Ilrulnl hm pln MI umurl MI 11 palm In MII lull happened In In Nnv ll AM mltly nl Hm Luml calm lo Hm Fun Inm Imu nwr mam no lo my Illa IBM luv MIL Kr ROCKET 84mm am hll Inylnl wrlglvl nt IM MIMI umL mm null hu he lam mnvrnmnll he dun when he pluyrd nuvy harkry Al Hm fumnllll In Nuvn emu nr um comm Mmlre fllrhlvd In IIManm my mini Im nnl 1h Aupcnlflloul lemL ho Inld In Im Imorvluw the ollvrr In luul lho llmn of lhnl ryl In my mm my IMan hark wnw FONT WILLIAM Ont CF Tu lcnlll Luna poundlng Iypcwriltr In Um nrcoud Iml 1m to any In nporu Lund wan plnyln ullh 10mm 11mm nunlnal Cllcnln lllnck Hawk In 1051 when lho Illck hlrnxal Cllll Mmlln mum Mm In mm ryl anul lrllml In ml eyo lllllr wnnl he ulnan In In NIIL lur Ihmll lth yrnu brlnre culling ll qulu Thu hurly vllannl Ilnckcy Lcnxun nmu hnnn up hlx pm hockey soar In Mr ngm Now hal lmrk In In lwmn own mm col unmlsl or lhu llmuJournnl Wman Arum or ncw ancr hnl mm my Irrond Mn Illan In lllo linen WM younuslcr my Um 1m NIIL mil Hm yur when Ilockry mar tnmu In an end lollnw In nn cyo Injury In 2mm2 llooklo quarterback Tommy Lou 05ml 15yard pass to llnnkcr Whll nmkcr In the mud mm for Miami Inilqunrtcr lauchdown byslnmlnr was CH cam llnllbuck Jlm Dillnrd scam lwo ouchdnwnx for Calgary one an brllllnnl 81yard run back klclmll Qunrlcrbnck Jerry Keeling scored lho nlher one on oneyard kccpcr play and Larry lloflnsm kicked all lhrc convert and nddu l1ynrldl field goal ExNHL Veteran Now Pounding Typewriter Calgary Stampede Western Conference In Ottawa Rough Eldm 24 1260 rain soalm at Ottawa and lthnepl heard boo 1mm their ms in third quarter Dixon bruised his ribs Ins Thursday In an Inlmsquud game and helluva nr not was Iurlhcr Injured by puts on he back by wellwlshlnz fans PARKER MAY BE OUI The A15 who apen thu exhlhl uun season against Calgary Wednesday night Montreal will be without halfback George DInmhkadlng scorer Inst sca 5031 the East No of wna Emem Con erence cousins Mnntreal Alou cues and Taxmum Argonauls were unhappy with reports from that rï¬specllve Inï¬llmarks The Canadlan Football Leaguel pre season exhlbL Hon schndula openedMonday mum and allhnugh only one lamb was played three team win cryingmthe blues run CANADIAN mass END PETE JOLLIFF 71 of the Ottawa Rough Rider block ball carrier Lovella Colamano the Calgary Stam peder during an exhibition Stamps Defeat Ottawa In EXhibitiOn Contest ieu ol the co humbled 247 be soaked Ian lnepl mau their hama llcked up by noalun lnr lhl MM leaom ha ml lulu kill ol lune ï¬lth llmlnl and Hadley hll nclivky limb In lry Ml an Injury null In nppearlnu In 11an with llylm In 151 Amuler hy New York Ilnnr erl In 1m hl mm Owl and In mlnl In mm and won Cnldtr Trophy Uu lulun oulmmflng mle Tm mum mm ymn wllh llnnuu In and II will Ind In Ian uhll Follawlnl dluhnuo tom Hm navy In rimd with union Olympia ol llm linllrm Auxcur llaclry lam lnr wn Ianwnu hm lurmd um wllh llerthny Hun ol lho Amorlcnn II Mum llnyu npprnmnrrn with lion Inn In um um 1m wen hll lnlmlucllnn lo lhl NHL quun wanna Hul own only had In flockrll Ilean Dam In Vnulnllnl Flnlmd Lund Irrivul n1 lho Lnkrhend In In Illor hll lnmlly mom orCanadl undoublcdly real loom ll ad minimum hunlll ur zonll ynu could no on Hm lm nu Donna Ihnugh hol morn an tho enly xolni uldo mn man nnlurnl nlnr Ho ml do Ovary lhlpu ml HEN wlng Imclnllllï¬llwl gm Gordlo awn cl Dclmll lhn but hockey player who our llvod And xlvn Iccond plan In rumm my Lund who had 1an WI both lrllrhh qu LLxlnn continue to sell PM crsan and hll thanch of ru unlnlng in Ho shun nnd lmnhmlly he doesnt do mo thl next Monday And ll gala armn In Hm closrd clrcull Inla vslon muncy any good ollhcn Thu flrsl lime In Chlcnzo we go marrled Now kl time Ill divorce and wont have to bother about hlm any more yLlAmu ï¬lth He explnlncd hla bl mi Tm th wliï¬ Monday LAS VEGAS Nev AP World heavywclghl champion Sonny Liston vlewl hl return mulch with Floyd Patterson Irmcwlnn Ilkago hismar rnge Hnllers action was prompted by ha boiling scandni which slxuck lha National Football Luau in spring WONT TOLEMTE lm telling Iham tho piny em that we will not loieraie belting or anmhiiu1ald Hai ler Nor will tolerate mo clauon will gambler or other undexlrnbh persons Olhcr loolhlil notes llunilkm Opening care monies oi the Canadian Fool hall all 01 Fame originally scheduled for July have been postponcdi Tho content an easlefn swing during which he will talk to varlaurduh about thu pitfalls of gambjlnl Patterson Picks Up More Support ï¬dmy Halter misslnner grimy Halter =91 menu gama 1n Ottawa yesterday Twentytwo Rough Rider de fensive back Gena Gains Cal gary defeated Ottawa 2+7 In rain naked name before 12 action was Prompted Inning Acandnl which he National Football In spring Intriguing regard In Patterson Mllhm uh lhl mm nuntlnllnx nut plmr hul nu mu lid nul urmhrlly gh 1110 um dul Ill null flni Mllhm kt whm ll mu lmnpd MI Lower wn mlrfnl TI Itmlu crnlm Wlllh IhAll Ind elam Mullan Iul well In Qurhec lnr nanny lawlckl Guy lllncl And Bllchll Hm IIEHNIIEV ln mm hrlwnm Hmhmy mm mul Qurlmu Am ol lhu Amnl un chIuy mane ul Imn nulllllad beauo ol lho mlrh nwnl ul on at In Nnym In vnhwt My lmnll mm In Ill nlrllovrn lwlm hmlhor Iluo wnl Io Iva In hukey hnvlnu pllytd both In lhn American and wm Lulu nu lcnlll ml tho nmo ulpnlnz nwny or lhc prmm nl lenu rum hll Im muxlnln lnmflx Hockey Trade Is Nulliï¬ed One or lwn Iporu wrllm on Hm TlmcaJuumnl Ill bum has 1qu opportunity lo ed11 lzn In MI lavnrllo Ilcl Ind cavm lho mural but blood loo cnslly ha MYI And Isuzu lhnll why Im hm benllnz no lymwmu Ind mm In um bunlnm Oddly nnounh hawnvcr Pub Icrxnn has picked up lurprh In nmounl xuppnrl In 1h Lna chns bellan rlnn llu started out nn la under dog but lha 1m quulullcn had ll uluwn lo In on Linton of couno it mailred Llunn lwn min me an six month to dlspcxa Pullman In Chicago hut cht 25 mm mm moment later ha uld his llmn with no humornu ovar tnncs It wont go llvn rounds wauldnl no 15 brake boih my hands Mm 1172 lm laid So He still say he will knack on out In Ith order lnvu mucr Llstnn was asked he has lr louse rounds Ottawa George Brmcalo myeamld ddemlve 9nd was placed on waivers Monday by the Rough Rider and Alma Immediately claimed by EC Llans Ho had played mm Iha Ins cub masons will be on dkpiny iii King St building uniil the bum ingl new owners ins Huniiion ibomi of education tear ii down Th date iur an inch opminz will be set when new silo has been iound Inmate The AFRO added ihree new plnym and Al Schlu iram Wesiem Michigan University and Kevin Ward mm the University oi Wyom ins and lineman Nm Borden who was with Euiinlo Bills oi Liza American League in an Inn sou lulu Highlight or II can test was an 65 nd klckotl re lnm or mu down by hull back Jim Dillard at Calgary CF Wlnphow lmllnnlpol Allnu Avhlnlu polumm 511mm Dullla llochular Richmond Tomnln 1N Haullon ll Phlludol hll IN Anulu cl llllblflh IN Mllwuuku ll Chlclln 5L hull ll Clnclnlull Bl hull nurdofll II Clndnnlll Mllonay 1H nï¬hl hum Manny San Fundm ll Nw Yuk Lou Ann Km 154 Ind Wlllhlll It Phllldlh ll Mlhllhy Ind Shari or Omn m1 wInlm Em anclm fllnlnrd Ind nofln HI It llluburlh Cudmll Ind Mull IN lwlnllpl iv in out Lo Annie Chlcuo 551 Sn Punch 43 530 St Lou ID Clnclnnlll 35 Pltubuuh 517 Mllwluku III PhHIchphll to 409 ms Houllon 11 Now York so ll A10 in null Mondny Chicn st null Ban Frlnclleo lX llfllburlh Mllwaum Clncinmll In Anulu Phllldllphll lloullon le York Pnbablo lllchm TodAy lloullon hmll II Naw York Wlllny on MIIWIum Bldovukl II Chlcuo Bu Lo Annie Chlcuo Sm Frlncllm St Lou Clnclnnlll Pltubuuh Mllwluku Phllndclphll Houllon Now York Dune WMneIdly Clmlmd at In Angela TN Dalton Knnsu Clly Nuw York It Mlnnmln Washington CMan DnlUmorl Delmll uilllmare Pawn F473 Delmll Lary £21 nlghl Bunion Morehend Kuuu Clly Saul mm Now York Terry Minnmln Perry mm Runlll Mendy Clavzland Mlnnmln Dalton Wuhlnllon II New York 10 Kansas City Benton Lo Annm Bullmorl Chicago Probable Pllchen Todu Clevellnd Gum II Lon Anzalu McBrldn night Bdumm Clcvtllnd Lo Angela Kama City elm Washington New York Bolton Chicago magenta mum The other are Carl Yama crash of much 97 Frank Malzone also of the Red KAI of Detroll T11 ru All Lean Wagner 011m Anxelu Angel 311 Rich Rol flnx ul Mlnnewu Mns and AIM Pearson at tho An gels The leaders at based on minimum at no HM mm it 304 his moved m5 mu place and In one at anly men Nam mm Davnlulo hu made am climb tn the tuning rm though ha hu been fldeflncd Inca June 12 with broken forearm the flmu he wu injured Davulllo wu In 1021 place with 30 nary Still an By run CANADIAN Puss NEW YORK AW110 bu lIng Average of VI DavallHln Clevelands speedy outï¬elder hnl remained muonlry while cmphulzlng the Milky must Leazuu Mum lnlunllonl Lum Northr Divth IL ll ll MI mm 10M 491 OK la 1M Mum time despite an act erleno did no 111 in ha open 1m ten the am dlan oppoxluon no lo In min lmlzed mu mu man in from the Unlnd sum None ha American has ever wan the Cnldlan Upon few who have entmd helmor have PWOd In 0th loammenu Mule huve never canned her My pm comm WWW mum In um nm in t5 cyan plug 1119 hymn mum 4an runuuu UHL II the playa lo but in we Suw°fféï¬m°t 3° Imp with qullffyinufround In man up ha ellhlh HUI lb womana elm dum men hon lul Slimdiv the dunble Mn suck bypmea tho heal In Canada with Icnl on champlon we Injured Player Gains In Race 0mm CPTlen ar an the avuwment dunes of In maul It lack ll MixInna Stewart SN Randall on 15 the playm to but in um rm mum EXAMINER Marléné Fnvdred In Open Tourney Amman 113ny EMU SCORES MBï¬ï¬l In in Bill MM Menu 3d lulnu BrIMFI mm blllwnnh ll MchnlIl and chllx nmglio no um Ind mom um In hll MMINl 10 Pl Johmon HI McMahon Umbrch anhnry Dmll men Ind ummlm Wllloy IN Hook Ind Dom dor mu houTumpl NY Willey Flnl nuton mom mu Dunnlnu Fnul Smflh mnnd Trlundoa flu dnlph mm And IM mu Dot Phllllpl ll WHO me In Hlnlon 11 Cl um ooloooooox Mlnnnoll DID OIll Donovn 11H Rumo Abemllhy And Menu Slip mm Ind Dullay Zlmmlr man Hm Mlnlhlloy no Mlnchu Klllebmw mm wn 1m Lou Ann mommal In Monbouquem 1M India In and Tlllmun Lee Fowler and Kl Ilrlck mu nunrhlnlzono la la Klrkpnlrltk Dtlrofl DIM 030 71 mm on 003 onn lamn Chlun on lo Robcrll In Brunet and Onlna Petm 75 Ind Mn lln HR ChiMiran Crlw 13L Bolton 010001 00 In American km York 010011001 080101 Clly 00 III 001 OilH Ford WHUnmx Bridge Knnkel no Renlfl In how an In Sumrd 37 12 md Howard Wickmhlm Fischer Wyn Rakow 10 lav mh 14 rm And Edward HRS NYJJlInchnrd Kun Chnrlu Bulllmm ammoon 0mm Todu Lima Rock chkmnvlllo Richmond Mllnln Nb Rochester Humla svnmo II Columbu Tumnla ll Indiunapoll Rnnlll Mold Hullan Rochester syncnu Columbus hmnto Indianapolis Ndlmond Admin Ark JIckgvndIllo mm mllned In the runnerup pus llon It 315 Bill White of SI huh Ron Santa of Chicago 01b Ind Mnury wm the 13031 are tied for third Jii ommy Davis In Angelea Dodger continued 14 MI the mu ul Lame mm Ha lllled hi Avenue three point to with seven hits In ll attempts DI Greatly St 14qu re Deva expected back In the Clevellnd lineup within two weekl Yuanurns callmed nlna In 29 flu last week Ind boosted his noun three palm Mllzona moved Into lec and place dear Ixpoint at resumnz rom Ivelam pe nrmnnca Kallna cu hm point while points Wagner Ion Held at bus lndudlnl Sun dnzu es Then warm pin in ma draw in today ole Itimin iyinl round over the Roy 0h tawn Clubl mum Heavy rain tho last two day have mud certain that he course Loos yards or women with 384876 pinwill 31 long an of the qua iy round wiIi come only 82 law norm who will move into the match Flu chum hi my um mum Du hlzhly reamed Ameflcnna Marlo Burns of Graenboro NIL Mul Inge anlo Whlnler Cam an Mrs Ann strlnahun of Toledo Ohio 61er Kitchen of Vancouvar wlnnar II aplhle 0110 In her own right There also In two albu champiunlol recent yumJudy Dunn Evan of Montml wlnnar mo and and Betty sunhope Cole of Edmonton 1957 plan Thyu anlennl Aim DIM 030 ol olx11ul 13 Egan Duml ll Ind Sul llvnn annl Hi nuum BI Ind Fluke 1m Eyr Jnhnlun Richmond mooom ll MIAMI III ll mm 61 Slow am dqn II and 1le hm rm Ind mums ll Allbud Allnun MM 011 Jltivllli MIIOMl OI Km Rm And Ktnd In Jnhn Bclbm III Much wlu It and Namn Chlll ll Albmulch au Inlmullounl Lum Toronto 000 001 ludpll III 01 Wx 10 Mnxlp Month Andcrlon In Ind llwl Kraut nr Hot and McNmnoy Rachel ooomm nulllo MMOIxI Nnrum Ind Kuvllll mm Ind Clnnlmr flyutun meM ll Columb 00019Mll VIS lllller Glhwn and PI llronl llfl Izh Pulllnronl mmnmc PMII WI 01 Dryldnla Shrrry Pernn onkl nonhuck and newborn My Bennett Daldlrhun 10 to And ml rymplc Oldll 10 Ink Pha Slovm PMS1412 WI Kama um Nnrum mum In maul Li ehlnd Houstons nndnaw Colts Thuuasan be ora that It wal nemelut and the ma balora that ms 01 mm In seldom km to In the way In to lmrbafora youll ï¬nd the Cubs in Intd1 Vision ï¬nish fly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VCMEIKBI Ihlrdplnce Whlla 5015 mm on nullimam Orioles vlclarlu enabled tho mendï¬lm Red Sax Ind the tourth ace Twin tn Illn lull gums on lcuwolendlng New York Ynnkeeu who dropped an 1241mm marathon to Kun Ill City Alhlellu Boston lnchcd to within mm Ind hum got The mo wu Rndnu fourth In the 1m um 11 And tbs home run was Kile brewn fourth In the In ï¬ve Radm Bostons mdunbubll relief pitcher med Inolhel Manduy as due Red Sox de tentud 14 Annie Angel 1nd Klllnbraw Mlnnualnl homo Lrun king locked analhuj Vlha Elm NEmECJGï¬ Clevellnd Indllnn 1M Wings Pitcher Loses 1Hitter who Allowed Bullnlo There my Hill Do peanut me In the Amerlcan Luna Dink nmm arm holds out and Harmon Klllebrewl bu re mllns ablaze CAR TRUCK By JOE REICIILEH MIMIled Pun 5pm Writer Dick Ellsworth and Lindy Mc cl combined or livehit nhuloul nnd Ellsworth keyed Ihe much with lwwun single the Cub trimmd St Louis Car dinniszo Then Pittsburgh Pi rate took can ho Ginnls sweeping the deiendlnl cham Eiana In iwlnlzhl double uder and Meanwhile Philadelphia Phil iiu arlaynd imbue emi And oh Oldil tingle or an nthinning run that am ham 54 decision ovu huntnub ninl Lo Anzeiesanappinl tho Denim9 winning tiring at men um and cutting their land egubslo nix But this mllh be meu turn around year 1th took over the runnerUp mat Mondaywith an mm mm in Frandml collpun Ginnla GLANJLFOBEVIWO Red Sox Twins Post AL Wins Yanks Lose Aria um 11 ilmdy mid July lhlt rank an or the My Inrprlux of tha basehall your Last xenon youll remember these 11 Walled ln ninth By JIM HACKEMAN Quechua Pun 81mm erlor Than no misprlnt In the Na unnnl Lune sandmanthat glagn Inucnnd place Chlclla Am In um NL bmixhaded RENTALS CALI Chicagoldkes Second 31969 In Nat League tough to Huh MINI nnd lowlull Mk nach Red Wlnu plldmr Lu om Mioixnyum in 51 whim chm mum at tumbu llcll In Mannm mm lury lhn Cuckm muzan Ilmk Arkmuu Ika open II pllchlnï¬ duol brlwrcn Trlvur rllhlhunder Glry Krnl nml Jnthnnvlllo Ioulhmw Tommy John wllh hm unumed mm lnlgy cllhlb um Funk Krnulur pllthed lour hlllar or Indllnl lll nulml Toronto II lha In Ilnl prolmod lhoir IllII laulh up ï¬lvllicn lend Sunl Alllnll Crack nut Rlchmond Vlrllnilm Indlnnlpoul Indium hen Tor onto Mlpln Lu Ind Col umbus Jets edlcd Syncqu Chlell Syrucusel nurlhom dlvhlnn Iold lhrnnk In only Inna um Chltll lusl lhelr mm In row twoout 15on by Orllndu McFIrllm Wu wlnnlnl blow vim FQyflIHTIER In ether Inuiallonï¬ Luna mull Mondny nlxhl Arklnlnl Jnmnnvllll only double In Rochellarl 10 19 In ulxam was lho vic my 11ede error Thu humer happy Twin Ilammed lhm more giving them 11 In our lame al 10 round to Mr foultn lrlump In lucccnlun and lhlrd In row 1111 xenon at InchAhlIIcr Lenn Warner lo nlo dou ble plny nnd retIred the Anne In order In lha nInlh or In Inlh nve He II has In vIcIarIel In dechlnns n11 In relIeI Blll Monbouqueua now hldl fourhitter until Bob dnwnkl doubled with one an In the eighth Kudzu comlnl out Ithe bully lambs 3ch lime Prank Malxnne my the bat ting liar cl maxed 501 mu vlclnry In their In seven nmu Ha hommd on Don Lee In the ninth inning to In lie Tho AllStar thlr bmmnn also drnve In ha um run nailing 1n ha necnnd nnn nlmllnz nm on Bnh Tlllmlnl OnoHour Tour to remain Hugh percenl In sum behind the Red Sox Wuh ngton Sentars uuuhed Detroit men lla Mum mas Willa Slargella twnrun xlnnle In he Inst of the nlnlh sen Pllubuub to in opening game victory over the Giant and Juan Mnrlchn who had blanked the Pirates on our hill through the um elm Innings we uuuuu amen Dodger rookie second bese men Neie Oliver paved the way or thePhii in tile llih inning when he dro ped Don Demm terl pop up or iwmbaso er ror with one out Reliever Ed Roebuck then gave an inten tional walk in my sievere who had drian in three earlier runs with homer and eecriiioa heinra Didi rapped hie clinc hag single Jack Beidwhim winnerr with the bum 1mm and non out Ellswoth tuck out Tim McCarver Ind Stan Mualal be me McDaniel mum in and any JuIIInJIavlzr Ellsworth now 1543 cracked open the game st Louis with bumloaded duals all loserErnla Brozllo In the lav enlh inning um single by Kin Hubbl and Dick Renal and walk Andra Rndxefl Then In ha last the seventh Iho Cubs younl squlhpnw Ind Mc l131mm lulled the Cards My real slmvxvas 11mg walk to Kan WIllufl In 1113 ml Inning unnhled Cincinnau Reds to edzu Milwaukee Braves and New Yark Mun ended 15 aumu losing slump by haunting Homton 145 but the Colts came back In lhc necond hull of tha danhlehaader at an mm as Don Nolleharl wan or the ï¬rs um um hll nohmex BELANEHQAI uNEs DAILY TOURS 130 330 130 wn SCENIC BOAT TOURS of Pictumqv Komécnhl Buy Chuck Man and Larry OI home lumrhd In llvo run with ham mm an ID Scnllnrl Inndcd DMmlll Jlm nunnlnl hll IOlh dnlan Dan Rudolph wIIh help rellovur Ilulmlo Kline lined hll mm vlclory THY EXAMINEII WANT ADI PHONE IA lllld The Ion nulllman Ml win lwwut IIHKIO In lho lhln hm lni by laslnn pllchvr nob Robuu ll Wnl lhu lelh one mm In um Amman Lmuc lhll yum muuu ycn turned Tn by molds Inulhpaw Gary mm the Whllu Sax who hlanktd thn Main on one hlt llllklnl out II was Kansnl City um vlclury In men mu wllh lho Yankee Ml mason and It went la mu Lovrlch Lu ï¬ve Alhltllc pllchm There were 30 hits In the lame whlch lulled hm hour mlnum with Glnn Clmnll collecllnl mule double And two llnilcs lnr Kansas Cily and mammals Ed Charles hllllnl Iwo homo rum Johnny Blan chard homered and much lwlco lnr lho Yanhea Thu Athltlm bulllinz uphill all Ihe way Hnally delenled tho Yankee In Ihe lZlh Illcr Mn more with one run In the nlnlh and main wllh hm run In Ihe nth The winning mu lulud ram Ml halter and hm walk qucd by DH Stal lard Ihe month Yankeu plt char The ï¬nal walk to Jerry bumpo Iorced Bobby Del Grow over ho plum Slnce June l5 he has hit 11 home runs In In time but In average of one homer eve 03 time II but Elba Ru Ivmxed one homer every 11 time ban when he hit so In 1927 Kmebraw hllllng 325 In In Emma has rc taculu 702 Ilufllnl percen an during that man my n41 wm Thu dny rmmco pen cm Mn way Tier chk SUzmnn whn counted to elm victory with ourhum Knicbmw homer was 111 ml on one behind leammnle Bob son who lend the league with ZL Minnesota strong boy IIdellncd lhruugh 2d game early In the season hu been halter than desert nun In um last manlh aver Clavelnnd The human by Elrl Bailey Don Mlncher and lullebraw each came wllh man on base alga the Noiiebnn who no hii the Phih May 17 but hadnt won since raised his record to but couldnt iinishi He was within one mike oi compieia lame whcn he ind to come out aim lwistina knee Hui Wood uhiek wound it up with min imum oi quartans pitch which Jim Hickman lwunl It and missed But the Meta looked man like the Meta In the second game Ruler Craig felled Ia survive lha Colts liverun ï¬rst inning any lost hls lath étraighl and the lastplace New Yorkun managed jun our hill In nddIIInn to ending lhelr Iona Ioslng Klrlng Ihn Met want on recordbreaking mm In their rout of the Cons The II run and 13 hits warn Illa most ever In the clubs IwMea non hIsInry and Carl WIIIey becnma the flu Met pIIcher ever to homer wIth grand slam In lhe second Innlnz um John Edward aimed the Reds Rawrd victory and Mn waukee wlth leaflet triple in Hue 12th anlnxt Frank Funk then Eddie Kuku And Marty Koough draw intentional walks Waller drew his unintentiqnal pass Al Warlhinglon was Iha winner with mu mreless in ning rciier Jae Gibbon scattered 10 Giant Mt In tnklnz the second name with Joe Pagllaronln homer Ell Vlrdons klple and Dick Schoflelds double ha kcy Pim hurxh blown San Francisco now has drn pad our alrullht laylles AIL ab 13 111151 gave Mcnean won In for He alga Friend