Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Thunday Doc 1977 Federal import quotas help Canadian designer TORONTO tCPi Whileta nadians from Cape Breton to Victoria are cursing the federal government for not easing unemployment one Toronto woman credits it with boosting her career Government quotas on clothing imports have helped the Canadian fashion in dustry says desigiir Pat Lam be Retail buyers are paying more attention to Canadian de signers because of all the has sles the government is giving them now But ironically the 26year old designer admits that major reason for her success lies south of the border Ms Lambes first spring collection line of interchangeable coor dinates is based on line put out by California designer Her Options line onesize co liile aiiadiaiis from ape Breton to Victoria are cursing the federal gmernnient for not easing niieiiiploy iiieiil designer lat liiiibc credits it with boosting her career She says ithlllllltlll qiiolas on clothing imports ha helped the aiiadian fashion industry Photo Women hold coitee parties to sell sensuous lingerie ltllittNTtt tl pair of enterprising young women have borrowed from the Top perware party idea market black lace garter helts loungewear and lingerie Margaret Bill and Barbara Semrick hold their sales parties at home and over coffee and cake their customers watch the two women model sensuous liii gerie Later the customers can or people places Folk dancers The Town and tounrj Folk Dancers wzl inee or lrrida Dec at wpm Street public school Irisrucor Miss ecie Raine Perfectlland Randy Markharr 24 ha recorde his second cribba ge na rid Markham 2a deai the hand by his wife Dorothy las week it is the second tine the Barrie resident has had peiler hand Animal Party Christmas party will he held for the animals at the Bar rie Humane Society Shelter Patterson Rd Saturday from to Rides for the children and candy canes from Santa will be featured during the afternoon Food donations for the streg perfect Mamm1 shelters dogs and cats are be ing accepted at most tarrie grocery stores Barrels have beer se up by the Nttltlz Any type of dog or cat food is snitable Donations will also he accepted at the shelter Saturr day Anniversary The family of tlareiicc and Fay Smith invite relatives and friends to ioth anniversary party at tlro torririiuriity Arena Hall Friday at test Wishes only please Square Dance The Square Timers Club is holding New Year square dance at Eastyicw Secondary School beginning at ll in Al falhouri Will be the caller Tickets are $13 couple and available by contacting 7284614 midnight buffet is included WW Youth is on road to recovery dcr the garments which Ms Bill and Ms Semrick make up for later delivery The two women stylixe iiiaii ufacture model entertain to sell their lines The business is an extra for both Ms Semrick and Ms Bill For Ms Senirick life is ex hausting She works alongside designer Marilyn Brooks in her boutique and has designed dress line under her own label Ms Bill who worked in lclc vision production for about nine years is cocktail waitress at the moment ller free time dur ing the days allows her the chance to pick up fabric dc liver orders and make the ac cessories for the line llcr partner negotiatcs her work iii the evenings and wwk ends when she is busy cutting and sewmg to fill the individual orders The line is baswl on three SlltS to fit all concept They generally deal with soft stret chable jersey fabrics that will drape on slightly thinner worriari and stretch on the vol pt iious All their pants have draw string waistlmiill the carriisole tops have arleiJtatili front llt and tops and bottoms sell nepa ratcly lor proper lit Kym llulin l2 sits with his classmates in Tierra del Sol luriior High School in El ajoii falil nine months after he was burned over H5 per cent of his body in gasoline explosion while playing with friend AP Photo ordinates made of 100 per cent nylon are designed after Frag ments US collection which has been available in Canadian stores since last year But Ms Lambe is quick to point out the differences be tween the two The full dirndles in her collection rely on draw strings as fasteners while most Fragments skirts are wrap arounds But the biggest difference be tween her collection arid Frag ments says Ms Lambc is price The llSdesigned blouses skirts tunics and dresses which are manufactured in Canada cost about $10 to $20 more than their Options coun tcrparts NOT JllSTIFlED felt the Fragments price couldnt be justified They were taking greedy mark up prob ably because it was new idea The idea is that Fragments anti Options ca be mixed and matched so that few pieces can give many different looks Since both lines are designed so that one garment can fit size seven to the coordinates are perfect for crashdieters Teri pounds means one size difference woman cart gain or lose weight and know that she does not need two separate wa rd robes Tab the diet soft drink is currently staging crosstaii ada fashion show featuring Opr tions Two models one size seven and the other 14 are stmtting dowii runways disr playing the same clothes The cuts are generous and lOOStlllilllg so that they look good on both thin and heavy women says Ms Laiiibe The threerwcek Hcity Tab tour which started in Vancouver Nov zit finishes iii Halifax The lightweight Qiana nylon does not crease making tip trons garments ideal for women who like to travel Time will tell whether women will like Options This is Ms Lambes first collection and she estimates it will take three seasons before it becomes establishtxl At Geor ian Colle Advisory committees started to aid community awareness By RUDLEIGH MACLEAN Examiner Staff Reporter To better serve the region served by Georgian College and to bring the work of the college to the attention of the em ployers of the community Georgian College has inaugurated progressive ad visory committee program The advisory committees at Georgian College were re structured about yearanda half ago said college president Robert Crawford We see several desirable things in these new advisory committees Among the improvements will be better careeroriented programs improvement of the employment opportunities for our graduates and an overall improvement in the relation ship betwecn the college and the community especially the business and industry com munities in Dec Georgian College officially announced the for mation of 17 advisory com mittees to help coordinatc and assist in the wide variety of college academic programs Advisory committees at com iiiunity colleges 22 of themi were originally set up to make recommendations to college boards of governors on existing and new programs of in struction Georgian College during its formative years of develop niciit operated sucCessfully un der the system of four divisional advisory coin riiittees Each of these comriiittees representtxl the colleges four iriaiii academic areas applied arts business technology and health sciences STARTEDEXPANDth But then the academic programs started expanding quickly Each academic iiVision developed network of academicallyrelated programs Concurrent with this growth was the tremendous in crease in student enrolments By the middle of the 19705 therefore the four divisional advisory committees became ineffective with dealing with the growth of academic pro rams us restructuring of ad visory committees became essential if Georgian College was to remain responsive to the changing needs of the com munitys business and industry RUB IIRI CRAWFORD better programs So the four divisional ad visory committees were re structured into 17 advisory committees But the four academic divisional advisory committees were not llSCttl tinued they are still in existen ce but now serve in the func tion of an umbrella organization Their purpose is to consider the broad aspects of the Barrie Curling Club elects executive The Barrie urling luli recently elected their board of directors for the mens club liront from left are Greg loriilinson It Henry lack Lloyd Bob ireen and Murdie taiiiphell president Second row from left are Marsh alnp till CAJON talif tAli Wearing iriask that con ceals hideous burn scars 12 yearold Keith lliiliri is back in school it months after near fatal gasoline ex plosioii Some things havent changed Keith is back to riding his bicycle and prac tising tricks on his skateboard Keiths xrrsonality hasnt changed said his tiiothei Maxine llulin Hes still daredevil just like before But other things are dif fereril Keith sits in the elassrrxiiii wearing special nylon stretch suit that prevents his skin grafts from sagging and ti clmet like mask which covers soft plastic shield moulded to the contours of his face Before Kcith joined his Grade class at Tierra del Sol Junior High School the school staff and doctors took special care to prepare the other children in order to prevent taunting remarks HAS SKIN iltAltTS Keith they explained to his classmates was burned in gasoline explosion Feb 18 He was in ospitals for six months undergoing skin grafts They tried to get the students to understand Keiths feelings and to realize how insults and ridicule would hurt him When Keith takes off the mask for airing and revealed the disfiguring scars they encouraged his classmates to ask questions instead of whispering among them selves Apparently it worked really eantifully said Dr Saul Ainerling the school psychologist Hes been very well received Last llllltily Keith tried to light fire in an un dergrourid fort with gasoline It explixicd Keith ran out side and scaled fence to fall into puddle of water dousiiig the flames on velopiiig his body He suffered thirddegree burns over 85 per cent of his body Last April Keith was transferred to the Shrine Burn Centre in Galveston lcx He returned home Aug 23 after months of pain baths to remove dead skin more operations more pain He must return to Galveston every three mori ths for checkups And he faces other operations in which plastic surgeons will work to reconstruct his bur ned body something he is resistiii because he doesnt want to ihurtany more hell Art olenian Al Scott and Frank llersey Back row ny halmers Ted Leeinaii Bill educational programs not operating within the scope of the individual program com mittees The new 17 advisory com mittees will attempt to serve the needs of the community by offering rograms of in struction at are sought by students and that are designed to meet the needs of the mem bers of the business and in dustr communities ese committees will assist in the upgrading of existing college programs They will also become more relevant to the needs of in dustry and business Crawford said These 17 advisory com mittees represent each educational program or cluster of related programs offered at Georgian Colleges three cam puses in Barrie Orillia and Owen Sound IOMEMBERS Each advisory committee comprises approximately 10 members the dean of division two appointed faculty members and seven members of the community who are ap pointed by the colleges board of governors As well the length of office for advisory committee mem bers is two years subject to reappointment The maximum continuous length of service by member is eight years Each advisory committee will meet twice year but depending on individual com mittcc circumstances ad ditional meetings may be established The advisory committees should act as strong link bet ween the community and the college said Crawford And they should act also as vehicle for the hearing and airing of complaints As well we want community members to have more contact with our faculty red Schinners vicepresident froiii left are Bill Bartko Son Ariiistrong and Bill Hargreaves past president Examiner Photo Book calls for change to existing rape laws lltNlt tlt ltape should be considered form of assault instead of sexual of fence says one of the two att tliors of new book entitled Rape The Price of Sexual oercion Loreniie lark said in an in terview the suggested change would make legal proceedings more just for the victims of rape Present rape laws essentially property laws dependent on iiccpts of women as Slti proixrty said Miss laik Miss lark said she and co author Debra Lewis both of the Special day Mr and Mrs William Ruffet of Belle Ewart celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary Nov 27 Buffet is srz and his wife is 88 The couple has lived in Belle Ewart since 1914 where Rutfet worked as foreman and carpenter He built several cot tages on Lake Simcoc They have six children living it miiixichildren between the ages of 42 and 12 and one great grandson Their daughter Mrs Harry Squibb of fookstown said the cou le is in good health She suit her father has an excellent memory and still recites many of the poems he learned in his youth She said the couple clopcd when her mother was only 16 University of Torontos centre of criminology studied 117 rape complaints laid with Metropoli tan Toronto police in 1970 and further 378 rape cases in Van couver during research for their book They found that young un married women and young recentlymarried women were most likely to have their cases go as far as court and secure convictions Miss lark and Miss Lewis have been carrying out re search on rape since 1973 when they helped found the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre for couple and her father 20 Ruffets family was originally from Belle Ewart and Mrs Ruffets family was from Lefroy Ruffett drove his own car un til he was 88 He belonged to the Masonic Order Orange Lodge Eastem Star and Belle Ewarts Senior Citizen Club Mrs Ruf fet also belonged to the Orange Lodge and Eastern Star She still keeps up their home on her own Their other children are Mrs Winnie Walters of Toronto and sons Gordon of St Catharines 110 of Wiarton Charles of Bel Ewart and Jack of Toron to ne son Harold is deceas ed tea was held in honor of the couple on Sunday at the Chur chill Community Hall Ann Landers True number would shock Dear Ann Landers Hurrah for the gal who signed herself Honest Ill bet the true number of Bedroom Sarah Ber nhardts in this world would be shockeven to you Yes am one of the vast army of actresses Why do we do it Because we love our men and dont want them to feel inad uate We accept the fact that we have been biologically ortchanged by Mother Nature and it isnt an bodys fault No woman ever enjoys sex as much as man 065 and she never will So we just go on doing our little act Knowing that our men are satisfied is enough for us Do you have the guts to print this Enjoying Nothing But the Applause in Kansas City Dear KC If the applause is all youre enjoying you are gypping yourself plenty Your basic theory is incorrect and hope you will have the guts to discuss your problem with therapist so you can begin to experience what is rightfully yours Dear Ann Youre great girl but lau my head off when somebody catches you off base an you have to apologize publicly Well you really goofed it up in recent answer and so far you havent said youre sorry Someone wrote in about obscene telephonecallsYou sug gested getting an unlisted number and signed off with Im glad Im not in the telephone book Good night all Dont you realize that being unlisted wont do you any good If some nut hap nod to ring you up at random he wouldnt even know you were he could continue to pester you regardless Nothing personal but your picture in the Seattle PostIn telligencer looks like gal named Dottie who ditched me for guy named Dave True or false NonyMouse Dear Non First Of course youre right but changing to an unlist number would certainly reduce the odds Second Im not Dottie and that picture in the RI doesnt look like me wish theyd put in real hotograph or try for better drawing Complain for me wi you Youre sub scriber and Im not Dear Ann Landers Way back in 1947 when my fiancee and went to the clergyman to make arrangements for our wedding he said dont want to perform this ceremony because dont think on two will last together six montls The only reason Im oing it is because your families have been members of my congregation for so long Two years later the clergyman had nervous breakdown Im not sure whether or not his shame had anything to do with his collapse but it wouldnt surprise me if it did He couldnt took my wife or me in the eye at our first an niversary party In view of the fact that we are celebrating our 30th wed ding anniversary next month think you should advise the minister with guilty conscience who is in similar spot to forget it No one can predict whether two people can make their marriage work Ill admit ours hasnt been 30 years total bliss but in the main its been pretty darned good ABG Dear ABG doubt that the clergymans wigging out had anything to do with you but Im glad your marriage worked in spite of the gloomy predictions You are right when you say nobody can be sure All maniages are happy as livin together afterwards thats tough Erma Bombeck Poor models need some help Psst hey fellas Wanta know where you can get rated girlie magazine so respectable you could bring home to your mother Pick up any department or clothing store catalogue these days and head for the underwear section opened Christmas book from my favorite department store the other day and right there between leather goods and floor polisher were two pages of models in semistages of nudity They wore pleated panties satin body sutts beaded camisoles monogrammed bikinis and nightgowns so sheer you had to wear em under coat Dont misunderstand me The underwear didnt shock me It was the poor deformed girls modelling them They had hipbones that looked like clothing hooks legs that separated at the knees and funny curves that dented in at the oh what do you call those little devils waists wanted to throw coat over all of em and feed em hot chicken soup As said to Mayva lts cruel to exploit some poor girl who cant put on few extra pounds Dont you think so Mayva Mayva asked you question She had the book three inches from her face What are these squinted for closer look Im not sure but think theyre kneecaps Do we have two told you pregnancy absorbs them into the blood stream These women obviously are childless dont know whether to believe you or not You told me thin arms cause nasal congestion Besides our kids are teenagers Trust me Besides no one is going to wear those scanty bits of satin and lace Those halfstarved women are nothing but fad Someday your style of lingerie will come back Youd think theyd show at least one model wearing our underwear with the cutaway front with the elastic They do Mayva said Theyre under maternity Dab cologne on lights DEAR POLLY can remember that my mother used to spray liquid incense on light bulbs in quantity that was just enough to make the house smell good would like to know if there is such thing on the market and where it could be purchased DEAR JS really do not know if you could buy liquid incense but would imagine that If it is available you would find it in an Oriental shop and there should be many of those in your part of California In lieu of this try dabbing bit of cologne or perfume on your light bulbs know this works well as have done it Also there are now many candles with lovely scents and when having guests light one and let it burn all evening POLLY DEAR POLLY had the same problem Pauline has with cat odors and tried washing using disinfectant and so on but nothing did any good until remembered how cat litter kills odor so sprinkled some clean litter on the spots very thickly and left it for several days If the first time does not work repeat it When vacuumed it up the odor was gone HARRIET DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve involves people mothers and fathers particularly who hold small children by the hands lift them bodily to allow them to jumb curbs and swing them along the street or the seashore in this manner have seen this hundreds of times Evidently these people do not realize they can pull the childrens arms out of the sockets causing excruciating sin and agony until they are gotten to doctor or hospita have also witnessed this several times Once witnessed never forgotten believe me CAROLYN DEAR POLLY For stiffening crocheted snowflakes to hang on the Christmas tree dissolve equal amount of white glue and water and mix well Dip snowflakes into this and then shape on flat surface such as the bathtub top of the washer etc Let them dry thoroughly and they will have lasting stiffness JACKIE DEAR POLLY My Pointer is for dog and cat lovers When open can of tuna or other canned fish save the oil and put it on the cat or dogs dry food Your cat will really enjoy the fish flavor and it also helps to get rid of hair balls or constipation MRS GB DEAR POLLY You did good ob telling the reader how to make purses from plastic tu but would like to suggest the use of key punch to make the holes in the plastic It leaves clean hole while the rough one made with an ice pick might dray the wool make such purses too LUCY

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