Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1963, p. 15

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0N YUKON AIRCRAFT lullmin uhunnl mu hr funndlnn nllcmpl lo Iludy finlurdnyn Inn 11an lhl nun mm an nlrhnmr lnlmrm lnry cnmu nll Thursday wlllmul any mlnnn Mk lIxrr Mr cw mlnnr mul lunc Innl the mmpllcnlnl equlpmml nlmnnl lhe Yukon worked Immlhly 1Ilnl be much limo nhmuliom lid rnIllu nlrcufl ulpmrnl Itljullmrnln will In Uuu lrclmlcul dlfllcu Um In mu maria ll 301100 lul am he anlhwnl Tml mm Al pain Jul all Fun llnvldmre nhoul mllr mu Htlnwmn well It will ha very inter esting display um our play er meet lanlghk at 130 pm Ind battle it out wuh regula Iion brick and an olficlal meas lVlCr LEAD PARADE Hum on plum 1hr toomll an hmlr nlmnfl lunllml nl mm mllu Ivllnnln ll rhIIM lhn mmml lm Ihnlluw mvllul man lhl comlnml nnln mmulr anlmluyl lulnl HUN lb Huh ll dml 1n nmlhuu mm rnnrludu ll mum um mm Allnnllc mm of lulnlly Hw area whrv the xun In rnmplrlrly mmwl luy Ilw moanIA lame to milu In Mll 11m lounnfln nmr Yu IL Ll Jlrl Township Park Looking Its Best Canadian Mock Eclipse Exercise Accomplished Without Hitch 1h Iour 1an ol the coun mc concernedErllaln wlth the Union Jack lha Canndlnn Ensign WMEh ll med omdally over the Housu or Parllamen parn vmn HIE ll contest wlll be held The team conelsls ol elm playeral we 01 whom an spares and lhln wlll allow or any player Whose score has been exceeded by another to drop out ol the lira aix and back to the spare players When It looked as ll we were nol mm to enm clunt throwers lrom the nearby area permission was glven to extend the llmit el our area enywhere wllhln file calmly up to lhlrly mlles An appeal was made to Camp Borden and lhe director nl Army Physlcal Trnlnlnz Centre gel some ol hl men to Alan lhrowin bricks Last week before he ellmine liensl two ol these men Mel low wilh feel inch end hl Mcfleddl wllh 93 feel lfldlfl placed louth and filth In the standing he first eight in the team Since then the local play en have been doing some slren ueua Irnlnlnz and on Thursday It the park ring Jack Hnnlcr came up wllh measured throw 109 Ice and Bruce Plnlmey made led Now there challenge pending belween these last twn throwers lo who wlll be among the llrat Ilr mnlcslante to be mnk In the lnlernnllenal throws ll the enemy boye have been lng Itler anlurd Richard Todd And Frank award In duown hm going uhuu ll bloody Sword Bunch In mm mm Dnrryl it Zun Ckl ulgnntlc modurllon Th Lonmt Day playing MM Wiiil the expectation oi ol the biggest crowds oi local people at Innislil Peril on tho wwmhipa civic holiday Salut dly the park superintendent and his crew have been doing everylhlnl possible to havethu Ilreody beautilul lnlmids pub lic park looking its very best or the ratepayers and their visitors when they arrive The wuthermon seems to think tint my rain cominx our we will have passed and the Ill will be clear with light wind The tawnsiip iield day commit tee is hoping this will be right and ii so this should be one oi tin biggest and best civic holl dlys thlt innisili has am cele brated it will be no innit oi the committee or the park stall ii everythinx does not tum out successfully llnnu uunu The brick throwing team will hnld melt final pracflces la nlzht on the ring fenced In the park where the imernauon rm mm mm INNISFII NOTES PLAYING AT THE ROXY THY EXAMINER WANT AIM PHONE PA INN Duran Salunlnyu Nllpwr vnrlrly alumHam MII In madt nxm lncludu nlmllu cl ha mlnr mnmnur extruded Illlmlphfll ho um lhl llllnn hrlwun nu mm mnlnlnl In Inlrrvnlrlllr Iplco In thrcllvu VIM In plum llw qu nlmnll over wlnl ml lvl Furl Iruvhlrnce nl Irrclttly 2W Noun ummM 12mm with llmonr nhoul IMO mg nlmnll In Ihl mlddlu cl lh path Sqdn Ill llrrnll Mlmu Mnlml nullor lnr lb pvpiel Sn you Innism Park Io marrow is dllllcull maintain This he loll would use up the portion of lurid Ihnl have been set usida for this work 1th does nnl Include all priming and calcium which already have berm up pliuL lnnisiil road users shyuld nal confuse the lam canmslon pan which sllll dux hlawlnz surlacel This ls County msponsibilily Ind has been lrlt to await somu rccan rlruclznn certainly not mud on whluh it in pleasure to drive at presenl lhuudny lhrounh lo mesdny II In Raxy Thain Lawlard El Lord Lovfl nnd Todd mm Major John Hnw m1 olh whom laugh hrr ulclHy In ha usnull an Im lcrn Europe an DDny Jun l0 SURFACU PROPOSAL At the council meeting the mad supervisor gave council llst oi the roads that sug gestcd should recelvs chip ping surface this yeara plea of ma 12th line west of 21 High way 11 miles on lo side road mile imm Stroud vill age to the Crnlzvals cmsslnx Mulch has an asphalt snrlaoe but needs tn be chipped to keep the water out as it is checked lake ends at the 12 line and also the 11th adding chlps to prime coat on Lakclands Ave nue the fith line at like near Tent Cityi Also dismissed was the scrvlce road taken over ghway depnxtnlcnt whlch 1111 will be lflel the bl parade has reached 1he park and 1h hands reassemblcd In the 1m areas The lntemn llunal cnnlcsls wlll be Judged by our he area persons headed by AflhurEvans MPP of Bradford who has asked be given this honor agaln hls year He will be uslsled by Chld Ed Tsdllrhart of flame and Willard Klntie Whn almouxh he has nut yet mulled to the ln vilaélun ls expected be on hall ln otlewe lm Canada bl Stare end strlpe lor the United States whld hee errlved from lhelr Ottawa embassy wllh ln stmcllone to how It mutt be needend the Austrellen lei ntlll tn comeere to be canled at the head ol the parade by our local Lellonnelrce They wlll carry the flag late the ln ternetlanal thrnwlng Ian where the lyrlck end rollan pln con tesle In to be held and It ll hoped that the bands ln nttend ence wlll render the netlonel anthems at the our countrer ea the calm ere belng paraded and placed In poeltlons lemon lnvltetlnne an extended or vlelton lrorn any 01 the coun trlee represented to be on hand and they should happen to have reslded In one of the other Stroude they will be glven plece ol honor KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNJON CLAPPIRTON MIN In pm um um munnun plul mm uvlnn um um lhcm mm In um nu mu mm mam up llmnmbu un IllLII nmrn MIMI nmmmn vmm unm mum NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANY THOSE SAVINGSI my Upper Lukcn Shlpnlni Hm an hrld Hull Mr Hnnkl per umnll vlolnlrll lhn lrmu nl Supflnr hum lIJulIcllon Ivo tnuw Ila IMp mnnnuod In In plrkmlod lnr MVNII dnya allor lhn rnml nnlrr mu qurd Mr flunk canlrndrd he dill bul In huvu In plcktllnl Inllrll Mr JUIllrn Ami flulnurln In no lmlhnllnn nl when Wnllltl mu llll mlmmnt In Iho ffllt Tho union lendrr had been ur durd In nhnw mum why hu Ahnuld ml be held In contempt 01 our lnr III Home 0an ln lhu luuinu an anundlnn May Mm hnfllng HIU plck rling of ship In noll Ili mr Que In In ckgram lhurxday Prime Minlslcr Iurson Ind External Imam MInlmx Paul MIrtln and Pmldenl Claude Jodoln lhe Camdinn Labor Congreu Mr Lellch nsknd lnr lnlcrvcnllon making possible or us to opcmlo cumpelmvcly nnd unmolulcd In Amcrimn pam MONTREAL CH Judy mrnl wnl mowed nmndny lnllowlnz Innl nrgumrnl ln Qurllrc Superiur Court In ho llnl nnnu Cnnndlnn hand nl lho Sonlnnm lnlzrnnllonnl Unlnn Uni TORONTO CPI Leilth prcsldcnl of the Upper Lake Shipiflnx Company of Tarunlm cnlcd on xnvcmmcnl and labor Imdcrn Thursday to Inks hand In the Great Lake Ihlpplnz dppule Ilia mld hh mmplnyn vcucl Howard Shnw was allll bclnz hayrollcd In Chlcnxo despllu Urusky 22 of Waiv Iacchurg 0nL and Maul lcr 21 Svaneke Denmark were pickzd up early Thursday Werner Lake by an RCMP Beaver alrcmll nllawinu an hr tenslve search of the area since Mnnday They Iald they became stranded wh an lhelr canon dnncd nu ram them during slorm Monday Man CWTwo light tadcu rested in RCAF hospital here Thursday allowing their res cue from the lakedoltrd bush northeastern Manitoba where they had been stranded sinea last weekend on fishing trip Their canoe drilled awayr The report said the councii should urge South Africa to abandon its policies of racial discrimination and declared that in ignoring 27 previous UN resolution to that end South Africa had put ltseil in position moniicskiy incom patihla with membership in the United Nations But it stopped short oi calling outright or South Airic xpuisinn datlnm unanimously adopted In secret two days ago were an nounced only our days before tlle councll films or twowenk debate on Portugals colonlal policy and South Alrlcaa racial pulley Reserve Banks Verdict UNITED NAnoN AP United Nallons commute has recommended am he Se curlly Cnuncll hi South Mrlcl with warld boycott and can IIder blockade If necessary force In and to me lemu Ion there Th Ipuclul committee on npllflleld segregation Thursday the uecurlty cnnndl should call on all UN member or an eflecllva embarzu on Iupply of arms and ammuni tlan and zetmeum Hart of meal break In dlplnmn He and trad relation with South Alrlca It Ihoutd consider the means to ensura the eflectlveneas at the mbarzo said report at the matter committee ln cludlng blockade It new nry under the next of the United Nations Two Cadets Pound Rest In Hospital After Bush Ordeal Asks Govt Labor To Solve CrisiS UN Asks African Boycott 11 1A 1313 gamma We have expulcncrd nu ro lle whnuncvzr nlhcr than 111 brounhl about by court Idlunl cmlcd am by There lmllcnllanl lllnl lhn anlonnl Lnbur lulmlnm uonrd hm ro lnxcd III mm In Chluuo Hu cnmpnny conlInuu lo lulrcr Icvcro Inlnclnl louu hccnnuo ll InnNHly curry ninhl Mln lumq Amarlcln rmvln nnd Hm rrluclnnco cl lllppu In honk mng wllh The lrlurnm nld lha Ihlp was nmnlnx shall ton and hen WM lime pm ed 41 her bclng nlluwtd to In any on Up rr Lnkrl unnrr rreiehl dllvml Mr Lollchl lnlurnm ml WAN OFFTRMTK MST NEW YORK AP Clly fmnplmllcr Ahnhnm Hmno nnld Thunduy Mayor llolml Wnunrr mmlnulrlllan ronsltkrlnl cllywldo In hrmul vol on nflvlurk hel Unu mm Democmlc lmlcn rwrclllly In mull ulrm NW mk 14m hum ocnlfld lr lllxrd nlvlrnrk MUM mum at flhlfll manna Luwym or the NLRB lrlcd unsucccssiully Wtdntsdny In Icgnl action under wny lo fume members lho Chlcagn luca he xruln elevalnr oper Mon uniun Io loud lho Cana dinn Ihlp The NLRB conlrndld the un lon ls manning In In lllcgal lccnndary hnymll in upper al lha Senlnrm lnlunnllunal Un lnn AlLCIOJ currently In dllpulu wllh Upper mm mm lho mannlnl nl lhu Llnol lhlnl Upper Lake swllchtd In new belongan lo Cnnndlnn Mnrl llmo Unlon CLC year no furl by Hm Unich Slnlcs NI lional Labor Relallnns Bonrd and duplle Ihe rccnmmenda inn Mr Jusucc Nor rll 1n hlu ropon on the film inn tabled In the houn Mon day OTTAWA CF Senalur Arthur nncbuck chairman at the Senate divorce commlllce said Thursday divorces should be taken out ha Commum hands and handled exclusively bythe uppgr ghnrnuqr Senator Wants Upper Chamber To Handle Divorces By Itseli Peter 1115011 Wlnnlprg Iquals to examine Illlkl wheat In Held in tho Wln nipeg area Thursday Well armed hand are apparenl nn thl year trap and pnlfla grower and grain company Scmrslorullncbixckr Onu lli lln duh TOP NOTCH USED CARS VIAU MOTORS in BUMPER CROP PREDICTED Scunlar Roebuck rclnlrn duccd 522 divorcu pclillun lhnl were nppraved In the lust lar men by he Senula but no by ha Commnns blockade by New Demov crailc Party MP seeking chances in handling of divma has piled up about 1100 indi vidual divorce bill in tho pnr Ilamcninry divorce machinery One oi the chic objections by iha NDP member in that Pur iiamcnl should be relieved oi having to hear divorce cvidcncu and granting divorces present both houses of Pnrllamcnl must pass 39pm ale blIl Lo grunt divorce la rcxidenu of Quebec and New aundland he only provlncca without divorce couru Iarlo xald he personally avers clung In whichlhn Senalo would gun dlvorcc by paw In molullonl ofllclal say Manitoba and hem crops are avcrnxa and lightly above average but crops In Sasknlchequ may boost In harvest In pus IIbIa rccnrd IeveL Who phaln Electricity Is Safe Clean Flamoleu IAYFIILD STRIIT ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS Matchless Electric Water Heating IIIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION is provenlo be over Other muthodl may only In cu much 65 ochlonI Whether or not he lnmrpor lion bill passes Mr Ryan added Allslate hns lhe rlghl la operate In Cnnndl AUTO SALES UP Italyn produmiun automo bllLs Increased 585 per cent In Wren 1851 and 1962 and upon nnlc rose 1200 per can ynn or that Allstate LlIe Insurance already employs 700 Canadian and ex pect to have 1000 In five yearn The slnfl wns loopcr cont Canadian and some Ca nndinns trained In the npcrnllon In lhls counlry had been em pI by v5 Allglaln OTTAWA CF bfll lncorporgle llie Insurance company which will be 37 per cent owned by an American owncd department slure chain rnn Into heavy opposition in the Commons Thuysd The bmfshiafiéérm by Perry Ryan Taronlo Spndlnn ha already been approved by Ihe Senate In rpmate Allstate Llle Insurance Company Canada whlch Mr Ryan Illd will be owned 75 per cent by Allslnle Life Insurance Company the United Stale and 25 per cent by Simpsonscars leilcd Since usznsmze 1mm cent owned by ScarsRocbuck and Simpsonssem cent owned by Sam Roebuck he new Insurance company will be In enact owned pcr up by ScarsRoebuck SC La polnle financial crlllc of the Social Credlt party announced nulrizht oppasxlinn his membcr graup and 3ch the bill should be dro lrglnlcdiglelx REGINA CPD The Suki chm government has me man11y mounted with one lump Humma Bramen new liveyear agreement aimed at preventlng Hullerlte colon las from dusterlnl In Any one aria this pmyln WW um ymvluce in Alberta spread oi Huner lla colonies ha been opposed by arm gmups who claim Ihat because of the calonies sell nui iiciency they cut Into the cow numic iii ol cammunily while at the lame time not an cepting civic responsibilities iiuiterlie have Iisn avoided some lines hecaus Incor paralion of colonies as religion organizations The agreement with he Leh rer bent group at the Hulteme Brethren wax mm In Lgth brldze Alla this week by Bishop John E1111 of Alber tas New Elm Huttonits colony and In to be signed by the Say kniehewan government today The new agreement Ivode government rezulntlon of Hut lerm mlonies which might movn Inlo Saskatchcwan from Album There In Kovcmmenl rczulallon of colonies in Al beru named to consult with the Saw kmchawan gavelamen HumM lta commltlu whenever group decides to cmbllsh 11 In lheprpvlpce Hutterites Agree To Stop Area Clusters ILS Firm Idea Gets HeéVYBlésf Th3 Hultcmeuflrqflmp have ran Flamoleu And More Efficienptqol ron run DITAILS CALL Independent lurvoyu prove that more water can be heated atlowcr cost with flat rate electric water heating than any other Way 1113 name volume healed by nnolhur method could mt over 81300 pcr manlln YOU CAN USE OVER SACRED MUSIC AT ALLIANCE CHURCH ium 1m us district It larney Thursday Identified two the men as Lawrence Rice ANGUS SlamThe date of the Angus Horticulluxnl Socl elyl Annual novm Ihuw has been hanged mm Aug 10 to Aug 14 This dale change was authorized at he July maxing Wednesday The dale change was designed la give lower fancier more time or flown In reach lhnir peak of member The flower show vim be held in the basement Angus Unl lcd Church TEE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY ill MINNEAPOLISAP iederai grandJWY has indicled four persons alicxed la have kept shipping In the DuluthSn perior harbor in Iurmnil durlnz much oi the 1962 shippinz sea Angus To Holdi Flower Shaw On August 24 prolrum of sacred music by Rev Kincheloa cen tre and family 1mm ma Canndinn Blhle College Re am will be sponsored by he Alllanc Church pm Tuesday Elnlse second 1mm right chalk mm whn will draw scene lovbo view US Indicts Four In Harbour Affair 90 Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Passport Portraits Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO For Oven 51 PA um EFFICIENT Imam ENE IPA 94277 as Dunlap The lndIclmonu climaxed month of invcsllgauan Inla la bor practice the leadcrshlp 9fhe Spnfagegs Inlernallonal Union the inland Boaime Union and Ihe Canadian Marl lime Union which supply crewl to ships touching nearly every part on the Great Lake The Indictment charged ll deleudanls and mm comm spiralors no Indicted can splrod use farce Ind violencc to lnllmldgle and warts least four SIU memberl lrom cxerclslng their rights union members 34 Trcnlun Mich and Dan ald Housman 34 Toludo Ohln Names the nKher two wen withheld pending their arms by ledcral agenu ed in Black Lilhl The Cane adlan Bible College is the ol llcial Christian and Missionary Allianca College urle Can ada Rev Klnchaioe is an instructor in Bible Greek Theology and speech He and M5 Emily are touring Easlem Canada nndlhe lulled Stale on behalf of the college YOURDU INVISIIM MONEY rmmwv amrietsr mum DEFEND 0N Wngm wxwr 70 Will an 51m WELL PER PA 815 GALLONS 90 fifis

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