the examiner MRIv Nov 1977 serving barrio and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elio Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 BUSINESS 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 NEWSROOM 7266537 Peeple have right despite the law Do you have the right to know what MPs discuss in the House of Commons You dont according to the chief justice of Ontario Chief Justice Gregory Evans has ruled that journalists dont have the right to report what MPs say in the Com mons The chief justice went further he said he did not con sider it members right or duty to give information to constituents Chief Justice Evans decision may or may not be legally correct there will doubtless be more legal fighting over it One of the criticisms of the decision is that the decision says nothing about Hansard the daily record of Com mons debates or of television coverage of the Commons That may prove that Supreme Court Justices are out of ltouch with reality or confine themselves solely to the aw It appears Chief Justice Evans confined himself solely to the law And the law in this case is wrong The House of Commons should not operate in vacuum The people of this country have the right to know what happens in the House of Commons both from their MPs and through the media The Barrie Scene By KEN WALLS weekly newspaper which appea red in Barrie Collingwood and Orillia was The Barrack Bugle during the early days of World War lasted only five months First edition appeared Dec 11 1915 The last edition was No 18 of Vol There were no more editions or volumes because most of the writers died on the battlefields of France The Bugle was the official ournal of the 76th Battalion Canadian Ex itionary For ce recruited from all over central Ontario Many of the young volunteers came from the 35th Regiment Simcoe Foresters The com manding officer of the 76th was LtCol Barrack Bugle has been authorized to supply this want and in it will be incorporated everything which lacks the dignit requisite for place in battalion or ers The Bugle is Free for all and has mouth iece adapted alike to the lips of the junior gler as well as the senior officers So kin dly remember it is your paper and we went your contributions On your efforts it mmt nd for success attalion headquarters staff and three in fanty companies were located in Barrie about 500 officers and men Compan was in Collingwood in Orillia eac about 250 all ranks The Barrack Bugle James Ballentine was printed in the interests of the entire bate The Bugle was written by and for the men talion Correspondents in Collingwood and of the 76th It was printed on the old handfed Orillia supplied the weekly news humor and press of The Examiner and Saturda Morn sports ing The type was set on the new linot Example of humorHeading FALSE machine of thefirm MacLaren and Wei ALARM It was suggested by Pte Marshall The Walls named was my late father that as he had seacook we were going William And he set the type along with overseas shortly but on enquiry it proved to Aunt Gladys The press was operated pro Pte CookoflCompany bably by Harry Cooper who resides on Mary Big sports news of the first edition was that St As did the Walls newcomers from Cpl Chris James of tho 761h had won the Elmvale natrio lightweight boxing championship Background of the 76th There came Quite fighter was this boy James it seems desperate call from Allied HQ for more man according to the sports editor James was in power The war was going badly for France No 10 Platorm and the soldiers are getting and Great Britain The enemy had almost veryicocky Some in other platoons are ready rwched parts Canada bean recruiting to ke on any from No 10 out in Queens more men and among the battalions formed Park LC James exludcd naturally early was the 76th Itwas springtimeiyls and In the provincial final at Toronto James thelunit was sent to NiagaraontbeLake for disposed of one lioh train in 10 sccomls of fire basic training They lived in tent an gum st round In the final another civilian named Wynoski went out cold in the sccond round Bill the Wm3 la la PWwcmng all right upper cut to thitstomach the DND fl Ulla aiming armNm Cost of printing the Bugle was covered by $9343 it if hurry advertising from Barrie merchants Looking CW 58 lillmBWWd over the advertisers are these firms Devlin Orillia weresa acted and Murchison one door west of the Union Town Courvnl offered the south end of Bank ladies and mens wear Ernie W7 Park up present Williams jewellcr two stores one opposite 1va building was barely ready when the old Queens Hotel on Dunlo other corner of Tmmï¬wne WW5 Ember Mary and Elizabeth Stsx immons and Co EV V3314 lywwrll WW furriers Alex Milne and Son mens outfit first edition Page me carries Word from new agency or goth Century Uniforms mll Robertsons Drug Store gifts for women for talion orders issued daily we have an official Christmas 3350an chrmimas Candy also record of all matters pertaining to discipline cakes pies pastries ice cream Merrill and training duties etc but of the umorous side Hubbérd Hardware for skaiw snow shoes of the regiment there is no record The hockey sticks moccasins one door we of Barrie Hotel Walter Scotts Bookstore Hinds Food Market next to Central Methodist Church Frank Jackson Baries Write your Inwmatlonlal awardwinning p201 rapher Howard Fe eweller and watc ma er The mp Bank of NovaJScotia Moore and Armstrong Barries Biggest Store Johnson the you would like Wme Your Member Of Jeweller Walter Urry Sportin Goods The Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it miyrt be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ron Milne MPPeelDufferinSimcoe Parliament Buildinï¬ Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A8 Gus Mitgcl MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Dreamland Theatre and The lied Shooting Gallery Reeves Jewellery Union Bank of Canada George Vickers Dept Store head quarters for Victrolas needles and records There was gossip column For example this item Who was the married man in the barracks at Collingwood who shouted in his sleep No Miss am single Wonder what would happen if his wife got to know can remember as small boy oing over to Queens Park along with Ross owan The Craig boys the Tribble boys and Harold Sprott to watch the 76th troops drilling in Queens Park Not understanding that in another year most of them would be dead or casualties The 76th on decamping at Niagara mar ched on foot to Hamilton then took special train to Allandale where they were welcomed by Mayor John Craig and Town Council Led by their battalion band the men assigned to Barrie Armoury marched to Queens Park The and companies proceeded by train to Collingwood and Orillia PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSlmcoe Centre Ontarioleglslature bible thought QiieaisPark Toronto M7A 1A2 No weapon that Is formed mam thee Wsmmla shall prosper and every tongue um aha mgmmEt Salim lee ln Judgment thou shalt con onlvlrlo W30 demn This Is the heritage of the servants of QueensPuk Toronto MIA 1A2 the Lord and their righteousness is oi me Gm cc with the Lord Isaiah 5417 MPPDull Simcoe Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Let the Lord do it He is in control and quite ca ble Keep oyour eyes on the answer He wi ltake care the problem NEWSROOM ADVERTISING IUSINESS Sean Finlay managing editor Len Sevch manager Marlon cough accountant Randy McDonald city editor sALESMEM Betty Armor Shelia McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowland Bill McFerIono wire editor Lyall Johnwn coll Mc Portand Werner Bergen sports Barb Boulton Vikki Gram Claudia Krause Itiestyle Dena Graham Marine Quattrocchl photographer John Zarecky REPORTERS CIRCULATION John Bruce Jon Butler manager Paul Deleon CLASSIFIED Llnda Haiku asst manager Richard Dunstan Ruth Blots supervisor Andy Haughton Pat Guerols Freda Shlnner Judy Hickey Scott Hasklns Koren Atkinson Alva La Plants Rudlelgh MacLean Peony Chops Elaine Porter Sue Burke DO HOMOWOOd Gary Prinolo Published dolly except YEARLY by carrier MOTOR THROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier chnts $4680 BY MAIL Barrie $4680 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto i710 640 Cothcart $1 SIMCOE COUNTY $3650 839 Year $3850 year Worth it Dear Sir Headlines Remembrance Day Nov 11 1977 Canada to give Upper Volta $40000000 for Transport Improvement Where is that In Lower Slobovia GO Transit fares to rise 20 per cent Where is that In Canada Canada Pension Plan to rise by $18 in Canada Cost of living increased about eight per cent in 1977 in Canada The only hope lies in Trudeau says pro fcssor of the University of Toronto Remembrance Day Nov 11 1977 Veterans will have to mark timc for pension increase Veterans Affairs Minister Daniel Mnc Donald Was it all worth it fellows Disabled Vet Article right DearSir was very glad and overjoyed to see the comments about Halloween in chnesdn Nov paper amen vote against He in ween its about time someone stuck up for whats right No one can mess in any part of the occult and not expect had fruits from it Why let our children be open to these things ur loving Heavenly Father has more for us than wandcring thc streets in ghost and witches outfits If Christ camc trxlay would he want his pcople to he found like that Sincere Christ inn Susanitose Elmvale Mothers Grief Dear Sir Adults often wonder if children have any concept of the meaning of Remembrance Day Enclosed is poem by Shelle Morrow 13yearold Warnica student whic might sh ed some light on the question MOTHERS GRIle It was 1914 The start of World War Called to serve his country Was my one and only son Ill never forget the da he left And waved to me good ye From distance could see tear was in his eye He stood there so far away And like solider toy Oh my God cried He8just boy He left me with the promise That hed be back someday And all that could do Was to hope and pray He sent me letter When he found time to write And told me how he longed for home Though he must stay and fight The war raged on as months passed by The months soon into years And every time thought of him My smile turned to tears dnt know why he stayed to fight He meant so much to me Though in letter he once wrote Its for my country Mom we all must be free now heard the Reverend ask us to how our heads In memorium to the soliders who now are dead May we praise what they have done Thanks to them the war was won Shelley Morrow This was written as part of creative writing class directed by Mr Paul Smith and its my pleasure to draw it to your attention Sincerely McEvoy Principal Boys with girls Dear Sir To paraphrase Mens liberation is fine to point but feel the Ontario Mens Ri ts Commission ruling to force the Ontario ucation Authority to allow boys to attend school is carrying the matter too far Now dont get me wrong Im not saying that boys shouldnt be lowed to attend school just dont think they should be playing and learning with girls The Com mission ordered the Education Authority to accept any male student who has the ability to roam wrtn girls feel the ruling is ridiculous Learning is way of life for many Canadian girls Practically every girl dreams of becoming an educated reasoning human being who will act and think in an un bigoted nonreactionary manner during the courscof her life Maybe the whole dream wont become reality but that really isnt important Its the fact that they went out and did their best thats important and that perhaps on the way they became little wiser and more un derstandlng To allow boy into class of students teacher has to cut young girl When you are eight or nine years old their is nothing worse than being ousted by buy It could destroy pigs confidence in herself illld because of shc may quit school and perhaps even become sportswriter Scott Haskins person of indeterminate age but obvious prejudice started the turmoil on Thursday Nov 10 this season when he tried to write column on the need to keep girls out of minor hockey The whole idea behind any educational system is to produce educated thoughtful human beings so why waste time and money developing boys if there ls no future tor them The school system can boast great deal of success at grooming scholars allround athletes and great people Boys are rarely if ever really interested in becoming educated although in the past The Examiner ap nrs to have had some sportswriters who cou think and reason It is the thought of beating out girl for position that brings boys out to classes but there is limit to how far boys can go in lear nrng Once the girls reach bantam age it is just too rough for boys Accumulating knowledge is major part of education and boys just cant compete past the Peewee level without risking serious brain strain boys mental abilit reaches ak when he is 13 years old Akglr is still ma uring when she is 18 years Its hard to picture girl and boy going in to comer for loose book without the boy getting hurt There are other roblems for boys who at tend school with rls There is bound to be dissesig in tililesc ool The wi get specie priv eges an 3213 are bound to be ealous There is even chance they migh be taught to cook or care It children perogative women have guarded for centuries So much for paraphrasing to make point Where is boy or girl supposed to learn to be tolerant to measure each person ac cording to that lndividuals abilities and not by any other means The 10 cal place is an openminded un derstand ng and considerate socie one in which each persons contribution as im portant as the others Hopefully the standards of this society originate in solid family life truly co educational schooling and firm moral rin ciples Unfortunately as soclet we ve not quite reached that goal ye and our striving certainly will not be helped by blind prejud ce thrown at us by unthi ing biased rters do have some unaware as country of mostly humanismgood thin too since it appears some havent got past questions One thing is for certain in the world of today and in the future the prime asset of any individual is likely to be not to see how hard you can hit the other guy but how well you can use the knowledge and tolerance you have accumulated to see others aspirations not as threat to yourself but as con tribution to the whole Yours truly Johnson Midhurst it costs less Dear Sir Your article in the Nov 10 Examiner on hockev guipment upset me very much If lb seen that article year ago my son would probably not be playing hockey now Those costs would have been too much for our budget When registered my eight year old son Jason for hockey this year was prepared to spend about $100 for equipment My actual cast was about $50 including sales tax Instead of telling parents where they can buy good equi men for the most money you should have elped them by telling them where they can buy good equipment for less had neighbor whose son was no longer playing hockey She sold me shoulder pads elbow pads gloves pants shin pads athletic support and suspenders for $5 All of this equipment is still in excellent condition lhad the helmet from skating lessons so all needed was the face mask The cast for the junior size was $1395 bought skates at the Knights of Columbus equipment exchange There got $40 S45 pair of skates for $20 then had to buy pair of socks for $225 and stick suitable for an eight year old was $7 The only equipment an eight year old is hard on are the socks The kids seem to spend lot of time on their knees Also most of the equipment except socks sticks and possibly skates should last two three years and possrbly to or That same equipment can then be he ed down to another member of the family or sold at an uipment exchange The Knights of Colum rm have hockey equipment exchange There you can sell the outgrown equipment and buy god used equip ment for about half the price of new equip ment There are also many stores in Barrie that sell heckey equipment lknow that if parents are not scared off by your article and shop around they can have their son well protec ted against possible injury for much less than $220 Then when their eight year old says Dad can play hockey this ear he will willingly says Yes that shoul befun Your truly Marie Powell Wasnt hockey Dear Sir attended the Barrie Colts Kids Night With my two sons and neighbors boy all hockey players We were sub acted to the most disgushng display of non ey have seen in long time saw the Flyers play Prague last year The boys will remember as do an even ing of cheap shots passi for legal checking stupid brawllng and for most part tota inept hockey from both teams read Scott Hasklns re rt of the game some of his comments lea me to believe he has never witnessed real hockey One statement he writes The Colts played well but just didnt at the breaks Played what 138 certa nly wasnt hockeylll Greatfor thek Yours truly Buckner Barrie The Examiner claims copyrlaht on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published In this newspaper Copyright roglstretlon number 203815 register working By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Legislatures and our parliamentary process generally are slow to move ahead They still follow procedures and ap proaches that have applied for decadesin some cases centuries Overall this general stability is almost certainly good Our system now has been developed over long time and is not one to be tampered with frivolously But still we are living in fastmoving and greatlydevelo ngtimes And it wail probably be as big mistake not to improve the system as to tamper with it indiscriminately MEMBERS BILLS In this the house has been quite admirable It has not been afraid to change but it has also kept good balance in approaching its changes During the last few years it has modernized its procedures and its general administrative approach gust of its moves have apparently been But there is no question that the most significant and fundamental change has been in the new irn tance it has given to private members andpgrticularly to the procedure house and become law WERE ALTOMATONS For long time the private member was the least cors icuous of people around here Particular he didnt figure in the legislative process His voice was an automatic oneyes if he were govemment supporter and vbting for government legislation and nay if he were member of the Opposition The new private members procedure gives him chance to participate and express an independent vote of his own But whats more the process is producing some good legislation Liberal Remo Mancinis bill to increase the drinking age will probably get througi the house before the session winds up Most importantly it is probably the one way it could get througha government would hardly propose it per se particularly when it lowered the age in the first place Canadas story One of best in history By BOB BOWMAN Nov 19 is an important day for British Columbia It was on Nov 19 1858 that the mainland known as New Caledonia became separate colony called British Columbia Then on Nov 19 1866 British Columbia and Vancouver Island were united as one Margaret Ormsby author of British Co lumbia History believes Nov 19 was chosen as the date for amalgamation for sen timental reasons Evidently there wasnt the same sentiment in 1871 when British Columbia joined Can ada because that day was July 20 British Columbia was created as an emergency measure It was furtrading area controlled the Hudsons Bay Com pany until 1858 ut the situation changed when gold was found along the Fraser and Thompson rivers Thousands of prospectors from the US rushed into the area and it seemed likely US troops might be sent there to protect them from Indians and mternal strife James Douglas governor of Vancouver Island foresaw the da er and urged the British government to action before it was too late Britain asked Douglas to ad minister British Columbia as well as Van couver Island sent troops and with them remarkable man named Matthew Baillie Begbie to act as judge and halp keep order Begbie was not even practisrng lawyer but reporter for the Law Times in London He developed his own law system in British Columbia and administered it on horseback This proved to be effective and the US never had an excuse to send in troops to protect our nationals The ceremony creating British Columbia on Nov 19 1858 took place at Fort Langley on the Fraser River now an historic site Douglas first announced Emblem pointment as judge and adml toned oath of office then Begbie read Douglas commission as overnor and wore him in Theyï¬rovedto oneoithebeottoamsin Cana an history OTHER NOV 10 EVENTS lessMarquis de Tracy became llwtenant governor ImBrltaln and us Jays treaty which returned Detroit gen and otherfortstoUS LtGov Simcoe of Canada barOntario Portage road between Simcoe Strut uufwï¬v