ol Negroes ill Ihc suulhnrn Uniknd Slates Iaund madam by farmlng lhclr awn Vscgrcgalcd church delegate In lhefourlh world conference on him and order claimed Tuesday The dclcgakc was wanking at subsection the confer ence sponsored by the nrld Cnuncil of Churches as It cum sidcrcd drawing up slnlemcnl on he cum ratinl nnd cub gym ymbloms an Chrisllnn un He saldlhc Nogmrk hnd al ltndcd while church but had been prevented from holding hccs Thcy be up their own CnL Mme cnrnrr begun wilh he Siunnl Cam In he nun purmanml nrlna mllmn yuan ngo hnl OTTAWA Cll Rtllnnlln Wu tlcrm ollicrrsDril Jahn IL Joms D5 of Ill nmnlon nnd Col Slrcb mn nnd Am NS was unnulmrcd hy nnny lmmlqumm mm Jones 35 your old mrvcr mhucn hm hm chair mun or Ihe nrmy rank and rude slrutlum cammillcc hmnlqunnru incn ml nnd ll nIrinn all 71 yunrs senï¬rm Mw being 1an Ar wui whom hm 31mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 11 Mlnr Muluu undo It Mm runlmncn In In rIu yuIrnIay ml Im VII IIIIIrIpnII In rleI yldlll nmmlrnllnm In Maryland mm llwyvr rnlled In Ikflnnm NMlnnnl hum tum llvnudn mm lw would mlmln rlllmv II Irnrunlnllw Ile NAACP III III HIMlhn lIlIiun In My nlhu munlmflnn Ilrnmln an mllllnry unl lzrrm Mn Mhlnw In mum Brando To Hid Negroes Set Up Own Church Found Freedom Despite Split Fouryeamld moppel Les lle Dcmpslcr of Regina works hard at Iwisting at sum dance In Regina The dance CAPSULE NEWS QVNTREALfCPl group NEVER T00 YOUNG T0 TWIST Collingwood Retires From mum mmNnn Anolhcr dclczniu objected to his slnndsayingdzumhu had rcspansihility lo sptnkoui on principle and tanks heir guilt in nu lighting against discrim ination mnro vigorously church and loud random in segregaiivn he said He nppostd the sub sec tions pulling out statement that emphasized lhe problem of racial prejudice on grounds that pnoplo would accuse ha churches trying lo jump on the and discrimination band wagon By discussing the prolr lcm publicity Ihe churches would be admiilimz their iinx in he arm been commnndnm of lhc Royal tanndlan School of Slgnnls Kilnsqu since lrho full 1059 The SJymrold Cal Hnmmod 0nL was awarded he Mill2 or ouslnndml ser me In the Ilnllnn campaign during lhe SecondWarld Vnr Wu mmmun ugnnls om tcr htadquarlnrs ul Ccmrnl Command ln Oukvllla ram 1951 lo 1957 MONTflhAL CPD Crush lnkrnnllnnnl Hmllrd ndmillrd In mm nmdny lhnl ll Iutr aldlmy Gurd Ginxrr Ale lcrul Null nmm runninu from to 00 or lnkrm lxlddm ln bnfllc held to celebratg tha cityl Diamond Jubilee summed nbout 5500 persums CF Wire photo Hidden Tokens BALL MODERNIZING man mu Mm cu 48 Ann St South PA DONT MOVE IMPROVE CALL He spoke as the Commons gave Karma and retmmlve Ip pmvaI Io changes In the cus Inm larlfl announced In Mr Gordons budch June Today the Commons resumcs debut onAnecond ending5w pranI In pflndeooI the gov ernmcnkl bIlI In csubllsh 21 member EmnumIc Council Canada Man Army Mr Homer member fur Aca dla stuck pcrslslcnly to lhu them that every implement used on Canadian arms Ihould be Imporléd duly freeeven they are not speciï¬cally do signed for ï¬lm Thu am radio used to increase milk production or air conditioning or even snnw blowers he said during the course of Lhe inn and often noisy Licbale The Soviet Unlon and Com munlsl China took long cul wlnled Ramble In decldlnz to meat in Moscow to try to paldil over Ihelr relation OTTAWA CPIladle mood music 101 cows farm air con ditioning and snow blower walled through Commons do but Thepday These Aeml slmck up the home or Jack Homer an Al berta runcher In spirited Cnnservallva opposilloll bid lo make Finance Minlsler Gordon citanze his mind gallon mixan final arrange menu hm or Ihlpmzul nl 7500000 bushel or whcnl pur chased earlier by In Commu nist counlry MONTREAL CW lrnln rlovnlar umclnl leslllicd new day our men plckcllnz Upper Lulux Shipping lJmlltd ml in lmlslllvlrrcs Qua year Mn Ins May dispcmd hour nncr Montreal ludn ordcrtd mp plckellnl It new an but cemln that lhq gamblehasbegrnlosL result the ideniogiul quarrel between them has he came something alsoan old llyia nationalistic laud bemoan giant neighbor having dinedn1 poiilica and economic Wm agd radially divtraen nAtianIi In additlan thapasshlllly has been mixed for fundamental ml in an Communist world Ila ugh Ind nmwhltp 1111 nla depth or me munch ncse dmerence hu been dia closed lur the that time with the dropping of the elaborate pretencg Indirect attack Now former comrade are flwdtnz each other with longdammed abuse and tnvccltve It also halfbacnma struggl In which Communist partie elsewhm In lha world wll havo declare lhemselvu on on Ilda or the other nul 20 an mhmd Al the duck lhu next day In uld OllAWA CF Clle Ierw In numlnllnnl uprrmd un Ill nnLwtndlan hxmhly with my mum announced hy Fl nnncb Mlnlnlor Gordon 60 000 Mml emplnytex smkruntn or the In mun lmllnm myrurnlimi rmul worken uld they dld nnl no Ihn lhxrllrnrd worklo ruk nluwdwn would lnlw xlurcd Rulh mum mm run my wmnd tn Ilnwdawn unlul pay drnmm wen mnl wilhln HM Previously theyairuggie has been disguised as dispuie he Iwecn Communist parugs over doctrine now It is clearly muggie beiwmn the Russian mg thngse Hoopla Pickets Delayed Moscow Gamble Isr Lost By CARMAN CUMMING Candlnn Preu 5h erm Conténted Cows Should Sing Along Like Raises rAhma GOLDEN VALLEY sucan Rindles BACON FEMS PINEAPPLE APPLE JELLY Fruit Cocktail SPARE RIBS P011 BEANS SALAD DRESSING PEACHES 89 lEAN TENDER SIRLOIN ARROW DESERT HENLEY CHOICE PORK SHOULDERS ROASTS LEAN MEATY VAN CAMP CHEESE NIPS LEAN TENDER SHORT CUT LEE CHOICE CRUSHED WAGSTAFFE LEAN SMOKED FXCNIC STYLE PRIME RIB LEAN FREQ SHOULDER PICNICS HENLEVS CHOICE CHRISTIES HE LLMANS 16 DUNlOP ST BUEHLEBS 25 59¢ Id 01 JAR 59° 39¢ 79 OZ JARS 20 OZ TINS 70 OZ TINS 16 oz TINS 20 OZ TINS CHOICE SKINLESS WIENERS 89 BOX CHOICE SKINLESS THRIFT TEA BAGS LIQUID TENDERLEAF MAPLE LEAF DETERGENT BARRIE CREAMERY NO GRADE BUTTER LEAN MEAT mnx LIVER PORK HIICKS YOUNG SUCED BflLflflNfl PORK STEAKS CHOICE BYluEPIECE MILD SEASONED VEAI PHTTIES SIDE PORK LEAN SLICED LEAN SHOULDER LEAN TENDER SHOULDER LAMB CROPS ORANGES GREEN ONIONS CARROTS BEETS BANANAS LOCAL GROWN LOCAL 0an LOCAL GROWN anm UNKHIT GOLDEN RIPE PRODUEE SEE WHAT YOUR DOllAR BUYS GardenFresh 14 OZ BOTTLE SAVE IO PKG 0F 20 53° BARRIE 2m4y 69° 29° LBS LES LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS LBS dnlru hum