Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1977, p. 18

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18 the examiner Saturday Dec 31 1977 Long time no see other for 28 years She is one of the only two female sheriffs hristophcr Nicholl 49 hugs his sister 15yearold Lynn James of Arizonas Maricopa County Ihursday Both thought the other was overseas and they havent seen each in the Lnited States Now that shes found one brother she is going to search for the other who lives in Hamilton ILI lhotoi Two have differing views on issue of women rabbis It Itt iIl ILPI Two women expressed differing lt gt on the question of whether women should become rabbis recent conference of tiiited Synagogue Youth Barbara Summers of the Jewish Education Association of New Jersey told seminar participants that women should be allowed to become rabbis even In the more traditional congregations of Iudaisms conservative movement But Miriam Shapiro New York city education consultant who led similar seminar said women do not achieve equality with men by performing the same functions About 1000 teenaged dele gates representing about 23ooo young members of the con servative movement in Canada and the Lnited States met to discuss issues concerning Jew iin youths in North America Mrs Summers said con servatIve Iews must reexam Tries to hold onto force RICHEHEI Que IPI George Malko police chief in this community 30 kilometres east of Montreal has no squad car and no phone He works from card table in the lobby of the town hall Ialko is engaged in war of nerves with town authorities who have been trying to abolish the police department Im going to fight this thing to the bitter end and have no intention of resigning Malko said in an interview Friday He said he would die at my office if have to Malkos problems began last January when Richelieu mayor Pierre liareau told him that for budgetary reasons the twoman police department was abolish ed Malko has been chief since Illill He appealed decision to the Quebec police commission and won his case on the grounds that there had been in sufficient cause for his dis missal The commissions ruling in November said that he was to be rehired with full back 0km Lllk Although he still receives his salary of $270 week he said the municipality with popu lation of 2000 owes him $111130 in back pay Malko was not allowed back Into his office and has had to work from card table in the town hall lobby tails are re layed to him by receptionist at town hall since he is not allowed to have telephone They are playing with my nerves he said For few weeks was UK Mother seeks inquest BItAMiyitiN nt tfii Elaine Graham whose two ycarold son died ct 28 of rare disease because pace maker deVIce which controlled TIIS breathing may have failed says she wants coroners in quest to investigate his death Mrs Graham said Friday that her son iaul had been kept alive with pair of $10000 breathing pacemakers Paul sullered Ironi an rare disease called UndinIs urse It was the only recorded fana dian case in medical history and only the eighth known III III world Dr Frank Iitlintilitls of To rontos Hospital for Sick Iiil lien said when victims of the ilinIss sleep the automatic brain function that stimulates breathing ceases to work ine traditional prohibitions and determine whether these are biblical laws or simply the modifications of later guierations She said further scrutiny must be given to religious laws that prevent women from being counted officially as part of cmgregation from performing blessing over the Torah scroll from being cantors or from serving as presidents of tXILUCgaIIOIIS we were looking for apartments and fishing Letitia Heights quality and variety The price was right and the layout and deszgn were just what Our house is little like huge apartment but with privacy Something you don get in You are close to ski resorts the lake and all the water sports You are close to everything People are more friendly and helpful in Barrie particularly in We think youll like the friendliness of our community too modern community in woodland setting where the accent is on affordability But Mrs Shapiro said the rml problem lies in the Jewish educational system which teaches by IIiiplication that only rituals performed bv men itlllltitxfllittll 11 Jewish children can be taught that the home is no less descendant of the Ilon Temple of Jerusalem than the synagogue the home will be worthy of respect and the need tocopy men will disappear she said Ted Follows to return SIltAIIORI nt Pi Ied Follows who last appeared on stage in Stratford 19 years ago will return to the Festival Theatre III IEITII it was an nounced Ihursday Follows whose last appear ance was as tiliver in the 1513 pniduction of As You Like It will be seen in several roles in eluding that of Iolixenes in The Winters Tale and De Iaubardemont in The Devils Since his last Stratford sea son lollows has been both an actor and director in aiia Ililll theatre inventor among honored LONDON API The iii ventor of such madcap devices as machine that turned out peppermint stick whistles in movie has been named by Queen Elizabeth as member of the Order of the British Em pire Among the more than 950 other persons honored in her annual New Years honors list is the Scotland Yard sleuth who tracked down Britains public enemy No union boss who cannot stand aristocrats and the headmaster who taught the Queens youngest sons The inventor Rowland Emett is best known for the machines used in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in cluding hotair rocking chair attachment itifootIong automatic sausageandegg machine and the contraption that churned out peppermint stick whistles John Morrison who retired as deputy assistant coni missioner at Scotland Yard captured Donald Neilson killer known as the Black Panther two years ago Neilson was jailed for life in July 1976 for three holdup killings and the kidnap slaying of heiress Leslie Whittle pera tenor Peter Pears close friend of the late coin poser Lord Benjamin Britten and one of the principal inter pneters of his music was knighted Knighthixxls also went to two tq police officials London po lice Commissioner David MCNCL atnd Kenneth Newman former Scotland Yard officer who commands Northern Ire lands ant iterrorist force SIXRIIIARY llthtllllIII Sir Martin harteris the Queens private secretary for 27 years before he retired in No vember was made baron harteris tit began his career in 1050 as private secretary to Princess Elizabeth before she became Queen Iack Jones general sicrctary of Britains biggest Unit the Iiansport and icneial Workcrsf was made toinpaiiion of Honor for conspicuous service of national importance The list is traditionally coin piled by the prime minister who ltttHlIlIIttItlS It to the Queen for approval 2L 3s townhomcs prw 50 Richard and lilizabcth Staszkow in the backyard of their new home Our six builders Bayficld Chapclton Chieftain North Haven Strathmorc and White hall ottcr wide range of detached semidetached link singles link semis and street In many types and styles With good selection priced from $39000 and down under SALES OFFICE LOCATIONS the AHIHOME program And larger more luxurious units from $49000 and up CNRISTIE IIIIiiI WILDE PL Meet Richard Staszkow Building Supemsor New homeowner iii Letitia eights Barrie is nice little city Im glad we mowed here Drop by our sales offices this weekend and take look around We think youll be glad you moved here too IIUNIIIIS III bill IIIIIIA lIlIIEI Sorrow Iuuvatnnia cnkatadri Kl poses recently at his village in southeast India llis three sons and laughter were lost when the cyclone and tidal wave hit the village in midNovember CAIETIWJIM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovestrough Soflit Windows Focio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch Enclosures Stonework For Iree estimate Cal PNIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business EARTHTONE Rooling aluminum Inslulla IIOVIS renovations OOETGHELUCK Free utimates Rcmonoblo rats Telephone l4354504Allision APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhorund sales and AorviCo I8 Alliance Blvd Unit I9 728 3397 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR Brit1h Euro can and Japanese cots Coronation Auto Orv I7 Mary St 776 544i PURPLE MARTIN Houses Iar IIIII Apply at 92 Malrosa Ave Dome or telphone 7285283 AND Gonurul Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions Iiroplocos guaranton 7374507 CARPENTER Spociohung In roc roomi in tutor rcmodolling trim otc Plum all 728 8884 allot CABINET MAKER European tioinnd Kit hens vanitios Pin Iumituu renovations alteration Dominic Commercial 776 2948 ALL THE HELP RIGHT HIRE Daily Business Directory Need help DRTWALL Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible Thousands died in the disaster and hundreds of thousands were left homeless This picture was taken by Associated Press special correspondent Eddie Adams AP Photo YOU NEED IIOME IMPROVEMENTS DRVWALL CO Registered Company ipomolmng In Cuitom Homes renovations Immuth sluuo Complet vac rooms and toutqu Spiuying Cull Kan Hill 4240ZI5 Ema intimates EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughing installed Coll 7766628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Clnahing uovostroupbs and Ice and mow romcvul Irom 1005 only all Martin Vorstraten 424 I956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and IpGIrS chk Bolas Free estimates I7 Burton Ava Allaudolo 776 6657 alter ELECTRICAL Eavcs PETER GAMBLE Electric Communal Ruiduntiul Industrial lnSIulIutIonS and so VIC 726 4996 SIMCOEELECTRIC Industrial Residentiol Lighting design Electrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters Lic 18 7288234 EXCAVATING RmERT OOVCHOFF Excavating haulogo uptic yitums tronching loadr work gmvol 436I558436 i757 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bcckhoe Excov Trenching Horizontol Augering 1289833 EIREPLACES STONEWORK and Iroplocu upocialty Vic Wgtgon lorllrologtimvdtas 7284599 Commarcia AForms LICENCED CARPENTERS Cuitom homes Coflagos innovations repairs Salillaction guaranteed and Ccncmoiion 726746I CARPENTER will do It rooms rtnovations romodolling pic Norjob to small 7261727I CONSTRUCTION IIuncodcarmem for renovations additions homu cottugu Etcintimates 4354995 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR Iprlnq cleaning today Rovitulizo your arpcts with AI carpal stoum loaning 726632I SAVE SAVEI Steam loanr lorrrunt S15 par day 7280863 FREE dolivory and pickup in Benin COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Lo dulgn art work layout etc Plan cal COIIOCI 416 936261 custom FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link Custom wood Ioncu iinprovo your proporly 737 1507 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY CHAIN LINK FENCING Gulvanixed and Vinyl Installed FREE ESTIMATES CALL 728J7829 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT ll made by JOSIE AQUINO Spoclolixlnq ln puntwits gownl and altm tldm Eugonla Sit Phone 726m DRESSMAKING TAILORING and allomtlont Rcuonublo rutS For appointment call 7373984 hatwun and pm FIREWOOD FREWOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoodi WIII dOIint Tolophono 7260708 ovlnlngi ondwookondl FIREPLACE HARDwOODS Cheaper by lhI lull cord Fro dclivory also coder ponh YiorhacflBBLW FLOOR REEINISIIING HARDWOOD FLOOR Inuollotlon and roflnlihlng old and now wurantnd not to chip or pool 3275£34I NANDYMAN GENERAL HOME CARE RooIs cleaned oI ice and snow Snowplowing Small moving iobs Garages and basements Cleaned Trosh hauled away Chimneys cleaned BARRIE 4875I 55 D2 NANDVMAN do pointing papdirhang In Iloor tillng IornIIuro Ilrlpplflg and inllhlnl Cull aul Handyman will do painting popor lloor tIIIn Iurnlturo Itrlpplng and rstinlstiil89Peel1373315 RUG SHAMPOOING wall wmhing pointing Ronenable Tulophon972B7267 SNOW REMOVAL from homo and cotton rook AIIO allration and ropoln Log Con selck GnSermons14199 iiout IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kltchlnl Inc rooms Call Run 43636 altr 630 pm Rolnroncuguvarllnblo FEED MORE living rot room more bedroom play loom Laundry olticc Itorog Ipuco Alw painting wollpoporing Muvrciy Ball 7286906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy Stream and patios aluminum door The number Io all your needs 728 8906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone Caulking win dew and oxpcinSion pints Work guaran toad 458 9346 NORTHERN CARPENTRV Docks rec rooms DflOVDIlOnS UIECHIIOHS OC OTC GUOT enticed work 7266090i77269CX72 RA CONSTRUCTION House mixing Iounv dcmons renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 alter GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists FREE ESTIMATES Cal TOM 7260424 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Bar tic oroo $5 up Dobson 4245 I0 alter 59nd weekends INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MWFM7 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and one work Chimney repair Firpious 925911 SPUTFPLIJEIAZALSJEE Peary PAINTING DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING In terior exterior paper hanging Custom work SOIISIOCILOHQUOTOHIGGd726O808N IlILLSDALE DECORATING InterOrr Iorior wollpopermg Custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 7058365387 local ML OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom Imming OI all types We stock many silos Phgna 7783270 ROOFING AND ROOFING Now and old Repairs Ergo estimates 4S63I77 alto pm SNOW BLOWING JIMS SNOWBLOWING Lowst rules In town driveways aidwalks small parking lots it Telephone 7269859 or737I 6V3Ir SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING rosidlnliol and commercial roasonable rules Ins uti motos cull Poul 7373064 MIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and rosidenticl Reasonable rules Dependable 776 7757 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblowing Reasonable rates Contracts sousonol or by ICON up Call 726 5666 Liiu ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and ommarnol Best service in town Roos flaéhrqivI°29rr°737i DOUGS SNOWPLOWING small commercml and residentidl Roasonablo rgtivsy72dfl460 MT ROOHNG CONTRACTOR Residential MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ MUIIC Ior pooplc who like to dance Good IGIII 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Cloulcol and Popular Moer Potvln Guitar Studio 7260489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two montlu trial Inltrumonl loaned Ior homo groctlcl Canadian Aca domy ol MuIIc I2I oytlold 7284799 GUITAR Clalllcal and folk urin bano and drums The Bandutond Baleo Mall Zifll NH PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Prlvm Iouom available In ion rock or claulcol Roalonciblo Tom IEIPhQLEZPLBOELW SOCIAL AND IALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming $4 COUPLE CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OF DANCING PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and docomtln In torlov oxtcrlor Work guaranteed EIIG lIIh 0d JOLOOII 7262225 WAYNE FOLEY Proloiilional polnturh Ex hrlor and lntorlor outlmatu Work Quorqrthod 7267389 PAINTING PAPER HANGING upmmod In oullmctou Jock Richardson 72620 i7568874 PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisloction guaranteed 7374295 Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by Cleanup 7370818 Anytime MW J5 SNOW REMOVAL PROM Roofs ONLvT Coll bolero noon 737G657 Aik lor Kirk or Gard RESIDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING Rootonablo rot Barrio Innlilil Telephone 4362695 anytime TONVS SNOWPLOWING Roalonnblo ruin Contract RelTonto II noodod Call 72652 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Extriot Stucco Intriot chturod wall and cuttings Fro nllmctu Dal Rulull Mldhunt tolcphono 231397 liloWAY RADIO RADIO Sales Repairs Installations All work done indoors DOCKSIDE union II II Inductor Vi 71267310 WELL DRILLING Morrll Gllbortl Water Well DrIlIIn Farm homo Cottage and woli Fro Nmoto I0 yuan nxporlonco AnguA 4246657 WELDING uLS WELDING AND RAILING SPECIALTIES 24 hr doyu Vory roownoblo tutu Misc woldinj N9 Igbrtoro imgllr7726I 409

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