Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1977, p. 14

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14 the examiner nggv Doc 1971 01 property for sole 01 property for sde TU REA LTOR 40 Maple Ave gent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 AL CALHOUN no toll 8352742 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 ART MAW 7281346 BERNIE BLUM 487 2299 MWFTF luliimfl Real AEliPAOF Professionals Since 1913 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayiield St BARRIE Ontario 7370011 Enid Day 7266904 Bill MCCreary 7281865 Jack Slessor 7266280 Verna Mullin 7282875 Bev Neill 7260205 Judy Pennett 7311264 MII Sharpe 4362576 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Go 4362403 Harrs lllllllllllllllltllItllllllllllllllllllIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIHRRIIHIIIIllIIlIIIlIIlIIIlIIlIIItIl Royal Trust 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 881 4174 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA RoyaITrust 1N slim mu slits I2 mothoges IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you mnsoudate debts low monthly payments Hie Improvements any worthy reason rat ottextsling or maturing mortgage destructiontundstree advicetry uS have ready cash 10 purchase mortgages all ntirne 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT $343421 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARBIE ONTARIO 7260981 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealerlor Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes 12 mortgages 0R TGA GES Thinking of relinancing your home or cottage Why not call for quote with no obligation We might save you money FIRSTS from 10 V4 SECONDS FROM 1112 Coll WAYNE DODSON Armstrong Mortgage Services 149 Boyfield St 7269262 81111158131111 MWFTF Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 Souith I70 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury turnishings king size bed sacritice at$700011rm lcost$9500 new used only six times 705 4451480 1973 25 FOOT TRAVELINER house trailer Sleeps seven Fully equipped in side In excellent condition Telephone 737 0590 1on 25tt Titan motor home low mileage lully equipped extras include stereo track and CB generator and 1000 2ligghditioning Asking $18000 with 10 prepayment 16morm privilege to 85 of value 2nd Mortgages 1136111 BARRE ANNE 09011 on mths interest to GARDENS 90 of value 259 Dunlap St WNW engage hwy and WW Spacious suites available wespeclollrow guntpomp Utilities included con and autumn ulrflto it all mot venient location 7265771 909 Quirlcl suril maximum mortgages lrdrt the most Imuouo vt oilin win Arno tut ds tat residentoi mol and 7918010VJITHUDLPS We also summit Barries newest building tgdgmlci roar One and two bedroom apart cotl Mortgage Manager ments with nice view and many Ian Kerr tor valuable adv TWTUTBS vice 7370027 Bus 7371881 MWFJ5 Res Toll Free 4875965 WELLINGTON PLACE KINZIE LIMITED APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West 107 Dunlop St East TWOAND Barrie THREE BEDROOMS Member ADULTS Onorio Mongage For appointmentto view call Brokers Association 7263827 °r 7267153 TFMP TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults fir and Second only 7260988weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS $280 MORTGAGES ARRANGED monthly includes all utilities and cable Reasonable Rates No pets Close to Baylield Mall Lease Exising required Telephone 726 6046 TWO BEDROOM Apartment in down MOTIQOQGS town area available immediately Tele purchased phone 726 3257 betweentam and9p ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments For Pas tor rent Fridge and stove Included Mortgage 1119 Insurance Telephone 737 1674 between 500and 700 Available TWO BEDROOM $220 monthly Angus area Also lurnished bachelorette cen tral Barrie 726 6271 alter ENTERPRSES SELF CONTAINED bedroom apart men ridge and slave heat and hydro 121 BAYFIELD 51 Private entrance Parking no pets Sln gIe or couple Call 7372699 alter 730 7267130 pm TWO BEDROOM Apartment Stove 059 Hours 9P retrigerator parking laundry tacillties by oppomtmenl and heat included No children or pets Apply Apartment 201 55 Blake Street AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE LY bed room apartment $240 monthly Also small one bedroom apartment available January Isl $185 monthly Both central Iy located No pets 726 9200 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF Bought and sold Immr diete action conltdenlial David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 RT days 728 4651 evenings Two bedroom apartments coloured FIRST MORTGAGE 10 53191971609 appliances utilities included Available per cent interest Security large tarm Januar 15th and Febru Isl Oro $15000 to 00000 Price 90 Telephohem 3577 oellent convenenls Mr Davie 728 3293 do 37 3369 mgr UNFURNDISHED SIX ROOM apartment or ren un up and Maple $195 monthly WANT ADS plus oval and Utilities Available im PHONE72B2414 EUWEIV ADDY Mostyns Bayllold Mall Barrie 726 3442 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS houseu acclwm 0s 40 styles Hs ovoIttbs No piercing 4W osuotlcs Gsto louslory Nut soul sets GEORGIAN MALL WIGIWN 7281380 FENOLEYS FLOWERS The stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Alliston 4354365 Christmas arrangements Poinsottias Aloleas Potted mums MIxed pans OGoninlas °Cyclamen PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Fairly Slippers Shoes Snow Boots °Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gilt tilicates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7183881 014 Authorised Sales Service ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283392 Ask lor lruo homo demon ration commercial vacuum cleaners floor polishers rug sham pooers soot chests garment airvaults D24 OBrIdIes ORiding wear ROBINSON DWAFIE 11 NLOP src 7232431 loqtsJoront TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $260 monthly includes everything except hydro Nopels Available now 74 Shirley St Telephone 726 8733 or 726 381 TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately In brick eleven plex Bus stop at door parking Laundry lacillties $250 monthly plus hydro Retercnces 728103501737 1771 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT Fridge and stove included Close to downtown on bus route No pets Adults only Available January Isl $200 monthly Telephone 726 2316 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available Immediately Close to downtown Rent ranging $160 to $180 plus hydro No pets allowed Cell between and9p 726 3257 BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM ground tloor apartment with lireplace Century old home Convenient location Very spacious well kept Parking heat In cluded $275 Available immediately 726 1045 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment on bus route close to downtown lrldge stove laundry lacililies parking tirst and last months rent No pets Call alter 4pm 7266725 FURNISHED BACHELOR Suite carpeting TV relrigeralor stove park Ing Telephone 726 1531 or 7267704 FURNISHED one bedroom sell contained apartment garage Included $150 monthly Close to downtown Suit one lady Telephone 728 8484 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment utilities all included $250 monthly First and last month Children welcome Telephone 728 4618 RECENTLY DECORATED tour bedroom apartment lully broadloomed on Baylleld Street $300 monthly Utilities included Available January Telephone 726 2910 BACHELOR APARTMENT on Beytield street Available lrom January $150 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included Telephone 726 2910 ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown $190 monthly Fridge stove and utilities Included Available trom January Telephone 726 2910 0R0 One bedroom turhished apart ment on the lake Completely sell contained tlreplace parking $200 mon thly AI Beacock representing Unlgroup Inc 737 I771 UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment in tairly new large home Fully broadloomed with access to large terrace and swimming pool Stove trldge cable TV heal and hydro lnclud ed First and last months rent required with minimum ot six month lease $265 per month Abstalners preterred No children No pets Available Immediate Iy 728 4009 MADE 1N CANADA Domestic ELLNITTS DECORATING CENTRE Specialists In Custom Draperies Cushions for Chris tmos Budsproads other gilt Items IAYFIELD MALL IARRIE 7167191 All THINGS NICE HANDMADE 01m uml THE rmotm Toucu Qlilts atghans ntocramu stuffed toys hondants moanthuu AIIIYARIITOF OIITIAIBITS lead 10 he centreAIM 6281609 014 ARTISTIC FRAMING ARTSUPPLIES PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTORED FINE FRAMING FOR NEEDLEPOINT moms CERTIFICATES all 1177114 7262800 Crafted Pb Fumlture by Tidy Hutchos Tables Wash Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design It HANDCRAFTED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS OEsklmo carvings Parkas Moccoslns Jowollry Swuaters OWIntor Boots Pottory Loathor cralts 01ndlan crafts Hudson Bay Coats otc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 16 to Staynor North 36 mllu toMoulay East Vi mllu OPEN days Phone 4292108 g1 Square round and pointed top 7288926 evenings Gweokends 024 16 storont FURNISHED BACHELORETTES cen tral Barrio Start at $35 weekly Telephone 726 6271 alter pm ONE BEDROOHM APARTMENT tor rent Fridge stove $180 monthly 18 Penetang Street Available Immediate ly Phone 726 3056 alter pm ONE separate entrance parking stove and triage and utilities Included Allandale area Adults only $175 month Phone 728 4221 TWO BEDROOM apartment $225 mon thly ONE BEDROOM apartment $160 monthly Call alter Mr Kennedy 728 2785 TWO BEDROOM apartment available Immediately Broadloom In llvlngroom and bedrooms Ideal Three piece bath with shower water heat stove tridge suppled Adults only with reterences No pets $212 mon thly parking extra Apply Bill Le Boeul Jewellers 52 Dunlop St 728 3343 ONE BEDROOM sell contained apart ment tor rent all services supplied Suit one person $125 monthly Allandalo area Telephone 726 1439 busmess hours TWO BEDROOM apartment room and kitchen stove retrigeralor hydro heat included $190 monthly N0 children 248 Yonge Street or phone 726 0161 UNFURNISHED Two BEDROOM stove and tridge close to downtown $235 all utilities parking Adults no pets Telephone 726 5844 H1LLSDALEltteen miles north at Bar rle Attractive two bedroom pine lloors huge kitchen suit quiet girl couple Reduced rent tor occasional babysitting $130 8352031 BEDROOM APARTMEN in spotless condition tor downtown business people Hal living TWO BEDROOM Apartment close to downtown quiet building $250 monthly Stove retrlgerator parking and utilities Included Available Immediately Telephone 726 6633 CENTRAL location Modern spacious unturnlshed two bedroom apartment retrlgeralor stove parking $250 mon thly Adults only No pets Telephone 7282253 business hours One bedroom apartment tor rent sell contained Stove retrigerator utilities and parking supplied Central Available December 15728 0140 alter t7houses to rent TWO BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY on Clapperton St with tlreplace and garage Rent $235 Telephone between pm and pm 726 3257 HILLSDALE bed rm term house with barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $300 per month Call Ray Bubel 7263871 or 7289775 representing ant1 Ktarc 67171197147775 Snawmobllos Warm clothing Snowmobilu toquos balaclavo boots 90R THINK SUMMER Watur skllu wut uulll condos etc SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shitty Buy Rd 7161001 018 The Little Professor tru Crulg loudhg and Educational Services Inc IISDudepStJ 7260041 or 7167987 ovunbtgs Mdos moth locts tun 16000 OUBTIONS IN PLUS MINUS DIYIDEO $2495 battery not lncbdod Reading Is the key to school success Be sure your child has the key Dl4 Samsonite Jotltnur Dionllu Skyway HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinyls WALLETS DaltonTilloy Roll Attache cases brlulcosos bogs Iportbogs tolobogs DARRIE LEATHERGOOOS BAYFIELD MALL 7265291 SLEIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED CBs $49 to $99 Antennas $999 AM FM track car stereos $89 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drill sets $25 38 socket sets $1199 Cor burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 019 AND GIFTS J7 OUNLOP ST IARRIE 17 houses to rent FLORIDA ST PETERSBURG Luxury bedroom bath waterfront condominium All facilities health club Seasonal 7057462205 08910151617 NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For Immediate rental bedrooms Iarg living room and dining room located 17 St Vincent St 728 3030 726 5992 458 9431 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS tour bedroo semi available immediately $375 pe month plusutilitles Lease required Cal Harr Magill rep Lou Goedemont Rea Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 built in stove and oven lrig washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stanstleld 726 3261 or 728 8082 represen tative Canada Trust TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available Immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundlos Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between pm and9pm MIDHURST MODERN two bedroom bungalow Oil heat garage Utilities in cluded Completer lurnished $300 nion thly January Isl to May lst Telephone 728 2874 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Cozy two bedroom bungalow on 172 acres plus small barn Dalston Call Barbara Hol Rep Unigroup Inc Broker 7371771 or 487 3703 TWO BEDROOM home tor rent 143 Bur ton Avenue $235 monthly plus utilities Call Al Beacock 7371771 representing Unlgroup Inc Real Estate TWO BEDROOM winterized collage tor rent Electric heal Innlstii Telephone 737 0665 between pm and pm alter 5436 5154 THREE BEDROOM two storey home In Riverwood Farms two bathrooms main tloor lamin room Fully broadloomed and immaculate Double paved drive garage landscaping lenced yard and huge covered patio Children welcome but no pets please Rent $360 per month Call 726 6018 alter pm TOWNHOUSE $272 per month three bedrooms 112 baths broadloom throughout tour appliances garage EdL°W°L° 899R Avallabledanuary151978Cal728 I762 helmets sweatrs Musical Gift Suggestions NIII Haiti Pbuos 07 lupsl accessories No heludo yr 52 music lessons FREE with any new or used orgI Irfl 014 7373512 0N Juln Ht Honds tru $669 Pluno on Music Grmdluthor Clocks DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR ioIIy way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gilt sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gilt will be announced in you name with beautilul card in lull rich colors mailed to arriv at just the right time belore Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept 01 The Examiner or Dial 7266537 N1 Something for His Car AUDIOVOX 0C8 Transceivers Aerials Tapo decks Car Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri tiI 530pm Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories D24 giglo at £fi 17housostoront NEWLY DECORATED bedroom bungalow tor rent years old broadloom lull basement garage Telephone 728 9745 TWO BEDROOM bungalow on highway 90 immediate possession $250 per month First and last month rent Call 728 5753 alter pm THREE BEDROOM housé in Angus $230 monthly plus utilities Telephone 1519 923 50137anytimre THREE BEDROOM house torrent or sale in New Lowell Telephone424 6363 CHARMING SIX ROOM tarmhouse newly decorated propane heat country setting live minutes south ol Barrie $300 includes hydro 436 3146 weekends or 416 920 9236weekdays John Wilkins TWO LUXURY townhouses tor rent Three bedrooms two washrooms heated garage Adults only $290 man thly Available now Telephone 7262109 beloreapmatler1416 489 3833 THREE BEDROOM homeiin downtown area Please call Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FOUR BEDROOM HOME with large two storey garage and workshop in rear Located in Mineslng Village $200 mon thly Available December 161h Tele phone 728 4379 alter pm ANTEN MILLS Four bedroom tar mhouso appliances lamlly room $340 plus utilities First and last Lease Telephone 728 3715 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES Four bedroom backspllt tinlshed tamin roont with tireplace $300 monthly plus utilities Available Immediately Telephone 43673021 416453 7991 CHURCHILL 12 miles south ot Barrie 272 miles trom commuter train bedrooms washrooms tullY broadloomod $350 monthly plus utilities Telephone 416 7272725 alter 630pm Charming tour bedroom larmhouse ex tra large kitchen and IIvIng room tour piece bathroom summer kitchen available Immediately $280 per month Lease Painswlck area Call betore pm 14164491340 alter pm 1416 4732503 BARR 115 OF BED ROOM 660 it it so per month plus utilities Telephone 7284463 alter pm Friday all day Saturday 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM ln Allandale at bus stop cooking tacllltles available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810 evenings CENTRAL 78 FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms tree parking laundry taclllties 726 7186 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room tor rent Kitchen privileges ladies preterred 7284268 or 7280810 20 rooms to let FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 214room and board ROOM AND BOARD lor young gentleman Lunches packed light washing done Central location Park ing Available now Telephone 728 7568 234ltices Istores tor rent MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 ICES lust over 500 square teet each can be lolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlop st downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 7263338 RETAIL STORE or oltice tor rent available December Isl Allandale Ioca tlon 500 square teet $235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712aller6 pm or 7264621 daily RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE as sublet lrom current tenant 300 600 square leet nearBeaniePew 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal tor retail store stores otllces Also basement storage space available with ideal loading unloading area Main 9999 897IS7t°993 WANTED small building tor millwork manutacturing Approximately 1200 sq l7793 24space tor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ll lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ft 18 it clear part at large expanding Industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial spaIceland warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelott COMMERCIAL AND tNDTUTsT RIALpro perties tor sale or rent Martell Limited gouging 720067737 WANTED STORAGE SPACE approx imalely 1000 square teet storage space lor machinery unheated Consider barn Telephone 72674801 business hours 25garages HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car rvi airs Hourly or daily rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Shop 728 5212456 2576 alter hours WANTED Garage 10 store car lorthe winter Telephone 726 I250 alter 600 pm 26accommodationsto share Woman with one child has tour bedroom house to share with same Children and pets welcome Telephone 726 2417 alter 30pm 27fcottages 10119111 THREE BEDROOM winterized cottage available immediately in Big Bay Point with tireplace and broadloom throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet ween9amand9pm7263257 32mtorsdu ONE OWNER TRADEIN 1974 Datsun 710 LIC No HUF 093 1800 cc engine tour speed 40000 miles All ser vice records available Showroom condition PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY FOR ONLY $2195 Vijivico DATSUN 549 Baylield St just north of Georgian Moll Barrie 7370254 09 1965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 327 Cer titled $6500 or trade tor tour wheel drive 726 1001 or 726 9005 1973 JAVELIN AMX automatic power steering and brakes bucket seats with console 360 engine new radials with chrome reverses on rear Excellent con dition $2400 Call 458 4538 1973 M08 body rustprooled and solid original paint good tires mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully cerlilied 40000 miles Price $2400 Call George 728 2485 days 726 2815 evenings 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and interior ex cellent Good mechanically Owner will Cerlity $750 Call 7266618 1972 CORTINA running condition with Shelby 60s on rear also track $225 or best otter Telephone 726 8693 OUTSTANDING VALUE 1976 Datsun 710 Lic No MFE 537 2000 cc engine tour speed electric delrost radio and many other extras Im maculate Inside and out ONLY $2895 1111399 DATSUN 549 Baytluld St WERE ifAtiATclieTciftofirsEEoE shop space tools 28000 rniles Good condition Call knowledge 7371512a er5pmr Ar 75 IMPALA FOUR door hardtop air 24ernoadsemce conditioned tilt steering wheel salety Snowplowlng checked new tires etc $2900 or best or I7393£L7ZlELISLEPELE 1969 METEOR RIDEAU two door good ndPubIc chgo condition good gas mileage new ex haust new brakes Asking $400 NYC7m 191993991117 NE 7285212 1973 BUICK NTURY Luxus vinyl MWF J4 1974 CHRY Telephone 726 3869 days or 7286010 even ings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices tbrakes radio and CB gauge package PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY mlooo ROY ggHUETT ANGUS Ross BA EXTRA LARGE turnlshed rooms share kitchen tor singles or young couples Ch afielflflod MUSIC TOOCDOI 21213972523232 39 73 °r ccmmm Instruction In Piano roo re Centrally located parking tacilities 1mc°llrsBOI° and Theofy MEEMWHY PM 7379°5 Phone 7265100 Also tutoring In French FURNISHED ROOMWAVBIIBDIO Im mediately Downtown area Kitchen er pggvllléges Parking available Call school lubiOClS UFGE fwttETETLyiwmgfied gag Teocger Piano and Theory 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 so con it use eep no room lady Available Immediately Central Rap lprTWrwhr Telephone7280755 07° Conservatory puuo mm SINgLE FURNISHED kROOM pflVBJE ExamlnoIon grade of was room non smo er centra EélflfflflIfl°P£°£€E9l GRADES AGES Royal Conservatory Toronto HOUSEKEEPING ROOM PIIVBIO en rluncee andlfilrltse to shoppingharea Has Ischpperon 7283153 12 STUDIO 11 ac es pr vatewas room and parking Woman pretered Available im wors ey sree Borne 1199131517 2°£atlstzg°2m SAMUEL ROSE PHONE 7373533 Room lor centrally located Park flu Ing tacllities linen supplied Please and ASSOCIATES Id 191999139 11411 Chartered Accountants mu Trustee In Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 JESSIE II BRYSON Teacher of Plano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 9333 Mum 24 Dunlop St East All grades and ARCT Barrie Ontario Studio 27 Bradlord St Telephone 7287461 7284718 3261th 35 outo service repair 76 PIONTIAC $399 TCertiiled omat two door elephone 435 6322 DO IT Yourself 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS door hard top power steerIng power brakes V8 automatic 58000 miles very clean con ditlon tires certilied 7370966 and Save You do the work we supply root engine good body very good re cent paint extras winteriled including new snows Any reasonable otter con sidered 726 2474 7282366 1972 PINTO tor sale door runabout 38snowmobiles rebuilt engine and transmission satety checked Telephone 7260451 between i1l£l 1m AMBASSADOR Station Wagon SEMI body tairly good Will pass test good tires good motor Needs some brake MDARRIE W°TEEPBS new alter WI 514 at 1970 VOLVO 142$ excellent condition sellfiiL3°RI£EDM¢31529 9° 1973 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME MW cylinder automatic snow radials very 116100 clean $1950 Telephone 7265180 1970 PLYMOUTH 400012 Sedan slant six motor good running condition snow 1976 50000 OLYMPIC 300 twiny ex tires good gas mileage pluom bloc cellent shape never licensed Less than 83315255 gillsfls twenty hours on machine Asking $1000 1971 CHRYSLER perlect condition Call Neil at 8355791 home or 72664110t Rust tree Asking $950 Telephone lice flbi5w 1973 MOTOSKI Capri 295 Twin with SLER NEWPORT VB air Cover like new 5575 1970 SKIDOO Nor alIpowered certiiied dic 399 Twin Excellent Condition $375 Call 7289750 WfiARrtc CAT Good condition Must sell Telephone 4241926 II 1971 SCORPION MARK single Cylinder Good condition Asking $250 Telephone 7286544 1973 M010 Ski 440 tor sale $450 includes cover Very good condition Telephone 4361810 1975 YAMAHA 5453 sliders 1968 Ramber America speedometer and tack 650 original Under Pummmc 9°65 5°m° mm miles Excellent condition Telephone work Best otter Telephone 4245989 3221745 aner pva 77 VT TOI 8d My27 condition 1977 MUSTANG Jade in colour halt vinyl root white Interior new radial tires 180tX miles $4000 lirm Call 436 27l2atter530pm 1973 METEOR tour door PS and PB radio vinyl root $1200 or best otter Telephone 7269310 or alter pm 7370762 1976 CORDOBA air cruise control cer tilled Asking $450 Owner mustseli has company car 726 3869 trom 800 am to 600 pm Ask tor Bruce 1962 co RT IN 32300or791n31 geisha Ea miles Near new tires Runs very well Same rust $250 Telephone 4563536 1970 CHRYSLER NEWPORT power steering power brakes air conditioning Excellent condition Asking $800 or best otter Telephone 436 2213 Reupholstering 7T METEOR tour door hardtop Power steering power brakes As is $400 or best otter Telephone evenings 7265072 Itocover it Yourself Wide selection at discount fabrics Foam cushions °Toos both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buttons made to order 0A complete line at upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet 76 FIREBIRD FORMULA 400tour bar rel PS and PB power windows rear window deiogger AM FM cassette 14000 miles Telephone 7263415 33cars wantedto uy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Just northol EESEESC573L87 Georgian Mall TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor 737 wrecking and parts top prices paid 593 WSW 1915919997389552 wThFTF WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan Sly£88 WV AP véHELésTitANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplllier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 OR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking $2950 Telephone 7281970 TOT PRICE tor top cars Toke Motor Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 34trucks and trailers 1975 F250 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562 alter 5pm 17773 GMc THREE QUARTER TON tour wheel drive power steering power MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop St 7263200 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL $5200 automatic $4650 Myers plowing equlp or trade tor tour wheel drive 7261001 or lust north at Georgian Moll Barrio 7370254 radial tires radio Asking $1800 Telephone 456 3823 75 MONTE CARLO Llc No KEM 053 V8 auto P5 P0 and windows 25000 original miloslll Original paint like now Inside and out PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY FOR ONLY 549 Bayllold st lust north of Georgian Mall Barrio 7370254 09 I977 MUSTANG ll three door 302 V8 bar root auto radio with tape radial tires 9000 miles 1976 Thunderblrd air AMFM stereo tinted glass Cell 726641196mto$pm 1973 VEGA RED WITH BLACK In terlor automatic body In excellent con dition New motor Asking $1100 cer tilled Telephone 487 3403 I973 CHALLENGER 340 AUTOMATIC CONSOLE bucket seats black vinyl root new air shocks Best reasonable at ter accepted Certitled 7280867 $560 CERTIFIED was Is 1967 Ford custom body and motor In excellent con dItIorLIelephone 726754875 alter pm 1972 MATADOR tour door new paint Certllled sswTeiaptigne 4356322 mi FORD Certllled 5997 Four door automatic Telephone 435 6322 1974 GMC tonpickup standard 2150 vs englne cap Good running condition ment$7504563840 atter7pm 7269005 newly painted Al Telephone 322 2696 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS tour door HT air PW Very good shape $1400 certitied Call Neil at 835 5791 home or 726 6411 ottice 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS Immaculate condition tour door low mileage V8 automatic will certily $2600 Tele phone 7266925 1969 NOVA SS excellent condition new motor and transmission mags and tires brand new Telephone 3221390 alter pm best otter 1976 MERCURY BOBCAT two door tour cylinder automatic 22000 miles $2750 In excellent condition Telephone 7289723 1974 VOLKSWAGEN good condition condition $2100 1972 FORD ECONOLINE van long box standard insulated certltied $1850 New tires Telephone 7373445 1769 CHEV TON eight cylinder 350 REUPHOLSTERS your shortertlsld chat llbor dldrlclucludoduptotiyds trooplckupldolvoithrio 1tu104uysorvlco phone 4245657 éfGMc TON Excellent condition Certillable Good winter starter $350 tirm Telephone 728 81566tter 6pm Bodyfliust been done Tele CUSTOM SHAG VAN 1974 Ford 302 automatic power brakes trailer hitch radial tires New custom paint Camping equipment slides In or remove lor trucks ing Telephone 436 3897 evenings Pickup delivery Included 1671 DODGE HALF TONfeloFt cylindér standard 46000 miles lust painted In unclflimm good condition certitied Asking $1950 or 131 1969 FORD RANGER hallton V8 tour on the tloor positrac new paint iob Cer titled ALSO 1967 FORD HALF TON automatic Sold as is Telephone days 726 3869 or 728 6010 eve ngs T973 Ctiév TON TR EITwlthflracks dual wheels 327 engine 1conditionls certified Telephone 4873183 best utterlTeIephone 487 D24 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood Free delivery Telephone3222390 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice or style tinish Collee tables $125 end tables Irom $65 7371039 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Berkel scales gas steam table two pot sire commercial lloor scrubber and polisher hot peanut machine items $50 each 1m FORD moi pick udumeriiiiédj Asking $350 Telephone 7373325 1975 rd ton Real good condition N0 rust $2601i also arborlte counter top 3822211 $50 Teephme brand new 20 Tele hone 7287044 FIREWOOD Assorted split and delivered $2750 per lace cord Reduced price tor quality orders or cut your own $10 per lace cord Call 895 2014 ClllMAS SPECIAL Tis the Merry 0N REFINISIIING Meny Month 10° of December Time to stop think and remember Your choice color Got to find that special gift mLAGE Why not check our Um BOD Christmas list 453 Dunlap Classified 7265990 Gift Spotter POINTSETTIAS up to blooms In Inch ots $399 whlle they last Brays Ger rt Centre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 7262951 MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or Imports 7370724 alter 630 orweekends

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