zo the examiner Saturday Nov to 1977 MM 01 property for sole RESTAURANT TAVEN $5000 DOWN Seating capacity 144 banquet hall bedroom living quarters $200000 gross located on maior highway Harry Samson 7288800 07435M EXECUTIVE STOREY PLUS INGROUND POOL Extra quality bdrm on quiet crescent near schools transit features good broadloom over hardwood large family assumeable mortgage Bill More 7288800 B7442M ROMANTIC STOREY Tuck the kids in upstairs bdrms enioy spacious kitchen fam rm fireplace dbl garage fenced rear yard $52900 Anne Maronic 7288800 INNISFIL BUNGALOW PRETTY AS PICTURE $43500 lovely bdrm home iust minutes walk spacious rooms garage and nicely landscaped 100 150 lot ex cellent financing available one of kind Eric Milton 7288800 Res 7260061 17370M NOT JUST BARGAIN BUT SACRIFICE Ideal family home in Stroud bdrms rec room wfireplace family size kitchen at tached garage breezeway spacious lot wobove ground pool 83 first mortgage excellent value $45900 Eric Milton 7288800 Res 7260061 17421M ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA TF Itoyalltus 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 881 74 16 opts to rent 01 property for solo REALTOR RoyalTrust TO SIGN YNAI Stl room inground pool excellent CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST 1M PERLI 11VV 16 opts to rent Luxury apartments in Barrles rot B7479M JL newest and finest apartment development to beach featuring cosy fireplace COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE TENNIS COURT N19H YACHT CLUB does the work Quebec Listowel Ingersoll Orangeville or phone WILLIAM SCOTT 932 VICTORIA ST 12 mortgages 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARBIE ONTARIO 7260981 12 mortgages TEL First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Roles Existing Mortgages Purchased For Casr Mortgage Life insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours9a 9p by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finders fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Ser vices 25 Dunlop Street East BARRIE 7266534 TThSN26 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 7264651 days 7284651 evenings 14 mobile horn trailers TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings kingsize bed sacrlflce at 57000 firm cost 39500 new used only six times 7054451480 60 12 used mobile home deluxe model bedrooms broadloom drapes fridge stove Call 705 737 0036 NORTH LANDER Three bedroom 12 70 hams setup and skirted orl landscaped lot at Lakevlew Mobile Home Estates in Orlllfa 31500 down balance $16535 monthly plus lot rental ThIs home is located across from waterfront rnunfcfpal park Close to schools and shoppln Enloy the holiday season In comfor able home of your own Please call 7266547 after pm for further information MOBILE HOME two bedroom stove and fridge near Stroud Law down pay ment 5100 per month Telephone 4363097 5to 7230pfm 2L business opportunities business ODDOrtIInIty Own your own business own Iawco Cleaning Centre All cash business no problems minimum labour Modern equipment IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS This proven moneymaking business features complete Tawco Sanitary Process Drycleaning Plant plus Speed Queen coinoperated laun dry You offer superior cleaning The Best of Care For All You Wear Join the more than 150 suc cessful Tawco stores throughout Ontario and Locations now available Guelph Goderich Mount Minimum of $20000 cash required We provide training and financing For more information write 519 5783770 IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 151 and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 10 consondate debts low monthl payments Home Improvements any worthy reason rTc pay all enstlng or maluring mortgage C3nsructton funds free advice try us owe have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING al1nvlime 24 Hour Phone Sonics Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 07 business opportunities LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM MlNUTES TO SIMCOEIPLAZA PUBLIC BEACH AND CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED 37 Johnson Street 7269580 7264991 ALSO SEE CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON STREET BARRIE 7264991 STF 167 opts to rent AVAILABLE DECEMBER IST Two bedroom apartment in house Stove and fridge Pay our own hydro $185 monthly References please For an pointment call 728 8277 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment selfrcontained appliances Available December lst Telephone 436 3831 after pm TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED apart ment available immediately own en trance and hydro Business couple pro lerred Phone 728 9318 CUNDLES AREA one bedroom self contained furnished apartment se parate entrance available December lst Call alter pm 726 9319 all day weekends TWO BEDROOM apartment to rent $243 monthly Allandaie area Available December Telephone 737 3445 alter pm TWO BEDROOM spacious apartment to sublet corner Anne and Dunlop Streets 5265 monthly includes parking and um mes Call Joe 72618851rom to inventory no credit in Alliston URGENT SUBLET 37 Johnson overlooking lake Large modern one Exeleri SlmCQe BOllOn bedroom apartment Gym sauna ten his Available November 30th 5292 20 FOfeSI SOTOIO Grid monthiyincludesparking Cali7266165 WANTED Clean quite non smoker to share partially furnished bedroom apartment Parking Call 4873080 even ings to 10 pm only $150 monthly In Cluding utilities SUBLET FOR DECEMBER lst Two bedroom apartment with gym sauna children welcome $264 monthly Tele phone 728 7763 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT avail able December lst Pay awn hydro $195 monthly Adults only Telephone 726 5247 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Very cute self contained apartment with all utilities paid Completely redecorated and new broadloom throughout Ref erences $210 monthly Telephone 726 4930 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT spacious well kept close to school shopping and bus route Large yard Heatand parking Nopets $285 monthly Telephone 726 1045 TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX Hillsdale 15 miles north of Barrie Pine floors huge kitchen garden Suit quiet girl or couple 5150 Nooelschilctren 8352031 TWO BEDROOM apartment available December lst Downtown location Adults only S245 monthly Telephone 726 9200 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately Convenient to dawntown or hospital Telephone 728 3097 after 6p TWO BEDROOM stove refrigerator heat and parking Included Located in Midhurst Available December lst Telephone collect 416 775 2877 MOVING lN THE NEW YEAR one bedroom apartment centrally located will be available January I978 Everything included In $190 monthly rent Apply in writing to Box W7 Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont TAWCO LIMITED KITCHENER 12 mortgages 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 333421 ONE BEDROOM apartment freshly decorated stove refrigerator utilities Ddan included $190 monthly Avail able December Close to downtown and nospttal 726 663 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT heat and hydro Included Pets welcome am 14 mobile homes trails pie parking x190 monthly Phone 4240486 LARGE THREE BEDROOM apart merit centrally located Includes all ptilities Parking included Laundry acuities No pets Please telephone Ie omes mm COM NO BEDROOM apartment con location parking heat and hydro in cluded 5195 First and last requrred 726 9418 after 6p SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment located on Dunlap 3t Barrie Newly painted and broadloorncd ridges10vl and all utilities included at $175 per month First and last months required Because of rear entrance and st apartment more suitable for single male Call Ray Bube Pep Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor 726 3871 Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 Souith 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF 1973 25 FOOT TRAVELINER house trailer Sleeps seven Fully equipped in side in excellent condition Telephone 737 0590 17 houses to rent TOWNHOUSE On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus all and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm mw TF 1609 to rent 47 Tw PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh MODENH LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments IO 90 ow borhood References 275 adult building NO Pels Bloke 7262361 to pm References 7289682 70 Evenings 7289687 HOLGATE Apt 107 Th TF rm TF NEW BEDROOM HOUSE in Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace baths Available now $350 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 7263257 108p 436 3348after6 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November lst Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between am and pm NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For Immediate rental bedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St VlncenfSt 728 3030 726 5992 or 458 9431 FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE three miles east of Barrie near Shanty Bay Two bathrooms oll heated modern Six months lease required 5300 per month First and last months rent in advance Telephone 726 0988 FURNISHED ONE and Mo bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS S280 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Bayfield Mall Lease required Telephone 726 6046 BEDROOM APARTMENT available December 1st Parking laundry ta cilltles $230 monthly plus hydro References No pets 728 1035 Two BEDROOM AND THREE BED ROOM apartments Modern building 5290 and $310 monthly includes electric heat light water and parking Lease re quired First and last months rent In ad vance Call Wellington Place Apart ments building superintendent apt No me 135 Wellington St Barrie 726 7153 or 7263027 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apart ment in downtown area Available November lst for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between amand9pm TWO BEDROOM Apartment in down town area avallable Immediately Tele phone 7263257 between9amand9pm ONE ANT TWO bedroom apartments for rent Fridge and stove included Telephone 737 1674 between 500 and 700 pm SUBLET BEDROOM apartment $268 monthly includes utilities and park lngLAvallable Januarylst 737 13963 LARGE BEDROOM Townhouse full basement No appliances References required Angus area $210 monthly First and last months rent required Telephone Sunday through Thursday 900amto900pm424 5246 10TH CONCESSION OF ORO two bedroom frame home with basement available December Isl $250 plus utilities Lease required Call Harry Maglll representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 7284167 or 726 3864 17 Ito uses to rent ALLANDALE HEIGHTS tour bedroom semi available immediately 5375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Magill rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 728 067 or 726 3864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 built in stove and oven trig washer and dryer large garage $325 monthly Louis Stansfield 726 3261 or 728 8082 represen tative Canada Trust NEW Two STOREY LAKEFRONT HOMEbeautifulv1ewLine Oro Close to skiing Adults only $695 monthly Call 487 26260r 1416486 6357 FERRIS LANE Three bedroom townhouse four appliances broadloom attached garage $325 monthly Available immediately Call toll free 1800 2610600 THREE BEDROOM SEMI central loca tion stove and fridge included partially furnished Available December 15th Call 728 8163 after weekdays MODERN FOUR BEDROOM house for rent Allandale Heights Lease to run from December to July 5350 not in cluding utilities 726 2818 FOUR BEDROOM house close to school and hospital 175 Toronto St Reference required Available December lst 726 7141 HOUSE FOR RENT heating at pliances Included 5210 month Orr Lake area Commercial gardening workshop or office optional 2611322 2485 Elmvale TWO BEDROOM HOME two bathrooms also fireplace Situated on 50 acres very scenic property miles north of Barrie 5250 per month Im mediate possession 416 279 7550 after pm Two on THREE bedroom home on Highway 90 six miles from Barrie Available immediately Telephone 726 0617 MlDttU RST Modern bedroom bungalow oil heal Garage Completely furnished Jan lst Maylst 728 2874 LUXU RY TOWNHOUSE Lount St Three bedrooms washrOOms heated garage adults only $290 monthly plus utilities 726 2109 before 8p 1416 489 3833 after 8p SHANTY BAY Concession and Ridge Rd Older bedroom storey recently renovated and broadloomed Call Oshawa 416 5162496 or shown on weekend MODERN BEDROOM farm bungalow Fridge stove and freezer supplied Utilities extra First and last months rent No pets Available December 151 726 1144 MOBILE HOME on lot near Stroud Two bedroom fridge stove and hydro includ ed $185 per month Couples only No pets Or Wlll sell with low down payment and 31m per month 436 3897 510 NEW HOUSE references preferred Angus area Large two brdroom large living room cupboards throughout Telephone 424 5838 SMALL BEDROOM house Allandale Full yard private drive economically space heated Available December lst Best sUIt older couple Telephone 436 3737 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent lnnisfil Beach area Available Immediately $265 monthly plus utilities Telephone 728 5119 75 BLAKE STREET Three bedroom home for rent available immediately $290 monthly No pets Option to buy available Telephone 487 2412 GEORGIAN COLLEGE brick back spilt fridge and stove $325 monthly 73712I1vlrguRoiiltthd 91H LINE thfISFll Homr on large lot with garage $250 monthly Telephone 728 7291M 778 9850 RLN NEGOTIABLE Four bedroom backsplit liki new near Easlwew col legiatr Call Doug Pitch business 416 750 1630 home 7372918 IBapts wanted to rent TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED for family of four ndlllli plus one old dog and um uld cat quiet and clean Needed for December 1501 Picas phone 728 4756 after 6dr all day Saturday 20rooms to let FURNISHEDROOMlnAllandaleatbus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 728 4268 days or 7280810evenlngs CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 726 7186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FURNISHED ROOM for rent telovl sion carpeted own bathroom parking Phone 726 7704 or 726 1531 CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom for gentleman linen supplied and chang ed weekly share kitchen free parking $25 weekly Telephone 728 247i FURNISHED ROOM to rent In private home in Tall Trees area Use of house facilities Lincn supplied weekly No parking 527 weekly Telephone 737 2756 NICELY FURNISHED comfortable bedsltting parking TV Gentleman Homelike atmosphere Board if desired Telephone 737 2888 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room for rent Kitchen privileges ladies preferred 728 4268 or 728 0810 NEW TASTEFULLY DECORATED bachelor apartment Salt contained Private entrance and parking Every thing included household needs TV etc Central References 728 6204 ROOM FOR RENTFgentleman prefer redavallable immediately Telephone 737 0601 or 7726 2555 31992 311 9°51 RELAXED CLEAN HOME for female to room Use of kitchen easy commuting to Barrie75139 monthly 4589189 LARGE FURNISHED sun room for rent Use of kitchen Grove and Bayfiold area Available Immediately Student preferred Telephone 737 2239 23offices stores for rent 1wO OFF ICES ust over 500 square feet each can be iolned togatharySISO mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Patch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent avallnble December lst Allandale loca tlon 500 square feet 5235 month in cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 8712 after 6pm or 726 4621 do ly 24 space for rent 000 access with dock Ievellers 23 office stores for rent STORE FOR RENT 3500 Square Feet Cari Divide Join Lobhivs Woolwortfts LCIO Shoppers Drug Mart At the IAIIIE SHOPPING PLAZA Space Suitable For Furniture Store ladle and TV Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Fobric shop etc 61 sIIop Phone Don urine 4169252851 building corporation consoidotad buildbig corporation limited MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff OFFICES FOR RENT separate or ad joining 170400 square feet on ground floor 100 270 on second floor 7262772 days 737 2349 evenings and weekends 24fspace for rent PRIME iNDUSTRlAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14ft 18 fl clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial spaceTath warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloff INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4200 square feet Bradford St $300 per month Also 1325 square feet Morrow Rd $287 per month Call MonteilrLtd COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL pro parties for sale or rent Mortell Limited Real Estate 728 0674 gt SPACE FOR RENT Two rooms 17 23 17 15 Two entrances and two washrooms Club meetings or other uses offices Orr Lake area Telephone 322 2485 gt 259318985 HEATED GARAGE SPACE available to do your own car repairs Hourly or daily rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Phone 456 2576 GARAGE NEEDED ll Aliandale area for storage of old car Telephone 726 4337 26accom moda tionsto share PE RSON NEEDED farmhouse Call 728 6091 LIBERAL MINDED gentleman wishes to shore two bedroom apartment Tole phone 726 9248 91 cars to $919 HONDA CIVICS fast delery for large Vw AA $9611 PER MONTH 526107 down payment Total deferred balance $461328 48 months at 135 CALL 7266488 NOW We take your credit op pllcation over the telephone IAINIE HONDA AUTO SALES 17 OOWAN ST BARBIE TThS03 977 VOLVOS from 5995 plus PDI freight llc WWWWIWMMHHMIIIHIIIilllillllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIIlII at KITCHEN MOTORS LTD THE VOLVO PEOPLE Essa Rd 400 Hwy 7282287 llllIillllllIllllfIIlIIIllIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ROLLS ROYCE We are CASH UYERS PIEOWNED ROLLS ROYCE BENTLEY MOTOR CARS AND PAY IN US DOLLARS CALL POI DETAILSI 315 5974861 PALMYRA MOTORS Myra Has York STF BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent Interest Collier st 7285191 PRIVATE 1974 Plymouth Custom satellite automatic or steering owor brakes radio ory od condi lon Certified $2100 or at offer Telephone 737 0066 WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE Totally weatherproof building heated facility Easy 24 hour security For more information contact DAVE GRISDALE 17055267891 24 space for rent $011 82 cars for side 1975 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE one owner 55000 miles Includes air condi tioning cruise control AM FM radio power windows and seats Asking $3595 Bus 7260259 Home 7288328 1971 CHRYSLER Excellent condition Phone 4365548 1970 VOLVO MODEL ms is Is saoo or reasonable offer Telephone 726 0235 1973 MGB body rustproofed and solid original point good tires mechanicall sound runs smoothly Fully certlflecf 40010 mlles Price 52400 Call George 7282485 days 7262815 evenings 1972 OLDSMOBILE DELTA iii Royale power steering and brakes one owner 51295 Telephone 728 7005 1973 CHEVELLE DELUXE 350 automatic power steering Requires paint lob Certified 51200 Telephone 4364309 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE Certified $1250 or best offer Rebuilt engine new muffler voltage regulator full pump shocks gas heater radio Call Dave 4875638 69 PONTIAC iso oiantiic Gooa motor Bestoffer Telephone 737 3458 1973 METEOR RIDEAU door sedan power steering power brakes radio vinyl roof good running condition Phone 7269310 or 7370762 after pm 1974 VOLVO I455 station wagon fuel inlection automatic radlals stereo tape radio Good condition Certified 53425 Telephone 5261168 Midland 198 FORD FAIRLAINE uncertlfled Body needs work Good engine Best of fer Telephone 726 0838 after pm 1968 BARRACUDA 1968 Pontiac Good winter cars 1959 Buick Electra 1970 snowmobile 440 Rupp All In good condl tlon Telephone 726 5731 anytime 1967 PLYMOUTH eeiyederefnew 318 engine new tires As is in good running condition Telephone 7288941 T973 AMC JEEP CJ5 gooducOnditlon reasonable mileage Telephone 436 1554 BIIOFSDJTI MUST SELL I976 Cordoba PS PB radio vinyl roof 60 40 front seat air con ditioned package excellent condition 22000 miles 54995 Call 7265963 after 1973 DODGE four door clean power steering power brakes automatic Cylinder $1295 uncertlfied 21971 Minis one at 5250 one at $425 Uncerttfied 1967 Chev Caprice clean uncertlfled 6200 Telephone 7280943 1970MERCURY MONTEGO for salejAI condition low mileage recently painted Will cert 00 Telephone 7370521 1965 co 77 ET TE STAINGRAY 527 Ce tified $6500 or trade for four wheel drive 7261M1 or 726 9005 I969 CHEV iMPALA door 307 uncer tlfied in good condition Asking 5500 Telephone 72676721 1976 CAMARO 350 four barrel low mileage lady owner excellent condl lion $4500 or best offer Telephone 737 3477 1970 NOVA radio in good running con dition Asis S400 Telephone424 9572 1973 MERCURY MONTEGO door snow tires P5 PB radio certified 59000 miles 31495 Call after pm 726 2689 CORVETTE 1968 convertible white with black top 360 automatic Reasonable shape $4700 Telephone 436 4905 after 1968 BUICK ELECTRA saw or best of fer as is Power steering power brakes power windows power seats Still being used Telephone 726 2335 1974 PONTIAC ASTRA GT wagon four speed vltalized Michellns roof rack tinted glass rear window defogger radio clock many more extras 51500 456 3707 1968 THUNDERBIRD 56311an for parts tires excellent Call 7288014 after or weekends 72 VEGA cylinder automatic bucket seats new paint 5895 certified Tele phone 435 6322 till after pm 424 594 1973 COME six cylinder automatic very good condition like new Michelins 51100 Telephone 458 4447 1973 PONTIAC Lemans six cylinder four door new body paint job exhaust system brakes and tune up also PS and PB Excellent condition Owner will cer lily $2200 728 2016 WWW STANDARDnew body lob Ear tilied Telephone 322 2785 after pm 1970 OLDSDELTA 88 new exhaust néw transmission power steering and brakes6600 Telephone 726 3143 1970 COUGAR V8 power brakes and steering maps and custom paint Snow tires on rims s15oo Call between and pm 487 2323 NHV 1968 VW EXCELLENT condition in every respect 57000 original miles Radio gas heater Come and test drive it CERTIFIED $975 Call 7264298 1972 CHEV iMPALA 350 V8 automatic two door hardto power steering and brakes vinyl roo 5900 or best offer Call 728 2425 1974 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Brougham excellent condition 35000 original miles power steering power brakes air conditionln radlals $3700 or bestoffer 72620646181530251 1970 PLYMOUTH convertible good can dltlon Call 728 8188 1968 DODGE OARTGT 311172 door hard top automatic 5400 Certified Telephone 737 1207 1969 PLYMOUTH VALIANT slant motor good running condition Asking 6350 Telephone 4589543 1974 CHEVELLE LAGUNA $3 bucket seats V8 automatic floor console mag wheels tinted glass etc Excellent con dition Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone 424 1721 1975 CHEVELLE MALIBU Classic 36000 original miles radio power steer lng and brakes leather holstery vinyl roof snow tires Exce lent condition Must be seen to be appreciated Telephone 424 1723 1972 TOYOTA CORONA mint condition $1300 or best offer Telephone 416 478 031 I973 LEMANS Jsova power steeriho power brakes automatic other extras For good deal on great car call 4246485 iiialps Good runnlnocoridï¬idnfbii 135200 Telephone 726 2521 Slitcars wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto wreckers7268711 gt TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts lop prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used carsBarrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowanust 7266488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED roo prices paid Free Immediate pickup anytime 4362900 TOP PRICE for top cariITBki midi Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 34trucks and trailers rm USED TRUCK BODIES 22x7x6 insulated secure storage forcars boats etc Can also be used as workshop Three to choose from Full price $795 each nucr Tomi LTD 4305390 ifsE armton auiiigyvm Issuers $1 695 BPassenger radio Lic FLM 123 1960 GMC WINDOW VAN Economical cyl std only 48000 miles Lic M8790 1974 DODGE D200 96 TON CLUI CAI 318 V8 automatic rear seats power brakes owner 28000 miles 11 M73452 $3695 1974 CHEV Iz TON V8 automatic power steering radio 83000mlles Llc 1423886 1913 OMC 94 TON PICKUP V8 automatic power steering power 22 mitt tantam $44 NEW 1977 WNLIL DIIVL INTERNATIONALW ACCESSORIES INCLUDED CHRISTMAS SPECIAL III hefpyoumakeitinasoughbueiness HART MOTORS LTD HAIIDIIVE 7283026 MICTPAITLINI1168411 brakes bucket seats two speed transfer SPECIAL CLEARANCE MANY POPULAR OPTION on heavy duty Ertl toys and model kits at HWY 400 N19212223 34 trucks and trailers 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562 after 5pm 40 rticies for ads SEASOHED DRIED HARDWOOD MUST SELL71973GMC Iz ion pickup 3000 miles on new V8 engine or $2500 or best offer 726 ms after pm DELIVERED Barrie arse weekdays 376 FORDTwelvlev Passenger Chateau WENI 7271 Ub Van ow eage many extras Telephone 72645w NG WEEKENDS 1976 F250 FORD three quarter ton four TThsDs wheel drive with snow plow Low mile age Many extras Certified Must sell Excellent condition 726 2225 or 726 9002 CATERING TRUCKS 197010 1973 all Acme Stainless Steel units good condi tion No reasonable offer refused Phone Windsor 519 969 5860 am tos p111 1974 FORD zTON Super Cab heavy du ty rad battery and suspension with aux iliary tank Michelin tires 52500 Telephone 705 aaststs INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 7264606 for tree 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymarl Plaza ELECTRlC SemiAcoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking 5550 7263435 RECYCLE LOST HEAT from your for nace Install heat miser in your smoke pipes can for information 7280755 WOOD FOR SALE dry mixed hard wood split sold by the face cord 4361372 1976 GMC PARADiSE MOTOR VAN stove fridge sink toilet furnace swivel buckets completely carpetted $8000 or best offer Telephone 7053611507 40Iflclasforsds MIMICAXLIGO WehavelCAXLIWndldstateooIorpor mtnmJoronIyuuorpey 1075 weakiyoneurlentolechase Plan No money down no payments ms Phone tonight delvary KIA KILLYS ITb Ph 7371181 ANTIQUE DARK PINE PO BEDROOM suite with hutch tapstrlgfe dresser Currently being Idvertiaod in local flyer for will 57 wml 76 and HIM treason Cat 671 new will are for 175 Phone am Mr Lean 716 44 408 JAsw sunglasses ar37¢ases s1 pair as Marty svrq r4 ruem 41 nor 9ner Free 44+ rev mm Bar re Han Fisch Drug 24v rdmrrwrr Berra 75771 H4 ti 34V terrors avg est bras Sara Opt 14 wése etvglut 7747 ME ampr war 71 ltflf are rrmn rr 94 Ior f7 Urignu blow war mm Id arm on Ida Ava Icrh 7861 99 IIIVI Mi in nu 231 MA or Weeqr airrear 11 471 Frr we 15¢ are 111 am rier reme1 are If Serrr an tic1s 18 rA Iil 14354 Pater Vac Fl Eeec 14 711 353w are 34 9179 See at JSVIJ 87 84 rrr sw re our 25 24 mixe te Maura library as warv 792 Ages avian 550 ms nu coir BASEMENT SA Barrie Saturday an vsnray newer ber19 and 21312 Mvz ocean household Jrs anoue urtre and dishes we arg Christmas as its Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTERtonighf Start TF ANTIQUE LOVESEAT Cane Chair Toilet Chair Thomesville French Pro vincial table and chairs unusual Carnival Glass Bowls and pitchers Beautiful Christmas gifts Saturday and Sunday November 19 and 2012tos pm 3Campfire Court Elmvale 1961 CHEV 34 ton six cylinder standard good body driven daily 5250 or best offer 1972 GMC hton with cap six cylinder standard body excellent snow tires new brakes and clutch Certified 51250 or best offer ALSO complete front end for 1969 Chev Us or Jaton wind shield inner and outer fenders bumper and grilletc Slooor bestoffer 4875251 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Beech and maple 16 card 540 12 cord 530 Local deliveries 728 7587 FIREWOOD hard maple and birch 16 inch and 12 inch lengths will deliver Telephone 7289204 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking 52950 Telephone 7281970 FIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper by the full cord Free delivery Also trunk loads picked up Telephone COLOR TV RENTALS RENTALPURCHASE 26 IIactrohorne psr Isak $495 20Tsshibe per week 5190 20 ICA XLIOO per week $565 26 Perusonic psr stack 5650 1977 DODGE POWER WAGON club cab automatic power steering power brakes plus many more options with 71 foot western three way snow plough Both excellent condition 7286892 1972 FORDECONOLINE 6300 rebuili motor no rust V8 standard 3950 Telephone 4362064 after pm TRUCK CAP tits foot box full length door Insulated ice box table cupboard side benches mattresses sleeps two HALF TON 1967 GMC 283 motor to sell as is Telephone 726 6725 after 1974 CHEV Blaler four wheel drive 350 four speed Asking 53995 Telephone 737 3664 1971 FARGO ton pickup automatic good mechanical condition 5600 or best after 1970 Chevrolet Impala excellent condition certified 5850 Telephone DOWN 2712235253 JANUARY 78 MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or imports 7370724 after 630 orweekcnds 36auto accessories 1970 DUSTER HOOD with inch pro stock scoop 5100 030 over pistons 570 Crane cam and lifters S70 tach 525 Mallary dual point dist 560 all items Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZ KELLYS Ll99JZLÂ¥3LBVL LLLA unit suorrillo run 37motorcycies 1m YAMAHA 400 R1 black w1th sad dle bags and Windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 726 7771 days itssnowmobiles 08 ha FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12 face cord 32 16 face card 336 All mixed hard wood delivered 7265938 Sunday calls accepted ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with entertainer Excellent condition Asking 52950 Telephone 7281973 COALFORSALE 50 lb bags for fire lace or stove Also ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE bilandtgso of maple plIrewboo 4362105 BACCBSOIIIS hlAlIi DELIVERED 53R ALE Kltgioeon tatfle artrt lcanalrsd ookcase ester an SPORT NAVIH MAIINI lounge 5450 Telephone 7269606 May be It soon at 14 Christie Crescent 7261001 MY MUSIC 1973 SKIDOO TNT 30 for sale has new rebuilt engine asking 5750 Telephone 726 8889 Largest book and sheet muslc selection In town FILTER QUEEN Vacuum Cleaner Brother electric typewriter Unltrex calculator and desk All in perfect condi tion Telephone 7267473 FORK LIFT INTERNATIONAL $5200 or trade for four wheel drive 7261001 or 7269005 REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIW carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color illuminated channels digital UHF Instant on Take over paymants of $19 per month PPhone tonight Delivery tonight Whore aba KRAIY KELLYS Barrie Piau 7371101 08 12 PIECE PEARL DRUM set tor sale One year old Good condition with new hardware Asking $1250 or best offer 7266115after 6pm WRINGER WASHER one year old good condition 585 Call 7371719 SINGLE CAR steel garage door 64 new condition 65 Telephone 7284463 LARGE UPHOLSTERED CHESTER FIELD chair tour drawer letter site steel filing cabinet GE room hu midlfler plate glass mirror 60 16 in ches Phone 728 4605 House full Helpful Christmas Ideas see our Classified Gift Spotter Vislt these frfendly merchants TF of CHILDS BEDROOM SUITE baby car riage girls clothing size 10 to 14 or borlte tables lamps Lego Barbie camper other toys tires hair dryer 7261171 OIL FURNACE nearly new 78000 BTU with quantity of duct Reasonable 737 08 BABY CARRIAGE for sale converts from carriage to car bed to stroller Good condition Asking 535 Telephone 7260109 UPRIGHT PIANO Bell Good condition Also 14 black and white TV WITH 1373 Ex ITWTIIfoï¬fiiï¬iflxcellenEBK Cloak sheet luslc STAN no Teephone 4241536 uglonIglclluged WWW 7°° OAI iostructiood Material ELECTROHOME STEREO CONSOLE mm AM FM rhecord CIIBIIOOI isnd reflord storage the agony cablne exce em 40 011191 ff that order service condition ms or best offer Call Olarge selection of Christmas EmaM mun ZlGZAG SINGER sewing machine 411 Makes button holes fancy stitches etc Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient layaway plan roilTIllos lilIIsIc coast on Maple 41 larrIa mIsoo USED ORGANS LOWIY GAKH125 pedal console price $5500 OKIMIALL 500 Swinger $1095 CHAMMOND Sounder $475 T412 with Leslie cabinet $3095 PAIDI 150Rprlce31049 151R $1125 OOALLINTI F2 $995 USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop st 7263200 lNGLlS WASHER SPIN DRYER harvest gold One year old In excellent condition Reasonable Please telephone 7371405 ANTIQUE EIGHT place walnut dining room suite Including refectory table and carved side board Very good condition Telephone 4361039 WOOD HEAT GOOD IDEA See the down draught airtight Carmor at Sun Seed Natural Foods 54 Dunlop St 55000 BTU rating 3280 PIANOS aasotl IIISCH 4°th outmocs ultimo Man 5795 Abe Crud Planes Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Warranty books bench and delivery no charge layaway plan All excellent used organs PONTINOS MUSIC le No trades accepted on the above organs WHOS MUSIC INTI high 490 seat 010 CLOTHES WASHER SPIN DRYER Simplicity portable Clean bod running condltlon Price 8110 all George 7282485 days 726215evenlngs STOVE OLDER ELECTRIC four burner stove oven plus separate warm Ing oven Works very well clean Price $55 Call George 7282485 days 7262815 evenings st MOVING SALE Stove tlras lamps knlck knocks var reasonable Telephone 436 3584 BARN BOARDS Telephone 4509543 MAGNUS CHORD ORGAN good condi lien 25 7435 CHESTERFIELD SUITE tour sealer blue color chrome kitchen suits set of truck rocks lx12All in good condi tlon Call 7287495 FILTER QUEEN eighteen months old excellent condition seldom used All brushes Also carpetupholstery sham 266794 All attachments included ldeal Christ mas gift Slw or best offer Telephone 7264867 30 RANGE S225 frost free fridge 5300 both in excellent condition Walnut tea wagon traditional style 8125 Telephone 4361657 SKLAR CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR brand new Private Blue nylon plush Owner bought suite and was transferred IllLil laccept best offer over $450 Call $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA xuoo colour Spanish to the floor console television Automatic colour automatic fine turning No money down January Phone tonight delivery tonight No payments until IIAIY KILLYS Itrle Phla 7371181 DB good condition alrfreshenor and hair dryer 5275 4Iboats and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD ma double tiult cylinder Ctrmniynbomlf motor A1 condition Askl Tole museumwan viii 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runaboat Ios Chrysler outboard can bar accessories Wm Taigphone nsmost 52m orbest Offer