CIml Ann lilhurlnxlon dnupzh km Mr and Mrs Ivnn lZlhrr lnulon Hnmillnn lmrnmo lhu brldo Donald Anhur Terry my your humuope Imlchu llml where 1er maxim we run crnml Ihu mxl yrnr wlIl luwr 1w ncmmplhhmrnl hnuxunl nr dmlrull Insh Art at curly Aumm lnrklc new projrru Ind ulurorrr you um lnko lhrl lo nlrrnzlhm your lluln cln millnn Frum Hm mth unlll 1hr ml 1065 you wlll be In In rndllrn In rnpllnnm on your main lnxrnully nml rwmrcdulnm 11w Inme lmlvln lruu nl nu February nml March to try lo mnln ynur lnlumcu lrll In unlxrru wmm lhry wlll Ilu lhl mml mod Grandmothers Capture Limelight ï¬t Ivy Womens Institute Party uoml day or nlnnnlnï¬ or flu future Cnnlcrrum will your family And Inulnrn um rlnlcs shuuld work ml my well nml yivld nomo nnml Man Dml lur quwxlmnl erh would lnx your lunlxtl how car Inmnrmw In yqxllr Mrllulny IVY Special The July meeting or Ivy Womens Insti tuie met nt the home of Mrs Garden Slurless The special neension was entertaining the grmdmoihcrs of the commun 3jty who each received rose Irpon arrival In the absence of the presi dent the vice president Mrs dame MeDermott presided Mr and Mrs Arnold Banting led in sing song depicting life from ghuth to the sunset of life The dil eaii Something have seen in my grandmothers house1 which new eeuid be used in museum was answered by 15 members and 12 visitors Mrs MeDermett conducted short business period Mrs Es ten Davis described the Needs KAY 53 Mrs Eldon Atkinson men till and son Donald three years old were among Ihe many guesu snmpllng good THE STARS SAY mm mm Iuml SPECIAL WED IN COLLEGE CHAPEL muIL Ill lllllhll GUILD TEA HELD AT SHANTY BAY PERMS 499 1250 Soda nnd dcmr In huuld prewarexcept or brlcl periodl In an 0mm and Marchduring to next lwrlvu month and If youve burn Making lmvrl lhmn Ilmng pauihlllly lhnl ynur dream will be mllud hr lwccn now and lho Ind 01 Auzuu nndor in Nnvcmber in or romance lho minute 01 lhln munlh Scpuln and Janulry September and November will be cxrellml manlhs for those non Mn and Mn Samuel anry Shanty ny on June 29 In McMnMcr DMnlly College Chapel Hnmlllan Several of the grandmnlhérs lald an lnlertstlng occasion of their mime um um Boxes chocolate war pre sented in tha oldest grandmother the youngest grandmother the grandmother with he most grandchfldrcn and the grnnd nigger with the ymmzesl grand Mrs Mclvllle Money visit ing grundmnlher told of her many experiences of homestead lng In lhg west piano selection was played by Mrs Fred Nelson Mrs Frnn cl Gibson read poem When Grandma make tea minim TALES muh Hlslnry which she has been carpplï¬nz Soecia ja urn WEDDING GUWNS Ragulnr Up To 12500 up ï¬es served by the Ladies Gulld of St Thumna Anglican Church Shanty Bay The Gulldl summer tea and law STEHCEYCS ORILUA 107 MISSISAUGA ST Summer Clearance Sale Now In Progress l0W OW PRICES 0N EVERYTHING IN STOCK uuuluuls Lnthnsse nnnlhcr the re mnlnlng 10 In he Incorporated Soclcly of London Dcslnnm went nl lushlon lnnunn wllh man bal wlnz clolhu nolh coal and null hm mom cu like drop max an to wnlsl level he Imck thn lhclr arms were rx lendcd he made scumd Ill tmlly Isvd lar llthL Slrik nu hrarmlu nnd heavin encrusted min wrm pnpulnr In llm Lnrlmsc collerlion Amlcs com vnrlcd hclwocn lho wide and loose and lhe Illm llnc with scHn sleeves Accumpanylnz dresses were mostly 5mm collurlcss sleeve lus nLnd bar lrlmgnlpg Wfl mmlL Ills lullund suits In weeds every lcxhxre und color hm Jacket with shirt lnak The sklrls straight but any and lust covering lhe knnu were topped by slightly longer Jack elsl darted lo lndlculu lhn Mn Whlle up some slmnz compelllion In day clothes th drnmnllc combinations of lulln and ribbon lace In black and while Hardy Amles chum tweed lhr Enzlishwomnn slandb Us irsljnbrln The muted camels grey and brawn Pattersons dny clolhcs were highlighted with he occaslnnnl flash or red cer Iso and emerald For evening wear brocade mlxcd silver gold or black WIN variety of spgrkllng colours Conn In the collection were mmlIy narrow wllhoul Itllng the gum Many were mee qunrler length over mulching skirts More suitable or his younger admirers were suits wllh shun curvedlmm Jackets yoked hlxh across lhc bust The shoulder Ilne an lhOSD sulls was wide and son Ronald Pallersan disclosed pnsslon or the ens with Ion at ChiungeJnsplrcd man dmn line suits and evening dresses He flnllered lhc bus and pared down the hips under cleaveless thighlenglh lunlc nvcr straight skim LONDON Reuters The ï¬rst three cnuiuriers to present their cuileclions Wednesdny at Ihe opening of Landau Fashion Week showed my indecision about waist and uslline bul kept their skirt iirmiy cover ing the knee na Aunan IM 55 Fashion Week Reveals Indecision 0f UK7Designers war was held on 1h lawn lho lakeshnre home Mr and Mn WlllInm Garner Shanty Buy yesterday alter nuan Examiner Phool mnm Mn lo Iua mm mm Ml HAIRCUTS 3763 Aï¬pmmmmu unu EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS ngrr wmm 550 llh Thu amazement his been announced at Ills Jolmna Turner dnughlcr Mr and Mrs Vincent Turner High land Ave 10 Sheldon David CamphEIl non of Mr and Mrs Rodack Campbell of Reserve Mlncs Navn Scalln The selling or lho munlain will be John Vlanncy Church on August lPholo ny Erlc of Camera mm Congratumory le are going to Mrs McGlbbon ununnnl president of the Imper Ial Order Daughters or lhe Em pm and In Mrs 11 WI snn president Ihe Canadian SnvctheChlldren Fund both wllh headqpnrlpr In Toronto Boyce nld nboul £68000 was raised by Ihe Canadian fund and the remdnlnx £32000 by the IODE which 510 um supply 01 may ï¬lm mm Bayes director general reported to cnmmll tea meeting ln London July 11 that Canada sent £100009 of gm In kind to fund In the yes pged ks Much 31 omens or the Drum orna lzaflun said lhl believad to bea remjd for Canada LONDON CF Ofï¬cial of the SavelhaChlldren hind are high In the pulse 196 cogtgibullangmm Canada The plece reslatance ls an eleolrlc clock lnloa leather case the manlel Inn On the ran the me la hunt lnz same In salt colorsa beau tlIul plece leather work mi collection will be dis played In the Queen Elizabeth hillan wllhrogher an and cram irodilcedhy woï¬zgn Mn Hale Sunford ol0nk yieyl hA wan many prize or bar cultsmmuhlp In tooled and carved lather This ycar she is marina our inimsting pieces in the Canad in National Exhibition One is carved leather bei oi excell em workmanship wallet has finer naturalistic design in unit calm Another brown wal Ei has when in bein re efi CSCF Officials Receive Praise AUGUST BRIDE 0ak3fiewjï¬rï¬Ã©t Prépares FOLCNE Mother bigscUit UOUfVGW everf$ tasted like Both the mold ol honor and brldcsmnld wore yellow 51ml lenxlh droxsu oldlylonlomnnzl wllh not over mm and mulch lng loco Jacket whllo shoe and slaves and mnlchlnz cor nnelsl They canled lemltalco des mauve ch lonlhemuml and yellow common The llowor ulrl wu dressed ln mauve nylon organza om lolloln wllh mauve loco ho dlce nod come mnuvu and whllo lace Slur cmled basket mnuvo Ind whlle chry aonlhcmumo and yellow cumm llons Miss Mary Shanghnasy Enr rle was maid cl hnnor Bride mald was Miss Diana Smlkh Llsln and MI Tammy Moonuy Damn was flower glrl Mn Powell Barrie played the wedd lug music The bride was given in mur riago her inlher She tho ioorenzlh gown with ioped lace bodice and ion deem The bodice warntiom ed with Quinn and need penis The skirt we nyian omnu with not over mum oil withjaca applique She won corona oi ion fetal and seed pearl WI ingerlip veil of Dylan net Her flowers warn menus red Sweetheart roses The brides parcnu are Tim alhy OBrien Barrie and the late Mm OBrien nle groom the sun Mn and Mrs John Pacelln Barrie Red while and pink peanle decorated the altar of St Marys Enmpg gnlhollc ï¬hurcy June mum uunuu Jun 29 or the wedding Eugen Marilyn OBrien and Jchn Rene Pncnlla at 10 mm Rev John Weelink celnbraled the nuptial mass Bridal Attendants Wear Yellow For Wedding In SthMarys MR AND MRS JOHN motif Ils Ilght and ulry crlsplly tasty In notswoulwny Youve muster blscull Ilka It Like In Youll ovqltJust tryn Its no really blscull We call it Pastry Walllo blscult two boaulllully glazed halves of French pastry separated bya touch of pum sucdlos5 raspborry lam madu ln PF kllchons lrom whqu berries YACHT HEATS SCEPTRE HUNTERS QUAY Scotland AP Soverelzn Brllnlns probable challenger or the Amerlcal Cup next yam wan bath nee Wednudny agalnsl Sccpln the yacht beaten by the AMIleans ln 1956 Both nee Wm held over lBmlle courses In ha Flrlhml Clyde Mn and MraPncello are 11th at 32 Tflfln 5L Burrle For unveiling lha bride chm turquoise nth uhunlh dress with manage or pink chet hear mm while valvek how but and matching accessories Thu recupllon wu held at Thu Continental Inn The bride zroams mother was wearing turquoise linen sheath dress wllh mulching duster man and hat of while nylon ram She had corsago 01 ml Sweet 11631 roses Bryan Pacello was best man Ind Brian Robinson ushered Both are from Barrie ru mrI buuly almond In 0an hHIlIIolpuIJvll yIu uppty mumIn STUREEONS NIL Scarborough Ontario 1554171 mu Wlh Human EMEWJRQIEGTIVE STAIN mm mum He may am all base hit mnrrlngc should menu lolnl sharing lhnl hem should be no secrets Ho nslsls that when people hnvu nothing to hide they do not resent being Ilstoncd In onor having their mall rcadllrst He has sold repent Jay listens lnon my can VersuHons on he qxlenplan phunc He Imquunkly you through my purse He open lclteraAnddressed to me he gels to me mull um men lhls and have told him so Drnr Ann Landau My hus band and diner on vital issue Each of feel the other dead wrong an them Is no chance of ncompmmlu Weve ngrecd to write this loner lo lather and accept your de clslun Mos barhclor slrll divorcee and widows would be delighte lo hour mule valcn mm the oulsldu mrld know because they tell me slgoorv mm Dear Sellsulflcltnh Its good to know that some solo females are content and sellmm clent hope you realize how fortunate you re My job lslnlercsllng enjoy the world or book and music Im mynwn wok Ind houw keeper In addIUon tn holdlnl fullllmc Jab Therel no time In be Innely resent the mom who cull and ammo Im Ihrillud In hunr main voice mm the outside wormSelf Sulflclenl young divorcee Im furious with bl hearted friends nnd manVrs who hand out my name nnd ulephono number without pcrmlssidn And shudder when wnllmcanlnz clad Introduce mo walk able unnllnched and irool 10050 and my from In omer words willing ready and eugenZ These elurks never can aer ha posslbfllly that lust might have lrIends my own or perhaps plan or two Dear Mm Lï¬ndm When will otherwise intelligent people learn that single woman living nlnne Is not necessarily desperate wretched and crazy to any mum IIIE BARBIE EMMINEB THURSDAY JULY ll ANN LANDERS Bigr Hearted Friends Free With HerLine 10 REPRESENT MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Mls IllInol was chosen Mix USA mm many 15 llnnllsu Wednesday nlzht to represent her country In the Miss Unl vem beauty pageant ending here Saturday Tho myeubald blondo model weigh 130 pound and her measureman are 37 EMMY mud manInge bull on conlldence and trust Snooplnl and eavesdropping sullacnlo the sense at mutual confidence that essential In healthy rel Unnshlp nDonn Worm Interccnunl mall listening In on phone con versations and going through purse Is not shaxlnzlla spying Well never wnuId beam wnmlhroulht up that my cmt eavesdmp or look In someone else wallet ar rend pl mull Id feel Ilko sneak Please neluothh In the col umn 111nm you Dllluenl World edly wouldnt mind It in did the sums thing to 76 Dunlap Em PA 64745 ESTATE SALE Solllng Flr Holow Orlglnll cm RINGS $1000 up 005E DIAMONDS gonulno bargain DIAMOND Jewellery ONCE YEAR OPPORTUNITY ANTIQUE REEVES Jewellery and for Add