day the examiner Wednesday Dec 21 1977 Banks Iclosed four days However officials at shopping malls in Barrie do not see the Tuesday closing as deterrent to shoppers at Boxing Day sales on Dec 27 They say Boxing Day is normally strong sales period and merchants are preparing for strong sales this year The Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia anadian lin perial Bank of Commerce the Royal Batik and the Toronto Dominion Bank will be closed Saturday to Tuesday Canada Trust Municipal Savings and Loan Royal Trust Biggest prize of all tys 10 main bran chants The prize is as big as he is almost ne lucky young fellow trotted off with the draw prie at the recent breakfast with Santa at Woolworths Bayfield Street Breakfast Iirislmas carols and chance to meet with Santa laus highlighted the festii ities 7287809 Fire department was called out three times last week to the village Brian Bukcrs home sustained some damage around flue which had apparently been ignited from chimney fire On Sunday morning Ion Prince lost tools and equipment when his workshop garage was destroyed hy fire Sunday afternoon the Hillsdale hrigadt was again called down when harn belonging to Loyd Martin was severely guttid hy fire FILLED St Johns Church was filled on Sunday morning when all three churches of the Iraish of Craighurst lidhurst and Minesmg ioined program put on by the Sunday Schools under the direction of Beth ireayes Ir on oopcr con ducted the service in tiic absence of our rector Mr harles Speakman who we are sorry to say IS confined to hospital goiid collection of White lifts were presented at the end of the service SIIXIAI Special Christmas Services in our churches will he at the following times St Johns Anglican hristinas live only at to ï¬lo Kno Ircshytcrian hiistmas livi at and hristmas Itay at ttzao lihle thapel hristinas Service was held on Dec lit and Fellowship Dinner There will he no hristnias day sery ice in the hapel iltIIIIIIII II Ihc Recreation sponsored meet your Consumers warned of false charities The season of goodwill toward men is also the prime time of year for fast huck operators of phony charity pro motions according to the in tario Ministry of oiisunier and oinmercial Itelations lechmtiues such as selling tickets for hcnefit concerts chocolate har drives selling household goods such as gar hage hags ith all proceeds go ing to charity and telephone solicitations are popular with unscrupuloUs promoters Though the fund raising driyi may appear legitimate the ministry says it has found that only small portion of the pro ceeds find their way to the charity The lions share often ends up in the promoters pocket the ministry said The consumer by following few basic steps can avoid be ing taken by fast huck pro moters The ministry suggests con sumers give only to charities with which they are fainiliai and if in douht check the organization behind the drive with the Better Business Bureau or local chamher of commerce If consumers are still unsure about an organization ask for an auditor statement for the previous fiscal year Ask for the canvassers name address and telephone number the ministry said Parents should make sure that any charities their children work for are legitimate Consumers should also ask telephone canvassers how they got their name and telephone iiiiiiiher Ihe llllllll said there are two ways of dealing with fraudulent or unethical hind tItlstls cease and desist order can he ltl4l hy the ministry or the promoter can he prosecuted under the insincss Practices Act If there are good grounds to helieve firm is making false or misleadingcharityappeals oinmittte iieighhor evening in the om munity Hall on Dec to Jack ook in the guise of Santa laus was seated by hristinas tree and greeted young and old InnisfiI awaiting decision The tintario Divisional tourt has not released its decision on lnmsfil lownships request to appeal the Ontario Municipal Board decision on Barrics an nexation tridges assistant registrar of the Ilitiltl court said Tuesday the three itisticcs who heard the townships case three weck ago have heeii working on the decision The court is aware of the Circumstances and Im surr thcy will try to get it out as quickly as possihlt he said Barries annexation its decided hy the hoard is due to take effect lan At the conclusion of the court hearing in Toronto two weeks ago Mr Justice Lerner said the courts decision would he releaswl liy Dec 22 tlhursdayt liiiiisfil asked for the appeal citing errors in law contain ed in the boards decision which gave Barrie 1383 acres of hm isfil land and Lion acres of Vespra Township great case for party CASE OFFER SEE PAGE 10 Got enough money for Christmas Banks in Barrie will he closed Saturday through Tuesday lnCIUSlVQ according to survey of the Ci Ches while trust companies will stay open as usual Satur Sterling Trust Corporation and Victoria and Grey Trust Co will be closed Sunday to Tuesday inclusive All trust companies are open Christmas eve for regular Saturday hours Alan Stangroom Georgian Mall manager says the lack of banking services on Tuesday should not hurt mall mer Shoppers prepare for the fact that hanks will he closed he said Banks and trust companies have notified their customers in advance Jerry McConib promotion director at the Bayfield Mall said closed banks will not affect sales Cheques are honored at the stores he said and most stores accept Master harge and hargex Twoday session helps teachers Department heads from several Sinieoe tounty secon dary schools attende two lay education contttcnce in Toronto recently that geared to studying and tIlMllA ing contciiipoiaiy educational issues The conference was pon sored hy the niario siiiiitliry School Ieaehitis IllItIllttI tilSNII and ill ltI sion proiidcd iih tirin and IliitII grotip wltrzsnits where departmt to ads discussed and IIlllttIttl pio grams courses and tttlitttt methodologies It was real iiinlth on tcrence for man ttild says Iinlluttu toytin Iltiti oi the science depinntt rietentralcolicgritt tine of the host stssvoits was the seminar oi the tiveness ot human ItIvlliill skills tiItt Supreme Court iudge dismisses civil suit Illltt ti ItIIltllIltl1ii oiit dismissed fttttW tll at against lili lune Medical teiiii employees in ttlliltt or ti ii iidr hit tifll tr til tIlt Itll stttnl In tlttwi teacher IIie ll lt izt lltto claimed the lllttl iri it John tieghoii ilti Ill iiii vi allissimo did iio do Want it it prevent Iltt hutttd ltotni times from twin cideoanly 1a Mr Illlltt It iiiit decision tollowd ti iezyix trial in ttcohw tti 2l the court was tottl Ham scliiopliiciiii ind titlit tiic Hort li outpatieii Ieghoin is lti tellissiiiiit gtv undcrltr tlcghoin lIlIt tron oiirt was told ti Itfiv It IITI Il Ilttt It It Bellisstinoo iwi it and ISeiko Quart sets Hi stair dards for neutral We are the wait manufac turcr III IIie IitIlIIlIIlLI cal capacity to insilo Her component assui ing Ieel of quality control an paraIIed in the industry lThc Seiko liiart offers Ilhe most £IIJilltitl tt treuhle tiit curate and form of IIIIHIHIItJILL law 16 3mg JEWELLERS lithiu 52 Dunlop St ii Downtown Barrie Downtown Barrie FOR GOOD OLD FASHIONED FRIENDLINESS AND SERVICE Come See Us Soon Gifted For Christmas At Prices Only Crazy lee Can Offer You can buy your gift somewhere else But you will probably pay too much Our price is the only difference Buyfield Mull Barrie 7372352 The Bomber Jacket At Prices Only Crazy Lee Can Offer Canadian Made Bomber Jacket tither Siiiicoe County teachers who attended the con fereiice were Tom Sagar from Bradford District Iliin School lean Morris from Barries tJastvicw Secondary and Roger Mint and John Nix from Midland Secondary School The resource people who spoke at the seminars were ex cellent and they made the two day conference very wor thw hile Miss Lloyde said The keynote speaker at the contercncc was Thomas Wells minister of education In his ad dress Wells said the fundamen tal purpose of education in Iitltt is to prepare people to live successfully IIducation has five priorities in achieving its goal including individualixation evaluation emphasis on multiculturahsin hasics and morals and values Wells gtttiI By Canadian Sportswear MENS shotgun and shells her hus hand had puichased The doctors conferred and itt IltIIlsslIlil went to the llaincs house in nearby lzuilington where he talked till IItIIllls tor ahout three hours IitIttIt finally convincing himtogiycupthcgun $2288 BOYS Sizes 28 to 32 $1 988 Ittti iIII IIIIIR IN nknown to his family IIIlIl hoiight another gun the next day After inlet weekend till his taiiiily he shot himself in thi head on Iulyl In her lawsutt Mrs IIaines itl her hushand should have tncn sent to hospital Iune LLB to picycnt him from committing tilt ltIl Ilt also claimed Ir lcg tioin was negligent in delegat ini authority to Dr Itellissimo and that ltr icllissimo should 100 Nylon Shell and Lining 100 Polyester Fill hayc reported to ltr Ieghorn itci the gun incident Fun Fur Trimmed Hood Navy Sage Green FASHION PLAIDS Choice of assorted fashion colors 65 polyester and 35 cotton tapered fit sizes SML WESTERN CHECKS ChoiceoIIashion checks in navy powder black brown and red yoke detail peorIized snap front and cuff closures Bayfield Mall 7372352