17 houses to rent FURNISHED SMALL SIX ROOM brick house for rent in the Grove and Baylleld area Electric heat Available Im mediately Telephone 7266636 Illapts wanted to rent Two BEDROOM UNFURNISHED tor tamlly at four adults plus one old dog and one old cat quiet and clean Needed for December 15th Pleaso phone 7284756 alter or all day SaturdaL 2oroomstolet FURNISHED ROOM In Allandale at bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 days or 7280810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry lacllllles 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 CLEAN BRIGHT lurnished bedroom for gentleman linen supplied and chang ed weekly share kitchen tree parking 525 weekly Telephone 7282471 FURNISHED ROOM to rent in private home In Tall Trees area Use at house facilities Linen supplied weekly No parking 527 weekly Telephone 7372756 NICELY FURNISHED comlortable bedsitting parking TV Gentleman Homelike atmosphere Board if desired Telephone 7372888 DOWNTOWN BARR Eï¬rnished room for rent Kitchen privileges ladies preferred 7284268 or 7280810 NEW TASTEFULLY DECORATED bachelor apartment Sellcontained Private entrance and parking Every thing included household needs TV etc Central References 7286204 ROOM FOR RENT gentleman prefer red available immediately Telephone 7370601 or 7262555 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bed sitter kitchenette private toilet shower available Mondays to Fridays ONLY Suit gentleman with established home elsewhere and who returns home weekends 7268998 21room and boa rd RELAXED CLEAN HOME for female to room Use of kitchen easy commuting to Barrie 5139 monthly 4589189 23ottices stores for rent STORE FOR RENT 3500 Square Feet Con Divide Joll Lohlows Woolworths LCB0 Shoppers Drug Mart At the BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Space Suitable For Furniture Store Radio and TV Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Fabric shop etc Phone Don Ornle 9252051 Glft shop consolidated building Torporotion consoidated building corporation limited MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square feet each can be ioined together 5150 mon thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Pelch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent available December Ist Allandale loca tion 500 square feet $235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 after 6pm or 726 4621 daily OFFICES FOR RENT separate or ad ioining I70 400 square leet on ground lloor 100270 on second floor 7262772 days7372349evenings and weekends OFFICE SPACE lor lease Downtown location modern building 600 square feet 5220 monthly including utilities Call Brian Mortell Mortell Ltd 7200674 or 7372064 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14 tt18 lt clear partot large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll INDUSTRIAL SP CE 4200 square leet Bradlord $1 5300 per month Also 1325 square feet Morrow Rd 5287 per month Call Mortell Ltd 7280674 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL are perties for sale or rent Mortell Limited Real engrave9674M 2598 rages HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car repairs Hourly or daily rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Phone 4562576 GARAGE NEEDED in Allandale area for storage of old car Telephone 26accommodat nsto share PERSON NEEDED farmhouse Call 728 609i 32 cars for sale BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent interest 18 Collier $1 728 5191 I971 CHRYSLER Excellent condition Phone436 5543 1970 VOLVO MODEL 1445 As Is soooor reasonable ofterï¬Telephone 7260235 1973 M68 body rustprooled and solid original paint good tires mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully cerIItIed 40000 miles Price 52400 Call George 7282485 days 726 2815 evenings 1973 CHEVELLE DELUXE 350 automatic power steering Requires paint iob Certified $1200 Telephone 4364309 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE Certified 51250 or best offer Rebuilt engine new mutller voltage regulator full pump shocks gas heater radio Call Dave 487 5638 lor large I968 BARRACUDA 1968 Pontiac Good winter cars 1959 Buick Electra I970 snowmobile 440 Rupp All in good condi tlon Telephone 7265731 anytime WSCORVETTE STINGRAY 327 cer titied $6500 or trade lor tour wheel drive 726 1001 or 726 9005 MUST SELL $2700 1975 Matador Brougham two door 360 V8 tour barrel dual exhaust P5 P8 AC five new tires Many other extras Certified Call Larry at 7370011 days and 7269127 evenings trucks and trailers 40 articles for sale NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS Till FEB70 We accept 34 trucks and trailers ouAIIHvyï¬g LRUCII $1 69 BPassengor rodio Llc FLM 123 I960 GMC WINDOW VAN CHANGIK Eccorxgtgl cyl std only 48000 miles 1974 none moo 94 TON CLUB CAB REIGHTS GREAT KITCHEN Sums over 50 sets to choose from $39 318 V8 automatic rear seats power brakes owner 28000 miles Lic M73452 I974 CHEV V2 TON radio $3695 $2995 V8 automatic power steering 33000 miles Llc 1423886 I973 GMC V2 TON 4x4 PICKUP V8 automatic power steering power case complete with snowplow power angle lights Llc M67230 brakes bucket seats two speed transfer SPECIAL CLEARANCE NEW 1977 rnnn DRIVE INTERNATIONAL scoIITs mymen tow as 37 um POPULAR OPTIONS mom ACCESSORI INCLUDED AAAAA CONSOLE STEREOS Brand new solid state $I69 Payment as low as 512 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL on heavy duty ERTL toys and model kits INTENTION help you make it in tough busmess HART MOTORS LTD ournor mum 400 7203026 HART DRIVE DIRECTPABTLINE Umrm N192I2223 per month At Doublosixa 54 BOX SPRING 5cars for sale 1974 PONTIAC ASTRA GT wagon tour speed vitalized Michelins root rack 35 auto service repairs CHRISTMAS tinted glass rear window detoggga radio clock many more extras I5 mALms ma RES 1970 COUGAR V8 power brakes and steering mags and custom paint Snow tiresonrims51500Callbetween6and8 Look like new EE£LZ 1968 vw EXCELLENT condition in every respect 57000 original miles Radio gas heater Come and test drive EERTIFIEDSESCiaII72649847V payment as low as $8 1974 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Yourcholceofwlon Brougham excellent condition 35000 original miles power steering power brakes air conditioning radials $3700 or best offer 7262064 alter 530pmAA TéZIFPLYMOUTH VALIANT slant permonth VELA GE UTO BOD motor goo running gondition Asking Dunlop S350 Tciep one 458954 Tractsvaiï¬iéonnrmra 7265990 seats V8 automatic lloor console mag 012 wheels tinted glass etc Excellent con dition Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone 424 i723 20 RCA Color s469 payments as low as 517 I975 CHEVELLE MALIBU Classic 36000 original miles radio power steer ing and brakes leather upholstery vinyl roof snow tires Excellent condition Must be seen to be Telephone 424 I723 I964 OLDS Good running conditton As is 5200 Telephone 726 2521 I974 COMET FOUR DOOR automatic big six vinyl top can be seen at West End garage Dunlap St In good condi 37motorcycles 1976 YAMAHA RD black with sad die bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 726 7771 days airsnowmobiles MOTOSKI Sales and Service appreciated per month I7126nj7eslling because at illness 728 7452 Lots of new 77 machines 533swaméamm BGSAVNGS BARRIE MOTOCROSS URGENTLY REQUIRED CENTRE no POLE LAMPS For Barries NewestCOr Dealer 389 Boylleld SI OI Cundles en till I0 I7264112 GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL N30 AUTOMOBILES LL ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF Wive ncnc CAT SNOWMOBILE COMPARE ANYWHERE JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices Accï¬sonfls fi TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for 30 ISSSIZiuziiï¬hzasit€15 srottt HAVEN NJIIINE 777W ifErri iNH Slur LAAIIEOEFmsz522555 2233 SUITES SCRIAPWVEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup aylime436 2900 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors MyI7 ROCKING SWIVEL CHAIR 199919 1999 119 Bradlord Street Barrie iiitrucks and trailers HIGH BACK CHAIR OTTOMAN Mprlco 5277 USED TRUCK BODIES 22x7x6 Insulated secure storage for cars boats etc Can ORGANS LOWBY GAKHI25 pedal console price $5500 OKIMBALL also be used as workshop Three to choose WLLL paymen low as SIC from Full price $795 each 1me per monh TRUCK TOWN LTD Sounder $475 43653gg T412with Leslie °b°3°95 We also have onus I975 F250 FORD four wheel cTIrlveh va 150R price $1049 tmt ood at on Z353Rréivé3pmi°l $1125 HIGH BACK COLONIAL CATERING TRUCKS 1970 1973 ll Acme Stainless Steel units ggod condi olum tion No reasonable offer relused Phone F2 3995 Windsor 519 969 5660 am to 5pm mm 1977 DODGE POWER WAGON automatic power steeringC upower Morkt$795 IT brakes plus many more options with 7w toot western three way snow plough Both excellent condition 7286892 TRUCK CAP tits tool box lull length door insulated ice box table cupboard side benches mattresses sleeps two HALF TON 1967 GMC 283 motor to sell as Is Telephone 726 6725 alter Warranty books bench AV and delivery no charge All excellent used organs No trades accepted on the above organs pc DINING ROOM 1971 FARGO V2 lOn pickup autgmatic good mechanical condition 5600 or best MING usc can offer 1970 Chevrolet Impala excellent 00 Av Barrie condition certilied 5850 Telephone 72s 6722 or 3020 00 N25 35service and repairs BUFFET HUTCH 24 space for rent WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE MINIMUM I000 SO FT Totally weatherproof building heated facility Easy access with dock levellers 24 hour security For more Information contact DAVE GRISDALE 705526789I MOTORISTS SAVE on re air bills INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sited pools Licenced mechanic wIlT repair 00 display Come In today or all 776 4606 CHAIRS domestics or Imports 717 0724 alter 30 for free 37 Dane booklet 0t Ingrovnd and or weekends above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plala wco for ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplilter approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 RECYCLE LOST HEAT lrom your lur nace Install heat miser in your smoke plpes Call for Inlormatlon 728 0755 WOOD FOR SALE dry mixed hard wood split Sold by the lace cord 4361372 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Beech and maple 16 cord 540 12 cord 330 Local deliveries 728 7587 FIREWOOD hard maple and birch 16 Inch and 12 inch lengths Will deliver Telephone 728 9204 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking 52950 Telephone 728 1970 FIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper by the full cord Free delivery Also trunk loads picked up Telephone 728 1637 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knlck knaLks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12 lace card 532 16 lace cord 536 All mixed hard wood delivered 726 5938 Sunday calls accepted ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellenlronulttnn Asking 82950 Telephone 728 1973 $499 payments as low as $15 por month WENEED YOUNLKS IINCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Mp St hot out of the Barrie Arena 7262900 N1921 N182I 2325MP 95 Cut Wrapped Froxon GUARANTEED 0052405 N26HMP USED SKATES and skate oxchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 66 Dunlop St 7263200 SNOW AUGER BLOWER tlts Ford model 70 and 751awn tractors Cost over 5200 new Will sell for 575 Phone Bruce McLean 7054584480 Cookstown EMBROIDERED PILLOWCASES 8199 pair 20 per cent ott Beverley Cascade box spring and mattress 80 year guarantee Free delivery 40 miles Bar rle Mattress Factory 15 Dunlop East downtown Barrio 7209922 HANGING BASKETS riotles 2596 off while they last Bray Garden Con tre 24 Ferndolo Drive Telophono COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Eloctrohoato per week 0495 20Toshla peroak 0090 20 BCA All per week 0505 26 Panasonic per wool 0050 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TlL JANUARY 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BABRN SHOPPING PLAlA 7371 I02 CLOTHES WASHER SPIN DRYER Simplicity portable Clean good running condition Price 5110 Call Georg 7282485 days 7262015 evenings STOVE OLDER ELECTRIC tour burner stove oven plus separate warm ing oven Works very woll cloan Price 555 Call George 7202405 days 7262015 evenings MUNTZ OUADRAPHONIC track AM FM Stereo one year old stooo tlrm Telephone 7054450917 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL 55200 or trade for tour wheel drive 7261001 or 7169W5 MUSIC Largest book and shoot music selection In town 00040 shout lash 0AA Iastroctioad Matarhl ODbcoont to teachers OFost order urvlco Olargo selection of ï¬rma4 kyus and cash Shop now for Christmas and uso our convenient onawoy plon PONTINOS MUSIC CENTRE 600 Mqlo Avo Burl 7261000 I2 PIECE PEARL DRUM sot tor sale One year old Good condition with new hardware Asking man or best offer 726 6115 alterapm ELECTROHOME STEREO CONSOLE AM FM record changer and record storage mahogany cabinet In excellent condition $325 or best offer Call 726 962 216 ZAG SINGER sewing machine 411 Makes button holes lancy stitches etc All attachments Included Ideal Christ mas gilt 5100 or best otter Telephone PIANOS IMASON BENCH SNEBLOCK MAIMINO Abe Ord Phnos Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient layowoy plan PONTINOS MUSIC CENTRE 600 Md Avo Burls 7261000 D9 $6 PER WEEK Buys boautlful 26 RCA XLIW colour Spanish to tho floor console television Automatic colour automatic flno turning No monoy down No paymonts until January Phone tonight dollvory tanlght BAIT KELLVS Brlo Phu 7071 I02 00 IllIlllllIllllllllllllIIlllIlllllIIIIlHIIIIIlllIlIIII REAL SWITCIIBLADE COMB flea Wm $500 This In REAL SWITCNBLADE Tho blodo Is COMBI II Torrlflc gift itorn Noon and proctlcol Protons comb In pocket Fina tooth comb la groat for sideburns and mustache tool Satisfac tlon Is guarantood Complotl wtth Lock PETES SALES 7370955 MWFN2B lIIlllllIlIlllllllllIllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllll SKLAR CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR brand new Private Blue nylon plush Owner bought suite and was transferred gallnalgcept best offer over 5450 Call BA BOAR 05 Telephone 4509543 FILTER QUEEN eighteen months old good condition excellent condition seldom used AII brushes Also carpetupholstery sham pooer air freshener and hair dryer 0275 7266794 House full of Helpful Christmas Ideas see our Classified Gift Spotter Vlslt thoso friendly merchants TF ANTIQUE POT belly stove chairs and other small Items Bunk beds glossed barbecue lawn mower sad Irons llreplace screen wrought Iron kltchon table pool cues and pool table ac cessories many other small articles Some brand now Call 7285151 any day alter4pm 725 per tsca cord deliver egvMaLloiwoll ugoggfLILnostu REPOSSESSED 26 RCA xuoo carved wood cabinet to the floor Casio total automatic color Illuminated chonnols dlgital UHF Instant on Take avar payments of 019 par month PPhona tonight Dollvory tonight Whore aka KIA BILLTS Borrb PM 707 102 De tho oxmlnor Matayuov21 1m ts ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RI GH HERE Dain Business Directory Nebd help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALUMINUM mo Chain Ink union BUILDIm IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY WWW CHAIN LINK oSIdlng Eavutroudt OSofflt OWIndows soda Doors Shutters AWIIO Galvonlxod and Vinyl AdditionsRoofing hstollod Porch EnclosuroeStonowork as 53mm For free estimate CALL PI more 13 Local Family Buslnoss PM was rn II by Jose Aouwo ALUMINUM mm owner OPERATED WW MO mm ond mun 73709045otwoan9om your homo with MI REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Ma OSIdlng OStorms OSoffItFosclo mm mmm OEovostroudi Cd Montime Hiramm soamloss Imam aim unit ropolrs FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP WWMEK FREE ESTIMATES ml an 71 rmr plums lochtrlc Whl moot ALUMINUM OSldlng OSofflt arctqu SIMCOE ELECTRIC Shutton Wlndom lnduatrlal Commorclal ODoors OEavootrough Raeldarttlal Farms Coll todoyl Lighting doslgn Eloctrlcal consulting 436 I030 STROUD my Pam City Masters Llc 118 7288234 0130 Wm rust ELECTRICAL swam Sou Trough Olndustrlol 0Commorclol Amlw 00° than Raaldontlol WI INST STORM Nigger ALLE my Rm Roof DoIclng BARBIE 7265009 QUALITY SINCE 1949 N24 7200096 4mm msrï¬mmWcm mm mm spam aovcuorr hcfvatlng mums atm° °° we REP Japan chitmé 17 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION BIND HOUSE Bockhoo Excov run mm Noam for solo at 92 Tronching Moon Av Barrio or blow sass H°flx°nya Amrlng MEEPING 728933 LOC mm SECRETARIAL SERVICE Humes Mk Jo Too SMALL Watson for oop ng oyr mo OFInOhclol Stotomonts OTyplng HEWOOD roe SALE Hardwood spit and Hourlywuklywhy delivered Arr quarmty All dry soaoorIod 211 Roosonoblo Rotor 7206204 ml7 REWOOO FOR SALE mlxod hardwoods th °° Wm of white 8m Will dolvor Barrio moronva MN mwmwmm come um clocks macore moon roe SALE soasonod LEONS CUSTOMMADEcloduWoabodo beach sso Hwy 90 at Dalston 4245219or46652Ilr FLOOR BEFINISNINO CABPENTBT mowooo FLOOR hotalatlon and AND General Contructor Kitchen roc roflnlshlng oldond new guaranteed not to room ronovations additions flroplacoo or 110250341 NADTMAN has Oorogos donned Noah rim us aartatts Telephone anS WU hoping campï¬r their work on Prop minutes warmer16 too rooms IM after pan ovalahla Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists mm Cd Tu 7000424 WELL DO IT RIGHT OUR PRICES WON BITE Old fashion workmanship at old fashion prlcosl Woll hang tho door or build tho house line your family room for CHRISTMAS Call JULIAN SONS FREE ESTIMATES am 4344154 mun 44454 mIm MNE019 INCOME TAX 32 mrrrromamsn Sand wookonds NISIILATION INNISFIL INSULATION summons 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MW FM7 TUTOR FULLY WMFED BPOCthhg rornodlol reading and now moth Tolophano mi 156 MASONRY STAN NNKIEY WY Brkk block Cid stone work Ir EMF 50 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WBROWNDJJAusIcforpooplo IcatodanomOoadratosJflM who GUITAR LESSONS Cheteal and Popular MorcolPotvh Guttar Shrdlo7261409 KIOBDION or MINIr and martin trial Instrumont learned for home OUflABGaulcalandlakJstrlra and The Bandstand 734773 PROFESSIONAL non hstructlon for all occasions Classes now forming 04 COUPLE CALL 720472 mm NOANCMO PICS SEBVI mo ME to suit your Boob WroteSotlelactlanmtaodm EMUdwindling PAMTING AI 00 Jonas MVII POLEV Protosslonal pohtors III tutor and aslrnatoa Work M04100 PM Ira osflmotos Jack Richardson l2 IM PAULS PAINTING htorlor and exterior Froo estimator Low rotor Fast sorvlco Satisfactlon guaranteed 7071295 MMWPMMJN hrtar oxtortor or AID ma Now and old Mobs 450177 oftoro as GRAHAM ROOFING Shlnglos lnstollod Rooflng Repaired ROOFING IN BARRIE FOR 10 YEARS Call 7206620 MWFDI2MP TOtVS SNOWBLOWNG Roosonoblo rotos x0 SNOWBLOVVING most mum myl owolu park otc Tole 719059 7371631 AmBLOWER or JEDPLOW To suit all hoods Rodlo dispotchod for prompt service 7264500 or 0055957 myths PAINS WWG mldontlol and metal toaonoblo totoo true and nutscalPoul7J7u4 m5 SNOWPLOWNG Small corm dal md rouldontlol Roasonablo rotor 7267757 minimum ram Contracts nasorlal or clout 6755 ILALLANSNOWPLOWINGJoaldonIIaIand mid Boat sorvlco 01 tom Boos anabla ratos Tole 7072092 man when bio Io cladde mi Fl WOT mPhonoMor owes SNOWPLOWNG small oanwnorclol 4nd tosidantlal Reasonable rotor 7m OSNOW PLOWING OTIIEE REMOVAL omvrs momma TREE SERVICE BB BARB 72600007209009 TEXTURE SPRAY Extorlor skrcoa htorlor toxturod walls and calla Froo estimates 0an Russel Mldhurst phone TWOWAT RADIO Solos Repairs Installations All work dono Indoors DOCKSIDE are 00 7207310 We Wotor We Ming Puma homes Fro oatlmoto Io you 4244457 nrud737Iso7 CARPENTER billing in roc moms ln mg mfgn muons memo and roflhlshhg hard aid soft rates Toto chana vanities Phr Iumlturo ronbdeona mutton Domoetlc Commercial 720 wait any ntoodlandlGonstructlonm7461 CARPENTER will do roc room mum OStorm windows cloon rantdoIlnthcNoflto4md7ï¬1271 Innoud CONSTRUCTm licenced carpenters lor motions additions homes cottagoe Troo cutting FrooootlmoIOBASAm 050v CARPET CLEANING OGorogos and bosomonts START YOUR NM my title caan AI carpet stoam on Truck and Tondom Trollor QMMERCIAL ART up COMIERCIAL ARTIST design art 0075 york layout otc Plano on called 416 9042451 40 disks for do 40 Itlclos for ads BRASS HEADBOARD new condition Gum xugo s4 halt prlco commode chair WMIO MM xum an zlastlc 525 like new Telephone WomnowlncrotamforonlySMWpoy lint 75 weekly on our Bomal Purchase PlanNomonqdamnopoyrrnntstl Jawary Im rim tonight dollvory mum BROWN LAZY BOY WhirlAwe counter top dishwasher In good cond tlon and Singer upright vacuum ToIophono mom Dom JIWBM 51W 41boots and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor AI condition Asking 02500 Tolgphone 415426 otter 430 pm 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 Chrysler outboard convertle top sk bar accessories 000 or boat otter Telephone 7280940 altar pm 42artlcles wanted CASH FOR old turnituro books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 19501toms 7200234 44dogs and pots BARRIE POODLE Salonshampoo and clépplng at all brands op Stroot 17264141 POODLE TRIMMING protosslonal proomlng all broads lawn and da Ivory 7260790 Pstst lo TROPICAL Fistt Bast selection In town orlums all silos at unbeatable prices vanlngs and weekends Edge 111 Aquorlo 143 Ardogh Rood 726W94 MAVS POODLE PARLOR Protes slanal cllppln and grooming Reas enable rates 7260061 OOBERMAN PINSCHER main two years old black and tan has had rabies shots guard dog Not good with children 8125 Telephone 7265711 KERRY BLUE Torrlor puppies Slra champion Downsvlow Morrlsy Boy Blue dam Musics Curdydd Rhianon Show and pet stock now available Kitchener 15190935365 alter Anna Phu 7071 I02 OWurltur Shop now for Christmas and use our convonlont Iavawav plan m3 MUSIC Cfllll mugs sari 72610 100 MB MAONUS 12 CHORD Eloctrlc Organ with bench and books oxcollont condi tion 545 Also Dutchman style solid coder entrance door 30 7954 right side opening in 040 Phone 1370700 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store Start tho sooson off holiday riot EXAMINER EXAMINE tho GIFT WANT Aos SPOTTER tonight PHONE 7282414 TF 64tarm machinery 47 homo Improveoats YOUR HOME NEEDS US For All Your Repairs and Renovations Call BOWLER ENTERPRISES 705 7269696 OUALITYINTEGRITYSERVICE MWPD5 SITIOOS OM SIIIUUS SHADE TREES AND EVERGREEN for sale Buy direct from grower Dig your own Call evenings after pm or wookondsm9295 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS tor your home or ottlca otc Brays Garden Centre 24 Ferndalo Dr 7202951 stIlvostock tor sale HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrio Well cared for Track and trails Windy Hill Farm 4345424 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENT or will myour animals 245 ldgohlll Drlvo 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pallets avail able Also farm trash eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4541811 OWN AND BELL Farm Dolry Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Lino of Dairy Form Equipment and Supplies Barrio Holly Hwy 27 7240034 or 7206706 MWPTF DAVID BROWN P00 EXCELLENT CONDITION NEW ENGINE NEW TIRES POWER STEERING CALL 7264506 rouo FERGUSON TRACTOR com7 plate with blade snow bucket and chains Telephone 7244203 47frultsvogetables APPLES Aggy KOOIO BM San Con EIOBlOn Telephone 73 or MIDI CW SOMBVI H700 IS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItuIIIIIIuIII SKI MT STE ANNE sons ttso Bsc27l170 KW YEARS EVE PARTY behind Price Includes bus trons first class and occ shutt as to rareifufromi MORRISONS TRAVEL Borrlo Dopart 7206416 Tor Dopart 2097004 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7204501 It you drink thats your business It you want to It thats ours Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor Horses DONE IBFFIO NWT Wind HBO Farm 7260192 51 Emmi Own ng My through Friday Priqu mouo TELECARE Why not your alone Let friend help Call 7247922 anytime UNWANTED NAIR removed safely permanently medically ovod Ly dla Hrenchuk Cortltlod trologlat 7372471 Yall TOMORng togay Tarot cards cu ro no or appointment 0117244790 HOE DOE VALLEY Fun Ranch Now booking winter parties For groups of oil Wm oblom olocaro