18 the examiner Thursday Dec 22 1977 CEASSIFIED ADS accommodations to share 26 adoptions 82 opts to rent 16 opts wanted to rent 18 articles for sale 40 articles to rent 43 articles wanted 42 auctions sales 79 auto accessories 36 auto service and repairs 35 LIMITED REALTOR Mary Lee Lotimer Leo Bailey Al Bilbrough Edith Binnendyk Betty Bowler at Young Biggin Happy births 81 boats motors 41 business opportunities 07 camping equipment 56 card of thanks 86 cars for sale 32 cars wanted 33 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 Tliproperty torsolew cottages to rent 27 cottages for sale 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 01 property for sole farm machinery 64 farm machinery wanted 65 feed seedagroin 60 financial 11 florists 89 fruits and vegetables 67 garages 25 garden supplies 50 help wanted 71 home improvements 47 Merry Christmas nd from the Management and Staff of Young Biggin Clare Robinson Manager Lorraine Cairns Aldine Clarke Eldred Clarke Lorena Coulson April Forquhar Barbara Hughes WILLSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED Il9DUNLOP ST 7261938 OPEN UNTIL GRAND Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams 7286829 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Margaret Wright 4363669 TORONTO 364 6636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BY CHANUTE INVESTMENTS 0F BARBIE PLA CE 47 COLLIER ST Corner of Oven Colior Streets BARRIE 726261 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Ross Leeder 7269245 Gord Wright no toll 4363669 TF 89 Collier st Dorrie llne 7264491 Toronto line 8630398 ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ii11511Iiiï¬iiiï¬iiiiiiiiiiï¬ï¬iiiï¬iInn Iiiï¬iiiiï¬ï¬133112iiiiimIiiï¬iiï¬iiï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ EYoungai Biggir REALTY WORLD Dorrie Ontario ï¬ninï¬‚ï¬ TF Real Estate LtzPAGF Professionals Since 1913 355 Boyfield St Barrie Office 737001 Enid Day 7266904 Jock Slessor 7266280 Bev Neill 7260205 Wilt Sharpe 4362576 liftiifofthfltftftHftffttfffffltHllllHllllHllllililiHlilellHHfHIlffllllllllllllltllllfftltfttiti Bill McCreory 7281865 Verna Mullin 7282875 Judy Pennetl 7371264 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Gord Harris 4362403 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK nouns F011 WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM MIDHDRST ESTATES 0W REID BUILDING LTD BATTISON SONS LTD Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7284067 John Colwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 Jim Harris 7267173 Harold Davis 7287543 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Peter Gubbels 7282425 WILLOW LANDING MIDHURST 00 PRATT CONSTRUCTION LTD Lorry Brewer 7289745 Harry Mogill 7263864 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Frank Hooey 7280676 Peter Brocolente 7263916 Paul Arbour 7263897 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Jim Concilla 7371597 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT Percy Ford 7287930 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ross Burwell 4589248 Rob Knapp 4875462 Ken Miller 4873365 Wayne Ward 7268220 Hannah Pentlond 7288028 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Al Rose 7288116 Ron Thorne 7288714 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Helen Burns 7262386 Jerry McNobb 7262386 Sue Drennan 4875712 Bill Purvis 7260452 Ross Miller 7260563 Harvey Weber 4363815 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 New Year 3W REALTY WORLD MEMBER BROKER Proventgrtsla fli DONALD MILLER 4364507 DAMBIIIISIII nu nun nou BBADUNLOP ST BARRIE 7283422 TF PROPERTIES to be sold for tax or rears Official Ontario ths Dept Ex Box 5380 Station Ottawa Ont K2C 3J1 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm doy previous noon Saturday 79 BAYFIELD sr DARRIE PHONE 7261405l ThSTF Pat McGroth 7373394 Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Ruth Gibbons 7201409 Martha Dyson 7262090 Lorna Verstraten 4241956 Bill Hockley 7262596 Joe Cestaric 4584762 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Leo Covanaugh 7281207 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 168 DUNLOP EAST 07hodrms eminent PARTNER WANTED Man or woman to operate local fire safety equipment business in Barrie No experience necessary Investment re quired Best deal offered to the right per son Call toll free 1800265 9226 John Meyers 12 rnerts First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD St 7267130 Office Hours om pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF PERSONAL LOANS Second Mortgages Rates Elexlilo ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Ieyfleld St NORM or DOREEN 7266431 TThSJ26 MORTGAGES bought and sold Imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 days 728 4651 evenings RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 011111800 NORMAN REALTOR 7K Ill 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 More Rivers 7262596 Joe Dyson 7262090 Don Allan 487 2412 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Poppy Wilde 7284887 Muriel Jeffrey 7266383 Jim Miles 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Vicki Kent 4872501 Bob Sounders 7263883 Ross Botstone 7263043 Bill Moran 7282305 REALTOR Royal Trust 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 881 4I74 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA 728 3293 12 TI0T098S Ist Mortgages 10 with 10 prepaytent privilege to 85 of robe 2nd Mortgages 1179 open on mths Interest to 90 of value We are mortgage brokers and since we specialire In guarantee prompt and IrIrlivIdurIl rItluritiuII It all Inor tgage inquiries ensuring InaImurn mortgages the favorable market IlIrIIis Ample lurl under most ds for residential rmnrnurrial and recreational properties We also purrhasa existing mar 190905 for rash Coll Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable ad vice Bus 7371881 Res Toll Free 4875965 KlNZlE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East Barrie Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TFMP EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until om 48 hours prior houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memorioms 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 53 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sole 57 livestock wanted 58 14 nobles homes triers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 Souith I70 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king site bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 445 1480 16eptsto rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West TWO AND THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 Th TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St Spacious suites available Utilities included con venient location 7265771 ThFSTF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988wcckdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS $280 monthly Includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Baylield Mall Lease reqwred Telephone 726 6046 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments for rent Fridge and stove included Telephone 737 1674 between 06 and 00 rn LARGE BEDROOM apartment cen train located Includes all utilities Parking included Laundry facilities No pets Please telephone 728 0980 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Stove refrigerator parking laundry facilities and heat included No children or pets Apply Apartment 201 55 Blake Street MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments coloured appliances utilities included Available January 15th and February lst Telephone 726 3577 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $258 monthly includes heat hot water park ing laundry facilities cable TV Pay own hydro No pets Available now 74 Shirley St Telephone 726 8733 or 726 3817 UNFURNISHED SIX ROOM apartment for rent Dunlap and Maple $195 monthly plus heat and utilities Available im medialely Apply Mostyns Baylield Mall Barrie 726 3442 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment utilities all Included $250 monthly First and last month Children welcome Telephone 728 4618 ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown $190 monthly Fridge stove and utilities lncluded Avaitabie from January Telephone 726 2910 BEDROOM APARTMENT available January Isl outside parking centrally located Telephone Hoyle 728 5225 after 5p TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent Allandale area Parking heat and cable Included $243 monthly Telephone 737 3445 BEDROOM APARTMENT S240 in ciudes fridge stove and parking hydro extra No pets or children Telephone 7370803 LIKE YOUR OWN apartment only cheaper Completely furnished kitchen facilities Bus and shopping nearby Available now Girls only please Call atter5p 726 9319 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY two bedroom apartment Allandale area Fridge stove cable and hydro Included Rent $243 monthly First and last months rent Telephone 737 3445 anytime THREE BEDROOM apartment $265 plus hydro fridge and stove large grounds Ridge Road Oro Telephone 4872714from6pm1010pm PARK LANE TOWERS Modern two bedroom apartment Two elevators All utilities included In rent controlled by Rental Review Officer Walking distance to downtown References 728 0776 16 to rent iiiliiil °COLORED APPLIANCES OSTORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE to publication lost found 70 lots for sole 04 market basket 66 marriages 84 mobile homes trailers 14 money to loan 13 mortgages 12 motorcyles 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Fly Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evenlng Shoes Hand Bags it Cg tificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DOMOP ST 7183881 D24 HURONIA HANDCRAFTED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Eskimo carvings Porkas Moccasins OJewellry Sweaters Winter Boots OPottery Leather crafts Olndian crafts Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 26ta Sfoynor North 36 miles toMasley East mile OPEN days Phone 4292108 025 MIRRORS PINE WINDOW Square round and pointed top 7288926 evenings weekends iii1s to rent Two BEDROOM central parking no pets $215 monthly plus hydro Telephone 737 0901 days BEDROOM APARTMENT available Immediater Steve and fridge parking laundry facllitles Bus stop at door $250 monthly plus hydro References 728 1035 or 7371771 TWO BEDROOM Marrled couples preferred no children $235 monthly first and last months rent Laundry and parking facilities Avallable Immediate ly Telephone 737 1338 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM basement apartment III triplex $160 mon thly heat and water included separate thermostat parking no pets Telephone 728 6841 ONE BEDROOM apartment In older downtown bldg Semi furnished If necessary Quiet persons only Abs talners Apply Steeles China Shop Col Her 51 728 2395 or 728 5895 BEDROOM central Barrleflncludes heat hydro refrigerator and stove $240 monthly Telephone 726 6271 after lbqts to rent CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST PERLU Wli RS SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY TENNIS COURT OSAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street Barrie 7269580 Also see CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON ST 7264991 TThSTF are open from 830 om to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday opportunity for men women74 posture for sole 61 posture to rent 62 pasture wanted 63 personals 68 photography 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sole 01 Authorized 5d $enrlse ELECTROLIIX CANADA LTD 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283392 Ask for free home demon stration MADE IN CANADA Domestic commercial vacuum cleaners xfloor pollshers rug sham pooers seat chests garment oirvaults D24 ELMTTS DECORATING CENTRE SPECIAL PURCHASE of Bedspreads VALUE to 100 Special Double $3895 Queen S45 95 Cushions for Christmas Other gift Items IAYFIELD MALL IARRIE 7267291 D24 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR jolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar name with beautiful card in at iust the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 Its1s rent FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment separate entrance $225 monthly In cludos all utilities parking Available Immediately Telephone 4245403 l7fhouses to rent 77 ruoncoun PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 728 9682 TThSTF NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For immediate rental abedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 7283030 7265992 or 4589431 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom semi available Immediately $375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Maglll rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 7284067 or7263864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrle Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 builtIn stove and oven trill washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stansfieid 7263261 or 7200082 represen tatlve Canada Trust TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between om and9pm HILLSDALE bed rm farm house wlth barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $300 per month Call Ray Bubel 726 3871 or 728 9275 representing EdLoweLtd Realtor At THREE BEDROOM semi detached house Tall Trees area broadloomed garage Available December 30 $325 monthly First and last months rent re quired Cali 7286321 after pm 7269727 75 BLAKE STREET bedroom available Immediately $285 month References required 4872412 TWO BEDROOM HOME for rental 143 Burton Ave $230 month plus utilities Call AI Beacock repressentlng Unlgroup Real Estate 7371771 ONE YEAR OLD model home Three bedrooms broadloom four appliances draperies and garage Newly decorated Available February lst $375 monthly Call7372217 DALSTON miles to Barrie 1v storey bedroom home full basement oil furnace School bus $250 monthly plus utilities Available January 7285630 $275 PER MONTH Three bedrooms llv lng room kitchen and dinette sunroom and three piece bathroom double garage 271 Yonge street Pelnswlck Telephone 7283846 COZY THREE BEDROOM chalet In picture setting Available for January 1st Oil heated fireplace furnished or unfurnished $225 monthly plus utilities References 4365977 toyl ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in your full rich colors mailed to arrive D24 OComerd 0Musical Instruments Huntlng Equipment Sporting Goods property for sale or rent 08 property management 08 property wanted 02 public notices 80 resorts 30 room and board 21 rooms to let 20 rooms wanted 22 sales help agents 72 service and repairs 54 ALL THINGS NICE HAMMADE GIFTS WITH Quits afghans macrmne shifted handknits some antiques FENDLEYS FLOWERS Two stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Alliston 4354365 0Christmos arrangements Poinsettlas Azaleas °Potted mums OMIxed pans OGloxinias Snowrnobiles Warm clothing Snowrnobile helmets toques balaclava boots THINK SUMMER Water skiis wet suits condos etc sweaters SPORT HAVEN MARINE aim 8ey 7261001 024 ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS r3 7283927 D24 AND GIFTS 37 DUNLOP ST IARRIE 17housutorent DOWNTOWN bedroom bungalow for rent Available Immediately Telephone 71182395 or 7285895 2orooms to let FURNISHED ROOM In Allandale at bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810 evenings ENTRAL FLï¬NTEHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS central cleart modem location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7379°£ LL CLEAN FURNISHED rooms for rent Centrally located parking facilities Available immediately Phone 7374905 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM in quiet building Central Adults No pets $120 monthly Available Immediately Please 117269399 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM for rent Share kitchen $85 monthly Parking available Apply 27 Toronto St after pm FURNISHED ROOM for rent $18 week ly Linen supplied Central location Telephone 737 1472 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM for rent Share kitchen $85 monthly Gentleman preferred Parking available Apply 27 Toronto St after 9pm 7263733 23oftices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate ac cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeleft OFFICE SPACE available from 125 to 1200 square feet Rental rate $450 per sq ft Call Bill Sakarls National Trust Company 7289201 TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square feet each can be lolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 7263338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent available December 1st Allandale loca tion 500 square feet $235 month In cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 after6pm or 7264621 da ly RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACETiisubIet from current tenant 300600 square feet near Five Points 7263822 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal for retail store stores offices Also basement storage space available with Ideal loading unloading area Meln downtown Barrle 7260988 24SP3C9 for rent CB Transceivers 0Cyclamen D24 snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sole 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 FOX HOUND TACKESHUP OBridles 0Riding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP St 72112431 D24 Something for His Cor AUDIOVOX Tope decks All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri fi1530prn Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories D24 27 cottages to rent THREE BEDROOM winterixed cottage available Immediately in Big Bay Point with fireplace and broadloom throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet ween9amand9pm7263257 32cars for sale EXECUTIVE DRIVEN 1977 COMPANY CARS Ford LTD dr pillared hardtop dork iode metallic iode full vinyl roof 460 4borrel V8 steelbelted radials con venience group digital clock bumper guards electric rear window defroster air con ditioning tinted glass 27000 miles New cost $7700 Asking $4500 Ford LTD dr silver metallic wine vinyl roof 351 V8 steel belted rodiols bumper guards electric rear window defroster air conditioning tin ted glass 23000 miles New cost $6300 Asking $4300 Coll Jim726641195 D21 24 1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2door sedan Power steering power brakes automatic transmission cylinder Good condition Asking $750 or best of fer7281105 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM Excellent condition pb ps rear win dow defroster AMFM radio $4200 Comparable 1978 Is about $8300 Tele phone 7286239 after pm 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and interior ex cellent Good mechanically Owner will Certify $750 Call 7266618 1973 CHEVELLE Lemma door coupe vs snow tires radio vinyl roof ex cellent condition Asking $1900 Telephone Gary 7262174 after pm 1973 PINTO STATION WAGON body and Interior In excellent condition Automatic and Squire options Many other extras Owner will certify Telephone 7267822 1966 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 75000 miles Excellent mechanical condition Interior in good condition Recently cer titled $300 Telephone 728 8275artytime Im CHEV Impala runningcoï¬diiién As Is $100 Telephone 436 46967 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ftlB ft clear part of large expending Industrial mall726v7130 FORTlEEASE Industrial space an warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelolf 1974 OLDS DELTA 88 four door hardtop power windows power steering power brakes air conditioning radio Good condition $2300 or best offer Telephone 7262348 1976 CAMARO 350 blue wlth while In terior low mileage Lady owner $4100 Telephone 7373477 COMMERCIAC ANT INDUSTRIALpr parties for sale or rent Mortell lelted Real Estate 80674 1967 CIIEv IMPALAXRI TEondlthn power steering power brakes automatic Telephoge 7263615