tool We have them all and if youre undecided may we suggest Buildall gift certificate Buildalls Workshop makes Christmas giving much easier than you think and lot more exciting than another tie hell never wear By the way be sure to help yourself to our You Really Can project guides They make great stocking stuffers made easier than you thin If you have the idea that Christmas shopping for men is hard you havent been to the Buildall Workshop Everything your favourite doityourselfer could wish for is on display now If hes just beginner present him with spanking new work bench Or load up fool chest with some basic tools Well be happy to lend hand Of course if theres an expert handyman at your house hes probably already hinting for new power Router This simple portable tool The creative power can be used on wood to cut wide variety of Indis nsable grooves dovetails dec did lfï¬ th orative edges inlays 00 or and mouldings Also thandyman handy for smoothing plastic or fiberglas edges Let your imagi nation go 56 clamps vary in size from one to eight inches Youll need selection of Sizes for vari0us projects Dont forget to insert pads of scrap wood between clamp jaws and work to protect marring and distribute pres sure evenly The jaws of the Bar Clamp and the Pipe Bar Clamp are moveable and adjust to fit large pieces of work Both have cranktype handles Black and Decker Deluxe 2Cloinps Variable Speed Jig Saw 33 analogker 3Chnw 3359 For easier cutting ana 9° WIMW $1098 The variable speed operation of this deluxe model ReverSIng Dn Usewm Whips msigssï¬zztzazaa SRSnSSLiémCElSSéCabae must for the handyman Bench Vise This versatile tool features reversmg action which al lows you to drive and remove screws nuts and bolts drill and tap threads in metal and do other jobs never before JOSlllH Wlih conventional drills Variable speed makes it easy to start holes to 1000 rpm Dont be without boltmounted bench vise for yOur woodwork ing projects May be bolted quickly and eas ily onto workbench or sawhorse awuw set of wood Chisels is sure to come in handy in your workshop for carving paring and shaping wood Bevel Workshop helper 33 Foldaway Portable work centre 63 Convenience at your fingertipsl giant Vise and sawhorse all in one 29 Vise With jaw Opening Up to 10 opening Hammers Nail down value For safetys sake ham mers should be used only for the purpose in tended Make sure your shop IS properly eqmp ped from Buildalls Wide For your woodworking projects blades usrng swwel pegsi Vise jaws operate in parallel or With selection edg taper action Workmate is lightweight easy to carry yet Set of holds up to 350 lbs Legs told to choice of working heights curvod claw hammer for generOI carpenny From 459 Feet adjust mi stabiiity on uneven surfaces Workmate has Vise pegs to hold Wide or awkwardly shaped Objects sec urely Find Workmate at Butldall Noma Extension Cords Splitting Wedgehelpful when splitting firewood or other wood products Strike with sledge hammer 10 98 Rubber Malletwont mar painted surfaces Also with Chisels or for jewellery or brass work 49 Sledge Hammerv for heavy work such as setting fence posts or stakes Shower Massage by Water Pik gives you showers in one 31 Chooseagentle sprayavigorous Wm spray or combination of the two perfect way to soothe tired muscles and relax you Great for thoroughly rinsing your hair and as facial massage You can attach it in minutes to all lets you use ltasa regu lar shower Or you can take it off the wall and use it as personal For outdoor use these cords are grounded and Tilting Arbor Saw dd tr have Sin Ie outjej 95050 LOW priced preCi5ion accuracy message Includes 60 1032 on may lserZels 163 SJTW uperflex of This 9iiliing arbor saw chm °°d available Outdoor wire 13 amp gives you big capacity SMW replaces existlng 125V precision accuracy showorhead maximum con venienceal for very lttl 51 Max622 The most essential tool of all struction precision ground 5° Ob°5 No home should be without basic selection of ClUd hing °b° screwdrivers Screwdrivers should be matched to screw 50W basic madinall size and type to avoid damage to screws or workYour tool 019 fable BXOMlO kit should include an assortment of Robertson 22 37 and WM screwdrivers at least Philipstype and or regular tips This should cover most household needs No more PRICED non ONLY tech Milton easier than you miter box is necessary for cutting wood mould ings picture frames or pipe at precise 45° angles Also comes in handy for making clean straight cuts Rockwell Beaver Im 48 ANNE ST SOUTH BARBIE 7282495 Hours Mon tiiuis 800 AM 600 PM Fri to 900 PM Sat800AM 500m oooes OF iff BREWERS lle aim summit mm mu AMPLE PARKING rm HOME niiivsiir mi mosr PRODUCTS ETA