so the examiner Tuesday Dec 13 1977 SCIL OTICE cs RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $550 maximum 40 words additional words to cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words IO cents per word In Memoriam no verse S50 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events SI hhths THERRIEN Mr and Mrs James Therrien are happy to announce the birth of their son Jeremy James at Royal Victoria Hospital on Saturday December 1977 at 427 pm HENRY Terry and Leslie nee Tuck are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Sarah Meghan lbs 14 01 on Tuesday December at the McMaster University Medical Centre Hamilton First grandchild ior Wib and Eva Henry and Hart and Dorothy Tuck of Barrie BERRY Phil and Deb wish to an nounce the arrival of their son Christopher Philip on Friday December 1977 at Etobicoke General Hospital Toronto GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth ot your Child in The Ex aminer clippings at the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives In those tar away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 7282414 WANT ADS PHONE 72824 72 sales help agents EXPANDING CANADIAN OilCompany needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76em ploy ment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available In my home Full or parttime Children aged one year and over Constant super vision Reterences available Please call 7287086 for more information ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Facio Shutters AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework Eavestrough Windows Doors Awnings For free estimate Cal PIIIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service I8 Alliance Blvd Unit l9 7263392 AUTOREPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 7265441 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 MelrosoAve Barrieortelaphongl2852BEI CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS lEONS CUSTOMMADE clocks repairs Showroom Hwy 27333 CARPENTRT AND General Conlractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces Eoranteed 7371507 CARPENITERWSpQIaIiringNinP rec roamsini tersor remodelling trim etc Please call 72935129226911 CABINET MAKER Eli655 trained Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 Vfl 7777777 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guarantaeg Rand CONSITUCIIOIIC7267OI WRENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lob tosrAnoll 7264271 IIJ CONSTRUCTION licencodrcrarpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 43574295 GEN CON CONSTRUCTION 7265193 Rec rooms renovations general interior design FREE ESTIMATES TThSD27 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today MIIOIIZO your carpets With carpet steam cleaning 726632 We also do 93 at Dalston CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10 off 15 upholstery pIOIDSSIOFIOlly steam cleaned 0r rent our machine 7266321 SAVE SAVE Steam cleaner to sis per day 7280883 FREE delivery and Ebgeinjeuje COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST logo design art work layout etc Piose cal collect Alb CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 137 DRESSMARING oREsSEs rrT If made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia Phone DRESSMAKING TAILORING and blterbtiahs Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984 between and pm DRYWALL DRYWALL C0 Registered Company ializing in Custom Homes renovations oratlve stucco complete rec rooms and texture spraying Call Ken Hill 424O2l5 hazel120m It CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Drywall Interior and Exterior Painting Spray Texture 7288663 BARRIE 4240052 BORDEN SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Cleanln Hardwood well seasoned Call 7265724 $322 per column inch 85 iIeaths GOUGH Wilbert At the Royal Vic torla Hospital Barrie on Saturday December 10 1977 Wilbert cough in his 93rd year beloved husband at the late Lavetta Ralney Brother of Ray of Barrie Evelyn of Crown Hill Annie Ralney ot Barrie and Effie Key of Severn Bridge Resting at the steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Complete service in the chapel on Tues day December 13at3130 pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery Masonic ser vice Monday evening at pm under auspices of Corinthian Lodge No 96 Barrie SMALL victor George Suddenly at Barrie on Saturday December to 1977 victor Small beloved husband of Geraldine Reynolds Dear lather of Joan Mrs Wayne McAuley and Linda Young both of Barrie Bob Small of Toronto and Janie Mrs Terry Martin of Orangevllle Loving grandfather of eight grandchildren Brother of Mrs violet Seaton Mrs Lii Peake Mrs Leta Paterson Mrs Ruth Nealls and Roy Small Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Complete service in the chapel on Tuesday December 13 at pm interment later at the St James Cemetery Stroud In lieu of flowers memorial donations to On tario Heart Foundation would be ap preciated Masonic service Monday at 730 pm under auspices of Minerva Lodge No 304 Stroud I6 DIOI of thIhs BERRY The iamin at the late Victor Berry wish to thank all their relatives and triends tor the kindness and comfort shown to them during their time of grief Mrs Claudia Berry and family WANT ADS PHONE 72824 67 iii memoriams ROWE In loving memory of my dear Dad Sidney George Rowe who left us so suddenly December 13th 197 Dear Dad although years have now passed since you left us the pain of los ng you and the loss of your dear presence and love time cannot dim but only add to the realization oi what we all had to relinquish to God as He called you to His beautiful garden Missing you with much heartbreak Daughter Betty ROWE Treasured forever my memory at my dearest husband Sidney George Rowe who passed away December 13th l97s cannot count the times that have needed you Nor all the times that have cried If love could have saved you Sid You never would have died Endless hours think of you Precious memories of all we shared Our special love and how we cared All Idols hope and pray That may be with you some day Palnlllly missed wlte Jessica can events NEW YEARS EVE DANCE Ivr ORANGE IIALL Dance to the music of TN SANDCASTLE Hot buffet Door prizes SIScouple HAPPY HOUR 89 FOR TICKETS CONTACT ED PATTON 4241955 LARRY DAVIS 424I 316 01315 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however otherwise ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves lro hln InstalledCall7286623 eavestro hs and Ice and snow remove from only Call Martin Verstroten 4244956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jock Bates Free estimates ll7 Burton Av Allandale 7268657 after 5pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industriol Commorciol Residentio Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters Lic ll8 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage uptic systems trenching loader work mel Asslists 4361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontol Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson for free estimates 7224 599 Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible NOME IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL NOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists FREE ESTIMATES CI TOM 7260424 LOCK TIIE DRAFTS OUT DO YOUR WINDOWS NEED RECAULKING Call us for free quote on colour coordinatod caulking 7286203 INCOME TAX IKOME TAX returns prepared An us lar rIe area 35 up Dobson 245 I0 alter Sondweekends INSTRUCTION SEWING INSTRUCTIONS Beginners and ad vonced Private or class 30 mice Telephone436l 750 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brlck block and stone work chimney re lr Fireplaces sEIalty hearings 05 424558 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who like to dance Good rates MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 726409 D28 VIMYFUSS Call us Fireplaces renovations r301 Call 72692l3anytlme FIREWOOD HARDWOOD SPLIT DELIVERED Dry season ed 560 bush Card $30 face Free kindling with bush cord 4872l I3 FIREWOOD 325 per foce cord delivered FIREWOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoods Will deliver Telephone 72607m evenings weekends FIREPLACE HARDWOODS Cheaper by the full cord Free delivery also cedar pasts Telephone 7281637 FLOOR REFINISIIINO HARDWOOD FLOOR hstallatlon and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to gilpor peel 325834l FURNITURE STRIPPING FURNITURE STRIPPING and refinishing hard and soft woods Reasonable rates Tele Eee¥flefluw IIAIIOTIIIAN GENERAL HOME CARE Roofs cleaned of ice and snow Snowplowlng Small moving iobs °Gorages and basements cleaned Trosh hauled away Chimnoys cleaned BARRIE 4875I55 D2 will do paintingfpbpzrhgï¬l Iv Iloor tiling furniture stripping and InlshlrigCall aul7372875 Handyman will do painting poperwhanglng floor tiling furniture stripping and refinishing all Paul 7372875 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 43636 after 630 pm References available MED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpaperlng Murray Ball 7288906 OJSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7280906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion joints Work guaran Ieed4589346 WRTHERN CARPENTRY Decks ec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 726911 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phon or 4364l75 after pm EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trlal Instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca demy of Music l2l Inï¬eld 7284799 years ex 49 ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot S300 must go every week Admission SI 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF EASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7232414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day precedln publication with the exception of Oasslfl Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40words $550 Additional words lOcts per word CARD 0F THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $222 per column Inch 24 WORD MIN IM UM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two Insertions per word per hisertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word per Insertion total $648 Six eon secutlve Insertions 86 per word per inser lion total 224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered subect to cancellation when eotlsfactary results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 ROOFING Shingling Painting CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New and Repairs Miriiilliin Angus 4141709 D27 Uphaiii Itrls 72I6922 lAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Re airs Eavostroug ing Commercial Residential Eavestroughin Cleaned and flus ed $15 and up For estimates call 7263492 SNow BLOWING JMAS SNOWBLOWING lowest rates In town diveways sidewalks small parking lots etc Telephono726859 or 737I63L SIMPSON RESIDENTIALCOMMMERCIAL TRACTORMOWER or JEEPPLOW To suit all needs Radio dispatched for prompt service Tel Fm 3355957 myths GUITAR Classical and folk strlri 50670 and drums The Bandstand Boyiie Mal 734773WH WV PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Private lessons available In Ion rock or classical Reasonable rates Mona 7262903 kAW SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming $4 COUPLE CALL 7264723 REGIONAL scsnEIiIi or DANCING PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorotln In terlor exterior Work guaranteed Esta lish ed30yeors 7262225 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work manned 7267389 PAINTING PAPER HANGING SIBiiJicod free estimates Jack Richardson 72620l2 i756a674 MW DON SIESIING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in terior exterior paper hangin custom rrk Satisfaction guaranteed 72 6800 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terlor wallpapering custom textured walls Ltd ceilings Telemne 7011955387 locol PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I 29S M29 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 02 Dunlap St East Custom frarnln of all types We stock many sizes Phone 263270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad In the Yellow Pagesfl PLASTERING PLASTERING Drywall Textured ceilings Ceramic tiling Pointing Remodelling New work Esteem Hamill4233 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 1060177 after 6p commercial Tariffs giowaidwnc OR sNovaLow ING Reasonable rates Contract Reference If OQdyd CPI 2295 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING reasonable rates motes coll Paul 7379064 MIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Mb 7767737 REICNEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblawlng Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by clearly Call 7265666 sILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and commercial Best service In town Reas oLsabIe rates Telephane 737 4892 72674604 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING small commercial and residential Reasonablehrotes 7208460 residential and free esti Reasonable rates SNOW PLOWING TREE REMOVAL GREAVEs LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE IAIRIE 7263Ifl729169 snoerowmo Residential drivewavysrand parking lots Barrie and InnIsIII Township Tie9212914 DICK FLEAR HAULAGE Snowplowlng driveways and parking lots Reasonable rates TOIOEhonO 7286770 72604l3 hflIiT ROOHNG CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by Cleanup 7370818 Anytime SNOW REMovKLriioiARoérE ONLY Call before noonL7373657 Ask for Kirk or Gard RESIDENTIAL SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Dorrie hnisfll Telephone 4362695 21939 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Mldhurst telephone E5932 WELL ORILLIIIG Murls Gilberts Water Well Drillln Farm home colt and wels Free estimate years experience Angus 4245657 x5e This is the Golden Dragon restaurant where five persons were killed three months ago in San Franciscos worst mass murder result of youthgang warfare according to police The case is unsolved and says resident The gangs are still around robbing people right and left AP Photo Chinatown slayings haunt Frisco police SAN FRANCISCO API The rattle of gunfire which killed five and injured 11 in Chinatown restaurant three months ago still echoes through this city It haunts police who have not made an arrest in San Franciscos worst mass mur der despite $100000 reward for information leading to conviction It resounds in Chinatown whose mustsee tourist reputation was tarnished as festering youth gang warfare exploded into public view It lagues the oncepopular GONE Dragon Restaurant scene of the shootings where business continues to decline It was 240 am Sunday Sept when three masked men burst into the Golden Dragon and sprayed crowd of about 75 diners with bullets and shotgun blasts Police said the attack was part of decadeold war be tween two of Chimitowns many gangs bands of young men aged 13 to 21 who extort money from businessmen prey on residents and engage in bloody territorial disputes Most of the 16 victims were bystanders investigators learned The reputed targets leaders of the Wah Ching gang had ducked the barrage We have gotten in formation The case is open and active said Licut Dan Murphy Former head of the citys homicide detail Mur phy was put in charge of Chinatown gang task force of 20 top officers after the slayings Police have linked the zit tzick to gang rivalry specifically to the J00 Boys at band Murphy said wanted to muscle in on the stronger Wah Ching group But Mur phy refused to detail prog ress afraid to hinder the in vestigrition Chinatown meanwhile grows impatient We are very disappointed with the police says Rev Tsn Iin Tamm Chinatown community leader The gangs are still around rob bing people right and left Mugging extortion its still going on LEADER ARRESTED Since the Golden Dragon attack two more murders which police believe are gangrelated have occurred and reputed Wah Ching gang leaderthe man police believe was the intended target at the Golden Dragonwas arrested for in vestigation in the slaying of Hong Kong woman about 15 months ago Some Chinatown leaders fear their 30block neigh borhood home of the largest Chinese community outside the Orient will need long time to mend its image eribral palsy victim Jean Hindu III of Ottawa listens as his idol Ken Dryden of the Mont real anadiens gives him is few pointers after the nnadiens whipped the Vancouver tunuckii 72 Saturday Young Jean was presented with Drydens hockey stick and met other Canadlens In the locker room after the game The young boy was the first Ottawa child to receive an implanted nounsstimulator four months ago and is an avid hockey fan TP Photo Cerebral palsy victim meets his hockey idol OTTAWA CPI Cerebral palsy victim Jean Binda 13 of Ottawa has Christmas resent he treasure oreverMcntreal Canadien Ken Drydens hockey stick The Montreal goaltender has been Jeans idol for years but he had only seen him on TV un til Saturday when he and his family were sent to Montreal by Mason Knights In ternational to watch the Canadicns play the Vancouver Canucks After the game Jean who became the first Ottawa child to receive an ex riinental brain stimulator esigiied to help overcome his disease was taken in his wheelchair to meet Dryden and other Canadians in their locker room He was so happy said his mother Germaine Its day dont think hell ever forget Jeans neurostimulator was implanted in that part of his brain that controls muscle movement during threehour operation at the Eastern 0n tario Childrens Hospital in 0t tawa He can control the device consisting of number of elec trodes and pacemaker through transmitter strapped to his chest The neurostimu lator is powered by batteries Since the implant Jean has been able to perform many pre viously impossible tasks such as tying his shoes and being able to stand alone for periods of up to half an hour Frustration mounts oVer bloody mess SUDBURY Ont CP Frustration is mounting in this northeastern Ontario commu nity as it appears nothing will be done to stop the massive lay offs of chousan Its just bloody mess says Brian Seville president of the chamber of commerce Sudbury Mayor Jim Gordon tired after series of meetings aimed at averting the crisis has renewed request that the federal government buy excess nickel from Inco Ltd and Fal conbridge Nickel Mines Ltd and resell it when the market improves In the boom years Sudbury miners contributed tre mendous amount to the Cana dian economy Gordon said at special weekend meeting of the Sudbury regional council Now all we are asking for is alittle bit bac Last week Falconbridge an nounced plans to reduce its work force by further 750 April It already had laid off 165 workers this year because of weak international nickel markets The company said earlier it planned to cut more than 400 jobs from the payroll by years end The Falconbridge announce ment did not rompt the public rallies that to lowed Incos Oct 20 bombshell announcement that its work force would be cut by 2800 here in midFebruary TRUDEAU REFUSES The federal goverments re fusal to stockpile nickel which would allow mining companies to keep up production has in furiated regional councillor Al bert Gravel worked underground in the mines for 30 years myself and we paid to subsidize every Tom Dick and Harrywe paid through the nose Prime Minister Trudeau has rejected stockpiling because there already is large stock pile of nickel There are jobs on the horizon for the regions unemployed construction workers because of federal approval of penitentiary at nearby Bur Hate mail wash 0nt and provincial plans to construct an office tower in downtown Sudbury But there is nothing in sight for the miners Regional councillors told Lib eral MP James Jerome Satur day that mining families will lose their homes and companies dependent on the mining in dustry will lose business if the layoffs are not stopped Jerome MP for Sudbury and Speaker Of the House of Com mons replied that the federal and provmcial governments do not have legal authority to for ce the companies to stop the layoffs IS EXASPERATED Jack Gignac president of the Sudbury Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Union said he is exasperated by the federal governments refusal to in tervene in corporate decisions which place profits before ople Instead of intervening the federal government stands by and treats the layoffs as nat ural disaster Gignac said Employment Minister Bud Cullen said in radio interview Sunday his department will not direct special assistance to the area until the companies and unions complete negotiations on ways to soften the impact of the layoffs Gignac said his union has had little meaningful consultation with Falconbridge or the gov ernment Officials Of the United Steel workers of America say they are not making any headway in talks with Inco to reduce the layoffs The Inco steelworkers have proposed comprehensive job security plan including pen sion plan and retraining pro gam in cooperation with the government Negotiations on those proposals will resume next Thursday and Friday Meanwhile some Inco and Falconbridge employees plan demonstration on Parliament Hill on Tuesday to demand fed eral intervention to stop the layoffs continues l8 years after book FORT WORTH Texas AP John Howard Griffin says nightmares of being lynched by mob still haunt him18 years after he darkened his skin chemically and toured the US South as black man The nightmares started when he be an to get hate mail after recor mg his thoughts of that ex rience in book Black Li Me The mail had subsided in re cent years until last Tuesday when letter Griffin called one of the most vicious he had ever received came in the mail from Wisconsin few hours later he awoke from the latest nightmare with what he described as devas tating attack He was not ad mitted to hospital but said he spent several hours on res pirator kept at his home Griffin 57 suffered heart attack last year He also is troubled by diabetes and bone disease that has kept him in wheelchair for several years The letter expressed regret that two of Griffins black frien ds had recently died slow pain ful deaths from cancer It suggested they should have been tarred feathered and lyn ched years ago The letter added that Griffin should have been hanged in per son rather than in effigy as he was in Mansfield Texwhere he was living when the million seller book was published Why the letter after all these years guess those things are still too close to the surface Grif fin said in an interview Griffin said that even more painful than his constant struggle with illness is his belief that the tentative un derstanding he witnessed bet ween whites and blacks in the 19605 is sinking back into prejudice What weve got now is turnaround said Griffin And ou dont know how in credibl disheartening that is to poop who struggled so hard for civil rights Apartment rubble sifted to determine fire cause BAY CITY Mich AP In vestigators picked through the rubble of hu old rtment building Monday to etermine whether fire that claimed at least nine lives was set deliber ateiy Several persons were listed as missing and five of 45 per sons in hospital were in critical condition Insurance Officials said dam ages could reach $10 million from the Saturday fire at the 70 yearold Wenonah Park uilding residential hotel which housed mostly elderly people lowincome families and students Its very suspicious said Lionel Ayotte a$istant fire chief He said firemen believed the blaze started on the east side of the buildings third or fourth floor CHECK REPORTS Arson investigators were checking reports that residents smelled gasoline in hallway before the fire and that gas can was seen near an elevator shaft They also were looking into reports that the fire broke out simultaneously at both ends of the blocklong fourstorey downtown building Theres no determination yet that the fire was caused by arson said Austin Waldron detective with the state fire marshals office He said the blaze Spread quickly because the corridors were panelled with wood and the building had open stairwells Meanwhile the first police of ficer to arrive at the scene said only one of the emergency wall hoses would work The officer Gene La Pouttre said the other two hoses has rusty valves and the one that did work was full of leaks City and state officials could not say immediately when the 103unit building had last un dergone safety or fire check Initial excitement ends for transfers SAN DIEGO AP The ini tial excitement of homecoming and family reunions over US risoners transferred home rom Mexican jails have re sumed the role of convicts scrubbing floors and per forming other prison duties as they await parole boards decision on their fate total of 127 US citizens re turned home durin end in the first use of the USMexican prisoner ex chan etreaty In eciding who will be freed the parole board will consider the nature of the offence most of the prisoners were serving time on drug charges the pris oners background and com parison of time served in Mex Ico with time normally served in this country for the same of fence the week However San Diego Sheriff John Duffy has vowed to check thoroughly all returning prison ers running their tinge rints not just their names ough police computers to guard against any hasty releases Duffy has been an outspoken critic of the air of celebration surrounding the return Theyre not returning PoWs one of Duffys aides said Theyre criminals Meanwhile the prisoners be gen performing routine tasks at the sleek new Metropolitan Cor rection Centre here DANCER NAMED Peter Schaufuss 27 will join the roster of ncipaldancem of the Nat onal Relief of Canada for the companys fall season