Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1963, p. 3

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11 91 The 01th Vlchl Mundmm film 7an llnmlllnn Vnrhl Flu and Illa Funhaw YArN Club er mwrwnlrll to web 1m mung Mmlla nmla TMM HI In Ill mum nu mp um 3mm nu Suhlldny he plaunu mm In Snvjmnl UNI 1Mde mid kinda lnnlulla Smuuy lH Jnh ll3 Ink ml lhrll Mmlay wnl lhu OfCRIlufl of nnmul lakvlllpllmln nu 1min Thl la norlnl wall mung ewnt ml many illlnl Inllml ml llwlr um Ill nlmd wllh IlIII WC loll an lmllrl lnndlmn mm lvy hr lmllm Cnmmlllu nl llm Nnh Vlrhlammmlm All laud urn nllmr 0akville Sailors Win Invitation gm Barrie Event 3Our Stroud Places Second And Third Heavy rain which fell enrllcr fun the day made hn grass slip pery and lhe girls couldnt gnln their proper balance Lhula Smnll who had been avaraglng nll over the 100100 mnrk In flfldim sessions could only each the loifool lhxecAinch marker Last year Linda new bar pin 119 Incl ll Inches la cap mm the lace uvcnl norm crond or over 1000 people lbycarAald Donna Jenn Walson threw her pin no ml 10 Inches camuring lhc local Iillc from 11yearold Linda Small last years champlun SECOND IN WORLD 7Donna Joan captured second Mace or Slrnud by more Ilvu Inches Neal Strand Eng land Ihrcw her pin 110 feet le inches Slroud Onl placed second in lhc Individual rolling pin event and third in he Inlcrnnliunal Brick and Rolling Pin Throwing Contest by team effort Satur day afternoon Innism Town ship Park TRYING TO DETERMINE Empolnt Barrie Mayor Les Cooke lull check over an INTERNATIONAL THROWING CONTESTS Hit olhcr hand Donna numb lln tonrlllslnn nl ll nu plnclnl Hm 5mm Ilm haul mu llldmnh MBu Hudlnnm 0Yle lmlcr IIYCH 0m OYHH Krnry 0m HumMl HIM by Monkmnn IIVCI mlon INCH Fnlr INCH Ned Ivy Wolmmn II Howls UHWUI Kimmy Ill Nay HWC ml Illxlllnll WWII Disluccslor the cunlcslantsz Slroud Ontario no 87 Bonnie Mulholland 89 89 10 Mary Fox 35 81 10 81 10 June Aycm as 30 68 ENGLAND Slraud England Davil 113 Neale 110 Mn Locally onlj Donna Jean and Linda wenl over the 1mm mark whlln In England and Australia four women ovenshot the mount marker and only nna In Oklahoma Dlsrnnms Jam who up until three weeks ago had never thruwn rolling In averaged W100 throws dur ng practices Her socret Aim for someone on the other side the lance that youre not too familiar with you hlt then youll become familiar with that person So far no one was hit in Ont ariav nor in the other lhrcn Slmuds Item with mens coach nwlém Nelsan Inoklnu on are Mrs Nelson girl coach and J7 MARY unllnrltll Fpul lllu II 11 Flul Nun In KIM TI flu Flnrn Impovlrd Mmhndlu In In ramm Hm TEXTILES GIFTS CIGARS AND TOBACCO FIRST IN BARRIE CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES Villlmt llnruld Edwln Burk ucrrlnry lmmmr vs 0mm Lhnmhnr at bar mum lilrrullvM Aumlnlkm RIIIII Mr Mule nl Unit Unlrylnph cldrr lnlnmnn III Illmr mm mm In III IINI lawn Distances or contestants Slroud Ont Hcv Co 106 103 humpson 104 Jan Hunter 104 Strand Dklnhom Mary El lcn Cantrell NM Claudla Earp BB Billie Piqkln Paullne Jenklns 93 nlllle Joe Evans 83 11 and Llndn Adggm as NMIyJweycnr nld Bcv Cochran last years brick lhrowing champ in Stroud Ont won tho event again lhIs ycnr by throwing his brick Icct even Vlle ballcrcd his own record set last year by Hum inches flNTMUO AUSTRALIA Slrnud Australia Miss Bowd cn ll Heather Barnett 104 Darothy Ingram 102 11 Robin Glover 101 Mrs chrunc 98 and Donna nob erts 33 OKLAHOMA Ward 108 Slackch 104 Jane Jameson 96 and Mrs Annlu Hurdlss 81 Dy Tlll CANADIAN IIIYM Simpkhl local secretary for the throw DEATHS PA l574I llurlnl wu It lhnmhury Un lon Ccmdcry loclnl uorkcr wllh slmme Cmmly Chiltlnnu All Socltly for 15 yum HIM Ilnbwn was lhu xlnuuhlcr Hm lnlc Joseph 0an null Hurrch Damn Robson MI Robson was an Icllva member of The Snmpllmlnt Club llnrrlc Foster Mather Inc and umnmrcd ymma girl 1mm Vlcl Nnm Hm was nine mam born ol the Cnnndlnn Alloclnllon nl mlpl Watkm SM In wr ml Ivy mullm Mlxn Ihlth Clmrllnn London Mnl Emma Annslnmg Hyde Park MI do Ullwy Snmln Norman llnrnu munull Douglas mm Aylmrr Mrs 1mm finnllh lorllnnd Orv Funeral xmko or Halon abcl flabwn who dial rhundny at Royal Vlclnrin Houpllnl wns held at Slcckloy Funeral Home Saturday nev Bell of E33 and Iresbylrrinn Church olllclnlcd mud Eng 656 plus 520 Strand an brim 600 pins 569 Skoud Aust rnlia bricks 552 pins 605 11 Strand Oklnhnml brlcks 52 plug 567 10 palm nl clurmcnllon Incnl Slroud placed second by Individ ual min in tho mlllnl pln event and lhlrd by group distances As tar as lho brlcklasslng event goes Slrnudlmu earned Iccond place in the smut calclzury but ncv Cochrnne need fourth in tho Individual illc early ulna and lhrcnlcnlng sklcs everyone cde to enjoy lhe dny hur oughy nl am he worldl un lqucs arm commMon Strand Okhhuma George Burgcll Kunth Sm 90 Steve any 33 Jim nlkcr 82 Jim Dervi al and Lawrence Bond 13 inches Strand Australia Wanen Banlo 109 Stan Topper In Arlhur Grc 92 Lew yevgn Whni Illa weaker lax GIEOUI DISTANCES lid on3 lowd OKLAHOMA 101 93 Vic imian 96 11 Bruce Hum 37 11 av 10 ENGLAND suéud mum Nell Frank Meadows Im 1113 Jghn im in Df imam 105 and Yalcman net AUSTRALIA EVERY MUSCLE in his body straining to New maxsmum dislance Bev Cochran loses his brick 106 leer Inneran I1 last years You canI mlu your Iavlnnl mud wllh PM th Ilhlnlund aumnmd Invlnun plum MI dalnlll mm Inyom who walk ll 5cm MISS II HUDSON exclmlvu wllh OBITUARY THE BflNK OF NOVR sauna 1241253an STROUD England AP Brltlsh Sta Sgt Tony ONeill Slyeamld phyrlcal rainan lnslrumr clnlmed world record Sunday In brlckMrowlng contest among lawns named Slroud ln Can three other Vcomlrles While the boy were In hrldu the girl lhmwlng rolling pins BrLflsh wan 32x9 too Doreen Davis won um place with loss of ill ital nine inchesix inches inr lhcx lhnn her nearest rival an Australian xiiL ONeill flung brick us feel breaking the old record 114 feet held by Jim Cllgigllan at lrou 9H3 This year thOlehomans were skunked They didnt win point against the heav en from Strand England Strund0nt and Slroud Auk lralin The Iournamcnt was held Saturday Rcsull were an nolmced Sunday alter lele phone and cable communicl llugrlrom the lam Strouds Beltan Killrvéizalmera Jack Hunter team 357 Saturday It lnnisfil Township Park In backggmg MI We Bngfits ENGLISHMAN HAS RECORD nu nquuuw Inn mull rrnrd it In MI hrlmiluhkclnlrtlurhhbh Tim on mull Ilp ll Tllrn nun will nv IM Infill mmumub OWE All plmwl sesnmwzr fiflvoun rumhut Mu lJanunoubym unwupma munth mm CHI Hiltonn1 this In norm nlhfl Nun 11M 1chqu In dim Nina mm will me try flnvor ll InullolT mo 03 shaggy Miémg 6602 gawk Wfius am over $600 damages worn in currel by ha tour can involved The our drivers Clarence Weeks 44 29 Homewuud Ava Orlllla Allan Dickey 17 $6 CumberlanduSL Hulda Hcghr nld Johnsan 20 51 Adelaide SL Toranlu and Walter Urry 23 RR Barrie were not Injured Barrie City Police are invest gnung hit and run accident and Iwn renrvend collisions which occured within hours of each other yesterday Andrew Joseph Valley Crash Elliot Lake parked his car on Queen street shortly after six oclock In lhu eveningr According to police when he returned around 1mm he found his car had been struck causing 575 damage In the lelt ram fender and headlight Shortly helm live oclock ourcar rearend colllsiun oc curcd at lhe womcr ol anle and Dunlap streets $600 DAMAGES fly yet Donna Jean WgaLson centre chew her thumb as she awaits the judges re Barrie Police Investigating Possible Hit Run Accident FOOD MARKET l6 DUNLOP EAST ITS NOT ALL in be him 29c DOG roan 10 CANADA NO PINK SALMON BUEHLERS VEAL PATTIES ZIP CLOVER LEAF FANCY Short Rib ROASIS Cooked HAM TENDER LEAN MEATY LEAN SLICED FREE LB FARM STYLE SAUSAGE Around six ocluck Consisbla Ralph Berry who is investigating the accident was called out in St Vincent and Wellington streets Io investigate secand renMnd collision thin time he tween two can The cm were driven by Rice Halter 78 11B Dunln SL and Dr Lewis Blge ow 61 89 Owen SI Damlze to both cm was around $I75 left Ln her Ilster lwem old Unda and right Janet Ayersl her cousin suit an hard 10 throw Dlnrlbulnrl or car truck Ind Trnclar Mules 1nd full line Electrical product or Inn melon Exchnnxo nozzles fliers and emu In flock NOZZLE TESTING DONE 0N PREMISES NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS Call HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC PA M987 Pam Slrvln Now Avail On DIESEL FUEL INJECTION II HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Burl LB 55 ©S©H Stan Eobhelle eleclrlpnl sup ulnlendem said compiele 1n sialntlon depends on arrival ul olhar aqulpmenl but they hope to have completed within cou ple wezh The Barrie Public Utillllu Cm mmlsslon has purchased new 5000 KVA lmnsfnrmer for the Mary meet substation The transformer arrived Fr iiny and has been placed In 110 on Judges or the event were An Evans MFR 13min Mayor Lu Cooke and Sgt Reg Nulhway Banla my Polic Department PUC Purchases Transformer TINS BARRIE 00 00 00

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