voTradk And Field Program Youths Jump At Hp THE BARBIE EXAMINER Summer Icuvllles for both children and adults sponsored by Ike Ban1e YMYWCA are in lull swing On the whole the rcsponsu has met cxpeclallnns said Russ Davey execullva secre Ag the my mu Allhouxh the prnjecled recre mlon and Inslmctlon In volley ball and mens swimming have no alluded wldespread sup pm Ihe truck and ï¬eld child rens and womens swimmlnz mixed lennls and walkamen uredmuu have been well re cewcd saw MLIDavey Mum anw lhe judn an hams continue to work an in lhgr myrie mum Mr Davey aald hat times and dlsunces nr lhn measured In campaign conllnue In be entered One woman has walked over 15 mile and the number who have camplclcd 40 or Is Im prgssivp mu ynnuu Tennis lnslruc on and prac tise orgnnhed by Jack Garner at Queanx Park on Wednesday evenlnga attracu 12 or 14 people for tech session he continued TRACK AND FIELD The truck and field worknui held behind North Collegian on Monday and Thursdayevenlng attracts date children and dozen luninrs and seniors They wera being put through their paces by Harry and Beryl Ker risnn Aiasi night layman sllghtly groggy rum an uvcnlng meal has some trouble In adjusting tn the en rzy sklll and condltlan ol tha Ithletes logzlng jumplng and Jack rahhltlng around the track 0ne youngster nl eleven or twtlve asked ll the uctlon was perhaps not llttle too strenu ous or alter supper admlltlnz that rhe had just lelt hlrlhduy Ellfly far one her Irlendsl awevcr llve mlnutc later she was streaking dawn the clnder track well in udunce at two ill srnhllcr It bearer plan Involves palnllnn the ln larlor Hlllcresl School Dra pcrles that have succumbed lo the ravages me nnd um lllhl wlll he replaced Several exlcflor metal door will bu pur chmcd Plans have been drawn and lenders are nboul to be lot or tummer malnlmnnce and rcpnlr nl llarrlc publlc schools Georuu Lemma secretary ol the Publlc School Board nald yeslcrday lhnl rcpulrl and pur chase or flu nlnhl lchonls wlll he llnnllzcdln me ncnr In re HOPE FOUR NEW ROOMS READY BY SEPTEMBER cw pnvtd man will be lald ll Oakley Park Steel Street and Jun Edward Schools Mr Long mm explaincd that the weath er espcclnlly In the early Iprtnx often prevenll the use the grounds aned arm at rcerenllonnl Ipnce wlll wipe out the pmhtem ol mud and ninth ennbltnu net and bull lame to be played yearround no noon mm nluuuu llllle later aha was bservcd 111 hull llmr nl Klnx dwnrd School wlll bu rcsnndcd Ind nalcd wllll reccnlly deve loped plnsllc vcnccr lhnl wlll no chlp The new coullng wlll nal darken Ihu color and mlu nl Inc wood nu lnrmcr mnllnu have ltndcd lo do Inld Mr Lyilnlla flu gnféwny ll Klnl Edwmi wlll be moved unhu mum lowrd the Gcnenl Elerlrl 5113110 School Board Plans Maintenanqg Donal Eullon ml Mr ml MIL Waller ï¬ullun nl Slunly my MIMI Inw mm In with Al hll Mm noun TUESDAY JULY 16 clearing high iump bar lhni an North American male oi twice her age would nut consider trying in chin himseii upon BUSY LNG nua Dale Bohbellc who has set the Existing rccnrd 1n ha glrla lush jump or tho Georgian Bay area last fall only Krlnned when asked about her aftervsupper excrllqns She was hu llons in waste Hans 1m sIlLv quw Mum She logged around Um 880 ynrd track which lonkcd like rm coursu in imgfll several lime helm engaging in series sprinting mm lrom the starting block in company with Ray Thompson and Dave Gqsney uuanw Distance runners Wayue Bal nheinri Murray Feldman and Ken Curtis took turns pacing each other or Lhc mile as Harry Kenisan caiicd on their time or he circuit Jack Miller joined the spriw lets Hurry Kerrixan gave advice in runners mm That ï¬rst stop was too slow Yourn picking up slum like swam enzlnd Relax youre 31 tied up in the shoulders an yum In response to the obsuvntlon that the sprinter seemed to he gelling the starlan block 11 they had been shot mm celnpult Beryl Kerrison laugh ed 0h well get few split second them yet ENTER meme Afler the workout the sweat aulled brlgadu muved back In lha Barrie to see and study film on their individual special Russ Davey said that me hopes to cnlcr compelilnrs in all the track meet mum lwo hnurn drive In city The only thing holding up members pmlclpating in ma Poilce Game In Toronlo 111 Saturday is ofï¬cial clearance mm the Amateur Athletic Unlun illes PRETTY BIG MHRIGOLDS phat Th present entrance doc nol prnvldo tnuugh room or manoevpring by no Illuuvcuume The increased enrollment lnl he lnwcr grades at Oakley Park has necessllnlcd he purchasa about 60 new slncklnz chalrs Tender wlll be let lar hlcyclu rack must at lhIl schools The new lypc wlll bu durabln and are expected In In the lite flu rcspccllva schools Mr bongslalle xnld lhnl work underway on lhu new Grove Slrccl SchooL loolln or The Inlldcs Damn Central Colleuinlu Ind Harm North Col lellnlu on com the Han lummcr hollduy clunn up and lumoynlnung Burton baurd llClclnf lflld they no pnlnllnu 1h hrnrin he Iclcncn room nnd coupe of clnmooml nl Ccnlml and name clnurooml nl Nollh Collegiates Cleaned Up For Fall Term lle uld ll qull lob usl uelllnl the dull Ir the com slrucllon ll Ccmnl clcnnrd up but other Ihlll lhnl then In nolhlnl men than ulull lolnl Im 1th mm lump rllmu Alrlun muuohln whlrh In hlmmu mumrlnl uu I4 ulx Imhu 11w lulmlm you an Inn Ind um An overnight rccannnlsnnce and flghung patrol led by Llenl Graham Dixon of Squadron Grey and Simcoe Farmers was dunked the best patrol from In Militia Th announcement was made on Friday at the Group Commanders parade which cllmnxcd he oneweek summer training camp held at Pelnwawa The ovemlghl patrol ho Combat Leadershlp Course was held Irom noon Wednesday until noon Thursday aim was to WNdiï¬Ã©d Bestv At Trainingfl amen cl the Barrla Squadron on the wlnning Patrol are Llan Wayne Slew an Sgt Glenn Brawn Cpl 8111 Lawrence Cpl Charla Manbb Trooper Stephens Trooper Blll he Inundallons are hi and work has begun on the block walls rough rand has been luld out The smilary sewers an helng Inld dawn Work on he lusnllallon wnlnr mnlns will mmmcnco In lhr near fulure roun rcmssnnoogls rum Mr bongsmfle snld that he Publl School Board hope llml lour clnssroams In lhn nnw school will he avnllnble or use when classes nm called back In Snplnmbcr llownvnr lhe weath or and other actors will dulcr mlne whether lhu lnlarmul lar Kcl date met ANGUS Spcclnl Albert McCulllxh as member ol the 0mm Lodge here droppcd dead Suurday while on pnrade rum lhe maul Orange Hall to the Angus ccnouph prlor to he nflcrnoon pnrndo In Bnrrlc Mn McCulllgh hud lhu Ulla ol pnn mullet tho Ornnzo order III dcmh wna nllrlbu led la henrt nlluck Angus Orangeman Dies 0n Parade lnlnr In nu day at lho nur min In Harrie um Angus mmh cu wan lM prim or he beat lodge on parade and In hand won 1m who or the best adult bnnd lml In he Ilnkrtl Mn ï¬ullnu lnld mmnlner They no the largest mnrlznhlt Mn Hul llm hu rrrr lnmn had he lulu Illr hu um um Illmint olo Taylor Trooper Allan Mccurdy and Trooper John Kerr FUTURE qorvrgarmoy The palm pe Soulhcm Ontario ï¬nals tentative ly set fur Thanksgiving week End Mllillarnen from Squadron returned to LII city on the weekend alter underfloan extensive mflilary lrnlnlnl me army camp In other yum the militlnmen nuended tented camp at the historic NIagarnnnlheLaka ml lilia training Camp This year was lhe ï¬rst time 16 Mllilia con centrated at Camp Pelawawa In recent years The Barrie Squadron has words or pulse or the new bar mck in which they were MIM led and fur the excanem food Brigadler Walhnad Toronto Commander Mi lllla Group sold altendnncu fell short expeclullons The repre scnlauon ram the Barrie Iqund ron won the hzhesl he mgr mom Subjects covered throughout the weeka lulnlnu Included Innk driving hunk malnlennnco tummy wireless annual range qualllicallons and compieuon prunflcnl porllmu Iunlnr and Senior NCO courses ESPECIAL runw Aclluz 0C ol Squadron Captain llnrrls Steele said This was one of the best camp the squadron has particlpaltd In lnr mnny yam am upenlnlly mud the rcprcscnlnllonlmm Barrie Humv Thc Grey and Simcoe Forest crs are commanded by LL Col Symon at Pcnclanl One hundred and lwcnlyeigh mm at all ranks allcndul hu lumme camll John OLcary Ml Castle neld Toronto wlll never leave hu moloxcycle all 010 Ildl highway mm Thu Ins um ha dld lhll In wcck on lllzhwny loo near lllgh my 11 Inlcmdlon Wfll mlu In whqn he mum Jul lhe momcnl ol lrulh or Mr OlAnry cnma whm the flame OPP repurch ï¬nding lhn wk on Illghwny 400 ulslulnn Motorcycle Dismantled Full mpplncu OLcnryl ulndncsl wnl dlmlvcd whcn hu nnurcd lm orlnnl urn vllul la he opcml an ol bike mlu lni Mnxwtll Coltmnn 01 no Tl ln Sl wu Icnlcnccd lo dnyl In Jul yultrdny pu xlrd nullly lo chum ol cm 1th llvlvlnu In nmlo Mull lrnlen CmuL In nixlni nnlcnu Mull lrnln om lohl nu ucuh Hun had mmmlutd Mlcnro ho wont typo Sperlul Lmwn Franculm lla hcn C4 llrbb old lhu nun um COMIle Ilurr Adam In llarrlq loliw Fum had nblar vrd tar wIlh mml lmuum promnu mum on Hmflnnl Ilml nl wood helwrm and III vtr Mur II In oclock In no mamlnq nl Jun Ho nlllmplcd In In dnwn lho Car hul ll lunml nn HI hlxh Ivenm uml Mrnlunlnl lho flrmh Xuld 11m mmnhle In lorml In Jump hull an In lllh nvnhl Inlnl um dawn Inlvl Mr llnMv Motorist Giiren Days In Jail 11w nIlIur um In nnlo lha Hum uumlwr ul ol lrmlinl whlcla When own ma runlurml he Illuad linkmun uylnn um DII driver of flu cur ll IM Hm Mr Cnlemnn Tm nccmedl ll Id mu mml Icml Inla 0M rnmtn punmun In lho drfrminnl Mill III III hid llnl mu Ihe 0mm Ind III had not Mid nu ma Illa dm TORONTO sum The Spa Age has opened an opporlunl an unlimited future or ywung men and women and has dwar ed ha passibllltles presented by the age at light said Lt Cal John Shorty Powers publlc anal Nice for the United States National Aeronau tics Ind Space Administrullanl ManInASpaca program AERONAUTICS SPOKESMHN BELIEVES Speaklnu to about 110 guest the Royal York Hotel last night LICol PW alressed the vital Importance Km at Juhnn NIld Harold Macpherson 7B president and managing dlreclor of the Royal Stores Umiled and an uncle of tnrmer lieutenant ovemor Camphall MALphenom Toronto Gerard Brnkcn rldue Slralhy an chancellor Trinity Coflezu of the Univer Illy at lbmnla and pwmlnenl Toronto lawyer Ncw York Theatrical pro ducer Russell Janncy BIL nu lhor hulsclllnz novel Mir ncln ol the Dell mu cclor Warren um 28 one 50 United Slam Itudenll who chnd slum pnrtmcnl ban on visit to Cuba at drowning By THE CANADIAN PRESS finaleacorn 1L Mu ont 75 armor Cunndlnn cdl tor or FaxrllonglaqoNc TorontoMrs law 70 wflu armor Su preme Court 01 Onlnrlu judao Fred Barlow Plcktflnl Bruce Loxlc Toronto loprank lng lcnnll player In Ontario WV ml yum 1n trnanr calll sumlord Conn mum Ml Gem llcnrr Clay Hodxu Jr 101 oldest lvlnl grndunlu of he Unllcd Slalu Milllnry Academy Alon Tllpll Fomwn uGm ther llau 55 mllilnry Idvlm lo Pmldcn Chinnz Knhhck Nullonnllsl Chlnn OnL Sydney Am hm Mum 7L nrmtr pml dcnl and encral manam Unlnn Gal Company Canada leltd Muhrnlu 0n old the Ir cued Um ho hul rudnnumd lhu nlllctrl life In nddltlnn la hll lnll tumho nccumi wn pmhlhllnl mm lulllllnl drv rrl Mcmco or III maul hxhdnhdhvaImwmmkfl huhHa ml uni Jami Hun renule mouth lulllluu louml MT hull Iulnunu vllh ho Ihl lly la uh uh humor will ulnlmly Hullcvnllchln Ind Id ammiovl In mlnum nu IMII up hullnl at nluml lnfllmod Hum In Illrt nut lee muly nllulnl ah lnducllnn ohvlnkln Nahum Mm mpmlIM al wnwlhomlhlhluh mm mum in mXnulmd avm Mod may manllw Thll III ugvfngdklwl villi mm mm holpl v3 qlll an numnlnn mm bull ml um 11 oD IMtthuIE lylgolpuja énrvwmma In rawnun it Ask mu all rim bul luauIn Announce New ruling Snlmlnncx Shrinks Piles DEATHS creasing lemme literacy and rMppmlshxg tho meaning and He Iald wonder hnw many people are ca able at reading and understan Kn the message brouth to by the astronaum conmmsonq He compared 19 puhllc re action to tho spaca use to that the ham andbum age the automobltc age and tho flight age and added Each Chang in technology produce environmental dunes and those nvlrnnmental changes ad vancoimgr educatlon that mm mm LLCal Power slated that power of insurance would wny be work lrylng to deter progress but that The ellchs new knnwludzo have tremem don Influences on thu economy mum aspects of Ioclal and political llle and are mnlor Influence on educnllon Ho Issued he chlanunxu cl ha spaca an 60 out and neck new knowledge and lhrough knowledge an undmlandlnz the unlvp He said pcupla have doublehandled chnlenge to Nutrition The Hrs 01 these barrel the number pl Iclcnllau wï¬e prgducu In our free munL Théifssn produce two and quarter per mm more than wn do Underllnlna Ihls problem or challenge LLColl Power nddcd lhnl human lalcnl can Iolvu any pnrllcular problc alvnn ll LE BANK or MONTREAL Famin Finance Plan Inlch all you pmam mllv nula Burln lunch RALPH IRANKLIN Monw my nld and an Idea of the complexity research invol ved We must encouraxo and slim ulala people towards the need or cdncaflon He said he didnt we thll stimulation oi sciences at the expense oi humanillu Ii the scientist him no concept oi the impact oi his wnrk than Emmi We need theological and philo snplglcnl leader in this world The second banal we ihe problem an annual budle by the government Ink dlcnl Vnew oullpok an causal nudism the United Slate In respect In tho lpnc age devexopment WAY OF LIFE He Implied that people dont lhlnk in pony wnys nnymnre You must renllze sclencn wny llle The sludenk must understand basic principles b3 lrnlned In 10 nkllls on ï¬ervnllnn explornllon and ex peflmentnuon He mus wnrk out new rclnLlonshlps with Wings ovenu and people POOP mm within the Idlolhox each day and plck Up the dos est reference book an Atlanta whether collcla phyllc or ml old hlxh school manual um read gbqul ï¬ll Ho prediclcd lhal tree nyitcm lnr free man coupled with my conlldcnu in lha dyn amics cl tho 1m lyilcm Whal wllhl Your lamllyr hollday luggage naturally youd Ilka new car In mko you on your vmllonscc II olM Mallcr ol fact you mlghl wlrh Io flnilncc bollr llro car and your vaullon under lhu um lcwcml llleIruurcd plan llmr lho Bank ol Monlml ramlly Finance Plan of counc Availaqu uvcry ol branch lures ma that youli lulml your responsibllillu as citizens ol Lh apuce Damnan the vaflou mpg taken at each naw em or no LLCol Pawm nld me horses we went In autos that meg along 15 miles an hour mu me than wa wan to thd Wright Brothers at Kluy Hawk whu new 30 leek thank IQ mlles aqrhpur um nu He nldnll fuck yam 01 man to achieve 5000 mile In hour ultilnï¬gg 100009 sect And now thi ynunl lellÃ©ï¬ A1 Shepherd went 115 mile ADD NEW mp5 Then In added Thu lid wu raised when John Glenn wen 17500 miles In hour It helm at 150 miles Ennh step an explosion Thu next step do 150w miles In hour and the 240000 miles one WI Speaking about the worth 1n the Bullish lanzuno ha rem red lhrouzhaut his speech to word like U11 down Alllmde Ho said In Ipaco there no up and down nor altitudm Our original concept of word change tomplelcly In on We need to exlmlnl our lnzunu closely pelhlpl Apply nnw meanlnu to old wordsor evcn lhlnk up new wordl LL40 Power ll thu mln who put AOK 1m flu Env llsh vocabulary at Mercury Con lrnl In Cape Clunvernl gm EH 35 33 gram