Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1977, p. 18

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v77 13 the examlner Thursday Dec 1917 ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM °Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cd PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business FRALICK ALUMINUM OSiding °$offit OFascio Shutters Windows °Doors EOvestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD DI APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized soles and service 18 Alliance Blvd Unit I9 383392 Auto REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv l7 Mary St 7265441 BIRD IIOIISE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 MelroserAve Barrie or telephone 728 S283 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS CUSTOMMADE docks We also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 at Dalston 7289548 CARPENTRY AND General Cantractor rooms renovations guaront ed 737 l507 Kitchen additions Iireploces CARPENTER Spooolixing in rec rooms iii tenor remodelling trirri etc Please call 7283884700 6p CABINET MAKER European Iiained Kit charts vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satislociian guaranteed Rand Jconslructlon 776 747 CARPENTER do rec rooms Brioctioris remodelling etc Nolab To small 726 I27 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 43S4995 GEN CON CONSTRUCTION 7265193 Rec rooms renovations general interior design FREE ESTIMATES TThSD27 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with carpet steam loaning 7266321 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 10 off carpet upholstery professionally steam cleaned Or heft our machine 726 632 CHIMNEY REPAIR Graham Chimney Repair 10 Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 TThSDl0 MP COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo deriign art work layout etc Plese coll collect 4l6 93676 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link Custom wood fences Improve your property 737 I507 Eiarticlés for salew REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIOO carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total OUTONIOIII color illurnnoted channels digital UHF Instant on Take over payments of $I9 per month Phone tonight Delivery tonight Where else KRAIT KELLYS Barrie Phil 73782 DD BROWN LAZY soy thirlAway counter top dishwasher in good condi tion and Singer upright vacuum Telephone 778 0901 GOOD USED Westinghouse wastirr spin dryer S75 Hoover humidilier $50 Ken more lloor polistier SIS Stlfll bed lrame SIS two TV antennas SS and SIO I00 it at barn boards I7 wide SIT odd light fixtures Telephone 778 9567 MUSIC Largest book and sheet music selection in town Oflook sheet music OAII Instructional Material ibiscount to teachers East order service Larga selection of Christmas hymns and carols Shop now for Christmas and um our ronvenientlayoway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE 680 Maple Ave Barrie 7261600 CHESTERFIEI AND CHAIR QTIIITI flowered Iilre new 84 long also ellr trlc wall Clock Telephone 4167157 GIBSON STOVE AND FRIDGE in matching pair color 909177 red like new MAYTAG WASHER and DRYE matching pair white like new Telephone 776 I378 KING SIZE portable VOTISSIIFIH mom oven Excellent ionrtitirm 37 elephone 778 7374 CON TE TS OF HOUSE l7lllllllnq Iridiu S75 stove S50 largr trIIIrr $75 ttirier dressers 515 earh uterir Sli roller table SIS also old dining room rt tiina cabinet and almost new washian TIdll me many other items No reasonable at ler refused 778 2473 GENFRAL ELECTRIC CLuliiEs DRYER fuily dlque automatir ex cellent mnrlition 70 day guarantee ma paw will deliver Reasrinablr price prluatrmlt 118 3634 SINICOE ELECTRIC ALL THE HEL RIGHT DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specialising in pantsuits gowns and altera lions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266M DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations Reasonable rates For appointment call between am and pm EAVESTROIIGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING trgughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHINO CITiiiiiE Eaves eavestrou hs and ice and snow remavaq from roos only Call Martin Verstraten 4241956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jack Bates Free estimates I7 Burton Ave 5199599 7769 first ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 4ndustrial Residential Lighting design Electrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters LiC 118 Commercio Farms 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 436 ISSB 436 I257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenching Horizontal Augering FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplacr Ipecialty VK Watson for tree BSTImOTV 99 MY FUSS Call us Firep enOvations repairs etc Call 726 92l3c Humor MIXED HARDWOOD and plain birch 30 per face cord for hardwood birch $40 delivered 72B 9668 after FIREWOOD FOR SALE Dry seasoned maple and beech $30 per lace cord delivered 424 52I9or 466 52IO HARDWOOD SPLIT DELIVERED Dry season ed 580 bush Lord $30 lace Free kindling with bushcord 487 2H3 FIREWOOD $25 per lace cord delivered Hardwood well seasoned Call 726 S724 FIREWOOD TOR SALE Mixed hardwoods Wii deliver Telephone 7260708 evenings weekenls FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guarantoqd not to chip or peel 325 834i FURNITURE STRIPPING FURNITURE sinipviNo arid mitiiiihiiig rigid and Oll woods Reasonable rates Tele phone 416 7997 alter FREE Garages Cleaned trash haule away Just give us your cast off Telephone 487 5525 or 726 3441 FALL CLEAN UP Storm windows cleaned and installed Tree Cutting Eoves OGorages and basements Trash hauled away Ton Truck and Tandem Trailer BARRIE 4875155 HANDYMAN will do painting paper hang floor tiling furniture stripping and Tylnlfihtng Call Paul 737 2875 lHondylnun will do painting paper hanging lfloor tilin furniture stripping and refinishing Call Paul 737 2875 HARRY LAGENDYK BUILDER Renovations repairs block warl etc Free estimates 456 3847 RR Churchill Ont MOVEMENTS ZINTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens yroorns Call Russ 436 3681 alter 30 rn Referencesavailable INEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom playroom laundry office storage ispoce Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 728 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement lplanning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 728 8906 igjarticles for sale PIANS MASON Ii REISCH SHERLOCR MANNING Also Grand Pianos Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Iayaway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE 630 Maple Ave Barrie 7264800 D9 SNONBLOWER twtn auger 78 IWidr grind repair Reasonable Reason tor srIling need largrr model DFITHII 726 2280 lfJCA FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR land JOY0 with self cleaning oven Three years old Poppy red S600 tor the pair Tollphone 716 5366 MECHANICS TOOI Mac Snap 0n and HIrbrnrirt Blittll rabinets Used tour months All lrlll liltlllll guaranteed Viilui Sltlil Anvinrt $600 Call John 4Ii III fJFifAIJRAN 5rIt lLornrnrrr Irll llnor srrubtmr and polisher rhot Itilfllll TTILILTIInl Items $50 each Also twm strolIIr $70 Telephone NR 4875 Mini sp in FIRE PL ACE scruch and accessories IJiltlrrfDTITITIM it trar tapr SMrkaVx tiny CCM Tar skates size hockIy requmment completi we I0 girls WFIII skates ilIC car top rack dog tarryiiiq kennel wattle sandwich Tole SUPPLIES grill shrirty lamil room drapes 776 0800 after 30 IAN TIQUF Large pian harvest table tiiqti mill nlfIllflhTffI With mirror oak din irig morn Ivlllltf drrssnr Chairs llflll brrtfl rnrt tablr 77B I9Il alter 00 DONG GAME Sears model like lllw Also portable blink and white TV Telephone 7711 4747 alter 500 pm lHUMlDIFIERs single headboards king Sire bedspread and curtains orange dnd gold portable heater II 70 green lSTIfll nrpit All in good condition Call 1776 IIM SAJ BOARD tllIA Ti 1500 33 in litf briinlt riiw General ti lei lrir SIS or host flfflT two step tiiblres Sli or best at Irr Ttltpllllll I78 509 THIJIL MELT CHESTERFIELD SUIIITDIF for small apartment In ex lcrllent onditinn Telephone 728 567 lPlNO MASON PISCH recently tun led in exrrIlrrnt condition 000 Telephone alter 5p 776 09 BOOTS brand new lddll Labers lSllf it S15 FIIOTTI 7976 rec Berkiil gnu steam table two pot Sire and four three YOU NEED HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible HOME IMPROVEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brlck and stone caulking erI dows and expansion joints Work guaran iteed4509346 NORTHERN CARPENTRY on 70C rooms Innovations extensions etc etc anteed work 7262609 or 7269m2 Guor CONSTRUCTION House raising IOU datlons renovations additions Phone 1927359 75° GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists REE ESTIMATES CaITOM 7260424 D9 LOCII TIIE DRAFTS our DO YOUR WINDOWS NEED RECAULKING Call us for free quote on colour coordinated caulking 7286203 INCOME TAx INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rleareaSSup Dobsan 474 59l0 alter Sand weekends INSULATION EXPERIENCED MAN willing to repair and build custom interior and exterior brick work litreplaces 7266247 INSTRUCTIONS D28 TUTOR FULLY QUALIFIED specialring In remedial reading and new math Telephone nitIlse scwiNC INSTRUCTIONS 99mm and ad vanced Private or Ian 30 years ex perience Telephone 436 I750 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces spcialty Freeeslimate 705124 5158 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Musu for people who like to dance Good roles 728 9545 00 YOU NEED to band for yo Christmas party or other engagements 4364656evenlngs MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR lESSONS Clanon and Popular Marcel Porvin Guitar Studio 726 I489 ACCORDION guitar piano oigun beginner and advanced Two months trial Itlllumoul loaned for home plult Canadian Ara demy of Music I2l Hayfield 7281799 GUITAR Classical and loll string ban and drums The Bandstand Daylielit Mal 7264973 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Private lessons available in au rock at classical Reasonable rates Telephone 726 2903 SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming $4ACOUPLE CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OT DANCING PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In Jerichotenor Work guaranteed Establish edJOyears 7262225 7269 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters terior and Interior Free estimates Work jguaranteed 7267389 iPAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced Iree estimates Jock Richardson 726 202 756 8874 PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 M29 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266008 HILLSDALE DECORATING iiimior tenor wallpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 335 5387 local 40 articles for sill $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA Xllm colour Spanish to the floor console television Automatic colour automatir flnll turning No money down No poyrnsmts until January Phone tonight deliverytonight KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Plasa 7371102 DB BABY NEEDS Baby carriage strolIIr rocker chair and desk and chair set high chair Allin mint condition 685 or bestoller Telephone 474 5466 SMART MIRROR WALL BATHROOM CABINETS It 77 boxed Whiti they last SIT 50 Regular SIR 95 or mun Telephone 456 3506 ONE AMERICAN STANDARD oil IIHlJ furnace at t08000 with burner and controls good condition SISO Telephone 728 9278 FIREWOOD Assorted split and delivered S77 50 per lace cord Reduced price for qualiy orders or cut your own $10 per lace cord Call 895 704 VICTORIAN COUCH Lounge needs upholstering SIOO HorstI drawn ultIr with shafts SISO Telephone 458 9067 JUKEBOX SEEBIJRG collector item Great lor lamily entertainment I00 selections Excellent condition Telephone 737 0466 alter 00 IELECTRIC PORTABLE TYPEWRITER in good condition ideal for student asking $95 Call 737 1039 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Humidilier smoked glass cotlee and end lclbltSi apartment size Gibson refrigerator and stove living room In light table lamps all like new 776 7040 BELL AND HOWELL super it priwur loom movie camera model I706 um plete with carrying case iIutoload pro iector model 46l Ilood light and picturi screen Nearly new Complete outlil Sl75 778 67621 alter Sor Saturdays TWO PAIR SKIS anI ladies ski lmol SITO two man rubber limit lour ITIde tent camp stove Oni1 year old Telephone 436 4907 GARAGE SALE Five captains chairs two antique tables pine dressers eight prnssbark chairs pictures lamps rhina Lemmin Nnr takir two pinr blanket boxes arrow back chair tour arm chairs portable Closets Wllll mirrors rink desk corn mode tables wicker arm chair and plant stand oak bullet and miscel Ianeaus items Shapuitl Museum An tique Shoppe at 285 Kilarney Beach Rd Letroy December 3rd and 4th STEREO POR TABLE With two speakers apartment sin lrIIJII With two chairs basket rhmr portable typewriter three partitions Call 776 5347 alter PICTURE FRAMING OATES 02 Dunlop St East Custom Immln of all types We stock man Illes Phone 283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages PLASTERING PLASTERING Drywall Textured ceilings Ceromlc tlling Painting Remudelllrlg New work and repairs Bllotta 4511 4233 ROOTING AND ROOFING New and old Remitt Free estimates 436 3I77 ottei 6p in Shingling Palllllllll CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL III SIIII NIIAI New and Hilliaiils MlnnIfIIn Angus 424 7093 D271 gIITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIHIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl Upham Barrie 7206922 LAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Re airs Eavestroug ing Commercial Residential Eovestroughin Cleaned and flusged $15 and up For estimates call 7263492 TThS TF SNOW BLOWING TONY SNOWBLOWING Reasonable rates Contract Reference it needed Call 726 52I7 JIM SNOWBLOWING lowest rates ITI town driveways sidewalks small parking lots etr Telephone 726 9859 or 737 16 SIMPSON RESIDENTIALCOMMMERCAL TRACTORBLOWER or JEEPPLOW To suit all needs Radio dispatched for prompt service 726453 or 3355957 myths ssowrlowits PAUL SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable mates all Paul 737 3064 MIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small comrner 10 and residential Reasonable rates Dopendable 726 7757 REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblowmg Reasonable rates Contrarts seasonal or by clean up Call 726 5666 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and communal Best service in town Reos orpbla roles Telephone 7217 2892 726 4604 wUG SNOWPLOWING lrt0ll communal and residential Reasonable rules 728 8460 SNOW PLOWING OTREE REMOVAL GREAVES LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE IARRIE 72638007289369 residential and rotos free estl 09 SNOWPLOWING ReSIdential driveways and porklng lots Barrie and IrInislil Township Telephone 726 I4 DICK FLEAR HAULAGE Snowplowing driveways and parking lote Reasonable rates Telephone 728 6770 7260443 STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7284392 WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Forms homes cottages Free estimate 10 years experience Angus 424 5657 I40 articles for sale IBED PINE FOUR POSTER with canopy queen Now $700 Asking $550 or near otter Telephnni 737 7605 CAMPERT TRAILER tor sale hardtop Hi to sleeps stove ire box and sink $700 or best ollnr Telephone 456 30751 42artictes wanted CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes old pictures Clocks adds and ends PH 1950 items 778 8234 ICOIN WANTED accumulations col lections of Canadian or American cop por Silvrr gold Highest cash paid by At Icollectnr 776 4544 IREQUIRED Good used lllflIIS at all kinds tor the needy SALVATION AR MY 60 Collier St no 3794 WANTEO WOODWORKING LATHE Must be in workable condition Tele phone 778 I655 IBIRD CAGE wanted parakeet or canary cage with or without stand in goan condition please Telephone 1458 9714 NEW YE LLOW BRICKS wanted about 700 Telephone 776 Itle alter Soctor Illadogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophia Street East 776 4I41 POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 776 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sires at unbeatable prices Fvenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria I43 Ardngh Road 776 0094 MAYS POOILE PARLOR Proles sionnt clipping and grooming Reas nimble rates Phant 776 0I6I THREI APRICOT Toy Poodles weeks old no papers Call nlter 500 pm telephone 436 5789 AMERICAN COCKER SPANIELS lor saln males only Your ChOICt blacks and blondes Reasonable prices to good homes Boskrna Kennels 778 3634 IRISH SETTER PUPS championship pedigree shots and warmed Call collect 5l9 T148 6932 or 728 6488 PART GERMAN SHEPHERD and Golden Retriever three years old male neutered Excellent deer dog Free to good home Good with children house trained Telephone 436 7093 alter LAST CHANCE Purebred toy poodles Two males two lemalrs einht weeks old black Ideal tor Christmas Telephone 778 2119 49 Christmas trees CUT YOUR OWN AT GILLESPIES 100 acres at Barrie Oro Line 90 No It Weekends only 51 trees shrubs SHADE TREES AND EVERGREENS tor sale Buy dlrect trom grower Dlg your own Call evenings after pm or weekends 7269295 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS tor your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 57livestock for sale HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared tor Track and traits Windy Hill Farm 436 5624 75 FEEDER PIGS good size Telephone William Edgerton 728 56357 SiprUfTIYCIIICRS DEKALB READY to lay pullets avell able Also term fresh eggs Craig Hunter PoultryFermsrstroud 436 tell thewsedate WANTED Straw large quantity Telephone Don chkling at 728 5767 64jtarrn machinery DAVID BROWN 990 EXCELLENT CONDITION NEW ENGINE NEW TIRES POWER STEERING CALL 7264536 l5 HP TRACTOR with snow blower mower three point hitch and wheel weights Count 5937 THREE POINT HITCH pull type snow blower In good condition Also some bnl ed strnw Telephone 458 9706 67lruitsvegetables APPI Apply Koole and Son Con Lesslun Orii Telephone 778 8489 or I76 I90 llwrISundnys 68 personals lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllltlllllll SKI MT STE ANNE Gurnrc $150 Dec 27 Jan 70 NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Incltltfed Price Includes bus trons first class quad muth ski tows shuttles to and from hill MORRISONS TRAVEL Barrio Depart 728 6416 Tor Depart 259 7884 Lil Ni Imtimii DI IIIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIlIIIlIIIIIIII HOLIDAY IN THE SUN TREASURE ISLAND ST PETERSBURG FLORIDA We have vacancies from November onward Efficiency units from $75 werik for two persons Phone Bririie 7283l36for information Th N30 ALCOHOLICSANONYMUU Illhiill it you drink ttmts your tiiiiiiix tt ytiii want to Quit ttIiIts lllIT III iiiy llllll RIDINl INSTRULIIHN llltltilll Horses txmrrtrll ITII livi Windy tlaurttt rITtll 716 lilv MONT US tiii illll iITI riniil iii cuunsrIlinu liniiIil lvtlltllqi elrliltl through rirtiiy Etiliril 73H MintI IE CARI Wth Lulu yiiiii warmi alone Let Iltlltl liilri III Itll 716 7921dttylitni UNAANTED HAIR IIIYTOVtO iIiIy permanently PITIIllly iprirrivud iy 1m F1rtflllk Ciititiiit Eliuriiniiqmq Tl loll YOUR TUNIOHHUI Tiility and Inn up rrattnll all 728 UWII INTE FdATllF4I srrvicw Sirvirilluiiii 737791 HOT DOE VALLEY lull Rani ti Niw booking wintLr pitrtivs or qriiupi Ill till ages Call 778 6875 77k 93H VACATION VIC look tuttir your limit Ffdylllrlftll iti gm ii il tum H177 f0 iillurrt Itl lit Illvy JIIII flIIu till 1156 iIUI NFL Sf iriim Illlllull itri TTITITT IFII lot YTKTTIIIITITIETII INVf Hi ION tiTTlilliTl TVIilit l¥lfl4l rIIIlI lITTtl14FlTI twl thltl iirIIiiirli ri lltlit tt JIT Ty Jiirr ilill pm tulipit flit TVISTTI qlr giving flitrrvi IQUIII Johnson Advertising TIIIDTIOII 776 l509 Alsoralvnrtnrs ITTIUTIITITIDtIIS specialties personalized Christmas rardsmtr FLORIDA luxury ronrtniniitium Oltt bedroom sleeps six swimming pool itrnnis nurts filteiii ntnUTt Iron Disney World SISO Weekly 647 lniiil tle Phone 776 776 Mm 7olost and lound BEAGLE LOST Stirlburni area last weekend adult male dog nnswrrs tii Art Telephone 776 IIIR alter 5p ni 71 help waned Doing Your Christmas Dreaming ITS NOT TOO EARLY TO if START Build profitable business of your own as an AVON Representative and make those dreams comeg true Coll NOW 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont WThTF ATTENTION you enthusiastic you hard working you In need of cash you Interested in promising future you available to work evenlngs Saturdays Cd CHRIS GARRICK at 7371904 now ITS YOUR FUTURE SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence vover2l yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 SJDNES neuron IOODUNLOP ST 7269933 HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF MAKING CHANGE IN EMPLOYMENT WELL SHOW YOU how you can effectively gain your share of the vast Real Estate market We offer effective training to help you make prosperous career In Real Estate sales Lets discuss the advantages of working with us Call RON JONES 7269933 DI sales heIpLagentS fnF 71 help entail MECHANICAL ENGINEER leading manufacturer of hotel and restaurant cooking equipment seeklng creative engineer who Is capable of assuming proiect responsibility within the present design englneering team Responsibilities will Include the design and testlng of new product concepts and technologies Candldates wlth college or university dlploma In mechanical technology or englneering and three years ex perience In the appliance or fabrication Industries are Invited to submit their resumes in confidence to FAY DEWEY AVCO OF CANADA LTD 79 West St OrIIIIa Ont L3V 6K5 Royal Trust OPPORTUNITIES IN REAL ESTATE With Canadas Best Known Realtor Check these advantages Bonus commission arrangement and Benefit Package Proven SalesListing and Promotional Aids Noncompeting Professional Manager Mortgage advantages including Second Mortgages and in terim financing Professional advertising incuding local magazine National Transferee and Referral System Advonced Real Estate Training Join winning team All enquiries confidential CALL TERRY YOGAN MANAGER 357 Iayfleld St 7280000 IIlIYAI lRilsl CORPORATION OF CANADA mmqu STORE MANAGER Manager required for rapidly expanding retail store selling varied line of merchandise in cluding hardware appliances farm supplies and lawn and garden Supplies Successful applicant will have several years management experience with emphasis on mer chandising inventory control and staff super VISIOn This position offers good salary range and generous benefits package Please reply enclosing brief resume to Box W27 The Examiner Barrie D3 TWO PARTTIME HOME DEMONSTRATORS REQUIRED Evenings and Saturdays All appointments proarranged 7371903 18 ALLIANCE BLVD UNIT 14 CALL BETWEEN 10 AM AND PM CAR REQUIRED D6 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION requires experienced skip tracer and collector to start January Ist 1978 Must be bondable Send detailed resume to FINANCIAL COLLECTION AGENCIES 70 COLLIER ST SUITE 803 BARRIE ONTARIO CAREER OPPORTUNITY Applications are invited for cashiertyplst with maior Canadian financial organization shortly to become chartered bank The successful candidate will possess secondary high school education preferably with business orientation and minimum of three years business experience with financial or banking background If you are interested in success and good career please submit complete resume or contact MR DOUGLAS PO Box 310 COLLINGWOOD ONT L9Y 327 4452330 Person with automatic buffing machine experience required for plant located in Barrie Experience with buffing aluminum brass and familiar with all types of buffing compounds and machine setting Reply in wrlting giving details of previous experience to CANADYLET LTD l37 John St Barrie Ont L4N 2LT 72 saIeShelp ageIRS antraal Trust worthmile 7371223 REAL ESTATE SALES REPRESENTATIVES Required by company that wants to bulld the best force In town Experience preferred but not essential If you Ilke people and like houses well help you do the rest MONTREAL TRUST Management will glve you the professional assistance you require to be successful in the Real Estate field WE OFFER Commlsslon splits of up to 75 Bonus paid when earned Company paid health and Insurance plans Professlonal tralnlng Ftnanclal assistance for advanced RE courses Board dues PAID BY COMPANY Chance to write your own pay Cheque Interested In iolnlng company that cares Write NORRENA PO Box 864 Barrie or call 7371223 D2 maximum 40 words Card of thanks 40 words Additional words to cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events sTIFF Mr and Mrs Thomas still ot Mldhurst are happy to announce the birth at their son Douglas Thomas 45 KG on Sunday November 27 1977 at Royal Vlctorla Hospital Barrie brother tor Davld Proud grand rents are Mr and Mrs Stlll Thorn Ill and Mr and Mrs Stiles Toronto Mondays Chlld is lair ol lace Tuesdays Child is lull ot grace Wednesdays Child Is full at woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridayschitd is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor Its living And child that is born on the Seb bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information tor your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name OI your child the day ot the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital Intormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only 3550 maximum 40 words Addi tionel words 10 cents per word PHONE 728 2414 85daaths NIXON Cyrill Louis At the IOOF Home Barrie on Wednesday November 30 I977 Cyrill Louis Nixon in his 88th year beloved husband of Minnie Nixon Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie Service in the Chapel on Friday December at pm Interment St James Cemetery Stroud 71 help wanted =lIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIllIllllllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILI ATTENTION Immediate positions Available with local com pony SIX FULLTIME PEOPLE Good earning opportunity Excellent opportunity for ADVANCEMENT Must be neat in pearahce Must have car No experience necessary 03 up at Phone for personal in terview 7267407 MANAGER SHIPPING RECEIVING required by local industry Previous experience not necessary but an asset Ap ply in writing to BOX W23 The Examiner Barrie 03 lllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED DOW for our planrled advancement program Call 7267407 tlllltIIIIlIIlItlltlllllttltlllllltllr El TF NEED MORE MONEY You can earn $1500 plus per month with me Must have car be neat honest and ambitious CALL 7267404 TF motherless lamily Children and years nice home in Coldwater with comfortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwater Call 835 into days or 686 7900 evenings lHelp Wanted Car required apply at ta Alliance Blvd Unit No 15 Barrie Ontario WANTED Mature people for telephone soliciting Telephone 776 7407 RELIABLE DAY CARE required in Allandale Heights area lor six month old Chlld Relerences required Call 73709 SNOWSHOVELLER required early morning work Apply in person bayshore Motel Barrie ACCOUNTANTV Young aggressive company requires an experienced Accountant with banking background or some it not completed training as an RIA Oltlces will be in Barrie Possiblllty of days being ac ceptable it desired by the applicant Remuneration commensurate with ex perience Write Box aminer Barrie Ont MATURE RESPONSIBLE person re quired to do night work at chlldrens home Allandale area Telephone 7267338 RECEPTIONIST ASSISTANTtor den tal Ollice State level of education previous experience it any references it available etc Reply to 80x w28 The Examiner Barrie 72sales helpagents INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY offers opportunlty for high In come plus regular cash and vacatlon bonuses abundant fringe benefits to mature In divfduol In Barrie area Alrmall President Dept CC PO Box 70 Station Toronto Ontario M46 326 W26 The Ex 03 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work wlthout supervision Earn SI4000 per year plus bonus Contact Customers around Barrie We train Write chk Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76emplOyment wanted In my home Full or part tlrne Children aged one year and over Constant super vlston References avallable Please call 7287086 tor more Inlormatlon MOTEL MANAGER movan to Barrie seeks responslble posltlon Full Or part time Telephone 416 889 7442 EXPERIENCED DAY CARE available In my home Full time ages one year and over References available Please call 728 I479 WIII do babyslttlng In my home dally or weekly Constant supervlslon Have tour year old chlld Hot lunches provlded Phone anytime 726 2687 WILL GIVE Iovlng motherly day care to preschoolers In my home Fenced yard Good lunches Reterences avallable Telephone 728 I359 SECIL OTICES CASH Death Notices Engagements Births IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIF LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER needed for ATES $550 additional words To cents per word 8550 $550 52 HAS iii 33 22 per column Inch IStleaths CAMERON Sadie Edith At the Toron to General Hospital On Wednesday November 30th I977 Sadie Ellis In her Iaath year beloved wile ot the late George Oliver Cameron Dear aunt of MaryLou Mrs Ntkolaus ot Spokane Washington Dorothy Ellis at Victoria BC and predeceased by Harry Bud Ellis Dear cousin ot Margaret Cole Ol Toronto Doris Styles at Ottawa Martha Plunkett ot Wood bridge and Edna Melllsh at St Catharines Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home t52 Bredlord St Barrie Visitation from Thursday at pm Ser vice and committal complete in the chapel on Friday December 2nd at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu ol flowers donations to the cane dian Cancer Society would be ap preciated 86 ads of links IFLEMING The family or the late Tommy Fleman wish to express thelr sincere thanks to lrlends relatives and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy shown during thelr recent sad bereavement Speclal thanks to Cpl Gelinas OPP Barrie Detachment Rev Clements and Les Bertram and Sons Ltd Don and Kathy Fleming 87 inmemoriams RUSH In Iovlng memory of dear sister Mae who suddenly passed away Dec 1975 We are all Gods Chl Idren From the morning hour at birth He lets us llve and laugh and love And have our day on earth He guards us through the afternoon Till sunsets rays are cast Then one by one with gentle words He calls us home at last Deep in the heart when loved ones part There dies part of you Sweet memories of happy days Come back to hurt anew Thoughts at you dear sister Are here In every way shed tear and wish you near To share our lite today It seems so long dear sister Since the time you went away But as sure as the stars shine on your grave Well meet again someday stood beside your graveside As they laid you down to rest My grieving heart was aching so To have lost the very best When recall past memories Every day theyre dearer still For love your then love you now Dear sister always will Lovingly remembered and sadly miss Ied sister Femmie brotherinlaw lHarry 88 OOth events BINGO HEBEKAH AND UDDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be recelved by pm day preceding publication wlth the exception of Oassilied Dlsplay odvertlsements whlch must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 3550 Addltional words 10 Cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words lOCts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per IIne COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Olscount Rates apply If paid within days One or two insertions 9rc per word per Insertion Three consecutlva insertions cents per word per insertion total $648 Six eon secutlve insertlons 004 per word per Inser tlon total 81224 Multiple Insertions may be ordered Iubiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbrevlotlan set of numbers etc count as separate words 79 auction sales ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Saturday Dec at 12 noon at THE CLUB PAV corner Jarvis and Bay Sts ORILLIA To sell by publlc auction by or der of the executors the residual antique contents of local estates including fine fur nishings collectable art glass China brass copper silver clocks paintings primitives etc Over 200 lots too numerous to mention All sales final No reserves Not respon sible for accidents Preview 10 am sale day THIS IS OUR AN NUAL CHRISTMAS SALE AND WELL WORTH ATTENDING WILLIAM PINKNEY Auctioneer D2 so public iioiices WHAT lZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSUN CANTLEND MONEY EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available Answer Your Examiner Carrier on Collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY TILTE

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