Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1963, p. 4

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In aimost any group of people one can find sharply dlvergent opinions as to the role of daily newspapers hincSkimming chief inspector of Ottawas public school is one with deiinite ideas He has called for more straight news and less opinion in pa ers He believes people need more ac on which to base their own thinking Mr MaeSkimmtng is right when he speaks about the importance ot unbiased information in newspapers But he is ainting an erroneous picture when he mplles that newspapers are becoming more opinionated than factual Actually in broad sense the reverse is true of news apers in Canada The average daily des itself on the publi cation oi straightforward objective news on which the public can base its own opinions The bulk of the news space in most papers is devoted to the commun ity the nation and the worlds Fifty or 100 years ago the news was slanted This was particularly true of the sheets which owed some form of allegiance to political parties Today the average Canadian news apcr publishes news in straightforward oshion it does reserve the right how Newspapers Give The Facts And Express Opinions Too 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Irro um nor July 1033 Capt Elmore Phllpou MC one of leaders of now CCF urly spoke at local rnlly lrom hundnlnn ln Queenn lnrk nml denlcd strongly rug osllon ol nlllnnco wllh Ub eralp whlch ml heen made by lremler George llenr of Ontario llov Ernest Long lntucled mlnlsler Colller Sl Unlled Church Slgnnller John Balloy 24 of Klngslon lnlnlly lnjurcd In car ncchlonl nl nmp Borden In upecllon mode showed llnrrlua nrloslnn well wnler absolutely urc Con lrocln uwnrdul or pnv nu lllghwnyr 20 and 27 Value and aoundness llla Insurance In Cnnndn pointed out lo lur rlo Klwnnlnns ln luncheon nddreu by Edgar anl at Toronto dlslrlcl nuper vlror or London We and non of llcv Ind Mrn Wnll ol Allnndnlo Slmcoo Foruslm Com any onler lnlned compoallo plnloon MN pl bond of Toronto Scolllsh nl llarrle rmour or weekend Mayor fral oxlem ed clvlc welcome Mrl ll Klng MIth netM rin mall lml mnu mpnlmm 0m m1 pun nl rul In Dill Innay Irnl Illutm Holm IKNNSIII WALIJ Mm IAN ILAInm HID MIAMIl lflllny tllAIlll WAMII Ilwlllm MI IAIII WIMUI HillI In 3mm DmmILLV lllllullol Minn Inhnllpflon nlu dill II inlln III IO Huh 7r DruHo uou mum ml mm OutM mule lull mmuann 5M HIE mum ini Am Inn mum pmmuam nu and Im II uloo 0mm Unlmm Au cm an nqu mm Vumunm 11mm of Ir mm Imm Almllliau dun hu fur Awl lumu ul mu man nu mum run nunle mum Micu III um khn In rm nua anls Publisher The Barrie Examiner The mam Examinér gboa 099 AND HOW ARE THINGS WITH YOU Published by Canadian Newspapers Limitgd 16 Bayfield Streét Barrie oapmo DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian 511th Genml Minuet munnn mu no 196 Mum ever to ex res It own opinions through the editor 31 page columns And more and more pa ers have columnists who write under elr own names These special writers as rule do not break fresh news They gjva the back round new Ind otter their own cpl ons Thu reader is aware of the fact that the opinion so voiced are those of of the writers and not necessarily those of the newsgapgr whlgh they wglte The publication lines then are sharp ly drawn 0n the onehand are the new stories 0n the other are the editorials and the piece written by thvcuiumnisla In affect these three facets of paper help the render to make up his own mind lie may or may not agree with the columnists in may support or violently op on the stand taken by the editorial tern This means that he has his own 6plnlon based binhlrs bvifl hdnvlcufis find on the distillation of news and comment he gags In hf newgpapeg With such policy of slralght news and comment the newspaper believes It is Ymvlding ubllc service Its own Lcl ers to he ltor columns are also avallnblofi 16 Wlhose 3th do Wndf infiree with It or wlsh to occupy their own par flcular soapbox lioliy elected resident South Simeoo Womens lnsltutes at convention in Cookstown Led by Gregg Coulsons our goals Ailnndnlo junior lacrosse team deiented Aurorn ltnn era 53 at Shear Parkt Dorothy ltlc night won diving competition Elion lnrker ltinur ice Park and Margaret Gribble won swim ming events at Oriillna Dominion Dn regatta Pitcher Ken Guilio in lowed only three hits as ltiinndnlo mm in whitewashed Leiro llv0 in county noitimii Central nited won the church league midget Incrosso title bontin lrlnily 42 in final nl Queens Park en llouflhton and Glen McDon nld scored iwo oaln ench inr winncrl ltrt Smiih scum both or lrlnil who not grentflooltenillnu by Larry Vyhithy Earl llnddocln llnrrlu nrnxo owner badly burned ln cnr llrc In en lo honpll nl nov lml Burner lnduclul nalor nl Dnlnlon Edgar Ind Crown lllll nllml Church chlrlo llollrlny molor tralllc hcnvlcal ln yam through Barrio lnllco Jhlol Alex Sluwm roporlcd llnln mlvcd lull ln llmo lo mo crops lol lnwlnu long droughl ln Southern Onl urln llrrlo bmhall club ballcrl helplcsl bulorn pllchlng ol Crccmoma llurlml llol Do lcnnlmn ln nlmclor Stan Mal In alarm lllllllll Kl wnnh playamund ind lemlni Elnxsén AN IASY WAY OUT Calgary Alberlnn The dc nflment Mllnnnl menu report In one mu me five taxpay uored 0qu on on lncyne Inx mm Pill sprlnl Al mun the deper mm hlvlng In to lo lot or lroublo Ind expenuo to do thy urlng All over mln Wouldnt It be Imp at In or mm mm mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS with lumhlny Fun by Flem Inl 91 ha book 6ch stales this is Indeed apny buck or everybody Mr Huly relates how he Italted Hm undo It the Acudcmy lo becomu re finad Imlll boy looklnl morev 11k Ildyuka ulrl clanmuu HII mother armed hlm In whlll Ilnun null lock and ex funk and mu IllEWhBl with nlvy bluo Itrenmerl For may he wu oscorled hy bl yd mm to mhoal dawn back anus Thu title 01 the hook taken 1mm xwo llnu sans lung each momlnl conlalnlnz the menu Wer all In our place wllh aunshlny label nm liner hrnse although often no llemlly trua picture In In up dclcripuon or In authors mumorle primary Ichonl Thm ms Ml lencnar Slam Felldln lmpmm and menu In her limp blqckiunhll Even thc sight Ham Bernard phyltu chulna mull boy emerllnl from mnlunnl nnldwr mun into mom courtyard could not disturb her plncldlty men there wes lllrl Lilly the recrenllanll director dressed in the mo style oi lull bloomers cotton Itockiny and lint shoes ali black to mad with whit middy and urther tapped like chocolate sauce on vunills sundne with brown hair In come halmelroncol her main functions seemed in be an abil ity to mid lndisn clubs sent flying by unnoonilnsted Hur old fingers The nuihor oes Into hilarious detnll about in theatre debut as one in black velvet hues pants and yellow rlhhons He also describe his world awny mm the Acsdemy Miss Allcs Dlenst maiden lldy who pslnied xnudy roses on ugly chine leelln she had contri buied to me ans livlnl wicked Mr Mainwsflnz who thrived on his xsy ii Miss Maybelle Pileller the rich hired girl who had ihe crys frequently and Imtuuched upllll in the bank And course Mr lllulroaney Ind hiisl VDVueubrock who Ie ATVTHE unam My Helped perwlrfilb Vth on and helwcen th Dulch ml the Irish Belly as refined small hon mm Ilmple rule that lands minding chlldrenn Irtlel Brinu present mu sure you go your maneyl worth In ediblu Mullc lesions than now could be ainful The nun Lrlcd to help par cnl cm IIbemI allllude for exlmPle He Is an mm child wlih could nall Mm lo hl chalr and He seems to hm ood ear or music mm ave lamelhlnz ht sldca clean lcclhl Although entr children Alher em hen dry or win radln lhal mun than crystal ul null nhlldhnod chnflclwu and 111lech rcmnln much nme parllculnrly cluhl lhll one Join ml to In but as evident one ll not buln kept on With Sunshlny Pnccs joyful book of parl Fleming Healyl childhood which also xhaw haw realistic chlldrm Ira In 30 or can perhaps uur chlldren wlll nve plan unl memorial Glory And The Drum by Thll hblnrlcll novel by an IuLhor well known In hls Hold 11 Ill Iddllion lo llsl of New ullnu Inmmer rcndknl my nary Sarah And John Churchill who bcumu lho Hm Duke and Duchcu Mnrlbor ouzh and lhnlr ulory and dream lo Influch William and Mary at Enllnnd hen Qucm Anne m5 llnlllyfiwm llnl henyan don not nuume lhnl the Radar know muth hhlary ol lhc Jacobean wlod He clcnr Iy ml oul any hlllorlrnl bnck round nccmnry in he Hnl aw chlplurl Ila thXl oul lhn filmmu lulll ol Mn chnrncltrl land and diplomatic Julm Churchill Imoolhly nlnlnn Ill rmnnl tar clumnlnn 3m loynlly mm Jnmrl lo Wllllam nun In lhll mm In nllny In In lclmu lhll mid and calculnl nx 1mm Thm lwu bolh clever men nnd cellrnl mldltrl Iln nul rum urh nllm bul rcnllw rm In worlhy npnomnl In murl Ind willmfl haulqu Sarah Churchill who dwply Innd hrr MnhnmL ml com plcmcnlnl Mm wnh wll nml ulmnlnl or on fun wall haughty Ind bnlllnl wumnn Invalid II In anIAII nrnnnlxcmml Mu Fruu man lndylnwulllnmln Illnrcu Alma Iho hm hm mnllflrnm and Allullnn Mu Mnrlly Anm llhm brInI mum dr VIM4 lxy lhr Irinau Mold urmivu lommlflyL Mlcr mum yml Burh III lrplmrll drmun nppmrnlly mm um lml dc mm Ablanjl my 11 Ablull cam Ia he lynuuynnu wlln Ind mnld llu wulllun mm whrh uh me km muun ml ruler nl Wllllum nl 0mm II nl lbufiln my Drawn uni1 min niu flu vlllm wrll oodnm emum lhr slmvl In Happy Memories Oi School RreBecalléd By Author BIBLE THOUGHT cloned and meiilu lnr 1M ilmm Ind kmdwnuu IhI ll luburvlem but hul bnnd Ind 1min dam uny lhlnl In dllplem hlm Mr brlnn In other chmum Inldlen Imumcn Iplu ml lrmu who help Ihnpe thn del gnylol you mh And lalh century Efilihci flnu Glory and lhn Dmm cmlu Ihu radar throuxh lha yearl lmchlnl the ralm of three monlrchl In time whan Pullman IIIIOWIY uklnl lhl 9° WWW ann Mnrlborouzh All In their old an and yam Iplll they are uch luend In lhulr own Ume pm enler Illlllu clnnllnz nmlly nl whlcll Slr Winston Churchill In legend in our own time By JOSEPH MOLNER Ml Den Dn Molner have been told Iha drinking cream oi ur lar with water purines the blood and It the ume lime lhinl it Unis true Durynanknow n1 any food rather than drug which are good for this pur poutJ 01d wives tale Nomensc This phrm purifies tin blood in vnuo ma one nu grandmolhers used Eli our spinach because WI nod or you To lhh lmcmcnl lama youngster one taunted So in good or mehut whall wmnz with me TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH The blood fundamentally purllylnl Item lllo has lame other rurposea lribulu mm on thmuzhoul the body It dellven ml omen to the llssuea heals wounds II th all Medium cm rles away waste matter So when are told that wmelhlng or other purine 1h hlood It pretty much like laying lhl wu ought ldd xomelhlng mp purIIy the map Sea how silly lhu phrm in TM exprullun hlnl ha blood doesnt mun Inylhtnz alum Then an be Inch thing In lhln blood or thick blood well as blood that clot no mndily or doesnt clot rudny enoughhut nll thle an abnormal mnleans Bolero you lhlnk about uan loodx or drum or lnylhlnl also In purlly lhs blood uk yourscll whclhcr your blood hnnurc 10 KM wllh Or be lcr ycl ll you are delermlncd to do mmelhlnz about your blood llnd out whtum nnylhlnz la wron with at nll Mos Ecoplo Iva perleclly good lood Jun mosl have per cclly good Ilvm kncccnps you glands or muxlllary mus 0m of the Iron lulllclel about hcnllh ll lhal hlva lo do wmclhlnz In my henllhy Wu danl In la we are hulmy wn should be content to slay lhnl wny lllcdlclne ll to be used only when Iomulhlnz on man and Mn lo bu chnnncdn ha cxccpllon cw basic health mks which must know very well we Ihould laugh the lid and nollonl um um mph try to lcll us Iboul dlcl or purlIylnT the blood or helplnfl our lvm bawell rye or whllnvor Dear Dr Molner wrnr hwrlnl AM pcnon mnkl SALLYS SALLIES Doctor Discounts Old Wives Tales phnm Ill AI um um CHAIle 0mm mum Anne II ImNAlJI nun PA 66085 ANDERSON Ill CANADIAN FREDA dlreclly Io me undurslnnd but not when severll talk the same mm Cu anythlng be donuTE This ll not unusual Many people with diminished hearing can hear one voice when di rected at them but in room wiih other sounds background music several convernllonl or my sort oi din or caniuslon oi munds lheyAlrre losL hearing aid helps but can do only so much In uuch cam imltalo oi Ier arw suggestions excth to lay that an oioionlsi car up mum may be able to help some II not recommend undying lipreading which will help sooner ihnn you mm or am picking up law words IhaI way will in some oi lhn phrucs you cant quite disllnA finish by hearinl NOTE To MM lvn onen heard the old wlvel ule um 1min chihuahua dog helps bmnchma but hm never round maniac ol evi dcncu ta luhnamlntc lulylw mg bomb tempt on Ado Hlllurl lflq tnlled 13 yam no todayn IMHI In remnlnu lha aer mun oppoaltlow nought to Mom coup dam Thu not um ho had ucaped dellh Wll not known to tho complralurl who About Implementing their pm They wen quickly rounded up not executed Blun wn mahlaned by lho It temp and inatltuled In and moxl mm purge 1n vwhlch 1honundl pennnl were that 1w HMCS Huron am elm deslmycr wn hunched lmClnndhn and Imps uptured Pllermo thl Slclllln clplm Eclipse Sun 133 pm Blrrlo lime Do not look direcny nun Recommend chlldren nnl wnlch In proud rm Seniar sallbnll Truelovu VI Elmula Al film vnlc 045 pm lulermcdinlu Soljbnll Lakqlcvl Dnlry Qua Slnync Donnybrook Fair at orlnl Arena 100 In lnnixm anmhl Clvc Flcld my Ind Inlet munml Brck Thrnvdnn ContesL Innlxfll Pull TM allemmn Ind vmlng Stayner Slnyner Curling Club Comcnnyou are dmco Sinyner Mcmorlnl Ann 900 pm BIrrIellumnln Obtdlrntc Club Malina Show pm Ilunlul Fnrm llwy TI Iaulh ml 00 cloverlcnl Dulclmll South Slmcuo Anna MlSllll nxomlnn 1m rhnmplnnl at llnnle Airl cullurnl lmk 100 pm Annunl lulurtd llyrrl lund name Exh blllou Salllmll llnrrlu llnu VI Mnlmd Mlnkln ll anl Park 230 pm lnlmmrdlu Sonbnll Clnlunn Hqu VI Smllhl Dnlry ll Gumnd lnk I150 um MONDAY July Ill Swlmmlnl clnutl or numm mm In 1100 am Dally Mnmlny lhmuzh Frldly llcd nm lmlmclou are In chum Aho mmn lnr lllldren Icrumplnylnl mollnrl he pool Cmmnro 5pm cmmtll mcellng lo dlu run wller mu ll Munlclpll Ollm mo Dlynml 5m lnvllntlon ImAm Goll Tuurn mmnl loll llnvtn Cuunuy Club In llllonl 00 will lly Councll lmtllfll llmla filly llIlL pm Bcnlnr Sulllmll Truelnvrl vn SlawIll Qumll lnk ll pm TUHMMV July Mnlnr Softball Elmvnle llmll llm ll Mlnuluu Ma lll lnlrllfltdlllul Sallyll lllmfoe Lulu TODAY IN HISTORY TODAY mumy July III SUNDAY July Ill P2 and dlmta Bumy July to In sum July THE REAPPEARANCE thin column mny rlu than Inh acrlhm who no as Ind rm Then won two mum or Iulpemlon le monthl II wan been the wt er deeply anolvod in re mmihlllml with Klwnnll Inter nnuonll nm wn llml con Iumlnl but In from nonJlnundnl fivlnl onIyur mum duly Ilmofl complet ed llmn hu lulu hmml mllbln Secondly mm vm the laden Ilocllnn THIS SPACE wu lurid by Richmond Steald Ailuy when ha wn new edllor Inml so yum no ll wu conunuod in liter yam by Home Mom And Char sonny Taylor Dick continues as edlior publisher oi the weekly Arnprior Chron icle and George ln lame pos lllon for Oranxevllle Banner Have last track oi Emily and Inmlly al lhe momnnl Maybe All linrrl and Diane could en lighten Com ihlnk oi il have almonl laxitrac ni lhtm The llia lnaunm whine um do get around THEPIBST COLUMN BE THE ELECTION The col umn was aimed and continued by the Above ioumnllsu in liuhl siyle Them was supposad to be nothlnl ponderou or ponuiicll or ianzmed mm ll The pre sent writer conlinued gin lo ioliaw the name veln ui oc casionaiiy go knuckle ringed This was always when same In wn wrmen which wn taken real serious by someone he the alderman who wanted In place lax on curling lam lax on curling IT WAS ponlcullrly blller lecllon on lhu nallonal scene allhuulh not locally 0n lhlnz have lound oul lo the almost complete lock same 01 humor surrounding pollllcnl campaznlr This In no newsrig the can among the pollllcllm emsolvcs the candldales but ll II olmos cerlolnly evident among and Inlhrwool pmy hlck type The nme peoplo who no pm on Joke or ribblnl 1n normrl limes unl underHand what II uld or written dnrlnl am only Inylhloabul low BARRIE fStay Man Goad Words For All By Kim WALL Bridlord nzd Cross Lloaalldsgar tlinlc Communlly Centre 500 330 pm senior Sollhnll Edznr VI Truclnve at Qurcn Park 100 pm lnurmedule Softball Comumm in VI Smluu Dairy ll Quecnl Park mo pm lelu Sonhnll Orlllln VI Monarchl Dutch Park pm Juvcnllu VI Newmlrktl Il Ncummkcl 545 pm Seniar Sollbnll Slawnrll v1 Edur ll Edm 45 pm Intermcdlllu Softball Slmroe Cnnp flur rle hymn ll Qutcnl Punk pm Emllhl Dnlry VI Cllrluon Hotel ul Quccnl llrl 530 pm lelu Sollhlll Vuch v1 Orlllln nl Orllllh nun ll Thornlnn 6le Dlrrle Arena no MIL MTUMMV Jul AMI Canndlnn Conn Ilnund Anorlnllnn an nuu Henry Calul pond my on 100 pm Anni Cnnndlnn Coon mum Aundnllni Bench Show An ommunlly Park 100 pm Hot in Ind amend won hound senior 5am II Engr Elmulu ll Elm pm Bu Truelm Il Qurenl lnrk 700 Mn mnysmxumm THURSDAY July blow Ilmed wllh mnllcloul h1 lenl And lo It in bellcr to or Infmlnu lllhl umll lho non Ienu ovur hoeuse lemma II III In pickmp the wrong munlnu FRANKLY regard any med Uan thin column as bulnl corny nomelhlnl cum pliment But It It brlnls bit al mile or fond remembrangn to even law readen then worth ha ellorl FRIDAY July THE WRITER or our SDovn Memory Luna hn recclvcd ml Inonymou 1mm Whlla oxuerne cm llkm not tred on Inyonnn Incl 1t mm mm hm been pinched Only to Ion we lluure In um nnm monlloned Iometlmca whlch dllu them Funny how some maple hate lo admit the past Venn AS ONE COLUMNIST Iald no other day the main Hung wrofi wllh the younger gcncrnum um lot 01 us dont belong go ll nnymorc HAVE YOU NOTICED the urea eflnrls belng made by so many people In gelling nwoy Horn ll Ill Some Ir lb Int whzrenaw my In hard to not why mm neu Inx away mm II CITIES THAT LIVE In glass hnususl Toronlo anlu Lcnls the huehlll club hnve In new ouklleldcr ohlnlncd 1mm Dc Iroll Ha has In Incl been wllh the team morn lhnn mnnlh but still hunl found plncg or hll family lo live The plny er in Negro THEY CLAIM lhls story truel Whnn the Human Celtics basketball team warn lnvllcd lo the Whit House couplu mnnlhs no the layers lined up shake hen and any hello to the Pmldenll hey paascd ucll uld somnlhlnl llkc Good Illcmoon Mr Pmldcnl or ll nlca lo meet you But mu was overcame wllh the gnormlly the alluallon Slat guard Tom Sander stuck out hls hand and lured Innzucllcd at Mr Ken nedy lhlll llnally spullmd out the llrxl words lhal umu lo mlnd Stay cool man

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