lOIIJOM 716qm to rent CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST SPACIOUS and BEDROOM PERM 11in LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY OCOLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE TENNIS COURT SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street Barrie 7269580 Also see CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON ST 7264991 1611 rant TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT Fridge and stove Included Close to downtown on bus route No pets Adults only Available January 1st $200 monthly Telephone 7262316 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available Immediately Close to downtown Rent ranging $160 to $180 plus hydro No pets allowed Call between am and9pm 7263257 BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment with lireplace Century old home Convenient location Very spacious well kept Parking heat in cluded $275 Available immediately 7261045 SUBLET one bedroom Imperial Towers $27650 everything Telephone 7260865 or 7269580 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment on bus route close to downtown fridge stove laundry facilities parking first and last months rent No pets Call alter 4pm7266725 UNFURNISHED one bedroom apart ment $200 monthly Driveway backyard lull basement fridge and stove Telephone 7269371 weekdays ex cept Monday FURNISHED BACHELOR Suite carpeting TV refrigerator stove park ing Telephone 726 1531 or 7267704 FURNISHEDone bedroom self contained apartment garaQe included $150 monthly Close to downtown Suit one lady Telephone 7288484 BEDROOM APARTMENT $200 per month heat and hydro included Available immediately Downtown Bar rie Telephone 7280618 FURNISHED BACHELORETTES tral Barrie Start at $35 weekly Telephone 7266271after pm BACHELOR APARTMENT adults on ly Suit older person Rent includes stave refrigerator above ground park ing sauna modern equipped laundry room locked doors intercom elevator 7288655 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT available January $195 monthly pay own hydro Parking heat refrigerator stove supplied Adults only Telephone 7265247 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment utilities all included $250 monthly First and last month Children welcome Telephone 7284618 RECENTLY DECORATED four bedroom apartment lully broadloomed on Baylield Street $300 monthly Utilities included Available January Telephone 7262910 BACHELOR APARTMENT on Baylield Street Available lrom January $150 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included Telephone 726 2910 included ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown $190 monthly Fridge stove and utilities included Available from January Telephone 726 2910 ORO One bedroom furnished apart ment on the lake Completely self contained lireplace parking $200 mon thly AI Beacock representing Unigroup Inc 737 1771 TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately in spotless condition Broadloom in livingroom and bedrooms Ideal for downtown business people Three piece bath with shower Hot water heat stove fridge suppled Adults only with references No pets $212 mon thly parking extra Apply Bill Le Boeul Jewellers 52 Dunlop St 7283343 ONE BEDROOM self contained apart ment for rent all services supplied Suit one person $125 monthly Allandale area Telephone 726 1439 business hours TWO BEDROOM apartment living room and kitchen stove refrigerator hydro heat included $190 monthly No children 248 Yonge Street or phone 7260161 UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM stove and fridge close to downtown $235 all utilities parking Adults no pets Telephone 726 5844 HILLSDALE fifteen miles north of Bar rie Attractive two bedroom pine floors huge kitchen suit quiet girl couple Reduced rent lor occasional babysitting 5130 8352031 ONE BEDROOHM APARTMENT for rent Fridge stove $180 monthly 18 Penetang Street Available immediate ly Phone 726 3156 alter 4p ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT separate entrance parking stove and fridge and utilities included Allandale area Adults only $175 month Phone 7284221 Two BEDROOM apartment $225 mon thly ONE BEDROOM apartment $160 monthly Call alter pm Mr Kennedy 7282785 UNFURNISHED TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment in fairly new large home Fully broadloomed with access to large terrace and swimming pool Stove fridge cable TV heat and hydro includ ed First and last months rent required with minimum of six month lease $265 per month Abstainers preferred No children No pets Available immediate ly 728 4009 TWO BEDROOM Apartment close to downtown quiet building $250 monthly Stove refrigerator parking and utilities included Available immediately Telephone 7266633 17houses to rent PUGFTCOURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF FLORIDA ST PETERSBURG Luxury bedroom bath waterfront condominium All facilities health club Seasonal 7057462205 DB9IO151617 NEW CONDOMINIUM HOU SES For immediate rental bedrooms large illvlng room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent st 7283030 7265992 or 1589431 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom snml available immediately $375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Maglli rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 7284067 or 7263864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 bulltln stove and oven frlg washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stansfield 7263261 or 7288082 represen alive Canada Trust LARGE HOME for rent double garage greenhouse beautiful surroundings Located Bayfield Street Central Telephone 737 2600 or evenings 72652077 THREE BEDROOM house In Angus 5230 monthly plus utilities Telephone 15199235013 anytime TThSTF 17 hoqu to rent TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 7263257 between am and 9pm TWO BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE lMMEDIATELY on Clapperton St with fireplace and garage Rent $235 Telephone between am and pm 7263257 HILLSDALE bed rm farm house with barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $300 per month Call Ray Bubel 7263871 or 7289275 representing Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor THREE BEDROOM semi detached house Tall Trees area broadloomed garage Available December 30 $325 monthly First and last months rent re quired Call 7286321 alter pm 7269727 262 SHANTY BAY Road Kempenlelt Village beautifully wooded site two bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove in cluded Adults only no pets Available January lst Call 728 4590 THREE BEDROOM house vacant Rent $300 monthly Vespra and Brad lord Close to schools and bus 7269371 weekdays that Monday TWO BEDROOM winterized cottage at Little Lake furnished Utilities supplied $200 monthly Suit one or two males Telephone 7265276 MIDHURST MODERN two bedroom bungalow Oil heat garage Utilities in cluded Completely furnished $300 mon thly January lst to May tst Telephone 7282874 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Cozy two bedroom bungalow on acres plus small barn Dalston Call Barbara Hot Rep Unigroup Inc Broker 7371771 or 4873703 TWO BEDROOM home for rent143 Bur ton Avenue $235 monthly plus utilities Call Al Beacock 7371771 representing Unigroup Inc Real Estate TWO BEDROOM winterized cottage for rent Electric heat lnnistil Telephone 7370665 between am and pm alter 436 5154 THREE BEDROOM two storey home in Riverwood Farms two bathrooms main floor family room Fully broadloomed and immaculate Double paved drive garage landscaping fenced yard and huge covered patio Children welcome but no pets please Rent $360 per month Call 726 6018 after pm NEWLY DECORATED bedroom bungalow for rent years old broadloom lull basement garage Telephone 728 9745 TWO BEDROOM bungalow on highway 90 immediate possession $250 per month First and last month rent Call 7285753 after5pm THREE BEDROOM house for rent of sale in New Lowell Telephone 424 6363 CHARMING SIX ROOM farmhouse newly decorated propane heat country setting live minutes south of Barrie $300 includes hydro 436 3146 weekends or 416920 9236 weekdays John Wilkins TWO LUXURY townhouses for rent Three bedrooms two washrooms heated garage Adults only $290 mon thly Available now Telephone 726 2109 beloreBpm alter 416 489 3633 FOUR BEDROOM HOME with large two storey garage and workshop in rear Located in Minesing village $200 mon thly Available December 16th Tele phone 728 4379 after THREE BEDROOM home in downtown area Please call Hamilton Real Estate 737 190° 2oroorns to let FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale at bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 days or 728 0810 evenings CENTRAL FUFRCNISHEDCTROOMSI common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS lean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room for rent Kitchen privileges ladies prelerred 728 4268 or 728 0810 EXTRA LARGE furnished rooms share kitchen for singles or young couples linen supplied Dow7n7tow rea 726 6392 77 uiet building FURNISHED ROOM available immediately shared kitchen and bathroom broadloomed Please call 726 9399 alter430pm CLEAN FURNISHED rooms for rent Centrally located parking facilities Available immediately Phone 7374905 FURNISHED ROOMAvallable im mediately Downtown area Kitchen privileges Parking available Call 7281922 LARGE COMPLETELY furnished and selfcontained housekeeping room Suit lady Available immediately Central Telephone 728 0755 23oflices lstores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACE available from 125 to 1200 square feet Rental rate $450 per sq ft Call Bill Sakarls National Trust Company 728 9201 TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square feet each can be ioined together $150 man thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent available December lst Allandale loca tion 500 square feet $235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 atter6pmor 726 4621 daily RETAIL 0R OFFICE SPACE as sublet from current tenant 300600 square feet near Five Points 726 3822 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal for retail store stores offices Also basement storage space available with Ideal loading unloading area Main downtown Barrie 7260988 WANTED small building for millwork manufacturing Approximately 1200 sq ft 728 3495 24space for r8111 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq lt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14 lt18 lt clear part at large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll COMMERCIALANDINDUSTRIALpro pertles for sale or rent Morlell Limited Real Estate 728 0674 WANTED STORAGE SPACE approx lmately 1000 square feet storage space for machinery unheated Consider barn Telephone 726 4801 business hours 2593 rages HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car repairs Hourly or daily rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Shop 7395 79997993 10 WANTED Garage to store car for the winter Telephone 726 1250 alter 600 pm LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS 85 hOLlseflcchWeGWII yd Nhs 40 styles Nlc cvcntlps No 1790 plerchg Caluctics Castuta lanclcry Ollot sort lets GEORGIAN MALL 7281380 FENDLFYS FLOWERS Two stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Alliston 4354365 Christmos arrangements OPoinsettias Azaloas Potted mums Mixed pans °Gloxinias Cyclamen PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Fuly OSIIppers Shoos Snow Boots Evaning Shoes Hand Bags it tificatos NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 26 DUNLOP ST 7283881 014 Authorhed Salas Service FLICTROLUX CANADA 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 Aak for free home demon ration commercial floor vacuum cleaners polishars rug sham airvaults D24 FOX HOUND OBridlas ORiding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST 7282431 27 cottages to rent THREE BEDROOM winterized cottage available Immediately in Big Bay Point with fireplace and broadloom throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet ween am and 9pm 726 3257 32 cm for ode ONE OWNER TRADEIN 1974 Dotsun 710 Llc No HUF 093 1800 cc engine four speed 40000 miles All ser vice records available Showroom condition PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY FOR ONLY $72195 IMCOE DATSUN 549 Bayfiold St iust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 09 1965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 327 Cer tilled $6500 or trade for four wheel drive 726 1001 or 726 9005 I973 JAVELIN AMX automatic power steering and brakes bucket seats with console 360 engine new radials with chrome reverses on rear Excellent con dltion $2110 Call 458 4538 1973 M68 body rustprooled and solid original paint good tires mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully certilied 40000 miles Price $2400 Call George 7282485 days 726 2815evenlngs 1976 AMC PACER 25000 miles Ex cellent condition Radio automatic One owner Certified $2900 or best offer Must sell Telephone 7289881 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and Interior ex cellent Good mechanically Owner will certify $7507Call 726 6618 1966PLYMOUTH six automatic suitable for parts $75 or best offer Telephone 728 1697 alter pm 1968 PONTIAC lair shape 317 motor mechanically sound 1959 BUICK ex cellent Interior blue metallic exterior and mechanically lll Both cars wlnteriz ed snow tires 726 5731 1972 CORTINA running condition wIth Shelby 60s on rear also track $225 or best offer Telephone 7276 8693 $500 CERTIFIED $400 as is 1967 Ford custom body and motor In excellent can dl7tlo7n Telephone 726 57485 alter pm MADE IN CANADA Domestic pooers seat chests garment 931 ELLIOTTS DECORATING CENTRE Specialists in Custom Draperies Cushions for Christmas Badspreads other gift Items IAYFIFLD MALL IARIIE 7267292 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH Quits afghons rrucrame Ituflod toys hondkniu some antiques AID VAIITY OF MDTMBGITS load 10 Angel mu fre AIM 8141609 014 ARTISTIC FRAMING ARI SUPPLIES PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURI FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND HESIORED FINE FRAMING FDR NEEDIEPOINI PHOIUS CERTIFICATES so TIFle 7262800 Pile Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tablas Wash Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices HURONIA HANDCRAFIED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Eskimo carvings OParkas 0Moccasins Jewellry Swoaters Wintar Boots Pottory OLeather crafts Cindian crafts Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 2610 Staynar North miles to Mosley East mile OPEN days Phone 4292108 D24MP 32 cars for ado OUTSTANDING VALUE 1976 Dotsun 710 Lic No MFE 537 2000 cc engine four speed electric defrost radio and many other extras lm moculata inside and out ONLY $2895 IMCOE DATSUN 549 Bayflold St iust north of Georgian Mall Barrio 7370254 09 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS tour door HT air PW Very good shape $1400 certified Call Neil at 835 5791 home or 726 6411 office 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS immaculate condition tour door low mileage V8 automatic wIlI certify $2600 Tole phone 726 6925 I969 NOVA 55 excellent condition new motor and transmission maps and tires brand new Telephone 322 1390 alter pm best Offer 1971 HORNET cylinder automatic radio radial tires low mileage good condition $550 uncertilled or $650 cer tilled Telephone 728 6729 1972 MATADOR four door new paint Certified S599 Telephone 435 6377 1960 FORD certified 3399 Four door automatic Telephone 435 6322 17766 PONTIAC $399 Certified Automatic two door Telephone 437756322 75 MONTE CARLO Llc No KEM 053 V8 auto PS PB and windows 25000 original miles Original paint like new inside and out PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY FOR ONLY 549 Bayflold St iust north of Georgian Mall Barrio 7370254 09 mt1 Kcarr 67171297771715 Snowmobiles Warm clothing Snawmobila helmets toquos bolaclava boots OR THINK SUMMER Watar skiis wet suits condos atc SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 018 The Little Professor sweaters 33223 Musical Gift Suggestions Wll HchtuiI Pianos Orgl lamps accessories Yb Include yr 52 music lessons INN any new or used organ ONevr medn bult Hunlends frum$669 lc Emma 33 DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE Iayflold Mal 7373572 on leading and I73 lduoutlonIIServlm ï¬t moo3 7260041 or LASTS ALL YEAR cvoriigs OMalm ninth facts fun jolly 16ooo QUESTIONS IN rlus way MINUS otvmm It remember flooding the kay to school succau turn your child has the key 014 Jetlinar Skyway Samsonite Dionila HANDBAGS loothar Suoda Vinyl WALLETS Duxton TillayRolf Attache aces brinlcalu glovoa scarves evening bogs sportbags tatabogs gills ItAIIIIIt LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 726529 SLFIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED CBS $49 to $99 Antennas $999 AMIFM track car stereos $89 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drill sets $25 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 Dl9 32 or for Id 1969 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER Ex cellent condition 383 four speed Recent paint job and overhaul new rubber and rims $1800 or best reasonable after 728 6905 1972 MERCURY COMET one owner 250 Six cylinder automatic heavy duty suspension AM radio snow tires Must be driven to be appreciated No reasonable offer refused Uncurtifiud Telephone 737 3474 alter 1976 MERCURY BOBCAT two door four cylinder automatic 22000 miles $2750 In excellent condition Telephone 728 9723 1974 VOLKSWAGEN good condition radial tires radio Asking $1800 Telephone 456 3823 1977 MUSTANG II three door 302 V8 bar root auto radio with tape radial tires 9000 miles 1976 Thunderbird air AMFM stereo tinted glass Call 72664119am t05pm 1973 VEGA RED WITH BLACK in terior automatic body in excellent con dition New motor Asking $1100 cor tilled Telephone 487 3483 1973 CHALLENGER J40 AUTOMATIC CONSOLE bucket seats black vinyl roof new air shocks Best reasonable of fer accepted Certilicd 728 0867 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS door hard top power steering power brakes VB automatic 58000 miles very clean con dition snow tires certified 737 0966 1975 HONDA HATCHBACK four speed 28000 miles Good condition Call 7371512 after pm 75 IMPALA FOUR door hardtop air conditioned till steering wheel sately checked new tires etc $2900 or best of for 728 4832 or 726 2241 after pm 1969 METEOR RIDEAU two door good condition good gas mileage new ex haust new brakes Asking $400 Telephone 737 4856 1973 BUICK CENTURY Luxus vinyl roof engine good body very good re cent paint extras winterized Including new snows Any reasonable offer con sldered 726 2474 728 2366 1972 PINTO for sale door runabout rebuilt engine and transmission safety checked Telephone 726 0451 between am and 7pm 1966 AMBASSADOR Station Wagon body fairly good will pass test good tires good motor Needs some brake work Telephone 726 8019 alter pm 33cars wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 °$2495 battery not Included your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They last all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arrive at iust the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 N1 Something for His Car AUDIOVOX CB Transceivers Aerials Tapa decks Cor Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri tiI 530pm Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories D24 334939350 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Free anytime 436 2900 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288lll 37477trucks nd trailers 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562 alter 5pm 1975 GMC THREE QUARTER TON four wheel drive power steering power brakes radio and CB gauge package automatic $4650 Myers plowing equip ment $750 456 3840 after pm 1974 GMC ton pickup standard 350 V8 newly painted condition $2100 Telephone 322 2696 1972 FORD ECONOLINE van long box standard insulated certilied $1850 New tires Telephone 737 3445 1977 FORD 250 V8 automatic PB and PS 13000 miles new condition Telephone 737 0628 1969 CHEV xz TON eight cyllnder 350 engine cap Good running condition Body lust been done $1000 Telephone 424 5657 61 GMC TON Excellent condition Certiliable Good winter starter $350 firm Telephone 728 8156 alter6 pm CUSTOM SHAG VAN 1974 Ford 302 automatic power brakes trailer hitch radial tires New custom paint Camping equipment slides In or remove for truck ing Telephone 436 3897 evenings 35service and repairs MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or imports 737 0724 alter 630 or weekends 38snowmo7bi71es ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE ACCESSORIES IARRIF Sold at SPORT HAVEN MARIN Shanty Icy 7261001 Top immediate pickup My27 i976 SKI DOO OLYMPIC 300 twin ex cellent shape never licensed Less than MINOLTA CAMERA SRT 102 SLR with twenty hours on machine Asking $1000 Call Neil at 835 5791 home or 196 6411 of llce 38 snowmobiles 1973 MOTOSKI Capri 295 Twin with Cover like new $575 1970 SKIDOO Nor dlc 399 Twin Excellent Condition $375 Call 7289750 1972 ARTIC CAT Good condition Must sell Telephone 4241926 40 alleles for do ANTEN MILLS commit STORE its cold outside so were closing for the winter Also clearing my collections consisting of china glass bottles and old books Also furniture players radio record radios washing machine and books 14 ft new canoe paddles 45 HP Evinrudo and much much more SATURDAY SUNDAY December 10 811 95 HWY 27 NORTH OF BARRIE 12 miles east on County Road 22 7263677 D9 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking $72950 T7eeph0ne7772787719707777 777 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 4363584 USED SKATES and skate exChande Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop St 726 3200 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL$75200 or trade for four wheel drive 7261001 or 72679005 FIREwoODf htixdd hdidwood Fréé deliveryTelephone 327272390 77777 777 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice of style finish coffee tables $125 end tables from $65 7371039 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Berkel scales gas steam table two pot size commercial floor scrubber and polisher hot peanut machine Items $50 each Also twin stroller $20 Telephone 728 4825 alter5pm I$AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself Wida selection of discount fabrics °Foam cushions Tools both amateur professional °Needies threads twinos Buttons mode to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 WThFTF FIREWOOD Assorted split and delivered $27 50 per lace cord Reduced price lor quality orders or cut your own 510 per lace cord CaI1895 2014 POINTSETTIAS up to blooms in inch pnts$399 while they last Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 726 2951 BLACK AND WHITE console televismn for sale Some minor repairs needed Telephone 726 6233 HAMMOND PIPE ORGAN like new one keyboard $695 Telephone 728 8796 alter colon TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Flectrollome per unit $495 20 Toshiba par vui $390 20 RCA XLIOO per week $565 26 Panasonic per neck $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL JANUARY 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARII SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 DB 15 AREA RUG 100 wool light green $95 set of ladies downhill skis $35 Iadies ski boots size $15 Telephone 728 9626 LIMITED NUMBER olfactory seconds now in Stock Most only slightly marked Single double and queen Barrie Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop downtown Barrie 728 9922 GAUGE TRAIN layout partially finished 40 72 table complete with two trains $85 00 childs spring horse large size $1500 telephone 726 6204 BOX TRAILER for sale x8 13 tires $11500 Call 728 6532 after 500pm ORGANS Conn Lovrray Wurlitzcr Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient lovawav blah PONIINGS MUSIC CENTRE 688 Maple Av Barrlu 7261800 D9 FRENCH PROVINCIAL chesterlield suite two piece turquoise $150 good condition Cookstown area Telephone 458 4246 ICE SCOOT air boat 65 hp Continental aircraft motor Needs some work on the scoot $500 Telephone 728 4081 FREEZER 23 cubic Inch chest type Gibson also clock stereo bar and radio combined In grandlather clock made In Germany Both excellent condition 424 5310 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season all right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start TF VACUUM CLEANERS for sale iIn brand new condition 7264338 COPPERTOVNE FRIDGE and stove $390 Chesterfield and chair $150 end table $15 all in good condition Telephone 72778740743 or 726 45757al717er 5730 pm telephoto wide angle and standard tense case and many extras Call after pm 737 3995 two Electrolux one Super and Ap100Both Telephone the axamlnor Thursday Dec 1977 21 40mfersdo MUSIC Largest book and sheet music selection In town Clock sheet music 0A8 Instructional Material Dllcount to teachers elect order urvlcc Olnrgc selection of Christmas hymns and corals Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient onaway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE 688 Maple Avc Barrie 7261800 WESTINGHOUSE WASHER new harvest gold commercial type heavy duty $2007Telephone 4365305 77 MUSCOBIE DUCKS for sale live or dress plus breeding stock Call 14282393 SMOWPLOW ft hydraulic with at tachments blade is capped $450 firm Can be seen alter pm Telephone Al 7282866 REUPHOLSTERS your shelterbe chub labor Id fabric Included up to 15 yds Inc pickup delvory In 871 to 10 day service Pickup delivery included STONFS UPHOLSTERING Burla 7265721 TWO STEEL RADIAL snow tires Used one month size BR78 13 For further information telephone 4562924 MINOLTA CAMERA SRT 102 SLOR with telephoto wide angle and standard Iense case and many extras Call after pm 7373995 UkRGE DOUBLE wardrobe for sale Antique in good condition $400 Telephone 72825747 77 GIANT RCA XL100 We have RCA XLIOO solid state color por tablus new In crates for only $466 or pay just $475 weekly on our Rental Purchase Plan No money down no payments liI January 1978 Phone tonight delivery tonight KRAIY KILLYS Barrio Plaza 7371182 08 SKIS size 210 mens and 165 ladies with bindings and poles Also mens and ladies ski bogts Best offer 728 3169 alter75p7n71 CROSS COUNTRY SKIS 84 inch shoes and poles Good condition Asking $35 Call after pm 7261456 PIANOS OMASON RFISCH SHERLOCK MANNING Also Grand Piano Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Iayaway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE 688 Maple Ave Barrio 7261800 D9 COUCH AND CHAIR $50 Electrohome turntable with speakers $60 In good condition Telephone 424 0656 ALPINE SKIS 5ft poles and boots size $25 boys English shoes size brown $10 All in excellent condition Telephone 726 6616 BLACK ANDWHITE Eieitrohomecon sole television 23 inch in excellent working condition $775 Phone7726 4218 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA XLIOO colour Spanish to the floor console television Automatic colour automatic fine turning No money down No payments until Jmuory Phona tonight delivery tonight IRAIY KELLYS Barrie Plaza 7371182 DB 42 articles wanted BABY BASSINET wanted wicker with or without stand In good condition Reasonable Telephone 7370690 daytime or7371915eve7nlngs M7 WANTED TO BUY 1500 bales of good quality hay Telephone 4364111 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 MAY5 POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Reas onable rates Phone 7260061 DOGHOUSE PLANS Easy to build ken net tested design build yourself and save Plans and instructions $890 Wayne Blank PO Box 301 Burlord On tario NOE 1A0 7777 ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel puppies Your chance to get quality springer at reasonable price Phone 7286342 after pm or anytime on weekends OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies Great stocking stuffers Pure registered Interestedt 16458176 after 6pm Bracebridge GERMAN SHEPHERD pups registered needles tattooed Males and females Ideal gift for Christmas Telephone 726 1940 KITTENS FREET 000 HOME SIX WEEKS OLD Litter box trained two females two males Both parents good mousers Call anytime 7284579 POODLE PUPPIES white sevenweeks old male and female $100 Toy male for stud services 7289783 49 christmos trees CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE All sizes Now on Sale KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 93 Barczy St corner of Codrington St Lot open daily 9om to 10pm 08910H CUT YOUR OWN AT GILLESPIES100 acres of Barrie Oro Line off No 11 Weekends only7 777 SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES at Leighs tree farm Hawkstone village south from highway 11 at Simcoe Road 20 Open continuously till December 24th 4872645 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 57Iivestock for sale PONY FOR SALE well mannered good for children asking $50 Telephone 7269277 SIXTY REGISTERED and grade Hols tein cows and calves Market sharing quota to be sold with h817dl7 5719323 2941 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail ableAlsofarmfresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811777 647fa7rnT machinery DAVID BROWN 990 EXCELLENT CONDITION NEW ENGINE NEW TIRES POWER STEERING CALL 7264536 67fruitsAvegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Ora Telephone 7288489 or 736 1902 09599 $99967 68personals HOLIDAY IN THE SUN At TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies from November onward Efficiency units from $75 week for two persons Phone Barrie 7283136 for information WTh FN30 BOX SPRING and mattress vinyl headboard baby carriage Kenner Knit Matic baseball gloves girls clothing size 1014 arborite coffee table other toys 726 1171 Two MINI BIKES and two snowmobiles for sale Best offer Call 726 0099 Ask for Bill SNOWBLOWER horse power Viking 21 $275 In good condition Also 1970 Snow Prince snowmobile electric start 5100 Telephone 424 5318 Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list Classified Gift Spotter MENS HUNTING JACKET down fill around camel colour $20 7289919 model very good condition after pm 726 4046 turntable two months old asking $500 Telephone 737 2216 SNEIDER RIFLE Martine 22 Cana dian made muzzle loader 218 BEE modern and collectors ammunition loading tools Call 4245586 after pm 71 METEOVIRNIOUF door hardtopPower steering power brakes As is $400 or best offer Telephone evenings 726 5072 76 FIREBIRD FORMULA 400four bar rel PS and PB power windows rear window defogger AM FM cassette 14000 miles Telephone 726 3415 JACCUZZI JET PUMP lor shallow or deep well almost new 13 hp Telephone 7373895 REFRIGERATOR RCA Whirlpool Mollat stove deluxe pressed back chairs press back armchair Dining room table thermol top builtin leaf office chairs wooden couch three cushions conversation piece hand made very sturdy Hairdressers chair Blender Van Wyck Electric knife Col lee maker rarely used Old wooden single bed and springs bookcase head board springs 7373698 DRUMS MUST SELL 13 piece pearl drum set years old excellent condi tion asking only $975 value new $1800 c911 al7te7r 5007pm 72676717157 REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIOO corvod wood cabinet to the floor Collars total automatic color Illuminated channels digital UHF Instant on Take over payments of 819 per month Phone tonight Delivery tonight What eke IIAIY KELLYS Burris Plaza 7371182 08 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 COINS WANTED accumulations col lections of Canadian or American cop per silver gold Highest cash paid by collector 72 4544 REQUIRED Good used items 61 all kinds for the needy SALVATION AR MY 60 Colller St 72873794 WAR DROBE good conditIBh TelephOrte 299671 WEIGHT LIFTING EQUIPMENT of any kind wanted Telephone 4240214 ElleLpfllz ed reversible red and beige brand new Extra large Cost $50 sell for $25 Young mens Ju suede iacket size 36 fur trim all 26 COLOUR TV MagnaVOx console Contact YAMAHA RICIioo receiver and PA YA ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 if you drink thats your business If you we ttoquitthatsoursCall anytime RI ING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 792 anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 7372671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call 728 0902 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 7372972 VACATION SERVICE Need someone to look after your mail plants or pets at reasonable rate Service available from Barrie to Gillord east of Hwy 400 E5e€15°5€°3 CATERING No party too small Christmas parties bullets hors doeuvres Hot or cold Guaranteed Reasonable rates 726 4940 DONALD HARNDEN of RR Stroud will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name from this date forward December 1977 without my written consent JOHN DUSSAULT of Reichwald Loop Borden will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name from this date forward December 1977 without my written consent 71 Itclp wanted ATTENTION Immediate positions Available with local company SIX FULLTIME PEOPLE Good earning opportunity fExcollent opportunity for ADVANCEMENT Must be neat In appearance Must have car No experience necessary Phone for personal terview 7267407 in 010 SCOTIA BANK requires CONSUMER CREDIT TRAINEES Previous credit experience helpful but not necessary Please apply in person to BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA lDunIop St Barrio Ont MR DE BLOEME 013 llllllIIllllIIIllIIlIIlllIlIllllllllllllllIl KIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED non for our planned advancement program Call 7261205 TF llIIlIlllIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ lllIIlllllL