Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1977, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at Circula tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner Published daily except BUSINESS Sunday and Marian Gough accountant statutory holidays Betty Armer Donth aowland WEE KLY by carrier Lyatl Johnson Gail Mc Parland 90 cents Barb Boulton Vikki Grant YEARLY by carrier Dana Graham $4680 John Zarecky BY MAIL Barrie CIRCULATION $4630 Jon Butler manaoer SiMcoE county Linda Hatkes asst manager 53650 til it Still MOTOR THROW OFF $39a year Alva LaPlante ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Porter Gary Prtngie $3850 year NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor Randy McDonald city editor Sheila Mc60vern assistant city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Werner Bergen sports Claudia Krause lifestyle Marina Quattrocchi photographer P0 John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergts Scott Haskins Rudleigh MacLean Sue Burke ADVE RTISING Len Sevick manager SALESMEN Dan Gaynor the examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Friday DOG 23 1917 serving barrie and simcoe county Copyright registration number 203815 register at Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 National advertising ottices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 mo 640 Cathcart St Montreal CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapell Dana Homewood The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount pald for such advertisement BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 CIRCULATION 7266539 Faint promise Jin v¢aegtltl it of what may be Now is about the time when the gentlest of men and women are ready to say Bah Christmas Humbug Even at this the gentlest time of year we are ready to go back to our normal hostile ways But the general good feeling of Christmas building up for the past week and likely to remain until well into next week is an unlikely thing for these times It is as unlikely as the warmth we feel despite the chill of sunny December day Yet for these two weeks we do try to spread joy and good will to our fellow men even amidst the mobs of Christmas shoppers The world for these two weeks relaxes as it realizes that once more it has made it through another year The hostility so much mark of these times fades We exchange cards deck the halls carol and are hap PY We are friendly to those we mostly ignore tolerant when we mostly criticize hopeful when mostly we doubt It is temporary brief incomplete The conflict of our times stays The reality of our harsh times our harsh world re main with us around us Reality cannot kill the hope we all have that the fan tasy of the Christmas spirit can become reality Christmas is stubborn and persistent in its gentleness Every year it is back among us despite the horrors of the year before Those of us ready to say Bah Christmas Humbug will not say it as we have been threatening for many years For Christmas brings just for short time glimpse of how things might be faint promise of what might come hope enough to last yet another year Dec 24 1061 Seventysix local militia men took exception to remarks about the militia made by Lieut Robert Graham to the public school board Mervyn Martin was named to the Barrie District Collegiate Board and James Mc Cague to the Alliston High School Board by Essa Council McLaren of Shanty Bay was chair man of the Barrie Horticultural Societys annual Christmas Home Decoration contest Mrs Cook retiring president of the Burton Avenue was presented with hammcrcd aluminum tray more Few realize ii woiidci how many people arc aware that onc of our cit cmploycts is leaving to takc poshonv1ttiariottitr community and what iifit job hi man did whilc hI was in Bar fl rctci to rcg Burns suptrintcndtnt ol piogiair tor the parks and rccrcation dcpzirtlimnt ciy tcw pcoplc rcalizc thi numbcr of owning and wcckcnds ttic pcoplc in thc parks and rccrcation dcpartincnt givc up to iltrnd iiicttings SflilliliiiS or thc prcssurc thcy arr undcr to supply mort tacitilics and assistancc to growmg numbcr of organiza lltlllS lhc fact that thcy do such good job attcsts write your mp 99 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad drosscs If you send us copy of your letter it might bc sunablc for our Letters to the Editor columns Aftcr all if there is mat tcr of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal mattcr it should be of interest to your friinds and neighbors IOOJ FEDERAL Dr Rynard MP North Simcoc Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne MP PeelImfferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings ttawa OntKlA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MP YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIAOA6 ius Mitgcs MP Grey Simcoc Parliamcnt Buildings ttawa int KlAtJtti PROVINCIAL iiurge Taylor MPI Siirixcntrc Ontario litgislzit urc Quccns Park loronlo M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPI SimcocIIast ntario lAngliIltlrt Qiictns Park loronto M7A 1A2 corgc Mctaguc MPP DuffcrinSimcoc Quccns Park loronto M7A 1A2 letters to the editor than 180 children attended YM YWCA gym centre program the Barrie Beauty Turkey Farm was selling fresh ovcn ready turkcys for 45 cents and 30 cents pound The Curse of thc Werewolf and The Shadow of the Cat were playing at the Roxy Theatre mens socks were selling for $108 pair at Walkers Mrs Frank Portcr was elected president of the Womens Auxiliary 102 Squadron Air Cadets Canadian Tire advertised that it was reducing tirc prices and was offering nylon cord snow tires for $1095 to the high iilibri of pcoplc cinploycd in lllt dcpartmcnt The person choscn to rcptzicc icg ill havc to bc an outstanding lIIfllllll£il to main tain the standards sct by trig Burns would likc to thunk irig for it Jill wctt donc and wish him good luck in his llt posi lion llc will b4 misscd in Burrit Yours truly llitloltl loiric iiirric liircclor Ontario Minor Lacrossc tillil llilt Thank you Dear Sir would likc to lakc this opportunity on behalf of tho Bnrric lziycccs Suntn lzius Paradc Committcc to thiinkyou for hctping us to makc this ycars pnrndc lhc stlcccss it was lhc Jziyccc nitnibch can ltIlSl lhc ncccssary financcs build and orgzinm to our hearts dclight but Without thc issistzincc of thc mcdia it would all bc for not It IS lllt ncwsparwr pcoplc who givc us lhc opportuni ty to inform thc citizcns of Burric of thc Paradc and cncoiirtigc lhcin to gct thcii children out to scc Santa Tlaus Aftcr all what would parzidc bc without the audicncc Once again thank you Brion Rippiii Borric lziycccs Shows need Dear Sir Thu Dec It stabbing of Michacl Rockwcll should scrvc as an eye opcncr to all of us for the need of working Block Purcnt systcin There was no reference made to the Block Parent organization or lack of ill in your paper regarding Fridays incident and there should have been Moro volunteers arc nccdcd in Bnrric to become Block Parents and most important the cooperation of all parents and schools is required When child is not going to uttcnd school the parent should notify thc school by 015 am When it child is abscnt and no nicssiigc has been roccivcd the school should phonc and inquirc MlChilfl Rockwcll would hnvc bccn found and treated much sootlcl if the systcni was working It is sad to note that it lakcs an kcurrcncc such as this to get us thinking and working to prevent these things We can all do somclhing to gct wcll established Block Parttit svstcm going or wc can act Iikc mothci hcns and kccp our children llndcrwing lhc choicc is ours Yourslrulv Minillc Buiiic Parliament hill It SIlll filaitlillttlt Ottawa Burcuu Ihoinson Ntws Scrvicc dont want to bccomc Illitlltlllll but as sit hcrc watching snow swirl around thc hristr mus trccs on Parlizimcnt tilt and listcn to thc itlllltlllllttll pcziling off carols in thc Pczicc lowci my cycs turn misty whcn think about how our bclovcd fcdcral govcrnmcnt brings lizippnicss to it diffcrcnt family cach ill Wc oftcn think of govcrnmcnts as cold and untccling always taking ncvcr giving Wc ntvcr stop and think about how littlc ray of sunshinc is scnt iiilo thc homc of public scr vunt cvcry yciir at llllS tiiiic Its beautiful liristnizis story lhc public servant whosc hristmzis will bc so happy this ycar is Sylvain louticr 48 Your business Ry VIMIZNI EGAN Busincss and onsunicr Affairs Analyst Ihomsoii Ncws Scrvicc Nobody Iikcs to bc considcrcd an IIbcnczcr Scroogc and that fact allows phonoy chinilics to makc big money especially at this StilSOIl Most ctiiirilablc fundruisings arc ethical and praislworthy of coursc They and the iIlIStS thcy scrvc dcscivc support Ihcn thcic arc thc phoncy schemes with thc appcaling numcs and liighprcssurc solic itation liliS The Ontario government has just issued ccasc and desist orders against thc OptltlltlrS of Toys for Tots Christmas Shows the Jolly IllfChristmas Varicty Shows and thc llumiin onccrn Foundation tlic ordcrs issucd under the Business Iruc ticcs Act dcmnndcd that the operators stop rcfcrring to thc luIIdIEIISlnfl ventures as charitics And ttic ordcr charges that the operators wcrc tclling prospcctivc donors that the ven turcs wcic registered as charitable organizations undcr the Income Tax Act which would allow donors to deduct their contributions from taxable income when in fact thcy were not According to the Ontario ministry of con sumcr and commercial relations the opcrators of the schemes took commis sion of about 30 per cent of gross receipts and another 15 pcr ccnt wont to the couriers who picked up thc donations from con tributors Additional cxpcnscs for rent and tclcphoncs wcrc dcductcd lclcphonc solicitors for phoney charities arc oftcn teenagers working for low hourly wage or fasttalking professionals on com missions says an Ontario consumer in formation bullctin Ihcy dclivcr wcll rchciirscd often heart wrcnching pitchcs that combine high prcssurc sales tactics with the ability to dodgc uncomtortablc questions the minisl ry says Such schcmcs can bc big business In one yearold dcputy minister of transport By naming him winncr of the Outstanding Achievement Award Prime Minister Trudeau will soc that touticr gets citation and cheque for $5000 Something for the stocking so to speak louticrs regular salary is just ovcr $60000 year Its quitc an honor for the caer deputy ministcr lXCZIUSO the award means you are just about the best public servant in the busincss and from field of 400000odd thats not bad The award is meant as an in centive to encourage upandvcoming public servants to go after grcatcr things ARING GOVERNMENT Its heartwarming to know our govern mcnt cares enough to dig dccp into the ranks of its cinployccs and reward some unknown Sweet Charity the Bitter Truth your promoter employing 17 tclcphonc solicitors was able to misc an estimated $655000 in donations Out of that total it is estimated that 10 per cent wont to charity When people buy tickets or make donations sometimes ust to get rid of the caller they are simp ensuring that they will be called again Thats because operators of phoncy schemes will place the names on tap cards which are then sold to other fundraiscrs If you are called and asde for money by someone who arouses your suspicions ask how the organization obtained your name by tap card or your telephone number by random dialing If the fundraiser obviously doesnt know you name and address you can be fairly sure that everybody on your telephone exchange is being blitzcd Here are some pointers offered by On tarios ministry of consumer and corporate relations Ask for the telephone solicitors name address and telephone number Get the telephone solicitor to put the request in writing That will allow you time to think it over and give you record Many phoney fundraisers will want to send mes senger to pick up your contribution im mediately Pose as many questions as you want If the organization is legitimate it wont begrudge the time it takes to answer questions Find out how much money the campaign is trying to raise where it is to go and what percentage of it is to be used for charitable work lts best to give to established charities But since some boilerroom operations use to gitimatesounding names you should if in doubt check with the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce as to reputations Remember that even when the group name is well known and respected it is no guarantee that the promoter running the fundraising drive is legitimate Such groups have often been misled by promoters RiMousKi ntzeeciRDLE face for his or her silent contribution to our society And to makc sure its on the upand up the fivc judges who pick our top public servant have nothing to do with the public service They dont even live in Ottawa Thcy presumably have some divine guidan cc Well glance at the list of previous win ners would indicate they certainly have thc next best thing deputy minister guidance Because in the last 10 years the award and the $5000 has gone to eight deputy ministers or equivalent Such familiar names as Gor don Robertson Robert Bryce Simon Reisman Jake Warren Albert Ritchie and Marcel Cadicux are included What found particularly warming is that most of the winners are personal friends and Christmas is after all time for sharing Its marvellous that men suh as this can meet at the swank Rideau Club during the holiday season and discuss the year that little Christmas joy came into their lives It would make great television com mercial You know Every year now for decades Gordie Bob Jake and the boys have been getting together over case of cham pagne Perhaps they could even belt out carol or two This year when saw that another deputy minister was going to get together with the boys expressed some marvel that outside judges and they change quite frequen tlywwould be so consistent in honoring public servants at this level Seems to be rather an odd level for incentives since most of the people there have already reached the top Its such beautiful thing for our boloeved goveniment to do hate to grovel around for details said to knowledgeable soul in the prime ministers office But how can live outsiders who perhaps dont even know many street names in Ottawa select the best public servant from more than 400000 she replied still in the spirit of Christmas we have small secretariat to receive nominations From whom ventured to ask They are actually proposed by deputy ministers was immediately mistyeyed again Imagine $60000ayear deputy ministers taking the time to grepare resume on some poor struggling pu lic servant in hopes that would get $5000 in the governments Christmas Exchange What motivated group But there must be hundreds of nominations from field of 4xt00 said And understand the judges meet for only one afternoon How do they possibly narrow down the field Well said this knowledgeable soul before the judges go to work ii short list of finalists is prepared and think this is then recirculated among the deputy ministch for their opinion Therc we go again Thosc poor deputy ministers just never stop working do they And from the shortlist said the soul the judges dont have any troubli picking the best bet they dont The winner receives the citation from lhc governorgeneral And think this is par ticulurly touching since our govcrnorgciicrul is former deputy minister Its all such beautifully tcndcr Christmas Story wasnt much By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The New Democratic Party had its first real show of its Ontario leader ship campaign when there was meeting here in Toronto of the provincial policy com mittee Well perhaps it wasnt that much of show at that There apparently wasnt much hoopla But all three candidates had hospitality rooms all three addressed the council and Michael Cassidy Mike in the campaign and Mike Breaugh always Mike had campaign literature and buttons It was interesting that at least one newspaper observer figured Breaugh had been received bit better than the other two He apparently gave lowkey but practical and thoughtful speech Cassidy was too aca demic And Ian Deans seems to have made an oldfashioned attack on the government This would be in character and in line with what was to be expected Most interesting if true was the reaction to Breaugh He usually has been ranked third by those assessing the leadership but personally havent felt anybody could really be ranked yet and that he just might take it all He is lowkey but he can convey conviction LIBERALS PLUGGING Inthe meantime the Liberals are plodding along not much in the limelight but trying to do the groundwork that could give them kick at the big cat in the next election They have been concentrating lot on labor and Toronto Leader Stuart Smith and labor critic Hugh ONeil actually went down to the floor of the Ontario Federation of Labor convention President and former NDP member Cliff Pilkey kicked them off But they had reception suite upstairs and during the convention good number of dele gates dropped by The Liberals probably have reasonably good base of support in labor But it would be in the rank and file not in the delegates selected for an OFL convention They tend to be dedicated NDPers or even bit to the left of that Toronto is the big conundrum for the Grits On logistics they are going to have to get some kind of beachhead in the citys 28 seats to hope to form government Now they only hold one and the Liberal history in the city provincially is dismal But they know their problem and are working on it and who can tell With the NDP dropping through the loss of Stephen Lewis and the government skirting trouble almost all the time the city could open up bit Cbnadas story Colorful premier By BOB BOWMAN One of Canadas most colorful characters Armor de Cosmos became the second premier of British Columbia on Dec23 1872 During his term he tried to install proper system of responsible government The first premier JF McCreight was under the thumb of LtGov Sir Joseph Trutch Mc Creight was defeated on vote of confidence after one year in office Armor dc Cosmos was Nova Scotian whose real name was Bill Smith He was born at Windsor NS the birthplace of Judge Haliburton author of the Sam Slick stories but moved to Halifax where he worked as grocery clerk Former BC premier WAC Bennett came from New Brunswick and worked for time as hardware clerk in SaintJohn Later Bill Smith went to California and became photographer at place called Mud Springs When Mud Springs changed its name to El Dorado Smith decided it was time fa him to become more glamorous So he changed his name to Armor de Cosmos meaning Lover of the World The word lover could be taken two ways but it might be added here that on his way West Smith stayed for while in the Mormon city of Salt Lake City When he was urged to take several wives he fled to California So it seems that his love was for the world not women De Cosmos went to Vancouver Island next and played an important part in the uniting of that colony with mainland British Columbia He then became one of the leading advocates of British olumbin joining Canada Later when he became premier he was also it member of Parliament in Ottawa change in the 1in made it necessary for him to give ii one post or the other and he chose Ottawa crluips his decision was influciind by it crowd of people who nuirchcd into the lcgisliituir singing Well hang Dc Cosmos on it sour iipplc trcc OIIIIIR ltEtJlt EVENTS I855 Grand Trunk cmnplclcd railway het wocn licvis and St Thomas Quc itiii Quclxc legislature revised municipal liiws mid Slilltllslltd code

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