLHRND HIM THE PENI HI Im Mlnvrmlda rter um um um dlwll the 717315 Ivonrd Onlllll will minty mm obJud Ihe Mme ol will wanln In Pmnllr flobula dotlm hlmull on In munltlt pal Innn lundnlnuc LOAN nmm Hut vi Illa quullan mm lllvc In III II Will get mm llnllnp 15ml murrm Inward nrnvlnu lmu um tomhmnfllnl Pulllully Mllunll omn menlu hm bun Iblc In at Away with Ma For ha puhlla mlly doun cm much whnlhu or no In Mall at lnvlrnmmt ulllnc Ilonl Only when mun with ha wnunll pullllcnl pour ol Lulla mu ll an Um mno do on ulullly Ill llnnnul mqu It fol morn hull door Ovir hp yurl III Inward nrnvlnm HUI um comhmnulr 50m apolnllu prnbubly In ardnr or flu Invincu pa Ilan In IMI ll They hnvo ended lo bu um rawmlmlcd And lmdy In Hair Ippmch OTM we 41 nun For uh lhl pruvlnm mllhl end on Hm lldrllm xpnlllon ll lhdr own If But he devalopmrnl 1m end In low mm Maul Itlennan on lcdarnl mvlnclll rollnllonl And In help In mm llrnl mcuon lo lhll II Lord 1pm ua llnl Ihero anaulh edml ravinclal lrnublu now Do we no to 11 lnlo hlzh kdoul pollllm llowavur II My nal turn out my bad Amilb pmvlncu wlll In In re and Jqu DXeIm baker In lcdenl Prnum Ilva Cnmvrvnllvu Ire bulldlnl now alacllon luuu They no Iaopunz edul gravlnclnl relnllonl They wIll Emma 1h dclendm ol lhc pravlncu And hops convlnu Iho public may In lhl loud luyl nilr ragga do wunfim ex and when Ilahillly nlznl than prnvlnm In not loin unnoticed by um ml Cm Ida truly great people In grant land grant opportunlty Cnnadln politics Ills bnnlneu adlana In canvlncad ha been uh Ill eleclm lhe government they do xerva no um um Imm Ilon periodl cm bl mm tying especlnlly when It In no dlmcull to know Irom ma new media Ind pollllcll pmpannda whit the more rully II nnmwinz um pr udlu and changing lrndlllon not only Canndl nu In such Ind mm of Mrl Illa dealer mould nun nu Inigo he pnknnwn 1m LUEENS PARK By DON oflEAIlN TORONTO htlp Lord Spare Us From New Issue mud Am lumqllnd av Woml duvlnl Ilocll mlnu find pull In In Dmlnl Ne cauld do MI by llnlnl up with Premler Leann ol Quebec on he woman of pmvlnclll XML In lha Ian arm ha mm morn uolld pumiau Ind lhl other nrnv roclutlonl um munlcl nlllel wont go over thall udl In debt Bu Mn Roblm In In declda 31 In gel lnlu an allout the peopil of Clnadn In iuiure will lilo look bank in IN or Ineraiiun who lived up their polluui responsibilliiu The Enpunn military me 11 yem IanIn 1051 under Mn Gen Mo hemmed Numb and forced the nhdlcnllon three day lller ol Klnl Fercult The following year Nezulb be came Hnl preeldem the new renuth and premier The connllullon Ind been cancelled and when Nezulh ellempted to turn blck to the pnrlhmenllry lynem government LlCol Gemel Abdel Nuxcr removed hlm lrom power Nauer new president at the United Arnh nepuhlle had been the prin cipal Influence behind the men mine quk THE CANADIAN PRESS Julia Lu TODAY IN HISTORY WJi SKIRL OF THE PIPES MW mm duvlnl ll Opon Ill Dmln Clumnlonlhlpl lev Illenualki vlm VI tlne which xlvu Immunity Four lysm Vol Immuyhullon an noulhl Brlully they an ner lulpocl hll meulu vncclnnllnn In law year or lull wlll buhlml mucll mullnu prnlcullnn for blbl Ind chlldr lhn mm now use In mullcr cnum for dlphlherll whooplnl cough lclnnul Imullpox Ind pollo ll look now hnuzh we may be on the rexhold put tlnl In end to mlu hlva coma elm lo ollmlnuluu other dlmm So In nnl luck hlrmlm dlmm lame cl lhu lime And even In ordinary um ha week nr lwn nl ichool hm Ind tho 111nm 1121 mlth beller be avoided Sllll othm have vmuus com pllcnllom The muaxln Illrl up In car or kidney Inhcllon ar can he madam wllh pneu munla heart dlscul lubmu onll IsthHl Many chlldreh dle other d9 velnp ncephllilll or hum lever Ive ollen ulkd maulel the hnrmleu klller beuulm Il lhouzh mos yuungxlm recover unevanllully lhl dlum does cmlln amount of really m1qu daman By MOLNER MD We Ire now mavln Into flu measlel vncc nu Ilnu llcenllnl for cnmmarclll pro duction hu been recommended The amount oi remuneuilon paid to the peer mount to $10 by or enchdey liiey Ire eciueliy in Iiiehdlnce This might enable some oi ihe peer lo lumen lilelr Incomes but may hlve never ieken their mm case In palm in link oi the Elil oi Bucklnnhemlhire it in now lame iiv manna elm he inherited the mic min distant relative Hui he he never one near the House nuumwua In recent yam the rink the peer allendinl in the Home 01 Lord has been thinning out This In Inch due no the not Ihul mnny of the em now have to work for lvlnl Ind the amount remuneration may receive or allendance In the House or lard would not com penlala Ihern or absence mm Ihelr other work Some two hun dred member are on luv of menu TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By MeiNIYRE HOOD LONDON The ch that Brillinn only Communist poor In not only token hi ml in tho Houlool Lordl but hu made his iirsl much then in which he Idvocaled tho cam glgo abolition or hot Anna ha around some men ialion to the altlludo ol Iomo olhor pom lowIda attending the lemon or lho Housa hlem hero oi the House oi Lord or instance an wnillng to ii the nawesl peer Viscount Alan bmoko twan old lrllll Ion oi the late Field Marlinl Lord Allnbroake will ioin horn on the red leather bench He has no announced hi inlunllons REPORT PROM UK Often Call Measles The Harmless Killer Advocates Abolition House Guards nurthwul ol Toronln AM no wmpflllnfl um ml ad mm up mo mm thlldrcn lma mmlu by tha llma my in 15 Ind Um dluue II mml pravllrnl belwecn no Wu and Vlcclnlllon Ihnuld Inko pllu my curly 111 Thu vucclnu cm In lvon mm In Mn mom Which mtlhnd will be but probably with lurlher Improvn menu Hmllnl la be seen For convtnlcncc Imprnvcmcms nra um Moded hul ha vntclna that can prevent mmch in now guilty Further Iludy being made Ind mu far lonk promlalnz of using lwo IhoLl Ihu Na typn lullawcd by one the Hm type1M Il lenunlcd vlrus Prnluflnn load Only one person In In hn Iny Iymylnml klllcd virus vacclne has to bu zlvcn salon nl injection wllh hooscrm and no In man nor bncnusu pro ltcllnn II no eflccllvn And does not In hint 50 um vaccine has been bulllrcd wllh mmu ilnndard 119d Immune globulin whlch dum lmmunlly mmnwhnl hut uum aymploms In less than one oul In About lhl lame mm havlnu mmlu one dose mvon by naedle Ind Iyrlnxe mm In bl mouth The drawback but abnul hm on of 10 young nm dovelap or abort llmo the Iymplom of measles Favu up lo 109 cough m1 runny eyu and nose somq max mh me you launder nnl lhe word cl lhs Lord Inn in ntld ml lo upuk Any thin ITh¢llllonllll 13 Whii lhe cap ho church llve Ind their lalh lhu prucher has done his hell wnrk Some 01 lb nnn unending puen have other rensnn or not attending Lord Blrkru the film mducer son of one Brlla nI greatest lawyers In herited his fathers lllla year no has nnl taken his scat In he House Lords mwu bun Holhfleld 45 when he wnl known by hi awn mm at Thomas Nmn used to work laborer on London bulld In she Ho lived In hcddltv lingmom In Chelsea Two year no on lho death or his cousin he Inherited the Illle of Lord Holhfleld but ha has never Ink fll ndvnnlaze his rllh In an In the Ham Lordn Ha ha now become practisinl Inns lem and has Inkcn the name Hgsan Ahmed the mm deparlmcnl in San end or wake of $30 was The mm Barron Farrnr Abhmr live In crrnccd how Newcastleonnnu Ilsa has In Income 01 810 week which he receive unch Iamlly tun Things may chanlu or hlm In five yean time when he will Inherit mm a1mooo BIBLE THOUGHf Lordn He ruler to work or the gym eparlmy Vin Scum

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