the examiner Wadnaaday Doc 1917 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS or house when momma Vgs40stylos le evoIItips No ml To Cosmetics CostIo louolory Nat sort sets GEORGIAN MALL 7281380 FENDLEYS FLOWERS Tao stores to serve you 7285975 74 Blake Barrie Hwy 89 King St Alliston 4354365 Christmas arrangements Poinsettias Azaleas OPotted mums OMixed pans PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Farnly °Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags tiflcates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 014 Authorized Solos Service ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283392 Ask for free home demon strotion vacuum cleaners rug sham commercial floor polishers airvaults D24 FOX 120L000 TACKSHUP its OBridIes ORiding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE Ill DUNLOP ST 1282431 024 52minute ONE OWNER TRADEIN 1974 Datsun 710 Lic No HUF on 1800 cc engine four opaad 40000 miles All ser vice records available Showroom condition PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY FOR ONLY $2195 Bo DATSUN 549 Bayfield St lust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 D9 I975 PLYMOUTH FURY Sports 30000 miles excellent gas mileage bucket seats vinyl root radial tires excellent condition Will certily $2750 Telephone 71170879 1976 AMC PACER 25000 miles Ex collont condition Rado automatic One owner Certllied $2900 or best nller Mustselt Telephone 728 9881 I977 FIREBIRD Espirit metallic maroon white interior buc kets console strip scoop tinted glass rally wheels rodials radio etc $6200 or best otter mom my MN 510 Body and interior ex collant Good mechanically Owner Will cortlly $750£ali 726 6618 75 MONTE CARLO Lic No KEM 053 V8 auto PS PB and windows 25000 original miles Original paint Ilka new Inside and out PRICED TO SELL IMMEDIATELY ran ONLY $3695 meg DATSU 549 Bayfield St lust north of Georgian Moll Barrie 7370254 MADE IN CANADA Domestic pooers seat chests garment 09 ELLIOTTS DECORATING CENTRE Specialists In Custom Draperies Cushions for Christmas Bedspreads other gift items BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE 7267292 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH Qtllts afghons mocrama stuffed 09 handknits some onllqus III VABNTY OF OIBTMAS GITS Ctrtr Iced 10 Iron owes tre Am 4241609 my ARTISTIC FRAMING ARI SUPPLIES PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMlNG PAINTINGS CLEANED ANO RESTORED RNE FRAMING FOR NEEDLEPOINT PHOTOS CERTIFICATES Io TIFFIN 7262800 01 Pita Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tables Wash Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices HURONIA HANDCRAFTED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS OEskimo carvings OParkas Moccasins Jewellry Sweaters Winter Boots Pottery OLeather crafts Olndian crafts Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 26 to Stayner North 3V miles to Mosley East mlle OPEN days Phone 4292108 D24MP 32cars for sde OUTSTANDING VALUE 1976 Datsun 710 Lic No MFE 537 2000 cc engine four speed electric defrost radio and many other extras Im maculate inside and out ONLY $2895 UINICQLE OATSUN 549 Bayfield St lust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 09 I966 SUItable tor parts Telephone 728 1697 alter PLYMOUTH six automatic $75 or best otter 1968 PONTIAC lair shape 327 motor mechanically sound 1959 BUICK ex cellent interior blue metallic exterior and mechanically lit Both cars winteriz ed snow tires 726 5731 I972 CORTINA running condition with Shelby 60s on rear also track $225 or best otter Telephone 726 8693 I972 MERCURY MARQUIS tour door HT air PW very good shape $1400 cerlilied Call Neil at 835 5791 home or 726 6411 otiico 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS immaculate condition lour door low mileage V8 automatic Will certin $2600 Tele phone 726 6925 I969 NOVA SS excellent condition new motor and transmission mags and tires brand new Telephone 3221390 alter pm best otter I971 HORNET cylinder automatic radio radial tires low mileage good condition $550 uncertilied or $650 cer titied Telephone 728 0729 I969 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER Ex cellent condition 383 four speed Recent paint iob and overhaul new rubber and rims $1800 or best reasonable otter 728 6905 1972 MERCURY COMET one owner 250 six cylinder automatic heavy duty suspension AM radio snow tires Must be driven to be appreciated Nd reasonable otter refused Uncertiiied Telephone 737 3474 alter pm 1976 MERCURY BOBCAT two door tour cylinder automatlc 22000 miles $2750 In exceltent condition Telephone 728 9723 Mont1 162701756617671745 Srtowmobiles Warmclathing OSnowmobile helmets sweaters toquos balaclova boats 00R THINK SUMMER Water sklIs wet suits condos otc SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 018 The Little Professor any jJ Craig Roadhg and Educational Sorvlcos Inc 115 outpsi 7260041 or 7267987 overhgs tMokos lath facts tun 016000 QUESTIONS IN PLUS MINUS DIVIDED BY °$2495 battery not Inclodod Reading Is the key to school success Be sure your child has the key DI4 Samsonite Jatliner Dionila Skyway HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinyls WALLETS BuxtonTilleyRoll Attache cases brlalcosas gloves scarves evening bags sportbags totabogs gifts BARRIE LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 7265291 SLEIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED CBs $09 to $99 Antennas $999 AMFM track car stereos $89 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS driII sets $25 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 AND GIFTS 37 DUNLOP ST BARRlE 52 cas for sdo W74 VOLKSWAGEN good condition radial tires radio Asking 81800 Telephone 456 3823 1977 MUSTANG II three door 302 V8 bar root auto radio with tape radial tires 9000 miles 1976 Thunderbird air AMFM stereo tinted glass Call 726 64119am 105pm I973 VEGA RED WITH BLACK In terior automatic body in excellent con dition New motor Asking $1100 cer titled Telephone 487 3483 I973 CHALLENGER 340 AUTOMATIC CONSOLE bucket seats black vinyl root new air shocks Best reasonable at ier accepted Certilled 728 0867 $500 CERTIFIED $460 as Is 1967 rm custom body and motor In excellent con dition Telephone 726 5485 alter pm I972 MATADOR tour door new paint Certlliedss99 Telephone 415 6322 1968 FORD Certilied $399 Fou also automatic Telephone 435 6322 1966 PONTIAC 399 Certiiied Automatic two door Telephone 435 6322 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS door hard top power steering power brakes V8 automatic 58000 miles very clean con dition snow tires certltied 737 0966 33cars wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and arts top prices paid Free pickup Te ephone 726 8487 WAN TE Clean usedLCars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales GowanVStrno 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motor Limited 119 Bradiord Street Barrie 81 Musical Gift Su estlons 99 It WIls Hahn Pianos tonI leaps accessories We bdodo yr 52 aaslc lessons FREE with any new or used orgI Ill 014 7873572 Hoa salon bolt tinends from $669 those OrgI Moolc OraidtatberCIocks DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR ioIIy way to remember yourtriends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arriv at just the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 NI Something for His Car AUDIOVOX 0C8 Transceivers Aerials Tape docks Car Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri 11I530pm Sat pm Attractive buys an all auto accessories D24 excellent 34 trucks for sdo INTERNATIONAL 1975 with two way Frink sander box front PTO Price $9500 1971 TANDEM TANKER 3300 with gravity mater $7000 IH 1975 cab forward 9000 front and 19000 rear axle Will take 24 ft body $6500 HYHOE truck mounted $9500 IH I700 cab over will take 28 ft body $3500 73 FORD stake truck with taIIgata loader CHEVROLET 1975 small dual wheel van LW HART MOTORS LTD IHDealer 400HwyBarrle 7283026 D7 1975 F250 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562 alter pm 1975 8200 34 TON DODGE WINDOW VAN pb automatic =Vs va cruise contro HID springs and shocks root vent llnished Interior Insulated AMFM stereo eight track undercoated 32000 miles 53600 4662826 1975 GMC THREE QUARTER TON tour wheel drive power steerlng power brakes radio and CB gauge package automatic $4650 Myers plowing equip ment $750 4563840 alter pm 1976 DODGE V2 ton cylinder automatic radio low mileage Also 1972 Volkswagen camper van with pop up top radials good shape 7261651 or 4246463 1974 GMCV ton pickup standard 356 vs newly painted condition $2100 Telephone 3222696 1972 FEEDEEWELINE 9536666 V8 standard Insulated certllled 51850 New tires Telephone 737 3445 W77 cone 250 vs automatic earsTa PS 13000 miles new condition Telephone737 0628 1969 CHEV TON eight cylinder 350 engine cap Good running condition Body lust been done 31000 Telephone 424 5657 utruksferodo 1967 FORD V2 ton pick Uncertlllod Asking 3350 Telephone 73 41325 35service and repairs Do It Yourself and Sovo You do the work we supply tools shop space knowledge Hour Road Service Snowplowlng Its BODY SHOP unsureass 111 IortoaAvo Burlo mm CHRIMAS SPECIAL ON REFINISHING Look like new 8169 Your choice of color VELA GE UTO BOD 453 Dunlap 7265990 MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or Imports 7370724 after 630 orweekends ailsnowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE ssccososlrs SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 My27 1976 SKI DOO OLYMPIC 3N twin ex cellent shape never licensed Less than twenty hours on machine Asking $1000 ï¬all Neil at 8355791 home or 726 6411 of ce 40aNclosforsdo $AVE Reuphalstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself °Wide selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions Tools both amateur professional ONeedIes threads twinos °Buttons made to order 0A complete line of ppholslory supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just mth of Georgian Mall 7371510 WThFTF lNDOOR SHOWROOM 4lullsi1ed pools on display Come in today or call 726 4606 tor tree 32 page booklet ot inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM SIdIng Eavestrough Sofflt Windows Fuck 90° Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free ostlmate Cl PHIL SPURLINO 7266907 Local Family Business ramodellingotc No Ebto small 7261271 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplilierapprox 6mortlhs old Bathin condition Asking $550 726 3435 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA xuoo colour Spanish to the floor console television Automatic colour automatic line turning money down No payments until January Phone tonight delivery tonight RRAIY RELLYS Barrio Plaza 7371182 D8 JOT UL The sage wood burning stove tor exceptional luel elllciency and heating Open the doors tor cozy lire Contact Mother Natures Heating Company BarrIe Ontario 705 728 2120 or 436 4129 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking 32950 Telephone 728 I970 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 436 COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPIIRCHASE 26 lloctrohomo pot sleek $495 2010sllibe per week $590 20 RCA XL100 per nook $565 26 Perisonic per aooII $550 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL JANUARY 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA 7371182 D8 USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports Dunlap St 726 3200 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL 6260 or trade tor tour wheel drive 726 1001 or 7299095 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood Free delivery Telephone 3222390 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice at style llnlsh Cotlee tables $I25enct tables lrom $65 737403 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES scales gas steam table two pot size commercial lloor scrubber and potlsher hot peanut machine Items $50 each Also twin stroller 728 4825 atter5pm $20 Telephone GIIGAN Conn Lovrrey OWurItzor Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Iavawavnlan PONTIHOS MUSIC CENTRE 680 Maplo Avo Buds 1251000 FIREWOOD Assorted split and delivered 52750 per lace cord Reduced price lor quality orders or cut your own $10 per lace cord Cell 8952014 JUKEBOX SEEBURG collectors Item Great lor lemlly entertainment 100 selections Excellent condition Telephone 7310466 allege 1009 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Humidifier smoked glass cotton and end tables apartment size Gibson relrlgerator and stove loveseat all ilkenew 7267040 PAINSWICR ALUMINUM OWNER OPERATED PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM OSIdlng Storms OSoffltFascla Eavostrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 FRALICR ALUMINUM Sldlng Soffit Fascia Shutters WIndows Doors Eavastrough Call todayl 4361830 STROUD 012 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised solos Cid service 18 Alliance Ilvd Unit 19 moan AUTO REPAIRS REPAI British Euro and Japanese an Coronation Auto 17 Mary St 735441 BIRD HOUSE MPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Aggy at 92 Malrosa Ava Barrio or low 52 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS CUSTOMMADE clocks We also do repairs Showroom Hwy 90 at Dalston mm CARPEHTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations onteedJIWISOT CARPENTER Ialislng tartar remomeITg 72woftarépm CABINET MAKER Europaon trained Kli chans vanities Pins furnltuta renovations iterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction antead and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces in rac rooms In trlm etc Please call CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters tor renovations additions homes cottages Free eotlmotas 4354995 GEN CON CONSTRUCTION 7265 93 Rec rooms renovations ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT IERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible CUSTOM FENCING RBDENTIAL FENCING Drain link custom grad fences Improve your property 707 DRESSMARING MM FIT it made by JOSE AOUNO lolizing In tsults gowns and altera tions 42E St Phone 72661111 SWING TAILORING and alterations loasottablo rates For lntment call WWWoon9amon pm DRYWALL DRYWALL CO Registered Company lollslng in Custom Homes renovations tlva stucco complata rec rooms and texture spraying Call Kan Hill 4240215 Freeestlmotos EAYESTROUGHING osANAM EAVESTROUGHING EavesI In InotalledColl720aaza SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Cleanin awreotro and ice and snow remove from only Call Martin Varatratan 4241956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jack Bates Free estimates II7 Burton Ava Nlondola 7260657 after pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Doidantlal Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC lndustrlal Commarclal Rasldential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Llc 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage eaptlc atoms trenching loader work gel 150 4361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenchlng Horlzontal Augerlng 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces ialty Vic Wmson tor free estimates 7281 MY FUSST Call us Fir laces renovations mlrsatcCalI 726921 anytime HARDWOOD SPLIT DELIVERED Dry sealan od bush cord taco Free kindling mt bvoh cord 4872111 Hardwood wail seasoned Call 7265724 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoods Will deliver Telephone 72607 evenings atdwoekonds FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR hstallotion and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to FURNITURE STRIPPINO FLINITURE STRPPNG and refinishing hard aid soft woods Reasonable ratas Tale NANOYMAN FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled Just va us your castoffs Telephone 4755259r 264441 GENERAL HOME CARE Roofs cleaned of ice and snow Snowplowlng Srnall moving lobs Garagas and basements cleaned Trash hauled away Chlmnays cleaned general interior design Alll FREE ESTIMATES 4875155 TThis027 HANDYMAN will do painting paper hang mama cleaning 266321 COMMERCIAL ARTIST work layout etc Hose cal collect 416 aalsTMAs SPECIAL on oft carpet upholstery professionally steam cleaned Or rant our machine 7266321 SAVEI SAVEI Steam cleaner for rent 815 7200 FREE delivery and or dov ML COMMERCIAL ART gnaw cotton rrtIcING IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY CHAIN LINK FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl Installed FREE ESTIMATES 728782 design art NARRY LAGENDYK BUILDER Renovations rapalrs block work etc Free estimates 453847 RR Churchill Ont HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kttchens rec rooms Call Russ 4365601 after 630 pm Heronces available RD MORE living rec room extra bedroom play room oundry afllco storoga Aloe lntlng wollpoparlng Murray 7200 GISTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens aid pat ea aluminum door The number for 61 our naeds728890b SPECIALIIING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows md ox lien Iolnts Wodi guaran GEHERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists REE ESTIMATES Cl TOM 7260424 HOME intovum MRTHERN CARPENTRV Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anaod work 72626 or 7269m2 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dations renovations additions Phone War 4364175aftar62m JULIAN SONS 10 years experience in all of struction Why pay inflated pricesl Estimates are freeI Nothing to lose Everything to gain There are no Iobs too big or too small Carpentry Aluminum Siding Concrete Soffit Wallpaper Facla Painting Evestrough Roofing Family Rooms Kitchens Flooring Dont be shy give us try Days 4364354 Evenings 4364354 7371743 MWF 019 LOCK THE DRAFTS OUT DO YOUR WINDOWS NEED RECAULKING Call us for free quote on colour coordlnated caulking 7286203 INCOME TAX IKOME TAX relums reparod An us Bar rlo area 85 up son 4245 10 after 50nd weekends INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION sIIENGVATIoNs 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MWFM7 INSTRUCTIONS TUTOR FULLY QUALIFIED specializing In remedial reading and new math Telephone 731156 mi vmced Private or class years exI Elm Totem 4361750 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work dtimney repair Fireplaces IEWIfl Free astlmata 705 4245158 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to donca Good rotas 7289545 00 vou NEED live four place bond for your Christmas party or other engagements 4656 evenings MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Morcol Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ Inner and advanced Two months trial Instrument loaned for home make Canadian Aca demy of Music 121 ï¬iald 7281799 GUITAR Classical and folk string bano aid drums The Bandstand Daytiai Mal 734973 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TDN Private lessons available in IanI rack or classical Reasonable ratasI Talaï¬ona 72629 D28 SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming 34 COUPLE CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OF DANCING PAINTING VELLNGA PAINTING and dacoratln hl torlor exterior Work arantead Esta llsh adwyaars726222S 269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Exn tartar and htarlor Free estimates Work mutual 7267389 PICTURE FRAMING OATES Dunlap St East Custom franln of all types We stock many sizes Phone 2041270 PLASIERING PLASTERING Drywall Textured ceilings Ceramic tiling Painting Remodelling New work and ream Bllotta UAW ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 4364177 after 6pm Shingiing Painting CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New and Repairs UpIIaII Mhnlkh Barb logos 7286922 4241709 D27 GRAHAM ROOFING Shlngles Installed Roofing Repaired ROOFING IN BARRIE FOR 10 YEARS Call 7286628 MWFDI2MP SNOW BLOWING MS SNOWBLOWING lowest rates In town driveways sidewalks small parking lots atc Telephone 7269859 911371631 VLSIMPSON RESDEHTIALCOMMMERCIAL TRACTORBLOWER or JEEPPLOW To suit all needs Radio dispatched for prompt service Tel Fraa 8555957 myths TONYS SNOWBLOWING OR SNOWPLOW ING Reasonable rates Centred Reference If needed Call 7265217 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and commercial reasonable rates free esti mates call Poul 73741564 MIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer clal and residential Reasonable rates dabla 7267757 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblowlng Roasonoble rates Contracts seasonal or by cleanu CaII 7266666 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and nmmerclal Best service In town Roas onobla rates Tale no 73748917264604 WUGS SNOWPLOWING small commercial md residential Reasonable rates 7288460 SNOW PLOWING TREE REMOVAL omvss LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE IARRIE 72638887289869 SNOWPLOWING Residential driveways and parking lots Barrie and hnlstll Township Tole na 7261441 DICK FLEAR HAULAGE Snowplawing driveways and parking lots Reasonable rates Talawa 7286770 7260443 ROOFING CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by cleanup 7370818 Anytime STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Extarlar stucco interior textured walls and calling Free phone tartar exterior paper he In custo MWisfoctlen uorenteedrlonzom lILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ax tarior wallpoparing custom textured well said callln Tole 7050355387 local 40mldosforsdo IIIlIllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIIlI STOVES onll comers MEDIAN tumors omnotn OOHNORAPIIR Aim stores for non eftldoat admin Phone 1266886 N26MWFD28 Two PAIR SKIS pair ladies skl boots size two man rubber boat tour man tent camp stove One year old Telephone 4364902 CAMPER TRAILER tor sale herdto Htlo sleeps stove Ice box and sin $700 or best otter Telephone 4563028 PAIR OF TOWN AND COUNTRY snow tires size F7814 used one year 535 tor the pair Phone 7282027 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE tho GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start TF 40 Itlslos for odo REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIN carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color Illuminated channels digital UHF Instant on Talia evor payments at 819 per month tonight Delivery tonight Where abet RRAIY RELLYS Borrlo Phil 7871182 08 POINTSETTIAS up to blooms in inch ots$399 whlte they last Brays Ger on Centre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 7262951 BLACK AND WHITE console television tor sele Some minor repairs needed Telephone 7266233 77 VW HAMnan FIPE ORGAN like new one keyboard $695 Telephone 7288796 alter pm 15 AREA RUG 100 wool light green 95 set at ledles downhill skls $35 ledlos ski boots size 315 Telephone 7289626 MUIC Largest book and sheet music selection In town Olook shoot losic OAI Instructan Motorbl rlecooat to tooobors Otast order sorvlco rlargo selection at Christas by and caret Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient ayowoyplan PONTINOS MUSIC CENTRE 680 Maple Ave Battle 7261800 titmid for sdo $299 REUPHOLSTERS your Mil chi labor Ilfï¬lsbdododopto 15yds HooplclspldolvoryhlanIo 7te104ayservlce Pickup delivery Included STONES UPHOLSTERING Barlo 1265121 D24 LIMITED NUMBER ol lactory seconds now In stock Most only slightly marked Single double and queen Barrie Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop downtown Barrie 7289922 GAUGE TRAIN layout partially lInlshed 40 72 table com lete with two trains $8500 childs spring horse large size $1500 telephone 7266204 BOX TRAILER lor sale 13 tires $1100 Call 7286532 alter 500 pm MASON REISCH SHERLOCR MANNING AlumPlanes Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Iayaway plan WHOS MUSIC CENTRE us Mqle Avo Barrio mIsoo or PAINTING PAPER HANGING ox rIenced 723336 0° mm Mumm fraa estimates Jock Richardson 262012 17564574 TWOWAY RADIO Sales Repairs Installations Interior and exterior All work done Indoors Free estimates DOCNSIDE Low rates Fast service Hooters Rd Satisfaction guaranteed 7371 295 Multan M23 7267310 ooN StESLiNG PROFESSIONAL PAINTING InI Spun Abrrls Gilberts Wotar Well Drillln Farm homo cottage and walrs Fraa estimate 10 years experience us 4245657 An 40 articles for sdo XMAS SPECIALS Drop In and see our many specials You will save PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY 39 HIGH ST OPEN SAT TILL MWF0m FRENCH PROVINCIAL chestertleld suite two piece turquoise 3150 good condition ceokstown area Telephone 4584246 FREEZERT 23 cubic inch Chest type Gibson also clock stereo bar and radio combined in grandlather clock made in Germany Both excellent condition 424 5310 GIANT RCA man We have RCA XLILX solid state color por tdilos new In crates for only 8466 or pay lust $475 weekly on our Rental Purchase Plan No money down no payments January 1978 Phone tonight delivery tonight RRAlY RELLYS Burlo Phil 7871182 D8 AIR COMPRESSORS at BIG SAVINGS EXAMPLE 110V cyl Portable producing CFM Regular 49500 SALE PRICE 45000 PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY HIGH ST onussmlus N30D71421