nvcvutrr qu¢n tv listings FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING NEWS HOLLYWOOD UARES CBC NEWS DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR CE SOIR CITY PULSE 030 NBC NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS ARTY GAME READALONG GONG SHOW LACTUEL 640 COVER TO COVER 655 WRITE ON HOLLYWOOD DON NECTION CHIPS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TO TELL THE TRUTH OPERATION PET AT NASHVILLE SWING GHOSTS OF MOTLEY ALL FERNWOOD NIGHT NSEIMJIXI NAME THAT STRIKES SPARES AND MISSES GENE TAYLOR SHOW THATS HOLLYWOOD JULIE Host Amalo BEN WICKS IE MAGIC SHADOWS Captain AmericaThe Avenging Corpse SANFORD AND SON Julie VILLAGES ET VISAGES moyennord lrancais delOntano EDODDCOUPLE 000 ED CPO SHARKEY Sharkey the Actor The iraSCIble Sharkey is chosen to appear in documentary film about the role of CPO in Naval training but mudpack tacials padded shoulders and toupee tail to turn himintoamatinee idol THE TONY RAN ALL SHOW Bobble lS IiVing proot that Judges daughter 15 not exempt lrom the law when Walter sends her to tall lor conlt tempt ol court THE NEW AD VENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN Andros tries to persuade the In terplanetary Council to grant him an extension ol the briel time they have given him to come to Earth and deal With the Skrill lCONCLUSION THE YEAR WITHOUT ANTA CLAUS An animated mu5ica tale which tells of the year Santa Claus woke with cold and decided that Instead ol climbing into his sleigh and delivering gifts to Deople who didnt believe in him anyway he would just stay in bed and catch up on Ms slee Rl THE CARPENT RS AT RISTMAS Guests Harvey Korman Burr Tillstrom Kukla and Ollie Kristy McNIchol STARSKY AND HUTCH BEYOND THE FRIDGE ALLERRETOUR Le resil MOVIE Irma La Douce 1963 Shirley MacLalne Jack Lemmon 830 CHICO AND THE MAN THREES COMPANY AGEE AND 00M ANY FEMME DAUJOUR DHUI 053 ONEWSBREAK 91X THE ROCKFORD LE Forced Retirement Rocklord masquerades as rich Oklahoman and risks his lite to check out companys claim that it developed new oIIshore oil recovery device guï¬mrpmm HUNTER THE CBS FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE White Lightning 1973 Burt Reynolds Ned Beatty THE CARPENTERS AT CHRISTMAS Guests Harvey Korman Burr Tillstrom Kukla and Ollie Kristy McNichoI MOVIE Med Bull Alex Karric Hastings GLOBE THEATRE The Way ol the World Final program or series Mirabell is willy young man who is determined to mary Millamant and get her entire lortune against the strong obiections ot her guardian NEWS UPDATE 901 WHAT WILL THEY INK OF NEXT 03 EB SECOND CITY SCENARIO De lautre cote du mrrorr Histoire de la dualite dune homme ou de ce qui est double en lui 958 ABC NEWSBRIEF 1021 QUINCY Touch of Death Quincy loses his lab techniCian over disagreement about whether to perform an autopsy on Japanese martial arts star STARSKY AND HUTCH BIG HAWAII JOHN DAVIDSON HRISTMAS SPECIAL Guests Tim Conway Betty White NEWS SCIENCEREALITE 1030 EB TELEJOURNAL 1055 SEOONDEOEODITION 11 III NEWS CBC NEWS NEWS GE Theodore Gentry 22 FOREVER FERNWOOD 79 MOVIE Ouakser For tune Has Cousin In the Bronx 1970 Gene Wilder Margo Kidder 1115 CINEMA Auto stop glrl 1969 Rod Steiger Clarie Bloom 1120 QNEWS 1122 BNEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host Gabriel Kaptan Guests Anne Murray Mike Preminger THE CBS LATE MOVIE MASH Germ Warfare Hawkeye and Trapper John play Count Dracula and steal pint ol blood lrom the sleeping Maj Burns Gypsy Moths 1969 Burt Lancaster Deborah Kerr three parachutists go to Kansas tor show MOVIE The Notorious Landlady 1962 Kim Novak Jack Lemmon LYNNE GORDON ow BEYOND THE FRIDGE WINNERsagIRCLE 11 NINETY MINUTES LIVE Host Peter Gzowskl 1150 THE CANADA LOVE INCLUDES QUEBEC Nicholas and Alexandra 1971 Janet Suzman Tom Baker 1153 MOVIE Nichotas and Alexandra 1971 Janet Suzman Tom Baker 1200 MOVIE Belore Winter Comes 1969 Davrd Niven Anna Karina MOVIE Our Man Flint James Coburn Gila Golan 1220 MOVIE Goodbye Charlie 1964 Tony Curtis Debbie Reynolds 1245 CINENUIT Cure de pere en lils 1969 Lando Buzzanca lgli Villani 100 THE ECIAL MIDNIGHT 105 MOVIE Negative 1968 lenda Jackson Peter McEnery MERV GRIFFIN Guests haro Robert Goulet Billy Watrous Tomsoni George Miller MOVIE Hibernatus 220 MOVIE Island in the Sun 1957 James Mason Harry Belalonte 35 ROBERT FAMILY DOCTOR 343 MOVIE Down to the Sea in Ships 1949 Richard Widmark Dean Stockwell YOUNG SATURDAY MORNING VIEWING 558 FOCUS 800 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN a3 CARTOONS 615 FARM REPORT 625 NEWS 831 SUNRISE SEMESTER BETTER WAY 711 MAX NIMBLE ITS ACADEMIC IAGRICULTURE USA PROFESSOR KITZEL FABULOUS TALKING ME MACHINE PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY UKRAINIAN HILDRENS SHOW 75 MAGIC OF MARK LSON CIRCLE SQUARE CARRASCOLENDAS BUGS BUNNY AND IENDS LETS GO PROFESSOR MOF SCIENCE WORKSHOP UKRANINIAN SHOW GB BEARS HOBBLEDEHOY SKATEBIRDS POPEYE AND PORKY PIG UNCLE BOBBY SHOW DALE HARNEY MAGIC SHOW OUM LE DAUPHIN LE MAGAZINE LEVISE FRANCAISE 815 COLOR BAR AND SIC ED COLARGOL 830 ALL IN TUBE SESAME STREET YOGIS GANG POLKA DOT DOOR LATELIER SSENLITS 900 SPACE SENTINELS FRIENDS OF MAN BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER SCOOBYS LAFFA LYMPtCS OGEORGE HARRIGAN TELL ME STORY DES CHIN PRESENTS HEiDI 910 SIMON 915 JEREMY 930 SUPERWITCH LEAVE IT TO BEAVER PARADE KIDSTUFF SPIDERMAN MISTER ROGERS VVICKIE CARTOONS 102w BANG LALAPALOOZA MR MAGOO LIFESTYLES PINS AND NEEDLES 100 HUNTLEY STREET SHANG SONNE FLASH GORDON 1011 ADVENTURES OF MUHAMMAD ALI MUPPETS SHOW BATMANTARZAN RIZEANUTS AND POP JABBERJAW ANY WOMAN CAN KARATE DOH MONSIEUR ROSEE CARTOONS 1015 RKMAKING 1055 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK MIN THUNDER AUDUBON WILDLIFE EATRE KROFFTS SUPER OW 77 CLUE CLUB THE CHURCH OLYMPIC PROFILES ESTU DAOCORD WILLY AND FLOYD 113 SEARCH RESCUE TEAM OCEANS ALIVE SPACE ACADEMY FLINTSTONES HILARIOUS HOUSE OF GHTENSTEIN THINGS AND THE ALPHA COLARGOL THE CHURCH DECLIC GALLOPING GOURMET 1145 JARDIN DES SEN ID SATIONS 1155 99 LA MAISON DE PER ascnoomouse ROCK SATURDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 12st BAGGY PANTS AND NlTWITS SKI BASE THREE SECRETS OF ISIS CORONATION STREET ABC SHORT STORY ECIAL The Nunundaga Part II An Indian youtn laces an enormous challenge when the tube on the verge of starvation has its Sacred Bow stolen by their enemy FABLES DE LA FON AINE RYERSON LA SEMAINE ARLEMENTAIRE a9 YOURE BEQUTIFUL 121 ENVIROSCOPE 122 NFL 77 Up to the minute football news interviews and features ALL STAR WRESTLING FAT ALBERT LEAVE IT TO BEAVER WIDE WORLD OF RTS MAPLE ESTUNG gGRANDEUR NATURE LEAF SPORTS PROBE CITY CLASSIFIED Lt go NATIONAL TBA LEAGUE GAME Cincmnati Bengals vs Pittsburgh Steelers FAMOUS CLASSIC LES Christmas Carol Narrator Ken Sampson The ghostly Iranslormation ol Ebenezer Scrooge into Christmas spirited philanthropist is ac complished With the help ol such iamous DickenSIan characters as Bob Cratchit Tiny Tim and the spirits ol Christmas past present and future REACH FOR THE TOP BUFFALO BILLS TBALL HIGHLIGHTS TEMOIGNAGES DISRAEL WRESTLING FOOTBALL AMERICAIN Du Riverlront Stadium les Steeters do PSITTSBURGH RECONRENT LES Bengals de Cincmnati LAUREL AND HARDY 11 SPACE 1099 NCAA FOOTBALL Pioneer Bowl lrorn Wichita Falls Texas WILD REFUGE MOVIE Tne Feminist and the Fun 1973 David Hartman Barbara Eden 200 BEAT THE CHAMP OUAA WATERPOLO HAMPIONSHIP LES OLYMPIENS CARTOONS 830 05C CURLING PROPHECY This documentary drama examines the art 01 predicting the luturo Theories ot past prophets are mingled With those produced by astrology palmistryanrltarotcards GILLIGANS ISLAND 3st THE NFL TODAY program preceding each National Football League broadcast Wllh news and leatures on the NFL and other sports news 01 the day LITTLE RgtSaCALS NFL FOOTBALL THE NFL TODAY Washington Redskins vs St LouisCardinals ROCKET ROBIN HOOD AOOMMUNIOUER GET SMART 41X FBI WIDE WORLD OF PORTS DISCO DAZE THE TORONTO NSORT The Consorts repertorre is made up 01 medieval and renaissance musrc ranging lrom bawdy street songs to sacred liturgical music PINK PANTHER SPORTHEOUE Judo et sorime olyrnpiques WRESTLING 411 MUNSTERS ELECTRIC COMPANY CARTOONS El MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ABCS WIDE WORLD SPORTS FRIENDS OF MAN SESAME STREET BAGATELLE SOCCER 52 MCMASTER RESENTS WAIT TILL YOUR ATHER GETS HOME Competitions Misty set for CTV Misty is tale based on the bestselling childrens classic Misty of hincoteaguc by Marguerite Henry the story of the famous wild ponies of hincoteaguc Bay Misty the rebel colt and the two orphans who would do anything to own the colt Misty telecasts Saturv day December 24 10 pm Eastern Time on the CTV Television Network This is the warm story of two orphans twelveyearvold Paul Bebee David Ladd and his younger sister Maureen Pam Smith who come to live with their grandparents Arthur OConnell and Anne Seymour on pony ranch on the tiny island of hincotcague Virginia Grandpa Bebec raises and sells the famous ponies which run wild on the nearby island of Assatcaguc Once year thcsc fleet and bcauliful animals descendants of the survivors of 16th century Spanish shipwreck are round ed up and swum across the channel for community auc tion Paul and Maureen are determined to savc their money so that they may buy tiny ncw brown pony namod Misty at the auction Double happy day for Katalin Katalin Kelly centre of New York ity holds flowers and champagne shc was given for being the mic millionth pcrson to attcnd the play Same Time Next Ycar at the Brooks Atkinson Thcatrc in Ncw York chncsday With her are thc plays stars Don Murray and Betsy Palmcr It turtch out to bc an cxtra big day for Miss Kclly who was cclcbrating hcr 39th birthday AP Photo Toronto power trio Rush Canadas No rock export Written for By JIM MIIIIAN Toronto powerrock trio called Rush is Canadas No rock export Its three members predicted it two years ago but no one was listening Its still difficult for many to believe Rushs rise to promi nence is reality They play the kind of music that leaves your ears ringing body trembling and mind numl In 1973 when Bush formed the more melodic Guess Who controlled the boards and sincc then Bachman Turner vcr drive reigned supreme Now with The Guess Who just memory and ltanrly Bachman in hibernation Rush cmcrgcs as the reigning champ For drummer Neil Pcart gui tarist Alex Licfson and bassist singer Geddy Lee things havent always been so clear cut thn Pearl replaced the original drummer in 1974 Rush had released first album on its own label because no major record company was in tcrested Those who knew say Itush was loud primitive guitar powcrcd tidal wave of energy that produccd distorch white noise That first album landed thi band contract with Mercury Records in the United States Those were excellent days for us looking back Pcart said We had no prcssurr on us as the opening act We just lived our own lives got to know one other and dreamed about the future The type of music we were doing wasnt hard for people to relate to and there icitNEii BETTY HAY IIAYS rRAvEt SERVICE 7284700 45 Dunlop St Net to the Theatre FRIDAY Gordon Best were only three of us to remcm bcr We knew it could only get better The second album Fly By Night was slightly refined with Pearl handling percussion and writing most of the lyrics subtle edge of sophistication began to edge its way into the music although that wasnt im portant to the many concert gocrs in the US who saw Rush open for bands like Uriah Heap In Canada hardcore fol lowing was emerging Fly By Night became gold album 150000 copies sold and the in dustry awarded Rush Juno as Canadas most promising new group Scars Come to Sears Record Dept and meet IIAGOOD HARDY ttic Records Ltd Recording Artist Saturday Dec 10th pm till pm ENTERTAINMENT NOW TWO NIGHTS WEEK uouumo Jounsons The Lamplighter Room Come in and ask to hear your favorite country folk or popular tune while you enioy coffee sundae dinner or whatever SATURDAY Jon Kirk Viennas four stateowned the axamlner Friday Doc 1917 entertainment Theatre visit becoming luxury VIENNA Reuter visit to one of Viennas four state owned theatres will soon be come luxury beyond the means of many enthusiastic playgoers Soaring ticket prices fewer first nights and an attempt at overall austerity are in store part of government plan to reduce the countrys increasing budget deficit The four theatres which to gether make up one of the big gest stage enterprises in the Some roar left in Quinn ISFAHAN Iran AP An thony Quinn at 62 may be lion in winter but there is still some roar remaining He is in Iran for another colorful role as tribal Chieftain who attracts an American woman Jennifer ONeill in Caravans Earlier this year Quinn star red in The Children of Sanchez in Mexico and he recently com pleted The Greek Tycoon freely adapted from the OnassisKennedyCallas headli nes He had wanted to make Sanchez for 15 years He has high hopes for it but he believes Tycoon will be another Zorba for him Its not just ripoff of news events he said If the events hadnt happened they would have been invented as story since they are so basic Western world theFederal Theatre Organization include Viennas State Opera its more modest sister the Volksoper and two drama houses the Burg Theatre and the Akademic Theatre State subsidies to keep them running totalled $75 million last year Now the theatre organ izations overall boss general secretary Robert Jungerluth is faced with government de mand to save $28 million by nextsummer Our ticket proceeds were $25 million last year said theatre spokesman Lother Knessl After paying artists pension fund contributions and theatre technicians 20 per cent was left which we could return to the state We can save money only by raising prices doing fewer new productions and engaging fewer outstanding artists PRICES GOING For Austria the arts are one of the few fields where small country still counts itself among the big powers Top singers conductors actors directors are household names The first move is to increase prices for the best seats and for topcass performances Opera fans will pay 40 to 60 per cent more next year if they want to hear productions con ducted by Herbert von Karajan or Leonard Bernstein ticket which cost Still dollars this year will jump to $101 Sim ilar rises arc planncd for the other three state theatres UHIII IlIV Superb cuisine Great Vintage Wines for reservations call Trudy or Ernest Zingg 7056875906 MWMaIIo 31977 vtwillflll tnlitty to 1269944 DOUBLE FEATURE HOTTER THAN THE SUMMER SUN non uncr autoi1 IAI Au mull Ill ITIITMII Overall ticket prices will rise by 50 per cent But the cost of standing room will remain unchanged60 cents It will be cheaper to buy op era on records and listen to it at home Viennas Daily Kurier complained The Viennese according to calculations here will have to pay twice as much as ra goers in Munich and amost five times more than at Lon dons Covent Garden PRODUCTIONS REDUCED The State Opera will show less ballet and the Volksoper peoples opera will concen trate on more economettas The Burg Theatre and Akademie Theatre will cut out some premieres Volksoper Director Karl Doench has already protested against cuts in his repertoire Some young Austrians argue that the state theatremany others are privately owned should economize by using av erage actors and singers rather than bigname per formers If the Vienna Opera can no longer afford to have con ductors like Karajan or Bern stein we can pack up com pletely said senior official We have reputation to keep and we want to keep it Lets face it the opera is one of Viennas biggest tourist attractions for foreigners and they are prepared to pay what ever the cost BARRIE DENTURE cumc coth 01 Complete Denture Service 7264721 I49A Dunlop St Barrie Mambo Denturist Society oI Ontario 2001 Productions Presents DOUmGlAS TRIBUTE TO ELVIS Georgian College Sun Jan l5 at pm Tickets go on sale Dec to at Sam the Record Man Music World Bayfield fice 5Tb WEEKIN BARRIE AT 645 Starring MARK HAMLL HARRISON FORD more FISHER PETER CUSHINGand AL€C GUINNESS mm Beach Boys at 645 810 nge of Cheerleaders 825 only Starring Wendy Cavanough Brenda Fogerty Linda Gildersleeve Mariwin Robens Produced and Directed by AC STEPHEN Mall Ticket Of II TAlto IIIc