mvarVwvwvwv vv v7 rv yg 16 the examlnor Tuesday Dec 27 1977 rev Death NoticesEnqogementu as 1132 amt ssso maximum lOwordsadditional ALL THE HELP YOU NEED mamWm Card olThanlu 40words $550 AddmondwomWWW lnMemorlom no verse $550 37 DI Verepercountllne extra flperllne Dally Business Directory the ads below Theodvese WM cw is in llCir tinld and will assure You of the Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers Hm mi IIIIIIIIII listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the LAWSON Hi touched down at Royal finest Ob pOSSIbIe Victoria Hospital Barrie Monday December i9 i977 My parents are Bob and Heather nee Cunningham My name is Kevin Robert and weighed lbs W2 025 Im waiting to meet lirst time grandmother Jean Jennett and six time grandmother Kay Lawson Thanks to Dr Peachey tor smooth tlight and fi sate Iandgng II 15 agl7rtd Campanilyl JInohdiizh Dun St East merit lrlu mu erlov lo mt mu ALUMINUM DRYWAIl HOME IMPROVEMENTS flaunt Ammo yonddavs CclxlgIolIalIrI OIacel WILDIm at laaaam mama lac rooms and Interior Exterior ï¬ngam ues ays Is gram ii HllI 424m HI Dam COI n9 Company In CONSTRUCTION Home raising Ioun on Wednesdayschildistullotwoe TIIIIIIIIIII°IIIjH Decorating Remodelling WIRING lallxln In st tl d°° ovallom additions Phone op as mm Chldlt SI rt om ova ans ml Thursday ago enovatlng oratlve stucco complete rec rooms and wr4l75°rbpT 9gzgggyoyp many Fridays Child is lOVinEi Bridgivingl mmRmc 07 mm lung texture Ipraylng Call Ken Hill 4240215 iis Saturdays Child works hard tor IIS uh ec room or room Mk Palnlflfli Mhl PRODUCTS Fm° GENERAL 0M REPAIRS ROOFING WW rl2ltrrvlllNr ram Construction Specialists °dP°IJ°°r45 335 Interior Exterior And Child born on Siding Euvr mug 7159f EsfluAm ALUMINUM ll 50 GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHNG em mg fmjstimatesflfloSIITaIterbpm Isa andwse afld 900 and gay and and snow remova TOM 710042 wmo ROOFINGI NM and 0H MEL sidin Eovestrou mmlmmHuj can 7236623 ovu Renovating 7V havmhwf Children hearing INS verse by Counter FCCl0 000 niy all Marlin Verstraten muflmmuImIalnIahflo 50 Windogs SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Claanl R9c °°va°¥ r°°m Shinglmg Paman Lirilmlllifléainté Sh°5 WW VJIMIL jI Jag loc DR Is our Sh 38 eavestrou its and ice and snow remova Construction Specialists and other important intormatlon tor Additiona Rooting 50 UL 17°nm Do YOUR WINDOWS mgmg In FOCIO Doors item we only Call Martin Verstraten your childs future An Examiner Birth FIE SflMAT COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Porcil Enclosuresbonesm tr Shutters eAwnings mNOW lowcfl Announcement quI include the namr oi NEED RE CAULKING EAVEsrRQUGmNG commm and mm 7250424 New and Repairs your child the day or the week month ummcu COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL AdditionsRooting Jock BatesFree estimates Ii7Burtan Ay Am Plum Minnmi GTIdIYeï¬aI bITht If W€EIId 09 memmu or reeguo 7k Newand Repairs Nlafldoie7268657alter5 in ormo Inn ï¬rm messaqrv VIP vvsL llunv melmrcial onco our coor lnot cau PorCh Encosuressonework Ierrlo Mill can become permanent record ill 5Hle Jr sl ti lllwlllolmn and ser be Te Forfme GSIImOIe Eliamcl Do YOUR WINDOWS 24 no BaToIIys lanoIli orFaLmilyAlhugls 7266907 IIIk II era or an taminel ir ice II mm Spullmc mes 0mm Electric Commercial NEED RBCAULKING is only $550 maximum 40 words Adm Low Fumlv ï¬nallle ELECTRIC 1106912 4241109 726 6907 Residential Industrial installations and ser lional words CENS DEF WOI D28 m7 fl726m mw f°r 9° q°° PHONE 2414 RPPIIAHCES iiulrn Commerch Local Family Business oncolourcoordinated caulking EIEEEQEJILOIJIIyIQ IIII 351in Farms INCOME TAX SNOW 0me ML gummy in All Li ivirx dpsi Fl otln mcoue TAX et eBor ram SNOWMOWING on www Andusmol c°mmerclal r0 To BROWN RU Ema Slevtrlwll infl Elucfl oi consulting rie area $5 01 pan 4245 iO otter seasonoblo rates Contract Relerence ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales Resdenml Farms D28 Grave lxmortdLgiplglfllélsion Mnndjy 20 yrs rxporience 51gi91kd mutcflnwszn and service le Alliance Blvd Unit 19 Lightingdesign III ï¬n II New and Re airs Ce ms MSSNOWBLOWINGJoweItreteelntown 7230392 gt7 52nd yearbrlnvcdwrlr2 0t Lari Brown at Bump ranl my lr MOM ma run on emsAb Electricalconsulting mam ux Eavestr0ug ing Bcelon Dearvvwmvrulormua eri 00mm M1 fltyfmmngns 23 PAIRS 20 rs ex er nce 05 90 WWW 0m imml do 6234 CW YM Lie 18 INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Dar CommerCIal IRomf BMUOV and MPG WE REPAIR BrIish European and Japanese 05 ers riearea85 up Dobton 4245910 alter Residential 5mm and FmamI Hamm LOW cars Coronation Auto Serv I7 Mary St 50nd weekends gramImomcr Jmul LNI Apr PAULS SNOWPLOWING mlmflal and 72¢ sul 28 34 Eavestroughlng cleaned ï¬igftIjMJfgï¬hI IlfIIIRIIISV PtWFILMAlIltlHon sir MantlUI laalugaI detrimental reasonable rates tree eetl Mulruse Am allow ml vv yla work ma an owl 7373064 and flushed ItWIU Deaf vlsttjl ol Ilrlrmlrt Lru at III LII SEWING NSYRUUONSI WW and Id Iaramlmd lgtIlug at tm llIulllw Cï¬RpiLIfï¬y WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small common PURPLE MARTIN Houses tor saleApply at92 noggin aoycnopp humming haulage vanced Private or class 30 years Our and Up IFUnvr 00 WWW ll 77 gt1 Biown celulose Fbre dd Md Idnl°l mmou Melrose Av0 Barrie or telephone7285233 soptlc systems trenching loader work PC Ilthoa 364750 For esIImGIeS CC qumW spun Thwwm AND itld TDI TII 267757 WNW Ws vw Mm 6455 06125 leLvmw at pm lvllvlmn IEtCHENSNOWPLOWINGandSnowbIowIng VEUNIPIIILV ltIunttllUrIHthJ itm Illlrlllril UIIIIIImIWIII Iv IrII MWFM7 luauusable rats Contract gamut or by anrnr ilr IL VlUI IDprtClrtllfI gt VA deanuECall7265666 AND General Contractor Kitchen rec STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and Mn till v1 At It rel QUINN rooms renovations additions Iireplaces stone work chimney repair Fireplaces TThs TF lirlturtm Hollpltill grill Ill lwlillilkllby IIIUZE W9cl°°d Ilia Backhoe Excov °°YFLWL°P 79542451l59 LitfLIITIIMI 1o Irll Mohairl rt Lil ABIIIII II rlrltr ladgc Yirg SMING msmucnomII Minn and ad mbhmht1Ehon7372mIIWI CARPENTER Specialixlng in rec rooms in in it 75m your Illilivull ill illllkl ill gt jvarlced Private or clau can 01 renal glltodellmg trim OIE PDOSE lt0 Trenching roNys SHOWBLOWING OR SNOWPLOW Mary Lalrll lllrl llrllltlm ul lltlllI rit porienreTeephone SbI750 midmovrpnlowmobm° cflmomcl mam alarm WARRENBROWND MIMI Io MI Rmmbmm WNW EAélNEr MAKER Euroiaan named Kill 0mm genng lilieto dance Goodrdtes72a95gt5 pa linodad Culm 57 llhbwii i5alvl Mr Mil MASONRY MWYXZLESNEJJLIIfllliiimï¬p charts volt ties Pine turnlure renovations MSSNOWBLOWING Lowe mu 72 all lcrl Damastc Commercal 72a MUSIC lflsrnucfl us alluvial lulurm ll ml Wlrm mm WI srAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and mom 2923c AAL 2tIIYpII°IIfVE5° 37033 IPEJIWQ bhu urlvlli llIlrl 7n in In 9mm rm Home work chlrnney repair Fireplaces DICK HEAR HAULAGE snowplowlng cmcér CARgEmERS dag gasp FIREPLACES GUITAR lESSONS Classical and Popular IVI III IlII AVPI m°f2iMZ5L drivast and parking lotl Reasonable rl rlI Carla es ran0votiolls re airs Satisfaction MEBVPEK 69 Syuéog mTI 7286770726043 lilJrl Ulllrlll til llv it guaranteed andJCorstruction 72674 ONEWORK and IIP°C° Ponlf ACCORDION guitar piano organ bï¬glflnut Il Im MI HIMI tin iiiPEN Eur Iron rnov°II°IIIS WarsonkrtreegstlImValaflZRIlI59 II rndnsgvlance two morIlIrhs tréal iIrIutrument SQTLIJILIIiIgSrIOVIIEIIDVIIILIIC IuIZslduIrIltll 13 INIHIIIIIII III NI II I7 lIIgt IIIII II IWARREdN BROlgN DJ Music Isr people who 15 II alllzereclliiger91c Nqlgbiosmnapggu FIREWOOD Idoeomy 0iMusKéi7l 5233372239ng Aw mates callPuul 737 mu WA IN Wall it rm lw mpTi RU TION ll lw IOI r8n°90IIonSIgddIIIonc1nrescCgtgS HARDWOOD SPLITI DEIIVERED DWI an GUnAa Clogsi°l and talk string lmnIo EMIIGHTJS SNOItIvILIOItINRG SrnoliI ulnar IIIII IIIIlII lI he IImcs II 0500 380 my MI kth ggIIlIlIvIlsms The Bandstand BayIield Mai lBSPIIIggIIIIIIImgIIoInIguI mwwm we GUITAR LESSONS Claulcal and Popular CONTRACIOR flingingcarIdIf7gll3 PIIOFESSIONAI DRGMI INSIR IIEICHEIIIIINOW PIOWIM II III IIIO lén lllIIllIrl ri mt MtchanotvlnGultorStudio7261489 low vl lg 0W rt ngIoIIczI Fï¬bsï¬Ã©ié 32230303223 lHON Prim uwm modems In Ia Imenahla rotos Contracts simian in mm NII AI II ha is Ir II MFORDION guitar piano organ beginner Resdenhal and weekends 95 rock or classcal Reasonable ratos SIN UP 76 5666 Mm WI II II and advanced Two months trial instrument giagcgï¬ï¬oï¬bdog Chmpw by Tvlephma I726 2903 all AILAN snowmowwo Reuderlmllarrl iranam my ll IIII IIrI $1CI7ggnIa7d9lgn Aco rim Be it llrrki Himml lIlt Romsw llrlflgeszroileggzeIggvm also cedar posts SOCIAL AND subcÃ©ï¬ 153 53 26 swan ll an III II GUITAR Classical and talk string bane Commercm noaiï¬nmsï¬mc BAllRoout DANCING locuos suowviowmo snmll antiwar CIfliggfIIIIIIjjjIII IIII II IIij II £423 dmm Ymd M° Snowplowing Instructionfor Ond residential R151nlhio rates 76 84 8th III Viï¬wfl lPOi EssIONAl DRUM lNStRuc Snow Remova ISNOWPLOWINO Rasltlmlllalallwa II Flt Rec °° °°° 30pr 00 °°° °C°5°5 wt lots ac and mm raI HI °° l° °°°b Reasonable Rates general Interior de5lgn ratlshmoI 0d guaramwd Classes now forming ralaphana 72¢ 44 ppm II Hygg mml iPOrpee l3256341 mLwwe no 7v DICK rirAR HAULAOE slam Wu on 59050 FREE ESTIMAiErsh 027 HANDYMAN ACOUPLE anwayl and mum hm soctAuNo by cleanup All 7264723 ram elephone 778 emu 774 44 ml MLW lw WW la or iUl CARPET CLEANING GENERAL HOME CARE AlolouAucAnrm BAIIILIIrItIxUthZIIlIï¬IIth 1310313 tlroirlrls vvv IL STAR YOUR sprmg caning today Roots cleaned ol ice and snow Diciuc lrlo ll all occasions Anyhme Revitalize your carpets wrthAJ carpetsteam NW 3m Vl cleaning 79933 WWV HI OWP 0W9 IIIII II 005565 0W ormmg SNOW REMOVAL FROM ROOFS ONLY Call SAW SAVE slew cIaner lor mm sis Smollmovingiobs vmmm mmmc and ammlmg CONTRACTOR ACOUPLE MEW per day 7280883 FREE delivery and IlgriorI tenor work may dIL MI RESIDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING Reasonable hp 30 551931 bmcfmems Cleo 9d ed30years 726 2725 23690070 RQSIdemal 33 CALI 7264723 rom Borrlt hnlilil Telephone 62695 COMMERCML WAYNE FOLEY Protonanal painters flown Anon Chlmneys cleaned teror and Interior Free ulunalos work It COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art BARRIE li°£° 779733 commeluol Cmlylmrvl hill ll DKMG work layoul Pase cal collect as =PAINYING PAPER HANGING experienced win wt RUSSELL rsxrun SPRAY Exterior Itucco 936mm 875155 lree estimates Jack Richardson 776 7017 owp Interior textured walls and ceilings Free 756 587A SnOyv Removal eetimatesDale Russell Mldhunt telephone HANDYMAN will do painting paper hang 5i It vlLlltiGA PAINTING and ecoratin In 7234392 In Iloor tiling turnlture stripping and Reasonable ROICS Wm evlnrior Worlr guaranteedisto lish Irelnlshln CullPaul7372875 gtltl3yls 726 2225 7269002 TWOWAY RADIO RESIDENllAl ENCINc Chain link custom Comma seagonOI or gt WWW wood liarco lipr5a your property 737 Handyman will do painting paper hangth rm II II III HAYNE OEV Proesional Pom EKI 1507 DO ï¬ling qumguw ippmg and cleanIU lunar and Interior Free estimate Work refinishing CallPoul 7374875 lnerior and exeri°r WWl IIKmletd 7267389 77 iiiii II gt iArrWVrrrgt DRESSMAKING RUGSHAMPOOINGonIwashin mlll 7370818 mmmc um HANGING experienced 5°I°5 ROW 9° Freeestlmatos rm Wm iITj Reasonable Tele hone 7287267 lug estlrrale Jack Richardson7262OIZ Installations DRiSSES FIT ll made by JOSIE AQUINO Lew rates Fast serviCQ Anytime Gd llso 887A Spaclallzmg punt sans gowns and alma IsooothfIggxféï¬lni2 I°Idl°gIGII 1r WMH mu All work done indoors my ngugenw phone 726 6000 II do 9907 30 IS at ten guaran ee SNOW REMOVAL FROM ROOS ONIV Coll pp um DRESSMAKWG rAlloRlNc andalierollon I919 ï¬r ogrgwng WOIIQMOI 737305 Mt lmKuk orounl Mnm ml t4 aw mube W5 °P°°° OMEIMPROVEMEMS RESIDEerAl suowmowmc Rnamuabla lgt 7374934 betamyler and7p DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING 50m 76° 330 twill INTERIOR REMODELUNG KkMMI Werner exterior paper hanging custom WW II DRYWAll rooms Call Ruu 436368l alter 30 pi Im 5°l°° 9°°°d 77 303 stucco flailW till Interior and exterlor luau nrnmownobl NILLSDALEI DECORATING Interior mmw Free estimates 7267310 arin custom xturud walls MED MORE Ilvtng lxx rgc room l°° lRUSSElL TEXTURE SPRAl uert um ulm uh II II Mme playmom law 059 andwmsi Telephone 705 8355387loco Itntellor tortured walls and lama rlaa Mlrl lll ll LOW ratés F05 servce DRIllING wow Alto Pointing wallpapeme Murray CT estimates oalmruuall Mlztlmrxt mm lJlf Km II Satlslactlon guaranteed 7m 39 Morris Gilberts Water Well Drillin Farm GenerolCOrpentry CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement Will DRILLING fjf hum some and welt Fro Drywou planning and decorating privacy screens IIM IWI II ISIlzI M29 YOO POTIOMO MOW and lll gt Ill It II W7II Interior and Exterior 0YJgog°° Wbm ABBEYWOOD Imus ollbms warm Wel mum ram lml vv lwl mm our gt DUN SIESUNG PROFESSONM imva Ex sk cottage am moi ran twil runw cw term exterior hon in custom AM Painting SPECIALIZING INI Tuck pointing chimneys CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING zestlmote i0 your experienin Angus dl nl wail Satislactionupfaï¬gnteengZM waterprooï¬ng brlclr and stone caulking win RETAIL COMMERCAL 424 5657 77 WANT ADS pray exture gt prim av HlLLsoALr DECORATING Interior ex dows expansion Iolnts Worlr guaran 7233663 an museum CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE wunmc ARNOLD mm mm wallpapering custom mama walls PHONE 7282414 71 and ellin9s TeIephone 7058355387 local 4240052 BORDEN WWI WEN WOW slus WELDING AND RAIIIHG svrcmnrs Funeral Home Chapel 27332 333 722235237213gjof °° See our ad in the Yellow Pages °° BAYFIELD 51 welding Noxobtoosmoll 726 NOB 7282530 gamma sr Fl dl ssv ltelp waited Help wanted ltelp wanted 76 employment wanted our ow ER WWW J0 Il oomruonouumn 1°°QY£EL ivllir ix ll mnomm AGING IIIII It you want to work Invites iob otters from in Mesonaurs approximately hrs daily dustries and applications be held celebale days week from competent workers 45Ih HS rdsr iosI lIllI comaor CLERK Riqump hoid 12L£Jilfi iiiiiii ANNVERSARY ANlr rlll of Helen and George 0ver2l rs at MWFJ2 Responsible sellmotivated and honest person Duties include daily pass radial MULHOLLAND ElCfl inventories payroll records employee tiles statistical reports Exmem FD DAVCAPE Thursday Dec 29th i977 Training provided Regular pay raises Iile dental and medical in Thgnuwh WIS TOUH in my home ull or part llmr agllrtjrh1 10 pImI II °W I$i5$éiinilif31$3331213323223 the home or men doughver ffLi Hours Monday TueSdayr ThUSdoyr Friday 0m 2330 Pm SIOCk Brothers 1778 7086 tor nlOrtIlIUrITldIIUrI and sonrinlaw Iedned°I°d SIJUdWéam °° School Bus Lines 779 Mr Mrs Leon Garrick MW ease sen comp ete resume to Iw TEMGO INCORPORATED 7285941 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Agdhurill O°I° IL III 59 IdS 201 TF NOTICE TOCREDITORS eSWSes IV 99 BABYSIITER REQTIIIEMI lN THEMATTEROF IIII 9353323333 Borne onlono LAM noon kindergarten child StEel so sills THE BANKRUPTCY OF Iflldon 78 ICING MWFTF area Call 726 3966 DON AL 0N lt ILlRlEIDOF BEING laid all or low pawl SNEDKER ot the Township of ave part and run time positions open with above average wage tar am Innsm In the coumy Of bltious persons wuth car Barrie and sur coo in the Province of On roundinq area telephone Ala 895 6537 one To char rU WANTED Slngle and tandem ownerl operator trucks tor winter sanding in Nolce i5 herebY given Mechanic 52mm °°°d Anhonv Snedker of DENTAL ASSISTANT required im theTownShp éunnIShlfln mediater Experienceprelerredhutnot COUMY 509 necessary Please apply in own hand Prawn writing to Box WAO The Examiner ce made an required for EXPANDING LOCAL 53W assignment on the 16th day of De MAINTENANCE GARAGE ifSiliï¬llifriinzfiWEES123 mb cAN EARN EXTRA MONEY GENERALCONTRACTORS II Renovations to Rear Entrance at ltu II Ministry of Transportation and Cornmunicrvlrvls plex HUNTSVILLE Ont 66607 4°56 gstseï¬nghogzsgiggzvgu Washroom Alterations at the ltolluiril ul on vi 24 Rep Iwrltlng stating THE GOOD LIFE DECEMBER III 2m GUCCI III PARRY SOUND 0m 77094 still it ROUTES ST VINCENT WillINGTON AREA experience etc I02 Barrie Distributor tor well established anemoonI he oflice Separate Individual Sealed Tenders mil II IIIIIII MAME RA DUFFERIN AREA II III POBox 277 $53231fgggaggegggï¬giggf¢o CI VERSNELI THE 0mg 200pmlocoltlmo orlTUESDArlANUARr4 onI L4M 4T4 Dana their very ettective sales and RECEIVERI BROQKDALE INNI servicetorce serving Simcoe County Combined Tondors will not be OCKtpi IIIIIII Successml III II III II ISO Dunlop Street West in the Tender Documents may be obtomorl llrl this oppormnpifygg mafzmrrï¬zgï¬mgg City oIBarrie in the Province Ministry of Government Services Georgian aw Ira mod isballesalrnlgrlsriazimv may successw domorio lice 24 James Street East 90 Box 79 Drillr nï¬val zzlszl°gzirltï¬y Wed at Owen Sound WWWmm AREA llillIIIIlllIlIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ce C6 726 7295 day OI December 977 NOTE For lurther inlormation regarding rim imutm mi STEADY JOB NormonWMclntyre call Mr Mclsoac at the above address lfllfgllli it those long winter days with ex no NEDED TOP PAY CA Trustee 705 3257403 WI III citement and tunit Earn cosh HWard8Partners The lowestorany Tender not lmcessorilyllll lip now get out ol the house got II 954 Isl Avenue West more Information about an Examiner Carrier Ivolved as an our Phillid mLZVliénnlriiTliiZh$HpéLio RXUSIEE Owen Sound Ontario hard workers he Vmmm Prognm Rapid increase pluas dUHVrlzfgdtlfzrnInigl ml3 lE Mu right people Must have car For lnlur IV sAGE IE Iviow cal726 407 Do all lHIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIlIIIlIIIllIIIIE 72 sales hupagems ZAIZIIIOCdZSS EXPANDING CANArJlAN ollc in in C0 728 9652 or wrne Livi ltIi HOUSEKI EVER napalm or needs dependable person who canxor mOIl 55 without supervs 3I4000 rgl AVON PO 304 asl Years nic hbme iliuéotdvvlaterarwitn year plus bani0 Coniiigt customifri Con preVlous no nd to The Examner Box Borne 4T6 comtortapte acconllnodato around Barre We train Wrle BARREom UM 457 Comm Call BJSIJrlIO papais Dick Prc$Southwestrn Petroleum 0° SOIUrdOY I686 7900 evenings lBrampton Ont L67 7J6 III wean