The Examiner is member of The Canadian PresP and Agni Bug$cagr PUbllShed dBiIY except lions ABC Only the Canadian Press may new is news ries in 5£Mmanaoin edtor teDnVSEeSiIlisrhï¬ia mamas SUHGBY Md credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local Randy Mcétnaia cilygedilor SALESMEN 9° genyaAmï¬f mm statutory holidays news stories published in The Examiner wesxcvm carrier llllizchécaslzh32122 CI Edna 832138an 233725131232 90 cults The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created itnisnwaer Wodnoodly 00028 1917 599 baffle 00d Slmcoe county Weme Bergen sports Barb Bouiton Vikki Grant YEARLY by carrier PW 95 ed Cwdia Krause Mme Dana Graham Copyright registration number 203315 register 61 Marina Quattrocchi photographer John Zarecky BY MAIL Barrie Is ana Ion ewsPapers company Lmne JREPZRTERS cmguhnm 630 National advertising offices as Queen St Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St me Jan er manager Mmreal 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 PM Dem CLASSFED Undo Hum ass manager swcogfgoww mcmrd Burma Rum em pervsor Andy worn The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at Ello Agosml pUbISher 2313123 re 533 ï¬g ming MOTOEJE eggOFF errors in advertisements beyond the amounaepald for the spadce attlly ocilupied bly AS are 5° that ortion at the advertisement in which error occurre er suc error DVEHISING SIN Busniss Ruaegh MaCLean Peggy Chape Elaine PW ELSEWHERE CANADA due the negligence of its serva is or otherwise and there shall be no liability for 7266539 7266537 72824 7266537 sue Burke H°m°w°°d Gary mg 53350 Ye noninsertion of any advertisemen beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Chaplins genius will continue Genius is fragile thing genius in movies even more fra ile arlie Chaplin brought genius to the movies and that genius made more people laugh than any comedian before or since Charlie Chaplain died Christmas Day leaving the world his legacy of The Little Tramp The Little Tramp was Everyman fighting losing bat tie with modern society maintaining his individuality des ite the 20th century aplin was the lion of Hollywood in the da when movie stardom meant palatial mansions abulous yachts blocklong limousmes and Arabiannights par ties The nation which adopted him made his riches possi ble and allowed his genius to flourish later turned its back on him in that brief period when conformity was political ideal Chaplins onereelers show up on television once in while The comic pathos of the onereelers is there still and always will be no matter how outdated the technology of the films no matter how quaint the actors and actresses Chaplins masterpieces The Great Dictator Modern Times show up on television less frequently their biting satire still considered too much by the men now controll ing the art to which Chaplin brought genius The final sunset has fallen upo The Little Tramp But the fragile genius of Chaplin is there for all of us as long as there is movie projector and screen letters to the editor Question of lights irrelevant Dear Sir Further to my letter written on Dec 27 regarding Tower Crash just read your headline again today Dec 16 about the towcr lights There seems to be much doubt as to whether or not the lights were on or off at the time of the crash Mr Hebden who lives next door to the sta tion claims the lights were on at pm the day of the crash However he could see only about 600 ft of the 1000 foot tower and therefore could not say if all the tower warn ing lights were working Yet John Alexander inquest council said the lawyers at the inquest had agreed that the lights were off at the time of the crash and he claims he can introduce evidence to prove it New ask you haw the heck would they the lawyerSJ know if the lights were on or off Xmas vetoed Dear Sir would like to add my wholehearted agree ment with the remarks made by Mr Bruce Arnold of Wasaga Beach in his letter publish ed under the heading Nix to Xving Examiner editorialpageDec 21 Further would comment that whoever writes the heads seemed to adopt flippant attitude Not to Xing Probably con Sidered cutejournaiism worked at The Examiner from 1952 to 1962 and think am correct in recalling that in those days ownerpubhshcr William Ken neth Walls did everything he could to avoid the word Xmas being used in advertising and vetoed it completely from editorial copy Yours Truly Clifton Ward 87 St Vincent St Barrie Editors Note The spelling Xmas for Christmas is banned in Examiner news stories headlines and advertising and always has been write your mp9 if you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses if you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not pasonal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors tool FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne MPPeeiDufferinSimcoe Parliament Building Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Gus Mitges MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPPISimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 George Mchgur MPPDufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 it they were no where near the sccnc Mr Hebden who lives right next door says they were on at least as far up as he could see My point of this letter is The fact that whether or not the lights were on or off iand am inclined to believe that the were on is ir relevant to this case especia iy if they were only red lights and not white strobe lights because if the lights were on at the top of the tower because of the limited visibility ask you how in hell could Mr ilollinsworth thc unfortunate pilot be expected to sec thc lights even if they were all on He is flying in rain and fog at about 200 miles per hour Mr Batchelor claims that according to his eye witness accounts he was satisfied that the lights were off and yet Mr iicbdcn claims they were on am inclined to believe Mr Hebden Who was an eye witness also understand that the lights are turncd on and off with an automatic light sensor and there was no mention of White strobe lights so am assuming there wcrc no white strobc lights on the tower would recommend that all high towers bc equipped with white strobe lights and thal they be activated hours day still maintain that even if the tower was equipped with white strobe lights at the timi of the crash under the circumstances thc fatal unfortunate crash would still have oc curred Because at tho spccd Mr Hol linsworth was travelling there is no way hc could take evasive action to avoid it And that it was late that decided the wholc sad cpisodc and that it will probably never happcn again in million years Thank you Sinccrcly Andy Niclscn Banii Against funds Dear Sir Well our fair city has pulled yct anothcr boner To be more specific the 125th Birth day Party Boy Oh Boy What lot of charitable organizations could do with $65000 The program coordinators salary of $12500 plus hcr $2500 Total $15000 expcnsc pad could completely finance Contact ora similar organization for period of Six months giving three people employment for that period of time The other $50000 is more than six avcragc Canadians earn in year How much good is this $65000 going to do for our hospital that barely manages to stay within its budget limits or the Simcoc Rescue Squad or Contact ielccarc or any of the necessary community organizations that do more for our area each day than this pro posed extravagance will do in its nine months yet its obvious that those do not ro vide the proper prestige for the right peop What more can say except that hope we all soon come to our senses before its too late Sincerely Barry Barker Barrie we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigncd lct tors but if you wish pen name will be used include your telephone number and add rcss as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner somctimcs has to edit condense or rcect letters Letters to the itor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to Letters to the Editor The Examiner lotit Officc Box 1170 BARBIE Ont IAM Allli They that go down to the sea in snowmobiles Knowles ramblings it Bill KNO LES Another fcw days and iinoilicr yciir Will havc passcd by wondcr wlicrt thc timc goes Einslcin had low iiiiswcrs to that 0110 but ncvcr undcrstood thiiii lcrliiips this is llic time to makc NililRtSOlllliiliix for thc coming year itsaninlcrcsiingidcii solcisstcwhal happcns could rcsolvc to not go crazy cvcry limc look at thc chncsdiiy cdition of lhis ncwspapcr ziiid scc llic llOllllllt picturc that is used at lhc lop of his column lwlicvc that thc pagc cditor uscs lllill particular pholti graph to kccp mi lllllllllll could risolvc to not hc obstructch towards tht 125th iinniwrsnry ctinimiltcc that wants to throw ii birthday party lil 1978 providing ilii ouncil iipproics ihc plan ill lhtli ncxt nitcling in fact will illilkt lllill resolution but Altiit3ii ouiicil iipprovcs it and not bcforc lhcn lhcri is lhc proliliiii of llic wziy llic fcdcral govtriimcnt is lclting our country liill apart at lhc scams ccrliiiiily could rcsolvc The world today lly JOHN ll IlAlHlliUN Forcign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scrvicc Christmas in thc soczillcd liristiau world with its animal oulpourlngs of matcriiilism much of it rcpulsivc to tho mcssiigc of the festival demands an cvcn harshcr parallel with the state of most of thc world At Christmastime 1977 with tho banal ban tcrings of television advert ising for lhings wc honestly dont nccd and short years ago didnt know existed thc poor and hungry who make up most of our globc arc poorcr and hungricr The pundits change their view of which is the greatest crisis facing mankind There was the threat of nuclear war in the early 19605 result of the Cuban missilc crisis of 1962 interpreting the news not to lot this givc mc ulcers but that pro bany wont do any good so ill just resolve to not lct Trudcau be rcclccted in the 1978 fcdcral gorround that should be held in late spring or carly fall And cvcn on the samc or related issue will attcmpt to not continuc to criticize the thrcc political parties in Simcoe South iincluding my ownl for not holding their nomination mcctings by now or for not plan ning to hold them in January so that we poor slobs who do the voting can sec what they huvc to offer before making our decision POSITIVE GOALS As to some more positive goals for the com ing ycar thcsc would include resolutions to plant my rows of vegetables farther apart so thc rototillcr will go between them cut back thc purchase of tomato plants from 200 to 25 rcducc my complaining at my wife who tries harder than most to kec grumpy husband happy hclp shovcl thc riveway more often than do now and to stop making good ex cuscs that show why she should do it instead of inc and to concludc to try to learn the Then came the realization of how seriously wc wcrc polluting our environment and using up our resources inspired primarily by the writings of the late Rachel Carson in the late 19605 and early 19708 we were asked to turn our minds to the worlds population explosion relentlessly growing and wiping out whatever good was being done by foreign aid as well as mass education for birth control and technologysharing And finally in the last few years the decline of our own rich industrial societies in to chronic unemployment inflation and recession has closed our minds to the needy globe After all they are poor hungry and dying we say because their leaders are corru and our aid programs are gobbled up by gra Step taken to solution of centuryold problem UNITED NATIONS Ci Britain and Argentina have taken another uict step to wards rcsolution of dispute ich has ruf fled relations between thcm for more than century They have agreed to sci up two working groups to discuss the future of tlic Falklands an inhospitable group of islands off the southern coast of South America Argentina claims sovereignty over thc islands which have been governed by Britain for more than 140 cars islands which lie about 400 kilomclrcs east of the Argontinc coast in the south Atlan tic havc been source of friction between the two countries for years and past efforts to settle the dispute have been unsuccessful Britain has governed the islands as Crown colony since 1833 The approximately 1950 inhabitants are mostly of British stock with few of Scandinavian origin Sheep far ming is the main occupation and wool the principal export There is some whaling and fishing HEVOLT IN 1810 The Argentines claim sovereignty by virtue of an occu ation by theS nish that receded the Britis arrival an Argentina revolt against Spanish rule in 1810 Britain sought the arbitration of the in ternational Court of Justice in 1947 but the court refused to handle the case when Argen tina rejected its competence Nonresolutions for l978 from picture to election Irish dialect so that my next door neighbor and can understand each other better 1978 looks to be very im rtant year for all mankind Perhaps the Mi die East matter will be resolved or at least on the road to be ing settled and the bloodshed ended Oil prices will robably rise again but this will help enlist support of the researchers who are seeking alternate forms of energy and perhaps our kids will be the beneficiaries Canada which is teetering on the edge of balkanization will make decision as to whether the present government can guide us through the separatist movement in Quebec and that provmce Will tell Canada through their nefercndum exactly what they think of Canada Unemployment will remain the major pro blem in the new year and politicians will attempt to prove that they have the answers that in reality they dont can only wish that each and every one of us will sec their hopes and aspirations come to fulfillment in 1978 That is my parting statement for this year ending God bless you all When 800000 Canadians are out of work and our economy is not working what are we doing sup rting overseas countries who have done ittle to help themselves we say cocoa oil at the chea prices possible and sell them back the in ustrial equipment they need with all the builtin high costs of our in flation This becosz vicious circle of laying blame and passing the buck But what we have in socalled Christian countries that the rest of the world does not have in the same measure is the essential need to be charitable and our brothers keeper Even for the agnostic and nonbeliever who seems to dominate our political system the media and our business world that Christian ethic is inescapable To be poor in Canada is in no way the same as being poor in Boliva indonesia Egypt or thePhili pines To be reft of hope of expectations about the future of salvation of the family in Can ada is in no way the same as in the poor nations Unfortunately in the hard economics bet ween the rich and the poor nations the record shows the gap is widening rather than closing after 25 years of foreign aid and assistance country like Zaire the former Belgian Co and one of the worlds richest copper pr ucing nations after hinge of high costs and selfindulgence is one of the growing number of Third World countries that is going broke The big banks of the big commercial nations are no longer prepared to bail them out So we are inclined to wipe our hands clean of the distress that leaders of the poor countries bring to their even more distressed people in the Mormon church everyone tithes for such good works as assisting the needy at home and abroad Suffer the little children is still Christian call and need Do you heed it Queen park Taylor puzzle By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO One of the puzzles to many around the Ontario legislature is Jim Taylor the minister of energy Few people know how to assess Taylor He comes across as having lot of ability yet he is one of the most frequent butts of the opposition parties One of the reasons for this is that through no fault of his own he got off to bad start The first portfolio he was given was com munity and social services the governments handout department which covers mothers allowances oldage supplements childrens aid societies and the host of other government welfare programs And this simply wasnt his baby hard nosed lawyer with keen eye for dollar bill be simply wasnt compatible for ministry that ideally calls for man who has had large focus on human problems and probably bit of soft heart CHANGE GOOD But then he was moved to energy and it was different story Here was branch of government dealing with one of the most complicated problems of our day and calling for ceen analysis and imagination both of which Taylor has And soon reports began filtering out that he was doing good job keeping the ministry on path and particular opening up its vision However the fall session arrived and presto he was again the butt When the provincial ministers of energy formed council Taylor was selected as the first chairman When there was subsequent federal provincial conference he was at the fore So much so that one observer said the ministers from Alberta and Quebec went out of their way to congratulate him HOLSE TROUBLE Yet once he was back in the house the op position parties continued to treat him as bumbler finger can be put on two reasons for this One is that Taylor doesnt handle himself well in the house particularly he cant get politics off his mind When an opposition member asks uestion Taylor is likely to start his answer saying as the member well knows The only thing this does is un necessarily irritate the opposition Most of the time when he was under the gun at the session it was on matters concerning Ontario Hydro He would defend Hydro and he shouldnt have done this Hydro runs its own shopit is not direct appendage of government in fact it is one of the major bands of the ministers existence and he would have been better if he had said this or at least ducked rather than trying to defend it The house can be tough place It can do much to undermine minister It could be shame if this were to happen to Taylor Canadas story Douglas success By BOB BOWMAN in 1857 British Columbia and Vancouver Island were separate colonies In fact what now is the mainland of British Columbia was called New Caledonia until 1858 The discovery of gold along the Fraser River brought sudden influx of prospectors mostly from the US and the British govern ment realized that strong administration was needed So New Caledonia became British Colum bia with New Westminster as its capital James Douglas who was governor of Van couver Island was made governor of the new colony as well It was wise choice because Douglas was an experienced Hudsons Bay Company em ployee and understood US plans for the Pacific coast in those days popular American slogan was fiftyfour forty or fight which meant that the US was prepared to obtain the entire coast to Alaska Douglas acted quicly to establish British authority on the mainland even before it became British Columbia On Dcc28 1857 he issued an edict that all gold mines in the Fraser and Thompson River districts be longed to the Crown Prospectors had to register in Victoria and obtain mining licen ces before they could go to thc mainland He also took steps lamprcvciii fighting among the prospectors the lndians If there had been disorder the Americans would have sent in troops to protect their nationals and that might have led to acquisition of the entire territory He was completely successful and just in time The American prospectors arrived singing song Soon our banner will be streaming Soon the eagle will be screaming And the lion see it cowcrs Hurray boys the rivers ours OTHER E28 EVENTS 1602 Merchants of Houcn and St Malo were ordered to establish ii company to develop Canada 1720 British Lords of Trade urged evacuation of Acudians from Nova Scot in 1837 ArBritain rcjcctcd New Brunswick giuinc boundary award by king of Netherlan