LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS mwaowwi WIGIDWIIE th 40 styles Us evenths No 0E plerchp Cosuetics 9Com lewelery Clint sort sets GEORGIAN MALL 7201380 FENDLEYS FLOWERS Two stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Alliston 4354365 Christmas arrangements OPoinsettios °Azaieas Potted mums OMixed pans Gloxinias Cyclamen If PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Fenily Slippers °Shoes °Snow Boots 0EveningShoes OHand Bags tificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLDP ST 7253801 014 Authorized Sales Service ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD l8AIiance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283392 Ask lor free home deman Shanon MADE IN CANADA Domestic commercial vacuum cleaners iloor polishers rug shom pooers seat chests garment airvaults D24 FOX Howw2 TACKSHUP OSoddles iBridles 0Riding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 3i DUNLOP ST 728724731 D24 17heusestorent PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 726236i to pm Evenings 728 9682 TThSTF NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For immediate rental bedrooms large liVing room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 7283030 7265992 or 458 943i ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom semi available Immediately £375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Magill rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 7284067 or 7263864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 builtin stove and oven irlg washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stansiield 726 3261 or 728 8082 represen tativc Canada Trust TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between amand9pm HILLSDALE bed rm farm house with barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $300 per month Call Ray Bubel 7263871 or 7289275 representing Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor 262 SHANTY BAY Road Kempenfell Village beautitully wooded site two bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water retrigerator and stove In cluded Adults only no pets Available January 1st Call 7284590 THREE BEDROOM two storey home in Riverwood Farms two bathrooms main iloor tamlly room Fully broadloomed and Immaculate Double paved drive garage landscaping ienced yard and huge covered patio Children welcome but no pets please Rent $360 per month Call 7266018 alter 1pm THREE BEDROOM house tor rent at sale In New LowellTeiephone 42463637 THREE BEDROOM mm In downtown ELLDTTS DECORATING CENTRE Specialists in Custom Draperies Cushions for Christmas Bedspreads other gift items BAYFIELD MALL IARRIE 7267292 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCN Qilits afghans mocrame stuffed toys handknils some antiques ID VARI OF OIBTMAS BITS Cty lead I0 IIIs ARTISTIC FRAMING ART SUPPLIES PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTORED FINE FRAMING FOR NEEOLEPOINT PHOTOS CERTIFICATES 30 TIFFIN 7262800 thud Crafted Phie Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tables °Wash Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasondle prices Dl4 HURONIA HANDCRAFTED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS IEskimo carvings Parkas Moccasins Jewellry OSweaters °Winter Boots Pottory Oleather crafts Olndian crafts 0Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 26 to Stayner North miles to Mosley East mile OPEN days Phone 4292108 D24MP MIRRORS PINE WINDOW round and pointed top 7288926 l7 houses to rent LARGE bungalow tor rent Stroud area Fireplace close to private beach Available midJanuary Long term Telephone4364696 THREE BEDROOM house available January Ist on Gunn Street Rent $300 plus heat and hydro with broadloom throughout Telephone 7263257 FARMHOUSE TO rent with barn and two acres at land bedrooms large klt chen six miles west at Elmvale Available now Call 4363792 Evenings 4241289 THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW First and last months rent required at $310 18 College Crescent Telephone 1416 2262i91 THREE BEDROOM semidetached house Tall Trees area broadloomed garage Available December 30 $325 monthly First and last months rent re quired Call 728632i after pm 7269727 CHARMING FOUR BEDROOM farm house extra large kitchen and living room iour piece bathroom summer kit chen Available immediately $280 per month Lease Palnswick area Call col lect boiore 600 pm 14164491340 alter 7009rn1416473 2503 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus stop cooking iacillties available Gentlemen prelerred Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms tree parking laundry facilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 EXTRA LARGE iurnlshedrVDOms share kitchen lor singles or young couples linen supplied Downtown area 7266392 CLEAN FURNISHED rooTrisIér Fent Centrally located parking facilities Available immediately Phone 7374905 LARGE COMPLETELY iurnlshed and sellcontained housekeeping room Suit lady Available Immediately Central Telephone 7280755 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room area PieasecallHamilton Real Estate tor rent Kitchen privileges ladies 737 1000 777 preterrgg7772842678797r 727897817077 7777777 BAYFIELD ANT EONDLEs Four FURNISHED BEDROOM In quiet bedroom backspllt linished iamily room with iireplace $300 monthly plus utilities Available immediately Telephone 436 30211416453799i TWO THREE BEDROOM houses available Immediately rent $250 and $300 plus heat and hydro Close to stores and hospital Telephone 726 3257 private home Suitable tor working gentleman Central Laundry parking Reasonable No meals Call at 23 Well Ington St or call 7284543 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM In quiet building Central Adults No pets $120 monthly Available immediately Please call 7269399 4435 evenings Bweekends 024 THREE bedroom brick 7MOOREMmeflmMWMKH Snowmobiles IWarmclothIng Snowmobile helmets sweaters toques balaclavo boots THINK SUMMER Walar sklls wei suits condos etc SPORT HAVEN MARINE siticy Boy Ril 7251001 DIB The Little Professor fro Creig Readhlp and Educational Services Inc 115 DdepSt 7260041 or 7267987 eveï¬tgs Cues math facts fun I6000 QUESTIONS IN PLUS MINUS DIVIDED BY °$2495 battery not included Reading Is the key to school success Be sure your child has the key VM 014 Samsonite Jetliner Dioniie Skyway HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinyls WALLETS BuxtoaniIIayRaif Attache cases briefcases gloves scarves evening bogs sportbagsJotebogs gifts BARRIE LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 726529i SLEIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED CBS S49 to $99 Antennas $999 AMFM track car stereos $59 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drill sets $25 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 23 office 010840 Lent MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloti OFFICE SPACE available irom 125 to 1200 square teet Rental rate 5450 per sq it Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square ieel each can be iolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heal Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or oilice ior rent available December 151 Allandale loca tlon 500 square ieet $235 month in ciudes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 alter pm or 726 4621 daily RETAIL 0R OFFICE SPACE as sublet irom current tenant 300 600 square ieet near Five Points 726 3827 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal ior retail store stores offices Also basement storage space available with Ideal loading unloading area Main downtown Barrie 726 0988 WANTED SMALL BUILDING for mlllwork manutacturing Approximate ly 1200 square feet Telephone 728 3495 between9amand5pm 745356 ior ren7t77 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 so it iully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks l4it18 it clear part oi large expanding industrial mall 726 7l1 FORV LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelo COMMERCIALANDINDUSTRIALpro perties tor sale or rent Mortell LIm7l7t77ed7BealEst7ate 728 0674 26accommodationstoshare YOUNG GENTLEMAN has clean quiet house to share in Tall Trees area Fur nlshed private room Complete use at house lacllltles Linen supplied and changed weekly No parking 7372756 evenings 219119219ren1 THREE BEDROOM winterized cottage available immediately in Big Bay Point with ilreplace and broadloom throughout Rent 3250 Telephone bet ween9amand9pm 7263257 32 etas for side I965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 377 Cer titled $6500 or trade tor tour wheel drive 72671007 or 726 900 I976 MERCURY BOBCAT twordoor iour cylinder automatic 22000 miles 32750 In excellent condition Telephone 7289723 44 I1 Musical Gift Suggestions WIis NehtueI Pianos OrgI leaps accessories We Include yr 52 music lessons FREE with any new or used ergut kill ml 014 7373572 New Candin hult seconds from $669 Plsno OrgI Music Wenditier Clocks DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gilt sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arriv at iust the right time before Christmas Order now 00 BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 NI Something for His Car AUDIOVOX CB Transceivers Aerials OTape decks 9Car Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 3914191 St 7285911 Mon Fri til 530pm Sat til 4pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories D24 3261 for side 1973 M68 body rustprooied and solid original paint good tires mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully certilied 40000 miles Price 52400 Call George 728 2485 days 726 2815 evenings 1970DATSUN 510 Body and Interior ex celent Good mechanically Owner will certily 5750 Call 77276 6618 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS door hard top power steering power brakes V8 automatic 58000 miles very clean con dition snow tires certliled 7370966 1972 PINTO tor sale door runabout rebuilt engine and transmission saiety checked Telephone 7260451 between amand7pm 76 FIREBIRD FORMULA 400iour bar rel PS and PB power windows rear window deiogger AM PM cassette 14000 miles Telephone 726 3415 i970 MAVERICK good paint and body Cerlliled low mileage winterized Best oiier ALSO 1969 Chev Biscayne $100 in running condition Call 487 2102 1970 BUICK Skylark tor sale in ex cellent condition New paint no rust $750 certified Telephone Louis 728 6471 alter4pm 1971 IMPALA 350 power steering power brakes radio rear seat speaker deiog ger radial tires and snows Good condi tion Certitled $800 or best oiier 728 3243 1973 LTD STATION WAGON new tires Ready for the winter Asking $1500 cer tilled or best otter uncertllied Telephone 737 0243 anytime 1969 PONTIAC good motor 5150 Radiator tor 67 Plymouth 318 automatir SID Two H78 14 tires mounted on Dodge rims $20 for the pair one CB whip Aerial with 18 of coax $20 lAlier nator tor 67 Plymouth 510 Telephone 737 3458 1966 BlRDfOrlglnal conrdltionfMust be seen to be appreciated Telephone 7289706 anytime 1975 TOYOTA tour wheel drive land cruiser low mileage Excellent condi tlon Many extras Ideal winter vehicle Asking $5400 ilrm Telephone 737 4856 atter5pm 1972 VW certliled rebuilt engine radial tires radio gas heater new fuel pump mulller shocks voltage regulator Must sell $1200 or best otter Telephone 487 5638 T972 DATSUN 1200 Fastback standard winterized in good running condition 5600 or best otter Telephone 726 8084 33cars wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day piCKup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 87I1 TRACY WANTS cars and Irucrks tor wrecking and arts top prices paid Free pickup Te ephone 726 8487 34 trucks for side 34 trucks for do QUALTY USED TRUCKS I977 FORD RANGER XLT VB auto power steering power radio custom cop H82583 white walls brakes Llc 6995 I977 GMC V2 TON PICKUP VB auto power steering power step bumper tutone paint tilt white walls six tires wheels wheel covers Llc H82940 Bpassenger radio Llc FLMI23 owner 28000 miles Lic H23886 V8 auto power steering power dltioning Lic LA5587 bumper Lic LJA395 discs V8 auto power steering power radio only 9200 miles Lic J53601 on heavy duty ERTL HARTDRIVE I963 VOLKSWAGEN BUS I974 DODGE D200 CLUB CAB 318 V8 auto rear seats power brakes I976 SCOUT TRAVELER radio step bumper radial tires air con I977 SCOUT TRAVELER V8 spd spd transfer case power steering power brakes radial tires step I977 SCOUT TRAVELER DEMO V8 auto power steering power brakes spd trans case radio manual hubs deluxe interior white wall tires wheel SPECIAL CLEARANCE new 1977 wheel drive scouts Brand new snow plow $995 installed CHRISTMAS SPECIAL help you make it in cough business HART MOTORS LTD DUNLOP at HWY 400 DIECTPARTSLINE726BBII brakes wheel chrome 5595 I695 3695 6695 6995 8495 5195 brakes I977 CHEV V2 TON PICKUP brakes toys Inodei kits 7U2ISSSIIII Di2lSl4MP 33 oars wanted WANTE Clean used cars Barrie Hon jda Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 fSCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 725 am I34trucks and trailers 31975 F250 FORD Iour wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562 alter 5p I972 FORD ECONOLINE van long box 1V standard insulated certified $1850 New tires Telephone 737 3445 1968 GMC halt ton new snows needs rear brakes As is 5850 or best otter Telephone 487 5638 1977 GMC hull Ion with Lap six cylinder slandard body excellent snow tires nw brakes and clutch CertiiIId $1250 or best aiiIr Telephone 728 6134 67 HALF TON TRUCK tor sale Has rebuilt motor body in good condition faking 5300 Telephone 474 5559 I967 lORD ton pick up Uncertilied Asking 5350 Telephone 737 3325 35service and repairs MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or Imports 7370724 alter 30 or wtoklildS 36auto acceSSOries HARDTOP to lll any Triumph TR6 $400 or best otter Call 737 3744 or 737 4975 or Alliston 435 7939 38snowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE ACCESSORIES BARRIE Sold at SPORT HAVEN MARINE sum Day 7261001 My27 I973 MOTO SKl Zephyr 340 twin cylinder 5550 Also I972 MOTO SKI Capri 292 single cylinder 5375 Both in excellent condition Telephone 726 7437 l974ARTIC CAT LYNX 295 Good iamily machine In good condition Call Gary at 424 1926 I971 MOTOSKI 399 Grand Prix Snowmobile ior sale good condition Asking 5425 Telephone 7285500 alter 00ptn 1976 340 TNT electric start as new used approximately tour hours price $1100 ior quick sale Telephone 728 0807 40 articles for sde $299 REUPHOLSTERS your chesterfleld labor ItdfebrlclndudedeptoISyds Plcltup delvery hchlded Work nIshlp fully puconteed to lo day service STONES UPNOLSTERING Itlrle 726572I D24 ELECTRIC SemlAcoustlc Guitar and Amplllier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking 5550 77263435 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball IioowIIn entertainer Excellent condition Asking 52950 Telephone 728 I970 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knlck knocks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL$5500 or trade ior lour wheel drive 7261001 or 726 9005 77 777777 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood Free dellygrylelephone 322 27390 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice oi style ilnlSh Coliee tables 5125 end table7s7trgm7565 7377710397777 77 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Berkei scales gas steam table two pot sire commercial tloor scrubber and pollsher hot peanut machine Items $50 each Also twin stroller 520 Telephone 728 4825 alter pm7 Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop think and remember Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list Classified Gift Spotter TF 40mlcles for sde Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start 54 dogs pets MAYS POODLE PARfoR Profes sional clipping and grooming Reas onable rates Phone 7260061 49christmas trees CHRISTMAS TREES WILSONS TREE LOT NOW OPENED Bayfield Mall Barrie Scotch pine Spruce Balsam 5ft to 15 ft For special orders and Inquiries Telephone 7281286 p79loIsIsI7 CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE All sizes Now on Sale KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS IIALL 93 Benny St corner of Codrlngton St Lot open daily 9am to 10pm Dl7 CUT YOUR OWN AT GILLESPIES 100 acres ot Barrie Ora Line9 oil No11 weekends only SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES at Leighs tree iarm Hawkstone village south irom highway 11 at slmcoe Road 20 Open continuously till December 24th 4872645 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or oiilce etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Feindale Dr 7262951 54service and repair the examlner Tuesday Dec 13 1977 17 bk GENTLEMAN FARMER midsixties nonsmoker nondrinker seeks iemale companion ior irlendshlp Matrimony It suited Reply Box W35 The Examiner Barrie help wanted SCOTIA BANK requires CONSUMER CREDIT TRAINEES Previous credit experience helpful but not necessary Must be willing to reIocate Please apply in person to BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Dunlap St Barrie Ont MR DE BLOEME DIS SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call M11 Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 72859M TF CLASS MECHANIC Required for SNOWBLOWING Reasonable rates Telephone 437673776 57Iivestock for sale SIXTY REGISTERED and grade Hols teln cows and calves Market sharing quota to be sold with herd 15193232941 HORSE TRATLER for rent or will move your animals 245 Edgehill Dr 72673407 59pouit717ychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail able Also iarm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 THREE HUNDRED POULETSlor saie Laying 90 Telephone 4873709 DRESSED GEESE FOR SALE Last call ior Christmas Ready December 17th to 19th Order now Call Van Den Hurk at4285l74or4241718 64ia rm machinery DAVID BROWN 990 EXCELLENT CONDITION NEW ENGINE NEW TIRES 7264536 67t7ruitsVggetables7 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Telephone 7288489 or 7261907 Closed Sundays 68personals MLHNEST BEAUTY SALON Swing into Christmas with new style from Maxines Professional styling at reasonable prices TF iFIREwooD Assorted delivered 52750 per Incr ord Reduced DTICL tor quality orders or cut your awry Split and 510 per lace cord Call 895 2014 POINTSCTTIAS up to blooms In inrhpots 99 whilctheylasl Brny Garden Centre 26 Feivumln DTIV Telephone 726 29517 HAMMOND PIPE ORGAN like new one keyboard S695 Telephone 728 8796 atter6pm LARGE DOUBLE wardrobi Antique in good condition Telephone 728 2574 26 COLOUR TV Magnavox console imodol very good condition Contact allcr 5p 726 4046 DRUMS MUST SELL 13 piece pearl Idrum set years old excellent condi lion asking only 597 value new 51800 iCall after 500pm 726 6115 TRACK PACKAGE Home tape ideck play back and record tape deck car eighty tapes two leather cases ex ceilent condition $300 or best alter 726 7156 SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wednesday and Thursday pm to pm 160 Baylield St No Table chair rug small sota etc INGLIS STOVE AND REFRIG ERATOR apartment size spin washer and dryer 15 gallon aquarium and sup plies two end tables and coiiee table Telephone 728 7447 1975HUNTERCOMBOORGANiour oc lave range twelve bass keys eight stops Ideal ior travelling gigs Dad great gilt ior teenage musician $300 726 9734 GIRLS CCM SCRAMBLER Bicycle hi rise handlebars coaster brake banana saddle like new 535 Telephone 72875667 CHINA CABINET and bullet Windsor style made by Knechtel in walnut ilnish 172 years old Valued at $1200 Asking 5580 Telephone 728 4916 TWO CAPTAINS BEDS one year old Iyouth beds good condition light oak Telephone 726 0005 after 330pm JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Plano Mason Rlsch in excellent condi tion Recently tuned $1000 Telephone 7260918 MOVING TV antenna day and nighter desk with typewriter drawer stereo speakers kitchen table and Chairs dresser with mirror vacuum toaster books 726 5636 YAMAHA STEREO SYSTEM ampliiier turntable and two speakers Only six months old Must sell by Fri day 8450 ilrm Telephone 7267896 ask tor Bob tor sale $400 42articles wanted CASH FOR old iurniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 COINS WANTED accumulations col lectlons oi Canadian or American cop per silver gold Highest cash paid by collector 7264544 REQUIRED Goddrrusedmitems oi ail kinds tor the needy SALVATION AR MY Collier7s7t 72a 3794 MENS FIOckEYEGOIPMENT wanted shoulder pads etc Also looks electric drill vice grips vice plane etc Telephone 77266365 cAP FoRA HALFTON TRUCK Must be In good condition Will visit to inspect Telephone 726 0738 SNOW REMOVAL irom home and cot tage roots Also alterations and repairs Log Construction and Gen Contracting 7373612 TRAPPERS ANDHUNTERS will buy a7ll iur7s Telephone 4877377747877 4441095 and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping oi all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 72678798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums all slles at unbeatable rices Evenings and weekends Edge ill Aquarla 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies Great stocking stutters Pure registered lnterested 16458176 aiter 6pm Brac bridge GERMAN SHEPHERD pups registered needles tattooed Males and iemales Ideal gilt lor Christmas Telephone 72651940 LOOKING FOR PURRFECT GIFT Try beautiful Himalayan kitten Bred ior excellent temperament as well as beauty Priced to sell Call l705 4357463 Alliston Area JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS For sale American Cocker Spaniel pups Low prices to good homes Will hold until Christmas 728 3634 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES eight weeks old reasonably priced Females only Ready to go or will hold ior Christmas Telephone 4873333 Ora OPERMS $1250 and up SHAMPOO AND SET $375 OHAIRCUTS $250 50 HIGHCROFT ROAD ALLANIIALE HEIGHTS OFF LITTLE AVENUE LICENSED BY THE CITY OF BARRIE 7288658 DI7 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 658i it you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats our7s Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 MONECA psychic and cardigans counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7288868 ITELECARE Why light your problem laione Let iriend help Call Tclecare 726 7922 anytime 77 77 77 UNWANTED HAIR removed sately permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certiiied Electrologist 737 2671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call728 0902 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and contidentlal 7372972 VACATION SERVICE Need someone to look alter your mail plants or pets at reasonable rate Service available irom Barrie to Glliord east at Hwy 400 Please call 4565403 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGHRIDES Come and enioy yourseli $25 per hour Telephone43763776 POWER STEERING CALL SERVICE STATION 0Must be selfstarter Able to do general repairs to all models Neat In appearance And like to work with public SEND RESUME TO Box W34 The Examiner Barrie DI IAVUNGHTSFOR CHRISTMAS ARE Joy to give Joy to receive AN EVEN GREATER JOY TO SELL For full information call 728 9652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont MTTF 71 help wanted 7thelp mad EXPANDING LOCAL FIRM has ten parttime positions available evenings and Satur days Must be of legal age neat appearance car required For interview call between 10000m and 500 pm 737I903 Fulltime positions also élliiiliillllilliillilliliIIIIIIiiiiIilIIIIilIl KIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED now for our planed advancement program Col 1267205 TF ETIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllli LIVEIN HOUSEKEEPER needed tor motherless iamily children and years nice home in Coldwater with comiortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwater Call 8353110 days or 6867900 evenings ACCOUNTANT Young aggressive company requires an experienced Accountant with banking background or some it not completed training as an RlA Oliices will be in Barrie Possibility of V2 days being ac ceptable ii desired by the applicant Remuneration commensurate with ex perience Write Box W26 The Ex aminer Barrie Ont WELL KNOWN COMPANY is expan ding and has one full time and two part time openings for ambitious persons Car necessary Can earn up to $6 an hour Barrie or surrounding area Telephone 14168956532 STENO CLERK part time to start Ap proximately 20 hours weekly Ex perience in life insurance ls essential Telephone 7261435 LEGALSECRETARY required mtg be experienced In operation at IBM Selectric Memory Typewriter Required IllIlllIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr for December 3151 1977 Please B€flflr°733994 WA Mature people tar telephone soliciting Call 7267205 OFFSET PRESS PERSON 1250 muiti two colors Experience only Hwy 400 and No Telephone 14166699962 DETENTION HOME requires Child Care worker female preterred tor alternate weekend livein work Call 7372441 Monday to Friday WANTED Single and tandem owner operator trucks ior winter sanding in Cookstown area Telephone 95 416 4951041 you CAN EARï¬zao PER WEEK 16 start car essential Need men and women to till several positions in early warning lire detection field No ex perience necessary Will train Inter view by appointment only Call 70573748309am5pm EXAMINER WANT ADS 728 24 7lhelp waited TDODANDDHE MAKER Tool maker able to produce progression dies with minimum supervision Good rate to right person I4169362I00 For further information Please phone BRIDLE OPPORTUNITIE terim financing Professional advertising Advanced Real Estate Tra Dl6 ulAVO IN REAL ESTATE With Canadas Best Known Realtor Check these advantages Bonus commission arrangement and Benefit Package Proven SalesListing and Promotional Aids Noncompeting Professional Manager Mortgage advantages including Second Mortgages and in ncuding local magazine Natlonal Transferee and Referral System ining Join winning team All enquiries confidential CALL TERRY VOGAN MANAGER 357 Bayfleld St 7258800 ROYALTRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA TThSDI9 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE ARE Phone 7266539 AS OWENWELLINGTON AREA MOUNTBAITENRODNEY AREA 125135 WELLINGTON APTS MINESING COOKSTOWN STAYNER un Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Ba AGE PHONE rrie L4M 4T6