Bowl for Millions Feb II to l8 Big Brothers want to strike it big The Big Brothers of Barrie and District will be hoping for strikes when the balls start to roll on city bowling alleys dur ing the week of Feb to 18 Those are the dates for this years Big Brothers Bowl for Millions fundraising venture that assists the organization in its efforts on behalf of fatherlcss boys The event has proven highly successful for Big Brothers since its intrlxiuction two years ago chairman Al Purser noted at press conference Wednes day to introduce the 1078 bowlathon About $25xi0 was raised the first year and $40000 last year The objective this year is $50000 Two years ago we didnt submit budget to the United Appeal This year weve drop tunate with the help of the bowlers to really not need their financing any longer Iurscr said Big Brothers of Barrie and District presently oversees 75 pairings of responsible adult volunteers with boys ii to ll who are without fathers in the home There is waiting list of about 10 little brothers Purser said It costs about $20000 year to run the program he explained The local association has hired fulltime executive director social worker Stephanie ox who is in charge of the dayto day operation The remaining funds are sav ed in special account iur longrun plan is to set up foun dation and be self supporting Purser said Bowl for Millions will be na on the successful Barrie ven ture Ed Jennings national chair man of the Big Brothers Bowl For Millions said 63 com munities across Canada will participate All funds raised will stay with the Big Brothers unit in each community Funds are generated by bowlers who enlist pledges from family friends and businesses for every point scored in designated game Local bowling leagues at both the Sheas and Kempview Bowls have been actively in volved in the fundraising In fact they account for the largest share of the total lurser noted Bowl For Millions week begins and ends on Saturdays designated as celebrity days Politicians judges ser tho examlner Thursday Dec 1977 representatives are traditional ly among the celebrities who test their bowling skills at that time Judge MD Morton an ac tive articipant in past bowiatlions is honorary chair man of the event this year Wintario tickets were given for each $10 in pledges collected by 1977 participants This time the bonus will be free Ontario Bowlers Congress draw ticket The CEO draw will be held March 25 with 1978 Buick Lagabre and five color fPlPVi sion sets offered as prizes Sponsors of participants in the local bowlathon will have their names entered in draw for a$300 Canada Savings Bond Purser says about 700 challenge letters for the event will be mailed in January The organizers are looking forward once again to the sup port and cooperation of the two local bowling alleys and the various leagues based there as well as the general public DOMINION common In Wednesday Dec Examiner there was an error in the Dominion Store ad Beef Liver should have read Pork Liver 29 lb El JENNINGS ped out completely Were for tional event this year modelled vice club and company fee CHICKEN SNACKS COURTESY OF MaryBrowns Fried Chicken ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO THE EXAMINER BETWEEN NOW AND DECEMBER 17 WILL RECEIVE Drop boxes established in city Kathy Engel volunteer till the Barrie Mental Health ssociation puts one of the first gifts into hristmas drop box one of several set up in number of drugstores in Barrie Barrie residents are asked to donate gifts valued at which will be distributed to nursing homes and hospitals in the area The deadline for donating gifts in Dec Ix Examiner Photo PLAY SWEEPSTAKES BALLET IAD HIGHLAND IATD Studnnu propard for Exams and com RULES Each rook tho word Wintorio appear in uvoml of the odyortiurnontr on this future Road the ad carefully do the odvortiumonts II which Wintorio oppoon and fontord your entry to tho Wintario Editor Tho Examinor Each wool draw will be modo and winner notifiod TO ALL NEW examiner SUBSCRIBERS GRETIL GBRICK EASY IO USE MADE WITH THE DOTYOURSELFER IN MIND DIZNEaAEgERSON fugpflésgg some eecigfkgifiéoi MaryBrowns Med Chicken 352 BAYFIELD ST 264343 £iE irritating BY CARRIER BY MAIL FOR CHRISTMAS EARLY KNIT AND HOOK Chrasmxttggginggme me If you live in Barrie or any area in Sim For only $750 25 savings YOU The Examiner makes grewf Chris BIRD SPECIAL WOOL SHOP see our selection of Penelope coe County serviced by one of our 215 will receive The Examiner for mon mas gift for friends and relatives Sim IonfzofOctobor zopecstry Canvases and Bouquet Examiner carriers you receive ths plus Snack Pack courtesy OUT the COUPONS below and IS OFF °VFmnmu daily home delivery plus Snack Pack of Mary Browns Fried chicken The send in cheque or money order and WINTER 3001 mmmws courtesy of Mary Browns Fried Examiner can be mailed to OnYWhere we Will 50 The examiner and send or WALL members of the 7372271 Chicken You pay only 90 weekly for in Simcoe County for this special offer beaUï¬fUl Chrismcs card Wllh Your army The Examiner delivered right to your door All new subscriptions must be minimum of 13 weeks Every Snack Pack contains delicious pieces of chicken golden brown french fries and hot buttered roll name enclosed Both parties will receive Snack Pack courtesy of Mary Browns Fried Chicken By carrier The Examiner rate is $1170 for months and by mail in Simcoe County $750 for months Simply send cheque or money order to The Examiner for $750 and your subscription will begin NORMAN SHOES 24 Dunlap VARIETIES Come in and try our delicious Donuts and freshly ground Cof fee 723388 For the Newest OPEN 24 HOURS WV DAYS WEEK I04 umrm ST TH 7283640 PORT PLUMBING OF Jaime ELECTRICAL Fjlllmrbni Lmisod Rmail Wiilltlll Repairs and ï¬oï¬lop mmsm BEACH ROAD am It 7239322 RR snouo our 436161 IRIDESI DONT mERLE liORffiRll Mattrouu Box Spring to 203 Fronm Sofa Bod Nno brands ct TRY BEFORE YOU BUY wyl Pk ory you Our Beauty Advisor will assist up you in shade selection teach you the latest makeup FOREVER BARRIE Also no naod to techniques or design com my abou In plexlon care Program bliln flowers on moi poIcIl day Speclallzing in Winterio DRIED FLOWERS BAYFIELD MALL MATURES BEAUTY IS Dunlap St Eon 726462 12a9922 mERLE OWEN Innirtil Emir Id 4354901 SIMCOE Sewing Machines Co CARRUTHERS RENTALL Winiario Authorirod intone gt wists c33ldw MaryBlom Fned Chlcken ouseholds gg Zizlnirxo A3001 ST twig ORIENTEACHINE 50 if Certificates now available The perfect small gift for usilflth MAKES Tagrgilollgillsey iicdnr Christmas stocking delivery people etc 133 ouutor ST 53 Collier 7281823 Luncheon Special $159 Available 1100 am 300 pm delicious pieces of Mary Browns Golden Chicken Crispy French Fries Hot Roll Reg Soft Drink all for $159 Delivery within Barrie $100 minimum order $300 MaryBrownhasthe bestlegsintovm 1261422 Wmturin Ifiazgg SPECIALIIING Vital Rustproofing HUGHES BATTERY SERVICE INSPKTION COMPLETE VITALIIING $2295 To sum nruvm or the examiner SIMPLY nu IN 1H courou 33122 1269191 mumv3 mam w5337Gunman7m AND MAIL IT TO THE EXAMINER BOX 370 BARRIE L4M 4T6 OR PHONE 7266539 CRUNCH C° °d °Sk °b° Start delivery of The Examiner and will receive Free Snack Pack courtesy of II THIS IS CHRISTMAS ell1 FROM KELIYS mu Mary Browns Chicken Collsion 3rwl swehhhgim Ene2Â¥ln9 MmePhoe mmeoooooooooooooooooPhoneaoooooooo BORDENINSULSPRAY 3sz foryourï¬ar AddreSSOOOooooooooooctyoooooooo laddrelsadCty oso Flflfororuttic PosqICOdeooooooooooooooaoaoooooooooo AUTO BODY 737 2322 Heating Air Conditioning 204 315231 223 33 Hm nus OFFER VALID 10 NEW suascmnms ONLY OEEER EXPIRES SATURDAY nrcmnsn 11