He sald Ihc Kennedy proposal was an underslnndnhlc wnw quencc or he Canadian ï¬budscl IN UNIV OF ADM MIXIIMIIIK In Mum le Im mun Klumhlhev wk III plo wmnlu In mman upmh In lhr Klrmllnl mmu All mrvllnz in 1mm nl Inm myn mm urmltr um mmumixl umy Irmler Junm 11 mm mum 51m N1 rrwulmlly Inlomlplul wllh up umlldlron Chinese Reds Accuse Of Nuclear Scare By ALAN DDNNELLY OTTAWA CWFinance Mln lstcr Gordon has volccd some opllmlsuc hopes that Canada may not he hlt so hard after all by Prcsldcnl Kennedys pro mst new lax on American purchases of securities cam ada and nlhcr caunlrles ln wow geluuloill all rlght he told the Commons Frlday he disclosed plan to discuSs Canadas serlous wor rles about me propnsod Inx with lhe US admlglstmllnn puhllshcd suggcsuons pos slble modiï¬cations the Ken nedy proposal and In Wash lnglan report that the proposed lax would 1ch cilcct Aux 17 Instead once on purchases of Iorcign securiues traded an lock exnhanges The guvnrnmcm is in an 01b mllcnt position lo negotiale with he United Slums said Mr Gnrdnn 99m Ioar No 169 Earlier he said President Kcnnndy may have to change cvcn mlhdraw his draslic plan put before Congress on Thursday Opposilinn Lender chlcnba kcr arguing thnl the hudcel was anliAmcricnn suggested It may have opened lhc door at Presidcnl ys drnstlc measure against American In vcslmcnl Canada and II other countries gave lhn Unlled Slulu an obkcl lesson as In whnl could be dune hclwccn friendly nu lions Cl lmm AlIllultn MOSCOWCommunhl Chlun lodny mused Sovlcl Pmmler Khrushchev nl cnpllulnllng lo he W051 and puisonlnz pco plcs minds with his lnlk nbnul the nuclcar Peking nlsn look up Khrush chevs challenge lake he ChlncsmSovicl dispute bcfnra lhe poopln by announclng It In ch lhc world bolh side lhc Cqmmunisl argqmcnlt kllrushchcv rcusscrllng clnlm lo leudcrshlp ul lhe Com munlsl warld dnrcd he Chl nuo Friday In no In any plan or collccllvc nrm nnd submll lhclr prnxmm Ilongslde nl hls Spullcrlnn mud Khrushchev rmliclcd lhnl lhe people would Islcn palllrly llum lcll he Chl nnu In Rel out MOSCOW MP anlrr Khrmhdmvl anr to me told wnr lrmum wlth swam of murprrrrnlnn Impnsnll luu rnlml 1mm of 1m curly Elm lul aummll mumcnrc Sump diplnmnllc qurcu hp nunr4 lmlny um um pmpmnl Imuhul mud llml Ml one hul min nl nummll unlu turn my be nccmnry In truth nurcrmcnu The Savirl vvcmlcr ullrred Friday In Inuk up nuclenr ham nuxrrmml with nun nuninn Ind nml unlrm mmth nml vullnwl Impw llunl lu pltnul wume nl lurk Hr Jllau umr Ihr lml lrlllrlnl ImlhnHtm ml HthhUS vlrl nrznllnlimn her am all Ippmmhlfll lurmul nutcr nlrn Ivan nll lull mu ml nurlrnr urishchcv mulusl Hm Chlmsc in an ex lcxnpnrnnuuus oulbursx al Klnlnlulm mill lu WJHIII Ilhr lu urn lhn ullmntnl hu llmlo him an umlnuwuml Nudmu hu Ilupllml will pml may nnl he lmlnnlmrly ynulhlf line In the Immune unnr mum lluprcllmu Kmmluhnvl wku may Iw rlnlmmlul In lmlny nlvm HR NM llwlrurnrlnu Auull llnnlnwn nml Ilrllnln ulrnro mlnhlrr leul Ilnllv hum merl wlih fwvm Fmrlfln Mlnldtr Andnl lhmnnn In puxm mm It ban nuulll Gilt Not Worried Over Tax Levy Says Gordon Red Offer Raises Hopes For Summit Hc said anlipulhy lo For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 314 The leluuhuue number In all for he Business or Editorial Dept PA 86531 Our Telephones Kmmllu rally Savlcl and Ch nesc dclczmcs rcmalned at odds In mother scsslon or lhclr Ideological Inlk ln lhc Lenin mus They weru rammed lry inx lu drafl communique lo and he an Um NE with wards Canada had been In creased by the Canadlan bud ats Maureen lakaer In slnca withdralemed halting Icrclxn lakwvcrs of rd would In tho height of naivele to sug gest iha US was retaliating against the Canadian hudch by the Kennedy proposal lla read in the Commons statement by the us slate deparimcnt deny ing that the proposal was de sizncd as retaliation Mr Gordon also gave the Commons some aruumnnls why the us should lessen llu lm pact on Canada al ll pmposcd lax measure whlch would nlh crwis reduce UAS capllal In low on vhlch the Canadan economy rellcs henvlly Inlnrm ants suggested that lhcsn argu menls may also be put to Waslr lnzlon He lefcrred lo Iasl years shnrp drop In Inflows of Amer lcan capital which helped touch on Canadas lanlgn exchanxu crlsls than and bmuaht on tho Import surchargts which he said had been even more unA popular In the us than 1n Can ada It ls not credible Ihal he Lnimd Slulcs udmlnislrallnn would be Irylng lo Incur up clllgun at this siluaflon he 58 Mr Gordon nsa Imqu Ihal lhc US manure la satexuard ll exchnnze reserves should be dlrcclcd alalnsl Western Eu ropenot againsl Canada where lhe US enjaycd large sur plus an lradc and other current lransndlons MNT0NS snows wonF nEiLzér rAiLunr Khrushchcvs challenge and Pckinga reply reflected the up mull cunlusc and polsom pcgplasA The nmcm Pcklng lcuplcl Dally drew nllcnllun lo Mno Twlmz slnlcmcnt that mankind le donnllcly not hu destroyed even II In ImperlnL lsls luslsl on nuclear war wllh ponlble wcrlflcu hugdrcds mllllun nlpcop The newspaper and hat should lhc Wcsl launch uu clear nllnck here an two allcrnuuvca cllher lo reslsl lmA mrlllhm llrmly and hury ll Wllh he lesl hnn Khrunhchnv III Ilno wnnlal am nurtulnn anmmcm wllh In North Allnnllc Tnnly 0mm Imlian and in Communlsl coun lcrpurl lhc Wmnw vucl llu flnl llcd lho lwn lourlhcr In In July npmh ln Hnsl uenm munr mnlhlnu pntknxo dad would cncounltr muah Ikddlng he opened new way In nruollnllom hy Anylnl We lhlnk um he qumllun Hm arm ha nonnun Illln Hill um mlvrd wllhvul nny urrnl dllllrulllrl lo lhu mu lunl Anllnlucluu ol Imlh IhXL MARION All MUmm lmwrulnr Jullnll Fnukmnn INN FIN1 mm Invrlllnllnn ul Hm Mn lhlmllnfl Nuun yuulh whnm hull woman In lvlrvl l0 um hrr Ilnuxhlrr In rlowL You 15ml llvnt mm at lhclr mumm MI lamp llln nlaltmrnl lnllouul pm lul made by HI 1le Milan um Dillrltl Rundny School and wild Trululn Unhm on mu In ulnlrmwl puhHhrd In the Wrxl Mrmphh Tlmfl Fryiny Jllvu Iu mm ml 1hp nlldrmtnl MI linan ullh hlgh murml mln whrn nu mule ml IL mm nm hum mum Gmn hllh Mlllm drnulln M4IIlmr awn pg Tramp In my Win land lhry In nnl llml whip Ihfy lnkln um olhgr Rape Case Closed Says Deputy Despite Protest 0n Shooting HERES ONE my arm Examimr Bul he newspaper nddcd tomu people bellow hut ll nu clear wnr breaks oul all mnn or klnd wlll perish suth 1qu Wm amount ayln that lhnrn In in no allurnnllve lo cnpllu mmd lallun The Chinese Commufllsl puny mnlrnl Nmmlllce nnuuunclnz dam nn cpochmuking plnn lo hm push lls sldc ol the quarrel Kr sald would pubum nnd brund mg ml In many lungungns ll Hm June 14 slnlcmcnl nunlllnx and Khrushchev pollcy pcncclul gnu mexlsluncc us well as tho died Kremllna rcbuunl Mm hhmshr cv nllondud lhu opening hum today nu llnnnl txhlhiflan nponswcd hy IndInChlnnl nmoncnl ln lhu Lorne Al mended and Countyjnll TOROMO CP An yumld Toronln youlh was charged Friday wlth hell nl the car belonglng In mu found battered to death In hls base ment apartment Thursday night liycnwld boy nlsa plcked up in connection wilh um death was sent to Ihe Juvenile wnrd alGuelplx Reformglnfy The battered naked hody nt Ronald Jr Grlxor an usslst ant bank manager was dlscov cred when pollm had hissu tmhan North York apartment opened alter twn ynuths tlcd Irnm hls car and eluded llcs at radar trap Wedncs uy An autopsy lndlcntcd thn banker on vacatlon and with fllght hooked to New York had been dead 20 la hours from skull fracture and hrnln dam age He had been beaten with heavy instrument Pullnc opened lhe apaxlmonl when they railedu gel rcplles lg lclcphnne calls allcr sclzlnx Grim car or to be alrald ut sacrlllc nnd upyul Good Boys Get Cookies Cake Hailed By Pearson Bad Boys Get It On The Head Dy alran all side III ar lumcnl lhu Chlncsc suld It would Mmmn clear who Wu lcllinn lho ulh Th Chlnusu nld lhcy nlao wnuld dlmxulnnlo slnicmcnls hey snld Yuunslnvln the United Slnlu and India Issued III support the Soviet poal lun In mhcr dcvclupmcnl nllccb ingnlhoï¬gvlcbthycsu Scare Reicédfuif6fi OTTAWA CII Pmldrnl Jullm Nytrcm Tnnuunyikn whilcd ounwu lrlxlny or Kaila wilh Canadian lwdm um um Imlltd lwy lnngo Mlnmnr Penn Youth Charged In Auto Theft Of Dead Man Ian nm at In nulkinhdlhi louder llm new Mrlm Mr Nyrrnm nnd he Cnnn dlnn prime mlnlflrr lmd nn hounlnnu xllmlulm Ilesrrllmd hy Mr lrmnn In In lnrmnl lull whimnnulnn MIL lhnlr xnup rrpmrnlnl Am chunllu mm Uml mp vrqmlmlrle mm Im Axlpvrhrmltd nml Iluulhl In mllu mmnrru jury ruled 1th day lhnl llle lulnl 19mm nl Andle In Alldflwlh 17 II urulnlwlo ml IIle nlmlnnl Ir Juryu no pun1mle pun uhl rwl nnnu Ihr mum uho Ihnl Amlrrmn Mm my hlml knuw nnruf mu mind hm uuxhl Mr wllhwl Ihwl Int llnlllr Inld Flhlny 11w Inn mm MIL wnnl lu hum yhoaml lh Iquy am up may Anllrnnu wnu flint In lhr Irl ORE CARRIER SINKS 15 DIE NEAR QUEBEC who um lrylmz to dim 1m mum Inner an ar nnxl he Ilul nun lay Albert Snldcr was re week on the charge Pclnz held in Peel LONDON OnL CIY young mun who nllLmplcd In Main lu hiln his Xumm git friend in mmnnuc rccaucll lnllan ircd lhrca Inml shols nl her and men shot hlmsclf In dcnlh Friday IIIRM mlurc two horriï¬ed wllncsscs pnncl discu un Hunt steady dallnx is waste Elm died In hospital nlxnll an hour nllcr the shnollng Jnsep ann nboul ol Londun klllcd hlmwll she slnucrcd ucruss mm by urnln rullhru uulomnuc plslal he had purchnsud nnd truislcmd anly any bdum lo wnrd hls hour nnd lirlnz ll Dclccllvu Kunmlll singleton mld lhcru was no doubt he douhle nhmflng was It murder suicldv Krystyme rnlnl many l7ywrold London hlondc who curllgr his ycnr sqlldfluring lollw luuml note on NI nuo body WrMun In llullnxl lrnnslnllun wns nnl Immcdlnl erul anrmumnl wn Mcusrd Finlay In um Lummnln pm nl l1 nu null xlhrrlmlnnllnu nunlml Lmmdlnu curpurnllmu 1M MN lumly Amulum bwnml through III lunnuu Joseph Walker space lest pilot prepared lo Inks nl ycslminy on mm In lhe X15 Suck plnnc which uncxpcuc ly carried him to lmatcly 350000 Keel bent Cunscmuï¬ and New ncim mllc Inry umuosllltm MII mmhlmIl In nllnck hr wiIhA Imldlnz lax Chung nnnmlntrd Kills Girl Self Barrlu Onmla Cunada Snurï¬ny July 20 I963 Yum lhurllo mumr Chum ulnn Hgmvlwnvywel bum chnmylm ml mp cuulun uhm 1w um noun hum lha rlnl durlnu mm In mulch nl Ilmkvlllr ML 1an nlum DunIla vm taken In hmuilu unwnulmu IN MI hud mm Ihe um um mm HMO OTTAWA GP The Uh SETS NEW ALTITUDE RECORD INJURED Selentlsts Chase ll SANTA MHNNA AIIL MP Ilnnm hnm lhe IMllpphwl hu um mmnlly null alum mar Mnxluu manna mm lulhmd her mu munlh old dnnlhlcr Mule Cu ukl In Ihq rom IIIM Ill Ihe Mld MAyI ulelln Cul Human born reh In Mnnlln lImmlo In hmmm yllh cw Illilude record or approx he old mnrk 314750 eel just year ago by Mr Farce Ma Joseph MWhllc Wnlk crs flight began and endud at Edwards Air Force Base Callf AP Wircnhaln cly nblnlnable bnl one vmrd mgml p0lllcc lhnn lhrcc doxcn iiclcnllsl chase the moons ahmlaw ludny In llle hunt or lhumldnlkhl sup mm wlll mudu nbaanl snccinlly cqulnwl annes durln lhe Eclipse nl lhu Hm um um mm in me home or Charm and Samuel Arunclo when the 1er daugh lcr Mr nnd Mrs Stanley mecl ul London hnd lnkm mom suvnrnl weeks am The nnrlhlnnd purllculnrly lhe Grcul SIMc Luke Illslncl 600 mllm northwest ul Edmnn lon llxe ucnu lhe urllon bccnnso then lllo lolnl ccllnso ho um wlll Insl lungcr than anywhere else In lhc wnrld In lhe June hudan Dtlnllcd mulullum IncuernllnI rhnmx wrru clnru he llnxn mum lnr innnnl nlmncllvt uppmvnl imrflq Nowlun lurnwr Cun urvallvo linnnre mlnlIlrr uh 0w prunmnl Is virlmulmkr Inu mu mnku nn luminary llullnrllnn lwlwren lhn good My null Mull Shadow Moon Thu chmum nflcrl flu lnx nu hvldoml mymenln In lnrdxn lmrslnrl In order In tncmxrnuu lnlnlmum 13pcr4rnl Crum dlnn Inrnllnrul In lorclxn ml lmllnl HIMIMIUHI mm buy wnlm wok In mul rnke Thu hml leyl will qq Ml hr llo unlvl llml Ill lhr dcllul mum Hm Icnlulnllun Hmrml Molan Hnnnllnl lellnl II Inml lmy hNnIIIl wlmlly mm wlmllllury nl lhl Amen Icnn Mrrnl llun my allmenl uu ml IVIIIIM thlmc MrXann Mm lur comment Wm Cw hmm Inland In he MlIrUnlvom mm mm or km may 94 gm Charges Brando Father Child EDMONTON cm Mm lhe llrs time the United Slates Is the 41an the alumni Ilonnl Monetary Fund as bar IMVEX Few people would have pro phesled this when the lund was rounded In United Nations tonlercnu in 1944 That Is why President Ken nody lold Cunmnss Thursday the United Stale has been aulhorlzed to draw up to 3500 000000 worth ul currencies mm he lund Ms year But the United States which had huge suppilcs oi gold in be early postwar period has Ingrid it supplies dwindling This lrnnsncllun clusslc example or how country use the fund when it has bnlnnce payment problem Thats whul the turn tor and other munlrlc have bun using it or yum But though classic lhe lrnnsncllon is Huh dim cull to understand The United States hnx bal ance paymcnls problem bc cause It send more dollars nvcrscul than it lakes In The total at foreign mporls mill Inry spendan nbrnnd Amnricnn Iourisl spending nnd US lar niun aid greater than he lglglL U5 cxparls orcign tourist spending In America U15 HasI To Take Loan ECLIPSE TODAY WHERES SUN uy STANLEY MEISLER WASHINGTON AP For flym ma CANADIAN mass Weathermen mmu generally ch unpromhlng prcdicllnns viewing condi Hulls expected during todays Eclipse 57 the syn Onlnria was he anly prov lncc lo turn In nu nxlllmisllc report In In nurlhcm mu whom he an eclipse ln occur purlly cloudy weather was expcclcd ullowlnl Fri days lhundcrshowcra How ever mninly sunny skin were Inrccnsl hr the ml at Um pmvlqcc Residents flu Mnrillmca cnn cxrmcl clnud Grand More Qua mum ol Tron Ilivlcrcs whom hun dred Iclvnllsls hnvu lalh cred lo watch the lulhl eclipse mainly cloudy wcmhcr ex PM Simllnr cmullllun Wm Ire dlcmi or norlhcm Mxmflulm nml nurlhcrn Alhcrln when the fatal eclipse wlll Inst Inn rr lhnn anywhere else In the world MISS IRELAND REPAIRS MHKLW Dunns mum QUEBEC CWAn are cur rlcr rcglsicred in Bermuda sunk in me 5L Lawrence River Md Briiish freighter was heaviiy dnmngod in cniilsion in thick iog curly teddy flhe deaih oil may be as high as l5 Confusion oi he coiilsinn scene 55 miles downslrcom from Qucbcc caused unm iainiy aboni ihe knawn dead and the number oi survivors Rcv iiiauricc iiinihicu par lsh priest ai Pcliie Rivicrc St Francois said ninebodios had been mcovcred und elgiusurvl vors plckcd up six oi lhcm in iurcd Because oi conflicting reports it could no he nscnrlalned yzhclher there might be dupiica lion in tho iigurcs reported by Cami Bnuchotd Eniherhiaih and lhc captain oi the irish The 13000 an Tnmnicn owncd by Snowherry Shlpplng of Barmuda sank quickly alter the wllisinn al ubqu am apparenlly dld not have time In send dlslress signal scene of collision 1131M the bodies if seamen and seven injurcd men were placed aboard the ireighicr Hoiiax cn mm to Onehec Ciiy big hole was punchrd in the how lhe600Han British Irclghltr floonngh Head It rode at anchor after the collision Capt Euclide Buuchnrd of Fe liln Riviera SL Frunculs Lawrence north shore At Quebec me freighlcr Irish Willow reported it had We bodies and lo survl vorssnvon from he Rnonagh Hand and lhrec mm the Tri tonlca Negroes plan to demonstrate hm tnntgtlt unless committee at lawyers nrrhns bctore pm to begin motttntiun talks In this ruclully tense cummunlly on Murytnmlx enter shew The Natiunal Guard has han ncd such protcsts under modi ti Vnn mm march hr gunner and mrd be well go to Jail lnxrlhnr st Slnnlcy llmnchu Hold altnlury 01 he Jnnal Associatinn nr 1h Advuccmcnl at Culorcd Ftp plc Were mu nlrnld hm re mnnbnr this march In going In he nunviolent crowd nbnul 100 cheered llm dcciaiun Friday niuhl ll Mu made 30 mlnulu nflvr Guwnmr Mlllurd Tuwn al Murylnnd mud prnrclul scl llcmml nI lhc rnclul Frublnn during stulcwido lrvvlslun Indin mldrcsl Illlvkmllnn chulcn talkd nu drmumunliunl to my Killer olnle official said ruclnl rulnllons cmnmlllcc ha Maryland Dar Mmdnllon uuuld In askcd ln mediate lhe di omcm of Gwynn Oak Amuumcnl Park near llnlll Negroes To March Even If Jailed Eula Mlu my MD IM In 1qu mlrm Ihlle mum pmi IM CAAlBRlpGIIHMD AP Ships Collide In Fog Eight Men Are Rescued NM Mora Than Par Copyl2 Page Sunny and warmer his alter noon Sunny an Sunday Low tonight 60 ngh tomorrow 79 Full summary on page we Local Weather Because of mulllcling reporlsr it could no he nscnrlalnedl yzhelher there might be duplicaz lion In the ï¬gures reported by CapL Bnuchatd EnlherMalh Ian and lhc captain of the Irish Willnw In Mnnlrcal he agents to the Tritonlcz Sulclille Shlpping Company Limited said the ore cnrrler was upbound at the lime ol the collision It was carrying Iilanium are ram Havrn 51 Plano an the St Lawrence norm shore to Sarel ng The St Lawrence is about 16 miles wlde at he puinl the collislon but the shlpping chan nc lies close the north share Thc Roonagh Head was re porlcd headed down toward lhc Allanlic Sulclifla Shlpplng could not my lmmcdlnlcly haw many men were aboard he Trilonica but Cnpl Bouchnrd skipper man mnslnl vessel said may have carried 60 men Eye wilneï¬Ã©s reported lhé slack of lha sunken Trilnnica remainecj above watch more agreed lo cnd stgrcgn llun al the park starllng Aug 21 The Incision was made as civil ring louder propnscd to renew dommslrnliuns About 380 persons lncludlng prcmfncn clergy 3ch ar rcsud during prnlusls at he park July and GHANDMIleh Que CPI Starts lolucnpu puknd hr ward Ihc sky Frldny while hun drcds of scivnlisla cnmplultd prcpumlions lo wnlch the lulu Hype he sun Iudnyl Milli he Elrstnpm were Hu scicnllsls pmym that lhuwcmllcr ammun Slx lcnmn sclcnlms our rum uvmuns lmvc sul up acrvallnn Hallo nmr um cummunily I10 miluu nurlhcnal Munlrrul Tho mm at he um eclipse mustd hy llm xhndnw Al he mun n3 ll swlngx bclmm the earth and he nun LI man over mum Hm ul nlwul 539 pm EDT Telescopes Poke Into Sky Mum In my luv IN win In me In Miss Uu 91me ml um viiikiwi 33