22 the examiner Saturday Nov 19 1977 7t help wanted DO YOU WISH AN EXECUTIVE INCOME Canadian firm with 30 years experience in the Motorists Service Field Due to ex pansion we offer career positions to two aggressive and ambitious people Ex perience unnecessary Training aids provided Ex cellent fringe benefits Promotion on merit within six months Higher than average Income Salary plus com mission plus bonus to full time or parttime qualifiers Requirements good charac ter bendable desire to suc ceed reliable car able to start fulltime or parttime im mediately Apply to Mr Frank Ayers Box 474 BARRIE On tario Please give your phone number Nl7l8I9 LIVEIN HOUSEKEEPER needed for motherless family children and years nice home in Coidwater with comfortable accommodation Apply Box A57 Coldwater Call 835 3IIO days or 686 7900 evenings WANTED Matureperson to babysit two children in my home weekdays from pm to I2 pm Shanty Bay Rd area Telephone belorre 778 31894 TAPERS AND DRYWALLERs wanted for Wasaga Beach Coliingwood area Experienced only Telephone 429 3971 alteredm TRAVEL AGENT WANTED One year lATA or ATC experience essential App Iv in writing to Box W9 The Examiner Barrie 7Thelp waited 71hour WIITOU IORGAN IST CHOIR LEADER FIRST IAPTIST CNURCII IARRIE is accepting applications for the above position which will be available Jan 1978 Two manual Legge Organ Send resume attention MUSIC COMMITTEE 37 Clapperton $1 Barrie N9IO 216I92326 AVON WANT TO PUT BIG PRESENT UNDER YOUR CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS TREE Earn extra money as an AVON representative Sell quality AVON products while the kiddies are In sdtool Ill show you howl Call now 728 9652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARBIE Ont FS TF MOTELCLERK Required lor parttlme nights and some days Hours pm to am or team to pm Will rain Switchboard ex perience an asset Suitable for retired person male preferred Write giving resume to Box W8 The Examiner EXPERIENCED aluminum siding in staller For appointment call 726 5609 71help waited IIIIIIIllllllllIllllllllllllllIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIIIlIllIlllIIlIIlIIllllIIllllllllIIIllllIIIlIIl ACCOUNTING POSITION Progressive manufacturing company located in Barrie requires bright energetic selfstarter in our accounting department be preferred range of company benefits salary requirements to Exposure to cost accounting and automated accounting systems would be decided assets student enrolled in recognized accounting course would This is challenging career opportunity in growth en vironment offering an attractive starting salary and full Please send detailed resume indicating experience and BOX THII EXAMINER lllllllIllllIIIIllIllllllllllIllllllllllIlllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIllIIlIIllIllllllIllIllllIlI N9IOIII6I7I8 EORD PARTS PERSON REQUIRED By Western Manitobas largest dealership Applicant must have good knowledge of Ford parts and of activities of parts depart ment We offer successful applicant Good working conditions Excellent company benefits Salary negotiable pending on qualifications Advancement possibilities Steady employment APPLY WILTON MERCURY SALES LTD IOth St and Victoria Ave Brandon Mon Phone 7286656 Area Code 204 Attn Thomson General Parts Manager N25 Royal Trust 51 OPPORTUNITIES IN REAL ESTATE With Canadas Best Known Realtor Check these advantages Bonus commission arrangement and Benefit Package Proven SalesListing and Promotional Aids Noncompeting Professional Manager Mortgage advantages including Second Mortgages and in terim financing Professiona advertising incuding local magazine National Transferee and Referral System Advonced Real Estate Training Join winning team All enquiries confidential CALL TERRY VOGAN MANAGER 357 loyth St 7288800 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA TThSDI9 IllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Rh 1T help wanted LIVEIN lunlor housekeeper take care of two children some housekeeping nonsmoker preferred Room and board plus $60 or over per week Excellent situation Barrie Call evenings 7057268163 NEEDED RELIABLE person to work night shift assembling orders Apply In person to Fudas Food Highway 11 north Barrie EXTRA CASH for Christmas Car re quired and lull training provided Phone 7374904 HELP WANTED FOR DAIRY FARM Permanent position Excellent working conditions Salary negotiable to match experience and ability Must be mar ried Good house Telephone 7053222345 alter pm Spring Valley Farms Ltd Ray Spring Elmvale Ontario LICENCEDTRAIRDRESSEETCTETEIE preferred Fulltime position Telephone 7372743 BOYS AND aRLS earn extra money delivering catalogues circulars and sarnples In your own area Telephone 7055347836 WANTED STEADY DRIVER for weekend deliveries lor Cortina Pizza Must have own vehicle For further in formation call 7265981 Ask for manager GIRLBOY FRIDAY must be ex perienced In payroll filing and general bookkeeping One day week Friday preferred Earnings to be discussed Phone 7373612 for appointment EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM COOK required full time All company benelits apply Please apply in writing stating all qualiï¬cations to Box W12 The Ex PIPER MONEY TO BE MADE If you play the organ like to have fun talking with people and can work for five weekends between now and Christmas this too may be for you Hours Thurs 69 pm Fri 69pm Sat l0 pm Pay $5 per hour plus commission Call Wool worths 728 7731 ext 48 Ask for Bob Ronald REGISTERED NURSE required part time to do insurance medicals in Barrie and surrounding area Equipment and training supplied Car necessary Some evening work Required to start im mediately Send resume to PO Box 398 Agincourt Ont MIS 3C6 7stalesihelpagents SUCCESS UNLIMITED We have been in business for over 30 years We offer the most secure future Substantial Sales Training Bonus Highest commissions paid weekly plus full commission on all repeat business of our sales No investment required Car is essential You call on industrial institutional and retail ac counts Like to find out more aboutus WRITE CERTIFIED 22 NEAD ST DUNDAS ONT Mier 11218 TEXAS REFINERY CORP of Canada Ltd offers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and vacation bonuses abundant fringe benefits to mature individual in Barrie area Airmail President Dept ICA PO Box 70 Station Toronto Ontario MAG 326 Nl9 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company lneeds dependable person who can work Without superwsron Earn $14000 pm lyeai plus bonus Contact customers laround Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LoT 2J6 people7 It the answer Is yes Ptalts has tht too for you Become direct homo sales representative wrth the Ptalls sew ing machine Co Hours flexible Good call Mrs Fleischmann alter in Call collect Alb Sol 1904 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 728 7086 for more inlormation MOTEL MANAGER mowng to Barrie lseeks responsible position Full or part time Telephone 416 889 7441 EXPERIENCED WOMAN will babysit in her own home area Phone 726 8351 ed in Barrie requrres permanent em ployment Reply to Box WIO Thr Ex aminer Barrie to arrange intervmw DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my honii Monday thru Friday Any age Telo phone 717 I785 MAN WILL CLEAN WINDOWS floors ianitorial work odd 1005 How ton truck to move lunk 778 3776 WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home Monday to Friday Have four year old of my own Wellington East Phone 726 2687 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 TORONTOIll COOKSTOWN STAYNER ON ST AREA INNISEILESSA RD AREA 125135 WELLINGTON APTS DUCKWORTNEUGENIA AREA DUNDONALDAMELIA AREA INNlSFILJONN AREA Yes would like more Information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE AGE PNONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 870 Barrie LAM 4T6 loo you ENJOY SEWING and meeting remuneration For further information Allandale Heights ENGLISH SECRETARY recently settl SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births 8550 moximum 40 words additional words to cents per word Card of thanks 40 words 50 Additional words to cents per word In Memoriom no verso $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 81 births Mondays Child Is fair of face Tuesdays Child Is lull of grace Wednesdays Child Is full of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child Is loving and plying Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that Is born on the Saba bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important Information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement wlll Include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice Is only $550 maxlmum 40 words Addi tlonal words to cents per word PHONE 72824 83 engagements McCOLGANvBOWLER Mr and Mrs Robert McCoIgan of Barrie are pleased to announce the engagement of their on ly daughter Debra Arline to Alan Roy Bowler son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Bowler of Barrie The marriage will take place Saturday November 26th 1977 a12 pm In Central United Churchp Barrie 85 deaths WINEavid Donald Don At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Fri day November 18 1977 David Donald Don Irwin father of David Irwin Jr Son of Cecilia and the late David John Ir win Friend of Patricia Legge and Clyde Webb Resting at the Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley 51 Barrie after pm Saturday Service In the chapel on Monday November 21 at pm Inter merit Barrie Union Cemeterer MARSHALL Karl At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday November 17 1977 Karl Marshalli beloved husband of Mary Marshall Dear father at Ted Brother of Ednal Mrs Smith Nora and Keithl Marshall and helen Mrs Vincent Crowley Grandfather of Scott and Glynis Great grandfather of Selina Friends may call at Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Friday Complete service in they chapel on Saturday November 19 at 30p Followed by cremation 86 cord of thanks WATSON The family of the late Jerry Watson wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives friends and neigh bars for acts of kindness donations and llnral tributes received in the loss at ldear husband and lather Helen Janet David and Craig IDIETRICH We wish to thank our lneighbours friends and relatives for ltneir help kindness and prayers during lthc recent loss at dear sister and Imothcr Ursula Borg Jim and F10 Dietrich and family llaichard Elaine and Steven Borg l87 in memorioms lOSBORNE In Iovrng memory of my diar stepmother and grandmother Theresa who passed away one year ago today November 19 1976 Though her smile is gone forever And her gentle hand we cannot touch Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much Her memory is our keepsake With which we will never part God has her in his keeping We have her in our hearts To dearly loved to ever be forgotten Bill Violet and grandchildren BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box rrorr which do not lesson the value of the soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise NOTICE Dealine lor classmed want ads pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of AMY FMARGARET GRASETT late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Widow who died on the I7th day of January I977 lmust forward some to the un dersigned on or before the 51h day of December I977 after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the Executor STERLING TRUST COR PORATION will not be liable to any person of whose claim It shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this IN MEMORIAM NOTICES numbers to the advertiser as PROPOSALS will be received by lessees expense $322 per column Inch 88 coming events TURKEY SHOOT Saturday Dec 10th 1200 noon mile south of THORNTON l2 gouge shotguns only Sponsored lay THORNTON ARENA For further In formation contact MIR WEBB 4589279 NI2I92603789 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION IARRIE IRANCII M7 MAMMOTH BINGO MONDAY NOV 21 ENTRY FEE $3 00 JACRPOT $500 TOTAL PRIIES $1600 Hy Ihd Genoa EVERYONE WELCOME CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Clasllflld advertisement and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Dllplay advertisements which must be in by pm two doya prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional word lOcts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words S5 50 Addi tlonalwordrftch per word N19 No vane $550 Wlth vane per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 27 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CIASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates apply if paid within days One or two Insertions qllC per word insertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word Ilt union total 5618 Six COHEOCUIIV inur from Bmc per word per insertion total 224 Multiple insertions may be ordered wbiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of owning fewer than 74 word count as 21 words Each rnrtioi abbreviation set of numbers etc count as copulate wards ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires od advertiser to kindly to check their advertisement Immediately after first inni lion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectlflod for the following day publication The hammer is raIponsihle for only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involve the muprnri Er advertisement are not eligible for carter tiaru by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revila or rniect any want ads PHONE 728 21 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 80 public notices PUBLIC MEETING THE PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO PLAN NING AREA will hold Public Meeting on Wednesday the 23rd day of November I977 at the hour of pm local time in the Howkestone Community Hall Howkestone Ontario for the purpose of presenting to the public Amendment No to the Official Plan for the Oro Plan ning Area The purpose of this amendment is to provide the Planning Board and Council of the Township of Oro with Secondary Plan which will give guidance and direction in assessing development proposals in the Howkestone Area Proposed Amendment No to the Official Plan for the Oro Planning Area may be reviewed during business hours at the Ora Township Municipal Office 8m day Novembm AD Further Information regarding 1977 this amendment may be ob BOYS SEAGRAM toined by contacting the Rowta TAYLOR SecretoryTreasurer of Oro Barristers850licrtors Planning Board 705 I3 Owen Street 2016 BARRE Omarl° Donald McKay UM fn SecretaryTreasurer s°l°s l° Oro Planning Board STERLING TRUST RR Oro Station CORPORATION OMOHO Nl2l926 Nl0l8l9 ï¬lmy86 78tendors FrisL sinrhvrrr WW or 54 A4 all in 00¢ ORATPO the undersigned In envelopes provided up to pm on Thursday December I977 for the use of the OLD FIREHALL BUILDING located at 798I Collier Street The proposed use must be acceptable to City Council and be In ac cordance with existing C3 zoning Central Area The property II to be leaned on long term basis and any modifications to the interior or exterior of the building are at the The City reserves the right to use the parking area for Farmers Market operations on Saturday mornings The successful Ieuee must Indicate what remuneration will be paid and the City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals Arrangements can be made to Inspect the building by contacting the City Clerks Office City Hall Barrie Ontario STRAUGHAN City Clerk WSN By BRIAN BAKER THORNTON Highlight of tho seasmi for the Thornton Town and Country Swingers square dance club was the up pearanve of Jerry Justin of lied Deer Alta as guest caller at Cash Discount recent square dance at the Thornton Urangt llilll Over 120 members and visitnrs attended the dilllti lwitb members and Visitors rooming from Ilzirrir lkaslnwn Allislori Struurl Angus and many other surrouti dint tirnmunitirs Ibt Illllt evening was Ihugr success and the It lthusirism of Ihr rlanrtrs was ljusl great commented president of the llinrritori llll Al Iilzirkwtll alllston by Margaret Stoltz 4357676 Needsmuir Curator Mrs Allan Corridor arranged an in Ierosting program for tho recent Noverribir meeting of the Allistori Womens Institute She presented an excellent paper on the motto She who forgets the past loses the key to the future prepared by her sister Mrs Milne and con tinuvd with the poem they dill their duty in keeping with Remembrance Day When Taylor was guest speaker and presented series of slides taken on trips to Fran local businessman and long time resident of Alliston John is well known for his con tribution to the community and promotion of Lionism throughout the district but it was with interest that Institute members learned little about his war service Many of the pictures were taken three years ago when he and Armand Connel also an Allistori resident returned to France to the area covered by their regiment the 27th Ar mored Tank Regiment of the Sherbrooko Fusiliers during World War II and to locate graves of those who didnt return Mr and Mrs Taylor and their daughter Patti had holiday his past June which also took them to France and timed to attend the unveiling of monument to honor the regiment at SainteContesle Buron Willi Mrs Delmas Somervillo presiding and Mrs Harry MC Waters as secretary the meeting started with the open ing ode and Mary Stewart Col loci and the interesting roll call An incident from the horseandbuggy days Mrs Miller and Mrs An derson were recipients of pins in appreciation of their promotion of the recent nutrition project Members will bring gift for distribution to mentally retar ded to the Christmas meeting which will follow noon luri cbeon REMEMBRANCE DAY The Royal Canadian Legion Alliston Branch 171 Remem brance Day service hold at Walker Hall Nov 11 was well attended Music for the service was provided by the Allislon Band conducted by Burgin and members of the Allislon and District Ministerial Association participated Rev Bridle in bringing the message questioned how and where should our thinking begin as we pause on Remem brance Day Recalling the celebrations at the end of tho Isl World War which was to have been war to end all wars Rev Bridle reminded the audience that many failed to honor God All set for lively evening of square dancing are left to right Mr and Mrs Mac Marcellus Mac is regular caller It was real show of an predation for our guest caller Jerry Jestin who called for us two weeks ago at North Collegiate Barrio Once you have heard Jerry call remarked treasurer Ralph Corrigan you will realize why he is so popular wherever he goes During my stay in the Thor nlnriookstown area where have stayed at the homes of other square dancers have been shown every hospitality says Mr Jestin who hopes to return next fall on Nov 18 uare dancers are great lravo lers and think tbev can do much to create goodwill across Canada and the USA People in this area seem TIIL peace was truly won but wo must tako up the challenge of the cross that marks their graves or all too easily peace maybe snuffed away from us Bulder Don McLean sounded the Last Post and Reveille and wreathlaying ceremony in front of the cenotaph followed fixservice SPOKE ON WORK Hey Douglas Hall of Toronto guest speaker at the Legion ban uet in the evening enlig tened the 250 guests as he told of his work as Police Chaplain and experiences dealing with prisoners in correctional Institutions The Anglican priest decribed and prrxluced number of dangerous weapons being used today in pursuit of crime and also defeined types of criminals There are 752 charges in the criminal code in which people can become involved and it was stressed how criminal record can effect ones career and chances to obtain future em ployment in many vocations Relating personal ex periences with offenders especially young people the colonel remarked some you wrn some you lose some you can help some you cant HAWAII Miss Sharon Smith ac companied by her friend Miss Susan Macdonald of Richmond Hill have returned from an en joyable holiday in Hawaii Mr and Mrs Harry Mc Waters spent few days with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Keith McWaters at Milton Mrs Grace McKee of Barrie visited recently with Misses Term and Gladys McLean Miss Mary McLean of Minesing was recent guest of Mr and Mrs Harvey Whiteside Mrs Jean Hand and Mrs Sarah Halbert visited Mr and Mrs Harold Gilchrist near Stayner last Sunday Mrs Margaret Merretl has returned from three week holida with firiends in Florida Wee end visitors of Mr and Mrs Jack Marshall were Franklin and Jean Robimon of Lindsay Mr and Mrs Llo Ashbury and sorts of Bellevil spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Flora Smith Visitors with Mrs Ellen Slater at the weekend were Mr and Mrs David George Miss Debbie Slater and friend of Toronto and Mrs Charlotte Hemingway and daughter of Willowdale Mr and Mrs Haddock Barbara and Wendy of Bell Ewart visited relatives here on Sunday BAZAAR Ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church are having Bazaar Bake Sale and tea at the Church on King St in Alliston on Dec from 25 pm STORY HOUR stor hour for preschool children is held every Saturday guest caller Jerry Justin of Red Deer Allan and Mr and Mrs Al Blackwell who are presidents of the Thornton Town and Country Swingers Photo by Brian Baker very friendly and have really enjoyed my visit he said Jestin in his early 205 has been calling square dances for 10 years and has natural and spirited manner that puts every one at ease He is grain grower in Alber ta and operates two and quar ter sections He also has radio program and is licensed pilot Mac Marcellus who has been the driving force behind the Thornton club as its regular caller started the evening off with few introductions and dance In some numbers Mr Marcellus and Jerry teamed up to calldance On the weekend of Oct 28th 42 of us went by invitation to morning from It am until noon at the Alliston Public Library craighurst by Mrs Lorne Handy 7287809 Mrs Max Craig attended the Simcoe County Area Womens Institute convention in Allislon on Monday Mrs Pedl ingham was our delegate there Tuesday HONORS DIPLOMA Congratulations to Toby Mowforlh who received her honors diploma at Eastview Commencement and to Pay Boyd who won the Dale Antunik Achievement Award for above average academic standing in the occupations program and for articipation in extra cur ricu ar activities VISITORS Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Craig were Neil Craig of Guelph Alan Craig of Kingston Joanne and Wall Greenway Nancy Chester Shirley Delarue Judy Shaw and Sheila Craig of Peter borough Sylvia Humphries and friends of Toronto GUEST SPEAKER Guest speaker at St Johns Anglican Church on Sunday was Paul Vaughan mis sionary from Kenya Africa LARGE POT On Saturday number from his church joined in African style dinner at St Peters Church in Minesing It was quite an experience for everyone to dip hand into large pot of mashed potatoes and corn and eat everything with your fingers The recreation committee has been busy at the communi ty park getting an area levelled for tennis court There is hope there will be good turnout to the meeting in the community hall Nov 17 to hear report by this committee thornton Myra Holt 4589298 George and Florence Holt ac com anied the Cookstown Mape Leaf Club to the Royal Winter Fair on Nov 11 delay of almost an hour because of flat tire un fortunatel shortened the day The co iseum Horse Show was greatly enjoyed especially the Musical Ride performed to the Metro olitan Police Ba Ipe Ba Dinner out was hel at the Beaten Trinity United Church RETIRED On Nov Eleanor Maw was honored with retirement par ty from the Simcoe County Assessment Office at the Con tinential Inn At from Thornton were Edith mono Orval and Helen Conn ind her Guest caller highlight for square dance club Warren Pennsylvania where we were given terrific time by the Warren club says Mr Blackwell On Saturday morning they took the ladies shopping and us men on tour of bid dam and hydro generating station We hope to have them return to this area probably the Alliston area next year The Thornton Club hopes to introduce beginners square dance course later on so that they are ready to join the regular club next September It will give young people and people who are not familiar with square dancing chance to enjoy the fun neighborly news sister Clarice and Harvey LangdenfromClifford Douglas and Irene Kneeshaw attended the annual turkey sup per at the Beeton United Church on Nov 11 ALL THIE TRIMMINGS Trinity United Church had full house for their congrega tional fowl supper on Nov 10 when all enjoyed roast turkey with all the trimmings Attending the Simcoe County Womens Institute Area Con vention at Alliston in Knox Presbyterian Church on Nov 14 and 15 were Elsie Jennett Muriel Clark Ann Spencer Kathleen Lennox and Florence Holt Over 400 members from the 82 branches in Simcoe County attended in the two days Sim coe South District was the only one out of the six which had representatives from all 11 branches Clarence Munros friends were sorry to hear that he was again tient in Stevenson Memoria Hospital Alliston admitted on Nov Weekly meditation Defends sects OTTAWA CP Univer sity of Toronto rofessor said the concept of rosy still is alive in Canada and new reli gions are attacked because they are small Herbert Richardson said it is human tendency to attack small groups and he urged reli gious sects to band together The reason theyre going to kill the Apostles of Infinite Love is not because they are different but because they are little he said The members of the group formerly were Roman Catholics Richardson organized reli gion conference at the Univer sity of Ottawa to discuss groups such as the Apostles the Hare Krishna and the Unification Church or Moonies Energy crisis CHATHAM Ont There is an artery crisis in the church at present Dr ABB Moore chancellor the Uni versity Toronto on Moore said the arts Involves moral and spiritual artery Have we the energy or can we find the mar to become the persons God tended us to be In his creation Have we the one to de velop human rolatl an that they rdlect the do Moore said the church has un Gods kingdom limited sources of Christ and the this pow to become