12 the oxamlner Thursday Doc 1977 ente MONDAY THRU FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON 156 555 CANADIAN SCHOOLS PTL CLUBTALK AND FRI Bc 533 ARIETY PRICE Is RIGHT 550 ONTARIO SCHOOLS a5gge FOCUS TUE FRI Canadian 000 PYRAMD 000 Schools TUE FRII AL HAMEL SHOW PTL CLUBTALK AND DIALING FOR me LMRS MOVIE Dr Cook Brden MON How the 9R UNIVERSITY OF THE DAYBEAgw Wes Was Won Pm CAMERA ON CANADA HOLLYWOOD QUE gm if wag CARTOONS UARES MRDRESSUP Seven In Darkness FARM REPORTS 8WPULSE THUR Assault on the 625 2m Wayne FRIZIGO NEWS WHEEL OF FORTUNE WINDOW ON THE SESAME STREET 002822st NIGHT RLD ERS WILD No HAPPY DAYS UIDING LIGHT SUNRISE SEMESTER ITS YOUR MOVE Sgflgimflén CARTOON KLARAS KORNER Pl some Mim Im 22mm mYOGA zoom Provncla Loner mar Le Temps de Vivre DAYBEM News mar LEtincelle do Vle 655 30 IOU Les Ateliers Ivan MISSION ï¬xggcxout 93 PLOYMENT UNG AND THE EMPLOYMENT FILE STLESS PSQYVYORLD DAYBREAKPUBLIC FAMILY FEUD LD AFFAIRS at OF COOKING am 700 IDDAY TODAY 06R VARIOUS OVCVZOMMANDER TOM CBS NEws AMMING GOOD MORNING 1200 GENERAgstoOSPITAL ERICA To SAY THE LEAST CANADA AM LEAVEIT T0 BEAVER CELEBRTY COOKS IT FIGURES News ALL IN THE FAMILY GREEK HORIZONS MCLEAN SHOW R30 03 715 UNCLE BOBBY SHOW BOgKSVE 700 CLUB 19 MISTER ROGERS WITCH 730 79 PAY CARDS 345 TVO 1230 MINUTE MOUMOUTE PORTUGAL OF TODAY MAGAZINE EN 500 NEWS 400 CAPTAIN KANGAROO SEARCH FOR MOVIE TIckle Me ROCKETSHIP MORRow ONI 40 Pounds of INSCHOOL RYANS HOPE Trouble TUEI Black PROGRAMMING FLINTSTONES ITALIANIESIsMO ALL MY CHIfPQEEOOL Countdown THUR Onl An BIS Have Win ED ALLEN SHOW OGRAMMING FRIYI as COLOR BAR AND 2r LES COOUELUCHES VARIOUS USIC 30 YOUREggguTIFUL OGRA MING MERV GRIFFIN BONJOUaRs NEWS 0° ï¬sngt TREK UNG AND THE FRIENDLY GIANT GONG SHOW STLESS 000 MERV GRIFFIN PINK PANTHER DINAH CONCENTRATION BOBINO BONJOUR ALL MY CHILDREN FAMILY FEUD MATCH GAME IEXC GOING PLACES 30 MON CITY CLASSIFIED EXC PARTY GAME INTOUCH EDI Sewmg Show MIKEDOUGLAS PHIL DONAHUE SHOW WED DINAH TORONTO TODAY 103 ELECTRIC COMPANY CANADIAN TIME FOR YOU AVALCADE 130 LITTLE RASCALS EMISSIONS DIVERS CINELOTTO DAYS OF OUR MY THREE SONS 915 LIVES SCHOOLS AS THE WORLD HOGANS HEROES 930 EMERGENCY ONE TATTLETALES JOYCE DAVIDSON SESAME STREET ROMPER ROOM 0W GILLIGANS ISLAND 1WHUNTLEY STREET WINNERS CIRCLE LHEURE DE POINTE VARIOUS TELEJOURNAL FBI OGRAMMING 135 530 945 FEMME NEWS EMISSIONS DIVERS AUJOURDHUI ODD COUPLE 1000 137 ALL IN THE FAMILY NOT FOR WOMEN TATTLETALES EXC BEWITCHED NLY DORIS DAY SHOW THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 Andros an emissary Irom aflmffl NEWS the Interplanetary councrt HOLLYWOOD In remote Space to crush SOUARES fugitive r7utlaws Irorn BCBC NEWS space before they ran lay DEFINITION waste to earth IPart One EPOLKADOTDOOR mCHIPS CE SOIR CONSUMER CITY PULSE HALLENGE 30 WELCOME BACK NBC NEWS KOTTER MARY TYLER MOORE LE TRAVAIL LA HOW HAINE OCBSNEWS MOVIE Hearts of the ABC NEWS West 1975 19 Bridges NEWS Andy GTIHIIR PARTY GAME 830 READALONG EDUCATION OF MIKE GONG SHOW MCMANUS LACTUEL 22 WHATS HAPPENING 40 25 LES GRANDS FILMS ECOVER TO COVER DOCIeurJuStice 1975 Gert 55 Froebo Nathalie Delon up WRITE ON 858 00 NEWSBREAK HOLLYWOOD 000 ONNECTION HALLMARK HALL LOU GRANT Iulir FAME The Court Vavner guest stars as Martial of George battered NI and Armstrong Custer Brian Irighter er and unwilling Sutnect of Billie Newman semen about He beating CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TO TELL THE TRUTH articles KeIth Ken Howard Blythe Danncr James Olson star Combmatron of tact and fiction to tell what might have happened II the controversral General Custer had Survwed the massacre at LIltIe Big FUNNY FARM Horn BEHIND THE SCENE MOVIE The Harness EVISION ON 1971 Lorne Greene Julie FERNWOODZNIGHT DOSSIFRS DE Penetanguwrianp 730 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES OSTRIKESSPARESAND MISSES WEVE GOT EACH HER Somrnars ALL STAR TRIBUTE TO ELIZABETH TAYLOR Many of MISS Taylors good lrIends and Iellow actors from over the years writ perform for her In cast party atmosphere Including Shaun Casmdy Bob Hope Rock Hudson Paul Newman Burt FAMILY FEUD Reynolds RIchard Burton Debbie Boone Dan SHA NA NA Rowan DIck MartIn Tom MAGC SHADOWS Drake Peter Lawlord and Captrvr Heart lPart lv mm Final SANFORD AND SON DU TAC AU TAC ODDCOUPLE 800 CHIPS Hrghway ohbery During lreeway tie up Alice Circus elephant moat loose from her van and Ponch and Jon have the hands lull CANADIAN EXPRESS Host JIrn Bonnet BARNEY MILLER The unnel Wogo Is buried alive the prectncts telephones are dead and Hams atIII hasnt Iound an apartment wItha terrace CARTER COUNTRY OMNIBUS Soundstage Harry Freedman NEWS UPDATE THE CAROL 901 BURN TT SHOW Guest CODE1078 Bernadette Petem 030 THE WALTONS Jim 0t realIIes he has never socIaIIzeri with people hIS own age outsrde hIs own family SANTA CLAUS IS CARTER COUNTRY hIeI Roy Ialls Into trap when he treats his annual negotiation sesston with the mayOr as the game they usually play MING TO TOWN An CTV REPORTS animated mIJSICal tale that $1280000UESTION delves Into the mysterIes 958 and myths ol Kris Kringle nABC NEWSBRIEF alIas Santa ClairI Fred 1000 AstaIre Mickey Rooney Keenan Wynn star IRI BARNABY JONES 12 ycanold girls accurate In small country town IN TOUCH g9 REDD FOXX PILE ET FACE Etat Santa de IEconnmIe Canadienne NEWS ROCKIES 1030 ONTARIO SCENE FrancoOntarIan Discussron Francor OntarIans from venous communities across Ontario discuss their present Situation In lIght ol the CanadIan debate tollowmg the November 15 1976 elections In Quebec TELEJOURNAL 1056 CB SECONDE EDITION 11 NEWS 8939245 CTV NEWS FOREVER FERNWOOD WITNESS TO YESTERDAY 1110 CINEMA Laccuse mene Ienquete 197 Elizabeth Ashley Howard DUII 1120 QNEWS 1122 flNEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW ost Johnny Carson MOVIE The Searchers 156 John Wayne Vera Miles MOVIE The OuISIIIer 7Darren McGavlrISean GarrIBon LYNNE HOW OUESTION PERICD GORDON WINNERS CIRCLE CITY LIGHTS Guest Actor John MoCaIlurn 1135 NINETY MINUTES LIVE oat Peter Growskr 1150 MOVIE Amerlcan uerrilla In Philippinea 1950 Tyrone Power Jack Elam 1200 MOVIE The Looking lass War 1970 PIa Degermark Christopher Jones MOVIE Cat on Hot Tin 001 1958 ElIzabeth Taylor Paul Newman 1204 MOVIE The Innocents Deborah Kerr Michael Redgrave 1245 CINENUIT La Cite de la Violence 1970 Charles Bronson Jill Ireland 11 TOMORROW Host Torn nyder 215 MERV GRIFFIN Guests by Clark Evel Knievel Marlena Shaw Miss THE NEW forecast of two deaths and NevadaEr milestone ADVENTURES OF disappearance leads 3135 WONDER WOMAN Wonder Barnaby to beIIeve he may ROBERT Y0UGv Woman Iorrrs Irces Mth be dealing with the occult AMLY DOCTOR THURSDAY MOVIES 800 1110 1150 MOVIE Hearts of the CINEMA Laccuse MOVIE Amerlcan Wedt 1975 J8 800081 mene lenquete 1972 uerrllla In Phillpplnes Andy GrIIIIth Its 1933 mutant tarrri lad anIYe In Hollywood to write western IOI85 but becomes caught on art odyssey to career as BrrIovIe gturrtrnar Instead hrs 530 LES GFANDS FILMS motor mortar Id5 Gert rwoe Iatralir Detorr VIII tonne GI pinto soot dun gunner I7 llfltiléf3i Elizabeth Ashley Howard Dult UrI Iourgon blinde est attaque par des bandits Lun des convoyeurs est soupconne detre complice 35m 1130 MOVIE The Searchers John Wayne Vera MIIea man In relentlessly drlven to avenge his familys massacre MOVIE The Outsider III lbarrrm McCIavln Sean MINI lrt Harrrler HHIIATI Etcon turned 41 tor Irmyro your prirate 09 ts hIred t0 Corrrrarrr tory of rr agoZ Warm II Vvlllry Irmratoi yoirig Ivor4 trim learn II young woman is tunnelling company IIHJI IIanI more trouble than Inï¬rmary 1950 Tyrone Power Jack Elam Naval officer left behind enemy lines on World War it Pacilrc Island helps natIveS combat Japanese 1200 MOVIE The Looklng ass War 1970 Pla Degarmark ChrlBtDpher Jones hrs 15 mIn MOVIE Cat on Hot Tln 001 1958 Elizabeth Taylor Paul Newman hrs 10min 1204 MOVIE Thu tnnocents Deborah Kerr Mtchanl Redgrave 1245 CINENUIT La Clte de la vIOince 1070 Charles BronsonJiIllrelanu 2h Finding real Denver Iror rrrc air Sorrgwrilrrr IoIIrI lirrIvrr part of shiny Ia pm lflllï¬ up on Inountmrr the girth of mmmmr zrul IookIrI mngcr Feel the lug grout la any triIrI around Individual run down to evcrytimc mountain have an think thats ncing with the moun hats what it comes Thighs Up sculpture of Elvis Sculptrcss Tanya Wolf puts the finishing touches her thighs up sculpturc of Elvis Presley Wolf was cOIIImissiorch for special tributc to the late singer on NBCTVS Seventh Annual as cgas Enwrtuinmcnt Awards Sunday Dec The sculpture is from thc thighs up Wolf said How can you do Elvis without doing his body shc asked Lzlscrp hotol Yuletide tales galore ByJlDYCREIGIIION Family Editor Childrcns books for Christ mas include an impressive list this season with many written by Canadian authors of rcputc such as Peter lcSlIIratS Ted Allan and Slicila Hurriford csbarats whosc best Scllirig biography on Itcnc lwvcsquc was published in W76 has ptti duccd his sccund childrcns book The Night the in Sang It is collection If yulctidc tales doric in lilting rhymcs and illustrator delightfully by Frank cwfcld In nc story wc zirc In troduccd to Lucretia girlish Iittlc dcvil born to be holy tIr ror who leaves her hnrnc tll llcll and lcurns the joy Hi All JET CHIMNEY SWEEPS Give Santa Citrus Treat by having your Chimney cleaned for Christmas 7267693 7263820 Christmas from loner old man in poor part of town The Night the ity Sang Ictcr Dcsbaruts $598 48 pagcs illustratcd McClelland and Stcwurt Micc have always been favorite creatures for irtiaginativc writers to wcavc stories around for youngsters lcd Allan has gone onc bcttcr llc has developed squuwsc which wc discover is cross bctwccn squirrcl and mouse Willics father was squirrcl hrs mother mouse Ilc is vcry talcntcd and hunts Aluucttc and rr Irfrr JWr The term punk already dead New wave music the latest Written forCP By DAVID FARRELL Oscar Wilde once said nothing is quite so dangerous as being too modern one is apt to grow oldfashioned suddenly Contemporarythinking cler gy and establishment leaders upset by the punk music trend would do well to reflect on Wildes assertion because there is great deal of ignoran ce about the modern genre its politics ambitions and cultural contribution In fact punk as term is already dead passe The new voice groping for power is called new wave music Punk music is indigenous to Great Britain where urban centres are caught in paralysis brought on by pover ty The new generation of youth caught in this grim en vironment has had little to be optimistic about and has rejec ted point blank any social at tempts to muffle its collective voicc Instead youth has once again turned to the litcraiure of its time rock roll music Ideal ism and religious belief have been replaced by atheism and ethical nihilism Scorn and re prisal it would seem is their reward as the infamous Sex Pistols dcmonstratcd with their runaway hit single God Save the Quccn banned by the BBC BBC WAS ENRAGEI God save the Queen because tourists are money and our fig urchcad aint what she seems is one typical verse lt enraged the BBC no end andwithout II Winner of thewHoIiday Magazine Award for Gastronomy for Icservatinm Citll Trudy OI Ernest qug 705 6875906 lain HIch IcIIIIIId and Stcwurl danccs it jig Willic thc Squow 50 Ted AI Qucritin illustratcd by 8395 57 pa gcs ALL NEW Never before Shawn anywhere ANOTHER SHATTERING EXPERIENCE Til 3111 Week lant Ilt 645 p111 mun LS Ml LIILITAMII In EASTMAN COLORSCOPE 7151915 FROMTHE AUTHOR OF TAXI DRIVER ROLLING THUNDER WILLIAM DEVANE rruROLLING THUNDER IMMMI by AMI RILAN INll PNAIIIMAI PlCllillI alaoulairrnl TOMMY LEE JONES LINDA HAYNES JIlII by lil llll rlrII inch by MOVll Uh WARNING $0M SCLNB YIOLINCIMAY IIOWMIYI MATINEES ONLYI SATURDAY and SUNDAY produced by TONY IINIDICT IAIRY MARON Mc Longer Fuu AT SAMS ONLY It AI SAMS ONLY Whod more AT SAMS ONLY Unconditionolly BOB SEGER NIGHT MOVES DAN IIILL Sometimes When We Touch Joon more 449 BEATLES Abbey Road Here Comes The Sun Something 14 more 449 GREATEST HITS VOLUML ELTON JOIIII Grootott Hits Vol Pinball 499 SAMS PLEASURE CERTIFIED GIFT CERTIFICATE YOU CAN BUY IT HERE AND USE IT THERE REDEEMABLE AT ANY SAMS STORE FROM HALIFAX TO VANCOUVER VAILABLEIN ANY AMOUNT GIVE THEM THE FUN OF CHOOSING THEIR OWN IIéttlAMOND EElES 3LT 399 10 Dunlop St Barrie IllltlllllllllllllEVEN THE Bus STOPS AT SAMSDOOIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII guaranteed for om your NIGHT MOVES Moinstreet Sunspot Baby Rock And Roll Never Forgets Sun burst Ship Of Fools more MIDI limited Ono per Mt STEELY DAN STEELY DAN AIA Block COw Home At iii 449 VITA Wflï¬g 69 STAR WARS track LP Sci AT SAMS ONLY 699 aretlg grid IILL NAZARETII Greats Hits This Flight To night Love Hurts to more AT 5AM5 99 ONLY Original Motion Picture Sound ever being heardrankled nation already divided over the monarchy issue So far no such stormy issue has emerged to focus the punk generation in North America the raw materials needed for such revolutionary furore arent visible in our societyyet In North America the new generation sometimes referred to as the blank generation has embraced rudimentar and pure music style call new wave It is called that because it adopts the sophistication of music form brought to life by the Beatles generation The British invasion came in waves to this continent the fir st carrying the Beatles Rolling Stones and Manfred Mann second wave bringing Procol Harum the Who David Bowie Elton John and the beginning of op music as we have come to now it Among the figurcheads of the North American new wave are names such as Mink Willie de Ville the Ramones Dead Boys and the Canadian contingency Viletones Dishes Diodes Bat tered Wives Teenage Head and Stanley Frank INDUSTRY IS DIVIDED The music industry is sharply divided on the new wave issue Most disc jockeys are relatively ignorant of the style because they are content to be forcefed mainstream pop records from record companies In Canada particularly music program mers at top30 stations rarely deviate from triedandtrue hits already popular in the United States Commercial radio has no vested interest in new wave music with its accelerated rhythms and guttural vocal style Radio music must purr and tease its audience today in order to be successful attract ing middleaged housewife as well as middleclass bopper Familiarsounding music is the key to big audiences research ers have found The new wave remains con Barries Only Nite Style Dance Hall Adult Couples WE PLAY THE MUSIC YOU WANT THE PLACE FOR ADULTS To GET TOGETHER ON SATURDAY NIGHT Admission $500 per couple Hours 830 pm 10m 274 Burton Ave Hwy 11 Barrie IACTGY LOW HAY $190 RECORD cnnou BAKER One Night Of Cheating Tonight With Love more 449 AT SAMS ONLY KANSAS Point of Know Return new son or Tm murmur Mun 10th Hana Puaao DuII In wind KANSAS Point Of Know Return Light nings Hand more 449 AT SAMS ONLY SUPERTRAMP Crime Of The Century Bloody WellRight more 499 AT SAMS ONLY Sid arm Moon PINK FLOYD lot It DI 9am 7284530 CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNON RECORD STORES SATURDAY DEC AM on BOB SEGER MONDAY DEC AM ONLY PINK FLOYD DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Breathe On The Run Brain Damage Time Money Us And Them more thin limited One For Mutt mum YOU Ivit Bttltvt IN MAGIC AIURDAI NIGNI IONLI BI With You BAY CITY IIoLIiIE Grecian Hits Dont Stop The Music more 813 Ted Iiugerr at 30357 Fe ve LI ll upOuInay Mruduntnu Norm on or Control Thousand Kano Wang Dung Swool Pooatang TED IIIIGEIII Cat Scratch Favor Wong Dong Sweet Poontang more AT SAMS SANTANA MOONFLOWER Including Moi Nat Thar Incl Magi Woman Soul SOCHIKIIOyDly Ovunlul The Childan Play 40 SANTANA Moonftowor LP Sat Shes Not There 19 more 699 AT $AMS ONLY GOOD Pretty Aint THE 6000 Good Enuff BROTHERS All The III Dont ooglc mar AT 5AMs ONLY IACH Store Noun Mom Ylod L501 IJII p111 Thurs Fri 9ll p111 iruIigI1tl WIpIyc Original Sound Track AT SAMS ONLY AT SAMS ONLY Out Of The Blue Sci Turn To Stone 16 more AT SAMS ONLY Midnight Flight Good Above 17 Item on 3an at advertised prices while supply lasts 11 SOL Mon On each per person fined to the thirdclass bars and basement dives where the workingclass kid can punk out undisturbed and members never quite make enough money to see themselves out of their class roles Record companies for the most part are as confused by the issue as the general public Companies such as WEA CBS and Sire have invested capital but have yet to reap any bene fits sincc few of the groups recorded have sold any records to speak of New wave will likely continue to grow modestly in popularity No doubt the music press will continue its torrent of glowing hyperbole on the subject in pro test against the placidity of ra dio and the superstar structure Eventually the new wave will be bled into the mainstream of the music business com promised and embellished fill ing the void that constantly oc curs as old idols wither and au diencc taste changes CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try Our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $800 in Barrie 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over $800 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE FACTORY sum LOW HAY STBIO RECORD MY LIFE 49 mm tRt III III IOIISKOIIII British Concert Live Set 25 titles 69 EL0 799 wuiIItImuu 44E v1