The Examiner Is member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau oi Circula tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager BUSIN ESS Marian Gough accountant the examiner RandY McDonald clv editor SALESMEN Betty Armer WEE KLY news stories published in The Examiner Sheila McGovern assistant cit edlto carrier Bill McFarlanewlreeditor Sgtfflhm ggirmcypingd 90 cents The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created 1971 serving barne and Simcoe couny glaze Bergen maria Barb ammo Wk Gum YEARLY by carrier by Its employees and published in this newspaper 33 00 an rause Marina QuattrocchT pyhglographer $£2T BY Mxtaganir Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 PUbIShed bY Clmadan Newspapers company Lmted fiiggjï¬i Sgggkflmï¬ag $4680 National advertising offices as Queen st Toronto solmo uo Cathcart 51 tr al lb BoyIie Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Sfcugggigmmn gussmeo Um Hm as manager Simcogfgoumv on Um Blols supervisor Andy Haughtoo The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out at Eho Agoslm pUthher dttIearsgitllsrts 32 ï¬g flag MOTO32 $85 OFF errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement In which the error occurred whether such error is NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS BeigIiacLean EegoyHChapell Elaine Porter ELSEWHERE CANADA do negligence serum or 0mm and me she be New 7266537 7266539 7266537 72824 7266537 WWW Win $3850 Yta noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Thumbs up To those who gave enough blood to push the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic over its goal and showed that Barrie and Simcoe County residents do care about others To the congregation of Central United Church which is establishing residence and training centre for trainable mentallyretarded adults in Barrie To Elsie Raikes honored by the NDP recently for her 44 years of work for the NDP and CCF The Canadian political system will remain healthy only so long as peo ple like Elsie Raikes are willing to work for it To Ed Ziemba an NDP member of provincial parlia ment who sounded more like Tory when he said On tario must turn around its attitude to small businesses Seems strange that the political parties which preach the most about small business do the least for it while NDP spokesman seem willing to do something for small businesses To the Simcoe South Federal Liberal association which is sending 14yearold David Berard to the partys Leader excepï¬on By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO If one were seeking some sound economic thinking psychiatrist as the source would probably be the last person who would come to mind Medioos and psychiatrists in particular are not noted for analysis of the practical problems of the market place national policy convention in Ottawa in February Thumbs down To Cliff Pilkey president of the Ontario Federation of Labor for yet another simplistic solution to Canadas economic problems To Ron Basford federal minister of justice for not paying too much attention to the petition on capital punishment presented to him by the Collingwood police wives To the Canadian Pacific Railway which in the finest tradition of North American railroad companies is giv ing the brushoff to those interested in saving the Hogs Bay trestle Now we in Simcoe County know why prairie farmers rank the CPR just after God By RICHARD DLNSTAN Ah snow One of my great regrets as child was the fact that lived in an area where it never what never Well hardly ever snowed Once year my parents took my sisters and myself to the mountains several hours away for an hour or two of frolicking in the white stuff Needless to say that wasnt enough to redeem green winter Now that live where theres no shortage of snowfall spend lot of time reminding my own children how lucky they are to have snow to play in When was your age And though Im supposed to have grown up some years ago am determined to claim childs privileges myself at least occasionally during the winter months havent taken up adult winter sports in any big way Ive been on crosscountry skis only once never on downhill skis and havent skated since moved to Ontario five years ago But tobogganing snowball fights building snowmen that kind of stuff is another mat ter Im doing my best to make up for what missed 20 years ago Its lucky thing have kids so dont look as silly sliding down toboggan slope as would if did it alone took the two of them to Sunnidale Park Interpreting the news Catching up on missed snow Sunday for our first session of the year The sevenycarold was bit frightened of the slope so rode down with her the first time We made it about half way then wiped out gently in snowbank Things moved bit faster when took the fouryearold for his first run We cleared the snowdrift with flying colors went into spin near the bottom stopping inches short of the bushes The sevenyearold followed on foot grinn ing from ear to ear Can you do that with me Dad she pleaded Fun wins over fear any day Later the kids even talked me into making snow angels with them an undignified ac tivity which means lying down and moving arms and legs to create an angelshaped pat tern in the snow My daughter is very big on that Myself think Ill stick to snow men snowballs and toboggans POSTSCRIITS Youve been spared the Cornish puns for months now so ask you what is the official drink of the Mexican Bird Watching Society The tequila mockingbird And if you crossed Scottish Sheepdog with cantaloupe what would the offspring be meloncollie baby Sayonara as they say in Cornwall Congress unable to resolve battle over abortionfunding WASHINGTON tCP Despite five mon ths of intensive effort Congress has been write your mp mPP If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPNonh Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne MPPeelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Building Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Gus Mltges MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 George McCague MPPDufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 unable to resolve its battle over government funding of abortions While lowincome women in the US turn to illegal abortionists and $60billion ap propriations bill remains unpassed the Senate and House of Representatives are deadlocked in the controversy The House whose 435 members are facing reelection campaigns in 1970 is stubbornly insisting that the bill reaffirm current law banning use of federal funds for abortions unless the womans life is in danger from the pregnancy Since August the US govern ment has enforced that law refusing to pay for abortions under medical programs for lowincome persons The Senate has voted with equal con sistency and larger margins for provisions that would allow such abortions on additional grounds Despite the larger margins and the fact only onethird of the 100 senators face was elections the Senate has been grudgingly yielding ground in its efforts to reach com promise The latest Senate compromise proposal suggested that federallyfunded abortions be allowed in cases of rape or incest that has been reported to police or health agency condition designed to deter fraudulent claims of rape or incest That passed the Senate 44 to 21 but was rejected in two hours by the House 205 to 183 Meanwhile federal health and welfare programs have been hampered by the failure to pass their overdue appropriations bill Although temporaryfunding resolutions have been ssed several programs have been curtai ed and state programs have been af fected by restraints on federal funding More seriously there have been reports that women prevented from getting federallyfunded abortions have turned to illegal abortionists and been injured In one controversial case roabortion groups Texas woman died ecause she was forc to go to an illegal abortionist The antiabortionists however point to government statistics showing 855000 legal abortionsin their view killings4n the US in 1975 Chance of separatism helping unity cause letters to the editor Tunnel vision Dear Sir As longtime resident and tax er jock fumed smock and the ather of three teenagers express my concern at the bumbling tunnel vision of the Rotman fac tion on city council related to the fate of the Fireball would like to remind Aid Rotman and his supporters that one of North Americas mtxst successful entrepreneurs Honest Ed Mir vish has often stated at least once in Barrie that cultural centre is the best shotinthc arm or bait for now or dying business district As he also points up it is one of the most effective inexpensive advertising vehicles available to that business com munity Because it took years for the socalled businessmen on our council including the three latest turncoats to recognize that our downtown was dying we should not perhaps be surprised that they have still not realized why It is not becausc there are not enough businesses but because there is nothing else It might be enlightening for the media and the taxpayers if each time Ald Rotman comes on like gan busters for demolition of this centuryplus our citys history and our childrens heritage he was asked to state publicly what he would like to see in its place place As member of council which seriously considered spending nay even more like mortgaging our childrens future our tax dollars on buying that turkey of Civic Tower perhaps he wants to build its twin as parking lot for cars which dont come and have the tackiest pair of civic bookends in Ontarioll There is little doubt in my mind and those of my family and friends that as multiusc cultural centre with only minimal mem bership and rental fees the Fireball would be used by thousands of Barrie remember an nexation citizens and become selfsupporting in its second year and profitable in its third which is better record than many downtown businesses have bad If after three years it was not selfsup porting we could do one of two things which would prevent it from becoming onerous to the taxpayers We could offer it to Honest Ed Mirvish as the kind of deal he likes to buy and revitalize 0R surely the very least we could do would be to assign it the same percentage share of the United Appeal as the Downtown businesses may have problem in wooin us back from the Plaza Strip but it is no ing to the problem council might have explaining to the various Federal and ProvinCial funding agencies why they are demolishing an historic site in which Canadian and Ontario taxpayers outside of Barrie have already invested considerable dollars However this problem will pale alongside the one the Fireball management board could present them with preferably just before the next munici al election as to what method it should emp 0y to return the thousands of dollars worth of contributions from the large number of Barrie citizens who wanted downtown multiuse cultural centre and put their money where their mouth was would like to take this opportunity to publicly express admiration for Aid Janice Lakin and se alderman who sup port her in is aggravated affair for her courage dedication and determination which are surely the basic ingredients of successful business persons everywhere and assure her of all my votes in the next elec tion Finally would like to congratulate you on your whimsical but wellwritten pigeon editorial Because am sure that no human being with sense of humor can ever be failure would like to read of some on city council butalassolittlcl Sincerely Rory ODonal Barrie Not Santa Dear Sir It has become the common ordinary way of life for Canadians to becoméinsurancc con scious borrowers rather than inventors buyers rather than builders complainers rather than doers importers rather than ex ortcrs spenders rather than investors It as become our way of life for the day and to complain about the consequences Somehow we have lost sight of the fact that governments exist in order to maintain peace and order but instead we have adopted the attitude that the Government should do this the Government should do that We somehow have lost the realization that we are the government of this country and that our attitude is selfdefeating As soon as we depend on someone else we become DEPENDENT It is up to us to do to think to plan and for the government to regulate us when our eagerness infringes on our neighbors rights Our nationalism is sometimes reduced to two cents bargain when foreign product is cheaper than Canadian manufactured or produced one we hide under the cloak of saving for the moment but losing for the day We live under the illusion that foreign companies and countries will forever keep giving us bargains even when it is not to their advantage and even after we have become dependent on them Canadas trade deficit is our deficit Wake up Canada Change your thought pat tern Changc your way of ifc Your security is as solid as you make it your freedom is as worthwhile as you use it your liberty is as important as you protect it your community and country is as solid and wholesome as you feed into it What does this mean on the practical side Realizing the power that you have as an in dividual if you do not buy foreign con sumer product that product will not be sold if you buy Canadian product that dollar will stay in Carport pay for Canadian labor Canadian raw materials Canadian infrastructure rather than someone elses setup When you and every other Canadian realize the tremendous power that you can exercise in your purchasing power Canadian products will sell Canadian dollars will sta at home Canadian dollars will build the uture We will come out of our deficit situation and stand on solid bedrock Next time you feel like complaining do something about it Start up small business or at least support an existing one develop wholesome and lifegiving thought pattern and let it break out in words that breed action after all do you want to go on record as being rotten Canadian We are not expected to be Santa Claus to the world we are expected to be nei hbors Dan ucheron Barrie Ignores fact Dear Sir would like to take this opportunity to respond to the editorial in your paper on Friday Nov 26 regarding cultural centre for the City of Barrie First would like to comment on the statement Barrie needs cultural arts cen trc more than it needs new subdivision or new rtment building or new city hall find is statement particularly disturbing because it ignores the fact that it is the citys responsibility to provide necessary ser vices to allow for wellbalanced growth Without growth the City of Barrie will never have the threshold population to sup port specialized ancillary service Basic necessities like subdivisions for new homes and apartments are essential The Ontario Municipal Boards recent approval of Barrlcs annexation proposal is evidence of this fact Supplying basic services through careful land use planning is major priority of city ccuncil The establishment of cultural arts centre should be consideration of city coun cil but not major riority These basic priorities must be ulfi led before specialized services can be adequately justified In your article the statement One needs only to visit any large city in North America to see that cultural arts centres are the cor nerstone of citys sense of identity holds the key words large city Barrie is not large city and as such would have difficulty in supporting cultural arts centre KitchenerWaterloo with population of 195000 over five times that of Barrie is only now considering the building of $12 million arts and culture complex The major delay with Kitcheners city council approval of the complex is the justification of the cost At time of double digit inflation high unemployment and economic stagnation Kitcheners city council is dealing with reality in questioning the costs of such cen tre concur with Ald Ross Stephens he did not miss the point as was stated in the editorial but was also dealing with reality The building of cultural arts complex will certainly be valuable addition to the city Its value however will be measured as fun ction of its use by all the community Barries present Population would not give sufficient support or such service to recognize its full potential cultural arts complex should be part of the future plans for the city but only at time when the population could adequately support it Thank you for your consideration of this let ter and printing it in the paper Yours Truly Gill Feltis Barrie 2nd Yr Honors Geography Student University of Waterloo bible thought Being born again not of corruptlble seed but of Incorruptlble by the word of God which llveth and abldcth for ever Peter 123 He will not only give you new start but great finish Only Jesus can extract the old nature and replace it with new and everlasting life Let Him In Him is life You will never relive today make it good one with Gods help Yet Ontario Liberal Leader Stuart Smith has shown he is an exception to the rule Dr Smith of course is psychiatrist Yet he made speech to the Alberta Liberal party convention and it was the best piece of economic thinking to come out of ere this year FOUR STEPS After outlining the present economic light and the need for leadership Dr Smith out lined four steps that must be taken We must begin an industrybyindustry review of our strengths weaknesses and po tential We mist identify new industrial op rtunities and foster the development of usinesses to exploit them such as solar energy toxicwaste disposal and the manufacture of mining machinery Resear ch desigi and development can be the key that opens vast new economic opportunities for Canada We mist assist and stimulate the labor intensive small business sector We must determine with the full in volvement of industry and labor those areas in which we should try to outcompete the rest of the world and those areas in which we will need some protection to maintain internal markets and existing manufacturing jobs And finally The Canadian people need to be told the hard economic truths and presen ted with options In my view the immediate attention of first ministers to the develop ment of an industrial strategy is required to mobilize all of us into recognizing our economic problems and into acting to resolve them THE BASICS There is no cureall in these statements Some of the thinking such as the prospect of protecting certain industries might be questioned But overall the presentation and the thinking behind it were good Most of all it was down to earth dealing with basics getting at the roots This is quality that has been missing in gactically all the frenzied discussions we ve been having on the economy Possibly it might even give lead to other economic thinkers that there can be more in the way of solution than invective and old panaceas Regularly these days Dr Smith has been demonstrating something that was ques tionedthat he has the capacity for leader ip Canada story Rum runners flouflshed By BOB BOWMAN How many readers remember song called Goodbye Broadway Hello Montreal It was popular in the US in the 1920s when there was prohibition but Quebec was wide open The song included the lines With stein upon the table Ill be laughing at you all Goodbye Broadway hello Montreal It was true enough Americans flocked to Quebec and especially Montreal for weekend hinges Other provinces in Canada except PEIended rohibition early in the 1920s but liquor ooul be consumed only in private homes and there were no bars or taverns Those were also the days of the rum runners and there was smuggling all along the CanadaUS boundary There were some instances of buildings that were erected par tly in Canada and partly in the US Li uor would enter through the Canadian front oor and leave through the American back door Rumrunners operated in small ships off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts There are number of radio stations in Canada that got started by helping the smugglers If police were active along the border off the coasts they would warn smugglers by playing cer tain tune at designated time For instance Stormy Weather popular song was war ning If the radio station played Tiptoe Through the Tulips that would be the signal Ithezijt operations could be carried out as plan It all came to an end after Dec 1933 when the US amended the Constitution and allowed liquor to be sold Then the position was reversed For number of years it was easier for Canadians except citizens of Quebec to get liquor in the US OTHER DEC EVENTS lossNicolas Denys was granted large part of Acadia HasPierce de la Verendrye completed journey from Portage la Prairie to Mandan country in North Dakota lassErie and Ontario Railroad horse drawn tramway opened between Queenston and Chippewa Niagara peninsula 1855Great Western Railway opened bet ween Hamilton and Toronto ismBritain sent 3000 troops to defend Canada against possible invasion by US