urns1 mm lllmlm Two ï¬wlua lllmu haw lwn armlwl lnr mu alarmHan lo lmII inmlluncn nhulll Inlrmlrl In liznul by ï¬lln manululum cl nmlor pump Ind lmhmr win an mumimw lulu lxmml and HM hvn LMM rh Nun runlnn val mu wwllml yullnl no mrlm mun In llnl polka Two Rnoslod Ila Vlstaoli Epics nrnu Inn urrAWA cm lamb nnadlun Mill numnmluurr mum nM lnrlny Mr 0er lnmwr lmnrulu lunar Hmd ln vulnn hb Auden pm ulvcn pm mm In olflu Apnl 0mm cm TORONTO llfl Trrry McCain 17 In Nr mmllllnn In Toronlo Gmrrnl Illupllnl 50mm whm lw xluu luln pmlyml nllrr IlriHl Io Tornnla Monday In 11 Tnnllknmlu he lunlwrldrw Aka nmlnlm mmmu George Drew Io Retire In Fall Pafgï¬ysed By Two mu um Her lrnfumn Icnndnl wan worth whllr LONDON nculcrl The Flat11mm mum llrllnlnl mm In unndnl Ipnrkcd lively cnm mcnl In the llrlllsh pm lmlny lollawlng Marmy nnrllnmcn My Inhale an houslnu Mondny The lnun rcvnlvm nrnund ro porltd uplnllnllon nlum mp erllu In an cmnlrc but up by In Mr Mcr Ruchmnn mu Ihe um ntrnnnnrm mcllmds lo bnck um oxplnllnflnn 97rKicked mm Objects Diefenbaker UK Housing Debate Is Stormy In Wake 0f Slum Empire Issue ï¬roo Timon And Hos Knocked Out Tnmwm INice Floyd Patterson Hunted ofl lhe canvas alter belnz lagged by Heavyweight ucmpl II OTTMVA CF American concessions havo cased imme diate dliilcuilics or Canada nvzr Ihe proposed United Stale iox oi i5 per coni on iorolgn in vestment Prime Minister Paar ann laid the Common Monday Opposition spokesmen said pubic remain 99 an Nu curson sum the govern continue lo scck ex Imm lrnnsnrllnm In mcrlcnn gurqmsu For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 52414 The lelcphnno number to call for the Business or Edilnrlll Dept PA 66537 Our Telephones Mld bond Issue ITS THE END or THE such ROAD of Ilm enr lulu Lnlm Tunllknmlug umluy he lunlwrldrw lulu hullmm nchlnlm muner wcll IFoot Dive am In 231 Al no name llmo ll Kmnn mtnl hral ll nn Oppmillnn cru wru mulion nllrnlng Hm Huh rrnmrnl pnllcy In In llw 1mde up of llm llmllxmm Hum rmprrly minim by Mn 1m Mn un nuiIEKmfl ll xomnmrm on Um lllllhmnn isur wlllrh rmlllrd ll mid from he housing 51ml nuc no he Kuwmmcnla ducnnc linlllnu of rml llouxinu Minlslrr Sir Krilh Jr up nnnnunmi lhnl mmmih NJ has Mm xcl up lo lnqulru lmo currcnl Imam mum nu mum lmo currcnl luminous mrmmls applying to mun pmpmly In London nm The Dnily Iuxprtss crill rim Lnlmr mmlmn Loudcr Humid Hm lur nllntklnu lhu nmnnmn Ulrw Mil Irllrn In 5r mrr melmv an hllnnlml umIn ummnuu pally 11ml ulvm Um Lihrrnl umw Colin Cnmcrnn New Du crmic Iarly Iinnnclul mid he nurcmmem have sucucdnd In wnrdinx Social mm Lender Thorns mm callcd Inr permanent salu llon In inlcrnnuonal pnymcnls pmblcms He objected on grounds lhat Presidcnl Kennedy unuld extr cisn veto an expansion the Canadian economy Opposillon Lender chlcn baker said that uhile he prime minister was paflcd on the huad Hyunnis Purt Ins May by the pmdcm Canada was kicked In lhe mnemyl In Canada and 21 other mum lrics Champion Sonny Liston He stayed this third Mme and LISA Ion retained the title he look 1mm Patterson In Scplcmhcr Nrw Mlll lunkrn wk Sumluy Hw Ind hullmm Mm flown Ilxkruul nl Dumo mm may nx nu Hanks mt lry llvu dimlflhl mu 150 mile nrM mm lhlrlph In Vlmlmr nm uznr lmrll puylwnh Wnnluu and palm ml Mmqu II month drynm TORONTO lDJlmvy rnln In III InIl In My his Nulrxl Ontailnn mml whipplead vlry wrll In In you Ilw pvmiw Inl nurlrullun mau mtn mill Mlvmlny Mnnlmlm ll 11 unllmrnll uunmm brunch mill In In Imath lulu mml 1an nl lllnlln And all my nllmnl min Ile my an klwlrltl Nowr IMlhwr Inn Hnuu nnrmnl Mr may llltlr our may QUHIHIC Cl Vrrc you Hum mkrd npmlrr No wrunt nmrrd lnld umlllmz Icvrn yrnruhl Anllumy IllnlkmL pawnu Man II lrrlghlcr 01th ml whm mm lhn mun mn mnlrr Tvllnnkn cullldrd hnlur Heavy Rain Ends Ontario Dry Spoll WASHINGTON AP Work lnx under he gun Congress lnkcs up today Pmldant Ken nrdya cmernuncy plan or set llimz the railway Icnlhrrhld ding disnulc and uvcrllnu II cnunlry ldu null nlrlkc tor Icasl lvm Irl Cnngrcsslnunl rrnclinn an rrarcd cnullouxly luvnruhlc to Is nwmmomlnliun Monday Hm lho lnlmlnle Cnmmrrco Inmmlminn he airrn unprccu drnlcd nulhurily handle the hillcr dispuh 0ch work rulvx WHSNT SCARED The general millet debate Tax Act was technical or Congress Favors Railway Solution clip on he Jaw only to leave us liable 10 be sandbagng on lh cl 91 fiend Inter mm mqu right heads or Liston guide 1m Io neutral comer AP Vlrepholo 1962 Before vng Kmusc mk Jrlvl pnuiwun 1mm mmth ylpnl up Ilmirl mum at and mm dnuzhlrr Commons mm an the income prolonged and ununllnhlg mmlm Human nomadic nl quth llly rimde Quickly an un AMP chain 11H Hmklmlu um lenrhrd wl llyn humI Qllï¬hrtCily hlrntl 11w Ilunnnlh Hull Hull jmllml lny hm hm Ilm mme lulu Hm mum Inn Man Wllllam Pollack um 11w munan Wm InnuM qlulrlly In Quch Ily helm awn Munxlnv mu Hu xrnrm mrul Irrlllrnlur Shunl lmI um lrlmIMIl In ullucuu dhnxlu PLANNED LUNIIUN VIMT nIvrv mu um and Hu lunullwtl nn Hm Hm mum NIII Mr lllnlklmk Mnulvrnl lrndlrl WM lukluu lulu lnmlly lmmlnn lnr vhiL nm Mnr mufnfllu wm In Imninl In lwlnml Irml mun ml 1mm hul nnl panicky nncllunl lolhr IHHIIIMI wrm ulrcplnu whrn Hu Ihlpl mrl mlch IIMHIUII hr uunucnu nm ymml Duvld ml ha pnumuru nhonrd the 000 Iun mum Mahler cpnrlrd Inmlull lkrllnhlo murcrn drlIIllnR mmmillw Mnsl wcurrn nhscrvnrl here said some sun 01 nxrtcmml wlll In murlml In he ncxl cw days pm Ill Wrdncsdny Iollnwlnx their talks Monday he ncxounlnn rcparlcd lur llmr progress 1n the dllmsslnn um have bccn carried on In an unprecedented Mmosphm nphlmism nml upparml Rood Cl mm RtlllerlM MOSCOWNuclear lost bnn Inlks among Ihc Unllcd Slates Briluln nnd Russia moved Inlo lhcir eighth day todny wilh Bscrn sourccs mnlidcnlly pm ditllm on lmmlnnnl announce mm ban on Icslinx In lhe atmosphere 5mm mud under chr Earlier In lhe 01d Halley court two young women lesll fled Ilml Ward seduced them In uwmu Mandy dropped Viscount As lars name lnln her testimony several limes Astor 56 Um eldest son the celebrated Amerkanborn Lndy Aslur the ï¬rst woman member of Pnrlla mnnl In i960 he married his third wllc qtman lap model nmnwen Pugh arjudgol dmhn on at He pleaded not zullly lo the ï¬ve chnrge covering living wholly or in part an flue am lngs of prusutullan and trying lo procure girl under 21 or unlawiyl sexunl ï¬nlermurse Ward divmccd son of an Itn glicancieermun and an artist who dttcndtd the opening oi an exhibition his painting here Monday night was on trial be are jury oi 11 men and woman West Confident Of Ban Solution Mandy On Stand sIn Dr Ward Trial The explosng bng name testimony by the shapely calm and smlling Mandy came on the second day of the myeamld Wards trial at Londons famed 01d Halleythe central crlmv ï¬nal court lorr BICUlTURAl Barrio Onhrlo Cunada Tuudny hm MM pullnu mnr mmer um Um no Cautious Optimism Seems To Be Reaction To Bicultural Group hay wvmim mm mm nun you aim mm 11m M71101 hamLama OTTAWA CWAn Inmmn In lhn ImlrmanM nnd nllow mum of mmnhcra Im mrnl 5000 or 0000 mm lhc prrscnl 110000 yrnr ml llrr ncllvo mnxhlcmllon nrlla mcnlnry mums MM lodny One mum nnphnglml bnw MN lhnl no dmxlnn has her mndm Oumlhl Mrmlllnn In Ihn ldrl wu upmml MnmIny hy lamb In no mmlrul wxlUuu John mam nlm ml arm man Inga and him John ml lhn lnlllul ertInn lo Irlum Mlnlmrr lrnmnl npA MMli Ivan rnmmll Illan ml Mcnlmrnllum hnlll MM lo nlllflde cnullmu upilm lInL Mrmlwu larllnmrul now nm VIM MN M1100 myrnr Indcmnlly In nml WIN 000 Annual larlm upcnm nllnwnnrr mm or MlhflTPlli Mr Inelmhn or lund royal THE ANMIIAN llUZM Thu mmmunlqun lulled nIlcr ll Inwan snld urlhcr pro gress wns achieved In rqnahlcr nu dmll nuclear lrsl bun Italy covering Icm In he nl mosphcrn nnlcr space Mr dcr wnlrr Hike Considered MP Indemnilies full mnlcrmce slnn lnslul lhrce hour and 50 minute wllh the chlcl delc nnlcsAvcrcll llnrrimun 010 United Slam Lord lInllshnm mum and Andre Gromyko Russiaslnylng for Another 50 mlnutca The reason or lhl wns not known It was ho long rsl session since lhn nrxollnuana hogan hm July 15 the finishing touches lo par Hnl agreement covering all but under uclunr lcsllng carolst 01811 cergyman pleaded not guilt Monday In ï¬ve charge or Iving all he carn lng proslilullon and procur Ing ulrl for other men mans ONE Fairbanks 53 he sun the late silent ï¬lm star and him self Ionnor Hollywood actor Ho make ï¬lms for lelevlslml has 11de In England for many years and Is class Iricnd ul an ani Peter chmun Mandy re pllcd referring tn properly rackelccr who din last year with anybody else Douglas Fairbanks Anyone else And bay rlcnd mine Were ynu paid by anyone Na cxcnpl Peter Rachman He kept mm Irhnd weekly al Inwnnce mu Wereyou braving intercourse wilh any other man or men at this flat prosecutor Mervyn Grifï¬thJoncs asked myims MAN lhewcekcnd collage he rented on Lord Aslars Ciivedcn nslnle Tinre was no suggestion how ever that he turned lhem to prnsiiiution Mandy tesiiiicd that Ward in troduced her in Lard Astor 53 ycnmid son at Virginia barn Lady Astor and Ihni Astor paid the rent on an apartment sire shared with Christine ram enrly January 1961 uniii March 28 1961 But sire said shcidid not have suunl intercourse with him until two your inter Wnr having intercourse July 23 I963 um um Kl 19W When Mulder um mm ol Ihc memlsuonm Lam muting only um km mm valr mm III pmMeml Conlukrnllnu ml uldal mm In in harm wllh lho GM of bommlulumrn What my um In to In um In Quebec Illy Johnson quI wmrluhskm rm Mver mmmlnlnn In MI MIMI wny npprundl lhu mlxlvmu blllnzunllnm and bcullurnh hm In Canada ll can nnly npunln pawl WW My ween ullon In Inken lm maul mm he luld Hm Tammi Wnrtl lllifll lvlrd un rhnruu mid lu WM lllhlrvl hm Inle lht mllrry umkmnnn IAM llrmlmun xilmnnl Il unllrry Monday unrminn hll Innml In UN £162 II 1707 lmllrnll rxplnlnlnu hu wmllrd lo mp It nulan mm Hm wnmu hnmlm DIrtrnthkcr nrmvlnhlo npnkrunnn ur the Lnndnn an Rnllcry whlrc H5 at Vnmn Mrlmlh arr nn umhlllon mid hr pnrlrull mu huuuhl by nlxl lrlrml of Mn DIrlrnhaknrI Ilnu llmllmnn Calgary LONDON Iloulcrsi wcnllhy Canadian luulncssman loduy bought porlmll by on Irnpnlh SllpXun Vnnl lnrmcr prime mlnNcr Dlvlrnbnknr ul Canada as mum or In III Inn Dief Portrait Is Purchased DR STEPHEN WARD htfld cigarette In one hand and brtot case In tho other In ho wnltu tram his house today an mute tn Lnndunl Old Enttoy Cnun nnd the second day at his vch lrinl Dr Ward on trlal More jury on live counts of having procurcd men Includinn mnny promtncnt ones or Chrtsttnc chlcr Mandy ticsDavies nnd other girls tltl Virrphotu llu wlll plum In Mr ll cnnxldcrcd hm victim wmdayl mm at lbs Amt with in lipa mm In at hood gut11 Cull Lame NM flay Oulwlon mu Ax mfhalrmcn Mr Lauren dcau slycamld editor he Monmal Frenchlanguage dnlly newspaper La Dcvnir and Mn Dunlon 51ycarold prcsldcnt Cnrlclnn UnlvorIHy Iawn will be cqunl In status but Mr Laurench expected to swing bi man weight The no commission members all conversant in both English and French and including mem bers with murnnnd mhcr languages will be paid $100 day each for every sitting day PL goo My other ethnic groups in Can ada are rcprascnlcd on the com misslnn by Polishborn and Ukralnlnrrbam university pm lessor but Dlefcnhuker said people at other origin will have right In ask why they arent rcprcsentcd Ho zlnglcd out the Dulch and ELmum gmups who make up 1500000 ml of Canadas nearly 19000 ooolpopulnuon and he Indians The Conservative leader called or federalprovincial conference on the question an inn lilnnilobn Premier Dull Roblin earlier lie also urged slrongcr provincial representa tion by giving the provinces chance to me lwo commission member Almost Immediately the se Iedian nl commission person nel came under in mm 01 posflion Lender chlenbakcr gov IS vxcnm or ECLIPSE Prime Minister Pearson an nuunced in the Common Mon day the royal commission in quiry lnio bilingualism and bl culluraiisrn will have us ow chairmen minor Andre Lauren dean and university president Davidson Bunion MMWA CHA Inmember team has been glvnn $1000 adaypin assignment to find ways to ease the strain on the Confederation partnership of French and English Canada $1000 Daily To Ease French English Strain Na Mian Thu Copy mmum ml mum In MI mm Iml Men In Implm lm Mmlm nu ï¬lm Amhme uld ad tulfm umnan dunu Coon will In mm ma In In meth Sunny and warm May and Wednesday Low tonight 67 High tnmurmw 95 For lull summary mm to page two Jean Mnrchnnd president at the Conlcdcrnllon of National Tudo Union nnd of tha Labor Cauncllol Quobpc Mrs Gertrude 55 Calv gnry housewile and pflvalu French In nr who formerly laugh Frmnb ma Unlvcmly oMnnJloha Royce Frith 39 Toronto law yer and armor president oi the Ontuno Liberal Association ac tive In mmic and broadcasting JeanLouis Guanonr so Jor mor cditorimchlei oi the daily newspapers La Prosso and la Nouvcau Jour nal novelist and radio and mi cvlsinn commentator iocal Weather MEMBERS NAMED he other members Rev Clement Cormler 53 president of SL Josephs Unl versily Monclon NB and prcsldcnt dcsignalo of he plnnncd Unlvnrslly Mencken whlch will group New Bruns wlck French lnnguugo col legal lldcnt Mr Lau rcndenu aald that Freud Canada and English Canada will recognize the unlqua upper tunlty that belng ofhred them to prepare for the rebuilding at our country real Mr Laurendeau said the royal commlsslon will deal with everything that has bearing on he peaceful coex istence of Canadas two main clhqlc groups the mmmlsslulia chief anecu UV qfflcer vl2 Pagu RV