Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1977, p. 6

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MONDAY THRU FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 555 PTL CLUBTALK AND RIETY 558 FOCUS 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND RIETY UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR CAMERA ON CANADA CARTOONS 615 FARM REPORTS 825 NEWS WINDOW ON THE WORLD 6m SUNRISE SEMESTER CARTOON PLAYHOUSE YOGA 645 DAYBEAT 655 MISSION EM OYMENT EMPLOYMENT FILE DAYBREAKPUBLIC FAIRS 72 TODAY CBS NEWS GOOD AMERICA CANADA AM IT FIGURES GREEK HORIZONS 715 700 CLUB 730 METRO MORNING TVO PORTUGAL OF TODAY 800 éCAPTAIN KANGAROO MORNING ROCKETSHIP INSCHOOL PROGRAMMING $9 ITALIANISSIMO 815 ED ALLEN SHOW 81 BONJOUR 845 FRIENDLY GIANT 900 DIN BONJOUR MATCH GAME IN TOUCH PHIL DONAHUE SHOW TORONTO TODAY CANADIAN VALCADE CINELOTTO5 91 SCHOOLS 930 TATTLETALES EXC WED FRI ROMPER ROOM 100 HUNTLEY STREET PROGRAMMING 945 EMISSIONS DIVERS LIVES AS THE WORLD MISTER ROGERS ALL MY CHILDREN 11M TIME FOR YOU DAYS OF OUR RNS JOYCE DAVIDSON VARIOUS HOW WINNERS CIRCLE TELEJOURNAL 135 MERV GRIFFIN EXC GILLIGANS ISLAND LHEURE DE POINTE mFEJ courage thought im saying 53 you ought to make an effort to curate and troublefret NEWS Shut UP form of timekeeping ODDCOUPLE ALL IN THE FAMILY YOUNG PEOPLES ECIALWED whos been on the spot more BEWITCHED than nceoft ii DORISDAYSHOW en sald MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS g0LLYWOOD SQUARES CBC NEWS DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR CE SOIR CITY PULSE 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NE PARTY GAME READALONG GONG SHOW LACTUEL 640 COVER TO COVER 855 in WRITE ON 700 HOLLYWOOD CON NECTION BIG HAWAII CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH BOBBY VINTON SHOW LOGANS RUN DONT ASK ME BILLY GRAHAM USADE LA MANGEAILLE 30 HOLLYWOOD UARES STRIKES SPARES AND ISSES GENE TAYLOR SHOW SIZSDWOUESTI HEADLINE HUNTERS MAGIC SHADOWS FAIRE ET DEFAIRE MOVIE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Flee10¢ Flight Charles Inga art Doc Baker come to the aid OI an ailing Indiar cruel when some at Na Grove Linens arr to attack IN peacetut nomadic trim BETTY WHITE SHOW CHARLIE BROWN HRISTMAS The SICt tells of Chartin Brm search tor the real meaning OI Christmas while his playmates Lucy Snoopy Schroeder Sally and the rest busy them selves with the more worldly aspects of the holiday season THE SAN PEDRO BEA HBUMS THE WALTONS Two when he goes to VISII his son Peter to invite him to My Was returned to Washing if sunrise party ton in 1963 he recalled was Merwm on building over Pen QNEWSMAGAZINE nSylVanla Avenue And when 52 Dunlop St Downtown Barrie 7283343 SWITCH Janet Blair the caisson bearing the coffin LJ plays wule who hires Pete and Mac to find her missmg husband lust belore She Is murdered Raps public reaction in current RCMP issue little silence now and then We ought in some sellse en Newman speaks with the au thorin of correspondent situation in which little dead air might have been better than commentary When John Kennedys car into had to show could bemore VIVII and more colorful in my description than numerous It you would like to obtain details on how your son or daughter can become part of group at over 210 enterprising Seiko Quartz sets new stan the most For Reservations Call prY GATES gfigggg just to give the viewer time to ONYARD BGONGSHOW YOUNG AND THE think says NBCs Edwin BLUE QNEWSEARCH FOR ESTLESS Newman TOMORROW Sgaselmm believe some silence is aRYANs HOPE mam FEUD helpful to thought said New oFLNTsmNES FARTYGtae man in recent interview lecnooL and believe to some extent IIROGRAMMING fiuléfinv GRFFN US radio and television discourage dards for accuraCY MKE DOUGLAS EXC Ihought and reflection We are the watch manufac 3355 glNAH Imtalkllgabollsomelhmg turer with the technologi ONEWS ELEcmycoompmy everybody in this busmess oMAGAZfigEXOTUE LITTLERASCAVLESRS comes to at one time or an ca calm ma try oMERVGmFFIN wmfigéssas other You re on the air and you component assuring OCONCENTRATON want Show youre more level of quality control un ggbfiggflégs HOGANégEROES amusing and more trenchant araued in the nduqtr cm cmssmemsxc EMERGENCY ONE than the people youre working ED SESAMESTREET WIULOI against IThe Seiko Quartz offers advanced ac cZZ 16 Start I978 at the Brookdale 2°° oochlldran under Was known in theatre Acmusrms em Eon education mnv FOOTBALL FAN ittitttNIt cm John Offile GELWk forsaleat odd known for his work in 031de 15080t10npac Dag odorill ion and theatre diod Fri with section on each 533111 1000 FEMME DAUJOUR ililyllltor urlengthy illness NLIIOT FOR WOMEN HUI 37 of IIIHIIIII Dodd UggtéABIAN sc OOLS QTATTLETcsLaES was director of practice teach QPRICEIS RIGHT ABC NEWSBRIEF ing at the faculty of education EXCOIIJQRRI SCHOOLS Mon film at the University of Toronto mALNé Fog DOLLA RYANS HOPE Born in lltlldl Int he star DAYBEAT $20000PYRAMID Chin 1030 ALHAMELSHOW will discuss how to create Ho MOVE Adam Bock sixondnry school lll guARES 230 London before going to Toronto on Ideal society MR DRESSUP DOCTORS whore he taught at ltlvordale lTYPULsgo pngioNT collegiate institute Dallforth with 9W5ts WHEEL OF FORTUNE ONE LIFETOUVE From left to right art IIIII tartar brotllu of rislIIi lit hand body and bathroom IllllIlItlnltll talk NIIIIVIttI IIIIIIIIIIII undtcmtmll mil1whim Burt Reynolds QSESAME STREET NEMA SAUF MER allth Nor MCIJH NPHIISOII ltlllllh IlylrJlllllll fol his plolilllly lint llliiiilu is oil It out am it was pmhldcm of he JOKERS WILD nors and act0r Obtrl Blnkt Ilfllmd IllrktyS by Milli for his Icy manners and treatment of his ttWUIIHIS shakes mun Smier he md Dou Hennln Ggcggénsovs 62 Watchers inc in Thanksgiving Day list of men they sny ispmiully Women Photos of ilrtir ollnors liml IIIIIIU found Crest Theatre In KLARAS KORNER ANOTHER WORLD W0m¢l do not like I0 Wflkh my til lire dated I077 iiml Stevenson is dated I073 Iompally arid started Stratford 30 ALLEN TIME TAKE THIRTY his leisure suits and beer belly Stevenson because of his pegmm tours for Sludemg ED DEC I4 CII ZfiKgfigTo Egg WRAP AROUND MON DEC I9 CN BARRIE YOUNG AND ELTON T0 APIFUI MIL IllllllllS EATIIN MWNDAN FIESTLESS DGENERALHOSPITAL Rock gin er mini him mg The lapanese consume more Slmllld mn Turbdm are madc from be FAMILY FEUD mo Si to Ig arwilhllx Mu than 40 000 tons of eels year Cum mil C0 tween 10 and yards the ART OF COOKING QCELEBRITY COOKS ppo tallied ill the worlds oceans fine mum liDDAY LL iN THE FAMILY pets on theirteiewsion show UMM goeRAMMING VARIOUS ROBIN HOOD Steaming PIC LESCHIBOUKIStVEN Private duty nursing and AFTERNOON MATCH gAgE prescription drugs Iust two 121w MINUTE MOUMOUTE beneIlIS OI OUI Extended TO SAY THE LEAST VEN By TOM JURY Health Care Plan Are your LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 400 mews Home NEW Y0RK WI Telt mmyw Let Complete Denture Serwce soe MCLEAN snow Nous Vismn news and public affairs tailor Plan tor our rou UNCLE soansnow FROGRAMMmG commentators might colTSlder Hours 0m pm Mon thru Sol 780 Dunlop St Barrie Member Donlurist Society 7286810 THE ASSESSMENT ACT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS As result of delay in the passage of recent omen dments to The Assessment Act the normal return of the assessment rolls in municipalities and localities in Ontario will be delayed The Honourable Margaret Scrivener Minister of Revenue has therefore extended to January 19 I978 the date upon which the annual assessment roll is returned in all municipalities and localities in ENNIS Who are agggfézgém anyone else along the line Egggofghyggcagg NEWS AS was mg he Ont rio EXCEPT those munici alities located in The country and seek retuge QBMANigfioE someone in the control room on Walofis Ounan say Tell him to shut up it 352Silosattfiszii RTELWIIFQ was very good advice Regional MunICIpality of Waterloo where the day God gaseooNoEEODITION 25 YEARSINITV ANCGLQRSSESSWW News NewmanlsdeMWS upon which the assessment roll is returned Will be CAUSE DE MON av News Londonin1952afterworkingIt th NCLE 330 PRNgGvRSAM UNANlt ggfflfcfand nuizlfewlnz extended IO MarCh I6 CHALLEENGFERONT PAGE aggglEYDERFERNWOOD later ran NBCS news bureaus oeoucArvoNoere was in London Rome and Paris This extension affects the time period during ic $355837 GEARSENEITXIN and has been based in New NE York since mmfleégm 09 WW 65mmmubsnmmhos owners and tenants may appea eir assessmen on NBCs Today program sev mac Mggmm NEWS eral times has appuired on As result the final date for lodging complaint AT THE MOVIES Sunshine THE TONIGHTSHOW Meet the Press and often re Cl00 REFEREE ports on news specials and With the Assessment ReVIew Court in respect of any SlaugpgégsegECAL SHOWESTDN PERIOD documentaries Nappy VINEasgq assassins timegm SPELIfilmRESSINTEITI With Norris Vines PlAnny assessment contained In assessment ro is ex Cowboys rs San Fran When Cana ian gsdaaomcowm BNNETYtiizgJTESLVE Awards Committee presents its tended from January 19 I978 to February I978 In CHARLIE BROWN NEws 1977 Etrog Awards Nov 20 QRSTMS CBC 0mm The Re ional Munici ality of Waterloo the date for Sign Ciglminswlgai THE cANioDA LOVE SPeClalabOUIllaHOPm eampng 305 Shifwsr Mommoh Bullet WIT INCLUDESOUEBEC or ovors an pot meg withplZAEQSIIZ was lodging complaint has been extended to April Snoopy Schroeder Sally OMOVIE 32ET Rosita mm 1978 2255 ggectlgrilmTRe AMILY DOCTOR PROFITS hOIIGaIJTTAMARSH MOVIE ins JU SNEWSUPDATE CINEMA Regular weekly profits are Per couple LEFLLEgggLTgiEFN HOWE 15 only one of many advantages 901 100 gained by Examiner carriers Margaret Scrlvener was NEW YEAR DAY BUFFET SOAP Episode Thir myMERVGRIFFIN thelrown bminessesin seloc 2sniings ot4300nd 630pm Minister evenue teen Burt Campbell 104 ted areas close to their Own Bullet features Roast Beef Turkey Ham Dozens of Russe WWW dmamu Shock QMOVE homes Delivery of route Salads Homemade Desserts plus THE PLATTERS takes iust short time each FLOOR saow Ontario Deputy Minister afternoon and the benelits are DOWNTOWN BARRIE All 7283440 72846 TORONTO rzpi Philippe Van Rjndt mysterious Cana dian novelist who admits he was spy abroad for several years is critical of the public reaction to alleged wrongdoings by the RCMP Im appalled with letters running five to one in favor of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Van Rjndt said in rare interview Friday That kind of reaction is puerile uninformed dis interested and bordering on ig norance know the Mounties are as sacred as the maple leaf but why wont people believe they do these things Van Rjndt 27 the author of two spy novelsmThe Tetra machus Collection and Blue printivrefuses to divulge his real name or say more than that he is Montrealborn and the son of chief of an inter national Europeanbased in telligence operation which he will not name He has allowed himself to be photographed for the first time since he switched from spy to novelist Securities sale ban MONTREAL CP The makers of Kings and Desperate Men film featuring Margaret Trudeau have been hit with ban on the sale of unregistered securities to finance the making of the movie The Quebec Securities om mission issued the order Friday against Kinneversal Produc tions inc saying the company and individuals were selling financing participation in boys and girls simply call Lin Halkes circulatlon representative at 72S6539 lve come of age as novellt ist it look me year and half do to come to terms with what lve done having done two novels in three years and having home in Toronto he said The novels have been wellre ceived internationally but Ca nadian critics have been less kind HURT BYCRITICS Curiously its only been in Canada that some people and the critics have not believed what lve said about myself That hurts me very much In other countries people speak of the realism Illl lve put into the intelligence matters which lve written about IMPERIAL CINEMAS THE NUMBER ONE RECORD IS THE NUMBER ONE SURPRISE FILM OF THE YEAR AUDIENCES ARII SINGING BRAND NEW SONG bufiljigllt UPCg Brookdale Inn lso Dunlap 3099 Ma 7269944 GIN 728I3I2 cumin The Beach Bunnies at 645 IO Revenge of the Clleerleaders 825 only Double Feature The Tetramachus Collection deals with alleged secret papers in Vatican archives in volving collaboration with the Nazis by church leaders in the 1940s Blueprint centres on infil tration of West German politi cal life by the Soviets and at tempts to detail the inner work ings of Soviet intelligence bemondod Mutt Morthum 15th WEEK IN BARRIE HELD OVER FOR ANOTHER WEEK OF ADVENTURE PACKED EXCITEMENT at 645 pm the film to the public which un der commission rules con stitutes securities commission spokesman said the ban does not mean that contributors will have their contracts cancelled as long as Kinneversal files prospectus and the necessary financial statements Registration could be completed within week if theddocuments are available he sai mall IS lull ITIIIAMIIII Sometimes WIIIII you rtdtll for dream lamb you have to leave stunttiling IXlIlIltl cxea ilIiitIyIIiiim Barrie umri MI III It il lliii Ilwl lllltlvlilyl III lllllll lIIllIII Muir itirlllllillii will In illlliyIIlllllimilliliiIIiiIrlniIlllllrul 123 ANYTIME FOR INFORMATION The story of young English footman who served the Lady Booby but loved the little Fanny SHOW TIME 105 905 Theyre Not Salted Theyre last Inrlzomcmlunv val OOLOII BI DELUXE

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