vvV 14 the oxamlnor Monday Dec 12 1977 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALUMINUM EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHNG Eaves GEORGIAN trou In InstalledCall72866I28 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Cleanin eavestrou and genes rewmeva on artn ers aten 00 race EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jack Rates Free estimates II7 Burton Ave Sldlng Eavestrough Mb 50 Windows ELECTRICAL Foch D°°rs PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Shunels Awnings Residentialhlndustrial Installations and ser AddltiansRooilng ï¬ï¬‚éw Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate lMlU$llol Commerclal Cal rIIIL srurumc 4°5Identla Forms 7166907 Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Llc I8 Local Family Business FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding 0Soffit Fascia 7288234 Shutters °Windows EXCAVATING °°° E°V°s°°9h sown sovcuorr Excavating haulage C° my ram smart 430I U30 STRDUD WEST GROVE 02 CONSTRUCTION APPLIANCES Backhoe Excav ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales Trenching and service I8 Alliance 8ivd Unit I9 734392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPANI British European and Japanese ates Cerenation Auto Serv i7 Mary St IIorizantal Augerlng 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and lireploces specialty Vic Watson for tree estimates 728 599 mm JULIAN SONS IO years experience In all of structlon Why pay Inflated pricesl Estimates are treat Nothing to lose Everything to galnl There are no obs too big or too smalll Carpentry Aluminum Siding Concrete Salllt Wallpaper Facla Painting Evestrough Roofing Family Rooms Kitchens Flooring Dont be shy give us try Days 4364354 Evenings 4364354 737I743 MWF Dl9 INCOME TAX COME TAX returns prepared An Dar rtearea SSup Dobsan 4245 to alter Sand weekends INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MWFM7 mow BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at92 Melrase Ave Barrie or telephone 7295283 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS CUSTOMMADE clocks We also do repairs Showroom Hwy 90 at Dalston 7289548 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec roams renovations additions ilreplaces ranteed737I507 CARPENTER iallzing in rec rooms In terior remodeling trlm etc Please call mmmfterb CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine lumiture renovations MY FUSS Call us Fireplaces renovations spaIn etc Cal 72692I3anytime FIREWOOD HARDWOOD SPLIT DELIVERED Dry season ed sao bush cord sao lace Free kindling with bush cord 48721 FREWOOD $25 per lace cord delivered Hardwood well seasoned Call 7265724 FREWOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoods Will deliver Telephone 72607 evenings andweekends RREPLACE HARDWOODS Cheaper by the lull cord Free delivery also cedar posts Telephone 728l an FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and alterations Domestic Commercial 726 refinishing old and new guaranteed not to 2948 MI 325834I LIENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction uranteed and Construction 726746I CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No iob to small 726i27l CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters lor renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 GEN CON CONSTRUCTION 7265I 93 FURNITURE STRIPPING FWNTTURE STRIPPING and refinishing hard and salt woods ReasOnabie rates Tele phwe 4362997 alter pm NANDYMAN GENERAL HOME CARE °Rools cleaned of ice and snow Snowplowlng Small moving jabs Garoges and basements cleaned Trash hauled away INSTRUCTIONS SWING INSTRUCTIONS Beginners and ad vanced Private or class years ex ï¬nce Telephone 4364750 MASONRY STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces to Freeestimate7l4245I58 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN GROWN DJ Music ler people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 ROOFING AND ROOFING New ulnl ulsl Nepalis Free estimates 436 LII alter GRAHAM ROOFING Shlngles Installed Rooflng Repaired ROOFING IN DANRIE FOR I0 YEARS Call 7286628 MWFDi2 MP SNOW BLOWING JNS SNOWDLOWING lowest rates In town driveways sidewalks small parking lots etc Telephone 7269859 or 737 real SIMPSON RESIDENTIALCOMMMERCIAL TRACTORMOWER or JEEPPLOW To suit all needs Radio dispatched for prompt service Tel Free 8355957 nytlme Dl9 TONVS 5NowsL6mNc on SNOWPLOW lNG Reasonable rates Contract Relerence It needed Call 72652IV7W SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and commercial reasonable rates lree esti mates call Paul 7379064 WRIGHTS SNowriowmd sataii commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Dependable 7267757 REICHEN SNOW rLOWINE an Snowblbwing Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by clear up Call 7265666 IIILL ALLAN SNowriowmof Res idehtlalrand commercial Best service In town Reas onable ratesTehphoneZS72892 7264604 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Patvln Guitar Studio 726I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument leaned ior home practice Canadian Aca olMusic I2I Ba leki 7284799 GUITAR Classical and talk strin bano and drums The Bandstand Baylie Mal 734973 PROFESSIONAL DRUM iNSTRUC TION Private lessons available In last rock or classical Reasonable rates Telephone72629m SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING instruction for all occasions Classes now farming Rec rooms renovations Chimn9Y5 Cleaned S4 COUPLE general interior design BARRIE uu 1164123 FREE ESTIMATES 4875155 mom mom TThso27 01 or DANCING CARPET CLEANING Wï¬wï¬ï¬gtï¬mgï¬rï¬nï¬gggrgg PAINTING ART You wan mining may Inlshin Call aul 7372875 WumGA PMTWG and Mann Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam 9de WI do pointing POP hanging chem vygbwp lloor tilln furniture stripping and CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10 all carpet 9h °P°7372°75 upholstery prolessionolly steam cleaned Or rent our machine 726632l SAVE SAVE Steam cleaner lar rent SIS INTERIOR REMODELLNG Kitchens rec doyt mom FREE dVIY 0M rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm pickup In Barrie Reierences available ICED MORE Ilvlng space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry alike storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Dell 7288906 GISTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens aid patios aluminum door The number for al your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulrlng win dows and expansion iaints Work guaran teed4509346 IORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun datians renovations additions Phone 4329550r 4364I7Salter6pm lOCR Tit DRAFTS OUT 00 YOUR WINDOWS CMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plese cal collect 4I6 93626 CUSTOM EENCINch RESDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 737 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY CHAIN LINK FENC NG Galvanized and Vinyl Installed NEED RECAULKING FREE ESTIMATES Call us for free quote CALL on colour coordinated caulking 7287829 7286203 ORESSMARING We DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eu nlo St Phone 726m NESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984 between ain and pm ORTWALL DRYWALI CO Registered Company iallzlng in Custom Homes renovations oratlve stucco complete rec rooms and texture spraying Call Ken Hill 42402I5 Free estimates GENERAL IIOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists FREE ESTIMATES Cl TOM 7260424 Upllam terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta IIsh ed Myears 7262225 77269m2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex tartar and Interior Free estimates Work Branteod7267389 AW PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced lree estimates Jack Richardson 72620I2 I7568874 PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL rAINTINGfinT terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteedr72668 IIILLsoALE DECORATING maritime terior wallpaperlng custom textured walls aid ceiling Telephone 705893i3gljgl PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing at all Types We stock many shes mm PLASTERING PLASTERING Drywall Textured ceilings Ceramic tiling Painting Remodelling New work and real lllotta ROOFING Shingling Painting CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New and Repairs MhnIIIIn Angus 4241709 D27 M29 letis 7286922 oouos SNOWPLOWING smallzommerclal and residential Reasonable rates 7288460 SNOW PLOWING TREE REMOVAL GREAVES LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE II IARRIE 72638887289369 Dl9 ï¬WPLOWINGfl Residential driveways and parking lots Barrie and Innislli Township Telephone TatsI441 DICK HFLEAR HAVULWAGE Snowplowing driveways and parking lots Remanoble rates Telephone 7286770 7260443 ROOFING CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by cleanup 737O8I Anytime J5 SNOTNWREMOVAL FROM soars ONIv Call belore noon 7373657 Ask lor Kirk or Gard RESIDENTIALsNoWPLowINo Reasonable rates Barrie innislll Telephone 436 2695 MI STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7284392 TWOWAY RADIO RADIO Sales Repairs installations All work done indoors DOCKSIDE Liesltore Rd II Mukester 72673 WELL DRILLING Morris Gilberts Water Well Drillin Farm home cottage and wels Free estimate IO years experience Angus 4245657 76 employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 7287086 iar more intormatlon WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 80 public notice 80 public notices THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL PLANNING AREA will hold Public Meeting on Monday December I9th I977 at 730 pm in the Council Chambers of the Townships Municipal Offices for the purpose of presenting to the public Amendment No to the Official Plan of the Township oi innislll Planning Area Ap proval of this amendment would accommodate proposal to establish Twin DriveIn Theatre on I5485 acres in the northeast port ol the North Hall of Lot 23 Concession The sublect property is located approximately 5200 feet east of 20 Sideroad on the south side of the 7th Line The proposed Amendment No to the Official Plan at the Township oi lnnlslil Planning Area may be reviewed at the Townships Municipal Offices Further information regarding the amendment may be obtained by contacting the Townships Planning Department at 705 43637I0 ROBERT LEMON SECRETARYTREASURER INNISFIL PLANNING BOARD STROUD ONTARIO D9l2l6 76 employment wanted GOLDENOFPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENTAGEIICY Invites ab offers from In dustries and applications from competent workers FREE SERVICE 7165860 MWF J2 77 Iegel NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Estate at Henryk Schalfer late of the City of Barrie In the County of Sim coe Ontario who died an or about the 4th day of September I976 must be filed with the un dersigned personal represen tative an or before the 9th day of January I978 thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Toronto this 2Ist day of November I977 Salomea Matylda Welsz Administratrlx by her solicitors Kettner and Miskln 500 University Avenue Suite 80I Toronto Ontario MSG IV7 DSI2I9 77 Iegelwm NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF BESSIE TEASDALE DEGEER late of 2l6 Baylleld Street in the City of Barrie In the County of Slmcoe All persons having claims against the estate of BESSIE TEASDALE DEGEER late of 2l6 Bayerld Street In the City of Barrie who died on or about the first day of April I976 are hereby required to send lull particulars of such claims to the undersigned administrator on or before the 2nd day of January I978 alter which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims she shall not then have notice WILMA BIDWELL by her solicitors Messrs Bell Temple 58 Collier Street Barrie Ontario N28DSI2 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 Card ol thanks 40 words SPECA TIS CASRS Death Notices Engagements births maximum 40 words additional words To cents per word 8550 SS Additional words I0 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events It lilrtIIs Mondays Child Is ialroi lace Tuesdays Child isiulloi grace Wednesdays Child is lull oi woe lltursdnys Child has lar to go rIrtays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard iot its Ilvlnu Ami Ithild that is born on the Sab hath Day Is lrslr 4an wise and good and gay Illlilt til hearing this verse by Counter utluu always want to know which day at IIIL wIIk was their birth date Keep this IIIIII other Important lntormetion ior antI slllllls tuture An Examiner Birth Attlttlutlutlltitl will Include the name at yqu IIIIII the lay of the week month and yarn ut hlI th the weight and other vital itlllitltlrillotl printed message all boulmi permanent record In linbys Bank or Family Albums the rain tor an Examiner Birth Notice Is only $5 50 maximum 40 words Addi iinnnl words to cents per word PHONE 718 74l4 3m Fl MING TON Frank AI Edlnburqh Scotland peacefully on November 29 I91 III his 63 year Frank Flomlnglan loving husband oi Margaret lather at Sini and Janis Beloved iostor brother at Arr hii lrvvnu tormerly at Edinburgh also Katharine Irvine oi Barrie Ontario PAIEIRSON Thomas Atthe IO OF tiomu Barrie on Saturday December ioth l917 Thomas Paterson oi Coukstown in his 92nd year Pro dnr oasod by sisters Ellen and Margaret and brothers John James Robert and William Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cunkstawn tor complete sorvicr on Tuesday December at In torment Alliston Union Cemetery GOUGli WIlbert toria HOSpitaI At the Royal Vic Barrio on Saturday December I0 I977 Wilbert Gough in his 93rd year bolovrd husband at the late Lavcttn Rainoy Brother of Ray at Barrio Evelyn of Crown Hill Annin Rainey oi Barrie and Elite Key at Severn Bridge Resting at the Siecklcy Funeral Home 30 Worson St Barrie Complete SPTVICL in the chapel on Tues any Dvcornbm I3 at Ll 30p Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Masonic ser VIC Monday evening at at under auspires oi Corinthian Lodge No 96 Bdrm SMALL Victor George Suddenly at Barrio on Saturday December to I977 VILIOT Small beloved husband at Geraldine Reynolds Dear lather at Joan Mrs Waym McAuIryl and Linda Young both of Barrio Hob Small at Toronto and lamb Mrs Terry Martin at OTITIIQtVlllC Lovmg grmtdluther oi tlulll jidiidlllldrill Brothrr of Mrs ViDltl Smitotl Mrs LII Poakt Mrs Leta PallTSIlII Mrs Ruth NEdllS and Roy Small Rushnq at the SIILklly Funeral HOTTII IO Warsiry St Barrie Completi survrcr In the rhtsniI on Tuesday LtTIItI that Interment later at Inn St Jamis Cemetery Strouu In lieu oi iluwrrs memorial donations to On tario HLart Foundation would be ap proclaim Masonic srrvico Monday at 30 pm under IUSDIILS of Minerva IathNo I04 Strourt COWARL Bradley Norman Suddvnly as ltw result at In accident at Barrie on Saturday December to I97 Bradley Norman Ctmnrrt in his 20th year drier son at William and Carol Coward at Dalston Brnttwr oi LOIIIIIE at Toronto Roamy oi Dalston Brenda and Kara Mrs John BrlUElLTll both at Barrie VdIIUvTIII II Nnrnmn Cameron and Eva Coward Frmnrts may call at Strcklny Funeral Home It Warlsry St Barrio SITVKP In the chapel on Monday Dtvtmbor It at Interment St Johns CrImtury Ctmgtiurst Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise EXAMINER WANT ADS 728 24 88 climbs events $322 per column Inch BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot xaminr patterns Dress Plus Scarf Printed Pattern Zip up easy blouson casual Printed Pattern 4888 Wom ens Sizes are 34 38Inch bust wrth 40 Inch hip 36 40 bust 42 hip 38 42 bust 44 hip 40 44 bust 46 hip 42 46 bust 48 hip 44 48 bust 50 hip 46 50 bust 52 hip 48 52 bust 54 hip $125 lor each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for lust class marl and handling Ont residents add 94 sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Thr Examincr 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4I7 Prices too high Save and sewsend for our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Over 100 styles all sizesdresses tops skirts pants Free pattern coupon Send 75c Instant Sewing Book SI00 Instant Fashion Book $100 Instant Crochet Book 5100 Pillow ShowOils Sl50 MONCTONNB CPI Three New Brunswick govern ment departments and Cana dian National Hotels recently launched counLr wide pro motion intended to ring atten tion to New Brunswick cuisine scenery and lifestyle Tourism Minister Femand Dube officially launched the project which involves featur Ing 12 ecially prepared menus New Brunswick recipes at CN hotels across Canada Called Taste of New Brunswick the promotion opened at the Hotel Beausejour here with the hotels dining outlets offering New Brunswick cuisine for Illday period Starting in early 1978 the food festival will be held at CN hotels in Edmonton Winnipeg Ottawa Toronto Halifax and St Johns Nfld accompanied by iclorial and handcraft dtsp ays The soil is his home EDWARDSVILLE Ill AP The soil means more to Gary Davis than the place where his food grows Its his home Everything in this house saves energy says Davis of his 406squarefoot dwelling located mostly underground near this southern Illinois com munity Davis who owns UBahn Earth Homes Inc estimates he will spend only about $375 year to heat and cool the house He said underground homes maintain yearround tem perature of about 56 degrees Fahrenheit So all we have to do is make up the difference Davis said he uses device called an economizer which pulls in clean fresh air heated by the sun in the winter day time The air will warm up the walls the floors everything And when it shuts off it re circulates the warm air CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception ol Oasslfled Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40wards $550 Additional words I0 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 8550 Addi tional words IOcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22cents per line COMING EVENTS 5322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply Il paid within days One or two Insertions 9c per word per Insertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word per insertion total 8648 Six can Iecutive Insertions 8c per word per Inser tion total SI224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered sublect to cancellation when satislactory results obtained Method ol counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set al numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires odvertlsers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately alter llrst Inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported belore am In order that some may be rectilied for the following day publication The Examiner Is responsible lor only one Incorrectly printed insertion ol any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion al ad that Involves the mlsprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the utvertisement are not eligible lor correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 OWENWELLINGTON AREA MOUNTBATTENRODNEY AREA I2SI35 WELLINGTON APTS MINESING COOKSTOWN STAYNER Yes would like more Information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENT SIGNATURE RAGE PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 NB cuisine drive launched The aim of the rogram is to encourage Cana ians to visit New Brunswick for vacations or to attend conventions Were expecting it to be such success that plans are being made by CN Hotels to feature food from other Cana dian provinces in similar pro grams sometime in the future said Franco Anglesio manager of the Hotel Beausejour The list of delicacies to be of fered to patrons under the pro gram range from fiddlehead salad Iermtere to New Brunswick lobster in Pernod Other dishes include poutine Lrou baked salmon steak Beausejour clams mariniere creamed Fundy scallops fish chowder roast loin of pork and maple sugar pie no pevraa easo44Oo neewï¬vu aur Sitting guard over Brent Nassicnuk is Big Bear at downtown Vancouver store The bear draws lot of alien tIon but few offers to pick up his 8295 price tag CP Photo onATEO Notice of Application to The Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of The City of Barrie for approval of bylaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Barrie Intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pur suant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for ap proval of ByIaw 77137 copy of the bylaw ls furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY within twentyone 2i days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the City of Barrie notice of obiection to approval of the said bylaw or any part thereof and shall indicate that if hearing is held the obiector or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the objection ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for ap proval of the bylaw may within twentyone 2i days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his support of approval of the said bylaw together with request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said byIaw but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any obiection to the bylow will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be December 28 I977 DATED at the City of Barrie this 5th day of December I977 Straughon AMCT CMC City Clerk Box 400 BARRIE Ontario LAM 4T5 Purpose and Effect of ByIaw Number 77137 The purpose and effect of ByIaw 77137 is to clarify Sections 42 and 73 of ByIaw 6933 Section 42 Is amended by deleting the designation and ab breviation of the C5 zone General Commercial C5 and replacing It with Local Commercial C5 Section 73 of the bylaw is amended by deleting the reference of the C5 zone General C5 and replacing It with IocalCS If you have any further questions concerning this ap plication please contact the office of the Planning and Develop ment Department or the City Clerks Office In the City Hall You may telephone either office by calling 7264242 Straughon AMCT CMC City Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ontario L4M 4T5 Dylaw Number 77137 Bylaw of the Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By law Number 6933 WHEREAS it Is deemed expedient by the Council of The Car poration of the City of Barrie to amend ByIaw Number 6933 as hereinafter contained NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie enacts as follows THAT Section 42 of ByIaw Number 6933 be and it Is hereby amended by changing the designation and abbreviation of the C5 Zane from General Commercial C5 to Local Commercial THAT Section 73 of Bylaw Number 6933 be and It Is hereby amended by changing In the Table of Standards the zone designation and abbreviation of the C5 lane from General C5 to Local C5 THIS Bylaw shall come Into force and have effect im mediately upon the passing thereof subiect to the approval oi the Ontario Municipal Board READ first second and third time and finally passed the Ith day of October AD I977 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF DARRIE RA ARCHER Mayor STRAUGHAN Clerk