the examiner Saturday Dec 1977 lntrusion claims get an answer from Ouellet OTTAWA CP Urban Af fairs Minister Andre Ouellet de fended his department Friday against opposition accusations of intrusion on to provincial turf arguing its programs aim to help municipalities the level of government he said is closest to the people We agree that sortie respon sibilities we have at the federal level probably would be better managed and better organized in the best interest of citizens if they were looked after by an other level of government uellet said iti the Commons We say yes another layer of government besides the fed eral level but not necessarily the provincial level Ouellet accused the provinces of being too jealous of their re spotisibilities And he accused Progressive Each time ttawa does Conservative Mis of acting as something they always start shouting that Ottawa shouldnt doit The Commons was debating motion by Jean Piggott tPC OttawaCarleton which at tacked the government for dealing directly with municipalities an area of provincial jurisdiction Mrs Piggott also said the federal homeinsulation program was established without proper consultation with the provinces and represented intrusion into provincial rights John Gilbert NDIL Broad view said uellets policies are the result of bowing and begging and giving land specu lators developers builders atid financial institutions almost complete control over the num ber and types on housing the interest rates the land costs arid the financing of housing in Canada with the result that 80 per cent of Canadians cannot afford housing trxlay Credit MP Adrien Lambert tttellechassei laid the Social President arter shakes hands with Sen Hubert ll Hurti phrey lMinn iti Washington Friday night before ad Honor for Humphrey dressing dinner held in Humphreys honor VicePresident Walter Mondale applauds right AP Photo tools of provincial empire blame for high housing costs on builders high interest rates Girls Look great these holidays in fun fashion top at low low price ll this your luviiitt slylicl BliJUii tie hood from point and draw arr worst it rifiiiiii lt flt Hi My llt Mi Also available at no Pleads innocent in slaying of crylic stiirt mitt rt Olmirsiirtii Shit t1 Joseph Oto Egenberger 35 left is accompanied by his attorney Lincoln Mintl as they Our Reg $099 to $5 99 leave court in Berkley alif Friday after Egenbergcr entered plea of innocent in the SAVE Up TO 52 49 slaying years ago of Judy Williamson of Albany falif Egonberger computer pro glimmer in Chicago turned himself in to police iti Albany Calif oti Wednesday AP oto Atrocities alleged SALISBURY AP An American photographer says he saw members of 25man Rhodesian army unit loot burn down native huts beat black politician and torture his wife and daughter during patrol in western Rhodesia Ross Baughman con tract photographer for The Associated Press said he wit nessed the incidents as he ac companied the cavalry unit near the Botswana border in September government spokesman is sued statement Friday saying Baughmans account for The AP must at this stage at least be regarded with consid erable reservations because of information in possession of the 3064 JEWELLERS SAVE nu mcbun NthANNUAL sroitrwror SALE FlNAl government that might demonstrate material inac curacies in the story The spokesman refused to specify any inaccuracies pending coin pletion of an arm iii vestigation of liaughtnaiis allegations HEGlN INVEST TlUV The Rhodesian tiiililar ttlll matid announced Nov 215 that it had begun an investigation lll September of claims of itllt Cities committed by the arm against black civrliaiis WEEK to SAVE 20 10 50 SALE runs SATURDAY inc 1917 52 Map Danton Ilï¬a 7203343 Notice of Information Centre Girlsl Pick giritty start or qriurhri to gin wrtti your torts thiti rift wituriirlgli lilil llil ttir lift it doom cost much to Show them you care when beautiful 17jewel SAVE UP TO 34 49 SAVE 52 men and womens watches cost so little Your Choice Transformer Station if Power demand forecasts indicate the need for new transformer 59 ea Out Rii 5M station to serve Barrie and the surrounding area beyond 1981 At that time the exrsting facrlity Barrie Transformer Station oriTiffin Rd will Toddlers Warm Arrlit Sweaters reach its capacrty li iiiillr ll our Rug 57 to so 90 Four Alternate Zones identified Four zones have been identified as possible locations for the new transformer station see map below Ontario Hydro will evaluate these alternatives based on economic technical sacral and envrronmental considerations You are invited to revrew these alternatives and to discuss the study with Hydros representatives at the Information Centre Monday December 51977 1200 noon to 900 pm Tuesday December 61977 900 am to 1200 noon SAVE UP To fit 99 Deep Pile ForLook Mot lust rigi fiv tillixlttil your bare loot ttllO iii told tritiiinings 50 acrylic 60 modatirylic With 100 olefin both Assorted shades plus WltllD Mint Luxurious FurLook Hats Siitwiirylr lli iitiiit iilli at lirlt lit iv illi it stylus it ltll lt7l Ullllllltlll1lkltl stvlris Shim witty lil twat iLltCllOll Out Reg $7 99 SAVE 52 22577 Your Chorce ea ll ltll the wash 30 54 in SIIL Look how little their puritpit him in soft favourite Wesmtns cosr Stll bolted velour robe tit itir ilt it lillltttliililti iri ti As lli ll Out Psir $8 99 Midhurst Community Centre Midhurst Ontario lftill tll new to we 00 377 Maps and aerial Our Riq photographs illustrating the study area and alternatives will be on NW display We hooe that you will visit the information Centre and comment on the alternatives However it you cannot attend OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SAVE UP TO $5 BARRIE NORTH Ts SAVE $3 22 ML Leather Boots lllli slyli thll miirri iliisli lllllflt sittt iip Phentex Olefin Celospun 202 slxoin ply Shaggy MukLuks liiiittititiri tort fox tut Women wus lti lO put iiiitl non slip soli Out Reg $2099 SAVE $3 99 please contact OURPQ S29 99 eo Wong Discover how little kids fun fashions can cost SAVE 57 9° gilgvizgï¬glleZY Route and Selection llltlllrlilllll lltfllfllllllr lllfltllll lllllllllttlltllllil pmwoml wlirtrilttiliitiiillliiliiriti44 lllllll witii ltlltl VJtllJ 700 University Avenue CROWN Toronto Ontario MSG 1X6 416 5923347 Pillrtigtrriittilii in rlfltl iii rili iii lfl rriliiiy slylig lflll tlt tltl Our Reg i3 99 lltltltl iirt ll It Also llltllt tyli Ill in ilvi illllt tylit fl litiilii il iii llyl lt Ir illl iii tiltrut irrvlii littrlirltrgtt tiiii Iii tirilyihlit Jtihiirrliiii Arnillirl iltfltlf 3X Out Reg 54 99 to $5 99 AB Mort XL Boys St lriiimt luiyi iiiiit illrl Iiirri iii llJtJZ Oiithq Sf 69 Oittllog 5139 Your Chorce llttlllilllltllll Ill silltitil lliil rrittriri tlflllflttl 1Jlziltillllllllltlvlllly OUlRpg 49 97 AH 00 um Mn mi 90 Trust Towers or Selection openMon to lawmpiiiiqiiinnervation iiiii iitii Wit vri Hit it vii all will so Umg10100pM ilitti1iititrimitiiiwtiniitut llllf il llf 3t it Free Parking For SelecflonValue and Satisfaction Trust Towers for Value Dorrie iiiiiiri lllllit iiiiiii iiit ll it llll wtmt iii it GlflS 64 Out Regitb 99 $13 60 Briefs or Tops Mens Handkerchiefsw llllXtIiIltltt iiiriiiiii viiiii ammo ll lllt iill tl ltllt Alllll tlllllf lii Wtiitt iii priiit tillilfl Sitiiitl up ilylt imp lltl OurReg $3 49 iilti Ill liiiliiillixl ttltllttltli Ill fIltiflltlllt Alllttllli iii flltl 00 l¢ tutti llflllli ox It aAimit Our Reg $399 to $499 SALE ea sxx STUDY AM 710W llfNJIIIHAIIN lNl at oimrrrwnri ltitit tl Him III HAY til hit il now iriiiili hi it iii ii Boyfield Rd Hwys No 20 and No 77 llfltlillll lipi l1llllllli tr ll ll rw trim