accommodations to share 26 births 81 adoptions 32 boots motors 41 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 opts wanted to rent 18 camping equipment 56 articles for sale 40 Card OI thanks 39 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 auctions sales 79 coming events 88 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 auto service and repairs 35 01 property for sale 01 property for sale construction machinery 55 01 property for san RCHOLKAN Er CO LTD REALTOR cflflhflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 723440 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 IfX II1f 11 Il THI ifX IfX 96 9116 IiX ifX 9H 16 BARRIE ORO ESSA VESPRA INNISFIL OUTLAYING AREAS INCOME AND COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LOTS FARMS AND ACREAGES Xii 9116 1H FOR SALE GEORGE WORRALL LTD 124 DUNLOP 51 BARRIE 7373200 IDEAL STARTER OR RETIREMENT BUNGALOW Centrally located and very cosy bedrooms eatin kitchen living room basement with recreation room or 3rd bedroom garage Priced to sell at $35700 Call Mary Foster 7373200 or 3221118 WEST OF BARRIE In park like setting bedroom ranch bungalow large living room with fireplace eatin kitchen utility room heated garage quiet area Vendor will hold mortgage Asking $42500 For further details please contact Mary Faster 7373200 or 3221118 COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO BARRIE Older bedroom house garage pony barn situated on 50 acres mainly bush paved road Endless possibilities Asking $84900 To view please call Mary Foster 7373200 or 3221118 NEW LISTING ALLANDALE HEIGHTS year old custom built back split tastefully decorated 1900 sq ft living area Carpet throughout 25 13 master bedroom Family room with fireplace walkout to patio Finished rec room sauna Double garage An extra large lot Cali Martin Altseimer 7373200 or 7281763 NEW BDRM BACK SPLIT INNISFIL Close to school shops Select paint colors broadloom now Possession weeks from purchase Asking $55900 with 10 mtge Please call Les Wainwright 7373200 or 4362396 DUPLEX Located on Burton Ave that is in mint condition inside and out Each apartment has its own entrance and hydro meter For more in formation coll George Worrall 7373200 or 7281876 ITS DOG But if you are willing to spend sometime little money and lots of elbow grease you could turn this storey home into money making situation Large lot centrally located Zoned RM Asking $35500 Call George Worrall 7373200 or 7281876 ner REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIEIJ ST BARRIE 7263111 BURBANK PLACE Three bedroom semidetached living dining and kitchen Area of good homes close to schools Broodloom Shows well Owner transferred $39900 CONCESSION IO ORO Exceptionally well constructed three year old split entry bungalow Large living and dining room eatin kit chen extra large bedrooms main floor laundry room finished family room 16 39 with fireplace double garage Many extras View of Lake Simcoe Lot 140x 155 $68900 INDUSTRIAL LOT Vespro Street iust off Innisfil Street 148 76 Reduced to $25000 CONCESSION ORO Lakefront lot 75 142 garage and storehouse hedged ready for spring building $42500 INDIAN ARROW ROAD three bedroom brick and aluminum bungalow living room separate dining room eatin kitchen All rooms good size Central air conditioning broadloom throughout gas barbecue Lot 55 120 fenced yard double garage Area of good homes Asking $59900 D9 D9 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Leo Covonough 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bill Moran 7282305 JOHNSON CAFiNEY 14 SHOREVIEW DRIVE BARRIE 7285187 HLAL TON $35000 Two bedroom bungalow ideal for starter home Lefroy area $55500 Painswick area Brick bungalow side split with four levels fireplace in recreation room double car garage largo cor ner lot Lovely condition $52500 Sunnidale Road Beautifully decorated split level bungalow fireplace in basement large lot with mature trees 0910 Dougwainwright ï¬ttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï¬iiiï¬iï¬iiiii121iiiiiiimiiliiiiiiiiiiiï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚fl if Pat McGrath 7373394 Joe Dirracalo 7260567 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Martha Dyson 7262090 Lorna Vorstraton 4241956 Bill Hackloy 7262596 Joo Costaric 4584762 7287858 cottages to rant 27 farm machinery 64 cottages for solo 28 form machinory wantod 65 cottages wanted 29 food sood grain 60 deaths 85 financial 11 dogs pets 44 florists 89 employment wanted 76 fruits and vogotablos 67 engagements 83 garages 25 exchange 48 gardon supplies 50 forms for rent 06 holp wantod 71 forms for sale 05 homo improvements 47 imam NoraRivors Joe Dyson Don Allan Doug Ferguson Marg Ferguson 17286172 Poppy Wilde 7281887 Muriel Jeffrey 7266383 Jim Miles 71370499 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY NCELLATIONS Accepted up until am SO DO CALL CHOLKAN THE FORWARD REALTOR FOR DETAILS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE OR FOR INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE OVER 900 LISTINGS PRESENTLY ON THE BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD ï¬iiiiiiiï¬iiiiimiliiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï¬iiiï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ BUSINESS HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER $40617448 to the end of November 1976 $50927562 to the end of November 1977 Over $10000000 increase in Real Estate sales as reported by the Barrie Real Estate Board WE HAVE FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE THE FOLLOWING ASSORTMENT OF LISTINGS 38Excelient resale properties 19 Excellent resale properties 28 Excellent resale properties 17 Excellent resole properties 19 Excellent resale properties 26 Excellent resale properties 22 Excellent resale properties 15 Excellent resale properties 22 Excellent resale properties ééï¬Ã©s +++é+ éIrs 30 OWEN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO TAURUS REAL ESTATE no REALM 399900 ESTATE AREA MILES FROM DOWNTOWN 25 ACRE treed lot BDRM storey home 2500 sq ft MASTER BDRM has raised slooping aroa firoplaco drossing aroa and ensuite bath FAMILY RM on main floor pineboard ceiling KITCHEN has custom built cupboards built In appliancos pIno walls and ceiling DINING RM separate 12 13 LIVING RM 14x 22firoplaco MAIN FLOOR Laundry rm pc bath BASEMENT full with unfinished roc rm GARAGE dble with two doors CENTRAL air conditioning Call LARRY THOMPSON Dblo glass wo flroplaco and 558900 FANTASTIC FAMILY RM BDRMS four levels LlVDIN RM Lshaped KITCHEN lots of cupboards FAMILY RM 16 26 beamed coiling firoploco lgo lightod bar BASEMENT excellent for future roc rm BROADLOOM cushion floor throughout DBLE GARAGE paved drivo LOT large unbelievable landscaping Call LARRY THOMPSON $26000 BEDROOM MODULAR HOME for rotirod couplo In Sandy Covo Professionally decorated Royal model For showing call DOUG RENAULT $57900 6V IST MTG DUE 1992 EAST END Isbrandt built homo bodrooms 23 pc baths family rm with fireplace dblo pavod drivo dblo garago Call DOUG RENAULT D9 Doug Renault 7280810 Larry Thompson 7285219 lMary Jain 7269915 Hari Jain 7269915 iAsh Jain 7284915 Emily 41 coma sr ContoroanollCoIorStroots MRII 7262611 HANDYMAN SPECIAL lnnisfll $189 Gard Wright FLORIDA New Fort Myers Map at offlco or call Gard Wright HILLSDALE Now brick bungalow Try $2200 down Marg Wright COUNTRY LIVING AT iTS BEST $444 11th of InnIstI Jim EQuInlan JUST DECORATED Collotto Cros $465m Jim Quinlan EXCLUSIVE Vendor anxious Cook St $549 Jim Quinlan TRY THIS ONE Only down mid 40s bedrooms Jim Quinlan LARGE EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW ON WOODCREST $799 Halon Hopkins SUMMER COTTAGE Boll Ewart BRs $21900 Halon Hopkins WATERFRONT Oro year round homo $95900 Ross Loodor OPEN HOUSE Rlvorwood Farms Sunday aftomoon Ross Loader YR OLD BRICK SEMI BUNGALOW asking 838 down lust listed and must soil Immediaton Corby Adams 64 NELSON ST possible severance $34500 Corby Adams D9 Dorothy MacQuarrIo 7286358 Holon Hopkins 7281662 Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Loodor 7269245 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Gard Wright no toll 4363669 Margaret Wright 4363669 TF EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT flittfliï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬lflfl tr 67 DUNLOP wcsr BARRIE 726 1881 TORONTO 3647941 Porcy Ford 7287930 Ron Thoma 7288714 Gerald ONolll 7267733 Los Lovogrovo 4241289 Ross Burwoll 4589248 Nolson Garrott 7266096 Rob Knapp 4875462 Halon Burns 7264386 Kon Mlllor 487 3365 Jorry McNabb 7262386 Woyno Ward 7268220 Suo Dronnan 4875712 Hannah Pontland 7290021 Bill Purvls 7260452 Mlko Lysnblld 7266054 Ross Mlllor 7260563 AI Roso 7288116 Harvoy Wobor 4363815 48 hours prior to pUblication housos to ront 17 lost found 70 houses wanted to ront 19 lots for solo 04 In momorlams 87 market baskot 66 instructions 69 marriages 84 mobilo hamosl trailers 14 monoy to loan 13 mortgages 12 insuranco 10 landscaping 531 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 73728 TORONTO 4168899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM seam ml comm aura onion mom tumor on run cotanucnoft on no sum up cc um sofa 70 OREN storoy forost modol main floor family room foncod yard must soil Asking $53900 Call 7284067 LAKEFRONT HOME This bodroom chalot on 75 frontago an Lako Simcoo foaturos most appliancos garage and boat houso Asking 1ust$699w Call 7284067 MUST SELL bedroom homo lust outsldo city limits on 50x150 lot In oxcollont shapo and vendors have movod Asking only $31500 Ca117284067 OWNERS HAVE MOVED from this bedroom bungalow in tho oast ond and must sell new Situatod on largo 70x173 lot and featuring 4th bodroom down and baths Roducod to $54900 Gall 7284067 GOOD FAMILY HOME In nice aroa bedroom bocksplit with 4th bodroom and 2nd bath downstairs Flroplaco In family room and attached doublo garago Owners aro roady to soil Call 7284067 LISTING bodroom staroy In Barrio on good sizod lot Asking $319X Call 7284067 LARGE LEVEL BEDROOM CUSTOM BUILT HOME With all high quality matoriais and workmanship throughout Patio doors from dining room to roar yard Is baths offico and largo family room with stono firopiaco This proporty Is 200 365 and also foaturos now block workshop Call 7284067 CONDOMINIUM North St bedroom and unit vory clean at tachod garOOO $33900 Call 7284067 BEDROOM $36500 Newly rodocorotod and vary woll kopt ox oollont torms full basement Call 7284067 REDUCED 7900 Rlvorwood Farms Backsplit bodroom broadloom attached garago Call 7284067 $169W BUILDING LOT Rlvor frontago near Midhurst oxcollont building slto Call 7284067 NAPIER ST REDUCED TO $42 storoy bedroom homo Roc room full basement ovorslxod double garage foncod lat Call 728 EAST END lovol sidospiit baths family room garago asking $525 Call 7284067 VERY CLEAN BEDROOM storoy In town laundry room off largo kitchon nlco Iovol lot with oldor dotachod garago asking $37900 Call 7284067 99 ACRE Working farm lnnisfll 6th Conc oldor homo and barns asking $109M Call 7284067 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT Aliandalo Heights singlo garago nico lot with viow noar bus stop asking $59000 Coll 7284067 NEW BRICK BUNGALOW 1550 sq ft bedrooms sunkon family room with firoploco full bosomont doublo garago Moro than an acro of nicoly trood lot $679w Call 7284067 BEDROOM FRAME BUNGALOW Full basomont largo car garage largo lot $36900 Immodiato possession south of Barrio Call 7284067 CAREFREE LIVING Spacious bodroom condo apartment at 414 Sicko Saunas parking partyrooms laundry otc Asking $36 Call 78728 SEMIBUNGALOW bodrooms spacious kltchon full basomont with walkout garago and balcony pricod at $44700 Call 7372880 $12500 MOBILE HOME bodrooms Hoo Doo Valloy Call 7284067 W3 BUNGALOW Stovo firopiaco bar gorago troos Call 728 $97 MIDHURST BUNGALOW 26 baths Family room with firoploco flnlshod roc roam foaturlng plant Island sauna inground pool with whirlpool privato fonco Call 7284067 D9 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Browor 7289745 Bort Cuff 7284067 Harry Mogill 7263864 John ColonI 7267726 Simon Bookhuizon 7373795 Doug Bakor 7283274 Larry DoWIldo 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hoooy 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Potor Bracalonto 7263916 Frod Reynolds 7285333 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Potor Gubbols 7282425 Jim Cancllia 7371597 WILLsoII REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL PM EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GRAND PLA CE BY CHANUTE INVESTMENTS OF BARRIE IAMAACULATE BEDROOM BRICK BACK SPLIT This semi dotachod homo In Barrlos north section must be soon to bo appreciated Largo broadloomod living and dining room big kitchen flnishod family room Cali Bob Hondorson at 7261938 or 7285112 MLS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Embassy banquot and danco hall Fully oqulppod adlacont soparato homo oxcollont financing Call anytime Elaino Jackson 7261938 or 7263780 MLS 3637 OWNER MOVING FROM AREA This bodroom all brick bungalow with attached garage full basomont Is on cul do sac Has gas barbecue In garden and Is prIcod to soil at $419 Call Bonhom 72619380r 4245033 MLS 3462 YR OLD CENTRE HALL BACK SPLIT Tho everything hoqu for mal living room soparato dining room oat In kitchon that overlooks the charming family room with firoplaco bodrooms don sowing room or office Extra bathrooms car garago must see Asking $72900 Ploaso call Rita Scandrott 7261938 or 728 4865 MLS 3636 RAISED BUNGALOW Built by ownors as rotlromont homo Hot wator hoot piastorod walls largo lot with moturo troos Garage full basomont Anno St $59700 with good forms Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 MLS 3461 D9 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 from 830 am to pm motorcylos 37 livostock for solo 57 nursing homes 15 livostock wantod 58 offico stores for ront 23 opportunity for mon wamon74 proporty for solo or rent 03 pasture for solo 61 proporty managomont 08 posture to rant 62 proporty wantod 02 pasture wontod 63 public notices 80 porsonals 68 rosorts 30 photography 49 room and board 21 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to lot 20 rooms wanted 22 salos help agents 72 service and repairs 54 poultry and chicks S9 profossional directory 9O proporty for solo 01 01 property for sale innxmm1Iusmtgmtttitiiiimiiiiti it uYoung Biggi LIMIT NE ALTO REALTYWORLD MLJBUI BROKER 89 Collier st Barrio Ontario Barrio lino 7264491 Toronto lino 8630398 ALCONA BEACH Spacious bedroom bungalow brick fireplace attachod garago Largo lot Roducod for quick salo $38900 Eldrod Clarko 8352347 $43500 bedroom brick bungalow broadloom full basement Horsoshao Valley Road largo open mortgage Eldrod CIarko8352347 71 OREN BLVD Irnmaculato bedroom largo kitchen family room wa to dock from living and dining area car garage Details Eldrod Clarko 8352347 D9 11 flitntï¬ï¬iflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬tï¬i NEW HOMES FOR SALE BY CHAPELTON BEDROOMS GARAGE If 9118 Iii It If PURCHASE PRICE $37250 DOWNPAYMENT$ 370 MONTHLYPAYMENT$ 271 CAII REDUCED If YOU QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE ANNE ST SOUTH OF CUNDLES Phone 7373972 nonmuss Is PM SALsun 116 PM MORTGAGES APPRAISALS CONSULTING SALES LEASING 02 AAAAAA EEO 7374010 $105000 58 COLLIER ST SUITE If BARRIE ONTARIO $120000 ONLY PRESTIGE EXECUTIVE HOMES 0N EXCLUSIVE TREED RAVINE LOTS WITH VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY models with plenty of squaro foot feature firoplaces and baths respectively control vacuum systom radio intercom heat pump with airconditionor balconies and walkouts Plus many moro foaturos Pricod at $1050X and $120000 Choice of fixtures carpots cupboards colors etc from bulldors samples whore same has not boon ordorod by builder For personal Interview with buildor and for moro information ploaso call ED JENNINGS at 737 10100r728m03 Enquiries from all Real Estate Brokers welcome and appreciated 1010 an yourï¬dlol DB913I4 Montreal Trust Wellworkhardforuou NEWLY RENOVATED TRIPLEX Dunlap Wost over $500 per month In come largo 66 foot lot room for expansion Roliable tenants Asking $58000 Call Norbert Loofflor ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Ciaso to schools spilt ontry bodroom fully broadloomod balcony off dining room fireplace in family room partly finishod 4th bedroom or play room dry bar double garage Asking $529 Call Dwight Norrona COSY OLDER HOME bodroom homo overlooking the loko largo Iatlprlvato woods of roar Asking $540 Call Norbort Loofflor D9 Ellon Norrono 7372929 NorbortJ Loofflor 7370167 Jim Bouchard 7285772 Honry Robinson 3258546 Edward Bowman 7267000 Laddio Griesbach RI 1$111111iiiiiiIiiiiiifliiiiï¬ï¬iï¬iï¬ Dwight NorronoFRloLE 7239344 7374929 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to wwau VVWWWVVV tho oxomlnor Friday Doc 1071 1I 7282414 snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer properties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 01 property for sds $$$ REAL ESTATE BROKERS sss We will be in your area within the next few weeks continuing our program of working with and training selected brokers across Ontario to represent Wellington prestigious Florida development at West Palm Beach For further details regarding top financial benefits for yau and your staff Contact Mr Grant Morgan at 416 6243433 or Write 5170 Dixie Road Suite 201 Mississauga Ont L4W 1E3 D9 103 mam stw stauffwllc 080 4873437 DRASTICALLY REDUCED Oro custom built bedroom brick bungalow with 1260 square ft of elegant living Large oatIn kitchen spacious living room with brick fireplace 17 ft master bedroom plus quality broadloom throughout All situated on large lot near Ora Beach Park Call today on this BARGAIN of $47900 LARGE COTTAGE on acre lot near Ora Beach Park $31900 YEAR ROUND homes in Ora with fireplaces garages and large landscaped lots starting oslow as $39900 0912 LIST BUY OR SELL WITH LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 7263827 MWFTF INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWFTF llllllllillï¬lfl DUNLOP ST BARBIE 7263422 NE Jo REALTOR 180 DUNLOP ST 7269933 MWFTF PRIVATE SALE Four bedroom semi backspllt 1500 square feet broadloom large basement paved drive garage Backs onto open field Walk to plazas school Good nelghbourhood 344000 71170205 PRIVATE Three bedroom backsplit attached garage finished basement one bedroom apartment Income Well decorated and clean Large patio gas barbecue storage shed privately fenc ed 559500 7262431 THREE BEDROOM brick hï¬ie In hospital area Large master bedroom walkout from kitchen 11 baths newly decorated Asking $421900 Call Mortell Ltd 7280674 COUNTRY LIVING AND CITY COMFORT APPROXIMATELY V2 acre treed lot garden 1200 sq ft home car garage Full basement with walkout Custom drapes and cupboards built in stove and oven Asking $42900 54500 down for qualified buyers For Inspection call Hari Jain representative Taurus Real Estate Ltd Realtor 71173000 or 7269915 NO GIMMICKS $1995 DOWN BARRIE threeyearold detached bungalow clean and attractive twin door foyer eatIn kitchen three large bedrooms finished family room log burning fireplace Essential second bath garaae Patio Easy terms Asking In 40s BIII Hockley representing cholkan Real Estate 7284401 or 7262596 COUNTRY AND CHILDREN belong together South of Barrie bedrooms living dining room kltchen with built In stove and oven full dry basement oversued garage fenced lot Price reduced to $42500 Quick action re qulred Lois stansfleld rcpresentlng Canada TrustjuJZM or 7288082 11 ï¬nancial BRlEL Investment Services Syr Guarantssa Investment Certificates Contact REID 705 7267191 D12