Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1977, p. 21

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ELLDTTS DECORATING Am Sal cer ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD SPECIAL PURCHASE of Bedspreods lBAlllance Blvd Unit 19 VALUE to $100 333 Special Double $3895 Ask for two Queen $4595 353 Cushions for Christmas Other ift It mmgm ems MADE IN CANADA Domestic commercial vacuum cleaners 7267192 D24 xfloor polishers rug sham pooers seat chests garment =airvaults D24 LOOK YOLR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS HURONIA HANDCRAFTED WIGTOWNE CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Mat t1 Eskima carvings Hi FltIll Parkas OMoccasins 9i Pun Jewellry OSweaters cmfil VVinter Boats OPottery Inn9 Leather crafts Indian crafts GEORGIAN MALL °Hudson Boy Coats etc etc 7284380 ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 26 to Stayner North 39 miles to Mosley East mile POI AH THO POMHY OPEN days Slippers Phone 4292108 Shoes D24MP SnowBoots Evening Shoes Hand Bags II tificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 D24 MIRRORS PINE WINDOW Square round and pointedtop 7288926 evenings weekends D24 FENDLEYS FLOWERS Two stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Allistan 4354365 Christmos arrangements OPoinsettias Azaleas Potted mums Mixed pans °Gloxinias Cyclamen 024 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH Qlilts afghans mocrame stuffed toys handknits sameantiques WDI VARIETY OF CNIBTMAS GIFTS 10 mu fre ABM 4241409 D24 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR jolly way to remember yourfriends and relatives this Christ mos is to send gift sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arrive at just the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept Of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 024 Sflowmobilis Warmclalhing Snowmoblio helmets loques bolaciavn boots OR THINK SUMMER sweaters Waterskns wetsuits 371085 at 44 dogs pets GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIESl eight weeks old reasonably priced Females only Ready to go or will hold tor Christmas Telephone 4873333 Ore COCKER SPANIEL lovely black lemale puppy neegs good home Registered shots and reasonable Telephone 7265218 alter pm GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS registered needles tattooed Males and females Ideal gitt for Christmas Tele phone 7261940 DACHSHUND miniature long haired CKC registered puppies Shots and paper trained The ideal Christmas gilt small dog lull ol personality and charm 7282868 TRTSH SETTERS for sale registered lemale 18 months trom show stock Telephone 458 4718 lor lur ttlerintormationv 49christmas trees TCUT YOUR OWN AT GILLESPIES 100 acres at Barrie Oro Line9oll No II Weekends only II4 finest iob possible ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT IERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the the examiner Monday Dec 19 1917 21 PICTURE FRAMING OATES B2 Dunlap St East Custom HOME IMPROVEMENTS Antennas $999 38 socket sets $1 99 Switch blade combs $399 iCB Transceivers PRUCEV CHRISTMAS TREES al Leighs tree tarm Hawkstone village south trom highway It at Simcoe Road ALUMINUM EAVESTNOIIGIIING 20 Open continuously till December 24th 487 2645 GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves 5Héi5TMA3 TREES 5mm pine GEORGIAN troughinglnstolledCal1728662B spruce All sizes 549 Grove St BUILDING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Cleanln corner of Blake and Grove aavestrou hs and Ice and snow remova from re anI Call Martin Varstraten 52plants and bulbs PRODUCTS 4241956 Nowiilwoii TR flvESTROUGHlNG contractor and repairs F0 DiligedEIICL EFQNSTZLngfuéemg 32 Jock Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Av perndale 776 795 Siding EovestroUgh Allandale7268657 after pm 54service and repair Soffit Windows ELECTRICAL SNOWBLOWING Reasonable rates F0510 990 PETER VGAMBLE Electric Commercial Telephone 436 3776 shutters Awnings Rldétggqlgtdustrlal lnstallatlons and ur 55construction machinery Addmonsgooiing WANTED SKIDDER Ior bush Rubber Porch EnclosuresStonework SIMCOE ELECTRIC Iireswith winch Telephone 778 9204 57livestock for sale For In mums jRnedsIldIerthal ommdrsl Call PHIL SPURLING HORSE TRAILER for rent or will move 12669°7 nghllng destgll your animals us Edgohill Dr 3407 El It ec rica consu Ing SHAVINGS FOR BEDDING delivered ALOCOIFOMIIY Business 20 In bulk or come pick up in bags LLL yrs experlence Telephone 487 7725 or 487 2642 APPLIANCES City Masters Lic 118 faIdIng wear SqpounryChICKS ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorixedsales DEKALB READY to lay pullcts avail iggggzlfm A°° 3d EXCAVAHNG AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary 51 able Alsolarinlrcsh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 FRESH DRESSED GREESE for sale Can be picked up In Barrie slso pound Telephone 776 1483 or 377 1115 RDWARE 81 DUNLOP ST ROBERT BOVCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loaer work gravel 4361558 4361257 02 bofeedseedgrain ZZ LL WEST qRquE HAY 600 Dales ol good quality second cut hay big bales $135 per bale For kll SLEIGN run or WIN IIIOImaIIonewhcnen KLEILCZTIJESZTZlfitiflllsil Tfencfi WANTED 700 bales 0t straw Contact 428 3574 CARPENTRY H°rll°nl°l Augerlng DCBS $09 TO $99 64farm machinery AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces DAVID BROWN 990 EXCELLENT AM FM Blrock car stereos $89 CONDITION NEW ENGINE NEW 99°19l737°7H flREplACEs Hitachi home speakers $49 TIRES POWER STEERING CALL CARPENTER souioimno in rec rooms 776 4536 torlor remodelling trim ltc Please call syoNEWORK and mph wad Vic Wall hanging clocks S49 29pc HSS drill sets $25 7288884 allergym Wihon for free as mates 72Bw1599 my rossrcaqu repairs etc Call 7269213 anytime 67truitsvegetables APPLES Apply Kooln and Son Con cession Ora Telephone 778 8489 or 7761907 Closed Sundays POTATOES FOR SALE CTIOICE quality CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens vanities Pine lurniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 LICENCFD CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages ronovahoris repairs Sallslaction FIREWOOD Car burglar alarms $399 Also some number Iwos Wlll deliver 72674¢I ad $80 bush cord $30 face Free kindlin TE SURPLUS SALES Telephone 728 7677 718 93m om mn with bush cord 4872113 CARPENTER vvill do rec rooms renovations LL LLLL LLL LT oilpersonals 73dlrmgai No Pb lo small 77261727L FIREWOOD $25 per lace cord delive Dlg CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters LL 59039531LICLII129312 Learn for renovations additions homes cottages FIREWOO SALE MIXd hardwoods Free estimates 4354995 Will deliver Telephone 7260708 evenings BE£fdi LL FIREPLACE HARDWOODS Cheaper by the somehIng for lull card Free delivery also cedar pasts His Car l192I90227fi1992LL 6Hour Course FLOOR HEEINISNING afternoons or evenings Information 416895l839 D20 iLw ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 728 6581 you drink that your business It you want to QUItthats OUTS fallanytlmn RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip orpeel If 8258841 OAerials °Tape decks OCar Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 7265193 Rec rooms renovations general interior design FREE ESTIMATES NANDTMAN GENERAL HOME CARE Roofs cleaned of ice and snow HOTSIS boarded Barm IIVL manIlS TTIISD27 39 High St 728 5911 Wm Haung Farm no 0197 Snowplowmg MonFri tl1530pm MONECA pswiw and an mam CARPET Mime Smoll movmg labs Sat Iil pm Olinsvlllllu Days and rvvninqs Monday Garages and basements cleaned through rldny Phonr 778 8868 START YOUR Ipltng cleaning today Attractive buys on all auto accessories OTrash hauled away Chimneys cleaned Revitalize your carpets with Icarpet steam TELECXRE Wh ht our roblni lg loaning 7266321 alone Lot ITIPnU hrIp Call Toleran 776 791 anytime CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10 all carpet SP0 D24 BARRIE RT HAVEN MARINE UNWAN IE HAIR rumavmi saltly PM P° °°° id pIrrnmwntly HUlfnlly approved Ly °°h 77663 din Hrlnrhuk lTllllWl Fltrlrnlnqiat SAVE SAVE Steam cleaner lar rent $15 D2 7261001 73 761 pot day 7280883 FREE doliyory and D24 YOU IOMOPROII trIuiy lilrlitznrrt WWW 5°° HANDJMANryIvIII dc paintinflp0par none and ll Iiip rlnrlinl Or arirlriiii I1lil1 oar ng urniure srlpping an nil181190 COMMERCIAL ART rfilnishing Cpllfaul7377B751l INIEVNATIONFI lNVL STIIJITION Handyman will do painting paper hanging SOTVIKI Civil rrimirinl IlVltIl COMMERCIAL 151 l°F° d9 Iloai tilln furniture stripping and surveillnnr Dilt rwl and rnnlirlintial $353370 wl COIIGCI 46 imaging olipollll 7g7ggr7 57 RUG SHAMPOOING wall washing painting oCamero infIT2NVEFYyIST 1NSi custom nucmc RomansPl 19L°Ph999 7797 Muml Insvmmems 31 4m 32 mm wow REMOVAL om home and cm am In custom logo roots Also alterations and repairs Hunting Eqmpment Barril tri Gilllirrl lgti of Hw 400 wood lama mpovp your propory 737 Log Construction and Gen Contracting sporfing Goods Plintsr mil 456 540 I507 737 3617 GENTLEMAN FAVNIFR IYTIIIfllIlPS In yITTDkil null llrlnkcr rwk lrtilitlv rompiinlun tor friendship Mrllrlmnny II Druo IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY fr BdrTlt looms Call Run 4363681 after 630 pm Housr DRAWN SLFIGHRIDT Cnrm 395°V9°b AND GIFT and uniny yuursvlt 57 per hour MED MORE living space rec room axtra ILluptionv no 1776 bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpaparing Murray 37 DUNLOPSTWIARRIE HOW WAN 5W winesloo lilUlllt tn tinlstl Inst hall ll bowling Shawn Call Art or Churk at Krmpvuw Howl 77H 96I FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl CUSTOM are ROOMS CornpletebOsemenl planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for 40 articles for do 40 ITICIOI for ed 40 articles fared SEIF EMPLOYI uIIIIIIIIiiarl Wishes SKIS RCA XL 00 Head Comp DH 220 cm with We have 16 RCA xLioo solid state calor Nevada Topline Bindings portables new in crates for only $376 or 345 pay iust $365 weekly on our Rental Par new cost se or chase Plan No money down no payments DYNOSIOI MP1 207 cm Wllh till March 1978 Phone tonight deli Salomon 555 Bindings like new lonighi cost $310 sell for $130 Rossignol Rec 550 195 cm with Nevada Bindings used $60 Yamaha all around 185 cm with Cover stepin Bindings KRAIY KELLYS Barrie Plum 7371182 J18 POINTSETTIAS up to 7635713 incnpols $3 99 while thry Inst BroS Garden Centre 76 Fcrndrilh er1 used S40 Telephone no 7951 Lange Comp Slalom 195 cm HAMMOND PlPEP ORGAN likr rIrw one keyboard $695 Telepnrinl NH 8796 alter JUST IN TIME FOP CHRISTMAS Piano Mason Rlscn In rxcrIIrnl ronrji tlon Recently lunrd $1000 Tulnpnom good condition $45 Salomon 505 Bindings $15 Mens Nordica Topline Buckle used MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 4216 3584 IR WOOD mixed hardwood delivery Telephone 377 7390 COLOR TV RENTALS RENTALPURCHASE 20 GE color per week $460 26 Quasar one only per week $550 20 RCA XLIOO per week $475 26 Panasonic per week $645 N26 MWFD28 no 0918 Boats3years oldsizeB2SIS Mens Nordica Topline Buckle =IIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIE Boots years old size $25 Mens DH redblue racing suit like new worn for downhill races cost $230 sell for $110 Private sale phone anytime 0TH COTTAGER 8352000 no toll OCAHADIAN STEPSTOVE D20 VERMONT DOWNDRAFTER ELECTRIC Semi Aceule GuTtar and 41¢ IMO Amplifier approx months old Both in mflom dill 5321 Phone 7266886 Kenny Fret now in stock Most only slightly markid Single double and gumn Barrii Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop Barrie 778 GUITAR MAISUOKA BREAD NAUGHT new rxrrallnnt torn and at tion with drquo aw $300 Call 718 III4 or 737 21947 anytimi KRAZY KELLY SAYS We are overstocked with new used and repossessed televisions Now is the time to save Electrohamo 26 color only $4 90 Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list ElllllllllIlIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIlIlllilllllllllIlllE LIMITED NUMBEI7 oi lactory ercnnlIs weekly 18 RCA color only $3 90 weekly NO 20 Toshiba color only $450 weekly on NO the super ronttoown plan 78 No money down no payments till Marrh 1778 Ph°° °9 $3331°2751° one anlg elvery Drug Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAlA 7371182 J18 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice at style $175 end Iablesfrom $65 737 1019 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Berkel scales gas steam labile two pot Suzi commercial tloor scrubber and polistier hot peanut machine Illml $50 each Also twm strullrr S70 718 487 attrr linlsh Cotter Iablns TflltIJIIllnL APARTMENT SIZE portrihlr liar and matching stools $150 llrrn Bastboard HeaIlr 150 1500 watt Small 11x 17 till top occasional Iillll $4 dishes onc With handle one looted $5 each 778 9810 evenings only FOUR PAIR DOWNHILL SKIS woodrin step In bindings includid Also two pour ot boots oni pnir of poles Taki all tor 3100 Telcptirinr 716 0511 Saturday or Sunday TWO FISH TANKS on wrought Iran Stand with fish and equipment Cost $700 best otter ALSO 4x8 POOL TABLE liki new $175 728 2631 BUFFET antique good rendition Ask ling $150 Call 7761979 dlllr or weekends FT SPRUCE Artitlrml Xmas Trac lnr Sitll Regular 83 listd lust an only Easy to assrrnhlr $71 ttloni All Isllh Classified Gift Spotter TF MIJsKRAT COAT nriliiral mo 17 fox rrilliir 1an trim In nrw condition Nicr Ilrisltrm llti Tlllphfflll 716 LlSll rwinnings P001 ifsili rIgulntliln SIII 914 ll lrrIllint rrinrtltihn lIrlnrrt IJil1l 111113 UiS arrlssirirs $750 or brsl dillr TQIIDhOlIt 718 7771attir 17 noon ISFARS VENMOVE POWER MATE Vacuurri retails at5199 Will srIl my two year Old inodrI trir 5150 Also Grnirral EIICIVIT Deluxe tlnbr pollsllrr $70 3778 MST XMAS SPECIALS Drop in and see our many specials You will save PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY 39 HIGH ST OPEN SAT TILL MWF 030 ICHAIN snw Huntington sea 75 black IMmow and white Zenith leiPVIslnn $4 oak Inining rhnirs $15 inr ll rmk arm hair 1318 ready to llnlsh milk cans S7 up lTirlirphnnc 04111 ANTIQUE DECORATED MILK CANS 345 Ind $55 each Ideal Christmas gill nl bygone years Tolrlphono 737 Mill ICOMPLETE DOWNHILL outfit skis Tyrolm bindings SIII it Dachslmii boots and holder also exorcise wrights 70 lb Ibar bell assorted weights up to 130 lbs brand new 776 7786 REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIOO carved wood cabinet to the Iloor Casters total automatic color Illuminated channels digital UHF Instant on Take over payments of $19 per month Elirtrlc Stu Phone tonight Delivery tonight Where also mu mus Iarrle Plan 1371182 J18 Two pink Depression glass randy lSKATES mens Bauer size to warn onrrr $70 TV stand exclIlont condition $15 Grolicr books of knowledge set at 60 in Iuding classics and sr itince yearly supplements excellent condition 718 4988 ISPACE HEATER Ior sale extra large iwnh thermostat and tan In good ondi hon Best utter Telephone 414 0454 CANNON MOVIE CAMERA and cnsn EUmK movii projector and screen and spliror Kodak carousrl Slldt DEUIIN tnr screen and tour rivl Tllt0IIOt1 414 688 RCA COLOURE Iirliwtslrln unsuer rnndrll In working unrlihiin $700 or host uttir Tlllpllllfll Ill 19 4o mk for to moit Indy companion 111 In years lnSIOIled glllwrfuqd 72989091 Enlnys outdoor trtlvitiw PITm WIIII FREE ESTIMATES SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys 5111 Int1 lll Irir sold body tour 30 W38 WW WW mtawzglmg hm MST WNWOUrklkma Wm lilJi tour hauntIs dui volunw on CAIEIIINI No party lnu sniiill CALL Ird°5693zpam°n mm 9°° 1185175 Tlllpllnnl 776 1059 Crlrlslnliis parties builtIs hora fixingniv 14 Idnuuvrvs Hot or rnlrl Guaranteed Dc rec rooms C1xx TLL pzrsougn T1 at IRrnsunahliralis 776 1940 rogovgtlonrsk 7egezr33nsntc etc Guar TlllDlllmlTlo I059 olpili CONIIJOI INFORMATION W° °°7 MIRANDA SENSOMAI 35 MM MVr Elml Opvn Mommy mm Tuvsrlny DRESSMAKING CONSTRUCIONI °° CAMERA Wm mm WW and on ion itlIll Thurrlny 10 30 dations renovations Oddlllom Phone telnphulo irnsn Includes Logo for mam 77691001 It DRESSES FIT if made by 105 AQUINO 39755°° 175919916£ Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia SI Phone 7266 DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984 between and RIDE WANTEDIrom alikstawrltu Bar ricMondaytolrirmy MuntnrrivLJISI Vinront and Grovi by lPrIVIIIQ nqaun at 00 pin Will help pay Ox pensns TOIPLI10714 458 9158 amtm and filters $700 Call 7170617 klRBY CLASSIC VcIltUUm Itdnlr WIIII most attachments Year and halt old halt priru TIIrphunt7761j69 TWO RFALISTIC ODIIIITIUS 78 GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling TULIAN SONS 10 years experience in all phases of construction framing of all types We stock many sites Phone 72841270 PLASTERING Sand weekends Fireplaces renovations HARDWOOD SPLIT DELIVERED Dry season E22 Tolg£hane 4361150 Why pay Inflated prices Estimates are free Nothing to lose Everything to PLASTERING Drywall Textured ceilings Caramlc tlllng Painting Remodelling New work and repel Bilotto 4584M galnl ROOFING There are no iobs too big or too small AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Carpentry Aluminum Siding Free estimates4363177after6pm Concrete Soffit Shingling Painting wellnoper Facio CENTRAL ROOFING Pammg Roofing Evestrough COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Family RoomsKitchens New and napalm Homing Upliam Minnlliln Dont be shy give us try Days 4364354 7206922 4241709 Evenings 4364354 Z453 SNOW BLOWING mEsfin SIMPSON locK DRAm out RESIDENTIALCOMMMERCIAL DO YOUR WINDOWS TRACTORBLOWER or NEED RECAULKING JEEPPLOW To suit all needs Radio dispatched for prompt service Tel Free 8355957 anytime TONYS SNOWBLOWING OR SNOWPLOW ING Reasonable rater Contract Reference if needed Call 7265217 SNOWPLOWIHG PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable rates rngtgsmollPauL7378064 Call us for free quote on colour coordinated caulking 7286203 irfl D28 INCOME TAX IKOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bor rle area $5 up Dobson 4245910 after INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS 4364899 residential and free esti WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Dependable 7267757 REICHEN sNow PLOWING and Snowblowlng Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by clean up 0117265666 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and cornmerclal Best service In town Reas Blown Cellulose Fibre enable rates Telephone 7372892 7264604 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING small commercial MWFiM and residential Reasonable rates 7288460 iNsniucnoNs osuow 0me SEWING INSTRUCTIONS Beginners and ad voncod Private or class 30 years ax Reasonable rates MASON WW omvrs LANDSCAPING STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick black and 1stone work chimney repair Fireplaces HR LAHNIE MLlflfflfllflimsfilLsa 72638887209369 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 SNOWPLOWING Residential driveways and parking lots Barrie and lnnisfil Township Telephone 7261441 DICK FLEAR HAULAGE Snowplowlng driveways and parking lots Reasonable ratesTalephone 7286770 7260443 ROOFING CONTRACTOR MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular MarcalPorviiiGuitorStudio7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca demy olMusicI21Bayfield7281799 GUITAR Classical and folk string banio and drums The Bandstand Baylield Mal ResldenTlaI 29193ch PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TON Private lessons available in ion Commercial rack or classical Reasonable rates 198339351797203 Snowplowmg socm AND Snow Removal moo ICNG Reasonable Rates Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming Contract seasonal or by cleanup $4ACOUPLE 7370818 CALL 7264723 Anytime REGIONAL ACADEMY sow REMovm or DANCING Maw We iRESlDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING mummy PAINTING 1m °°° ltm Tvlophono 4362695 anytimg¥fi VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In tarior axierlor Work guaranteed Establish 139mm 7262225 7769002 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAV Exterior stucco Ex Iinteriar textured walls and ceilings Free WAVNE FOLEY Professional painters tartar and Interior Free estimates Work estimates Dale RusselMldhurIt telephone 7284392 guaranteed 7267389 IPAINTING PAPER HANGING orioncoa lroe estimates Jack Richardson7262012 LELWIIL LLL mo unis PAINTING Sales Repairs Installations All work done indoors luscb SKATES and sknle exchangi 68 Dunlnp St 776 3700 GENTLEMAN FORIV nnn Irlllklt non smoker sriks TITTIDTIIIIOII twvnty PIQIII to forty and yllIIT All rnquiri Wlll be TInSWITlHI erli In ilox W19 Barrio xrlmlnrr 70Iost and found SpliiklT twenty Illrnr inrhi nigh rlqht track player about one yinr Old $175 Call 716 019 rxl ask tor Goner Pirsonnl rail Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists DIIIIWALL DRYWALL CO Registered Company specializing in Custom Homes renOvations decorative stucco complete rec rooms and ltextuie spraying Coll Ken Hill 4240215 Free estimates Ala skull sharpening Georgian Sports Intgrior and exterior DOCKSlDE ree estimates Low rates Fast service fa nt Is 10 gua as dun 7374295 1261310 M29 DONSTESTINO FROEESSIONALFATNTWOTI WELL DRILLING terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfactionjuaronteed Morris Gilberts Water Well DrIllln Form EREEISTIMATES lNILLSDALE DECORATING hovylo college and wels Fm tarior wallpaperlng custom textured walls YIOI prorlenCl Angus Ismail With three linislmd Irl YOUR HOME bar lltllS In good condition Ionparrl Tolephonn 717 1877 IREWOOD US DOT cord Bush curd $95 10an Fret dtlivrry Phonn Croomriri 466 7370 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start TF 42articles wanted CASH FOR old Iurniture hooks dishes uId pir turns clocks odds and ends Prc 1950 ilLms 778 8734 COINS WANTED accumulations col leclioris of Canadian or Amerirnn cop per silver gold Highrsl cash pant by collector 776 4544 kinds tor the needy SALVATION AR MY 60 Collier St 778 3794 volved as on REQUIRED Good used items at all MENS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT wanted Required for shoulder pads etc Also tonks electric drill vice grips Vice plane etc REWARD lost on Tuvsday evening Snow anltly Road Vospra one hand carved mans wallet onlmnlng valuable paprrs Plea0 return it qund oi 1111er ril4741009 LOST GOLDF RF IRIEVEH lemon1 nine years old Spdyfll Antin Mills area Anwrrs tn Sarimt Lost DlClmIr 15 Waited Farrllly Iicnrtbrukvli Call 7766779 or 7780547 or ISRIFII Humani SOIIIIV Reward LET AVON HELP FILL cost system citement and fun Earn cash management get out of the house get in AVON REPRESENTATIVE Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont L4M 4T7 MTTF CLASS MECHANIC Must be selfstarter COST ACCOUNTANT Leading manufacturer in Barrie requires Comm graduate or RIA student with at least years experience for an immediate opening Excellent opportunity to assist in installation of standard Position reports to VicePresident Finance and involves cost 059 long Wmer dOYS Wlh Estimating variance analysis and timely report preparatlon for top SEND RESUME with salary history to PERSONNELL MANAGER WEST BEND OF CANADA Box 6000 BARRIE Ont L4M 4V3 02 Telephone 776 6365 TRAPPERS AND HUNTERS will buy all turs Telephone 487 3748 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampnoing and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetEast 776 41 POODLE TIRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 716 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in IoWn Aquariums all sixes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquarla 143 Ardagh Road 776 0094 Able to do general repairs to all models Neat In appearance And like to work with public SEND RESUME TO Box W34 The Examiner Barrie D24 IIIIlIIIIIlIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIILIE 21 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming R035 onable rates Phone 726 006I OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies Great stocking stutters Pure registered Interested 645 6176 after 6pm lBracebrIdge TOI OIII TWO MAI HOUND pups eight months rilrl rmdy to run out at good hunting dV¢m0III0m PTWIII stock telephone 778 Horsaltor 6prn 15 POODI PUPPIES while seven weeks old male andlcmitlc5100 Toy male for 15 TI stud SUTVIH 778 9783 EIIIIIIllllllIIIIIllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Personnel Officer ALCAN CANADA PRODUCTS LTD Muskoka Works 20 Box 1568 BRACEHRIDGE Ontario P08 1C0 ALCAN CANADA PRODUCTS LTD MUSKOKA WORKS BRACEBRIDGE ONTARIO We require an INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN FOR SHIFT MAINTENANCE Must be experienced with AC and DC drives and solid state con trol systems RATE $759 per hour plus liberal benefits Send details of experience with return address and phone to TOM 71411424 one ailingsloflhane7058355387local 71 Itelp waited 71 Ilelp waited MECHANICAL ENGINEER $18000 weIHmown organlzation involved in light manufacturing has an urgent requirement for mechanical engineer The individual will be involved In proiect engineering plant layout capital expenditures and budget preparations mechanical engineering degree or HNC with to years related experience could put you on board with this top flight company Ex cellent benefits and promotional opportunity are offered Location Georgian Bay area Reply In confidence to JOHN DAVIDSON 416 9613000 or forward resumeta Bloor St West suite 700 Toronto Ontario M4W1AI CHAPMAN ASSOCIATES LTD DI9 71 help waited AUTOMOTIVE OPPORTUNITY LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC LICENSED ALIGNMENT MECHANIC Required for thriving Ford dealership in Alberta community located 100 miles west of Edmonton on good paved highway on pipeline route EXCellent activities offered including hunting fishing skiing curling crafts art swimming etc Exceptional opportunity offered for aggressive inI divldual Good working conditions complete em ployee benefits including pension plan top wages with attractive Incentive program accommodation available moving assistance only Serious individuals phone collect 4037782211 ROY WAHAMOND

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