12 mortgages PERSONAL IOAHS Second Mortgage Rates Flexible ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 53 I016 St Cd NORM or OOIIFN 7266431 TThSJ26 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD 51 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TE 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 Sauith 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury lurnishings king sile bed sacrifice at $7000 lirm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 4451480 1973 25 FOOT TRAVELINER house trailer Sleeps seven Fully equipped in side In excellent condition Telephone 737 0590 FLORIDA MOBILE home lor sale10 minutes lram Disney World $5500 Canadian currency Like new condition Phone 4355991 alter pm 1975 VANDURA GMC PARADISE motor home completely equipped and carpeted power steering and brakes mileage 17712 $7500 Telephone morn ings 728 8966 REPOSSESSION SALE 1975 211 ll Master Coach Travel Trailer Bast oller 7260692 am pm weekdays 12 62 1972 bedroom mobile home located quiet park corner lot Owner will carry mortgage Low rate of in terest Asking 59500 728 6875 or 728 9734 16qtsto rant WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 1135 Wellington St West TWO AND THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF or weekends lewnhouses available utilities Magill 16Esto rant CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST iiiiiiii SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKIN COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street Also see CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON 51 7254991 16qtsto rent ANGUS Fully lurnished one bedroom apartment lridge and stove washer and dryer All utilities paid Own entrance $225 monthly Call 424 S403 THREE BEDROOM apartment 5265 plus hydro Stave supplied garage large grounds On Ridge Road in 010 48730807pm10pm TWO BEDROOM apartments available 5232 includes lridge stove heat new laundry room and parking No pets Call 7285816alter6pm ONE BEDROOM sellcontained apart ment large living room Broadloom throughout clean and neat Central Ioca tion nice area $175 monthly utilities in cluded Telephone 737 3594 alter pm SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM abarirrrérii available immediately stove and lridge lireplace ground lloor Wellington Baylield Phone alter 6728 3097 17bausasto rant PUGFT COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundlos Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Alsoclose to bus stop 726 3257 between and9p 111 NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For immediate rental bedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 728 3030 726 5992 or 458 9431 FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE three miles east at Barrie near Shanty BOY modern Six months lease required 8300 Two bathrooms oil heated per month First and last months rent in advance Telephronene 0988 ALLANOALEHEIGHTsJour bedroom semi available immediately $375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Magill rep Lou Goedemont Real EsIateA728 4067ror 726 3864 10TH CONCESSION 0F 0R0 two bedroorr lrame home with basement December lst 5250 plus Lease required Call Harry representing Lou Goedemondl Real Estate 728 4067 or 72673864 MODERN lUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 3280 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Baylield Mall Lease required Telephone 726 6046 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apart ment in downtown area Available No vember lst for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between am and9p ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments lor rent Fridge and stove included Telephone 737 1674 between 00am 00 pm LARGE BEDROOM apartment cen trally located Includes all utilities Parking included Laundry lacilities No pets Please telephone 7280980 TIAODEDROOMI 5220 monthly Argus area Also lurnished bachelorette cen tral Barrie 726627Ialter SELF CONTAINED bedroom apart ment lridge and stove heat and hydro Private entrance Parking no pets Sin gle or couple Call 7372699 alter 730 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Stove relrigerator parking laundry facilities and heat included No children or pets Apply Apartment 201 55 Blake Street AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bed room apartment $240 monthly Also small one bedroom apartment available January 195185 montth Both central ly located No pets 726 9200 TWO BEDROOM apartment in apart ment building Central location heat water parking stove and relrigerator in cluded $240 monthly Phone 726 7736 MISSISSAUGA COURTT Two bedroom apartments coloured appliances utilities included Available January 15th and February lst Telephone 726 3577 ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments in Allandale Stove refrigerator laundry lacilities parking heat cable TV sup plied Pay own hydro Available Januaryt Telephone 728 3612 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY One bedroom downtown over store Fridge and stove included 5169 includes heat Telephone Mrs Howard 737 0938 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately near Base Borden relrigerator stove heat and hydro $200 monthly Telephone 424 1971 BACHELOR APARTMENT adults on ly Suit older person Rent includes stove relrigerator above ground park ing sauna modern equipped laundry room Locked doors intercom elevator 728 8655 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown location includes lridgc and stove $180 per month Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 NEW ONE BEDROOM apartment yard stove lridge heat and parking No pets Sunnidale Rd Available January Ist 1978 Telephone 737 3639 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $260 monthly includes everything except hydro No pets Available now 74 Shirley St Telephone 726 8733 or 726 3817 TWO BEDROOM Apartment lor rent on Dunlap Street West Available im mediately Telephone 737 2600 evenings 726 5207 BACHELOR APARTMENT $140 Per month lully broadloomed and two sh ed No parking Private Call Mary alter 5pm7769915 OI vï¬vm UNFURNISHED SIX ROOM apartment lor rent Dunlop and Maple $195 monthly plus heat and utilities Available Im mediately Apply Mostyns Baylleld Mall Barrie 7263442 PARK LANE TOWERS Modern bedroom apartment also bedroom apartment Walking distance to downtown Ralarancas Rant conter ed by Rental Review Otllcar Apply 37 Pool Straot T160 BEDROOM apartment available Immediately In brick olevenplax Bus stop at door parking Laundry facilities $250 monthly plus hydro References 7281035or 7371771 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT stove and lrldge laundry lacllitles Parking Available immediately Utopia area No pets References Telephone 728 7649 FURNISHED ROOM in Allandali at bus COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 built in stove and oven lrig washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stanslield 726 3261 or 728 8082 represen tatiye Canada Trust 262 SHANTY BAY Road Kempenlelt village beautilully wooded site two bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water relrigerator and stove in cluded Adults only no pets Available January lst Call 7284590 Also one bedroom apartment 75 BLAKE STREET Three bedroom home for rent Available immediately $290 monthly No pets Option to buy available Telephone 487 2412 FREE BEDROOMdetached bungalow with lurnished lamin room with fireplace two baths $350 monthly Available immediately Call collect 1416 638 7214 BEDROOM HOME in downtown area Immediate possessmn Call Hamilton Real Estate 737 1000 LARGE HOME tor rent double garage greenhouse beautiful surroundings Located Baylield Street Central Telephone 7372600 or evenings 726 5207 MOVE IN NOW Four appliances included lovely three bedroom bungalow broadloom and cus hlon lloors lull dry basement fenced yard oversiled garage Highway 27 south Asking $325 monthly Lois Slans lield 7263261 or 7288002 representing Canada Trust MOBILE HOME near Stroud bedrooms relrlgerator stove and hydro included $185 monthly Couple only no pets or will sell with low down payment and $100 monthly Phone 4363897 to 730 pm ATTRACTIVE bedroom house tor rent wood burning lireplaces stove retrig orator dryer parking for cars Cen tral Telephone 737 3923 MIDHURST MODERN two bedroom bungalow all heal garage Completely lurnished January lst to May lst Telephone 728 2874 THREE TOWNHOUSES AVAILABLE December 1st Special relerences re quired Adults preferred Delinitely no pets One car parking only Telephone 725 0022 alter pm TOWNHOUSE $272 per month three bedrooms 172 baths lour appliances Available January 15th 1978 Call 728 1762 TWO LUXURY TOWNHOUSES lor rent Three bedrooms two washrooms heated garage Adults only 5290 men thly Available now Telephone 726 2109 belore8pm alter 416 489 3833 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE garage braadloom throughout Baylield Cundles area $325 monthly available immediately Telephone 726 4133 alter 530 pm DECEMBER 15TH FIVE BEDROOM modernized larm home baths lami 1y room with fireplace natural gas heat live appliances inground pool $375 plus utilities island last Lease 778 3715 SHANTY BAY Concession and Ridge Rd Older bedroom storey recently renovated and broadloomed Call Oshawa 416 5762496 or shown on weekend BRIGHT COSY corner house close to downtown Private drive ail heating Available immediately reler nces re quired Call Toronto 416 488 6467 ON BUS ROUTE near school bedroom bungalow lulIy broadloomed available immediately lull basement garage newly decorated Call 728 9745 CLEAN THREE BEDROOM home large garage centrally located Available December 15 $285 monthly Telephone 728 4868 20rooms to let stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen prelerred Telephone 7284268 days or 728 0810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms tree parking laundry lacllitles 725 7155 FURNISHEDROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room lor rent Kitchen privileges ladies prelerred 728 4268 or 720 0810 EXTRA LARGElurnished roomsshare kitchen for singles or young couples linen supplied Downtown area 726 6392 ATTENTION BUSINESS GIRLS Your own lurnished room plus share house with two other working girls All conve nlences parking close to bus and malls Available now Telephone alter 500 TENNIS COURT 1MODERN OFFICE space lor least 1611 to rent BAY Barrie 7269580 TThSTF MMI 20r00mL CLEAN BRIGHT FURNISHED Bedroom lor gentleman Linen supplied and changed weekly Share kitchen1 Free parking Central 525 weekly 7282471 or 728 0598 ROE NEWLY DECORATED lur nished rooms Broadioomed and utilities Included Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 COMFORTABLY lurnished room private entrance lull kitchen bath Close to downtown hospital bus route Female only 726 I776 alter 5pm ROOMS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Gentlemen preferred Central location Telephone 726 4859 or 737 0601 EOMFORTADLEIiiFrilsntd bed sitting Sparking TV lor gentleman Board op tional Telephone 73 2888 ROOMS 10 RENT monthly Reasonable Kitchen privileges lully broadloomed Allandale area Available Immediately Apply at 52 Highcrolt bet ween and 9pm FURNISHED ROOM in quiet building available immediately shared kitchen and bathroom broadloomed Please call 726 9399 alter 30 21room and board RELAXED CLEAN HOME for female to room use at kitchen easy commuting toIBarrie $139 monthly 458 9189 liOOM AND BOARD gentleman tor y0ung Lunches packed Light washing done Central location Avail able now Telephone 728 7568 zitoffices stores for rent small Or large soites immediate or cupancy short or long term 726 3400 269900 OFFICE SPACE available lrom 175 to 1200 square leet Rental rate 54 50 per sq ft Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 7289701 TWO OF ICES iust over 500 square lent each can be iomed together 5150 men lhly each includes parking and heal Located Dunlap St downtown Barre Mrs Fetch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or OFTILP Ior rent available December lst Allandalo loca tion 500 square leet $235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephoni 726 8712 alterop or 726 4621 daily RETAIL 0R OFFICE SPACE as sublit lrom current tenant 300 600 square liml near Five Points 716 3822 OFFICE SPACE IO RENT BayViLw and Little Ave $160 per month Approx imately 416 square lett Telephorii 7261634 between 100 and 00 pm weekdays 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal tor retail store storis ellirrzs Also basement storage space ayailabii With Ideal loading unloading area Main downtown Barrie 726 0988 atspace for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 6000050 it tully sprinkland Iranspmi and light truck loading 1m ks 14 ll 18 ll clear part 01 large expanding IndUrrlrtrll mall 726 7I30 FOR LEASE industrial space 1an warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelotl COMMERCIALANDINDUSTRIAme perties for sale or rent Mortoll Limited Real Estate 778 0674 25garages HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car repairs Hourly or daily rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Shop 728 5212 450 2576 alter hours WANTED small storage of car for winter season Preler garage to rent for in Barrie or close to city 725 0109 26accommodationsto share MIDDLE AGE LADY would like to share her home with same West end Telephone 728 6746 32 cus for sdu TIEICDhON SERVICE RECORD EVERY 3000 MILES 1974 VW BEETLE speed electric defrost radio one owner car Lic HTM488 Low mileage Original point showroom condition ONLY $1995 IMCOE DATSU 549 Boyfield SI liust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 D2 HONDA CIVICS fast delivery IIIllIIIIIIIlllIlIIlI $9611 PER MONTH $26107 down payment Total deferred balance $461328 48 months at 135 CALL 7266488 NOW We take your credit ap plication over the telephone BARRIF HONDA AUTO SALES 17 GOWAN ST BARRIE TThSDS BUYING CAR Why nol get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent Interest 18 Collier St 728 5191 1965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 377 Car tilied $6500 or trade lor lour wheel drive 726 100l or 726 9005 1976 HONDA stalionwagon ruslprooled FM cassette deck excellent condition Call 737 2622 days or 487 7295 evenings 1970 LINCOLN air power equipped new paint certllied 70 miles per gallon 125 9119 hwy Private sale 51400 728 7l56 32 cus for sin 31 08 for Ida 111511445 SPECIALS The Home of Hand Pickedï¬uality Prices in effect until Doooinbor 15 til 144111 EQUIPMENT 11c PRICE 11 Dodge Mob lloiii Loaded MAY399 $10550 11 Toyota 115551 cyl It t44v1 51 $3595 11 Monarch 5511 41 P5 It 141111249 $4595 15 Girls Taronado loaded kuPm $7995 15 Ply Volare 41 P5 P8 11 ISX360 $3495 15 00ng Royal 41 P5 P8 It 1111511 $3595 15 Dodge vim AT P5 P8 ll 115514 $3495 15 Ford Pu 41 P5 P11 11888311 $2995 15 111151 cm 41 15 P8 It 1011050 $3395 15 Ply H19 41 P5 P11 11 MC JOY402 2995 15 c1 54 41 PB 11 1451445 4495 15 Pinto 51 It 11x152 $2495 15 1155551 111 41 It like551 $5295 14 1155541 51 It 141150 51995 14 9115 AT 11 11114514 $2195 I14 Dart 5p 11 511111 1111559 50111 Imiin 5411mm nus055 $1995I1 14 11 41 15 P11 It 1c1oss $2495 14 Hornet 541 It 1115253 $2495 14 Mgvgflck 41 P5 11 1411433 $1195 14 rim 41 It 14111115 $2495 In My 5mm 41 P5 P8 11 1111555 $2395 I13 0141 Omega AT P5 P8 11 1110541 $2295 I13 4114 41 PS 11v591 $4495 In 3511 151 AT P5 P8 It 111130 $1995 11 Int Scout Plow IT 44 1v1795 $3195 I11 14 V6 4x4 10475 $3295 I49 amii 55 410 HP Spd MIC263 $1595 52 Ford Tow Truck 1140524 $1995 pump 1riiclr P55251 $2295 I411 1555 Plow Cyl 1115312 995 DI 1011 Morons 11D 99L 32pin for sale VERY IOW MILEAGEI 1975 PINTO dr sed 33 oars wanted JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lor speed LIC KFX482 Lady wrecking and parts top pIIClS pitid driven in immoculoe conv Freeplckup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean useucar Barrie Hon dllOn Wlh 20000 °9° 1a Auto Sales1700wan $1 726 6488 miles SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 TOP PRICE tor top cats Toke Motors limited 119 Bradford Street Bdfrtt IMCOE DATSUN 34Irucks and trailers 549 Boylield St just north at Georgian Mall ALMOST NEW 1976 DATSUN ton pickup long box Lic H362 With only 2lXO original miles this like new truck is PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY $2995 Barrie 7370254 02 1969 PONI IAL IO 400 cubic Inch ron verlible V8 aulomatic Good condilion $1600 or best oller Telephone 416 248 3906 or 776 4403 anytime Ask tor inc 1973 AVELIN AMX automatic power steering and brakes bucket seats wth console 360 engine new radials With chrome riverses on rear Excellent 071 Oman $2400 Call 458 4518 1973 M68 body ruslpmolid and solid orruinal paint QEXIIT tiriis mii liaiiIrnlly sound runs smoothly Fully LVIlltrl 40 000 milis Prirr $2400 Call George 728 7485 days 726 Ifllsiwrnings 1977517361902 111 IIyir with him 111 SIMCOE DATSUN 549 Bayfield St just north of Georgian Moll Barrie 7370254 02 terior four SDVffl WI tour tmrriI radials mags lmIr Innr trw and mg 9500 m4 ï¬shy My Ca Ill5 F250 lORI Iiiur whill rtrIvo VII 737 0478 autornatir in good InUIllOl TtlPDIIOIIf 445 5562 after 111 1970 OLDS DE In CU1TOM 4411wti pRVAYE 1969 hey 41an aulonintir I153$s0VtngtltnaTritiulglvgy V8 IiI Pntld and orliliwt 3800 Also 1971 778 as International crow irit Vii soted In good running 0701 As is 3500 Phoni 1912 FORD 51111011410201111 Er 121 1101 cellvnl comtitlon ll1liirS tonrig partnun IV stmtka nriw Mithrlins plus MM JAN FM mom snow CiyrtItietl H600 or best fllf on v8 94 phnm MW DamHell intirt WITHIIIWS IllUik titttcr mus snowhrcs Lowmilongv MisliIl Ask EST 31F iALf 1974 Fri ml r1 dr Ingslsm phoni 0005 Standard transmyss0nv 37000 MC IWI FOUR ilirtll DPIVI Land buckiIsmilsran DISOODtOCOdTIITlIlOlI msfl 1mm 5500 86 quhos bd mumufl Nb miles halanri iil warranty EXIIIIIII mil signed bit to Donald eray Laï¬dlo IIDIIVN 445 IJAJ rister and yoliiilor PR No Nasaua 197 L70 PICKUP and 11 Beach Ontario solicitor tor the stati 75 CORVETTE Silyir With blaik lnltllOT loamd otter 6000100 718 834 Or 737 I901 I966 RAMBIER Ambassador 90th run Am Fm radio thrrn 99901181071061Q outlt motor now tirrs With work box on back needs littli work $1600 Call Br 726 9179 alter 10 F001 INCH MEYI RS 51900lir Ironic hydraulir four way night months old Still under warranty hardly usnd ning rnnrtition $175 uncortilind Call Call 7769197 an 700 alterop 436 5284 1975 F25 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE loaded HONDA CWC 53 93 With options plus looI Western snow 311100 Has 28000 miles Telephone plow Telephone 436 7695 Steve work 424 1700 local 7438 or hmm no 5666 1977 FORD RANGER hall trill pick up FORD GALAXIE 00m Mu WInterized and urtiiiid Exiellent on dition $2195 Lnlroy 456 1601 1977 DODGE POWER WAGON rlIIb at aulomalic power SHWIIHQ power brakes plus many more options With tool western threi way snowplriw Both excollentconrtitiryn 156500 728 6892 top vinyl root power Sflfllng power brakes 351 V8 very good condition SBOOor host otter lulnphrin07371191 i967 BARRACUINK With good slant sly motor as is 5700 also 1973 Pontiac ILeMans new body and paint iob six cyiinoer 52200 tenphoni 728 2015 Itsservice and repairs 726 7951 ask for Dayc I975MALIBU CLASSIC iwoooor tiairl MOIORJSTS AVF top V8 power inizring 11nd brakes rtar LCem ma domestics Ir imports 717 0724 17107 30 window defroster CertiliLrl Must sell ilirsl riasonable Offll Tolephonii or weekends 2776 979 38snowmobiles 1976 CHEV IMPALA low mileage power steering power brakes radio mr ICOfldIflOnCd power trunk Best Ireasonable allot TflLphljnt 778 8775 1974 FORD LII BROUGHAM all Ipower air conditioning xcellrnl condi so 11071 Ceriiliid nrst nllir IiIrpiioiw TA 1737 0249 In IARRIE 11968 FIREBIRD 400 automatir power Isleerinq power brakes Needs minor sou work Asking $450 Telephone 737 1638 50 HAVEN MARINE iREPOSSESSION sALL I969 Shantylayld Oldsmobile Toronado Best oiliir mm lelephont 7760697 iwerkdays My 1964 OLDS Good running condition As 95 Cortiliouuoo telephone 171 7571 1972 440 RUPP MAGNUM lramn lusl 1973 CHALLENGER 340 mnemdic redone Needs motor Willalsosellparls tram old motor or wanted to bu no dark green Vinyl root power slurring Hum mom or above dozhmm jptax3Ob173185087ng 52700 rortiliod Metaskmr Randy 1969 MUSTANG MACH Iaslhark new paint runs well Best oller 0111726 3869 between pm 1916 CAMARO 150 lour barrel blue with white interior low mileage lady owner $4300 or best ollrr Telephone 7373477 alter 00pm 197 CUTLASS SUPREME harrltop New vinyl top and point mowor condition inside and out 1101va101113728 9237 alter 500 I967 DODGE DART 273 motor runn ing condition Selling as is Needs body work $100 Telephon0474 5466 1976 AMC PACER 7500 miles Excellent condition Radio automatic One owner Certilied $2700 or best oller Must 5011 Telephone 778 9881 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY V8 $1000 Call ialter 728 6260 1975 HONDA CIVIC 50000 miles radio yustprooled snows Not certified Telephone 322 2408 £974 MUSTANG II royal blue V6 ex ellent condition 37000 miles lour gpeed lull vinyl top $3000 ccrlilied 7800 uncertilied Firm 726 0117 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT loaded Low mileage Excellent condition Telephone 728 7325 anytime 1972 FORD CUSTOM lour door small ight automatic good condition $625 as is Telephone days 458 9701 or 776 4053 venings I97 CHRYSLER NEWPORT tor SdlL Eower steering power brakes radio slon speedometltr and tin ran br SLIIT at Petes BP Highway 11 Telephone 778 7541 1972 MOTO SKI lnr salv 399 twin with cover 340 original miles Telephone 726 8484 7p I974 SKI DOO Olympir speedometer in excellent condition Asking $700 Tolephom 436 7086 USED ORGANS CLOWIY GAKHI25 pedal console price $5500 tour door OHAMMOHD T412 with Leslie cabinet $3095 GOALLANTI Warranty books bench and delivery no charge All excellent used organs No trades accepted on the above organs PONTINGS MUSIC CFNTIF Maple Avo Barrio 7261000 000 original miles ratlials Telephone 26 8484 alter 1974 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Price 4700 Five good tires upholstery like Flew Excellent condition throughout Call 7280580 belore pm excluding Saturday and Sunday 1977 FIREBIRD Espirll metallic maroon white interior buckets console strip scoop tinted glass rally wheels radlals radio etc $6200 or best offrr 1137 39118 ELECTRIC Semicoustlc Guitar and WANr ADS Amplilior approx months old Both in excellent onililion Asking S550 PHONE 7282414 115 3435 1912 POLARIS 1x115 slidl rail suspin south 400 with LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS houseflcchem 17070194 Mgs 40 styles Hds avantips No OE piorthg 00min Costuta Ionalary °Iat soart sets 5101161411 MALI 728I380 FENDLFYS FLOWERS LIVING LOVING CHRISTMAS GIFTS Sand our FTD Sepsons Greater Bouquet av 7285975 74 Blake Also opening new store in Plaza corner of Hwy 89 King Alliston PRACTICAL GIFTS For Al The Famly Slippers Shoes Snow Boots °Evening Shoes Hond Bags Gift Cer tilicates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283 Dl4 Authorised Saks Ii Service ELECTROLUX CANADA 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283392 AIi lot frg tioiriu demo who MADE IN CANADA Domestic commercial vacuum cleaners Iloor polishers rug sham pooers seat chests garment dirvaults D24 FOX Howvo TACK SHOP be bsaddios OBridIas ORIdlng wear 11031113011 HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST 7282431 024 ELLIOTTS DECORATING CENTRE Specialists In Custom Draperies Cushions for Christmas Bedspreads other gift Items IAYFIFLD MALL IARRIE 7267292 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH Qutlts ofghans mounrna stuffed toys handknill someontiquas WIN Imim or 0111511441 on 11 land to Ann mu fra ALI 4241609 ARTISTIC FRAMING ART SUPPLIES PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTOREO 11111 1111111110 11111 11110111111111 1110105 5111111111115 30 1111111 7262800 Hkf Cruftod Pha Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tables Wash Stands Wall Units Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices HURONIA HANDCRAFTED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Eskimo carvings OParkas Moccaslns Jewellry Sweaters Winter Boots Pottery °Leather crafts lndian crafts Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 2610 Stoynar North miles to Mosley East mill OPEN days Phone 4292108 D24MP 40 trtlclos for uh COLORTV RENTALS RENTALPURCHASE 26 FIectrohome per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 10 RCA X1100 per week $565 26 Panasonic par ineli $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL JANUARY 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IAIIII SHOPPING PLAlA 7371132 DB IDROAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking S2950 Telephone 728 1970 IFIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper by the full cord Free delivery Also trunk loads picked up Telephone 7281637 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knlck knocks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start 40 ILICIOI for sde $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recovor it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoam cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines tauttons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 w1til=1r Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop think and remember Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list Classified Gift Spotter the examiner Thunday Doc 1977 11 Snowmobilas IWarm clothing ISnowmobile halmals sweaters toquas boloclava boots THINK SUMMER Water skiis wet suits condos atc SPORT HAVEN MARINE sliiiy Bay ltd 1251001 018 The Little Professor Craig loath and RT3 Educational Services Inc its D4444 51 1160041 or 7267907 avenblgs Mdas math tests fun 916000 OUFSTIONS lH PLUS MINUS DIVIDFD 81 $2495 battery not Inchdod Reading Is the key Io school success Be sure your child has the key DI4 Samsonite Iatlinar Dionita Skywoy HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinyls WALLETS DuxtonTillayRoll Attache cans briafcasas gloves Icorvos avaning bogs sportbags totobogs gifts IARRIE LEATHFRGOODS SLFIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED C85 $49 to $99 lt2 Antennas $999 AMFM track car stereos $09 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drill sets $25 74 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PFTFS SURPLUS SALES 7373955 40 utiolos for side BEAUTIFUL RATTAN HANGING CHAIR 27 233 40 high Please Send 54995 And $400 Shipping plus PST To The CHANDLER 252 Worthington Street East NORTH BAY ONTARIO MONEY BACK GUARANTEE D2 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12 lace cord £32 16 lace card 536 All mixed hard wood delivered 726 5938 Sunday calls accepted USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop svw71532oo HANGING BASKETS all varieties 25 all while they last Brays Garden Cen tre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 726 2951 FORK LiFTT INTERNATIONAL $5200 or trade for four wheel drive 7261001 or 726 9005 FIREWOODiï¬mixed hardwood Free dllvery Telephone 322 2390 ORGANS Conn °Lolroy OWurlltxor Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient lavawav plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE 688 Maple Avo Barrio 7261000 D9 M07477 7627075 67177197114715 Musical Gift Suggestions 14 Catalan buIt Hunlands from $669 OWIis Ii Habitat1 Pianos PIana 8i OrgI Music Grmdflthar Clocks 00mm lamps li accessories We Include yr 52 music lessons FREE with any new or used orgt DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE Iayflolll Mel 7373572 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember yourfriends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Eac CB Transceivers Single gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in lull rich colors mailed to arriv at just the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 Something for His Car AUDIOVOX Tape decks All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 728591 MomFri til 530pm Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories D24 40Iticlaslorsda REUPHOLSTERS your cbostorfiokl 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