Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 6

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Delr Ann Landau Im la ytawld girl wilh very guilty conulence lew weeks ago turned lmme lmm lrip Wu an allnlghl lraln ride and la up In the vistmdumu very goodvlooklng guy wu IllLlnx up hare Inc nollced him right away but pretended ml Finally he came over and asked II he could til next to me xnld Ol Im ashamed In all you that alter about an ham conver mlnn hlm kiss me Al together would say he kissed run about 11 llmes Ha sol oil the train an hour cnrllcr Ihun did and promiscd lo wrlto So lar havent heard turn him Im really perfect lady Ind lhil lhe In lime Im ever done such Ihlng Now Im ashamed or myacll becauu he probably lhlnks Im cheap plckup My girl friend um shouldnt ml nshnmcd because Im very uIlcctlunm person by nalura and this In my way giving lrlcndsMp thl me our views VISTA Damn TRAVELLER ANN LANDERS Dm lela Um your dome Girl yuu gave lnl more than mmdahlp an donl lry to kid 01d Granny Annie girl wha pm such cheap price In an her klssrs llml she would hand htm out In runner on mm can hardly be considered Indy BE OWN JUDGE This democrat was the can tr attention for children Saturday alternoon at um Shyner arena when slant Incllnn gala was held to rain money for he curllng rink Dur Ann Lnndm Im nrown wnmnn Mm mum lo rend your mlumn lnr lltkl Now find myself like so many others unylmz nmr drenmul Id be wnllnn In Ann Lnndm My hunhnmln anl hmlhrr wn lnnnlrd Irwrnl lnuulhn mm In were not nhln ln nthml Illa wlrllm Immune It was Ion llxlnnm nwny mm lmd wry llllln nnllrv From all we lmo hrnnl llawunl mnnlnd lovely womnn and an dc lllhlrd Hnwnnl and hi hrldn mman to VII In Auxunl and Im Mhnnml la mlmll Im Mn uurrylmr Mmul all Ihlnnldmw In rrN Iver fihnulrl limit lmmln IN Ile Wem no lumpy Iv mm ynu in In lumlly1 0r lhlmhl MINISHCII IIEIIGNH MANILA Htmm Mull mnn VlrcIrqunl Hxnlnm uel Irlm IAN Sllmlny milnlnl lnzrml 0an Name hr loll hr th IN PINMIIII mmmln Manannula mnlldcnco llnn ll Imlulnl 1n nlvlnl ml Alnmhml Mllilvrst mun Illnvl mmh Hu IlAlm mml In Irlrvilinu mlnwlml mm In ha dqnuml Inn lun Ilmy filnnrhm Travelling PickUp Tags Own Character for oldmy and mnum vnl pnllvnll lfilcrllonl lurllllm luv puma or um vrlula Hui Ind mId um In rwm nuum Id Nuru In llhmdnmc STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 11 THE GOODOLD BUGGY DAYS ulve her an nflectlnnalo kiss on the check My husband says some people dnnl like to he Ion chummy 11 Hrs mncllng What do you say MR5 KNOW NOTHING Deu Mn Dont dcclde unlll you meet Then let ynur ch4 lugs gulde you ll Ihel 175de stand oflish type youll know imme dlatcly that lrlemlly hand shake ls sulllclan If shes nl lccllnnale and aulgoing youll comlorlablu about klsslnl or SUFFER IN SILENCE bulldlng fund Before the old bum donated by Mel Saga Sunnldala Comm was nuc lkmed of later in ma nner nnon children had field day climbing aboard and pre lending tn take ride From Dur Ann Landon For the lhlrd Iummor In raw our bosll wife has gone In vlalt her mnlhcr Ior week And as he hm done two year pre viouxly he has brought hll lhrco bully klds to lhe omcn every day because he canl get sitter Im suns lhurcs um enough money In Iha wrld In pay girl to all wflh those snv axes They an nlnu nnd nluhl your old and totally un disciplined Tho lhrco them run he lwccn tho desks bumping lnla Iypowmer cnnlnnu liuhlinl lcrcnmlnz upscmna mull bus kcls and uslng lho lullphoncs Om lhtm hus lo ha Inkm dnwn 0m hull In Um hnlhmom ovary half hqun Tho hm hm mnnnxrd to book hlmwll or hullncu lun chctms evrry dny lhln thk nnd have hum lmlnxrltd In lnka lhcm In lunch II our mum mnun oplnlon lhn lhc 1m ll null nnd wo would Ilka yaur ndvlcn an wlml to do nboul lhll 10 HERE FREE with your purchase any swimwmc Dnnlnp vi Dar Up The boss mny wry wll he nullhul lml nllll lhu hmm Tho Illunllnn mum lmlmm and ouch ynu Inn he rlxm to veil hlm nm ha prrpnmi l0 learn Mcnum lhls way In lhn rlcu youll have lo my or mflklflfl mL You got free SINGER FulPower cnmsmngggmm SEWING CENTRE ilgzag Portapln BONUS mm mm SINGER IA OTTAWA CF Some 000 charwamen employed by the ledoral government In the cap ital area warn excluded from Tuesdays clvll service pay In crcnses whlle male cleaner re calved manyen boosL lobar department spokesman sold the women an prevnlllnx rate employees whll most male cleaner are clossnd as vil scrvnnls Charwomcn now 315 an hour Women Miss Out On $200 Pay Boost left an Jung Mora and Barry Brown Vlnslon Smynur and Nell Gibson Barrie Examin er Photo YOU MAY WIN VALUABLE PRIZES WATCH WEDNES DAYS PAFER for THIS VALUE PACKED CITYWIDE SALE enterprise and kennnnalysis of all situation you should be abla to handle almost any iob well now Do not however consider plan made or flu future as llnnl You may hava to do III of rnvaluutlng and make some Improvements ron IOMQRRDW tomorrow layout blrlhday ant hnrosca lmllcnlcs lhal the pcrlo between August and lnlc December lnh part nershlp and llnanclnl maltcrl Ihould an exceptionally well Do not however lel cxceulva aptl mlsm lead you 1m extrava Kance or speculation ln Janu ary slnce lhls wlll he slow down cycle and you may also lace some unlnresecnvexpcnscs Mldlebruary wlll lnlllale an other plckvupjerlcdwlang busl ncs llncsona whlch should last at least two monlhs All in all then your material concerns should prove very filming durinz this new year your liial child barn on this day will be endowed with great sense of responsibilliy and will he in lensely loyal In loved ones Fourteen grandmothers were entertained by Thornton Wo mens Institute In lrlully Unli ed Church School Room the July allcrnmrr mccllng wllh Mrs Allen Altman as hostess Each grandmother was present ed wllh corsage by the cum mlllec Mrs Keith finally and Mrs ll Black llrrr Blll Slerps supplled the cut flowers or the carriages rshlp certificate and ptn was presumed to one of tho grandmothers Mrs field by Mrs Mel Dixon and Mrs Curr Mrs Reld had been continuous member Thornton branch since Im having held various ofllccg on the execullve and is presently leader Thornton 4H Hamw mnklng Club Group THE STARS SAY Grandmothers In The Limelight At Thornton WI Meeting tonal Theme was curled out by the committee in Mrs Can5 re rt at the Guelph Olficern Co crenco and two lhoughln on Intemallon n1 Grnndmnthm by Mn Kclth Benny one entitled Tho Gcntlu Art of Caring Mrs It 31an commented on tha motlo They hutld It better than Ihcy fly ESTRELLITA Mrs Mnry WllflamL HEM celebrated her 71nd blrthday yesterdny It party given or her by lrlnnds and mum at knuw Including in name wclcamu to ho zucsu mm instrumental by Miss Mar Black was enjnyzd by all Mrs Gary Wilson Lennox Mrs Johnson and Mrs nobl Prcnlica wm awnrd ed prizes In the lucky number draw During the business session an invitation to neeton Wo menl institute on Sept 10 was copied two laylawn were giv en mood reading and passed two invitation to iroussean Teas Aug 17 and helpers or August Wedding price set or School Fair Meal with extra teachers inciudcd caretaker oi cemetery ioch bod and Mrs iicQuny was appointed to look after the rental at the hall dishes Memhurl were reminded of tha two August weddingl Au and Sept 10 Berton It Cookalawn Fnlr 5cm Essa School Falr Meal and Booth Sept 17 all to lnlm place be fore the next regular mcellng on Sept 19 when Mrm Dallan llantlng will be hostess The Men Convcnuon will bu ENTERTAINED 0N BIRTHDAY CLIPTHECOUPONS her hbmu nil Thom son Stunt Shown wluLMraL mum her later Mn Mame Crlpps lefl held Sept Ind In Cold wgger Novmullnl wlll he held In Auxusl Prize wlnnlng palnllnus from the 1963 CSEAHallmark Ar Schalmhlp program will he an exhlhlt Saundcrl Book Store Cnlllnuwoad this week The exhibition is part so piece collection the work ol 13 Canadian Itudents who recent ly finished high rchool and are continuing thclr education with either art mniora or options Five ni lhcse young people were awarded scholarship worth 82000 to nuixt in lheir uhooilng The annual program II Idminlricred hy the Canad ian Society or Education Through Art TIGER IS MOTHER GRANBY Que CF Ren nle uvenyurold flares the Granby Zoo hm given blnh In Him cuhl nennle In royal benzal zen the men llgcn that Ira he mm In the world and muneaten In lhrlr nalunl lubllal Winning Art On Exhibit mu nmnm minimal MuNqu can PARIS AP Freedom movement And comfort are tx ecled to be keynote ol the art all and wnter lashlona we an en next Belore the In arm en Inga the location of mining and hemllncs conuldercd nl secret as the locuIInn ol alomlc Ilockpllcs sud lew hlnls hm Inked mm the culling and lowing moms Accordlnu lo one esti mate Mk JDM win he llthe slander elnnzated Ind sexy at lean Insular HonIn cag help The nyleu Ire expeclcdlo hg usgntlally eminlno even lhquzh one dealguer Fencm has mred Into outer 1pm or his lmplnllon far the awful All lndlutlonl polnl to hem linen haldm About Junbum the knee Ill 0th mm home may drop couple of Inch WIDEN SHOULDEIIS Mo dislxnén arrrtendlnl wldcn lhuuldml or cut them in Freedom Comfort Are Fashion Focus PARIS AP Dulmr Jacqucs Falh mun have had ghig xzqrq Ilpnnlng ghuwlnl ol ladlcs harlar In laid wémnnx chm dull the chlc The Indication today from Parh lendlnu luhlon houses as ladm hula oak the xpalllghl mm ellhome lur ban to bahushknl Ind DONO plfln begets apeau or madame hu relurncd ram faxhlon limbo according lo madame Paulelle farmer presldent tin mlllln ery ayndlcatg we accent lhln yearl lay Madame Pluletle II on brluht eytcalchlnl calm and Ideal borrowtd lram exollc East wall as that old standby the French but An lmpectlon the Imnul ashlon house damn this clly reveals that then wlll Illn be plenty ol ealhen vtlvet Ind even tweed French Beret Tops Costume Newest urbnm luv eli shapqd or Iqulro boxed crown chnpcau ma In In word rhimf Mm lit mundad line to wldan the to tha lure Sleeve an deb nuer Ian on most dresses though there will uklll ha name leavelus ahlnm There seems Io ha wigs mm opinion man In Pam dealwnm about when lhe waislllne thId be Soml have bypassed almxethnr olhm mark II with narrow leash Ihon or ship leilhcr be Still ether preler the dress labrlc belt with lrnn buckle Dlarl walslllnu wan den belowIhebosom and hip humna hellunus Dexignm ava invish wlih tho use at tur this year Not only are mnny coal unlined hut lhuy are heavily Irimmed and alien hooded No or more iuru blend In the same model with third being mad in tho iinlnz Mongolian IOiil haired iurl hm Added their shag pelt lo the airendy nvucrow ed 100 oi exotic fauna Winter wool stress twech rum vnrlnd lourm Chlnel praml Irish lwecds She llkel rainbow plaid ln colorl reclil In Irish landscapes Mohair weeds and velvet Ire Invar lles Lanvln where Bernard Davaux the deulgner Anh erI tweed an often woven wllh mohalr Ind leatherweum He also Ihnwa light canvmy lweeds niwuyl Ion wllh my tea ESTATE SALE 76 Dunlop Eu PA 31745 Selling Flr Bllow Orlnlml Coal 008E DIAMONDS ONCE YEAR OPPORTUNITY or glnulno burgllnl RINGS $1000 up DIAMOND REEVES Jewellery Jewellery ANTIQUE Ind

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