Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1977, p. 8

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the examiner Friday Doc 1917 Ann Landers Good old Judy is used again Dear Ann Landers am so furious dont know how to start this letter am the eldest of five children and my parents are driving me crazy They have been married 30 years and have separated 21 times The problem is this Whenever they have battle they get me involved Then they go back together and end up the No Scapegoat and Troublemaker This last time it lasted three months Both Mom and Dad hired lawyers lent Mom the money because none of my sisters would help her and my brother is in the service So good old Judy was used again If arents would leave their kids out of their squabbles this wou be far better world do hope you will choose my let ter for the paper and five me some advice need to know how to protect myself in the future The Patsy Dear Patsy Make vow that you will never again allow your rents to drag you into their battles Have your speech reaclya Leave me out of it Then head for the door Dear Ann My wife Alma and are both in our middle 60$ Her mother lives in Florida with younger daughter My motherinlaw fell and broke her hip in April Alma took off like rocket have been alone for seven monthsnnot knowing how to fry an egg call Florida twice week from New York and Alma says her mother is coming along fine but her sister must work to make living and somebody has to stay with their mother Ive learned to cook little and run the washing machine but Im getting fed up being alone Whats your advice Abandoned Dear Ab Tell Alma to contact Visiting Nurse or Home Health Care Service look in the phone book or call Community Referral She should arrange for someone to care for her mother during the day so she can come homewhile she still has one Seven months is long time for husband to be left on his own Id say youve been more than patient Dear Ann Landers This is for Tennessee who com plained about teenagers who want privacy like your response but it wasnt strong enough Just because teen raises the roof when he or she discovers that diary has been read or mother has rum maged through the bureau drawers and checked purses and pockets doesnt mean the kid is hiding pot or con traceptives know what Im talking about because have the same kind of home life Ever since my older sister got into trouble Mom doesnt trust me worth darn You have often said in your column that kids have way of living up or down to their parents opinion of them This is so true find it hard to be good when Mom thinks the worst of me Please Ann help kids who are in this rotten bag We need it New York Dear New York The best way can help is by printing your letter and adding hearty Amen It is every persons right to be considered innocent until proven guilty And thats the way parents should deal with their children Hide items in plain View book called How to Hide Almost Anything by David Krotz isnt as crazy as you think No one wants to live in Ripoff City especially those days And face it were living in time where you pay 50 cents to park at park and swap for the opportunity of buy ing back your kids bicycle that was stolen the night before and feel that you got bargain because you only had to pay half of what you originally paid for it wish understood what just wrote Krotz lists 157 pages of likely spots to hide things that in clude baseboards plumbing secret panels woodpiles beams ceilings and trapdoors Its book most parents cant afford to be without Heaven knows Im not paranoid possessive person but have the only tennis racket in the house with strings Because it is unique in that it offers ball some resistance upon contact it is in great demand have hidden it in the broomcloset behind the hot water heater under my underwear and on the bookshelf behind the complete works of Shakespeare had it in the trunk of my car in box in the attic marked Tuna Recipes in suitcase with broken handle and jam med between the table pgds for the dining room table once put it under dishtowel and as distasteful as it was one of the kids actually lifted it revealing my last childproof hiding place My husband says have no imagination If you really want to hide something you cant think like the hider you have to think like the seeker If wanted tennis racket the first place Id look is on hanger in your closet with your bathrobe over it Who told you shouted No one had to tell me it was just simple deduction Do you see me running around going crazy looking for camera My binoculars My transistor My scissors ROI of tape Where do you hide them insisted put them in the boys bedroom in plain view They havent found anything in that room for 15 years Eat your heart out Krotz You have just met your match Pollys Em ters Cupcakes fall apart DEAR POLLY would like to know how to keep cupcake papers from pulling away from the cup cakes after they have cooled This happens every time bake them MRSGD DEAR MRS GD do not have an answer to your question but am sure we will be hearing from some of the many good cooks among our readers POLLY DEAR POLLY have discovered great way to clean water marks off of stainless steel sink rubbed mine with petroleum jelly so it now sheds water and should there by any spots left they can be swished away with the hand ANTHONY DEAR ANTHONY My personal thanks for this Pointer My stainless steel sink now looks satiny and smooth but suggest that the petroleum jelly not be applied with too heavy hand little bit goes long way POLLY DEAR POLLY find it more practical and more economical to use three regular size pillows on my king size bed rather than two king size pillows buy matching set of pillowcases in regular size to match the sheet and use complimentary plain color for the middle pillow and get two complete bed changes out of three sets of pillowcases When using shams on bed pillows use inexpensive foam filled pillows in the shams instead of your good down filled pillows and do not have to switch at night Saves dressing and undressing those shams every day DOROTHY DEAR POLLY There are many procedures for ridding ones home of pests suppose but our favorite harmless and totally effective way to evict mice is to sprinkle permint or Spearmint extract in their hideaways They will abdicate the premises immediately and for good If ants are problem sprinkle talcum power on their trails or wherever they gather and soon they will be conspicious by their absence If roaches invade sprinkle dry boric acid where they congregate These are natures own repellents and not manmade pesticides or porsons They are not hamiful to children or pets so one has total ecological safety MRDHD DEAR MRIHD Thank you for your letter but do not think your last two sentences should include the boric acid for roaches often used for this as my druggist informed me that should children or pets partake of too much it would be poisonous POLLY Erma Bombeck Sgt Bob Fenskc of Barrio RCMP detachment commander displays thc gift hc received from the Barrie Lions Club after his talk this week on the changing rolc of the RCMP lcn Crawford Lions Club president looks on Examiner Photo New types of crime confronted by RCMP By IAlII KRAISE Examiner Staff Reportcr The RCMP has been filttd with growing crime problems including new types of crime and it is in this milieu that the force has had to operate zind adapt says Sgt Bob Icnskc RCMP detachment commander for Simcoe County Previous methods have not been sufficient to control these problems especially in con fronting the illicit drug tradc he said Sgt Fenskc has bccn fighting drug crime for most of his career with the RCMP Sgt rcnskc 33 of ionic who has been an RCMP officcr srncc 1961 said the use of heroin is still the forccs top priority crime problem although whiti collar crinic has also become an RCMP priority Speaking Tuesday at meeting of the Barrie Lions Club Sgt Fcnskc outlined the changing role of the force in Canada over its 104 your history During its history thc forci has bccn committh to nitcling the diverse if not always wcll articulatcd necds of the coun try he said The role of the forcc has changed to crnphasizc more strongly relations bctwccn ilrc community and police officers hc said policcman IS part of the community and his rolc lS to serve the community Sgt Fcnskc said law ciiforcc nicnt includcs protcction of pcr sons and property zipprchcn sion of violators and lit prevention of criinc PREVENTING CRIME thrcas formerly thc of ficcrs role was oiic of reacting to crimc aftci it happens more attcntion is now givcn to prcvcnting crirnc hc said Sgt Fcnskc ltSCIllMtl thc losses incurred by Canadians through both thc illicit drug trade and incrczising whiic coir lar cri inc He said there arc 10000 to 20000 Canadian heroin addicts who weigh on the coiintrys pro ductivity and Sliil StlVlttS If each uscs thc average of two czipsulcs pcr day at market Villtlt of $33 capsulc up to $1400000 pcr day is lost by Canadians us it wholc Sornc addicts nccd 115 much as fivc capsules 1i diiy hc said Added to thc hcroin problem is thc vairicty of other illicit drugs used Sgt Fcnskc said pcriodic undcrcovcr UptlltlltlllS lll Sinr coc County have rcvczilcd availability of illicit drugs is still it problem Vthitccolliir crimc in thc form of fraudulent bankrupt cics illegal claims to social benefits lIllXllltITlCIll and tzix evasion takc llllllltlllS of dollars from the ziniidziizin economy every year he so id nc czisc rcccntly discovcrcd Ill Toronto involvcd ll pcoplc who fraudulently obtaincd $82 million llowcvcr criinc will not be stoppcd without thc publics good will find above all their hclp and support Sgt Ponskc sold in closing lhc lziw lS yours and you suffcr lhc CUIIStqtllllttS of it bc ingbiokcn Victorian Christmas displayed at museum Simcoe County Museum will be decorated in Victorian fashion Sunday and will have early Christmas crafts on display Many crafts by area residents will be for sale group of Victorian singers from St Giles Church in Barrie will entertain during the after noon choir from rillizi will play traditional Christmas music on hand bolls llomc bziking by the wonicns institutes of Craighurst and Crown Hill and Christmas can dy made by the Collingwmd Candy Factory will also be for sale The event takcs placi lMl ween pm and pm at the Midhurst Muscurn Admission is free On display in thc cultural wing of thc Musvum is IIthtl ing gallery from the Royal in tario Museum featuring 29 original prints of Niagara 08 in addition 35 watcrcoloi paintings on loan from thc Ed monton Art lullcry arc also on vicw Block Parent Pro ram City needs Chairmen Barrie could use two more chairmen to help operate the Block Parent Program Constable Gary Logan told meeting of the Barrie Lions Club Tuesday The Barrie Lions Club sponsors the program coordinated by Constable Logan of the Community Services Branch of the Barrie city police At present only one volunteer chairman helps organize this program for the entire city With the current number of block parents exceeding 400 Constable Logan suggested total of three chairmen from the community would be more efficient Residents of Barrie have responded well to the program since it began in March this year and the 600 applications received will not all be needed However two residential streets do not yet have block parent he said Constable Logan welcomes the participation of downtown people places Show various cuts beef cutting demonstration will be held at Bayfield Mall today and Saturday The demonstration is sponsored by the department of con sumcr affairs 12 foot plastic carcass will be used in the demonstration to show the various cuts of meat The demonstration Will be held in the main concourse area at the mail The demonstration is at pm today and 1030 am Satur day Snowflake bazaar Snowflake Bazaar and Tea will be held in Barrie North Collegiate Saturday from to pm The bazaar will feature arts and crafts baked goods white elephant table plant table and fish pond Tea tickets are 75 cents for adults and teenagers 25 cents for children 12 and under Annual conference Ioc Alpha an Ontario youth organization will hold its let annual Christmas conference Dec 27 through Dec 34 under the theme Positive Adaptations to Changing Envuonmcnt ment Toc Alpha is nonprofit organization run by young people Citizenship court held citizenship court presided over by Judge Mawson from Toronto was held in the auditorium of Maple Grove Public School recently At that time 58 applicants from Sim coe County received their citizenship papers Prior to the official opening of the court the members of the Maple Grove intermediate choir sang several songs The ceremony which the students and staff witnessed was the culmination of study of Cana dianCitizcnship Judge Mawson reminded the new Canadians and the students of the personal significance of citizenship in Canada Harris principal of Maple Grove School emphasized the value of the learning cx pcricncc which attendance at citizenship court provided TO THE obituary Sadie Edith Cameron died at the Toronto General Hospital Nov 30 in her 80th year Shc was thc wife of the late lcorgc Oliver Carrieron aunt of MaryLou Mrs Niko lzius of Spokane Washington Dorothy Ellis Victoria BC and predeceased by Harry Bud Ellis diar cousin of Margaret Colc of Toronto Doris Styles of Ottawa Martha Pcunkctt of Wotxibridgc and Edna Mcllish of St Catharincs Mrs Cameron was buried in thc Bzirric Union Icinctcry Dec following service at tho Jcnncit Puncrul Home Barrio MAll 500 PM HAVE BABY HERE MOSCOW CP 77 Liter aturnaya Gazeta Soviet weekly suggested that an in crease in the number of chil dren born out of wedlock not only might improve the coun trys sagging birthratc but also HEYKIDS SANTAS HERE ASK MOM DAD TO BRING YOU BAYFIELD SANTA IS AT THE MALL EVERY DAY THIS WEEK FROM 200 PM TD 500 PM AND 630 PM TO 900 PM SATURDAY 1000 AM TO merchants child in distress while walking through the downtown area would know friendly store operator was will ing to provide help by contacting parents or police Constable Logan said children have been taught in the schools not to abuse the program by bothering block parents when they are not required The number of times children have approached block parents with concern indicates the program is probably helping children out of potential danger he said Block parents place sign in their window when they are at home and remove it when they are not home Children have learned that if they are being followed or bar rassed or in any way are afraid the block parent will help Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to become block parent provided they do not have criminal record of sexual offence to promote alternatives to lifestyle dominated by alcohol and drugs Problems confronting adolescents today empathy train ing alternative energy sources legal aspects of drugs and alcohol are some of the topics which will be discussed in seminars at the conference to be held at the Prince Hotel in Toronto About 500 young people between the ages of 14 and 21 are expected to attend Registration of $65 will cover three nights at the hotel breakfasts four banquet meals folk concert and dance Bus transportation to and from Toronto from specific pickup points is provided at small additional cost For further information contact Robin Peppler at 7371946 Miss Peppler 17 is grade 12 student at Barrie Central Col legiate who is regional representative for Toc Alpha Squad plans dance The Simcoe Rescue Squad is holding New Years Eve dance Dec 31 at Odyssey II on Burton Avenue with nonstop music and hot buffet says squad public relations officer Peter Switzer The draw will run from pm to am and will feature the live music of Willow Creek and disc jockey during breaks he said Admission is $35 couple with limited number of tickets available at Odyssey 11 Regs BP Station on Dunlop St and Annde Streets and Jacksons Grill None will be available at the oor might allow women who do not marry to have families Donation to help out parade CHRISMOUSE CHRISMOOSE JOIN SANTA THURS FRI 630 PM TO 900 PM ON SATURDAY FROM 1000 AM TO 500 PM BE SURE TO COME ANI SEE SANTA Children receive free candy canes coloring pictures of ChrisMouse and ChrisMoose and can have their pic tures taken with Santa or ChrisMouse and ChrisMoose SHOPPING HOURS 10 AM To 930 PM MONDAY 10 SATURDAY lOTS OF FREE PARKING WITH OVER 65 STORES SERVIES srivrisio MAll VISIII WllH US AI SIMCOECOUNIY tARGESl INDOOR MAtl NOURS OPEN 101331 SHOPPING MALL WITH CLIMAIE CONIROLLED CQMFORI John Hallett president of Upper anada Homes recontly presented $250 cheque to Jack Book with turtleneck sweater director of the Stroudlnnisiil Youth Group The cheque is to help pay some of the costs of the recent Stroud Sarita Iaus parade The girls in the picture are all members of the StroudInnisfil majorctte corps Examiner Photo PARKING 10m room to sum mu

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