17 no the examiner Tuoodny Doc 21 1077 scoreboard nhl By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY Wales Conference Norrll Division Pittaburgh at Toronto WL FAP PittsburghPronovost Montreal 22 4128 as 411 Chapman Malone Mahovllch L0 A08 1611 5101 11187 TorontoMcDonald Sittler Pittsburgh 10 is 106 140 27 Valiquette Detroit 1017 00103 24 EXHIBITION Washing 20 7112318 Pardublce at Philadelphia Adams Division ParduhteeStastny Phlla Buffalo 21 5123 117 17 delphlaKindrachuk Bridg Boston 21 5121 112 47 man Leach Kelly Toronto 20 122 86 44 Kladno at NY Ran era Cleveland 10 20 113 125 23 KladnoePouzar ermann Campbell Conference Novy NY RangerIDeBlois Patrick Dlvialon Vadnais Tkaczuk Maloney Phila 22 4139 714a Islanders 18 11 8139 112 44 Rangers 12 is 7119122 31 NHL scoring leaders after Mon Atlanta 1013 10 92 106 so days game Smythe Division GAP ChlcaSO 101410 115 9630 Trottier NH 25 32 57 Vancouver 1014 it 95 118 211 Lafleur M11 24 24 43 Colorado 15 6101 109 22 Sittler Tor 19 29 411 Minnesota 21 95 150 20 Perreault Buf 24 17 41 St Louis 22 7a 139 iii Bossy NY 28111 41 Monday Result Gillies NYl 15 25 40 Pittsburgh Toronto Clarke Pha 1129 40 Todays Gaines Es osito NYR 14 25 19 Colorado at Detroit aft R0 ert But 12 27 19 NY islanders at Vancouver Lemairc M11 1126 37 Chicago at Atlanta Cleveland at Montreal Boston at Washington St Louis at Minnesota MONDAY Bernier Que 12 30 42 Quebec at Winnipeg Nilsson Wm 11 28 39 QuebecWBordeIEau Suther Ftorek in 22 is 35 land Cloutier WinnipegHed Rogers NE 12 25 33 berg Nilsson Guindon Green Labraaten Kryskow WL FA New England Soviet lnion at Birmingham 313210145 Soviet lnlonvGoluvovich BirminghamwMarrin Mahov WINNING 21 12 150 103 43 lich Hughes Beaudoin Dur Quebec 16 130 118 33 balm Edmonton 1415 1111 115 29 Houston 1315 2106120 26 World Hockey Association Birmingham scoring leaders after Mondays 13 15 104 104 211 games Cincinnati 1218 106123 25 indianapolis 919 98 i32 22 Tardif Que 29 30 59 Monday Results Hull pg 25 32 57 Winnipeg Quebec Hedberg pg 30 26 56 Birmingham Soviets Cloutier Que 19 32 51 Tonights Games Nilsson pg 12 33 45 Quebec at Edmonton LacrOix Hou 14 29 43 Birmingham at New England junior Monday Reaults Sweden Switzerland Soviet Union 10 Finland Junior World Cup Blue Division Canada 23 Sunday Results Czech 16 18 Canada Czechoslovakia 1618 US West Germany Germany B21 Wednesdays Games Gold Division Sweden vs Czechoslovakia at Sweden 118 Montreal Soviet Mon 03111 Finland vs West Germany Finland 12615 Chicoutimi Que Switz 44 Canada vs Sov1et Union Que bec City US vs wall hockey Ontario Provincial Hamilton Richmond Hill Aurora Dixie Western Canada Brandon Saskatoon Saskatchewan Junior Melville Regina 1After regulation round Switzerland at Corn MONDAY World Junior Sweden Switzerland SOVICI Lnion 10 Finland NHL Pittsburgh Toronto Exhibition Philadelphia Pardubice Moose Jaw Sw1ft Current Czech Us College Kladno Czech NY Rangers Providence St Louis SLNDAY WHA World Junior Winnipeg Quebec Canada Czechoslovakia Birmingham Soviet Union United States West Gorr American many Binghamton Philadelphia Hershey Nova Scotia international Flint Kalamazoo Port Huron Milwaukee estern international Spokane Trail football Fieata Bowl Penn State 42 Arizona State 30 American Rochester Hershey international Kalamazoo Muskegon Saginaw Flint T1 MONDAY NFL FirstRound Playoffs National Conference Dallas 37 Chicago Minnesota 14 Los Angeles SLNDAY US College SATLRDAY NFL FiratRound Playoffs American Conference Oakland 37 Baltimore 31 Denver 34 Pittsburgh 21 basketball MONDAY Milwaukee 131 Kansas Tity NBA 122 Washington 113 Atlanta 106 New York 113 Philadelphia Denver 127 Phoenix 108 110 Cleveland 111 Buffalo 105 San Antonio 115 New Orleans 105 Portland 109 Golden State 97 Los Angeles 111 Seattle 96 Houston 113 Kansas City 99 Detroit 122 Boston 100 SLNDAY NBA Washington 100 Atlanta 93 soccer West Ham Birmingham Wolverhampton fl Leeds Division II Bolton Notts Brighton Bristol Burnley Blackburn Crystal Luton Hull Oldham Mansfield Fulham Millwall Tottenham Sheffield Orient Southampton Cardiff Stoke Charlton Sunderland Blackpool LONDON iCPi 77 Results of soccer games played in Britain Monday ENGLISH LEAGUE Division Arsenal Chelsea Aston Villa Coventry Bristol West Brom Everton Man United Leicester Middlesbrough Man City Newcastle Norwich lpswich Notts Livepool Queens PH Derby WILD HORSES CAUGHT CARD TRADITION BORN LITCHFIELD Calif AP Fifty wild horses and young mule that once roamed the high desert country near here were recently captured in helicop teraided roundup and will be placed in new homes under the US bureau of land manage ments adoptahorse program crastination card and tradition was born Company large enough to serve you Small enough to care Our telephones ore onswereed 24 hours day days week Call now and leave message for our salesman to come to your home and explain our plans products and service Let us give you that nice warm feeling 7282460 KANSAS CITY AP The first commercially printed Christmas card was due to pro in 1843 London businessman Henry Cole real ized he had neglected to send his personal best wishes to friends He asked John Calcott Horsley to design special Minnesota Vikings thuck For ciiiiiii hcuds for thc goal linc Monday during first pcriod of tlic playoff guiiic with thc Los Angeics Ruins Forciiiuns touchdown was the only scurc 147 victory during 1110 first half of thc ruiiisotikcd gamc and thcy icd 70 Making play for Fortman is 11111115 Jim Younghlrmd At right is Vikings Ed Whitc 62 AI Luscrphoto Vikings upset Rams By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Everybody talked about thc weather in Los Aiigclcs but Minnesota Vikings did some thing about it Faced with surprising swamplikc conditions in thc everdry southern alifornia city the Vikings adjusted to the new scenery and came away with 147 upsct victory Mon day over the Rams that even was more shocking than the weather We knew it was tough to hold on to the ball so we just tried to hold on get what we could and go down and score said Chuck Foreman uftcr thr victory sent the Vikings 11111 next Sundays National onfcr ence playoff game against hul las Cowboys It was no 111111 for heroics Gretzky hasleod By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wayne Gretzky of Sziult Stc Marie Greyhounds itilfl Bob Smith of Ottawa 675 lost little ground in the Ontario Hockcy Association Major Junior scoring race although thcy missed last wocks Icziguc ac tion while playing for uiizidu in the junior world hockey tour namcnt Gretzky continucs to loud with 95 points on £16 goals 21111130 assists while Smith is second with 83 points on 34 goals and 31 assists Thirdplaice icrry Lcroux picked up three points Inst week to give him 37 goals 31 MILLION winning numbers The Cowboys didnt surprisc anyonc in thc otlicr Niit playoff gnmc Monday biim ping hiczigos wildczird Hours out of thc playoff picturc with 11 devastating 1177 decision The Minnesotai2illzis game will be one half of champion ship doublchtuidcr ncxt wcck cnd Dcnvci Broncos will plziy Oakland itnidcrs for thc Amciir cziii oiifcrcncc chiiiiipionship lilltl thc right to meet thc win ncr of thc VlklilgSthnVerVS game in thc Supcr Howl on Jun 15 in New rlcuiis BRONCOSIltilNiiil ihc Broncos carried berth in the AFC titlc gaiiic with L1 14 21 victory Sutiiidziy ovci iitts burgh Stcclcis and hikiuiid cdgcd ltziltiinoic tolts 217111 in doublcrovcrt iiiic thriIIcr Minnesota 11 31101111 under dog to Los Angclcs forged ii 147 llltéitllwllintlflit1111581111101 Hob Lcc and thc running of Forcinriii then withstood sonic Izitc hcroics by thc Ruins who scored thcir lonc touchdown and had another shot it 21 scori all in the lust illllltllt The Ruins who had ltilii the Vikings 11541 enriicr in thc year on 11 suniiicr field in thc Coliseum couldnt cxcusc themselves this timc bccziusc LS ins Angolcs couch huck Knox suiti Wc liiid couplc of opportunities lll lllt first half and wc couldnt gct 111 11nd llltll hurt us Ihc Iltlfl conditions Vtlt terrible for both teams It was 21 quzigiiiirc but qtuigiiiirr for both teams The conversation in lllt Min ncsotzi lfxktiititllll llilliifiill also llillll to lllt dcplorziblt Wttlllltl and field coiidit ions ATTENTION PROVINCIAL MILLIONAIRES Winning numbers in the December 26th draw of The Provincial Lottery $100000 winning numbers Playing on 21 field like this is worse than snow said Minv 11050121 quzirtcrbuck Hob Lec who directed his tczim through thc ruin and mud to touchdown bursts by Foreman and Sammy Johnson Youre slipping your running and your receivers are slipping think thc thing llltll was most imprcsscd by was the way Our bull currich and rcccivcrs hcld on to thc bziII its kind of amazing that we didnt hzivc onc turnover Whilc bzid wczithcr plagued tlic Miniicsotzirims Aiigclcs gziiiic the sun was shining in Dallas litcrzilly and fig urutivcly for thc irrcprcssiblc tnwlmys Quarterback itogcr Stuubzich htid thciii riding high with 171 haiftimr Iczid and thc Cowboys hrcczcd through thcir playoff game in 107011 years Rookie Tony Dorsctt sprinted 22 21nd scvcii yards for touch downs 2iiid outgziincd thiczigo illlplt Wiiltcr iziyton 111 to 1111 yards Wc hnvc got the game brczikcr we have nccdcd said Striiibzich about Dorsctt thc niuchhcrzildcd tillAilitilttl from litt who gziiiicd 10011 yur Is in his illll izil NFL SitlSOll in the Hours Iockcr room luyton was still shaking out cribwcbs zifIcr bciiig gangtuck lcd by thitc or four Cowboys on almost cvcry down got hit in thc head and just dont rcmcmbci anything iuytrin said to rcpoitcrs fccl rcul bad Wish you follows wriiiid givc inc 11 break Mtlle tlicii could got dressed Liiichrickcr Doug Huffonc up EVERY lllit irr ill unlrnrlnivyt MONTH 1811711le NEXT DRAW JANUARY 29 50 Bonusijiiaw 01520000EAC 21 5225714 16036066 114134116 31 25506614 122233274 222013699 32 34339171 131617676 231996257 33 1615611 14 6262369 241949350 34 53063306 155056621 254324330 35 63167737 165619949 26 5333412 36 72063332 17 4814765 273182477 37 82465469 18 6201063 282693563 38 91611763 193271459 291468364 39 104565686 2061 30 40 31149 2026054 ill III the litilltli Illlillliti raid III lit1 lilriy ttilrlliirri 111 iitiriri 1111111 lit4 ril lllt amnion Irritiiiinl 111111 11I iItlItfllt 6132240 2152627 421639960 1253734 435666279 4622166 444604725 1642365 455995379 5709674 46 3090115 2340491 476374217 6304646 483369654 4660445 491596273 1346071 NMON MGNTH The N927 in neial better chance tor everyone Ticket Number Amount In lrct Number Afiltnliil 2598521 1Mmion 2067319 $100000 598521 10000 067319 10000 96521 $1000 67319 1000 852i $250 7319 $250 521 $50 319 $50 5036781 Minion 4357466 100000 03673 10000 357466 ltil 10000 36781 mm $1000 57466 aw 1000 678 MW 7466 MW 311 WII 3104572 mm 1Milion 104572 mm $100330 Total Prizes 24000 57 mm 0572 $250 Total prizevalue $6000000 572 mu $50 wow 41 4165960 50 1443272 1111111 win 41 ufillt llth pczirtd to reflect the hclplcss fccling in the Chicago dressing room With Dorsctt around you cant concentrate on any onc thing he said They come at you frorii every direction FOR BETTER PRINTING JOHN cockeuau llMITED 66 MORROW ROAD BARRIE 7282821 Printers Since 1960 REDUCTIONS and surprise of 1977 By MEL SUFRIN CP Sports Editor When youve been confined to the nether regions of the Cana dian Football League standings as often as British Columbia Lions meteoric rise to sec ond lace finish in the Western Con erence has to rate as the surprise of the year in Cana dian sport Sports writers and sportscas ters participating in the annual yearend sports poll conducted by The Canadian Press gave overwhelming recognition to the feat not only as the surprise but also as the comeback of 1977 The Lions who have won the Grey Cup only once in 1964 and who have made the Western playoffs only six times in their 24 years were in first place most of the season Only late slump dropped them into second behind Ed monton Eskimos although they and Winnipeg Blue Bombers all had 104 records lastsecond 3332 victory over Winnipeg in the semifinal kept the miracle alive until the Jskimos brought it to an end with 381 thrashing in the final in Edmonton The comeback honor was voted on the strength of the fact that the Lions hadnt finished baseball as the thrill of the Montreals Olympic Stadium year The Blue Jays also fig for that game ured in the two top choices as The onesided Grey Cup the oddity of 1977their 193 game also ranked high among victory over New York Yankees surprises along with Saskat and the fact they played their chewan Roughriders failure to opening American League make the playoffs game at home in the snow The No disappointment for most voters was the fourth place finish Team Canada in the world hoc ey championship in Vienna where its second loss to the Soviet Union cost it chance to win the title Other candidates for oddity of the year included the rehiring by Toronto Argonauts of coach Leo Cahill Montreal Alouettes 416 win over Ed monton in the Grey Cup and the atrocious field conditions in In RUSH for your PRINTING or Photo Copies Try A1 Instant Printing l2 ClappertonSt Across from Canciilaa 7373902 Sears CORRECTION In our Everything You Wan ted But Didnt Get For Christ mas circulor in The Examiner December 27 on page there was an error concerning Spor tswear Items are nor available at this time Orders higher than third since1974 will be iaken for future JAYS ARE THRILL delive Asked to name their top ry Open We regret any inconvenience this delay may have caused Fbscinatin Christmas Gt Proud History of Great County From the early rural settlements to the contemporary invasion by urban commuters this chronicle captures all the hardships achievements and hopes for the future of its indomitable people This is book to be enjoyed and treasured by resident and visitor alike Written by John Craig and illustrated by Margot Oswald Anderson $1195 Available at Book Stores Municipal Offices and Sirocco County Museum choice in variety of cate gorics the voters selected the debut of Toronto Blue Jays in 630 pm CONTINUES WITH FURTHER NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS GEORGIAN MALL BARRIE