weekend notebook Any nonprofit organization or individual may have community event in Notebook Just call 7266537 and ask for Pat Guergis Calls for Mondays Notebook must be received by noon Friday for publication the following Monday Calls for Weekend Notebook published Thurs day on the Leisure Page must be received by noon Wednesday did you know Henry anderWielen leader of the liiiesiiig lll club presented the 4H lnteiclub Reef lleifer trophy to Elaine Jebb RRt ookstowiL member of the HI Reef Iub Ron Mason and nne Marie Rivett of the same chili were also on hand at Mondays banquet sponsored by the Barrie Kiwanis club at the Holiday Inn Senior womens groups sponsored by the Ontario linisti of griculture and food will be holding summary day today at oiisuniers Gas Building Ferris Lane today Christmas bazaar bake sale and coffee party will be held today in Crown Hill nited thurch sponsored by the tnited Church Women OBarrie Snowmobile Club will hold its montth meeting at the club house at pm All interested persons may con tact Willard Everton for directions to the club house OBarrie Horticultural Society will hold its monthly meeting at in odrington Street School Guest speaker will be Mrs Insworth who will give some tips on hristmas decor Musical selections will be presented by the Barrie Boys Choir IZveryone is welcome OEuchre at the Itopia Community entre beginning at 830 Bingo beginning at it put at the reeiiiore Legion Hall Wellington Street West oKnights of Columbus bingo at the Embassy Hall with the early bird iittfllilllllg Ii friday Knights of Columbus Floor Hockey registration will take place at the Knights of Columbus Hall tercy Street tar rie from to 10 pm and Saturday from it in to noon Fee is $3 per person or $3 per iamin OSpecial night at the Barrie Raceway for Art Evans lro gressive Conservative Mtl trom 1002 to 1077 beginning with reception at pm followed by dinner and dancing at Evans retired in May after 17 years of service in the Untario Legislature Otiro Township planning board is holding public meeting tip in in thetiroiown Hall Oiublic skating at the IiiSilt Arena from it to to 10 pm Cost is $1 for adults 73 cents ior students and 70 cents for children OBingo at the Rebekah and Uddiellows beginning at pm at the IUDF Hall Ferris Lani OAVAF Lnit 1500 has bingo at the True Biuc Hall King Street Angus beginning at it OThercs bingo at the Lisle tomiiiunity Hall beginning at 730pm OThcrcs an atom and peewee minor hockey tournament at Thornton Minor Hockey Association this weekend star ting Friday and lasting through Saturday saturday Christmas bazaar and bake sale at St Georges Parish Hall Burton Avenue Aliandale from 1130 to pm and from 1150 to it pm Lunch will be served during the first opening at cost of $2 each tea will be served during the afternoon for 73 cents There will be babysitting service available The bazaar is sponsored by the Anglican Church Women OChristmas Shadow Puppet Show will be presented at Collier Street tnited Church Hall at 730 in Adults $1 30 children 50 cents Refreshments will be served OChristian Coffee shop on Mulcaster Street is having musical group called Touchca at an evening gathering The group will also attend the Sunday Church service OBarric Art Club will hold its monthly art rental and sale afternoon from 11 in to pm in the basement of the tar ric Public Library oCourt Kempcnfelt Independent Order of Foresters will hold its Christmas Party for members from 030 am to 12 noon in the Hayfield Theatre all Ken at 7200304 for further details 0A play sale of used toys in good condition Wlll beheld at the Gingham Door 74 Maple Ave Barrie from 10 to 430 pm There will also be Christmas baking and crafts available OSintcrklaas lance will be simiisored by the Dutch Canadian entertainment club at the Embassy Hall 300 Blake St Barrie from 830 to am Music will be pro vided by the Nocturnes Tickets are $350 each and may be purchased by phoning 7285328 or 72072010 oChristmas Bazaar and bake sale at Knox Church King Street Alliston from to pm oSecond annual dinner and dance sponsored by the Grey Simcoe Social Credit Association will be held at the Dycoiiia Hotel Wasaga Beach beginning atti pm Tickets at each are available from any party member and by calling Nancy Arnold Wasaga Beach OAllistons Santa Claus parade will begin at 10 am on the main street ollarness Racing Barrie Raceway Post time at 745 oMax Webster Concert at Georgian College beginning at 730pm Euchre at the Community Cent re beginning at 813pm sunday Barrie Santa Clause parade will be held today starting at pm from the Barrie Fair Grounds OThe Barrie branch of the Canadian ipera Guild is liav ing Christmas party for guild members at it pm at the Simcoc County Museum in the Cultural Room Hwy 20 near Midhurst Call 7284001 for more details OCookstown Lady Lions will hold bazaar at the Masonic Hall Queen Street OParkview Centre is open from to for an after noon of fun fellowship music darts and shufflcboard simulated information question scene Ruth larkcs right on information counsellor at Barries Tourism Information Centre receives ski report iii formation from her colleague Patricia Long Karen Scott the third fulltime Starting today staff member at the tourism centre answers querieii on ski conditions over the phone Patricia Long and Karen Scott model the centres new uniforms Telford says the centres busiest time of the day is from 630 to 830 am By the oxamlnor Thurday Doc 1677 11 strong point he says Examiner Photo 730 am we have assimilated all our information and put on our first official ski report of the day Now if weather and ski conditions change during the day we make the needed report adjustments and tape updates This is our Ski information centre is in full swing By Rlllllilfill laclll IlxaniinerStnff Reporter Winter and skiing feed upon each other One begets the other and skiing prowlu peo pie with glorious iiioiiiciiis oi The centre is the nerve cent re oi the province that supplies skiers with such important in formation as weather and road conditions ski and wind condi tions opening dates of ski Ski ssociation and the ministry of industry and tourism created the first Iii lie lic sp phones ltil ski report for iiitiirio The ski information centre reads its coiiiiiiunications iipoi thou the goes to the tclcs machine in his oiticc tor the road reports ihcii lliii lllitlllitlll tanada iii loronto lor weather reports next he gets the ski Iiiaiiy lil sheer exhilar ililtltl and icat mg carefrceness tin Highway 400 North bet ween thc Essa Road lllltix and Iunlop Street eXits is situated small building tiperat 11 ms there control tiic pulse of the skiing activity in the provinces mayor ski resort areas The building is the Tourist In formation ministry oi eiitle of industry the and resorts and even the ypc oi skis that should be work at various ski resorts The information centre is operated by Vern lcliord oi Barrie and iiill time support stall of three lovnn Ward lat Mctonncll both oi tiro Sta tion and Ruth Iarkcs of Bar iie The inception oi the unique ski information centre dates ttlitoiltS across the entire pio vinci WlllJnl1lllllSiSllZM We have 00 alpine resorts and 30 cross country ski areas using our ski inioriiiatioii says lclford Its such well accepted system because the information we prov idc is cor rect and accurate ln putting his ski Wtilffltl resorts lll ibi pro low All this takes place between and 43 in leliord says his busiest iiiiie oi the day is from it ititoti Win 111 By to we have assimilated all our inioriiiation and put on our iirsi official report oi the day Now it weather and ski conditions change during the day we make the needed report Tourism back to 1000 when tiic tiniario It V1 The manager of Ilarries Tourism Information Centre Vern Telford demonstrates the media machine thd in providing uptodate and accurate weather reports wind snow and road conditions for iiki reports Telford here is listening to hiti Could be in trouble by 1995 report wk together lcliord iirst adpistiiicnts and tape updates This is our strong point lelford says The ski inioriiiatioii centre only gives ski reports for the current day RlIlttRlS lllillj iiiicc thc oiiicial ski reports are ready they are made available both to the public and the media Telioid says all ski enthusiasts listen closely each day for ski reports it is based on these reports that skiers will decide to travel to the various ski resorts on weckt nds We also have new telcs machine that takes our full ski report and iceds our tliftillllii tion as far away as such border packaged ski report tape and is monitoring the volume level The Tourism In formation entre which is part of the ministry of industry and tourism operates the nerve centre that supplies skiers with important ski resort conditions Telford operates the centre with it fulltime support staff of three Examiner Photo Longrange recreation plan is goal The Simcoc County Recreation Deparliiient is interested in establishing longrange recreation plan for the couiiiy and Saturdays recreation conference at Georgian ollegc showed that interest exists for such plan The purpose of the conference was to bring service clubs col leges recreation associations and school boards to form recreation plan for the future The conference eni itled Bridging the Boundaries attracted representatives of 25 groups from the county and according to Peter Cavill director of recreation for Siincoe County the results of the oneday affair were pleasing There was gotxi crosssection of people at the meeting and we got lot straightened out avill said There are really no lxnindaries in recreation he added We have Barrie boys playing hockey in Guthrie and know Barrie man who is member of the Midland YMYWCA The main problem facing the department is setting up long range recreation plan for the county Without such plan the county could be in trouble by 100 according to Cavill Last year we completed feasibility study for the next or 20 years of just what the population growth will 103 to ex is ting iecreatioiial facilities avill said We found that by 1995 there wont be enough facilities tosatisfy the county must for the department is to get county residents to look into the future before building recreational facility An example of this is the lottenham and District Community entrc They started to build the complex in January and it was ready in August It was built at cost of $000000 and now they only have $50001efi to pay Cavill said Their planning goes ll ack years and it all paid off for them The department can only help people that want to help iemscl ves We were pleased to have so many groups would say that recreation in the county is as healthy as it has ever been he said We ran only do so much though but we are available to elp interested people We have already had two calls from people who are iii tercsted in us going in and helping them The interest is there ll ow all we haVe to do is go in and help them set up plan for the future he said Put Metcalf of RR Cooluitown won last weeks Movie Trivia contest by correctly identifying Barbra Streisand in the final scene of Star Is Born The winner receives passes for two to the Imperial Theatres on Dunlop Street in Barrie This weeks quiz features late well known actor in his final role If you can identify the actor and the movie this scene is from send your entry to Movie Trivia The Examiner l6 Buyfield SL Harrie IAM 4T0 crossings as Niagara Falls Sarina and Windsor leliord says While ski reports is the ii formation centres main priori ty it also provides pertinent weather and snow iiiioriiiaiion or such other winter recrea tional activities as snowmobii ing winter carnivals and ice fishing In disseminating ski lllfttlllltt tion Telfords staff puts the daily ski reports on direct lines to Toronto As well the staff puts together recorded tapes that are connected to three unlisted telephone numbers reserved for the media in the province The public line to Toronto for ski information is 3044722 The phone numbers for the inforina tion centre in Barrie are 7200032 and 7285837 This wintcrlong ski report in ioimation system starts today and goes through till next April This information service meets the needs of the booming ski business Every weekend thousands of ski buffs pack their equipment into their cars and head out for Simcoe Coun ty the mecca of skiing facilitiesinniario While Telfords ski report system has encouraged thousands of skiers to make the drive or trek to the numerous ski resorts in Simcoe County the areas popularity for ski eii thusiasts is greatly enhanced by the continuing upgrading improvements made by the ski resort operators PROFITS Itl ISII Several ski operators while making healthy profits during last years ski season have put their profits back into their resorts by undertaking such programs as slope and lift im proveiiienis and in renovating ski facilities to total amount of almost $2 million For instance one of the most popular ski resorts in Ontario is Horseshoe Valley located 27 miles north of Barrie This resort put $300000 of im provements into its ski building cafe expansion and the installation of new triple Chairlift It also made new alpine trails and added 35 ver iical feet to the peak of its ma jorhill movie trivia Also in the Barrie area Snow Valley Ski Resort improved its parking facilities widened stone trails and improved snow makingtaciiities Medoiite Mountain located 17 miles north of Barrie spent 300000 in putting up new building and expanding its crosscountry ski trails Mount St Louis Midland spent up to $180000 on an addi tion to its base lodge and in widening its expert trails This resort will be staying open all week Moonstone Resort improved its snow making by 20 per cent and installed new doublelt chair and Porno lift DEVELOPEDTRAILS Georgian Peaks in the Coll ingwotxi area developed new crosscowitry trails and groom ed its hills at cost of almost 340000 At Bethany Devils Elbow Ski area installed $10000 worth of snow making equipment Dagmar Resort at Claremont put up ski rental building and improved snow making at cost of $30000 Calabogie Peaks at Calabogie invested $400000 in 3700foot long double chairlift and 1500sqiiare foot sundeck plus licensed lounge NEW llsthLlFl Beaver Valley spent $300000 on new doubleChairlift three new runs widened one slope and improved snow making by 30 per cent Talisman Ski Resort spent $25000 to redecorate its din ing room and to renovate its Alpine Lodge Farther north Lakeliead resorts also had busy summer on improvements Mount McKay updated snowmaking equipment Mount Norway spent $230000 expanding its snow making pond to lake to make any quantity of the stuff and Loch Lomond went for up to $50000 in renovationg two slopes in major earth moving exercise At most ski resorts the price of lift tickets will increase by $1 Lift tickets at Horseshoe Valley will be $10 at Blue Mountain it will be $11 Those resorts offering week day skiing are going to be charging $7 per day