1o tho examiner Monday poo 19 1971 dpuble the ifferenoe Egyptian President Anwar Sadat gestures during news conference at his residence in Cairo Saturday where he announced that lsraeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin will travel to Egypt soon to discuss details of peace set tlement Sadat spoke after gt receiving phone call from President Carter outlining Begins proposals AP Laserphoto Christmas spending highest By MADEIAINE lIUll The Canadian Press Despite the countrys flagging economy Canadians are spending more this Christ mas than iii previous years spokesmen for major retail outlets across Canada say Sales are the same or better than at this time last year The manager of large shop ping mall in Halifax said people are tired of government and iii dividuals telling them to limit their spending He said people need an outlet and the outlet this year seems to be Christmas spending Stores in all major centres started hristmas hours several weeks ago staying open later during the week Merchants in downtown Mon treal reported lower sales dur ing late November and early December because of transit strike Suburban stores how ever reported good business The Vancouver parks depart ment is holding Christmas Is for the Birds celebration at Lost Lagoon Bird Sanctuary and sacks of bird feed will be given out so people can feed the birds Regina City council is con centrating on saving energy and money this year The city and province are using last years decorations and lighting has been reduced at city hall ln Newfoundland the forestry department started campaign to tell the public that budworm larvae found on fir trees will not damage carpets and furniture An artificialtree salesman apparently started the rumor several weeks ago forestry spokesman said the larvae may hatch in the warmth of house but they will die quickly because they need spring tree buds to live on Christmas activities iii the rest of the country ATLANTIC REGION Shipments of Christmas trees from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to markets in the eastern US started in late No vember and Gerald ltegan pre mier of Nova Scotia threw the switch on zmolight Christ mas tree in Boston which was grown in the province More than 30000 people at tended the annual Christmas parade in Moncton NP in late November QLEBE The Salvation Army is hold ing its annual poor mans din ner Dec 21 in Montreal and spokeman for the organization said they expect about 600 people He said homemade Christmas cards and slippers knitted by local church group will be given to each man ONTARIO The Salvation Army and Scott Misston are holding their annual Christmas dinners and hiya Loblaws purchase in addition to coupon purchases re excluding cigarettes gUIar Loblaws sliced 17 side baco Limit one package per coupon predressed Canada grade young tu ikeys over 10 lbs offer expires Sat Dec 31 1977 lb pkg lb spokesmen for the two chari table organizations estimate about 600 men will attend each Spokesmen for transportation services such as Canadian Na tional Railways Air Canada CP Air and CP Rail say busi ness is good this year and Dec 23 and 24 are almost completely booked to all destinations The Canadian Bankers Asst cialion said banks acroSs Can ada will be closed Dec 2A to Dec 27 and also Dec 31 to Jan was 112 PRAllllllS Keith McConnell general manager of The Hudsons Bay store central region said snow in November helped Winnipeg retailers because it made con sumers think of purchasing winter goods Edmonton streets have been decorated since late November and most downtown stores are open late every night Cold weather in early December seemed to induce more Shop pers to start buying Christmas gifts BRIIISIHOLUMBIA The tourist bureau initiated two promotional campaigns do signed to attract visitors and shoppers from the City police have started an antishoplifter drive in con junction with cit merchants Advertisements or the earn paign tell potential shoplifters that having their fingerprints taken is no way to make mark inlife was 139