the examiner Wednesday Dec 1977 23 ataglanoe Iiyeyearold Rachel Dennanuale of 25 liinop SL had her first real taste of inter this week when she yenured downtown just as storm was beginning Luckily for Rachel though she as ell prepared for the cold wind conditions Examiner lholoi Our $15 to $19 top label Dress Shirts are now 88 for $25 at Jack Fraser this week The best advrce we can give you is shop early for first come best choice selection Its that kind of extra special value Take the fabric Its luxury blend of polyester and cotton In yarn dyed stripe plain print and check assortment Then theres the added quality which youd expect to find from such respected Canadian maker Thirdly theres the Importance of fit Its not too tapered not too full comfort personified With so many features small wonder these shirts have been selling well at 15 to 19 dollars At 888 or still better for $25 our armload price its probably going to be the best shirt value in town See for yourself Gather up some sale priced ties while youre at it Rich hues In this seasons patterns speCIally priced at 399 each or for $10 JACK FRASER Bayfield Mall Barrie The doctor says Erysipelas strep infection By THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson About four weeks ago woke up to find my leg was paining and felt hot Later it broke out in rash Finally it was diagnosed as erysipelas bacteria infection was given pain pills and also penicillin Now the rash is gone but the pain continues Please tell me what erysipclas is and how long before the pain goes away Mrs This is strep infection of the skin also known as St An thonys fire It most often breaks out on the face When it does elsewhere as on your leg diagnosis can be missed easily The culprits are hemolytic bacteria they attack the red blood cells The classic symp toms are as you reportva sud den onset of rash usually dis tinct raised red round or oval patch that is hot to the touch Chills fever sometimes nausea and vomiting follow Its sometimes mistaken for contact dermatitis but an examination of the matter in the pustules identifies the bac teria If detected early and treated with antibiotics it usually disappears in from one to two weeks and the fever disap pears with the redness and skin temperature It is not always evident how the bacteria invade the skin but it is usually through wound or an abrasion Hand to face is common route so the patient has to be kept away from others to avoid contact Cold compresses usually re lieve the itching and pain that can accompany erysipelas ipronounced EIIrihSIPcIus It is not dangerous unless in fections become chronic or if it affects infants the very old or the inf irm Hopefully by the time you read this it will be only bad memory Better treatment of cuts and scratches has made the problem less common In re cent years At one time out breaks were not uncommon Dear Dr Thosteson would like your explanation of an incarcerated ventral hernia Is there any way of treating it lam 75 and obese Mrs Lets define some terms briefly hernia is pushing or bulging of tissue through an ab normal opening The one that most often comes to mind is that of section of bowel through weakening in the ab dominal membrane ventral hernia is one occurring at the site of some abdominal surgery often because of in complete healing of tissue following the surgery An in carcerated hernia is one that is pinched in the opening Its usually fat or bowel This usually causes great pain and the threat of gang erene exists because blood supply is shut off to the sec tioni In emergencies the patient is placed flat on his back and the hernia gently pushed back into the abdomen Surgery is essential for correc tion Your obesity is likely factor Dear Dr Thosteson Ive been told that the evening meal is important for the person who has hypoglycemia Why is this so and what about the other two meals Well breakfast is certainly important Its necessary to recharge the system after night of fasting However the evening meal is just as impor tant and some would say per haps even more so highpro tein snack before retiring can provide sufficient protein to take one through the night Pro tein is used more slowly by the brxly But every meal is important for the person with low blood sugar This is why several smaller feedings with an emr phasis on proteins is recom mended Ihat way the body has an ample and steady supply of the slowcrrlnirning protein thus avoiding the sharp ups and downs of the blood sugar tlllll ration BRIDGE Safety play best at 2NT EST 10 in ii mi Ill llI 10 ll ti AK AK in ii Both vulnerable West North fiast outh NI Nl Pass Pass la5s Pass Opening lead AA swald James Jacoby South held minimum or really subrninirnum no trump so he passed at two North really should have bid three but it was well for his side that he didnt jump to game West led out four rounds of spades South was on lead and naturally enough led club and ducked in dummy ACROSS 38 Throwmg disk DH Push away 39 Actress Dunne Wintry glaze 41 Navy ship Swamps prefix abbr 12 Grasping 42 Volts to 13 Hockey 46 Depressron ini league abbr tials 14 Private high 47 Singer Harris school 49 Written colloq avowal of 15 Small com debt 16 Zero 50 Adams 17 Actor Sharif grandSOn 18 Resentment Fewer 19 Hope Lat 52 Insect egg 21 One of the 53 Distant Gershwms prefix 22 Perfume 54 Prepare copy ingredient 55 Mao 24 Mel tung 26 Church body 56 Chicago 28 Ventilated transit lines 29 Ostnchlike bird DOWN 30 Genetic material Colored band abbr Overthrows 31 Former boy Four score 32 Code dot and ten 33 Stops Insecticide 35 Stir the fire Hostels daily crossword East was in with the jack and led the deuce of dia monds to Souths king Now South led second club and ducked in dummy for the second time West held the trick with the nine but now South was home since durnmys three clubs were now good Usually safety plays of this type are only made in rubber bridge This hand was played in rnatchpoint game but the safety play was just as correct or maybe even more correct in that game The reason is that South was sure that practically all declarcrs would be in three notruinp and would almost surely make that contract if clubs broke 32 Hence South would just play safe for the contract he was in ruin Jr °Z New Mexico reader wants to know what we bid with AAKQJXXV Axx If in response to partners fourheart opening We just pass and hope that our partner will make 10 tricks Answer to PreVIous Puzzle Frfigment 33 Wanted She Fr 34 Animal lover Fleet p05 36 Dog house office abbr 37 Enlls Weasel 10 Approached 38 Pa 11 Spindnh 40 Ameliorates 19 Fragrant 43 Isnt SI 20 N059 44 Supermans inflammation girl 23 DefICIent 25 Gifted speaker 45 Early smnged 27 Asks roi SWmem payment 48 Landing boat 28 Sums 50 Summer Fr AstroG raph Dec 1977 Pleasant surprises are in store for you this coming year Sev eral people hidden in the wings will be arranging good things for y0u SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your impulsive generosity is your finest attribute today Youll help those less for tunate and you will insist on doing it secretly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Have no qualms about meeting someone new today Youll Winthrop ALL Rialf 60$OLI SAN BIC36551 BLOW iiIIE BUBBLEONTHEBLCXZK Short Ribs make an excellent first impres sion on both the high and mighty and the lowly and hum ble AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 It may take bit of competition to bring forth your full potential today When you hear the pack on your heels youll really come on PISCES Feb 20March 20 Bar gains can be found among goods of foreign origin today If you have little time duck into an import shop and browse ARIES March 21Aprll19 Busi ness situations are flexible today Take advantage of your opponunities and you could move ahead If you daydream the parade will pass you by WONDER WHY THE SHERIFF WEARING SHERIFF IS WALKING Bugs Bunny DEMAND RAISE Wizard Id Frank and Ernest Tilie FRIENDS Kcc gAy SOMEithb SWEET TO HE minimum FOUND DENKNIFE LASNIGHT ANDY THINK ITS YOURS NRTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 AN ARTISTYA SHOULDNT EVEN CHECK ERNIES ALPHABET SOUP are be be UNDERWEAR DO YA THINK DA VINCI ASKED HOW MUCH THEY WERE GONNA DAY HIM PAINT ITS VERY UNUSUAL JACKie ITS ONLY PENKNIFE BULLETPEOOF LONG TAURUS April 20May 20 You can no longer afford the luxury of more deliberation regarding decisions you should have made You may be squeezed Into doing it today GEMINI May 21June 20 To day it behooves you to use updated equipment or methods in your job Dont fear little experimentation it will prob ably work out well CANCER June 21July 22 Bypass your usual haunts today Look for some place different for lunch or coffee You stand good chance of meeting someone very inter esting LEO July 23Aug 22 While you give the outward appearance of 2200 LONG JNDERWEAIZ tgllbyNEAJthll MUS Pal someaow HE ALWAYS MANAGES TO TALK ME 1977mwmei Bros Inc Reg US Pal 0ft Bernice Bede Osol being selfassured today you may be very uncertain Inside Guard against foollsh decl sion VIRGO Aug zitSept 22 Bright ideas from out of the blue may flash through your mind today Write them all down for the future LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Theres possibilitiy you can profit today from some unusual happenstance You could dis cover forgotten article among your possessions SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 If you wait for approval of your ideas today you could be the loser Trust your own genlus for improvisation HE HAD ME PUTEM IN STARCH ZETIMES TALKING KCCK THE tDKEEvOol ME Klan mane MATE OF MINE IN THE SHIPYARI MADE IT uo Id sn 06v niouvaiilausi THNES 127 reason niauiilausia YOU DONTSEE MANY LIKE lTONE BLADE AN FOUR COQKSCREWS Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use