the examiner Monday Doc 19 1977 Leon Periard will president El HARPER French instruction schools President elected ty for 1978 Watch where the snow goes As the snow continues to pile on city streets Police Chief Earl Snider and the Public Works Department remind residents and snowplowing con tractors that it is illegal to push it from driveways onto city streets Drivers are also reminded that cars must not be parked on city streets between am and am while Public Works Department snow removal ef forts are underway Cars blocking snow removal operations will be removed at the owners expense Chief Snider said VOLCANO ERLPTEI Mount Pelee claimed the lives about 30000 in the French Caribbean island of Martinique when it erupted in 1902 Illewelconle Music Appointed to bard Leon Periard Rotary president be the new president of the Barrie Huronia Rotary Club starting in July Hell succeed Rik Hamilton who will become vice Others acclaimed recently to the 1978 board of directors are Doug Miles secretary Don Edward treasurer Tom Ar nold sergeantatarms and Al Dowber Howard llatnilton Burn Hodgitis Terry Reeve and Jerry Voll directors Ed Harper of Barrie has been appointed to the board of directors of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Harper will represent divi sion 15 He re laces Ron Rolpli of Midlan who has retired from the position His term begins Jan Division 15 encompasses 10 Chambers of Commerce inthearea Garry McCluskey has been appointed to the board of directors of the Greater Barrie Chamber of Com merce McCluskey Barrie in surance agent will take over the chairmanship of the Chambers anniversary trade dollar program Program rescheduled Faith Missionary Churchs annual Christmas program cancelled Sunday due to bad weather will be held Tuesday at pm at the church on Crawford Street in Barrie The Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board has approved recommendation that students receive 600 hours of French instruction while in elementary The boards decision calls for introduction of the French program not later than Grade and will result in doubling of the present 20minute daily periods In order to develop programs and provide teacher assistance the board will select from its own staff person to coordinate the development of the French program on an leimonth term appointment basis Delmar Kelly of Elmvale has been elected president of the Simcoe County Chapter of the Ontario Archeological Socie Also named to the executive at recent meeting of the chapter in Midhurst are Doug Gaukroger vicepresident from Elmvale Jamie Hunter corresponding secretary from Midland Garald Allaby recording secretary from Barrie Philip Cooke membership secretary from Wasaga Beach and Jim Nicholson treasurer from Barrie Roberta OBrien regional archeologist with the historical planning and research branch of the ministry of culture and recreation was the guest speaker at the meeting held at the Simcoe County Museum She described the development of mapping and digging over the years and said too much attention is being paid to recent Huron sites whole more archaic sites go unmapped VIS Barrie r137 lunlop St 7266527 Collingwood 121 Hume St 4450331 Sound Toxic gas has cleared Fire still smoulders COLBORNE Ont tCP fire at Triplex Co Ltd contin ued to smoulder today but toxic smoke that forced seven families to evacuate their homes late Friday had cleared Gerald McManus an in spector with the Ontario minis try of the environment had or dered the evacuation of the families from homes along nearby stretch of highway just north of this community of 2000 when thick smoke covered the area late Friday Workers with acetylene tor ches and gas masks and others operating two cranes from Bellevillc 0nt began disa Inantlin the burnedout slicll of the uilding Saturday so firefighters could extinguish the burning chemicals Smoke visible at the height of the fire more than 15 kilo metres away produced poi sonous hydrtXhIoric acid gas and polyvinyl chloride gas However environment offiA cials said the danger had passed Sunday Ministry officials also tested water wells near the plant and air levels in areas affected by the smoke and found normal chemical levels The tests will be completed today Firefighters frorn Port Hopc Baltimore Cobourg Brighton Roseneath and the townships of Hope and Murray were sent home about midnight Friday IIArs TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 45 Dunlop St gt DAY Christmas SPECIAL All Car Rentals from Fri am Dec 23 Wed am Dec 28 3995 plus mileage We tr hardenl NOW in Elmvalr co Hocken Ford 3223121 Presenting the Holiday Spirit Stereo hristlnas aml for the New Year IIAYS Big Band Dance Party night and only the Colbome fire department remained at the scene Sunday INNER LAYERS BURN Harry Greer firefighting cor ordinator for Northumberland County said cold water poured on the fire hardened the outer layer of molten plastic while iri ner layers continued to burn McManus said the acid gas was created when water from fire hoses mixed with gases from the burning plastic mate rials Fire officials said about 400 000 pounds of acrynolitrile buta dienc styrene used in plastic water pipes at the plant might contnue to srnoulder as long as week Damage to the plant which produces plastic automobile parts has been estimated at $2 million Three men working in the building escaped injury when the fire believed to have star ted in electrical wiring at the front of the building was discoveral early Friday leter Davies Triplex presi dent is planning to take action against the Colbornc public utilities commission because Towers Gift Ceniï¬cotes Available In $1 $5 $10 or $25 values great gift idea thats sure to please ressure plant he says there was no in fire hydrant near AS LETTER am going togproduce let ter to say we were guaranteed 35 lbs pressure at the hydrant he said There is no pressure at that hydrant He said tests in July 1976 showed there was no pressure Davies said he told lotten Sitnms Hubicki Associates the commission that tests in 1976 showed there was no pres sure in the hydrant Davies also blamed Ontario Hydro for starting the fire and said power failures have oc curred in the area twice mon th since September power failure in November burned out an electrical motor at Durham Transport quar Ltd consulting firm hired by ter mile away he added Snowmobile hits car IEMAGAMI nt CP Two men were killed Sunday when their snowmobile was in collision with car near this community Robert Durette 19 driver of the snowmobile and passenger George Merton 20 were killed in the headon collision BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLEllA Complete Denture Service 7264721 14911 Dunlop St Barrie Member Denturist Society of Ontario Mens Wear turtleneclts crownecm ond so Our Re OUr Re Our Reg $11 99 $6 99 $799 $6 998$999 $12 99613 99 and and SALE SALE SALE WoolBlend Dress Overcoats Selectman of double ond am lc brewth Syltrs with slgsrv or porch pocliot belted All ore wool blends 80 wool 15 nylon5 other fibron or 05 OnyllC10 nylon All fully rirmrrtc rimrt Ir severol Winter shodes Mon 311w 30 12 Nwt oll sizes overloblc In oll SIOICS Our Reg $69 99 to $7499 SAVE UP TO 52 Van Juniors Lo Sleeve Sweaters Boys and girls styles in I00 acrylic Pullovers an in solids stripes and terns Sizes 46X Boys Girls 2Pce Sets Easycare playsets in many of the styles they love Assorted fabrics including I00 polyester Sizes 3X Our Reg $999 to $1399 10 Large Sweater Clearance An assortment of men tong SlCOJC syle or 59 erg lDlICS Included in the group are 053 gt 112 Clrccl on wow 499 Childrens BI cardigans ouses novelty pat Huny in today for great savings on an ossonment of ladies jumpers dresses evening gowns jumpsuits pants skins sweaters maternity wear including pants skins suits dresses and tops and accessories Here are just some of the super buys SAVE up to 41 on Stylish Pants Skins and Gauchos An assortment of todoy smort styles In 100 polyester 05 polyester35 VIS Lour rriyon Or 100 cotton corduroy Sr mn slow mth front ploot or belt OutReg 51599 to $1699 SAVE UP TC 5699 10 SAVE up to 50 on Fall Holiday Novelty Tops and Blousons In 100 polyester 05 aerate35 nylon or 50 polyester50 cotton ML Out Reg $599 to $999 to SALE Navelty To Shirts Blousons in several Styles 100 polyester and 05 ocetore 35 nylon or 15 Our Reg $1099 to $1299 to SALE Dow Shirts Blousons and Tops In 100 polyester hints polyester pongee and 05 polycsrit35 Orion Mt or 7v15 Our Reg $1499 to $24 14 Shop early for best selection not all sizes colours and Styles are available in all stores Trust Towers Refund Policy ll yr mt In Irrtrill lrlntty mll in tll lulu tjtltltltltl It lllltll ll llttlllllllilly1Illllkllltl Anti well it ll willy llllll CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS Mon to Sat UntIl lO00pm Open Doc 24 3I Until pm Closed Doc 25 26 Jan Open Dec 27 Until pm Now in our Ladies Department huge selection of Fashion Wear priced at lnteres citizens want The Barrie citizens band and the Simcoe County Health Unit require one new member each for oneyear terms two threeyear terms on planning board The Barrie market com mittee needs two people to serve for one year while the property standards commit tee needs two new members to serve for three years City councils striking committee is looking for in terested citizens to serve on nine civic committees next year There is one threeyear term open on the Barrie Public Library Board and Applications for the posi tions must be submitted to the city clerk by pm Jan at Box 400 Barrie Pascinatin Christmas Gt Proud History of Great County From the early rural settlements to the contemporary invasion by urban commuters this chronicle captures all the hardships achievements and hopes for the future of its indomitable people This is book to be enjoyed and treasured by resident and visitor alike Written by John Craig and illustrated by Margot Oswald Anderson iii 95 Available at Book Stores Municipal Offices and Simcoe County Museum Boys Wear Large Sweater Assortment Easy core 100 acrylic Styles Including pull Ovets and cardigans Assoned Sizes and col OUlS Carefree Knit Shins Collecrron includes their fovOUrIte Styles In 100 ochinc and 50 polyester50 corton Turtle 0r Crewrneclted Assorted SIZeS Cutely Styled Dresses Mony long and Short Styles to easy core 100 polyeStet 0t polycsretcotton blends Several pretty colours Srzcs 20X Our Reg $699 to $1299 SALE Fashion Skins or Gauchos Assoned colours fabrics and Styles ovcnloble Including belted Curls Sizes 714 Assoned 2Pce Sets Included In the group are goucho sets sion sets pontsurts and Jumpers and blouses GIrIS Sizes 714 10 15 Dresses or Jumpers Assoned lObIICS colours and styles Including goucho dresses and rompers Girls sizes 714 8342 TShins and Sweaters Mony SIleS colours and tobnts In this group GIIIS SIZOS7 14 25058 All prices In effect only while quantities last SAVE up to 50 on Handbags terrific selecrron of styles or greot low prices Including totes organizers and some Clutches VOrlOUS lObllCS ond combt notions Shop early for best selection SAVE UP TO 50 on CoOrdinates Wide selection of blazers ponts and coordinating skirts In 35 polyester35 VISCOSe rayon or 100 polyester Shop early for beat Stylo selection Blazers Blazers Our Reg $0999 Our Reg $2699 SAL SAL15 PantsSkirts Our Reg SALE ea $1499 SAVE up to 50 on Acrylic Sweaters Choose several from IhIS collection of pretty styles and colours Included in the group are pullovets and buttonfront cot digons Assorted Sizes Our Reg Our Reg $699 to $1199 $1099 to $1499 Trust Towers For Solution Value and Sotlitoctlon Dame Boyfteld Rd HwyS No 26 and No 27